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The Pro-Log (Optimum Anabolics Test)

  • 16-09-2006 12:31pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 775 ✭✭✭

    Ever wonder how those hot fitness models and men-health cover models and fitness experts get their looks? Do you wonder what their secret is? How do they always look so toned and muscular? Many of us assume it's easier for them, they have all day to work out and spend hours and hours in the gym and only eat tiny amounts and they have genetic advantages and they…..sound familiar.

    In this diary I will be sharing that secret.

    As a professional trainer and fitness instructor it is my job to look great and be fit and healthy. Unfortunately without a serious amount of cosmetic facial surgery I ain’t going to grace the cover of Men’s Health anytime soon…but from the neck down - that I can change – and so can you.

    So how do I do it?

    The exact same way everyone else does – the exact same way the celebrities and models do and the same way many of the memebrs here on boards do – with hard work, dedication and proper nutrition.

    I don’t spend all day in the gym or on the treadmill – my life isn’t ruled by my diet. I don’t live to workout, I workout to live. Besides I’m too busy to spend all day exercising, I have clients to train, websites to build and mountains to climb. In fact on my usual workout routine I only perform a heavy weight training workout every 15 days, hitting the same body part every 30.

    What’s more I have a little confession – I’m a chronic hard gainer. I suffer from a genetically inherited condition called polycystic kidneys. That means my kidney’s don’t deal well with large amounts of protein – so I find it very hard to put on muscle.

    Furthermore my kidneys excrete too much creatinine, a toxic by product of creatine. This means I have a hard time storing water and glycogen in my muscles. It also means unfortunately that large cysts grow on my internal organs making the swollen and large – my fathers are already the size of rugby balls. Try having a flat six pack with that. I am denied ketosis and the more extreme methods of losing body fat….but has that stopped me? No way…and if I can do it, imagine what you can achieve…

    So here it is the daily diary of a professional personal trainer – and perhaps the prologue to your own success story.



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 775 ✭✭✭Boru.

    Training and Meal Schedule

    5.30am Jog 1hr.
    6.30 – Combat Training
    7.00 – Breakfast
    10.00- Snack 1
    13.00 – Lunch
    16.00 – Snack 2
    19.00 – Dinner
    21.00 Snack 2

    This morning I caught the first glimpses of the sun rising as I laced up my boots for my morning run. I leave the house at 5.30am and begin at a steady pace. I follow a strict cardio program for weight management as well as aerobic fitness, based on my heart rate.

    My resting heart rate is currently 42bpm and in order to hit the fitness zone to burn 85% of my calories form my fat stores I need to be train between 119-138 bpm. This translates to a light jog. If you are unfamiliar with heart rate training you can read about the benefits here.

    I can’t adequately describe how great it feels to do this every morning. There’s a sense of accomplishment to it every time. As I run I see the sun rise and the world begin to stir. The grass is fresh and heavy with the morning dew and it all seems unreal as the slowly approaching warmth of the sun heats the ground and the whole world becomes a misty dream.

    This morning was beautiful as I raced along I was feeling great the blood pumping in my veins, my breath pure and clean as I breathed in the morning air. My mind was refreshed and invigorated and I rehearsed my coming day – and then I saw it. The sun. I had just cleared the peak of the hills just down the road from me and I was blown away. The whole world seemed laid out in front of me, golden and alive. The grass was a bright green the leaves appeared illuminated from within and I don’t think I’ve seen a more beautiful clear blue sky.

    Then my training program went to hell and I just ran simply because I wanted to. I wanted to feel alive and awake I beat the rising sun and run as fast as I could. I wanted to rejoice in the exuberance of life. So I did. I ran – heart rate went to 196 before I stopped 10 minutes later to catch my breath.

    I want everyone to share that feeling. My blood was pumping; I could feel my heart surging and strong, my breath filling my lungs and every part of my body alive with sensation. I felt the warmth of the sun on my neck, and my skin tingled with electricity. From the tips of my finger to the top of my head I could feel the energy crackling along my skin.

    As I write this now I can still recall that feeling.

    As I stood there, exhausted I would have sworn blind that I was faster than a speeding bullet, nm core powerful than a locomotive and easily able to leap tall buildings in a single bound.

    Nearly 6 hours later I still feel that way. I’m grinning like a lunatic and I love every second of it.

    From a physiological perspective I was high on endorphins, a feel good chemical naturally released by the brain as a response to exercise. It’s often called the runners high. It’s a times like this I just can’t believe I existed and thought I was living fully before this.

    Bruce Lee once said that the martial arts were the “Art of Expressing the Human Body” – each day I believe more and more that physical fitness, aerobics and resistance training, diet and meal planning is the Expression of the Art of the Human Body.

    This evening when you come home form work, school or college – treat yourself to some quality time with you. Go for a walk and as you breathe in your surroundings. Make the tress, the sky and the earth a part of you. Make their strength your own, and before you know it may just find yourself running just for the joy of living.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 14,483 ✭✭✭✭daveirl

    This post has been deleted.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 775 ✭✭✭Boru.

    Thanks daveril, not quite sure about that but it should be interesting.


    Training and Meal Schedule

    5.30am 20 Minutes HIT.
    6.00 – Combat Training
    7.00 – Breakfast
    10.00- Snack 1
    13.00 – Lunch
    14.00 – Combat Training – Weapons (Just cause I wanted to)
    16.00 – Snack 2
    19.00 – Dinner
    21.00 Snack 2

    20 Minutes High Intensity training – This is great reeves up the metabolism (though doesn’t burn much fat) improves your cardiovascular conditioning and really gets your heart beating your blood pumping and gives you a feeling of God like power coursing through your body – or at least that’s what I feel after my lungs have recovered from feeling like they are drowning in acid.

    High Intensity Training involves cycling through various heart rate zones and was made very popular with Bill Philips Body for Life Program. I go from 119- 220 over the course of 5 minutes than take a one minute light walk and repeat the process. For twenty minutes. At the end of it – I‘m absolutely dying, and it feels great because I know I’m going to be reborn with more energy and power.

    As I lie on the grass staring up through the leaves of giant tree up to the blue sky, the Top Gun anthem is playing on my MP3 player and I find myself grinning like an idiot again.

    High Intensity Training really gets me going – I push my limits and I challenge myself to beat the one person I really care to beat – me. It releases so much endorphin into your blood stream it actually is as good as great sex. Very similar process actually…elevated heart rate, heavy breathing and then totally all consuming intensity for a brief moment followed by total body relaxation. Sweet.

    You'll probably notice something about this journal very quickly - not much changes. I get up at the same time every morning, (that's EVERY morning) and do nearly the exact same thing. I have a routine that initially only took 2 weeks to become ingrained habit.

    This is the first secret to success - consistency. I see it time and again - people aren't consistent. They skip meals, they eat too late or too early, they miss training, they sleep late....AND THEY DON'T GET RESULTS...and then they complain as to why.

    It's very simple. Ingrained habit is hard to break. Develop a habit for fitness and health and it's yours for life.

    Get up at the same time everyday and you'll wake up full of energy because you will teach your body to be awake at that time. Go to sleep at the same time every evening and magically after a few days your brain will just switch off at that time and you will develop a habit of extremely restful and rejuvenating sleep.

    Consistency is key - train at the same time, eat at the same time and your body will become increasingly efficient and doing what ever task you train it to do at that time.

    After that everything falls into place. There was a time I was always rushed - always stressed and my life slowly started to fall apart with me cracking at the seems. I changed it in just a few weeks and any of us can do the same.

    Today - take some time to make yourself a priority in your life.
    Work out an eating plan, (if you have a problem with that pm me). Decide when you are going to get up and go to bed. Timetable your training, even if it’s only a 1 hour walk and make that YOUR time for you everyday...then over the next week implement that plan. You’ll notice an incredible difference.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 14,483 ✭✭✭✭daveirl

    This post has been deleted.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 775 ✭✭✭Boru.

    Nope - nothing at all. First thing in the morning is an ideal time to exercise. You've just completed an 8 hour fast, your glycogen stores are depleated and your body naturally turns to fat as a fuel. It aslo sets your body up for the day.

    I also find it a natural boost to my energy levels to exercise first thing in the morning.

    That's while I'm cutting fat at any rate.

    When bulking up I reduce all my cardio and eat a large carb and protein based meal before I do heavy lifting sessions.

    All my training and diet is results orientated.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 775 ✭✭✭Boru.

    Sunday 17th September 2006

    6.00 - 30 Minutes Bodyweight Calisthenics
    7.00 – Breakfast
    10.00- Snack 1
    13.00 – Lunch
    14.00 – Combat Training – Weapons (Just cause I wanted to)
    16.00 – Snack 2
    19.00 – Dinner
    21.00 Snack 2

    See I get up early on Sunday’s too –

    30 Minutes Bodyweight Calisthenics

    Today was a light workout day, where I focused on next week’s diet and goals over actual training, so today a light jog to the local field where I practiced Bodyweight training.

    Hindu Squat’s – 100, 25, 25, 50, 50
    Hindu Pushup’s – 25, 20, 15, 15, 25
    Bridging – nose to ground 3 minutes.
    Vacuum 10 reps
    Stomach Flatter 10 reps

    Each set of HS and HP was followed by a quick 30 second sprint, then a light walk for 60.

    You can exercise anytime anywhere with your own body and you can clean your clock and get a really great workout in just a few minutes – so no excuses!

    Today I begin preparation for the Optimum Anabolics test – here’s the background –

    As I’m sure you know I have a Review and Resources section on my website. Although it’s brand new and still in its infancy I’ve had a great response from it with floods of emails asking me which programs are good and which are bad. One of the most mentioned is Jeff “The Muscle Nerd” Anderson’s Program - Optimum Anabolics. You can read more about Jeff’s program here.

    Basically Jeff proposes that combining certain exercise protocols with a protein deficient diet (I know that sounds absolutely crazy) you will produce an Anabolic, Muscle building response like no other.

    Now Jeff’s program is pretty expensive at $97 dollars a pop – so many of the people who visit my site want my opinion - is this program really worth the money or is it just marketing hype?

    The truth is I can’t give an opinion – I’ve never read his book or followed his training principals. That’s going to change.

    I bought and printed out Jeff’s book and I can say it looks “interesting”, I’m still not sure if it’s good or bad though…and there is only one way to find out – starting on Monday I will be taking a short leave of absence from my personal fitness program and dedicating 12 weeks of solid hardcore grueling training to Mr. Anderson’s theory’s. And I would like you to join me as I put his program to the test.

    Over the next 12 weeks I will be updating my journal here with my lifts, training routine diet and progress so you can see the real time results of this training. I will also be doing a weekly video diary as well so you can examine the physical changes that take place.

    P.s. I've finished the book and have posted a full review on my webiste - you can read the full review here

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 775 ✭✭✭Boru.

    Sunday September 17, 2006

    Update – the diet layout and body composition are finished….

    Body Composition

    Height – 66.5 inches
    Total Bodyweight – 158.4lbs
    Body Fat – 13.2% to 14.2 %
    Hydration Levels – 59.1%
    Visceral Fat – 2
    Lean Muscle Mass – 129.2 lbs – 135.91 lbs
    Bone Weight - 6.8 lbs
    Metabolic Age – 16

    Body Measurements

    Neck – 14.1” / 36cm
    Shoulders – 45” / 114cm
    Chest – 41” / 104cm
    Bicep R. – 13.4” / 34cm
    Bicep L. – 12.8” / 32.5cm
    Forearm R. – 11” / 28cm
    Forearm L. – 11” / 28cm
    Wrist R & L. – 6.5” / 16.5cm
    Abs at Navel – 31” / 78.5 cm
    Hips at Iliac Crest 36” – 91.5cm
    Thigh R. – 23.5” / 65.5cm
    Thigh L. – 23.3” / 65cm
    Calf R. – 14” /36.5cm
    Calf L – 14” / 36.5cm

    Optimum Anabolic Diet – High Protein (3 weeks) Maximum Mass

    Ratio: Protein 20%, Carbs 40%, Fat 40%
    Total Calories – 2,940 per day.
    Post Workout Meal – 38.7g Protein, 100g Carbs, 30g Fat. Total; 824.8 kcal
    Per Remaining 5 Meals – 23.5g Protein, 37.98g Carbs, 19.77g Fat. Total; 422.85 kcal

    Supplements to be used

    Optimum Nutrition 100% Gold Standard Whey Protein
    Optimum Nutrition MRP
    Twin Lab Amino Fuel Anabolic Liquid

    Personal Impressions and Comments –

    The diet recommendations are amusing me. On my previous bulking phase when I went up to 173lbs at 9% body fat (before I got sick, and from which I have just recovered) I was taking in about 3200 calories in a Ratio of 35% Protein, 50% Carbs and 15% Fat for which I got great results, however the protein intake was perhaps slightly too high which stressed my kidneys perhaps too much leading to my recent illness. (That however is complete conjecture. There have been NO long term studies showing a detrimental effect on the kidneys with a high protein diet).

    I’m looking at this and thinking – man I’m going to be eating way too much food – I’ve a tiny stomach I can’t really eat all this, which is exactly what I thought last time and I was right. ;-)

    Anyway this has to be done.

    Here’s my previous Diet template for a 7 day period at 3200 Calories so you have fair Idea the level of detail I put into these things –


    I’m a firm believer in the old saying that failing to plan is planning to fail.

    Get your diet it right and everything else falls into place.

    This will last for three weeks and then I go through protein deprivation – I’ll explain that more when I get there.

    The workout –

    This is a 5 Day program – body part per day

    Monday – Shoulders
    Tuesday – Arms/Abs
    Wednesday - Legs
    Thursday - Back
    Friday – Chest / Abs

    Each body part will receive 6 Exercises in 3 Supersets, a total of 18 sets in week one per exercises session with the addition of one more set per exercise so it will be 24 sets a day in week 2 and then 30 a day in week 3.

    Week 1 starts with a 1 minute rest between exercise and a 2 minute rest between supersets.

    Well this is going to be fun….

    The Goals -

    To regain my lost 13lbs of muscle and pack on a few more for good measure! AT the end of week 14 I aim to be at 175-180lbs, 9% body fat and to be perfectly proportioned according to Golden Mean –

    Based on my 6.5” wrist

    Chest – 42.25”
    Waist – 29.575”
    Hips – 35.91”
    Biceps – 15.21”
    Forearms – 12.25”
    Thighs – 22.39”
    Calf’s 14.365”
    Neck – 15.63”

    Essentially I need to put on an inch on my neck and forearms, 2 on biceps and chest, cut my thighs and hips by an inch and 2 off my waist. No problem – I’ll probably easily beat those proportions, but we’ll see.

    Then and only then can I start walking around with my shirt off. :D

    Where did I get this diet and program? Optimum Anabolics. Take a look here.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,370 ✭✭✭BrianD3

    Boru. wrote:
    Body Composition

    Height – 66.5cm
    Short guy :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 775 ✭✭✭Boru.

    I was just checking to see if everyone was reading it thoroughly...:o

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 775 ✭✭✭Boru.

    Monday 18th September 2006

    Day 1 Week 1 - Workout Shoulders

    Superset 1

    Front Dumbbell Raise – 13.2 x 12, 17.6 x 10, 17.6 x 8
    Barbell Military Press – 44 x 12, 55 x 10, 55 x 8

    Superset 2

    Dumbbell Shrug – 27.5 x 12, 33 x 10, 55x 8
    Side Dumbbell Lateral Raise – 8.8 x 12, 13.2 x 10, 17.6 x 8

    Superset 3

    Rear Dumbbell Lateral Raise – 8.8 x 12, 13.2 x 10, 17.6x 8
    Arnold Presses – 13.2 x 12, 17.6x 10, 17.6 x 8

    All lifts are in lbs

    Notes and impressions

    Okay this buzzed by in the gym today – because of the quick change from exercise to exercise and the short breaks I didn’t really have much time to let my mind wander – which is great.

    I can safely say I have never in my personal or professional career have dedicated that much time to destroying part of my body. I do mean destroying – after the workout today I was shaking and spilling as I tried to prepare my post workout meal. Using loaded Isometrics I frequently hit that point in a matter of seconds – today I hit and sustained it for nearly 40 minutes.

    One of the nicer aspects of this program is the variety – sure I spent 40 minutes doing nothing but blasting my shoulders but each exercise was different and served to hit a different aspect of the deltoid muscles.

    Regarding he exercise choices themselves…I really liked the Arnold Press. They’re fun and the final rep or two was accompanied by that wonderful tingling sensation you get when you’re straining your muscles so hard you nearly stop the blood flow.

    Despite wearing a heavy jumper I could visibly see the shoulders screaming underneath – very satisfying.

    What was very interesting was observing how weak I am in certain ranges of motion – I don’t have good range of movement nor do the vital assisting muscles have the strength to support and allow a controlled movement. No where was this more visible than in the Rear Dumbbell Lateral Raises.

    I enjoyed the intensity. There’s something I find nearly redeeming and definitely gratifying in pushing oneself to a point of where you know most people would quite and then going – ha – you think that was tough watch this. One of my clients mentioned this morning – she said her friends wouldn’t believe how I am able to reduce a usually highly competent woman to a mass of quivering, shaking uncoordinated muscle in just a few minutes – but I have her doing far too much bless her – but she wants those Jennifer Aniston arms and Demi Moore Legs so she’s going to be left wrecked after every workout till she gets them (which should be in November).

    The weights were quite light in comparison to the usual people my size would use. I have found that the smaller the weight the easier it is for me to completely contract the muscle tissue – when you do that a pencil can feel like a ton weight. It was also important to maintain strict form – and I wouldn’t be much of trainer if I sacrificed proper form for the sake of my ego and a number my muscles can’t read.

    This is something I see a lot while training people – particularly in guys. They always choose a weight far too heavy to lift with strict technique. Less is sometimes more. With ladies it’s the opposite – go lift a damn heavier weight - you break a finger nail.

    As regards my feelings now – my shoulders are tired. It’s a nice tired. They not moving and seem to be in some sort of self satisfied relaxation. There’s the knowledge the have been sufficiently worked and I am sure they’ll be very sore tomorrow.

    All in all a very successful and satisfactory first day. I’m looking forward to tomorrow, but also I feel a slight pang of regret as my shoulders will only feel this 13 more times before the completion of the program. Then they have to go back to feeling the muscle splitting pain of my concentrated maximum lift program.

    Where did I get this program? Optimum Anabolics - Check it out here.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 775 ✭✭✭Boru.

    Tuesday 19th September 2006

    Day 2 Week 1

    I feel incredible this morning – only slight DOMS (Delayed Onset of Muscle Soreness). It’s not as bad as I usually get it on my normal lifting program. I’m pretty excited today. I’m a vain bastard at the best of times and scrutinize every inch of my physique. Today I’m back – I feel like Superman after flying through the sun. My body is crackling with Energy and I’m raring to go – and what has motivated this? – my shoulders!!!!

    Oh yes –they’re back! After one hard day’s training they’re back. They’re big, they’re beginning to show striation and more importantly I have my shoulder clefts back!!!! Oh Yes! Loving my frikin life! I then proceeded to dance for 5 minutes to show my appreciation for all things heavy and lift able!

    Hitting the gym in precisely 2 hours 49 minutes – can’t wait.

    Where did I get this program? Optimum Anabolics - Check it out here.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 775 ✭✭✭Boru.

    Day 2 Week 1

    Superset 1

    Dumbbell Concentration Curl; 22.2 x 12, 27.5 x 10, 27.5 x 8
    Twisting Dumbbell Kickback; 13.2 x 12, 17.6 x 10, 17.6x 8

    Superset 2

    Barbell Curls; 22.2 x 12, 30.8 x 10, 30.8 x 8
    Weighted Dips; 25 x12, 25 x 10, 15x 8

    Superset 3

    Bent Leg Crunch Bodyweight x 12, x 10, x 8
    Hanging Leg Raise Bodyweight x 12, x 10, x 8

    All lifts are in lbs

    Notes and impressions

    I was slightly disappointed today. Although I enjoyed working my bi’s and tri’s (I particularly enjoyed the Triceps Kickbacks – the ab work was lack luster. I’m used to treating my abs like any other muscle and training it with heavy weight. I have a particular fondness for cable pulls using the abs and weighted crunches.

    The abs and core are a major focus for me because of the Martial Arts – that’s where the strength of my technique comes from so it’s vital that it be in peak condition. In Japan they assess a warrior on his “Hara” – his ability to drive from the stomach (well if you believe the tourist martial arts mysticism that is). I prefer to associate it with science. Your body is a kinetic chain, only as strong as its weakest link. The abdomen connects the incredible strength of my legs to the lesser strength of my upper body allowing me to deliver an attack far beyond what my arms alone are capable of.

    On a Personal Note

    Today has been a strange day for me – it has reminded me again of the incredible duality present in fitness and training like that I describe. Often people train for aesthetic and social reasons – more people pay attention to a guy with a six pack and well toned muscles then to the guy with a beer belly. The same applies to women and I see them daily in the gym – those there to meet people and socialize, and I think that’s good in a way.

    But it all too often interferes with true training. People all too often sacrifice the intensity and testosterone release of a short workout in favor of a longer more relaxed training program filled with light chat. It’s a question of priority – do you focus on socialization or intense training? There’s nothing wrong with either but you must be aware of your decision so that you expect the appropriate results.

    (Of course you can have both – go an hour before your friends show up ;-), work your ass of and then chat)

    This decision further reminds me of the larger picture – you can get fit and have a social life, work, spend time with family and kids and enjoy a great looking physique and good health with only a few minutes of exercise a day.

    Or – you can choose to dedicate yourself to something bigger – the pursuit of physical perfection, of self discovery and understanding – the quest to find a boundary you can keep pushing further away.

    In my life I have tried to express the art of the human body and in so doing understand myself and it has been remarked on more than one occasion that my faith is fitness and my religion the realization of my potential. Training and fitness are for me two of the defining factors that fix my place in the world, that help me understand my role an place and I know no greater peace then when I have pushed myself to a breaking point, broken through it and in so doing through another preconception about myself. I’m in a constant state of wonder and surprise.

    But with that journey I have had to make choices, decisions that have affected my life. I choose not to a casual indulgence in a healthy lifestyle but to make it a core aspect of who I am. And just as I sacrifice a few minutes a day to exercise I choose also to remove those influences that are not productive to my goals, friends who would try and drag me down, relationships that would compromise my goals, and at times they are hard decisions.

    So today I asked myself an important question – why do I want to be fit and healthy? Why do I want to train? Ask yourself this question and it will define your training schedule, your goals, your methods and more. Every answer is acceptable from I just want to lose weight or enjoy the naughtier foods without piling on a load of flab; it may be the desire to fit into old clothes again, or to have a six pack. Whatever the reason, make sure of just one thing – that it’s the right thing for you and not placed there by social pressure – to quote one of my favorite movies, Dodgeball, “Hi there, I’m Joe, and I’m here to tell you’re perfect just the way you are”.

    Today my answer was - fitness is my life’s philosophy.

    What’s yours?

    Where did I get this program? Optimum Anabolics - Check it out here.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 775 ✭✭✭Boru.

    Wednesday, September 20, 2006

    Day 3 Week 1

    Superset 1

    Leg Ext; 44 (x 12), 55 (x 10), 77 (x 8)
    Leg Curl; 44 (x 12), 66 (x 10), 88(x 8)

    Superset 2
    Calf Raises; 88 (x 12), 132 (x 10), 154 (x 8)
    Stiff Leg Deadlift; 88 (x 12), 132 (x 10), 154 (x 8)

    Superset 3

    Seated Calf Raises; 33 (x 12), 55 (x 10), 55(x 8)
    Barbell Squat; 88 (x 12), 132 (x 10), 154 (x 8)

    All lifts are in lbs

    Notes and impressions


    Last night at 3am I woke up in a great deal of pain. My entire right bicep had gone into spasm and locked in a fully contracted position – my tendons were screaming and I couldn’t relax it. It was so bad I had to get an Acupuncture Needle and insert into the muscle and electrocute it in order to relax. (Lucky I’m an acupuncturists isn’t it).

    I can’t straighten out either of my arms and DOMS has kicked into to overdrive in my shoulders. About time. In a sick sort of way I’m happy I’m sore. So I head to the gym anyway because I never listen to my own advice and besides it’s a leg day…

    As you can see it was abysmal. I mean shockingly crap. I’m really frustrated by this. The gym A doesn’t have enough weight and this system is driving me nuts – it’s not intense enough – it doesn’t hurt enough and my legs are even close to being worked. I do 1700+ on my fricking leg press and apparently some stupid piddling little weight like 154lbs is going to develop my muscle tissue? Please.

    On the diet side, I feel bloated and nauseous the entire time. My body is beginning to reject the protein I’m taking in – my kidneys can’t take this. I’m spent my morning trying not to puke. Once again acupuncture comes to the rescue and I can reduce the effects of this, if I can hold out another two and half weeks I’ll be fine – no protein for 3 and then back on.

    Tomorrow’s back day –that should be better.

    Everyone has days like this – and more than anything I’m frustrated with myself, with my body’s inability to keep up with my demands – but you know what it will learn. It will do what I tell it to or I will kill myself trying. It moments like this, when I’m discouraged and frustrated that I re-watch Kurt Angle Promos. That mans drive and determination to exceed every physical limitation is nothing short of remarkable. Sure it’s unhealthy but it's still incredible and admirable.

    If Kurt Angle can win Olympic Gold on a broken neck, Lance Armstrong can win seven Tour de France’s coming back form multiple cancers and G’em can go through her extreme cut then who the hell am I to complain and about a tummy upset and a muscle cramp.

    If you’ll excuse me I have to verbally and mentally bitch slap myself.

    Where did I get this program? Optimum Anabolics - Check it out here.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 775 ✭✭✭Boru.

    Thursday 21st September 2006-09-21

    Day 4 Week 1

    Superset 1

    Hanging Row; 88 (x 12), 132 (x 10), 110 (x 8.)
    Wide Arm Lat; 66 (x 12), 88 (x 10), 77 (x 8.)

    Superset 2

    Twisting Dumbbells; 22 (x 12), 27.5 (x 10), 27.5 (x 8.)
    Chin Ups; 66 (x 12), 77 (x 10), 77 (x 8.)

    Superset 2

    Close Grip Cable Row; 49.5 (x 12), 55 (x 10), 60.5 (x 8.)
    Close Grip Lat Pull Down; 66 (x 12), 77 (x 10), 77 (x 8.)

    All lifts are in lbs

    Notes and impressions

    Today’s workout while good and certainly a workout for my back wasn’t a good idea. I finished it at 12 but am only now writing this entry at 18.00, 6 hours later. The reason, my biceps are allowing me very limited movement.

    On Tuesday I pushed myself too hard in my arms curls maintaining a very strict isometric tension throughout. A great workout but its left my arms racked in pain since. Both last night and the night before I’ve woken up with my arms (right first and then last night, my left) full cramped and really really painful. I used acupuncture to relieve the pain and went back to sleep.

    Today I again used Acupuncture to relieve the pain and allowed myself to work my back. All well and good except that my back required the use of my arms. I got through the workout fine, felt amazing in fact.

    My back was tight and I felt it bursting against my skin. Very satisfying. Even now I’m beginning to felt that seeping warmth and tiredness that accompanies an incredible lifting session.

    The problem is my arms are in bits. I can’t straighten either of them!!!! I’m actually muscle bound!!!! Not to worry however, there’s no major damage to the muscle it’s just very very bad DOMS. Now the problem presents itself, tomorrow is Chest day – Finally!!!! Except for the fact that my biceps are required for the flyes and press. Oh dear….

    Find out how I overcome this problem same Bat time – same Bat channel….

    Oh and a quote I hear today that got me thinking

    "Come to the edge", he said.
    They said, "We are afraid".
    "Come to the edge", he said.
    They came,
    He pushed them ...
    and they flew.
    - Guillamaume Apollianaire

    Where did I get this program? Optimum Anabolics - Check it out here.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 775 ✭✭✭Boru.

    Friday 22nd September 2006

    Day 5 Week 1

    Superset 1

    Dumbbell Fly; 22 (x 12), 27.5 (x 10), 27.5 (x 8.)
    Dumbbell Press; 22 (x 12), 27.5 (x 10), 27.5 (x 8.)

    Superset 2

    Incline Dumbbell Fly; 22 (x 12), 22 (x 10), 22 (x 8.)
    Incline Bench Press to Neck; 88 (x 12), 88 (x 10), 77 (x 8.)

    Superset 2

    Twisting Crunch; BW (x 12), BW (x 10), BW (x 8.)
    Hanging Knee Raises; BW (x 12), BW (x 10), BW (x 8.)

    All lifts are in lbs

    Notes and impressions

    I’m writing this in the post euphoria exhaustion that accompanies from a great workout. Today was fun – not only because it was an excellent and fully pec blasting workout but because I had people freaking out in the gym standing in huddled groups and wondering if they should approach me.

    Absolutely priceless.

    Following on from my biceps dilemma of yesterday I am delighted to say my powers of recuperation are near Wolverine like. Aside from a slight muscle ache I felt so amazing I went to lift heavy things.

    Today I practiced a relatively new exercise Incline Bench Press to the Neck. I firkin love this exercise. My chest felt super pumped, my arms felt like falling off and I hit fibers of my chest I’m convinced I’ve never felt before. This also resulted in the first freak out in the gym.

    I was practicing this in a smith machine for safety reasons, and failed on my very last rep. No longer able to slowly lower the weight it plummeted straight towards my Adams apple where the safety’s kicked in less than a cm from my neck. (Of course I had tested this before hand). When I swallowed my Adams apple pressed on the bar. As I lay there exhausted members of the gym staff hurried over to explain to me that what I was doing was not a real exercise. I listened patiently for a few seconds before pointing out I have more experience and qualifications then their collected staff and am more than capable of dealing with my selected weight in a safe and effective manner.

    I hurriedly moved on to my final few exercises and finished my workout in under 45 minutes. But on my way out the door I paused – I really wanted to shred my pecs so I decided to go for a max 1 rep static lift. Strolling over to the smith machine once more I placed the bar an inch below my strongest range of motion on the bench and then loaded the bar with every plate I could find.

    Having placed 405 lbs (over 2 and half times my bodyweight) on the bar I smugly watched it bend slightly, then slipped under and pressed it. Boom up it goes – hold for 7 seconds – and relax as my pecs freak out completely. I stand up, unload the plate and observe them gym staff and few members looking at me with astonishment. One brave staff member ventures out and asks quietly – how on earth I was able to lift that. Once again I am greatly amused by the “professional” lack of understanding. In an optimal range of motion the body is capable of lifting ridiculous amounts of weights to stimulate itself.

    Today marks the fifth and final day of weight lifting for week 1. – So far I’ve enjoyed it, aside from one or two dips. On Sunday we’ll see what results this has produced. Physically I can already see a difference. I’m pretty pleased. Two more weeks of this then protein deprivation here I come!

    Where did I get this program? Optimum Anabolics - Check it out here.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 775 ✭✭✭Boru.

    Sunday, September 24, 2006

    AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA YEAH BABY :D:D:D - Sorry about that, but I'm very happy with myself - check out why.

    Body Composition Current Difference

    Height – 66.5” 66.5” 0
    Total Bodyweight – 158.4lbs 164.2lbs +5.8lbs
    Body Fat – 13.2% to 14.2 % 13.7 – 14.4% +0.2%
    Hydration Levels – 59.1% 59.6% +0.5%
    Visceral Fat – 2 2
    Lean Muscle Mass – 129.2 lbs – 135.91 lbs 134lbs – 140.56lbs +4.8lbs
    Bone Weight - 6.8 lbs 6.8 lbs 0
    Metabolic Age – 16 14 -2

    Body Measurements Previous Current Difference

    Neck – 14.1” / 36cm 14.1” / 36cm 0
    Shoulders – 45” / 114cm 47.1” / 119.5cm +2.1”
    Chest – 41” / 104cm 41.4” / 105cm +0.4”
    Bicep R. – 13.4” / 34cm 13.7” / 35cm +0.3”
    Bicep L. – 12.8” / 32.5cm 13.1” / 33cm +0.3”
    Forearm R. – 11” / 28cm 11.3” / 29cm +0.3”
    Forearm L. – 11” / 28cm 11.3” / 29cm +0.3”
    Wrist R & L. – 6.5” / 16.5cm 6.5” / 16.5cm 0
    Abs at Navel – 31” / 78.5 cm 32” / 81cm +1” Hips at Iliac Crest 36” – 91.5cm 35” / 89cm -1”
    Thigh R. – 23.5” / 58.5cm 24.2” / 61 cm +0.7”
    Thigh L. – 23.3” / 58 cm 23.4” / 59cm +0.1”
    Calf R. – 14” /35.5cm 14.4” / 36.5 cm +0.4”
    Calf L – 14” / 35.5cm 14.4” / 36.5 cm +0.4”

    Total Improvement 5.3”

    Comments – I can’t believe this. I’ve gained 2 inches on my shoulders. I look weird. My top half is way too wide. My lab coat is uncomfortably tight. And I can’t stop flexing my shoulders in every reflective surface I pass. I can’t believe it.

    I’ve put on 4.8lbs of lean muscle in 7 days – that’s nuts. Even considering my previous muscle wastage that’s just stupid gains. I mean my chest and back are still in bits, my chest really really really hurts by the way and I couldn’t even open a jar of pesto for my mother. I can’t tense them without the shaking like a leaf in a hurricane. I can’t wait to see how much tissue I pack on there once they stop hurting. Same with the biceps. That’ll be real fun.

    I’m genuinely concerned I may be way too big by the end of this. Tomorrow is shoulders day once again and with an extra set for every exercise making that 6 extra sets. Wooo!!! Liking this. My quote for this week is a classic -

    “What ya gonna do? What ya gonna do brother, when the largest arms in the world and all my Hulkamaniacs run wild on YOU?”

    Do you want gains like this and to pack on a load of lean muscle tissue yourself? Then get this program - Optimum Anabolics - Check it out here.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 775 ✭✭✭Boru.

    Monday, September 25, 2006

    Day 1 Week 2 - Workout Shoulders

    Superset 1

    Internal Dumbbell Rotation –13.2 (x 12), 8.8 (x 10), 8.8 (x 10), 8.8 (x 8.)
    Arnold Presses – 13.2 (x 12), 13.2 (x 10), 13.2 (x 10), 17.6 (x 8.)

    Superset 2

    Dip Bar Shrug – BW (x 12), BW (x 10), BW (x 10), BW (x 8.)
    Dumbbell Lateral Raise – 8.8 (x 12), 13.2 (x 10), 13.2 (x 10), 17.6 (x 8.)

    Superset 3

    Front Raise – 13.2 (x 12), 13.2 (x 10), 13.2 (x 10), 17.6 (x 8.)
    Dumbbell Military Press – 13.2 (x 12), 13.2 (x 10), 13.2 (x 10), 17.6 (x 8.)

    All lifts are in lbs

    Notes and impressions

    OOWOWOWOWWOOWOWOWOW!!!! Son of A! Man this was a good workout. The weights were light but technique was spot on and my GOD my shoulders are sore. I mean even now just a few hours later, firkin sore! It’s great.

    I’m totally hyped from yesterdays weigh in and I’m looking to beat that this week. This week is gonna kick ass! WOO!

    On a calmer note – I’m missing running. I’m missing my dawn jogs and seeing the world wake up. I’m also a little concerned about the non lean muscle weight gain. I may reduce the calorie intake from carbs and fat. I’ll give another 3 weeks and go from there. It gets much harder next week so I may just need those calories. Hmmm…this requires more thought…

    Here’s to Bigger Biceps tomorrow!

    Do you want gains like this and to pack on a load of lean muscle tissue yourself? Then get this program - Optimum Anabolics - Check it out here.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 775 ✭✭✭Boru.

    Tuesday, September 26, 2006

    Superset 1

    Preacher Curls – 22 (x 12), 22 (x 10), 22 (x 10), 22 (x 8.)
    Dumbbell Kickbacks – 13.2 (x 12), 17.6 (x 10), 17.6 (x 10), 17.6 (x 8.)

    Superset 2

    Barbell Curls – 55 (x 12), 30.8 (x 10), 30.8 (x 10), 30.8 (x 8.)
    Close Grip Bench Press – 55 (x 12), 77 (x 10), 77 (x 10), 77 (x 8.)

    Superset 3

    Twist Crunch – BW (x 12), BW (x 10), BW (x 10), BW (x 8.)
    Hanging Leg Raise – BW (x 12), BW (x 10), BW (x 10), BW (x 8.)

    All lifts are in lbs

    Notes and impressions

    Today was an exquisite experience. Now granted that’s not a word you hear often in the world of weight lifting, but it fits with today’s workout. As I was curling away, pumping the blood through my biceps and creating that micro trauma that results in huge growth I felt my arms getting tighter and tighter. Then I’d switch seconds later and work my triceps and stretch out the previously worked muscles at the same time.

    I did this repeatedly for a total of 160 repetitions. My arms were bulging - they were huge, temporarily inflated by the amount of blood and water being channeled through the muscle tissue. I felt tight and toned, my skin seemingly straining to contain the mass of muscle in my arms. It felt incredible.

    The raw power involved and the satisfaction of working any aspect of the body to a new level fatigue and development is unique to resistance training. And it is an experience that cannot be adequately described to someone who has not pushed the boundaries of they’re physical limits.

    As my arms dangled, exhausted I reflected as the dull warm ache of muscle fatigue creepy upon me that it is a privilege to exercise. From the earliest days of society and civilization man has sent he benefit in the cultivation of the human body, the Egyptians through to the Greeks to Victorian England and today all understood the vital importance of exercise – not just for the physical benefits it brings (ever more important in today’s health conscious society), but for the sheer pleasure of it.

    We are each of us gifted with a human body and a mind with which to use it. We each have the opportunity to make the most of those gifts. Learn study and grow. Build a body worthy of you. The human body recreates itself completely over the course of 6 months. New skin cells, new hair cells, new DNA every six months. The body is in a constant state of creation and you have the power to direct and control that creation.

    You have the ability to create yourself – who do you want to be and how do you want your physique to reflect that. I choose to express myself in the movement and study of the martial arts, others do so in the development of muscle mass, still others in the grace and fluidity of a craft …however you choose to express yourself do so with the best possible tools – train your body to respond to each command and demand you place upon it. Get fitter, get stronger, become more flexible and enjoy the exponential increase in the options of your expression.

    (My apologies if this is overly metaphysical, but I do have a degree in philosophy and am thus cursed with trying to find the deeper meaning in lifting weights ;-))

    Do you want gains like this and to pack on a load of lean muscle tissue yourself? Then get this program - Optimum Anabolics - Check it out here.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 775 ✭✭✭Boru.

    Wednesday, September 27, 2006

    Day 3 Week 2 – Legs Workout

    Superset 1

    Leg Ext; 55(x 12), 77 (x 10), 88 (x 10), 110 (x 8)
    Leg Curl; 66 (x 12), 88 (x 10), 99 (x 10), 99 (x 8)

    Superset 2
    Calf Raises; 88 (x 12), 110 (x 10), 110 (x 10), 132 (x 8)
    Deadlift; 88 (x 12), 110 (x 10), 110 (x 10), 132 (x 8)

    Superset 3

    Seated Calf Raises; 88 (x 12), Stopped Immediately
    Barbell Squat; 132 (x 12). – Stopped Immediately

    All lifts are in lbs

    Notes and impressions

    I didn’t want to do this workout. I’d just finished training 3 clients back to back and damn near killing them in their sessions. Pushing people to their limits takes a great deal of energy, although it does offer incredible job satisfaction. Today was particularly intense for everyone. By the end of it they were exhausted and happy, the endorphins of exercise happily flowing – I was just tired. As I left I didn’t want to motivate myself to do the workout. I thought, eh I’ll skip it, my legs are fine, I’ve hard a long day, I’m tired. All I wanted to do was go home and settle down with a good book.

    I stopped and caught this dangerous thinking. Knowing when to take a break is not the same as giving yourself permission to not push yourself when you need to. A lesson I had just spent three hours reinforcing. What kind of a trainer would I be if I shirked my responsibility, not to my clients to stay in shape and in great physical condition, but to myself?

    If I give in to that desire to quit – it tells me something about my character.

    It tells me I quit when I don’t have to. It tells me that I would rather take the easy option than the worthwhile one. It tells me that I do not have the belief in my own principals and statements. It tells me about a man I do not want to be.

    So I went to the gym, in the pouring rain to a workout I didn’t have the energy or motivation to do. Not out of guilt, but out of a sense of pride in myself and my standards.
    Something that perhaps is missing in a few of the people I have met. But I’ll leave that to a later update.

    I have never been so glad of making that decision.

    By the time I left he changing room I was on fire. I was ready to lift heavier, with better technique and to beat the memory of last week’s poor leg workout into the ground. And I did. My legs felt pumped, tight and worked.

    That said you will note that on the last Superset I stopped after the first set. This is because on the 8th repetition of my barbell squats I felt my right tweak - a slight but definite sharp momentary pain. I finished the set and called it a day. I didn’t push though the pain. I didn’t try to prove some macho self impressing point to let everyone not paying the slightest bit of attention to me how tough I am. I stopped. Now that may seem like the action of a quitter – but that is one of the differences between when I was an ignorant amateur and a professional.

    It’s a question of responsibility and professionalism. You must be responsible for pushing yourself to do the workouts you don’t want to do. To be responsible for your actions or lack thereof determines your physique, your belief and your character. Being responsible enough to say that’s enough and not try to prove a point is also. I could have continued and worked through it and substantially increased the risk of injury and then lack of gains and failure to make meet my goals.

    Take responsibility for your condition. Once you accept that, there are no more boundaries, no more set backs - Only changes and choices.

    Do you want gains like this and to pack on a load of lean muscle tissue yourself? Then get this program - Optimum Anabolics - Check it out here.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 775 ✭✭✭Boru.

    Thursday, September 28

    Day 4 Week 2 - Back

    Superset 1

    Machine Row; 44 (x 12), 66 (x 10), 88 (x 8.), 99 (x 8.)
    Wide Arm Lat; 66 (x 12), 77 (x 10), 88 (x 8.), 99 (x 8.)

    Superset 2

    Twisting Dumbbells; 27.5 (x 12), 27.5 (x 10), 33 (x 8.), 33 (x 8.)
    Chin Ups; 66 (x 12), 77 (x 10), 77 (x 8.), 77 (x 8.)

    Superset 2

    Close Grip Machine Row; 44 (x 12), 66 (x 10), 88 (x 8.), 99 (x 8.)
    Close Grip Lat Pull Down; 66 (x 12), 77 (x 10), 88 (x 8.), 99 (x 8.)

    All lifts are in lbs

    Notes and impressions

    Slight irritation as half the gym was closed off and the gym bunnies, the girls who attend the gym in flawless make up and practice posing and pouting over lifting and working seemingly decided to call a major conference between their colleagues at every station I needed. Very very annoying. I wouldn’t mind if they were using it to ,lift weights, they are as entitled as I am, but it was gossip central today so I needed to modify things a little. Grr. Arg.

    Do you want gains like this and to pack on a load of lean muscle tissue yourself? Then get this program - Optimum Anabolics - Check it out here.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 775 ✭✭✭Boru.

    Friday, September 29, 2006

    Day 5 Week 2 – Chest and Abs

    Superset 1

    Dumbbell Fly; 22 (x 12), 27.5 (x 10), 27.5 (x 8.), 33 (x 8.)
    Dumbbell Press; 22 (x 12), 27.5 (x 10), 33 (x 8.), 38.5 (x 8.)

    Superset 2
    Incline Dumbbell Fly; 27.5 (x 12), 22 (x 10), 22 (x 8.), 22 (x 8.)
    Incline Bench Press to Neck; 66 (x 12), 66 (x 10), 66 (x 8.), 66 (x 8.)

    Superset 3

    Twist Crunch; BW (x 12), BW (x 10), BW (x 8.), BW (x 8.)
    Hanging Knee Raise; BW (x 12), BW (x 10), BW (x 8.), BW (x 8.)

    All lifts are in lbs

    Notes and impressions

    Week two is over. All in all I enjoyed it. Although I lifted more weight per exercise, I felt this week go by faster and felt it was far easier. I was less sore, though as I write this I can feel a twinge in my calves, hamstrings and triceps to remind me that perhaps I am being a bit too liberal with that statement.

    Today’s Chest exercise was interesting – I hadn’t recovered sufficiently. The Pecs found at the top of my chest were extremely sore and tender and this necessitated dropping the individual weight from last week. I found it hard, and by the end completely impossible to adequately contract any of my chest muscle.

    Consulting the book this program is taken from it appears to be appropriate. I should just be entering a stage of overtraining which the third week, which I shall affectionately refer to as HELL week, is going to crank into overdrive.

    The theory on this is that in promoting a gradual build up to a very overtrained state that the body will Hyper Compensate and produce vast amounts of testosterone and build huge amounts of muscle. Well see shortly, though I have to say the results are impressive so far.

    Do you want gains like this and to pack on a load of lean muscle tissue yourself? Then get this program - Optimum Anabolics - Check it out here.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,754 ✭✭✭Odysseus

    Great stuff Boru, really enjoy reading this, however, tbh I don'y understand the weight lifts, just not my thing. Yet, I can clearly see that you are pushing yourself, and that is what I like to see. I'm looking forward to your experience of "hell week";) I'm sure your aware of the qoute from Henry V "all things be ready if our minds be so".

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 775 ✭✭✭Boru.

    Hi Odysseus,

    Thanks for the kind words. Coming form a dedicated fitness enthusiast like yourself it is very much appreciated. I'm glad your enjoying it. :)

    The weights breakdown is bit confusing. Eseential the first number repretents the weight I lifted in lbs. The second number in the brakets is how many times I lifted that weight.

    The reason I record the weight in lbs is becasue I like comparing it to my body weight. I can easily look at each number and determine what percentage of my bodyweight I can lift. I'm a huge bodyweight resistence enthusiast and always have it in the back of mind.

    As for hell you remember the first few days of Jim's course where the guys who didn't train regularly came in the next after Defensive Tactcis and Ground Survival and they couldn't move they were so sore and stiff ;):D ? Well I figure by the end of next week I'll feel like they looked! :D (Lads If any of you read this I'm sorry but ye'd be the first to admit it!)

    I'm mentally psyched for it though - can't be as bad the Israeli Boiler Room drill..right? :eek:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 775 ✭✭✭Boru.

    Sunday, October 01, 2006

    Body Composition
    Previous, Current, Difference

    Height – 66.5”, 0
    Total Bodyweight –164.2lbs, 162.2lbs, -2lbs
    Body Fat – 13.7 – 14.4%, 13.0 - 14%, - 0.4-0.7%
    Hydration Levels – 59.6%, 60.1%, +0.5%
    Visceral Fat – 2, 2, 0
    Lean Muscle Mass – 134lbs – 140.5lbs, 139.8 lbs -141.4lbs, + 5.8lbs
    Bone Weight - 6.8 lbs, 6.8 lbs, 0
    Metabolic Age –14, 14, 0

    Body Measurements
    Previous, Current, Difference

    Neck – 14.1” / 36cm, 14.1” / 36cm, 0
    Shoulders – 47.1” / 119.5cm, 48” / 122cm, +0.9” / 2.5cm
    Chest – 41.4” / 105cm, 41.3” / 104cm, -0.1” / 1cm
    Bicep R. - 13.7” / 35cm, 13.8” / 35.5cm, +0.1” / 0.5cm
    Bicep L. – 13.1” / 33cm, 13.2” / 33.5cm, +0.1” / 0.5cm
    Forearm R. – 11.3” / 29cm, 12” / 30.5 cm, +0.7” / 1.5cm
    Forearm L. – 11.3” / 29cm, 12” / 30.5 cm, +0.7” / 1.5cm
    Wrist R & L. – 6.5” / 16.5cm, 6.5” / 16.5cm, 0
    Abs at Navel – 32” / 81cm, 32” / 81cm, 0
    Hips at Iliac Crest - 35” / 89cm, 35” / 89cm, 0
    Thigh R. – 24.2” / 61 cm, 24.6” / 62 cm, +0.4” / 1cm
    Thigh L. – 23.4” / 59cm, 24.0” / 61cm, +0.6” / 1.5cm
    Calf R. –14.4” / 36.5 cm, 15” / 38 cm, +0.6” / 1.5cm
    Calf L –14.4” / 36.5 cm, 14.8” / 37cm, +0.4” / 0.5cm

    Total Improvement 4.4”

    Now this is interesting. You’ll note that my overall weight has actually dropped by 2lbs, however, my body fat has also dropped and my lean muscle mass has shot upwards. Wooo!!! Now normally I’d be a little more suspicious of the scales readings if it weren’t for my reflection in the mirror.

    There is substantial difference - not only from my perspective but, more importantly, from another perspective entirely.

    A good friend of mine and incredible masseuse offered to give me a thorough going over for preparation for Hell Week starting on Monday. I graciously accepted. Now she hasn’t seen me since I started this program. When I took off my shirt her jaw actually dropped. She couldn’t get over the fact that my shoulders and back had widened so much and that my chest was so much more defined along with my abs.

    This awe of my physique quickly turned to complaint as she found it extremely hard to work with my body – it had as she put it “turned to warm marble”. Of course I was delighted with this.

    The largest improvements have been in shoulders and back nearly adding another inch to my frame! Also the extra inch on my forearms has not gone un-notice and in comparison to my tiny wrists they are beginning to look quite impressive. Finally I’m fairly pleased with my claves as well. Not as defined as G’em’s but I’m slowly gaining.

    One last comment I’d like to share – She asked me when I was planning on stopping the program. I replied not for another 12 weeks, at which point she kind of looked worried. When I asked her about this she simply said – because you’ll be too big to work with. How cool is THAT!!!!

    Do you want gains like this and to pack on a load of lean muscle tissue yourself? Then get this program - Optimum Anabolics - Check it out here.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 775 ✭✭✭Boru.

    Monday, October 02, 2006

    Day 1 Week 3 - Workout Shoulders

    Superset 1

    Internal Dumbbell Rotation –13.2 (x 12), 8.8 (x 10), 8.8 (x 10), 8.8 (x 8.)
    Dumbbell Military Press – 13.2 (x 12), 13.2 (x 10), 13.2 (x 10), 17.6 (x 8.)

    Superset 2

    Rear Dumbbell Raise – BW (x 12), BW (x 10), BW (x 10), BW (x 8.)
    Dumbbell Lateral Raise – 8.8 (x 12), 13.2 (x 10), 13.2 (x 10), 17.6 (x 8.)

    Superset 3

    Front Raise – 13.2 (x 12), 13.2 (x 10), 13.2 (x 10), 17.6 (x 8.)
    Arnold Presses – 13.2 (x 12), 13.2 (x 10), 13.2 (x 10), 17.6 (x 8.)

    All lifts are in lbs

    Notes and impressions


    Today was an experience and a half. Today my workouts shifted to the realm of stupidity as I added in another set of 15 reps, meaning one single body part was put through 318 Repetitions! What’s more I had a total of 30 seconds in which to recover between exercises. That was just enough time to frantically grab the next weight and swill some water around my mouth and then BAM right into it.

    After the third set on the second superset I crossed the pain threshold. By this I mean I was sore, to point where I physically couldn’t take it anymore – and then nothing. Total mental oblivion. There was no fatigue, no pain, just the movement. Perfect form, perfect breath.

    This is something I regularly experienced in the dojo. We would be drilled relentlessly repetition after repetition. Punch after punch, kick after kick. Kata after kata, until our limbs and minds were exhausted by the ordeal – then the training takes over. The only sound you here is your own breath and that voice – always at the same intensity screaming at you ONE MORE, and the battle cry of the Japanese Karateka
    Gambarai Masho!” (meaning fight on!), echoing in an empty hall.

    It seems like a lifetime ago when I last experienced that. There is an incredible peace that I find difficult to explain when you push past that point. Past the burning, past the pain to a place called mushin no shin, a state of no mind. Everything fades away. There is no worry about work, family, friends, obligations – none of it exists. There is only the movement of that moment, the breath.

    I finished my final rep and suddenly like a dam bursting the pain floods in. By the time I made the short walk to the changing rooms DOMS had already set in. As I sat immediately trying to re-feed and stuffing myself with protein carbs and fat, my arms trembled with the miniscule weight of my protein shaker.

    I didn’t realize how much I had missed that feeling of nothingness. This workout was incredibly hard, but, it has done more than exercised my muscles and tendons – it has in a way exorcised my doubts and my fear that perhaps I would fail in doing this. Today I am incredible grateful for my sensei’s teachings.

    Do you want gains like this and to pack on a load of lean muscle tissue yourself? Then get this program - Optimum Anabolics - Check it out here.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 775 ✭✭✭Boru.

    OOOOKAYYYY! The endorphins have kicked in huge time - I'm like high as a kite right now!!! Man this is fantastic - I'm so hyper - I'm running aorund the house like a lunatic going WOOOOO! at the top of m voice ala Rick Flair.

    I was even able to capture on VIDEO exactly how I feel right now...check it out...

    See the bit where he gets hit by lightening and turns into a huge muscle man with a tan - that's exactly how I feel right now - except I have a better haircut.

    Oh yes

    THE POWER!!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 775 ✭✭✭Boru.

    Tuesday, October 03, 2006

    Day 2 Week 3 - Workout Back

    Superset 1

    Preacher Curls – 22 (x 12), 22 (x 10), 22 (x 8), 22 (x 8.), 17.6 (15)
    Dumbbell Kickbacks – 13.2 (x 12), 17.6 (x 10), 17.6 (x 8), 17.6 (x 8.), 13.2 (15)

    Superset 2

    Barbell Curls – 30.8 (x 12), 30.8 (x 10), 30.8 (x 8), 30.8 (x 8.), 22 (x15)
    Close Grip Bench Press – 77 (x 12), 77 (x 10), 77 (x 8), 77 (x 8.), 44 (x15)

    Superset 3

    Twist Crunch – BW (x 12), BW (x 10), BW (x 8), BW (x 8.), BW(x15)
    Hanging Leg Raise – BW (x 12), BW (x 10), BW (x 8), BW (x 8.), BW(x15)

    Notes - See Friday

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 775 ✭✭✭Boru.

    Wednesday, October 04, 2006

    Day 3 Week 3 - Workout Legs

    Superset 1

    Leg Ext; 77 (x 12), 88 (x 10), 99 (x 8), 110 (x 8), 77 (x15)
    Leg Curl; 77 (x 12), 88 (x 10), 99 (x 8), 110 (x 8), 77 (x15)

    Superset 2

    Calf Raises; 99 (x 12), 99 (x 10), 99 (x 8), 99 (x 8), 88 (x15)
    Deadlift; 99 (x 12), 99 (x 10), 99 (x 8), 99 (x 8), 88 (x15)

    Superset 3

    Not performed

    All lifts are in lbs

    Quick Note
    – really annoyed with my right knee. Again too much strain left me feeling that squats would do more harm then good so I skipped this final superset. Also having to switch from exercise to exercise leaves very little time to change weights – so I didn’t. This left my deadlifts quite short of what I felt could have been achieved.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 775 ✭✭✭Boru.

    Thursday, October 05, 2006

    Day 4 Week 3 - Back

    Superset 1

    Machine Row; 44 (x 12), 66 (x 10), 88 (x 8.), 99 (x 8.), 88 (x15)
    Wide Arm Lat; 66 (x 12), 77 (x 10), 88 (x 8.), 99 (x 8.), 88 (x15)

    Superset 2
    Twisting Dumbbells; 27.5 (x 12), 27.5 (x 10), 33 (x 8.), 33 (x 8.), 27.5 (x15)
    Chin Ups; 66 (x 12), 77 (x 10), 77 (x 8.), 77 (x 8.), 66 (x15)

    Superset 2
    Close Grip Machine Row; 44 (x 12), 66 (x 10), 88 (x 8.), 99 (x 8.), 88 (x15)
    Close Grip Lat Pull Down; 66 (x 12), 77 (x 10), 88 (x 8.), 99 (x 8.), 88 (x15)

    All lifts are in lbs

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 775 ✭✭✭Boru.

    Friday, October 06, 2006

    Day 5 Week 3 – Chest and Abs

    Superset 1

    Dumbbell Fly; 22 (x 12), 27.5 (x 10), 27.5 (x 8.), 33 (x 8.), 17.6 (x15)
    Dumbbell Press; 22 (x 12), 27.5 (x 10), 33 (x 8.), 38.5 (x 8.) 17.6 (x15)

    Superset 2
    Incline Dumbbell Fly; 17.6 (x 12), 22 (x 10), 22 (x 8.), 22 (x 8.), 17.6 (x15)
    Incline Bench Press to Neck; 66 (x 12), 88 (x 10), 88 (x 8.), 88 (x 8.), 66 (x15)

    Superset 3

    Twist Crunch; BW (x 12), BW (x 10), BW (x 8.), BW (x 8.), BW (x15)
    Hanging Knee Raise; BW (x 12), BW (x 10), BW (x 8.), BW (x 8.), BW (x15)

    All lifts are in lbs

    Notes and impressions

    As may have been noted there has been no daily update this week. Hell week has earned its name – not just from a physical lifting sense but also from a psychological and sociological point of view.

    The workouts have been brutal. The last 15 on each set is exhausting and more than anything has taken its toll on my mind. The mental effort to continue to contract a muscle when it has turned to complete jelly is hard, as is the realization that you have to do it again in the morning.

    Each workout left me completely wiped out. After the post workout meal I’d retire to my new rooms and put up the treatment in progress sign, stick in a few needles and fall asleep. As a result I have had little in the way of DOMS. If I worked a 9-5 job I could do this program, but it would take a huge commitment and the complete rearrangement of life for the course of the workouts. This may not be a practical training system for many between obligations of work and family.

    Starting the new clinic this week was also not great timing. With rushing between the two clinics and with my personal training commitments I can safely say I have allowed my diet to falter. I’m by no meanings feasting on Mc Donald’s, but the meal timing has been off and I haven’t managed to take in as many calories as I needed to from the right sources.

    So what does one do when that happens? Quit and say well I screwed up what’s the point? No, you reaffirm, rededicate and do better next week.

    In other news, a close friend may be very sick, and I am concerned and troubled by this. On the other side of that equation I recently reconnected with someone I hadn’t quite got to grips with as of late, and I’m hopeful that a new and stronger friendship will be formed. Another friend received a well deserved promotion, while yet another had a job fall through. Life is full of ups and downs, trial and tests. Most of which we impose on ourselves. Finding a balance between all these forces competing for your time and attention can distract you from what’s important and what you want, as it has with me this week.

    With this in mind I will be re-augmenting my diet for next week as I enter a new phase of the Optimum Anabolics program called Hyper Adaptation. This week is much easier. Only three sets per exercise, and 1 minute breaks between the exercises and 3 minutes in between the Supersets – lovely.:D

    I’ve also decided to add in some cardio. I miss it too much and I recently discussed it with the programs creator Jeff Anderson and he’s says its fine on condition it is spaced more than four hours apart.

    I’ll also be re-introducing my extreme flexibility work trying to recapture the double jointed bendiness of my youth. Ideally I want to perform the road kill split again and to have my shoulders completely opened out for when I next see Emmet.

    I’ll have a full write up of these new training regimes in the next day or so. In the meantime – it’s a beautiful windy day an’ my running boots are a callin’.
