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My Very Own Get Fit Diary

  • 11-09-2006 1:00pm
    Registered Users Posts: 1,187 ✭✭✭

    I actually meant to start this ages ago, but I started a blog diary while I was waiting for this forum to be approved, so I will copy a paste what I have blogged to date.

    First of all, I would like to draw your attention to the attached picture.

    This pic includes a pair of my old 'Skinny' jeans from 2 years ago, and my current 'fat' jeans - what a difference - I actually don't even remember ever thinking I was that skinny, how the hell did I not notice the weight gain?


    Monday 4th September

    10.15 - Hot scone, butter and jam + cup of tea (no sugar, skimmed milk)

    1pm - Cuppa soup and bottle of water

    3pm - bag of Manhattan popcorn + more water

    5pm - Left work and walked into town - total journey 3 miles approx

    7pm - Dinner - Shepard's pie (mammy's homemade special)

    8pm - went on long walk with friend - 4 miles approx

    Tuesday 5th September

    10.15 - Hot scone, butter and jam + cup of tea (no sugar, skimmed milk)

    1pm - Cuppa soup and bottle of water

    3pm - bag of Manhattan popcorn + more water

    5pm - Left work and walked into town - total journey 3 miles approx

    7pm - Dinner - Chicken Stew (mammy's homemade special)

    8pm - used my air walker for about 30mins - 1.5 - 2miles approx

    Wednesday 6th September

    10.15 - Hot scone, butter and jam + cup of tea (no sugar, skimmed milk)

    1pm - Cuppa soup and bottle of water

    3pm - bag of Manhattan popcorn + more water

    5pm - Left work and walked into town - total journey 3 miles approx

    7pm - Dinner - Chicken, mushroom sauce, boiled rice (mammy's homemade special)

    8pm - Used air walker for 30 mins - 1.5 - 2 miles approx

    Thursday 7th September

    10.15 - Hot scone, butter and jam + cup of tea (no sugar, skimmed milk)

    1pm - Cuppa soup and bottle of water

    3pm - bag of Manhattan popcorn + more water

    5pm - Left work and walked into town - total journey 3 miles approx

    7pm - Dinner - Pork chop, peas, mash (mammy's homemade special)

    No late night walking today, as was in studio

    Friday 8th September

    10.15 - Hot scone, butter and jam + cup of tea (no sugar, skimmed milk)

    1pm - Cuppa soup and bottle of water

    3pm - bag of Manhattan popcorn + more water

    5pm - Left work and walked into town - total journey 3 miles approx

    7pm - Dinner - Shepard's pie (mammy's homemade special)

    No late night walk - don't have an excuse - was just lazy

    Saturday 9th September

    11.30 - 1 piece brown bread toast and cup of tea (no sugar skimmed milk)

    1.30pm - Walked into town - 4 miles approx

    2.30pm - 4pm - Walked about town - not sure how distance I clocked up

    4pm - Walked home form town - 4 miles approx

    6 pm - Ahhh, I had a take away!!! Eeek, my dad bought it, I couldn't refuse - had chips and a veggie burger

    Sunday 10th September

    11.30am - Had 1 piece of Brown Bread and tea, no sugar and skimmed milk

    Gotta be honest, a lot of yesterday was spent in the car going for shopping centre to shopping centre with my mam - she was furniture shopping.

    4pm - walked to Omni, only about 20 min walk approx

    PM walked home from Omni 20 min walk again

    7pm - Dinner, chicken fillet, potato's and peas

    9pm - Walked to Omni - 20 min walk - went to the pictures and had a bag of Manhattan popcorn and a bottle of sprite zero

    11.30pm - Walked home form Omni - 20 Min walk again.

    I reckon I might have clocked up about 2 - 2.5 miles of walking in total.


    OK, well thats all I got for now - Lemme know what you all think of my lifestyle so far.



  • Registered Users Posts: 10,407 ✭✭✭✭justsomebloke

    ok first things first, it's nice to see you were actually keeping a blog, as i hadn't seen any diary from you in the name fitness section i thought you had already given up so good on yourself.

    now for the bad news the diet is a bit crap, you seem to be undereating and what you are eating isn't that great. cause between 10 and 7 all you are eating is a bag of popcorn and a cupa soup on some days neither of which are packed with much nutrients. Best bet would be to put up a new link in the main fitness forum and we can give you some advice on your diet as oppose to filling this journal up with crap

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,187 ✭✭✭Mrs_Doyle

    jsb wrote:
    ok first things first, it's nice to see you were actually keeping a blog, as i hadn't seen any diary from you in the name fitness section i thought you had already given up so good on yourself.

    now for the bad news the diet is a bit crap, you seem to be undereating and what you are eating isn't that great. cause between 10 and 7 all you are eating is a bag of popcorn and a cupa soup on some days neither of which are packed with much nutrients. Best bet would be to put up a new link in the main fitness forum and we can give you some advice on your diet as oppose to filling this journal up with crap

    Yeah, g'em just told me I was under eating - this might sound strange, but it seems so unnatural to eat 'more' in order to 'lose' weight.. :) Although,of course I know you guys know more about this then I do, so obviously I am happy to take any advice you can give me.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,187 ✭✭✭Mrs_Doyle

    Started aerobics yesterday - what a work out - my body is kinda aching already!

    Lets hope its worth it :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,407 ✭✭✭✭justsomebloke

    so all in all how are you getting on

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,187 ✭✭✭Mrs_Doyle

    Ah not too bad actually, I have my cheat days, but for the most part I am doing good.
    Thinking of going to the gym tongiht, moving those muscels before they have a chance to stiffen up - what do you reckon?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 10,407 ✭✭✭✭justsomebloke

    Mrs_Doyle wrote:
    Thinking of going to the gym tongiht, moving those muscels before they have a chance to stiffen up - what do you reckon?

    Eh once you are being active your grand doesn't matter if you are active in the gym, cycling on a bike down a mountain or setting the dancefloor alight with your tango, so once you enjoy it just go out and do it

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,187 ✭✭✭Mrs_Doyle

    My friend came over to my house last night and we did half an hour each on my air walker.
    I am really glad I did it now, although it wasn't too much fun at the time :p , because my body isn't half as stiff and sore as it would normally be after aerobics.
    Going to do another half hour tonight, but might try the thread mill in the gym instead.

    Oh I really hope I stick to it this time. I feel motivated, I just hope it lasts.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,407 ✭✭✭✭justsomebloke

    well just another idea instead of going to the gym to try and do some running, is as you like to do a lot of walking, you could try and incorporate some jogging into your walks (ye i know with the current weather this is probably a no go but it is just an idea). Basically do your walk but at some point in the walk try and incorporate a small 4-5 minute jog around a park or something, I think you mentioned that you lived near to omni before so depending on where you exactly live if you walk takes you anywhere near whitehall park, or albert college at DCU or even what used to be santry woods (ye it is a bit of a building site at the mo but can be nice to run around), what you could do is a small jog around them as part of your walk to see if you like doing some jogging, If you do you could build up your jogging levels up to the point where a whole session could be a jog. This wouldn't have to be every time and most of your sessions could still be walking, but it may just help to make things varied enough to keep things interesting for you

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,187 ✭✭✭Mrs_Doyle

    It has been a while since I logged here.

    All in all, since starting, I lost about 5lbs, which isn't really anything to write home about.

    I have decided to give the Lipotrim diet a go, although, tbh, I don't know how long I will last.

    DAY 1:
    I woke up feeling a bit crap, kinda flu-ey, which probably wasn't the greatest start to the day, but what can you do.

    Now I have to say, I love food. Not just crappy take away foods, but good foods, healthy meals. I love the colours, the smells, and the taste of food, so the thoughts of not eating put me in a bad mood before I even started.

    I was still in bed when I could smell rashers being fried on the pan downstairs.
    Stayed in bed until I knew they had all eaten their Delicious, fattening, rasher sambos, then made myself my first lipotrim shake.

    I opted for the strawberry shake. It was disgusting, I finished about 3/4 of it, and afterwards I was border lining on throwing it up for about an hour.

    I managed to keep it down though.

    So, was a bit miserable and fed up, and still felt very flu-ey.

    Later that day I went for the chicken soup.

    Gross! Seriously Gross - had about 3/4 of it, which was a major struggle.

    I honestly started to think that I would rather skip the powder crap, and starve, then take another one of those shakes.

    Went to bed, feeling tired, cold, and fed up.

    DAY 2

    Well, today is day 2.
    Had a cup of tea this morning, and I have drank a good bit of water, will have first shake at about ten.

    Might try the chocolate flavour.

    Anyhow, right now I can't say if I will last the duration.
    But I could just be feeling sorry for myself.

    Going to try stick with it, give it a shot, cross your fingers for me.

    This is really hard already!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,187 ✭✭✭Mrs_Doyle

    I have been researching Lipotrim for the last hour or so, (even though I should be working) but I have come to the conclusion that I probably should not have been put on the total food replacement programme.

    Not to advertise another forum site, but I found this while researching:
    Posted 11 October 2006 12:42 PM
    Hi all, I wanted to start on lipotrim, but my bmi is 26, so I think there is little point in me starting it, as I will only be on it for a week or two before my bmi is back to 25. I was going to do the maintenance programme, but I have two weekends in a row where it will be impossible for me to stick to it (going away both weekends) Do you think it'll be ok for me to do maintenance and break it for two weekends? How much can I expect to shed a week on maintenance programme? Thanks so much for all your help, and brilliant weight loss too. Well done everyone!

    I also have a BMI of 26, and so I am beginning to think that I should have had some other options pointed out to me, by my pharmacist.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,187 ✭✭✭Mrs_Doyle

    OK, so I know this is the most basic thing ever to all your fit types, but yesterday I drank just over 2 litres of water (I never really drink more then 500mls in a day) and I have to say, I feel amazingly alert and awake, and full of energy!
    Today I have drank about 1.5 so far, but will try another 1ltr before the end of the day.
    Just cant believe the difference it makes.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 22,819 ✭✭✭✭g'em

    Mrs_Doyle wrote:
    OK, so I know this is the most basic thing ever to all your fit types, but yesterday I drank just over 2 litres of water (I never really drink more then 500mls in a day) and I have to say, I feel amazingly alert and awake, and full of energy!
    Today I have drank about 1.5 so far, but will try another 1ltr before the end of the day.
    Just cant believe the difference it makes.
    yeah, it's basic, but the thing is very few people actually adhere to the 2L a day guideline!! Glad you're seeing good things from it, now just keep it up. I used to be terrible for getting enough fluids in, but I drink about
    3-4L of water a day now and then maybe another litre or so in green tea. I keep a litre bottle beside my bed and try and drink it when I wake up, and then try to get another litre in before I leave the house. I'll have another 2L or so when I train and a litre at my desk all day. It can be a total pain having to go to the loo all the time, but you get pretty used to it, and it really does make you feel great.

    Dare I ask if you're still doing Lipotrim? I hope not... :o

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,187 ✭✭✭Mrs_Doyle

    Nah, I ditched the Liportim, it is absolute madness, no food, at all - that's just can't be healthy.
    I felt freezing cold, miserable and sickly when I was on it, so I threw in the towel and now I am just doing what EVERYONE told me to do.
    Eat well, and exercise more.
    I have reduced my calories and am trying to curb my snacking.
    I didn't realise how much I pick, until I tried the lipotrim, so now I am keeping a bottle of water on my desk at all times, so instead of picking at crisps or chocolate or biscuits, I am reaching for the water instead.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 22,819 ✭✭✭✭g'em

    Mrs_Doyle wrote:
    I didn't realise how much I pick, until I tried the lipotrim, so now I am keeping a bottle of water on my desk at all times, so instead of picking at crisps or chocolate or biscuits, I am reaching for the water instead.

    Good woman yourself. Bring carrot sticks with you to snack on if you need to, or cucumber, or cherry tomatoes. People often mistake thirst for hunger so the water will definitely help keep cravings at bay.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,187 ✭✭✭Mrs_Doyle

    I think with me it has more to do with boredom eating then actual hunger.

    Sometimes I just pick on things because they are there.

    Every morning at 10am some students, from the catering college opposite my office, come accross with scones, croissants, soda bread, etc/ They deliver them right to our desks, and I must say, I am finding this temptation very hard to resist.
    I have been very good the last few days but its a tough one. Its not just for the food, its because along with the food comes a little break where everyone sits around, drinking tea, having scones, and having a laugh. - It's a social thing too.

    But, I know I am not actually hungry, because If they weren't near me I wouldn't bother to actually go prepare some food, or go to the shop to buy some.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,187 ✭✭✭Mrs_Doyle

    Make the Bad Man Go Away!

    Oh Dear! I am going to be a bridesmaid in 4 month's and I really wanna get into shape, and I am being good, but every morning a man brings scones and cakes and croissants and toast, right to my desk and I am fully convinced that he is just seriously trying to tempt me to the lovely land of the lard arses!

    I didn't give in to temptation today, opted for a lil bowel of Bran Flakes instead, but my God it ain't easy when temptation is dancing a lil jig right in-front of me.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,187 ✭✭✭Mrs_Doyle

    Ok, today I had slice of brown toast, and small bowl of Sultana Bran, with semi skimmed milk for breakfast.
    Had homemade veggie soup with wholemeal bread for lunch, I had 2 crackers, with flora low fat butter as a snack, about 1.5 litres of water and 2 cups of tea with milk and no sugar.
    Doing good so far?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,128 ✭✭✭dellas1979

    How much weight are you trying to loose?

    What height/weight are you?

    Invest in an exercise ball. Best things ever invented.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,187 ✭✭✭Mrs_Doyle

    I am 5"5 and approx 145-150lbs, (been a few weeks since I weighed myself, was too afraid to go near the scales over festive season) looking to lose 20lbs.
    I was 115lbs at my lightest, but was a bit too skinny then, I reckon 130lb would be a good weight for me.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,187 ✭✭✭Mrs_Doyle

    Last night I did 1.5 hours in gym. Nearly an hour on thread mill. Mostly just walking at a good, strong pace, with about 10 minutes of running.
    15 on the thing that looks like a ski machine :p (was wrecked after that) and 10 minutes on excersise bike followed by 5 minutes of stretches and sit ups.

    I am going to go again tonight, even if I just do an hour on the thread mill, it will be a hell of lot better for me then sitting on my ass watching the soaps.

    Just wanna burn off a bit of fat first, drop a few pounds, and will start toning up a bit once that mission has been accomplished.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,187 ✭✭✭Mrs_Doyle

    AND AS FOR FOOD.... (Starting to feel like I am just talking to myself here :D )


    Breakfast: All Bran Sultana Bran with Skimmed Milk

    Mid Morning Snack: Toasted wholegrain bread with flora butter

    Lunch: Home made veggie soup, one small slice of brown bread (I think its called McCambridge bread, my friend suggested it as a replacement for white bread)

    Dinner: Mammys Stew (was beef stew with potatoes and veg)

    Had 2 cream crackers afterward, with flora butter.

    Drank about 1.5 litres of water over the course of the day.


    Breakfast: All Bran Sultana Bran with Skimmed Milk

    Mid Morning Snack: 2 cream crackers with flora butter

    Lunch: Brought in some left over stew from last nights dinner and heated it up

    Dinner: Mammys Shepards pie)

    Drank about 2 litres of water over the course of the day and went to the gym after my dinner.

    So far today I have just had my All Bran, but will update on the rest of my food intake tomorrow.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,128 ✭✭✭dellas1979

    Fair play to you. There is no reason that you shouldnt be loosing weight.

    If you have a piece of meat though for your dinner, Id say to have a salad or just the meat on its own to keep carbs down i.e no potatoes. Youll see a vast difference then. And you are already getting carbs from brown bread etc you are eating during the day.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Try eating half portion's of Mammy's dinner's

    When I was trying to loose weight year's ago for a occasion I learnt my Mammy put's a lot of butter (and hidden ingredient's) in her spud's when using them alway's and also when making pasta's etc

    Hidden calories everywhere and sure that's where all the love is!! :)
    Also I find avoiding heavy carb's after breakfast can help!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,187 ✭✭✭Mrs_Doyle

    Ah I already get mumsy to dish out my dinner on a lil weight watchers plate.

    I went to the gym 4 times last week, which is a record me me.
    Each session was between 1hr and 1.5hrs long.

    Focusing on cardio for now, will introduce toning exercises in about 3 weeks.

    My friend is an instructor at the gym and put together a weight loss work out regime for me.

    Gonna stick with it, try get to the gym 4 times a week, and please God I will see the benefits soon.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,187 ✭✭✭Mrs_Doyle

    Ok, well not that anyone is overly interested, but I am in the 3rd week of my work out regime, but, although my fitness levels have improved, I don't feel I am seeing great results, with regard to inch loss.

    My plan is as follows:

    First is the Bike, doing 10 minutes at a good pace, on level 10.

    Then it is onto the thread mill.
    30 mins in total.
    3 minutes walking, at 6.5kpm, followed by 2 minutes running at 8kpm

    Next up is the cross trainer. Now I find this part of the work out very hard.
    Ideally, you are supposed to do 15 minutes at Level 10. However, I can only manage 10minutes, after which I am completely wrecked, so I usually hop off and do the extra 5 minutes on something I am more comfortable with.

    Last, but not least, move to the stepper. 7 minutes on level 8.

    I usually wrap up with a few stretching exercises, and maybe 5 minutes on the bike, to loosen my legs up a bit.

    This regime was given to me by one of the instructors at the gym, with a view to introducing toning after 3 weeks.

    Can anyone think of anything else I should be doing, or something I should be doing differently, to obtain more noticeable results?

  • Registered Users Posts: 661 ✭✭✭thewing

    Your diet looks wrong - lose bread/potatoes/pasta for a couple of weeks and then reintroduce them - wholegrain bread/pasta - and only baby potatoes.

    Plate should be one half veg/greens one quarter lean meat and one quarter(if any) rice/pasta.

    You could do cardio till you drop, but if your diet isn't spot on, they will just cancel each other out.

    Drink lots of water.

    Worked for me, lost a stone and half.

    best of luck

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,407 ✭✭✭✭justsomebloke

    start using weights. the bit of extra muscle that it will help build up will increase your daily calorific needs thus making weight loss that much easier.

    that and as the last poster said I would also try and cut back on the amount of starchy carbs that you are eating, and instead add some more fruit and veg to your diet

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,187 ✭✭✭Mrs_Doyle

    Just wanted to say that last weekend was the first time that I noticed a physical change to my body shape as a result of my gym visits.
    Nothing major going on, just enough for me to notice I think but it made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside :p

  • Registered Users Posts: 405 ✭✭Going Demented

    Thats great you notived a change! Well done. Keep it up. Sounds like you are doing great.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,619 ✭✭✭Fast_Mover

    Don't ya just love that feeling?!!!

    Well done and keep up the good work, ur doing great:)
