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Dear Diary... my life on a cut



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 22,819 ✭✭✭✭g'em

    Tuesday 28th November
    Conditioning Day:

    Hang Clean,
    Front Squat,
    Push Press,
    Back Squat
    6 rounds of 6 reps with 25kg, 60 sec rest between rounds.

    HIIT: 6 sprint intervals, 30-45 sec, 9.5mph, incline 4.
    Core work as before.

    I’m quite enjoying the sprint work now, and it’s a great way to get the heartrate up (and stay up) for ages afterwards. Mind you, I was exhausted all day after it, I mean really and truly dog tired. I had four hours of straight teaching in the afternoon and so that messed up my eating. In fact this whole eating malarkey is still in the experimental stage. My calories are up since the cut, but hilariously they still average about 500-600 under what D is eating on a daily basis on his cut. I try hard to feel sympathy for his reduced calorie load but it’s not easy when his daily meal plans look like a feast compared to mine I'm getting very very hungry in the evenings which could be jsut hbit or comfort eating or it could be genuine hunger- I haven't decded which it is yet. But I'm getting away with eating small snacks quite late after dinner so I'll see how it goes.

    The weight is still holding fast at 151 ± 1lb and I like it that way. However there is a but (isn’t there always??) there are a few issues that I’m going to need to address in the coming weeks about how this cut has affected my physiology. There are things that went a bit out of whack while I was cutting, that I was able to blame on the extreme diet I had undertaken. But it’s been six weeks since I finished up and normality hasn’t returned yet, and I’m beginning to get worried. I need to get a full blood work done up so I can see what’s going on and move on from there, and I get the nasty feeling I’m going to have to make a couple of tough decisions. The simple fact is, I like.. no, I love that I’m maintaining my leanness and I don’t want to sacrifice it. I’ve worked bloody hard to achieve it and I’m not ready to let it go yet. But anyways.. I’m waffling. I’ll just have to wait a couple of weeks and address it when I actually have numbers to go on.

    Wednesday 29th November
    Tired doesn’t even begin to describe me right now … :(

    Unfortunately my workout suffered this morning because of it, but I had to choose between pushing myself for the sake of it, and holding back and being in top form for the weekend. The latter won.

    Chins/ Pull-ups: 8, 8, 8, 8
    Horizontal Press: 10(10pl) 8(11pl) 6(12pl) 6(13pl) 20(9pl)
    DB snatches: 6(17.5) 5(20) 5(20)
    Bench: 10(40) 8(50) 6(55) 5(60) 20(30)

    And that was it. I hate not finishing a workout, it makes me feel like I’m slacking or something? But I genuinely didn’t have the energy for it, and the last few weeks of running around like a headless chicken are beginning to take their toll. I could barely speak on the phone to D last night I was so shattered, and even though I was planning on doing sprint intervals tomorrow, I think maybe I need to do my body a favour and rest it for a day.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 22,819 ✭✭✭✭g'em

    Friday 1st December
    Test Fest UK. Woohoo!!! Legs, shoulders and arms…

    Back Squat: 8(60) 6(80) 4(100) 2(110) 2(120) 2(130- partials, a good 3-4 inches away from parallel)
    A1- Leg Curl: 3 × 12(40lbs)
    A2- Leg Extension: 3 × 12(40lbs)
    DB Shoulder Press: 3 ×10(16)
    Lat Raise: 3 × 10(8 )
    Rear Delt Raise: 2 × 10(10)
    Dips: 3 × 10
    Bicep Curls: 10(8 ) 10(8 ) 8(10)

    I’ve checked and double-checked the IDFPA and the WDFPA websites. At 120kg squats I’m 10kg away from the World Squatting record for my weight-class

    I hit two strong, clean reps at 120kg – a very clear PB for me- and I could have knocked out one or two more but I wanted to go for the 130kg seeings how I had good support with me and I was in the right frame of mind. I tried it, but didn’t get it, but at least now I’m beginning to pinpoint where the problems lie. I can carry the weight no problem, I can lower it with control and my balance is fine. But I’m scared to go too low because when the weight feels heavy my shoulders start to round out, I lean forward and I end up crumbling because my hip drive isn’t strong enough to push it out. I can handle 130kg and more, I know I can, the partials showed me that, I just need to iron out these weak spots that are plaguing me and strengthen up my hips so I can pull the whole thing together. The crazy thing is, initially on Friday I actually walked away from the session being slightly disappointed not to have got the 130kg instead of celebrating the fact that I had a new PB and am a stones’ throw (or plate load) away from meeting a world lifting record- my drive and ambition is a great thing, but I really have to learn when to acknowledge the good as well as recognising the bad.

    Monday 4th December
    Having had no more than 5 hours' sleep on any of the last 4 nights I wasn't expecting great things from today!!!

    Walking lunges: 4 × 10(17.5)
    Bench: 10(40) 8(50) 6(55) 5(60) 20(30)
    Lat Pull-downs: 3 × 12(9pl)
    BB press: 4 × 12(25)
    Push-downs: 15(8pl) 12(9pl) 12(8pl) 15(7pl)
    EZ bar curl: 4 × 10(22.5)
    Core work

    My neck and back were still stiff today so I skipped over the back work. HIIT is in order tomorrow so I'll make up for the core work with some dedicated weighted ab time then, but for now I was too tired and pooped. Dying to go home, unpack and get rested!!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 22,819 ✭✭✭✭g'em

    Tuesday 5th December
    Nowt much to say about today, just a general conditioning day:

    HC, FS, OHS, BS: 4 rounds of 6 reps of each w/ 25kg
    HIIT: 4 × 30 sec sprint intervals, 10mph, inc 4
    Core work

    Shins started to bug me during the intervals which was a bit annoying. Still a bit tired, got a good night's sleep, another one of the same should sort me out. Other than that… meh, it was fine!!!

    Thursday 7th December
    My workouts are getting a bit bastardised these days- I’m using all the travelling I’m doing as an excuse to change things around a bit tbh, there’s a couple of things that just aren’t sitting right with me.

    Squats: 10(60) 8(80) 6(100) 5(110) 20(70)
    A1: Chins/ pull-ups: 4 × 8
    A2: DB incline bench: 10(15) 8(17.5) 6(20) 5(22.5)
    DB seated Military press: 12(12.5) 10(12.5) 10(12.5) 6(12.5)
    B1: skull-crushers: 4 × 12(22.5)
    B2: DB curls: 4 × 10(8 )
    DB snatch: 5(20) 5(20)

    - squats and chest work felt solid, I’m happy. I was able to pinpoint today exactly where my hips are letting me down when I go heavy- if I let them drop too far forward everything just gives way. After Christmas it’s going to be time to drop the weight and remedy this and work on my depth.

    - My shoulders do NOT like high volume work, simple as. Today I should have done the Arnold Press/ Military press superset but I chose not to- I just don’t like it- something doesn’t sit right with me when I do it, I lose form, and at times dangerously so. My shoulders are my pride and joy and they’ve responded incredibly well to heavy low volume work so I’m slow to change that.

    - I was in a bit of a rush so stuff that’s not really supposed to get supersetted did, but meh, more cardio action really isn’t it?!?!

    - I’m sorely tempted to drop any and all oly lifting from my main lifting days and do it on conditioning days/ HIIT days instead. I’m coming around to the thinking that to see any real benefits you have to be lifting moderately heavy, and by the end of these TBT days I’m too pooped. I genuiunely enjoy doing oly lifts, and I want to keep enjoying them but right now they just piss me off at the end of a session when I’m tired and sweaty and have to run to make a class.

    My tummy is beginning to get a little… squishier than I’d like :( nngnghghgghh. But I have to keep letting it happen, at least for another little while. Hopefully things will become a bit clearer after a blood test next week but it’s beginning to grate on my nerves. I want to get hard again!!!!!!!

    Oh yeah, and happy birthday to me :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 80 ✭✭Frequent

    Have a good one g'em. :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 22,819 ✭✭✭✭g'em

    Thanks Frequent!!!

    Friday 8th December
    I’m making filling my belly with tasty foods a bit too much of a habit these days - birthday supper was in order last night Embarassed I also think I’m now a convert to Indian foods… t-ha, ftr the Bombay Pantry is teh NYOM Very Happy A reasonable amount of damage control was therefore in order in the gym this morning in the form of HIIT:

    8 × 30 sec intervals, rest 1 minute (warm up and down for 5 mintues)
    9.5 mph, inc. 4
    10 mph, inc. 4
    10 mph, inc. 4
    10 mph, inc. 4
    10.5 mph, inc. 2
    10.5 mph, inc 2
    10 mph inc. 2
    10 mph, inc. 2

    I can say with complete and utter conviction that that has completely and utterly shattered me. Half an hour after leaving the gym and I’m still sweating buckets (how attractive). They’re definitely onto something with this HIIT malarkey…

    Saturday 9th December
    So back to things I can do- lifting.

    Deadlift: 10(60) 8(80) 6(100) 5(120) 18(60)
    Leg Press: 10(10pl) 8(11pl) 6(12) 5(14pl) 20(9pl)
    DB fly/ push-up superset: [12(10), 12] × 3
    Front raise/ rear-delt raise: [10(8 ), 10(8 )] × 3
    Dips: 3 × 8
    Cable curl: [12(6pl), 12(3pl), 12(1pl)] × 2
    Jack-knife push-ups: 3 × 12

    - this was the first DLing session I've done in nearly three weeks. It felt fantastic :D I didn't want to do anything stupid with my back, and I wasn't planning on doing the 120kg, but meh, it was there and I felt like trying it. They felt good- describing them as easy would be stretching the imagination a little too much- and I could have gone heavier, but I'm learning not to tempt fate and leave on a high. My DL and my squat are pretty much on a par weight-wise... which only means there's plenty of room for my DL to go waaayy up ;) I don't feel comfortable with high volume DL work yet though. AFter 18 lwo weight reps there was twinging and I stopped immediately.

    - for the first time doing the push-up superset I didn't need to do knee push ups towards the end. Holy Moly is my chest strength actually improving?!??! :eek:

    - everything else felt fine. I have to keep reminding myself that doing the DLs and Press at the beginning will take its toll, especially with two drop sets to contend with, so I'm hardly likely to perform brilliantly for the rest of the session. Shoulder work is still a bit nrrghghg.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,144 ✭✭✭LundiMardi

    g'em wrote:
    Sunday 22nd October Day 56 - the LAST DAY!!!!

    In the final 36 hours of the shred I drank two tiny sips of water. I was in desperate need of hydration!!!! But first there were important things to do, like take my measurements, the final ones…

    Well, there you have it. Over the course of 8 weeks I reduced my waist size by 5.3 inches, and dropped 17lbs in weight. But more importantly when I figured out the relative bodyfat loss: lean muscle mass increase I figured out that with a starting point of about 23% bodyfat (I was never 30% to begin with in fairness) and a finishing up bf of about 12% it works out that I lost about 20lbs of fat and put on around 4lb of muscle which I’m absolutely ecstatic about. And from looking at the pictures it looks like most of those 4lbs were directly on my abs!!!!

    After a walk in the morning it was time to carb up, so it was a mixture of (dry) PB + Honey + bread and dear God it made me feel so nauseous. But the sugar rush hit me with a bang and for about half an hour I was running around like a mad woman. Then it was time for the boys to come over and after a couple of shots of whiskey (on an empty dry tummy!!!) it was time to disrobe and do the photos. The photos are on the TT website though, so if you want to see them... well you'll have to ask :p but just for the recod, here's a couple of of my back 'after' photos

    Posing is actually quite tiring and draining and by the time we were done I was pooped but ready for the celebrations to begin. And celebrate we did!!! Due to the dehydration, sluggish metabolism and general undernourishment I think I must have stayed pished as a fart for a good 15 hours long after I’d stopped drinking- in fact my classes on Monday morning were a bit of a haze for me

    Anyhoodles, it’s all done. I’m sure I’ll have more to say about this whole experience over the next few days, but for now I’m off to polish off the left over ice-cream and enjoy the results of my experience. Thank you all for joining me in my journey- if anyone wants to know more about the diet or the training or how to try and stay sane when doing something like this (ok, so I didn't quit succeed at the last bit but I can tell you what NOT to do!!!) just drop me pm or post up here. This is unshredding g’em, signing off :D

    Sorry i'm only getting to this now, haven't read past this post yet, but that is one SERIOUS reduction in BF 8 weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!:eek:

    ::we're not worthy we're not worthy::

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,144 ✭✭✭LundiMardi

    i've just seen the pics you've linked to, you look fantastic!!! *tips hat*

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 22,819 ✭✭✭✭g'em

    Thanks LM!! yeah, the bf came way down, and it's slowly coming back up (because it has to, not b/c I want it to!! :o )

    Monday 11th December

    I was pushing my luck today, my back is tender from DLing on Saturday and it’s only been 4 days since I did heavy squats, so doing it again today was cheeky. As it turned out I took it pretty handy on the leg work. Well, when I’m finding it hard to bend over to pick up the plates I’m guessing it’s time to take it easy.

    Squat: 10(60) 8(80) 6(90) 15(60)
    Bench: 10(40) 8(50) 6(55) 4(57.5) 20(27.5)
    BOR: 12(40) 12(45) 12(45)
    Lat pull-down: 12(8pl) × 3
    Lat raise: 4 × 12(8 )
    Push-downs: 12(8pl) 12(9pl) 12(9pl) 12(9pl)
    EZ bar curls: 10(22.5) 10(22.5) 10(17.5) 10(17.5)
    Core work

    I took my measurements yesterday. I’d been dreading doing it for a while because I knew I wasn’t going to like the results. It turned out to be a bit of a mixed bag. I’m 154lb- bang on 11 stone. I told myself I really didn’t want to go above 11 stone ever again so this is one I’m going to have to watch closely.

    All my leg measurements are up slightly, including the thigh bf measurement. I was expecting this- I can feel my jeans being a bit tighter around the thigh area. But overall my bodyfat is still low- 11.5% according to the calipers but probably more like 14-15% in reality.

    I was happy to see that because I knew damn well that my waist has been getting bigger. I still only have a tummy fold of 4mm (that’s really not much at all- mind you I was 2.5mm at the end of the cut, no wonder I had a six pack to die for!!) but my waist has gone up by just under two inches in 8 weeks. Now, for all you readers of t-nation you’ll get this reference: when I took that waist measurement the “Sexy Female Training” article immediately sprang to mind. Ok, so there were a lot of very… different training methods advocated for women in that article, but one of the ones that really got people’s backs up was the whole notion of not doing direct ab work to maintain a slim waistline (that's besides the notion that women need radically different training programs to men at all...) I did maybe four ab sessions in total for my cut and it’s pretty obvious I didn’t lose out on ab definition or general six-packness. But since I started TBT I’ve been hitting the abs three times a week with weighted exercises. My bodyfat in the area is low but the size is increasing. A coincidence? I’m not so sure. Jack-knife push-ups and planks are staying on the menu but as for the others… I like my teeny tiny waistline thank you. And I don’t agree with the argument that I have to hit my abs that often to increase core strength for DLs and squats either. Right now all I’m doing is hyptertrophying the hell out of my abs- they’re fast-twitch fibers dammit, so why wouldn’t they respond the same as anything else?? For strength I do not need to hit them that often, particulalry when I'm already doing heavy DLs and heavy squats elsewhere in the week.

    Tuesday 12th December
    Had a trip to the doctor yesterday. I'm in fantastic health, but unfortunately I'm working out a bit too much apparently, and certain physiological processes have stopped as a result :( . Of course, there’s nothing like being told you’re exercising too hard to spur you into working harder :rolleyes:

    Hang clean: 5(40) 5(45) 5(45)
    FS, MP, BS, OHS complex: 5 rounds of 5 reps (30)

    HIIT: 5 × 30 sec intervals, 1 min rest
    10.5 mph, inc. 4
    10.5 mph, inc. 4
    10 mph, inc. 4
    10 mph, inc. 4
    10 mph, inc. 4

    Frustrated and pissed off today. Realised when I was doing the HIIT I really do have a tendency to push myself too hard- ^^^ this is meant to be a rest and recovery day :o Arsicles.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 22,819 ✭✭✭✭g'em

    Wednesday 13th December
    There’s good training days, and there’s bad training days. And then there’s just f**king excellent-kick-ass training days when everything comes together at just the right time and you spend 60 minutes on a complete high. Today was one of those days, and not a moment too soon.

    Deadlift: 10(60) 8(80) 6(100) 4(120) 3(132.5) PB
    Walking lunges: 4 × 10(17.5)
    Incline DB Press: 10(15) 8(17.5) 6(20) 5(22.5) 4(25) PB
    DB MP seated: 12(15) 7(15) 10(12.5) 8(12.5)
    A1 Dips: 4 × 8
    A2 DB curl: 4 × 10(10)

    - needless to say I’m more than a little chuffed about the DL, especially given that my last PB was 130 for 2 (I decided to tempt fate and go straight for the PB- thankfully it paid off). Ok, so 2.5kg isn’t a huge increment, but it felt strong and I know I’ll do it again. Sweet.
    - I’m not entirely sure why, but for some reason holding and pressing 25kg in each hand felt amazingly good, I really, really enjoyed it.
    - The AP/ MP superset is gone. I didn’t like it, it didn’t like me, and I’m not risking my shoulders like that. I’m not too perturbed about not lifting too heavy today either, I did lat raises on Monday and BB presses yesterday, they’re hardly going to be in top form today.
    - There was a good bit of tweaking done to my form and I think it’ll pay dividends. Plus I’ve been shown some extra stretching and flexibility work to do which I’ll incorporate on my off or light days.
    - Damn this was a good day- a much needed kick up the arse to show me that sitting on my laurels is never going to do me any favours. The reason why the most successful people stay successful is by working hard. End of.

    Monday 18th December
    Oh dear. Well the last five days have been a complete write off. I ate, I drank, I didn’t get a lot of sleep, I danced, I got up to all sorts of shenanigans and I didn’t train. Or walk. Or sprint. Or rehydrate. Or, in fact, do anything remotely good for me. Silly season eh?!?! I feel like crap for it, and I have no-one to blame but myself. But anyways, it’s nothing that can’t be undone. Unfortunately the will-power to undo hasn’t quite manifested itself just yet so for now it’s going to be a case of continuing to fart along until something (or someone??) kicks me up the arse hard enough for me to realize I’m being a twat and get on with getting back on track.

    My weight and size are still going up and if I was trying to do a clean bulk right now I’d be doing a bloody impressive job. My body fat is still low but some of those fabulous new post-GSD clothes are beginning to feel a little snug and I don’t like it. But here’s the predicament: which do I want more- big (lean) legs and the ability to squat 120kg (it’ll be 130kg in no time ;) ) or smaller skinny, feminine legs that can cope with 100% bw lifts and not much else?? Decisions, decisions.

    I’ve been talking to D a lot over the last few days about post-GSD feelings. It’s tough, it really is. Even though I constantly told myself there was every likelihood that I’d put on weight after I came off it (in fact I knew I’d *have* to) it’s a really, really hard thing to do. I can’t use the ‘bulking’ excuse – if I put on weight I just look fat, and even though right now I’m about the same size I was 5-6 weeks into the cut I feel horrific. I feel big and fat and hyoooge and horrible. Now that I know how I can look, anything less (or bigger as the case may be) than that is just not good enough.

    Of course the obvious answer to all this is… well, don’t put on weight. Eat at maintenance level and work hard and I’ll keep strength and lean-ness. And that was the original plan wasn’t it? It’s not really working out that way though, and quite simply that’s because I’m eating too much. I still struggle so much with my diet sometimes. For goodness sake, I’m probably the one person who knows more than anyone what good diet and nutrition is all about, but for some reason right now I’m finding it so hard to follow my own advice. My food quality is good- it’s all clean, it’s just the volume of it that’s the problem. I’m eating emotionally a lot right now- this time of year is a bit strange for me for a variety of reasons, and I can just find the whole process a bit… well, difficult really. Food becomes my crutch again and I’m finding it hard to shake old habits.

    So I’m going to need to sort out my diet as soon as the festive season comes to an end, and to try and keep my head occupied I’m planning out a little experimentation diet . The thing is, I’d actually have no problem going back on something like the GSD for a few weeks- ok, so it’s hellish and horrific to do, but it works but I can’t put my body through something like that again so soon after the last time. My metabolism is more than likely still fubar’d after the last one and right now I need to nurture it not torture it. So I’ll have to go back to a slow, long-term plan with only a slight calorie reduction. Ugh, that’s the kind of plan I’m worst at- there’s waaaaay to much room for me to f*** up (which I inevitably do).

    Anyhoodles I headed off to the gym this morning with all these thoughts floating around my head…

    Chins/ Pull-ups: 8, 8, 5, 5
    Squats: 10(60) 8(80) 14(100) 20(60)
    DB Press: 10(17.5) 8(20) 6(22.5) 5(25) 10(15)
    Lat raise: 3 × 10(8 )
    Push-downs: 4 × 12(9pl)
    EZ bar curl: 10(22.5) 10(22.5) 6(22.5) 8(22.5)

    Ermm… yeah, hehe . Squats were fun :D As I said, my head was full of all sorts of things when I went into the gym, and given my serious lack of commitment to working out for the last few days and general disregard for my well being I was feeling a bit angry and belligerent today (at myself that is!!). And so I decided that if my legs were going to be a little bigger, they’d better well prove to me they’re bigger for a reason. So I did 14 reps @ 100kg for ****s’ n’ giggles. There were a couple of 5 sec pauses thrown in there of course, and I’m sure there was questionable depth on a couple of them, but I’m counting all reps anyway. I didn’t stop between them and the set of 20 straight after which hurt like a mofo, but in that really good masochistic way!! Sorry D, I didn’t really stick to my side of the deal by taking it easy today :o So, I think I can pretty conclusively say my legs are bigger but stronger. Dammit, that sot of makes the decision even harder…

    After that I was reasonably understandably pooped, but I was pleased with everything regardless. The chins and pull-ups weren’t brilliant, but I know from experience that this just happens sometimes. I needed that workout to go well so, so badly, and it did. I feel (a little) better now!!!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 22,819 ✭✭✭✭g'em

    Wednesday 20th December

    Walking double lunges: 3 × 10(17.5)
    Bent-over-row: 10(50) 8(55) 8(65) PB 4(70) PB 6(70) PB – no wraps
    Lat pull-down: 3 × 10(10pl) PB?
    BB standing MP: 7(40) 7(40) 8(40) … all PBs
    DB flyes/ push-up superset: [7(12.5), 3 (ooops)] [10(10), 12] [10(10), 8]

    Hehe, yeah I sort of said to hell with cardio lifting today, I wanted to lift some heavy iron. 'Twas a pleasure.

    Thursday 28th December
    This was the first time I’d set foot in a gym in 8 days, and I wasn’t feeling very confident about it at all. In fact D practically had to command me to come in (there’s few people I take orders from but when D is in one of his bear-like moods… well, it’s just easier to agree!!!) but I warned him from the outset that I wasn’t in particularly fine lifting mood. I was sorta wrong. Did a plethora of exercises- D-bar pull-downs, dips, DB snatches, pec dec, I did one set of squats but quickly decided I wasn’t up to it and moved onto deadlifts…

    Back in March when we started Team Test one of the goals I outlined for myself was to try and equal the 145kg Irish women’s record. This wasn’t the IDFPA record, in fact I’m not sure what organisation it was or where I got it from. Three weeks ago I got 132.5kg for 3 and I’d resigned myself to not getting the record within the year , and I was ok with that given that overall my progress has been immense in the last few months, especially seeings how I decided to throw in a cut into the mix and I was convinced it would set my lifting back a step or two, but having seen the results of that I was pretty fine with offsetting my lifting to my physique. But yesterday I met and repped the 2005 DL national record.

    Deadlift: 8(60) 6(80) 6(100) 5(120) 4(140)PB 4(145) PB

    Fab stuff. The 140kg felt soild and strong, and even with the 145kg my form wasn't wavering and suffering as it often would on such a heavy lift. In fact I didn't even rep out to failure- I probably had one final gut-busting, ass clenching rep left in me, but I wanted to leave a little left in me and leave on a high. I finally got my double body weight lift :D Talk about a great way to finish off 2006 though, and it was such an important llift for me psychologically- having put ona bit of weight, I needed to show myself that I wasn't a complete failure- being a little overweight is one thing, being a little overweight and weak as a kitten is something I just don't think I could handle!!! So there you have it, quite possibly my lift of the year- 320lbs for reps and I didn't even break a nail ;) - 3 days before ringing in a brand new year of fun. Je suis une trés trés trés happy camperino.

    Of course, it's not all fun and games. The festive season has seen me eat my bodyweight in junk on a daily basis and my weight has been steadily creeping upwards. This is first and foremost the thing that has to get sorted before anything else in 2007, but this year I'll be approaching weight loss with a different attitude thanks to what I've learnt this year. It won't be a half -hearted half-blind quick-fix, it'll be a solid plan that I know I have to, and will, stick to. Having been in decnet shape six motnhs ago but then in fantastic shape, I know which one I prefer and I know how to get there. Bring on the New Year!!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,621 ✭✭✭yomchi

    Is there a stage beckoning G'em???

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 22,819 ✭✭✭✭g'em

    Jon wrote:
    Is there a stage beckoning G'em???
    ah well that's the big question isn't it?!!? :p

    I'm still undecided tbh. Right now the priority lies in getting my physique back into good shape, that is getting back to where I was about a month after the cut when everything looked great but was easy enough to maintain. I can't ignore the strength gains I've made though, and as it stands right now if I put my mind (and my back!!) into it I could be a serious contender for a national powerlifting title. I think I'd enjoy PLing much more over BBing but I want to be a powerlifter who looks like bodybuilder if that makes sense?

    Meh, maybe I'll just do both :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,621 ✭✭✭yomchi

    Yeh just do both, decisions are a pain in the ass!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 22,819 ✭✭✭✭g'em

    fancy offering me some sponsorship??? :D:D:D:D:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,621 ✭✭✭yomchi

    LOL yeh sure but you have to win, and then I have to be your manager and make 60% on all appearances, tv shows, and your debut album.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 22,819 ✭✭✭✭g'em

    Wow, has it been that long since I posted here?!?! :o Anyhoodles, just thought I'd drop by quickly and give an update for anyone who was even remotely interested in what I'm up to these days.

    I'm still training away, and still with a purpose, although this time it's an altogether different goal. After a lot of soul-searching (and bullying on Dragan's behalf ;):p ) I've decided to enter my first powerlifting competition. As much as I enjoyed getting lean in a mock BBing comp diet, it's my strength that I enjoy developing more, and so I decided to put my money where my mouth was and enter a comp for real. At the end of March I'll be entering into the Irish Drug Free Powerlifting Association (the Irish Affiliate of the WDFPF) National competition doing all three lifts (squat, bench, deadlift) raw (without equipment).

    I'm training my bum off right now, lifting 4 days a week, each day centred around on of the big three and then one rehab/ peripheral lift day. I'm being guided by my fellow TTers and particularly by another competitor who has lifted at the Nationals and the Worlds before, and I'm completely indebted to him.

    As it stands I'm hoping to qualify for the World competition in Scotland in November, but tbh if I can go to the meet and not make a complete muppet out of myself it'll be an achievement. :D

    I'm two weeks into my peaking cycle and all is going well. Every time I walk int the gym I'm sorely tempted to test my one rep maxes but I have to keep the bigger picture in mind and remember I'm training for a single day that I have to bust my gut at. Right now my best lifts so far have been
    squat: 3 x 115kg
    bench: 3 x 60kg
    DL: 5 x 130kg

    that's also the order I'll be lifting in on the day. Two of those lifts are above and beyond the European records, but I'm trying not to dwell on that - who knows what can happen on the day? I have goal lifts in mind, but I'm slow to say what they are on the off chance I jinx myself. I'm still keeping my journal as waffleicious as ever on the TT site so if you want to read more, please feel free to do so.

    Having done this kind of training since Christmas, my body is responding fantastically well to it, and without the incredibly strict diet I had to endure on the GSD I'm getting stronger by the week. It hasn't been without it's trials and tribulations of course - after being lean and quite teeny-tiny post-GSD all that heavy lifting saw me pack on a good bit of muscle in a short space of time and I've had to go up a weight class - trust me, as a woman, admitting that you're heavier than you'd like to be is not easy!!! But still, it's for a good cause I guess :rolleyes:

    Anyhoodles, just wanted to get that out there incase anyone thought my love affair with iron had ceased... it hasn't. We just went "on a break" and now it's back on with renewed vigour :p

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 22,819 ✭✭✭✭g'em

    So the Nationals have now been and gone. Wow, what an experience. First things first though - I want to say a hyooooooge thank you to my boys who came to support me this weekend, it was so special to have you guys there and knowing you were behind me was such an amazing feeling, you're all the shizz nizz ;)

    So, on to the business at hand. Well, I did pretty well this weekend. In all honesty I did a lot better than I'd expected and I don't think it's really all sunk in yet. I'll try and keep it relatively succinct but I could happily waffle about the proceedings for hours, so just indulge me a little bit!!

    Lift 1 100kg (NR) Lift 2 115kg (ER) Lift 3 130kg (WR/PB)

    Lift 1 55kg (NR) Lift 2 62.5kg (NR) Lift 3 70kg fail

    Lift 1: 120kg (NR) Lift 2 140kg (ER) Lift 3 150kg (ER/ PB) Lift 4 158kg (WR/PB)

    Total: 342.5kg ER

    On Saturday morning I was... well I was terrified, I really was. But soon after arriving at the competition I very quickly realized what a brilliant bunch of people were involved in the meet and I was made feel welcome and at home and I couldn't have asked for a nicer group of comrades. I didn't stop smiling throughout the whole weekend and I can genuinely say that it was one of the most fun experiences I've had in recent times!!

    On the morning of the comp I made a last minute decision to further lower a couple of my openers - I knew that those were going to set the standard of each of my lifts and I wanted to get some good solid ones in to keep my confidence up. Records were put to the back of my mind and qualifying for Worlds was the order of the day.

    The squat was the one lift I was most apprehensive about form-wise: would I get my depth in? So on some great advice I took a nice low opener and got super deep so there could be no questioning from the judges. I got down and came back up at lightening speed, although from my position under the bar it felt like I had that 100kg's on my shoulders for an eternity.

    My second lift was nice and comfortable. I was called to the platform and it was announced that it was a lift for a new European Record. Cue a flash of blinding panic and adrenaline shooting through me that nearly saw me lose control of the bar as I got it off the rack, but thankfully that just helped me get my head in order and I got the lift reasonably easy. Then I had to make the decision whether to go for 120/125kg. Hanley had different ideas though. "So that was easy, you're going to go for the 130 yeah?" Erm... I am?

    120kg was my previous max lift in the gym, but having got 115kg on lift 2 I was well within my comfort zone for qualifying so I threw caution to the wind and took the 130kg challenge. The WR challenge!

    On went the mp3 player, up went my hood, and outside I went to calm myself down, tune into my music and tell my body what I wanted it to do.

    I have absolutely no recollection of the squat itself. All I know is that the weight felt good and I was hungry for it, my heart was thumping but my legs somehow managed to stay nice and solid (although my knees did seem to be trying to meet each other for a bit of a smooch at one stage). I got depth, I came back up, I racked it, I closed my eyes and waited for... "Good Lift".

    Oh... my... Hooly-ghoollies. I've just got a World Record.

    And that was it, that was the moment I realized just what my training for the last 3 months has been all about. Whatever happened for the rest of the day was all gravy. Cue g'em grinning from ear to ear for the best part of an hour!!

    The bench was.. well it was bench-y. Not my best lift by a long shot, and even though I missed the 70kg I wasn't perturbed in the slightest. I got Lift 1 and 2 and I was still super comfortable for qualifying.

    By now it was getting late in the day and I was getting tired. But the deadlift is *my* lift and thinking about it gave me a second wind, leaving me chomping at the bit to get my hands on the bar. The warm-up timing was completely screwed up though and so I was incredibly glad my opener was as low as it was. It felt like a easy training lift. Lift 2 was the same and as the day drew on and the DLs in my flight got heavier and heavier the crowd were getting behind the competitors. People I'd never met before were cheering us on and the atmosphere was electric. Time for Lift 3: 150kg - this of course is the lift I'd attempted 5 times in one session and failed 3 inches off the floor each time. My nemesis!!

    I knew if I got it I'd have a European record and a hard-fought PR. It went up easy. Really easy. I was offered a fourth lift and accepted it gladly - I'd qualified, I had a WR and 2 ER, I had nothing at all to lose. Meh, might as well go for broke and try for a WR.

    I don't really remember the lift itself, but I do remember hearing some sort of gutteral "grrrngngmmnnnghghghgnnnnn..." wild-animal-trapped-in-a-cage type sound coming from me as I slooooowly pulled the bar first to the middle of my shins and then past the knees - I knew once I had it there lockout wouldn't be a problem. I stood for what felt like a few months with the bar in my hands, willing the judge to give me the signal and waited tentaively for... "Good Lift".

    :D:D:D:D:D:D:D ... no honeslty, that was all I could do... smile. Lots and lots of smiles!!!

    So there you have it - two World Records, one European Record for Totals and the overall Women's Unequipped Championship. In fairness, there were only two female lifters - that'll tell you how small female PLing is here - but I still get a nice big shiny trophy to put on my mantelpiece.

    It was the most exhilarating, liberating, exciting, nerve-wrecking, amazing experience that has taught me more about lifting than a year in the gym ever could. And the best part? It was fun, a LOT of fun. I met wonderful people and I have a whole new PL family now. I am, quite simply, the happiest camperino right at this very moment in time. I'm also an exhausted camperino - after a couple of pints of the black stuff last night I fell into bed after midnight, but thanks to the adrenaline that was still careening around my body I could only manage three hours of sleep!! And needless to say I'm pretty stiff and sore too... but man, DOMS have *never* felt so good :D

    Fingers crossed I'll have videos up in the next couple of days. I came, I saw, I lifted. Hoo-I'm-officially-a-competitive-lifter-rah!!! ;)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,184 ✭✭✭neuro-praxis

    Amazing, absolutely amazing.

    Well done you - you are inspiring.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9,287 ✭✭✭davyjose

    I second NP - just read this now. Absolutely mind-blowing. Proud to have you offering us boards minions advice ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,882 ✭✭✭Diamondmaker

    A nice read also, well written, I enjoyed that.:) , oh and well done on the lifting part too!:D

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 22,819 ✭✭✭✭g'em

    Thanks guys, I really appreciate the lovely comments!!! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,417 ✭✭✭Dr4gul4

    Was wondering where you had gone to this week, good session to day, now just take it easy on ure self for the rest of the weekend ok .. :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 22,819 ✭✭✭✭g'em

    Dr4gul4 wrote:
    Was wondering where you had gone to this week, good session to day, now just take it easy on ure self for the rest of the weekend ok .. :)
    aw :o I was missed??? Ta, and no fear, no more workouts this weekend. If I can walk tomorrow morning I'll consider myself rather lucky :D
