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The Pro-Log (Optimum Anabolics Test)



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 775 ✭✭✭Boru.

    Sunday, October 08, 2006

    Body Composition

    Previous, Current,Difference

    Height – 66.5”, 66.5”, 0
    Total Bodyweight –162.2lbs, 160lbs, -2
    Body Fat – 13.0 - 14%, 13.0 - 14%, 0
    Hydration Levels –60.1%, 60.1%, 0
    Visceral Fat – 2, 2, 0
    Lean Muscle Mass – 139.8 lbs -141.4lbs, 138lbs - 140lbs, - 1.4 - 1.8
    Bone Weight - 6.8 lbs, 6.8 lbs, 0
    Metabolic Age –14, 14, 0

    Body Measurements

    Previous, Current, Difference

    Neck – 14.1” / 36cm, 14.1” / 36cm, 0
    Shoulders – 48” / 122cm, 48.3/ 122.5, +0.3” / 0.5cm
    Chest – 41.3” / 104cm, 40”/ 101.5cm ,- 1.3” / 2.5cm
    Bicep R. - 13.8” / 35.5cm, 13.8” / 35.5cm, 0”
    Bicep L. –13.2” / 33.5cm, 13.4” / 34cm, +0.2” / 0.5cm
    Forearm R. –12” / 30.5 cm, 12.4” / 31.1 cm, +0.4”/ 1.1cm
    Forearm L. –12” / 30.5 cm, 12.2” / 31 cm, +0.2” / 1cm
    Wrist R & L. –6.5” / 16.5cm, 6.5” / 16.5cm, 0
    Abs at Navel –32” / 81cm, 30.5” / 77.5cm, 1.5” / 3.5cm
    Hips at Iliac Crest - 35” / 89cm, 35” / 89cm, 0
    Thigh R. –24.6” / 62 cm, 25” / 63.5cm, +0.6” / 1.5cm
    Thigh L. –24.0” / 61cm, 24.7” / 62.5cm, +0.7” / 1.5cm
    Calf R. – 15” / 38 cm, 14.7” / 37.5 cm, -0.3” / 0.5cm
    Calf L – 14.8” / 37cm, 14.5” / 36.5cm, -0.3” / 0.5cm

    Total Improvement - 1”

    Now these measurements are interesting. I’m not hugely concerned about the muscle loss. Hell week was structured so as to induce catabolism, muscle wastage, and over training, so as to produce a hyper adaptive response next week. These figures confirm that I pushed too hard and that some muscle has been lost. When the figures were taken I was by no means recovered from any of the previous workouts. It’s interesting to note that the scales also indicate my percentage body fat has increased, though the actual pounds of fat have decreased. This is because of a lower percentage muscle tissue.

    Upon photographic inspection there is still noticeable improvement, though my muscle does appear quite flat, a mixture of over training and poor dietary choices this week and fluid uptake are to blame.

    Over the course of the next three weeks I will be cutting my calories by 300 a day, taken form carb and fat sources. Protein will remain the same. This may hamper the muscle building progress of next week, but will certainly facilitate increased fat burning as I add in my additional cardio. The goal is to be down to around 9% within by the end of the next three weeks, while maintaining my current muscle mass or even adding a few pounds.

    I’m not far off my ideal measurements, only a few inches to add to the chest and 1 on the biceps and I’ll be quite happy. As it stands I’m delighted at the drop of the inch from my waist line. It's emphasized the wider shoulders so much more and now provides an incredibly athletic taper towards my hips. Its all one lovely lean curve inwards no oblique fat insight, no love handles just perfect.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 775 ✭✭✭Boru.

    Monday, October 09, 2006

    Day 1 Week 4 - Workout Shoulders.

    Superset 1

    Internal Dumbbell Rotation; 22 (x12), 27.5 (x10), 22 (x8.)
    Twisting Dumbbell Military Press; 22 (x12), 27.5 (x10), 22 (x8.)

    Superset 2

    Rear Cable Lateral Raise; 8.25 (x12), 8.25 (x10), 8.25(x8.)
    Cross Cable Lateral Raise; 5.5 (x12), 5.5 (x10), 5.5 (x8.)

    Superset 3

    Dumbbell Shrug; 55 (x12), 66(x10), 66 (x8.)
    Arnold Presses; 17.6 (x12), 22 (x10), 22 (x8.)

    All lifts are in lbs

    Cardio –

    6.00am; Brisk Walk 60 minutes HR Avg, 128bpm
    8.00pm; High Intensity Jog – 45 Minutes, HR from 119-190 cycled every 5 minutes.

    Notes and impressions

    My lord was that satisfying. Some new exercises and more importantly lovely long 3 minute rest periods between Supersets that let me soak in the pain. MMmmm…All in all I was quite pleased with this. Shoulders felt tight, but more importantly my flipping chest was nearly ripping through my top. I’ve either gotten bigger since I measured myself, a distinct possibility, or my clothes have suddenly shrunk. Interesting…..

    On a dietary note I’ve now restricted myself to 2,464 kcal diet in a 25% Protein, 37.5% fat, carb breakdown.

    Huge problem getting in fat. Never though I’d say that. By the end of that day had taken in an excess of 55kcal. Shame on me.

    It’s great to be doing cardio again. Seeing the sun rise, the world wake and knowing I’ve already achieved one of my goals before anyone else is coherent does make me feel real good. (Arrogant and egotistical, but fulfilling). It’s funny cause I don’t think I’m the only one. I passed by an early morning jogger, our eyes meet briefly and there seemed to be a shared affirmation, “thank god not everyone does this, it would ruin the view”.

    On days like this I wake up and feel I own the world. That I have only to reach out to touch the tops of the trees and simply can breathe in all the power of the rising sun.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 775 ✭✭✭Boru.

    Tuesday, October 10, 2006

    Day 2 Week 4 - Workout Arms.

    Superset 1

    Dumbbell Concentration Curl; 22 (x12), 27.5 (x10), 27.5(x8.)
    Twisting Dumbbell Kickback; 17.6 (x12), 22 (x10), 22 (x8.)

    Superset 2

    Ez Bar Curl; 33 (x12), 22 (x15), 27.5(x11.)
    Close Grip Bench; 77 (x12), 82.5 (x10), 93.5 (x8.)

    Superset 3

    Bent Leg Crunch; BW (x12), BW (x10), BW (x8.)
    Lying Leg Raise; BW (x12), BW (x10), BW (x8.)

    All lifts are in lbs

    Cardio –

    Planned - 8.00pm; Brisk Walk 60 minutes HR Avg, 128bpm

    Notes and impressions

    Many of you who have meet me will have picked up on a certain theme – Batman. I love Batman comics, the movies, the lot. Now today I felt something I wasn’t entirely comfortable with, I felt like that insufferable Boy Scout – SUPERMAN. As I contecntrated on my curls and felt the sinew strength and surge of blood coursing through my biceps I felt as hard as steel. My forearms felt tight like coiled steel cables supporting a lift, my triceps like solid enough to shatter a baseball bat. Man I love the pump.

    I was a little disappointed though. The bent ;leg crunch didn’t come up to par – I still don’t like the ab protocols from this system – weighted cable crunches for me any day. Ah well...looking forward to my jog this evening and then into some stretching work...which yes, I know, I still have to post.

    Busy day tomorrow so extra special attention MUST be paid to the diet!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 775 ✭✭✭Boru.

    Sunday, October 29, 2006

    Body Composition

    Previous, Current, Difference

    Height – 66.5”, 66.5”, 0
    Total Bodyweight –162.2lbs, 158.8 lbs, - 3.4lbs
    Body Fat – 13.0 - 14%, 12.1 -12.8%, - 0.2 – 1.9%
    Hydration Levels –60.1%, 60.6%, 0.5%
    Visceral Fat – 2, 2, 0
    Lean Muscle Mass – 139.8 lbs -141.4lbs, 138. 5 - 139.8lbs, 0 - -1.6lbs
    Bone Weight - 6.8 lbs, 7.0 lbs, +0.2
    Metabolic Age –14, 12, -2

    Body Measurements
    Previous, Current, Difference

    Neck – 14.1” / 36cm, 14.1” / 36cm, 0
    Shoulders – 48.3/ 122.5, 47” / 199.5cm, - 1.3” / 3cm
    Chest – 40”/ 101.5cm, 41” / 104.1cm, + 1” / 2.6cm
    Bicep R. - 13.8” / 35.5cm, 13.5” / 34.4cm, - 0.3” / 1.1cm
    Bicep L. – 13.4” / 34cm, 13” / 33cm, -0.4” / 1cm
    Forearm R. – 12.4” / 31.1 cm, 12.5” / 31.8cm, +0.1”/0.7cm
    Forearm L. – 12.2” / 31 cm, 12.2” / 31 cm, 0
    Wrist R & L. – 6.5” / 16.5cm, 6.5” / 16.5cm, 0
    Abs at Navel – 30.5” / 77.5cm, 30.5” / 77.5cm, 0
    Hips at Iliac Crest - 35” / 89cm, 34.4” / 87cm, - 0.6” / 2cm
    Thigh R. – 25” / 63.5cm, 24.4” / 61.5cm, - 0.6” / 2cm
    Thigh L. – 24.7” / 62.5cm, 24” / 61cm, - 0.7” / 1.5cm
    Calf R. – 14.7” / 37.5 cm, 14.5” / 36cm, - 0.2” / 1.5cm
    Calf L – 14.5” / 36.5cm, 14.5” /36.5cm, 0

    Total Improvement - 1

    Haven't updated in a while due to illness - apologies, see below.

    Once again I made that most fatal of errors in fitness, that of thinking I somehow don’t follow the rules of biology….having recovered from my cold all of a day I decided I was far too restless and needed to some light exercise.

    Tuesday evening I went for a “light jog” that became 45 minutes HIT sprinting on my KJ’s. While I felt fantastic at the time due to the runners high and endorphin release I woke the next day in absolute agony.

    I hadn’t fully recovered from that cold, and the run had completely over taxed my system with the high protein diet. I crashed very badly.

    I woke with severe stomach cramps at around 5am and spent the next three hours running in and out of the bathroom alternating between chronic constipation and violent diarrhea. Juts to explain this – the diet had overtaxed my kidneys which were beginning to stress out leading to a weakened immune system – several of the cysts growing on my Kidneys burst leading to some internal bleeding that resulted in the abdominal pain etc. Not a great way to spend my week – I still didn’t miss a single training session or appointment however!

    I took the rest of the week off, though I admit I did some light static lifting, isometrics and body weight work just to keep me from going insane. I cut back on the protein as well. The result is I’ve lost about 3.5 lbs, half of which was muscle tissue. I’m pretty pissed about this.

    As of Monday I enter the Progressive Overload Phase of Optimum Anabolics and the Low Protein Diet, where I will only be taking in 30g of protein immediately after my workout. This will supposedly release huge amounts of testosterone into my blood stream over the next three weeks leading to huge muscle growth. – In theory- I’m very dubious of this, but we’ll see.

    I’ll post the diet details over the next few days.

    I’m currently behind on my schedule thanks to the cold and need to make up about 10lbs of lean muscle tissue in the next 5 weeks to meet my deadline. The body fat is okay at 12% but I’ll need to start cutting that right down to at least 8% in about 3 weeks time….so this is going to be fun….if not completely impossible.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 775 ✭✭✭Boru.

    Tuesday, October 31, 2006

    Okay – yesterday the gym was closed so I didn’t follow my usual routine – instead I went old school and did a series of measured high intensity static lifts. I can’t remember the last time my shoulders were so sore…I mean I actually can’t adduct my arms at all. The just won’t move. That said they do look bigger….

    Anyway yesterday was a tough decision day –

    I’m at 12% body fat – not ideal, but healthy. I know I can strip down to at least 8% in 3-4 weeks solid training and diet. Not much of a problem, even quicker if I follow a liquid only high protein, high fat diet as a temporary measure of insanity. I’ll keep my current muscle, and lose and get leaner (notice I didn’t say ripped – that would be around 3% and not my current goal).

    Now I can continue my current lean out (not cut – that’s far more extreme and requires a hell of a lot of work and dedication, I’m just getting leaner), and in 4 weeks be lean, and with about 135 lbs of muscle……or…..

    I can triple my calorie intake, kill myself it the gym, sleep when I’m not eating and try to add about 10lbs to my frame in 3 weeks. I could allow acceptable fat to accumulate to around 16% at most. Then regardless I have to lean out again (why…because if I can’t enjoy the appearance of my muscles, in particular my 6 pack then what’s the point?)

    Sooo…..what did I decide to do?

    That’s right I went with the extreme option and just having comeback form a nasty cold and near kidney failure with internal bleeding I decided to up my calories to 3500 – 4000 a day and trained my arms today till they fell off and I needed help opening the door to my clinic.

    In order to do this I decided to…eh….manipulate the protocols of the Optimum Anabolics program and pushed to failure on each set. The results was I ended up doing nearly 5 -6 more reps each set and jacking up the weights somewhat. I think perhaps I was temporarily insane or was channeling Dragan…I’m not sure which…

    Anyways good workout, feeling the effects of it as I type. After every few sentences I’m actually stopping let my arms fall down….sweet…totally sweet…..

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 775 ✭✭✭Boru.

    Wednesday, November 15, 2006

    Eating large amounts of calories is annoying me. I feel fat, bloated and sluggish and weak. I’ve added about 4.5lbs of muscle in the last week and about 2lbs of fat. My abs are no longer the clear defined bastions of self satisfaction they once were.

    On the Saturday of Beer Fest, many of us were talking about our motivations – why we lift. For most the answer lay in appearance and then functionality. For most of my training life appearance has been a secondary consideration. My primary goal has been to be ridiculously strong in specific ranges of motion, hence some of my stranger training methods.

    Over the course of the Optimum Anabolics program I have gotten significantly bigger in only a few weeks. Particularly during the first 2 weeks where I gained a few inches on my shoulders, chest and back. The program works and woks bloody well for it’s stated goal – that of building mass muscle.

    However this has had a couple of draw backs. One which I recently mentioned in a conversation with G’em involves my decreasing level of strength. Now granted this wasn’t a fair test, but over the weekend I rested and recovered for two days and decided test my strength levels. The results were pathetic.

    I have lost over half the strength in my chest, and nearly a third in my leg pressing ability. My biceps are dismal, registering a nearly 60% loss of strength. This is unacceptable. Before this program I could support a 16 stone man on my stomach while resting in a hands free back bridge. I could knock out one legged squats without discomfort. I can no longer do that.

    I’m bigger, but I’m a hell of a lot weaker. I am approaching a point where I no longer feel comfortable in my own physique. While many strive for a largely muscled physique I prefer the aesthetics of the sinewy and ripped Bruce Lee, who at 127-135 lbs was incredibly strong and marvelously defined in his muscularity. In comparing myself to Lee’s stats I am, at the same height a good few inches over his measurements and I have about 30 lbs on him, but I can’t come close to his strength level. I can’t do pushups on my thumbs nor can I do a one hand, one finger pushup as he did….and that irritates me.

    I will be finishing the OA program on Dec 8th, a little over 3 weeks from now. Rather than add more bulk to my frame I am going to follow the protocols and strip as much excess fat off my body and attempt to regain the sinewy, fast appearance I once had.

    Granted in order to do this I am straying slightly form the OA aim so to speak, but I’m happy with where it’s gotten me and now I want to shift the focus back to what I enjoy and my goals for my physique.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 775 ✭✭✭Boru.

    Sunday, November 19, 2006

    On Wednesday, as a result of my desire to get back to my preferred physique I began my leaning out program. Essentially this involves a variation of the velocity diet.

    1 Solid meal a day, consisting of lean protein and low GI carbs, 5 protein shakes and healthy vats etc. Very simple, very effective. As always I’m happy with the results this brings.

    Dropped an inch off the hips already…definitely visible improvement in definition, most notably in the shoulders, lower chest and abs. Here’s the stats.

    I’ll keep this up for the next 2 weeks, drop down to 8-10% Body fat, get a tan, take some photos and then take a two week training break and go back to my usual workout program.

    Body Composition

    Previous, Current, Difference

    Height – 66.5”, 66.5”, 0
    Total Bodyweight –158.8 lbs, - 3.4lbs, 155.2 lbs
    Body Fat –12.1 -12.8%, 11..0-12.0%
    Hydration Levels –60.1%, 60.6%, 0.5%
    Visceral Fat – 2, 2, 0
    Lean Muscle Mass – 138. 5 - 139.8lbs, 135.5 – 138 lbs
    Bone Weight - 7.0 lbs, 6.8
    Metabolic Age – 12,

    Body Measurements
    Previous, Current, Difference

    Neck – 14.1” / 36cm, 14.1” / 36cm, 0
    Shoulders – 47” / 199.5cm, 47.5” +0.5”
    Chest – 41” / 104.1cm, 40.5”, -0.5”
    Bicep R. - 13.5” / 34.4cm, 13.5” / 34.4cm,
    Bicep L. –13” / 33cm, 13” / 33cm,
    Forearm R. – 12.5” / 31.8cm, 12”, - 0.5
    Forearm L. –12.2” / 31 cm , 12”, - 0.2’
    Wrist R & L. – 6.5” / 16.5cm, 6.5” / 16.5cm, 0
    Abs at Navel – 30.5” / 77.5cm, 30.1” / -0.4
    Hips at Iliac Crest - 34.4” / 87cm, 33”, - 1.4”
    Thigh R. – 24.4” / 61.5cm, 24”, -0.4”
    Thigh L. – 24” / 61cm, 23”, -1”
    Calf R. – 14.5” / 36cm, 14.25”, -0.25”
    Calf L – 14.5” /36.5cm, 14.25”, -0.25”

    Total Improvement - 4.4”

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,754 ✭✭✭Odysseus

    Hi Boru, looks interesting, I notice you measure your hydration levels. How do you measure that?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 775 ✭✭✭Boru.

    Joys of being a fitness instructor and clinical medic - access to really swank equipment. I use a medical grade electrical impedance scale that measures all the details I post above. While not a 100% accurate reading, it's inaccuracy is consistent if you get my meaning, thus useful. :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 32 MichaelJos17


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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 775 ✭✭✭Boru.

    I look amazing. I really do. For the last 11 days, I've been on my modified version of the Velocity Plan (strangley also very similar to the medically prescribed Rice diet used in surgeries and acupuncture practices everywhere). I've dropped about 10lbs in those eleven days, mostly from fat, though there has been some negligable muscle loss. I've also reintegrated my bodyweight conditioning. I'm lean, and defined, and chisled and I look awesome. I'm also full of energy, even more so than usual. I'm functioning with increased mental alertness, faster reactions, the lot. I don't think I've felt this good since I competed and spent every waking moment of my life training.

    I've decided to diet like this permenantely.

    No more food during the day - at all. Gone, scrapped, done with. Then I'll feast in the evenings. One meal max a day. This fly's in the face of convention, but its very similar to the Warriror Diet, which advocates the same thing, and is endorsed by Dr. Mark Mattson, Professor of Neuroscience Johns Hopkins University, Udo Erasmus, author of “Fats That Heal, Fats That Kill”, Harvey Diamond, author of “Fit For Life”, Charles Poliquin, author of “The Poliquin Principles” and “Modern Trends in Strength Training”, Three - Time Olympic Strength Coach, Sifu John R. Salgado, World Champion, Chinese Wrestling and Taiji Push Hands, my good freind Pavel Tsatsouline, author of “Power to the People!” and “The Russian Kettlebell Challenge” and John Davies , Olympic and professional sports strength/speed coach.

    I'll outline this more specifically in detail over the next few days. I'm finishing the OA program in 6 days and will have my super taned and oiled end photos up the day after. I will then be resuming my wacky but beloved training silliness. Ah...the good life... :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 775 ✭✭✭Boru.

    Sunday, December 10, 2006

    Closing Comments on the Optimum Anabolics Program.

    As those of you have been following my progress over the course of the Optimum Anabolics Program may know I finished the program on the Friday 1st December. The following were my stats going into the program –

    OA Stats Before

    Body Composition

    Height – 66.5cm
    Total Bodyweight – 158.4lbs
    Body Fat – 13.2% to 14.2 %
    Hydration Levels – 59.1%
    Visceral Fat – 2
    Lean Muscle Mass – 129.2 lbs – 135.91 lbs
    Bone Weight - 6.8 lbs
    Metabolic Age – 16

    Body Measurements

    Neck – 14.1” / 36cm
    Shoulders – 45” / 114cm
    Chest – 41” / 104cm
    Bicep R. – 13.4” / 34cm
    Bicep L. – 12.8” / 32.5cm
    Forearm R. – 11” / 28cm
    Forearm L. – 11” / 28cm
    Wrist R & L. – 6.5” / 16.5cm
    Abs at Navel – 31” / 78.5 cm
    Hips at Iliac Crest 36” – 91.5cm
    Thigh R. – 23.5” / 65.5cm
    Thigh L. – 23.3” / 65cm
    Calf R. – 14” /36.5cm
    Calf L – 14” / 36.5cm

    The following are my after stats

    OA Stats After

    Height – 66.5cm
    Total Bodyweight – 151.1lbs
    Body Fat – 9.1 – 10.2 %
    Hydration Levels – 61.1%
    Visceral Fat – 2
    Lean Muscle Mass –136.88lbs – 137.41 lbs
    Bone Weight - 6.8 lbs
    Metabolic Age – 11

    Body Measurements

    Neck – 14.1” / 36cm
    Shoulders – 47.5”
    Chest – 41” / 104.1cm
    Bicep R. - 13.5” / 34.4cm,
    Bicep L. – 13” / 33cm,
    Forearm R. – 12.5” / 31.8cm,
    Forearm L. –12.2” / 31 cm
    Wrist R & L. – 6.5” / 16.5cm
    Abs at Navel – 30.5” / 77.5cm
    Hips at Iliac Crest - 33”
    Thigh R. – 24.4” / 61.5cm
    Thigh L. – 24” / 61cm
    Calf R. – 14.5” / 36cm
    Calf L – 14.5” /36.5cm

    The Differences –

    All in all over the 9 week period

    I Added
    2 inches to my shoulders
    0.1/0.2 inches to my biceps
    1.5 inches to my forearms
    0.5-1 inches on my thighs
    0.5 inches on my claves

    I Lost

    0.5 inches from my abs at navel
    3 inches of my hips at Iliac Crest

    Thus I added at most 8.21 lbs of lean muscle to my frame at approximately the rate of 1 lb a week. I also lost about 8.75 lbs of fat at the same time, though this was mostly in the last three weeks of the program.

    Summary –

    This program while not being fantastically original does work. The diet and weight lifting protocols, will add mass and you can adjust to lose weight. Those who had been paying close attention will know I actually made it up to 172 lbs before I got quite uncomfortable and severally cut myself back with a liquid diet for 3 weeks.

    If you want to add mass quickly its as good as program as any other and will keep you amused and interested. For me on the other hand it was boring, inefficient and a colossal waste of my time which produced minimal results in terms of muscle gain for the time put in and furthermore set my personal training priorities on a huge set back, and to be frank I’m actually quite pissed about this.

    Allow me to explain further.

    My primary concern is strength – I don’t care what size I am, how much muscle I have or to a large degree how I look as long as I can lift ridiculous amounts of weight in my chosen field and hit people hard enough to alter their state of consciousness. Combined with longterm health, that’s my goal.

    Before the OA program I was lifting 400lbs bench press, 500lbs deadlift and a 2,200 lbs leg press (all partial range, before anyone thinks different – this is in no way comparable to full range work). As of today after a weeks rest I am lifting a pathetic 200lbs on my bench, a wussy 350 on the deads and worst of all a truly embarrassing 825 leg press (again all partial range). I don’t think I have EVER felt this WEAK and Pathetic since before the martial arts. It’s hard to understand but I actually feel like a failure, emasculated and despiseable.

    Yes the OA program builds bigger muscles – but frankly and in a very real sense they are water filled, non functional balloon display pieces of crap, that in many ways represent everything that I feel is wrong today with the “FASHIONABLE FITNESS CULTURE”.

    The OA program encourages over training – it comes close to enabling injury, and it leaves your immune system weakened and compromised. I ask you – how is it healthy and or in any way fitness related to induce a physical state that leaves you rundown, de-energized and with a higher risk of illness? Yet everyday I see people following workout routines, diet protocols and exercise programs that in return for short sighted gains in appearance undermine and compromise the health of the participant and almost certainly place an individual in great risk of injury.

    I’m bigger. I’m leaner. I look fitter and stronger but that is purely superficial – the reality is I’m weaker – I’m sicker, and less fit and healthy than I have been in a long time. My immune system is compromised, my energy levels are awful and I developed niggling little injuries primarily in my upper back and shoulders.

    It may take me months to restore the damage done to me by this program – and the funny things is most people would never realize the condition they have put their bodies and health in because they would be too wrapped up in meaningless cosmetic achievement.

    In closing – If you want to LOOK good follow OA. If you want to BE good don’t.

    I’m going back to my personal training protocols and nutritional regime so this diary will not be updated as frequently, perhaps once a month or so.

    While it may appear that this is quite a negative outlook – the program did deliver what it said on the tin and I can’t fault that. The program works and is an ideal workouts plan for many of the people I se in the gym and whom I consult with. For me though, it was an interesting experiment and diversion – that, if nothing else has re-affirmed and strengthed my personal convictions in regards to health and fitness. And that is a wonderful thing to have experienced.

    I hope you’ve enjoyed this experiment and that it has proved interesting reading and perhaps stimulated a few questions regarding your own workouts or fitness regimes. Any questions, comments or impression about the program and its results are more than welcome.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,106 ✭✭✭turbot


    Thank you so much for sharing this - it makes for fascinating educational reading.

    I'm always appreciative to learn from people who share their wisdom - and given my goals (and impatience), I may have been drawn to applying such a program on myself, yet based upon your summary, I won't touch it.

    Based upon what I know - if your immune system is weaker, you can help yourself by taking lots of vitamin C - for example by taking 1g every 6 hours, you'll give yourself a boost.

    Also - based upon the sheer intensity of the training you describe, and the symptoms you describe at the end, whether or not you believe in less scientific perspectives on health and vitality, my read is to apply this program, you used up lots of ki / chi / life energy.

    I know it may sound pretty strange - but the best way I know to restore chi / ki / vital energy, other than living in the middle of a lush forest where you are bathed in good oxygen, is an old vedic fire ritual called "agni-hotra". You can google this and find out more for yourself.

    Take care!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 775 ✭✭✭Boru.

    Hi Turbot,

    Thank you for the feedback. It's a pleasure and a privilage to know that it has in someway been helpful.

    As for your comments regarding my immune system and the nature of qi - I think you are completely right. Funnily enough as well as a fitness instructor and personal trainer, I am also an acupuncturist and TCM practioner so I am well accquainted with Qi and the effects this program had on my body and energy levels.

    From a TCM point of view the use of such constant and vigorous activity depleted my Yang levels, which lead to Yin collapse resulting in an Empty Heat condition. During the program I did use acupuncture to speed up my recovery rates, particularly when I injured my biceps and quads.

    I'm now supplememnting myself on Gi Pi Wan and Zou Gi Yin and have resumed my own training and nutritional program.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,424 ✭✭✭fatal

    this is just to say that i have been readin this for a while and its been an enjoying read so keep up the work

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 775 ✭✭✭Boru.

    Happy New Year - began with a great start - 2007 Pushups, 2007 Squats performed in alternating sets of 100. Total time taken just over six hours. I had it timed to finish at midnight - unfortuantely toward the last 600 I was dying and was moving at a MUCH slower pace, finished at 1.10

    Still it beats last year record of 2006. :rolleyes: I will now be so sore I won't move till Wednesday....3 weeks from now. :(:o :rolleyes:

    Incidentaly this is something everyone can do. If you've never done a pushup in your life make it a goal to do 2008 by New Year 2008, or do a simpler pushup and do a few every 15 minutes. It may take all day but it can be done. Be warned though - this is NOT a healthy workout program and you will be very sore at the very least - those without experience in exercise run a high risk of serious injury.

    Make this year - YOUR YEAR!

    All my best.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,394 ✭✭✭Transform

    So when are you going to post pics?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 775 ✭✭✭Boru.

    Sure - pm me and I'll send you some.

    As regards posting them online - I have, but where? ;) I'll post them here when I achieve your supernatural level of physique, pull off the pose you had when you posted yours and have your awesome natural tan ;) You put the bar too high dude, anything less I'd just look silly.:D

    Actually all joking aside - I've loads on my website, but NO "physique" shots. I did that once before, on another forum to this one and was bombared by many eh..."unwelcome" email attention.:o Learnt my lesson.

    Also I have a thing with the whole photo culture in regards to fitness. Anyone in average shape can be made to look impressive in a photo - optimal lighting, a cosmetic muscle enhancing tan, + photoshop = physcial superman. A fact highlighted in Jeff Anderson's "Almost Instant Muscle" - an ebook dedicated to faking a muscle shoot.

    Photos also create and unrealistic expecatation in beginners minds. People can look at a photo in a muscle magazine or even yours when you posted and while it gives many an incentive to get in shape they often don't realise the incredible hard work it takes to achieve, thus they fail, become discouraged and quit. That's not ever getting into the problem of incorrect body type comparrison.

    Besides no physique shot can demonstatre fitness. My favourite "muscle shots" involve me lifting my cousins while we were out in the park last summer. In one I'm supproting my 16 st cousin in a nose to ground bridge and the other I'm holding my second cousin (about 12st) over head with one arm. - To me they're great fitness photos.:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,394 ✭✭✭Transform

    pity it would be good to see the progress.

    everyone loves the visual medium

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 775 ✭✭✭Boru.

    No Problem. I'll pm you a link to the weekly progress shots. There is a difference by the end, but by no means the dramatic change it could have been had I not gotten sick, and had I used the effects mentioned above. Still it wasn't half bad.:)

    While I do appreciate the visual medium, it's not the point of this journal. The point of the journal is to show how A) a particular workout program worked out for me upon being asked to review it and B) how you can no matter what you do fit in exercise into your life. From the pm's and comments I receive it appears to be doing just that, so I'm pretty happy with it.

    Also unlike the vast majority of people who do actually read my journal or post here on boards I'm not concerned with changing my physique - I'm quite happy with my appearance and the way I look. I don't want to add to my muscle mass overly, and while quite skinny I could drop a few more % body fat. I hope to have it down to 4-6% in the next month and half. My concern is functional ability as defined by my hobbies and interests. Having larger or dramatic changes to my physique and musculature doesn't have anything to do with my ability to be strong in a given range of motion, my flexibility or my muscular stamina. Thus it's not part of the point of my journal.

    There are transformation photos as I mentioned on other sites and forums, including the actual official OA site. (I sent a few into Jeff as I conducted the program). I just feel more than anything they would distract from the points I try to make in this journal.

    To me fitness isn't so much about how you look - but about how you feel and how you function.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,643 ✭✭✭Jak

    Ever wonder how those hot fitness models and men-health cover models and fitness experts get their looks? Do you wonder what their secret is? How do they always look so toned and muscular? Many of us assume it's easier for them, they have all day to work out and spend hours and hours in the gym and only eat tiny amounts and they have genetic advantages and they…..sound familiar.

    In this diary I will be sharing that secret.

    As a professional trainer and fitness instructor it is my job to look great and be fit and healthy. Unfortunately without a serious amount of cosmetic facial surgery I ain’t going to grace the cover of Men’s Health anytime soon…but from the neck down - that I can change – and so can you.

    So how do I do it?

    From the infomercial tone at the start I had thought you would at least offer a before and after shot. Would have been a useful reference to see you at the following two points.
    I look amazing. I really do....I'm lean, and defined, and chisled and I look awesome. I'm also full of energy, even more so than usual.
    I’m bigger. I’m leaner. I look fitter and stronger but that is purely superficial


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 775 ✭✭✭Boru.

    Hate to do this but it's got to be done. Due to professional and personal commitments I won't be updating this journal anymore and my posting on the forum for a while will be limited. I have a few outstanding replies to people and they will be delt with shortly. Apologies for the delay's. When I get back I expect to see a bunch of physically perfect specimans

    Four last piece's of advice -

    1. The only thing stopping you from success is you. There is not nor shall there ever be an adequate excuse not to improve yourself somehow, someway each and every day. Get over that and you WILL SUCCED.

    2. Read the stickies to learn how, read the journals to see what happens when you aplly and what happens when you don't.

    3. Ask lots of questions - but know that if you don't ACTIVELY impliment the answers nothing will happen.

    4. Don't waste time posting when you could be DOING.

    All the best,

