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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 15,552 ✭✭✭✭GuanYin

    6th wrote:
    As Zillah pointed out before there is a difference between scepticism and cinicism (spelling). When it comes to what is known as paranormal activity, each case must be dealt with on a case by case basis. Similarily with the forum almost each thread must be dealt with case by case.

    Nail on the head there and it is something Zillah has tried to argue with me about, not realising I agree (or being annoyed because I agree) and I think it is an important distinction.

    I'm very happy for someone to suggest orbs are dust or ouija boards were staged or ghostly cries were foxes howling when it is the most likely explanation SO LONG as they appreciate that there ARE other explanations and so long as they don't make stock dismissals or ridicule posters. Wicknight has done that in the past and ultimately it led to his banning (which I assume is why he is arguing today). As I said re: Hobbes, forum is very different now from when I started modding it so your complaints may not be relavent today.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 25,848 ✭✭✭✭Zombrex

    psi wrote:
    Not at all, I can show you cases where you offered some and it was opened for a discussion that you refused to substanciate:

    And I can show you a lot more where it wasn't....

    Le Rack
    So basically, do birds have some weird connection to deaths and that or is my great aunt in law just a tad spooky?

    This is a classic of "superstitious behaviour".

    Le Rack
    Superstition! That's the word!

    solas (moderator)
    try and keep it on topic, the original question is in relation to birds, not ladders or pictures falling off walls.

    Technically walking under a ladder is not an urban legend, neither is the idea that a bird flying into a window means death. Both these things are superstitions, or to give them a cultural name "Old Wives Talls", and they are very related to each other in how they come about and spread through culture.

    solas (moderator)
    this is the third time I've stated this, this thread is to remain on topic.
    if you attempt to defer the topic again and I'll ban you.
    wicknight is a troll and his opinions are baseless.

    Le Rack
    I heard another bit today that in families or groups of friends and that, that if two girls die, two chaps will die, and vice versa?

    Le Rack was clearly asking about superstitions, yet the mod of the paranormal forum (who later resigned in disgust that she was called up on this) refused to entertain such discussion as she did not believe in them.

    Despite the fact that Le Rack mentioned the actual word "superstition" a number of times, solas continued to threaten that any discussion that wasn't about animal divination was off topic. She even moved to thread to spirituality, which has very little to do with western superstitions.

    Since solas left unfortunately very little has changed in the paranormal forum.
    psi wrote:
    Then why wasn't everyone on this thread banned?
    That is a very good question. Why are some posters allowed to be skeptical and state that something isn't paranormal, but others are cautioned for it.

    I hardly think you should be highlighting how inconsistent the moderation of the Paranormal forum is psi, considering you a mod at the moment.

    psi wrote:
    That isn't what it says at all.

    The charter -

    "Sceptical debate and discussion is restricted solely and specifically to threads where the original poster has asked for explanation or discussion on phenomenological issues or events."

    It specifically states in the charter that unless the OP has asked for a discussion on the subject, skeptical comments are not welcome.

    Of course, as your link above shows, this is often ignored by yourself UNLESS you specifically want to attack a poster, when amazingly the charter is pulled out in all its glory and bashed over the posters head.
    psi wrote:
    As someone who was banned from paranormal for continuing to ignore moderator warnings (and the charter) I find it amusing that you claim to know the forum and the rules so well.
    I always knew the forum rules and the charter Psi, I posted a number of posts on its thread when you claimed to be trying to reform the forum.

    The problem isn't the charter, the problem is the inconsistent way the charter is enforced, and the way it is only enforced by yourself against people who you take personal issue to.
    psi wrote:
    Suffice to say, I thought you were quite rationed in your first postor two and actually considered unbanning you. I see now it was all just a build up to your agenda. Oh well :(
    Ah yes Psi, I have missed your insults wrapped in compliments :rolleyes:

    My "agenda" is, and always has been, to be able to post on the Paranormal forum without being harrassed by solas or yourself. Remember I was called a troll in own of my very first posts.

    I can't post in paranormal without you attempting to bait me into breaking the charter, so I see very little point in you or any of the mods unbanning me since any post to the charter again will just be twisted until you can ban me again.

    This example -

    I don't believe Orbs are ghosts or spirits (comment: notice Mysteria is stating that she does not believe Orbs are ghosts or spirits)

    TBH I agree. There are huge range of photographic errors and mistakes that can explain even the most strange photographic effects without bringing anything paranormal into it.
    It seems unlikely that any paranormal form of energy could effect the silver chemical composite on film, or the electromagnetic sensors of a CMOS chip without also being visable to the nake eye, since a photon is a photon. (comment: notice I have just agreed with her, and also given my reasons for such a belief)

    Please elaborate.

    Not if I am going to be banned for breaking the charter for doing so .... :v: (comment: this isn't the first time Psi tried this. The last time I feel for it and was cautioned and a series of posts removed. I wasn't about to make that same mistake again

    I don't believe I indicated any such thing.

    You're discussing orbs as energy sources and you made two or three comments that you proported as fact (or at least proported to have basis) - I disagree, and I gave you a reason why. (comment: fair enough, she seems to genuinely want me to explain further ... fool me once :rolleyes:..)

    Anyone who looks that thread up will notice the rest of the posts including my reply to Psi's direct question are not there because it was REMOVED because according to Psi my reply that you ASKED FOR was too skeptical and broke the charter. I notice Mysteria was not asked to clarify why exactly she does not believe Orbs are paranormal in nature.

    If that isn't baiting what is Psi, tell me what is?

    Another one you say, ok lets look at this one,

    While I have serious doubts over the paranormal aspects of the Ouija board, believe it or not there is some real evidence that Ouija boards can be mentally dangerous to certain impressionable people.

    So you're straight out debunking the ouija board then seeing as your stating that its definitely not paranormal? (comment: of course I wasn't, because that would break the charter, as Psi knew full well!)

    In Wicknights defence he only really said he had serious doubts (comment: 6th knew what I was saying was in line with what everyone else had been saying)

    I'm not sure what you mean by "stating ... definitely not paranormal" I definitely don't believe its paranormal. Can I be wrong? Possibly (stranger things have happened)...
    Being the skeptical little runt if I have two explinations for something, one natural the other super-natural, I tend to go with the natural one first. That is my personal opinion.

    This isn't what this forum is for.
    If you want to do this, don't post here. End of discussion. Back on topic.

    The topic of the discussion was the dangers of ouija boards, which I tried to touch on in my original post before Psi dragged me into a pissing contest.

    So if I want to express a personal opinion that Ouija boards are not paranormal I am not allowed, despite the fact that lots of others had done just that in the same forum, even the same thread. How does that even work?

    What was that about a chip on ones sholder. I don't know if you are continuing what Solas started, or if you believe I wronged you in another life, but since I posted on the Paranormal forum I have got nothing but baiting and attacks from yourself and Solas.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 25,848 ✭✭✭✭Zombrex

    psi wrote:
    so long as they don't make stock dismissals
    Is stating, as happens all the time "I don't believe that that is paranormal" a stock dismissal?

    If it is I think you need to ban half the normal posters to the forum. Why is mysteria not banned. She claim she does not believe Orbs are ghosts or spirits. Why are not half the people on the ouija board thread not banned or even cautioned? The stated they do not believe ouija boards are paranormal.

    As you said, its not what you say, but how you say it. The how being if you happen to be someone that Psi has an issue with So I can say the same as mysteria, even agree with her, yet how I say the same thing as her is what gets me in cautioned.
    psi wrote:
    or ridicule posters.
    Solas calls me troll after one post (which anyone can read, and that I would be happy to post here) and you claim I ridicule posters to the paranormal forum.

    Seriously, did I like steal your bike when we were younger or something?

    Please point out one post where I ridiculed a poster? Just one Psi.

    I would kindly insist that you retract that remark.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 25,848 ✭✭✭✭Zombrex

    stevenmu wrote:
    Ah, I see now, I got my wires a bit crossed. I disagree with your view on how harshly scepticism is treated, but I do agree with your reasoning as to why the
    paranormal is not scientific.

    Sorry for the confusion. I don't mean to say that the paranormal forum should be moved into science, any more than a religious forum should be moved into science.

    My only issue is with the inconsistent manner in which "too much scepticism" is defined by the mods (one in particular).

    Why when mysteria says "I don't believe Orbs are ghosts" is that an acceptable level of scepticism, but when myself (or Hobbes, or another non-regular poster) agrees with that or states the same thing that is deemed damaging to forum.

    Why is some scepticism acceptable but some not. There seems to be no rules as to what will annoy a mod this day or the not. A posting my pass the mod one day, and a similar posting might be cautioned the next.

    I hope you see my point.

    Despite Psi's rather irrational belief that I have it in for the forum I actually don't have any issues against the forum except on this because every time I post in the forum I seem to be attacked by the mods, either being called a troll (by solas) or claims that I am attempting to ridicule others beliefs (by Psi), a claim I am rather insulted by myself.

    Anyway I am banned from the forum and I have no desire to return while Psi is moderator (would there be any point?) so I suppose it is a mute point.
    But clearly others have experienced this as well. Despite claims that the forum has changed I fail to see how. This happened to Hobbes, his skeptical opinion was cautioned, a while back, and it happened to me a good few times only a few months ago (on the same issue no less).

    How has the forum changed?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 15,552 ✭✭✭✭GuanYin

    wicknight wrote:
    me, me, me, me, me, me, me
    Ahh I knew you were back to pushing your agenda and not on about the forum (seeing as you are and will remain banned).
    wicknight wrote:
    Is stating, as happens all the time "I don't believe that that is paranormal" a stock dismissal?

    If it is I think you need to ban half the normal posters to the forum.

    Are you suggesting some of our users are not normal? In what way are they abnormal?
    Why is mysteria not banned.
    She is.
    She claim she does not believe Orbs are ghosts or spirits.
    Noone has ever been banned for that alone.
    Why are not half the people on the ouija board thread not banned or even cautioned? The stated they do not believe ouija boards are paranormal.
    Because they do so in a respectful, rational and even manner while remaining on topic.

    Solas calls me troll after one post (which anyone can read, and that I would be happy to post here) and you claim I ridicule posters to the paranormal forum.
    Did I claim that? Can you show me where? I said you made a stock dismissal OR ridiculed a poster. You can take which ever one you want but the fact is you have made a stock dismissal OR ridiculed a poster.
    Seriously, did I like steal your bike when we were younger or something?
    I don't know, did you steal many bikes?
    Please point out one post where I ridiculed a poster? Just one Psi.
    Please point out one post where I said you did, just one wicknight.
    I would kindly insist that you retract that remark.
    The remark I made was true and valid, so errr no.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 17,247 ✭✭✭✭6th

    Wicknight wrote:
    Why are some posters allowed to be skeptical and state that something isn't paranormal, but others are cautioned for it.

    No some people say something may not be paranormal, they don't say it isn't. The simple fact is that due to the randomness of many paranormal occurances those of us commenting on a persons experience are doing it having no experience of the event. Sure we may have experienced something similar and in some cases someone could say
    well i moved into a house where the bulbs blew all the time and it was faulty wiring, maybe thats whats happening to you?
    or someone could say
    I had a similar problem and after getting in someone to bless the house it all stopped

    No one can tell someone what is or is not happening or what they are or are not experiencing unless they have first had experience of the events at hand.

    People can give there opinion but must be sure that they come across that its just there opinion. Comments like
    sounds like you might have a drinking problem
    don't be stupid its just a draft
    are not welcome but unfortunately are common enough.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 25,848 ✭✭✭✭Zombrex

    6th wrote:
    People can give there opinion but must be sure that they come across that its just there opinion.
    I agree.

    So why when I say "this is just my opinion, I could be wrong", am I still cautioned for being too sceptical?

    Why when I am asked by the moderator of the forum to explain my opinion is that explination then deleted and I am cautioned for presenting ideas too sceptical in nature onto the forum?

    Why is Psi stating that I have been ridiculing and insulting posters on the forum? Why did Solas claim I was a liar and a troll?

    I mean seriously 6th, I am at my wits end.

    If I present an alternative non-paranormal view point (that doesn't rule out the paranormal one) I am cautioned.

    If I state I don't believe something is paranormal, I am cautioned.

    If I reply to the mods demands for reason why I don't believe something is paranormal I am cautioned and threatened with a banning.

    Is it just me?, does no one else see any problem with this? Am I going mad? I mean I post regularly on nearly every section of this wonderful website, from photography to atheism. I have never had any issues with the mods on any other forum apart from a few minor points (the last one was don't say "god" in vain in the christianity forum, which is totally fair).

    Yet I get to the paranormal forum and before I'm out the gate I have been branded a troll and liar and a someone who ridicules and insults others. Why?

    I honestly can't see it. I agree with the charter and I attempt to stay close to its spirit, a lot closer than most. I have never ridiculed anyone on the forum for any of their beliefs. I try and stick to scepical comments only in threads where it is clear the OP is open to the idea. I totally avoid sceptical comments in other thread where they aren't, and am quite happy to go along with the discussion (despite the fact I don't believe in it), inserting any non-skeptical information I think might be helpful to the OP (I have often posted about the history and origin of paranormal beliefs).

    Yet I am still attacked by the mods, constantly demanding that I am stating an absolute opinion here, claiming I am ridiculing others there.

    I am banned from the forum because i eventually lost it with Psi. Months of harrassment with me having to grovel and apologese over and over just to get back into the forum (I have written 4 long posts of apology to both Psi and the forum in general, because at one point I started to believe maybe I was actually insulting people on the forum), and yet the very next post was met by another bait from Psi. "Oh so you are stating all people who believe this are wrong are you?", "no I'm not", "well i think you are, post deleted"

    It was a very silly thing to do, to lose it with Psi, but at the same time I'm not apologising to her. She has baited and personally attacked me over and over, and each time I have apologied to her so I could get back into the forum. I have to, she is a mod. She can attack me, insult me and slander me, but if I attack her or insult her I have to apologes. And then she started again. I could apologes once more, but is there any point? We will be right back her again in a few days.

    She won't let me post on the forum, she seems to genuinely believe, like solas before her, that I am a trouble maker and she will go out of her way to try and get me to express a belief or opinion that she can then caution or remove my post. As long as she is a mod of the forum there is no point in my being unbanned because I won't post there, I can't.

    Seriously, I can't believe an internet forum has got me so upset, but I am nearly crying as I type this. :(

    I hate the idea that people would think I am insulting others beliefs, or attempting to ridicule them. If anyone reads my posts on other forums they will know I am very passionate about defending the right to personal beliefs, even ones I don't agree with. Anyone can believe what ever they wish. The idea that solas and Psi would attempt to convince others I am actively attempting to ridicule and insult people for their most personal beliefs makes me physically sick and mad as hell :mad: But what is the point of arguing. She is a mod, I'm not. Everyone believes the mod, because is full of people who feel wronged by the mods. To most people, including the other mods, I am just another angry poster who is annoyed at a mod's decision. And why wouldn't they believe that. She is a mod, she obviously has a lot of respect from others to get that position in the first place.

    I have really had enough of this. :(

    Even now you seem to believe Psi, believing that I have been calling people "stupid" in the forums.

    I don't remember ever making those comments you attribute to me ("drinking problem"? what thread was that in?"), but at this stage I have no idea what is up and down, let alone correct or not. Maybe I did. If I did I am so sorry to anyone who was offended by that.

    Apologies to you 6th for such the long post, I need to get some stuff off my chest. Even if you don't agree with me, or believe Psi was correct in her handling of my posts, or think that I have been ridiculing and calling people stuipd, thank you for at least reading.

    I'm off to have a little cry :(

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 15,552 ✭✭✭✭GuanYin

    Wicknight, I seriously think if you're really getting upset you should take a step away, calm down and reflect on what it is you're actually getting upset about (and how sillythat is).

    For the record, I have had no intention of upsetting you.

    90% of issues I have with you is that you refuse to take moderating instructions on board, almost always continuing to argue on thread. I think you mistake this for some sort of victimisation of you. Its unfortunate but it is the way it goes.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,247 ✭✭✭✭6th

    Sorry Wicknight my post wasnt aimed at you but how the forum can be abused by cynics who hide behind the title sceptic.

    I personally believe both you and Zillah to be sceptics who can bring alot to the forum. You are very capable of making the odd statement which I would personally see and dismissing a posters beliefs but I'm saying that from memory as opposed to being able to quote a specific post.

    This thread is a perfect example of how a topic can get dragged off into a mini war between you and Psi, its simply a clash of personalities which has an unfortunate casualty - The Paranormal Forum!

    These threads make the forum look like it is more hassle than it is worth (dont get me wrong I'm guilty of similar) but I really dont think there is any getting past the history between you and Psi (the Solas stuff was before my time).

    Personally I think you should be let back in but I'm not a Mod. I would hope though that you could get over your defensiveness and that Psi could threat you on a post by post basis as opposed to threating you based yer personally history as poster+mod.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,247 ✭✭✭✭6th

    psi wrote:
    90% of issues I have with you is that you refuse to take moderating instructions on board, almost always continuing to argue on thread. I think you mistake this for some sort of victimisation of you. Its unfortunate but it is the way it goes.

    Wicknight, you do have a problem taking instruction from mods but Psi I also think you look for the worse in him everytime he posts.

    No one needs to be apologising here or saying whos wrong but maybe lifting the ban with not comment made will benefit everyone. The forum is constantly changing and maybe its time to see if everyone can fit in.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 25,848 ✭✭✭✭Zombrex

    psi wrote:
    For the record, I have had no intention of upsetting you.
    Psi I could believe that if it wasn't for the baiting you do, as documented above.

    I simply do not understand that, I can't process it.

    If any other mod on this website asked me to expand or explain my views I would do it, quickly, yet I do it for you I get my posts deleted.

    You ask me questions that I cannot possible answer without breaking the rules and then you repremand me for breaking the rules, even when I attempt to put my position within the forum charter.

    You say you want to stamp out overtly sceptical opinons yet you demand I explain in detail why I am a sceptic on a topic, and then repremand me for doing so.

    I have pointed this out to you yet you continued to do it.

    I even said to your "..explain?" "Not if it will break the forum charter..". Yet you insisted I still explain my position, I did, and you cautioned me for breaking the forum charter.

    I have no idea how to deal with that Psi.

    I don't know how to answer your questions that you would be satisfied with the answers. Is there a correct answer? Do you want me to lie?

    As a mod of the forum I can't ignore you, I have to give an answer to your questions. Any attempt to refuse was met with reassurances from you that it is ok, which where just thrown back in my face, as I find myself on the end of another caution and another post removed.

    And then, finally, you state I "ridicule" the beliefs of other posters on the forum. Sorry that is the last straw.:mad:

    "so long as they don't make stock dismissals or ridicule posters. Wicknight has done that in the past"

    Show me where I ridiculed the beliefs of anyone on the paranormal forum.

    I mean what do you expect me to do with that Psi?

    You seriously insult me, claim I am doing a disgusting thing, you bait me to state positions that you know will breach the charter, and then say it is my issues and my problems that hold me back from the forum, that you have nothing against me. :mad:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 25,848 ✭✭✭✭Zombrex

    6th wrote:
    but maybe lifting the ban with not comment made will benefit everyone. The forum is constantly changing and maybe its time to see if everyone can fit in.

    Psi has made it impossible for me to post.

    I have wasted hours upon hours attempting to clarify or explain a position, she doesn't care. I have apologies a number of times and have attempted to explain to Psi that I am not out to get the forum, or insult the beliefs of the forum memebers, she doesn't care.

    I challange anyone to show a posting where I set out to insult anyone or their beliefs on the paranormal forum (or for that matter).

    I have apologied a number of times. Not once has Psi even acknowledged that her posts make it even slightly difficult for me. It is always my fault, I didn't understand her post, I didn't know that question was retorical, I didn't realise she didn't want an answer to that question. A simple, sorry WK I realise now that that questions like that put you in an arkward position, I won't ask you those type of questions again, would have been enough for me. Even if she had just removed my post, with a simple "this is a bit off topic so I've edited it" that would have been fine. Instead I got bait after bait after bait, insult after insult after insult.

    If the ban is lifted I won't be returning to the forum. I can't. Any post is met by instant demands for further clarification from Psi, and these further answers are removed and I am cautioned. I can't ignore her, she is the mod. I can't answer her, no answer is acceptable.

    Even now I am wasting hours trying to explain my position over and over in the vain hope that even a glimer of realisation will appear and she migh realise that she was making my postings difficult on the forum. But no, more insults, more denials. She won't even meet me half way.

    What can I do 6th? How do you discuss like this? I don't get it, I just don't get it. What am I supposed to do?

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,247 ✭✭✭✭6th

    Wise up Wicknight, you dont have to answer everyhting Psi asks. Make decisions on what you think the outcome willl be. You cant be banned for saying nothing.

    Like i said i think this should be dropped and you gusy are never gonna come to an understanding and yet every other poster on the forum potentially suffers from Admins thinking its more trouble than its worth.

  • Business & Finance Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 32,387 Mod ✭✭✭✭DeVore

    Oh god, SHUT UP.

    Seriously, nothing in the PAGES on PAGES you guys have written above (primaraily but not solely Wicknight) have NOTHING to do with the original poster who, you might remember, was asking why Paranormal was not in Science. I've given an answer (you'll find it squeezed between all the monologues) which noone has paid much attention to. So, I can only presume you are no longer interested in this thread and it has about 24 hours to live unless someone has anything further to add to the OP thread.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 15,552 ✭✭✭✭GuanYin

    6th wrote:
    Wicknight, you do have a problem taking instruction from mods but Psi I also think you look for the worse in him everytime he posts.

    If I were to take a biased view of any poster on any forum it would be Zillah, who has posted more insults and criticism of me personally and my moderation than anyone else. I don't know if Zillah will agree, but I have never moderated him or any of his posts with any malice and in any manner other than evenhandedness (correct me if I'm wrong).

    I am completely dispassionate towards wicknight, as I am most boards users. I moderate the posts as I see them. I have made moderation mistakes in the past (one communication error comes to mind) and apologised and these were dismissed out of turn and was accused of lying. I can't do a whole lot about that. If and when I make a call that is later shown to be a bad one, I'll retract or recind it (I've retracted bans and recinded them before aswell).

    I do refuse to continue arguing on any forum where I have said "that is the end of the matter" If someone wants to PM me after that, I have no problem at all. But many posters think that its a game for getting the last word and that my veto of the off-topic argument is my way of getting the last word. It isn't. It is a way of getting the thread back on topic. A debate between two users is a debate between two users and shouldn't need an audience to discuss a point. Unfortunetly, not everyone sees it that way.

    When this happens and a user refuses to accept my "back on topic" warning. They get banned. Plain and simple. It happens to wicknight, it happens to myseria, so its skeptics and "believers" alike.

    This is why wicknight is banned. Anything else, I'm afraid, is in the users head.
    No one needs to be apologising here or saying whos wrong but maybe lifting the ban with not comment made will benefit everyone. The forum is constantly changing and maybe its time to see if everyone can fit in.
    No, the ban will not be lifted. It was originally set for 1 month, because it was a repeated offence but the subsequent abusive and insulting PMs that followed make it a perm ban. I highlighted the details of the PMs and ban in the mod forum at the time and not one moderator objected to the call. I consider thematter closed until wicknight himself make a case.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,247 ✭✭✭✭6th

    Wicknight wrote:
    What am I supposed to do?

    I'd suggest getting over it and if the ban is ever lifted come back and take it one post at a time. Whether posting new topics or replying to another poster threat each post and thread as a seperate one and dont drag the history into it. Maybe Psi will wave a red flag? maybe she wont? MAybe you'll react to it? maybe you wont?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 15,552 ✭✭✭✭GuanYin

    DeVore wrote:
    Oh god, SHUT UP.

    Seriously, nothing in the PAGES on PAGES you guys have written above (primaraily but not solely Wicknight) have NOTHING to do with the original poster who, you might remember, was asking why Paranormal was not in Science. I've given an answer (you'll find it squeezed between all the monologues) which noone has paid much attention to. So, I can only presume you are no longer interested in this thread and it has about 24 hours to live unless someone has anything further to add to the OP thread.


    But your answer didn't have the OC-like drama required in a feedback thread these days. Really, you're going to have to zest things up alot more if you want to attract the attention of today's feedback reader.

  • Business & Finance Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 32,387 Mod ✭✭✭✭DeVore

    Want to see me "zest things up" and get the attention of some specific feedback readers.... hmmmm? :)


  • Registered Users Posts: 17,247 ✭✭✭✭6th

    DeVore wrote:
    the original poster who, you might remember, was asking why Paranormal was not in Science.

    The answer is: The Paranormal Forum does not belong in The Science Forum because it is as much about how people deal with paranormal experiences in their lives as it is about investigating and understanding what exactly is happening on a whole.

    This is not to say that Paranormal topics can not be discussed within The Science Forum, they can, but science is only one area of the Paranormal - there are also the social & spiritual aspects of it as well as many others.

    So OP feel free to take any topic from The Paranormal Forum and dicuss it in The Science Forum from a purely scientific standpoint.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 25,848 ✭✭✭✭Zombrex

    6th wrote:
    I'd suggest getting over it and if the ban is ever lifted come back and take it one post at a time. Whether posting new topics or replying to another poster threat each post and thread as a seperate one and dont drag the history into it. Maybe Psi will wave a red flag? maybe she wont? MAybe you'll react to it? maybe you wont?

    Before DeVore shoves a lighting bolt up everyones ass, I think we should all leave this.

    As Psi says the perm ban will not be lifted. She won't even admit she did anything wrong, let alone apologies for it. She doesn't care. Why would she, she is a mod, she doesn't have too?

    It was a nice idea to try and help 6th, but you can't fight city hall :p

    All hail DeVore :)

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 15,552 ✭✭✭✭GuanYin

    DeVore wrote:
    Want to see me "zest things up" and get the attention of some specific feedback readers.... hmmmm? :)


    Only if it involves hot rough cut guys and cute girls in skimpy clothes interacting saucily in a PG13 environment. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,247 ✭✭✭✭6th

    Dont think I was trying to help you Wicknight, I was trying to help the forum. I've seen both of you guys act the ass in Feedback too much, I dread to think whats gone on in the Mod Forum and in pm!?!

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,247 ✭✭✭✭6th

    psi wrote:
    hot rough cut guy

    Sorry Psi, you called me?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 25,848 ✭✭✭✭Zombrex

    DeVore wrote:
    who, you might remember, was asking why Paranormal was not in Science.
    He was asking that in relation to why sceptical discussion is not allowed on the paranormal forum, because he had expressed a sceptical position and had been repremaned by a mod. I was explain why, based on my experiences with the forum, and it kinda fell into another bitch-fest when Psi came on to defend the way the mods act on the forum, and to explain that we have got it all wrong, sceptical discussion is allowed on the forum, so long as you are not too sceptical.

    Apologies oh bearded one (you do have a beard right), though I do have a sneaking suspicion the original poster did get an interested kick out of this discussion.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 25,848 ✭✭✭✭Zombrex

    6th wrote:
    Dont think I was trying to help you Wicknight, I was trying to help the forum.

    Well either way, thanks :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,247 ✭✭✭✭6th

    Wicknight wrote:
    and it kinda fell into another bitch-fest when Psi came on to defend the way the mods act on the forum, and to explain that we have got it all wrong, sceptical discussion is allowed on the forum, so long as you are not too sceptical.

    I have shown were sceptical debate were the only responce to a topic and you have shown again with your "bitch-fest" comment how you cant let anything go.

    We all get it "You and Psi dont get on!" quit whinning like a victim. I suggest either some reiki or some aromatherapy?

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,247 ✭✭✭✭6th

    6th wrote:
    The answer is: The Paranormal Forum does not belong in The Science Forum because it is as much about how people deal with paranormal experiences in their lives as it is about investigating and understanding what exactly is happening on a whole.

    This is not to say that Paranormal topics can not be discussed within The Science Forum, they can, but science is only one area of the Paranormal - there are also the social & spiritual aspects of it as well as many others.

    So OP feel free to take any topic from The Paranormal Forum and dicuss it in The Science Forum from a purely scientific standpoint.

    With regards to the actually topic I take it we're all in agreement that I'm right?
    (as well as handsome, smart, charismatic, charming & witty among other things)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 25,848 ✭✭✭✭Zombrex

    6th wrote:
    comment how you cant let anything go.
    Let it go! never! :)
    6th wrote:
    We all get it "You and Psi dont get on!" quit whinning like a victim.

    Ok, no more whinning. Clean slate.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,247 ✭✭✭✭6th

    Wicknight wrote:
    Clean slate.

    Your gonna need this guys help if you ever want a clean slate!

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 25,848 ✭✭✭✭Zombrex

    I've apolgiesed to the OP by PM for some what hi-jacking his thread, so hopefully he will come back.

    And maybe DeVore could delete the post back up to before all this bitching began, in case the OP or anyone else has any comments about the original post to make. DeVore could kick the Cilt Bang guys ass any day.
