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Rebuilding the Empire.

  • 05-10-2006 10:12pm
    Registered Users Posts: 1,695 ✭✭✭


    Just to fill you in on my background.
    I was doing jujustu for 6 years. i was going for my black belt but it just wasn't me. i wasn't happy with what i was doing - it fact i thought it was dangerous cos it gave people unrealistic opinions on how they could handle themselves. I was a doorman in dublin for 7 years and i knew the stuff being taught in the club would get the students hurt - and wasn't helping me either. But it wasn't always like that...for 4 years or so it was very realistic but the club changed direction. i also studied kickboxing for 18 months.

    Anyway last Oct I quit all martial arts cos i want to take time out to try something new. So i joined the gym in Jan 2006.
    That's a little about me.

    I am about to start a muscle building phase. I never tried anything like this before so any tips would be appricated (provided they're nice and mannerly:) )

    I aim to post my diet and workout each day,. hopefully posting my diet will shame me into eating properly all the time

    Anyway I'm 5'10 , 88kg, 20% BF

    I aim to get more muscular and also increase the weights I lift (in particular the bench which i see as my weakest - if I could add 20kg to that in 6 weeks)

    My biggest challenge is to increade muscle mass but keeping my fat Percentage in check.
    The current 20% is higher than I'd like.


  • Registered Users Posts: 1,695 ✭✭✭King of Kings

    today's diet

    7am - 2 shredded wheat + protein shake ( 1 1/2 scoops - EAS 100% Whey)

    10.30 - 2 chocolate brownies

    12.30 - 1 1/2 turkey breast, brown rice, korma sauce + apple

    3.30 - Kiwi + orange

    6.45 - 3 slices of whole meal toast ( 2 covered with natural peanut butter . 1 with honey) + protein shake ( 1 1/2 scoops)

    8.20 - No X plode + then go training

    11 pm - chunk of fresh pineapple and protein shake


    bench press (smith machine - not including bar): 0 * 15 reps, 50kg * 8, 60kg * 6, 65kg * 5, 70kg * 5, 70kg * 5

    incline bench: 0 * 15, 40kg * 8, 50kg * 6, 55 * 5, 55 * 4(failure)

    incline flys: 10kgs * 10, 15kg * 8, 40lbs * 5, 45lbs * 5

    dips: 3 sets of BW - 10 reps

    pulley tricep pushdown: 3 sets of 10 plate number 12 (sorry no grid on machine)

    cardio: 30 mins run at 3/4 % incline with 4 peaks at 6% incline.


    felt odd today - didn't really feel like eating much. been like that from the minute I got up today.

    training went ok today. Trained later than usual cos I was waiting on my bro to show but then he texted me say he couldn't make it cos he was still at work.

    choc brownies weren't on todays menu but some chap at work baked them and brought them in...delicious.

    bought some no x plode from mickk's shop today. first time trying it. kinda felt it work but funnily enough i found it more benefical for my cardio that my weight training.

    felt next time I do my chest i could increase each level by 5kg. Cos it was so late I had to rush the triceps as it was 10pm and with the gym shutting at 10.30 I wanted to get a run in. Otherwise I would have put more thought into the tricep routine.

    unfortunatly I'm wide awake now from taking X-Plode so late but at least it's friday....

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,695 ✭✭✭King of Kings


    8am - 2 shredded Wheat and Protein Shake

    11.30am - brown roll, chicken, egg,cheese,peppers

    4pm - pasta and meatballs

    7pm - bananna + kiwi

    9pm + Beer , Beer . Beer


    Woke up with stomach in better shape than yesterday but still not a great appetite. Usually would have a bigger breakfast

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,695 ✭✭✭King of Kings

    disaster today.

    woke on friends couch in a heap

    2pm - fresh pineapple and cupa soup

    6pm - chicken balti + one naan bread

    going to bed to forget today happened

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,407 ✭✭✭✭justsomebloke

    disaster today.

    woke on friends couch in a heap

    2pm - fresh pineapple and cupa soup

    6pm - chicken balti + one naan bread

    going to bed to forget today happened

    ah but if you forget today ever happened you are more likely to repeat your mistakes over and over again other then that it sounds liek you had a good night last night;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,695 ✭✭✭King of Kings


    7.30 am - 2 shreddred wheat = slimline milk, 2 wholemeal toast with honey, protein shake

    10.30am - 2 handfuls of sunflower seeds + apple

    12.30 - chicken caesar salad ( 3 cherry tomatotes and cheese) + apple crumble

    3.30 - 2 handfuls of sunflower seeds + kiwi

    7pm - 2 eggs omlette + cheese and tomato + 1 cup of frozen veg

    10pm - Protein shake


    Diet not bad today. Monday night is a big training night for me but the missus was doing OT and didn't get home till 9.30 by then I was heading to bed.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,695 ✭✭✭King of Kings


    7 am - bowl of museli (Flahavans Hi 8) + 2 toast with honey + protein shake

    10.30 - 2 handfulls of sunflower seeds + kiwi

    12am - cup of soup + wholemeal pitta with chicken breast + apple

    4 pm - 2 slicees of white bread with flora(?)

    6.30 pm - 2 sandwiches (4 slices of wholemeal bread) with can of tuna, little of light mayo, cheese, cherry tomtato

    10.30 pm - Protein shake

    bummer today - missus still stuck doing oT and cannot make gym. young lad is still a little to young to start lifting with his da:D so I'm resigned to moaning on the net.

    Diet today was going well till I had to leave the office at 3 and spend all afternoon on the M50 - ended up steal some of son's lunch he got from montessori (white bread but i was starving).

    kinda pissed off at the lack of training but hopefully i can get a blast in tomorrow.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,695 ✭✭✭King of Kings


    7.30am - bowl of museli + banana + protein shake

    10.30 - 2 handsfuls of sunflowerseeds + kiwi

    12.30 - mixed salad + 1 chicken breast + 3 cherry tomatos + some cheese, apple

    2pm - 2 choc biscuits

    3.30 - 2 handfulls of almonds

    6.30 - protein shake

    7.30 - No X Plode ( 2 scoops)

    10.45 - 5 g creatine mono + protein Shake

    12.30 (explain this in post below) handful of grapes + bananna

    Squats (smith machine - not including bar)
    15 * 0kg , 10 * 60kg , 8 * 70kg , 6 * 80kg , 5 * 90kg , 5 * 90kg

    Quads - 8 * 84kg , 6 * 88kg , 5 * 92kg , 5 * 96kg

    Seated Calves - 10 * 50kg , 8 * 60kg, 6 * 70kg , 5 * 75kg

    leg curl - 8 * 64kg, 6 * 67kg , 5 * 70kg , 5 * 73kg

    ab curler - 15 cruncges slow (4 secs) then count to 10 and 12 crunches fast
    do 3 sets of this

    dunno name of next exercise wokrs the lats...2 sets 10 reps (each side) of 25kgs

    30 mins - 3/4% inlcline with 4 peaks at 6% level 11 (out of 12 available)

    Diet was ok today. Really pleased with the training...particularly the running usually I cannot manage a good run after lifting with my legs. The lifts were all PB's for me today but that's not too much of a surprise cos prior to this I was a 3 sets 8 - 12 reps man.

    It's 13:00 (next day) and I'm not too sore but I think it'll come usually DOMS hit me 2 days later.
    Although last night I was in a heap after the run. My legs were like jelly and I found even trying to strech difficult.

    also I was glad cos I took NO XLPODE 7.30 didn't seem to effect me sleeping and I woke up refreshed - although a little late.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,407 ✭✭✭✭justsomebloke

    Hey KoK,

    just a coupke of quick suggestions. I see in the evening you have a protein shake after the gym, but that seems to be it untill the following morning. I know it is late by the time you finish but if possible I would try and have a small meal with some starchy carbs in it as this will give your muscles some of the energy the need to grow, failing that I would try and get another shake into just before bed except instead of water make it up with milk.
    Also on the days you can't make it to the gym for what ever reason just try and do a few bodyweight exercises, so things like decline pressups, incline one arm pressups, squats, situps, dips and chins for example just to keep you ticking over

    Other then that good work so far

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 22,819 ✭✭✭✭g'em

    jsb wrote:
    I know it is late by the time you finish but if possible I would try and have a small meal with some starchy carbs in it as this will give your muscles some of the energy the need to grow,

    you don't need starchy carbs, they're too slow releasing when you need to replenish msucle glycogen levels. Make it simple sugars.

    KoK just add some glucose into your post-workout shake or have a banana with it? And you're taking a whey shake before bed which is grand, but if you wanted to be really particular about it, some casein protein is slower release protein to keep you ticking over overnight- some cottage cheese or even making your whey up with milk will do the job nicely.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,407 ✭✭✭✭justsomebloke

    g'em wrote:
    you don't need starchy carbs, they're too slow releasing when you need to replenish msucle glycogen levels. Make it simple sugars.

    sorry, what I meant was continue to have you post workout shake as is and yes preferably with some simple sugars however as you are looking to build some muscle I feel that post workout especially before bed you would be best having some sort of slow release carbs and protein so that muscle have a source of energy to feed off while asleep as personaly I feel that a PWO shake will be out of your system to quickly and so you won't have an adequate supply of energy for your muscle to grow while you are asleep.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 22,819 ✭✭✭✭g'em

    jsb wrote:
    sorry, what I meant was continue to have you post workout shake as is and yes preferably with some simple sugars however as you are looking to build some muscle I feel that post workout especially before bed you would be best having some sort of slow release carbs and protein so that muscle have a source of energy to feed off while asleep as personaly I feel that a PWO shake will be out of your system to quickly and so you won't have an adequate supply of energy for your muscle to grow while you are asleep.

    starchy carbs aren't really very suitable for a post-workout drink. After a workout there's a 'nutirional window' in which your body is most receptive to obtaining and using carbs (to a lesser extent proteins). This is around 15-30 mins post-workout, and no longer than an hour after working out- during this time your body will gladly accept simple sugars and use them. Starchy carbs simply take too long and won't get used.

    I see your logic but unfortunately what applies to proteins doesn't apply to carbs. So regardless of time of dy, post workout drinks should have simple sugars (glucose, dextrose, fructose).

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,407 ✭✭✭✭justsomebloke

    G’em I agree that as soon as possible post workout you should have a shake with some simple sugars so to best use the nutritional window. However I feel that around an hour after your PWO shake, at which point the insulin spike caused by the sugars in the PWO shake should of dissipated, and at this point he should be having complex carbs to feed his body during the night

    Oh and to KoK's sorry for cluttering up your post, if you drop daveirl a pm hopefully he will be able to delete these posts and you can go back to having a clean journal, so sorry

    edit2: oh and KoK's go with what g'em says as she does know a hell of a lot more then me about this

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,695 ✭✭✭King of Kings

    hey guys,

    actually after I wrote that last night I went to bed and after a few minutes I felt quessy and realised I ate nothing solid since 4pm.

    So I got up and had a bananna and a handful of grapes and all was well.

    Thanks for the advice - g'em I do actually have some Casein at home (a chap in work gave it to me) but it's rank and I keep forgetting to take it.
    It's that Casielin 90 stuff....

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,695 ✭✭✭King of Kings


    7.30 - bowl of museli + protein
    10.30 - 1 handfuls of almonds + bowl of mixed fruit (plus natural yougurt prob full fat)

    12.45 - brown roll(from spar) with chicken,cheese mix,peppers + bag of popcorn

    3.30 - 2 handfuls of almonds + low fat yougurt

    6.15 - cup of frozen veg + 2 egg omlette (with 3 cherry tomatos, cheese,cayenne pepper and 2 teaspoons natural peanut butter(yes peanut butter in the omleette)) - tasty

    7.30 - 2 scoops of no xplode

    10.30 - 5 g of creatine mono + protein (whey and caesin)


    deadlift (oly bar) - 0 * 15 , 70kg * 10 , 80kg * 8 , 85kg * 5 , 90 * 2 (failed after 2)

    dumbell 1 arm row (each arm) - 34kg * 10 , 38 kg * 8, 40kg * 5, 40kg * 5

    standing cable row: plate 15(max) * 5 reps, 13 * 8 reps, 13 * 8 reps

    dumbell shoulder press: 3 sets of 10 reps at 25 kg per dumbell
    ***tried to do 28kg on set 2 but couldn't get into position..aghh

    Barbell Shrugs (oly bar): 40kg * 8, 40kg * 3 (burning pain in left shoudler) , 40kgs * 8 - could feel pain so left shoulders at that


    Diet was good today. Felt strong in the gym but couldn't get 28kgs into lifting position for shoulder press - must have looked like a fool trying :)

    Tried to do some cardio after but I guess the DOMS from leg day was kicking in and it was kinda sore. I was going to do 20mins cross trainer but I took the "ah's 10pm " attitude.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 16,165 ✭✭✭✭brianthebard

    hey guys,

    actually after I wrote that last night I went to bed and after a few minutes I felt quessy and realised I ate nothing solid since 4pm.

    So I got up and had a bananna and a handful of grapes and all was well.

    Thanks for the advice - g'em I do actually have some Casein at home (a chap in work gave it to me) but it's rank and I keep forgetting to take it.
    It's that Casielin 90 stuff....

    I took that stuff for a while during the summer, it doesn't taste nice on its own, but if you blitz up some fruit in it or some a spoon of drinking chocolate(treat yourself;) ) then it's pretty decent and you can count the fruit towards your five a day.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,695 ✭✭✭King of Kings

    I took that stuff for a while during the summer, it doesn't taste nice on its own, but if you blitz up some fruit in it or some a spoon of drinking chocolate(treat yourself;) ) then it's pretty decent and you can count the fruit towards your five a day.

    it threw it in with the whey and it ruined the normally decent whey. but I'll persevere :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,695 ✭✭✭King of Kings

    jsb wrote:
    Oh and to KoK's sorry for cluttering up your post, if you drop daveirl a pm hopefully he will be able to delete these posts and you can go back to having a clean journal, so sorry

    no way. I like the comments. It's kinda like picking up a book with notes scribbled in it - more of a genuine article

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,695 ✭✭✭King of Kings

    in a serious pisser today sunday.

    went out for a leaving work party friday and had a skinful of beer.
    but on the way home I was messing with my mate and banged into a lampost...
    seriously - I walked into a lamppost...WTF!!!

    anyway i have a sore head - a cut above my eyebrow and I've been really tired all weekend....really beyond hangover - anyways the session wouldn't have equated into a 2 day hangover

    not feeling to good either - turned down a training session with my bro in Total fitness this afternoon - could barely cook dinner.

    Whta's annoying me most is that I'm missing training for stupid reasons.

    Anyway tomorrow in a new day and hopefulyy my head won't be as sore.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,695 ✭✭✭King of Kings


    10am - smootie (frozen berries,bananna, 1/2 grapefruit, whey,honey,peanut butter,porridge oats,milk) makes 500mls

    12am - left over chinese + apple

    3pm - cup of soup + kiwi + 2 sloces of wholemeal bread

    4.30 - 2 scoops of No xplod

    7.00 - Protein shake + 5 g creatine mono

    7.30 - Salad + chciken breast + 2 Cherry tomatos + chesse + 1 boiled egg + mustard

    10.30 - Protein Shake


    Bench (no bar included) - 0 * 15 reps, 40 * 10 reps, 50 * 8 reps , 60 * 6 reps, 70 * 5 , 65 * 5

    Incline Bench - 0 * 15, 20 * 10, 40 * 3 (failure) , 40 * 5, 40 * 5

    Bent arm dumbell pullover: 3 sets of 10 reps - 30kg

    [ went playing with chest exercises on pulley device various messing about]

    Pulley device: 3 sets of 10 reps - plates 12

    Dips: BW 3 sets of (8,10,10)

    Tricep kickback - 35lbs * 10 reps, 45lbs * 5, 45lbs * 5

    cardio: usual 30 mins run


    Son was up a lot last night sick so we both slept late hence 10am breakfast.
    training was ok. bench was good but inlcine wasn't ...really lost power on those today.

    triceps were ok...nothing major...wish I had more time for another exercise on them but I'd gone over an hour lifting already due to me trying to educate myself on the pulley device.

    felt some aching in both elbows today...not sore but not right either...must watch that in future.
    Also during run lower back (left side above ass) was sore - kinda like been on a bus/driving too long. I get that on a journey but never before in gym...
    I was tired due to 2 nights lack of sleep XPLODE did SFA for me today.
    Jury is still out on it.

    However it might have been messy but I got the training done and both chest and tricep seem tender so maybe not too bad.
    run was good despite back I got through it. Might add some more minutes to it next day.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,695 ✭✭✭King of Kings

    [sorry i haven't updated this in a few mouse was out of battery]

    [Sorry cannot rem diet] - it was good...but some blow outs]


    Squats(not including bar): 60kg * 10 , 70kg * 8, 80 * 6, 90kg * 4 (fail) , 90kg * 5

    Quads: 84kg * 10, 88 kg * 8, 92kg * 6 , 96kg * 5
    leg Curl: 64kg * 8, 67kg * 6 , 71kg * 5, 71kg * 5
    calf raises: 50kg * 10 , 60 kg * 8, 70 kg * 5 , 70kg * 50

    leg raises: 3 sets of 10 reps with 15lbs, 20 lbs, 25lbs
    Abs curler: 3 set sof 15 (4 secs) wait 10 secs and 12 reps fast
    side bends; 2 sets of 10 reps - 45lbs , 50lbs

    no cardio

    This days was going well. but personal issues fuc*ked with my head mid way through my session. Normally the gym is a refuge form my issue (there is 1 big issue) but not today. Sarted running for 2 mins after lifting and just couldn't give a bo*llocks.

    So I did the sensible thing. I left teh gym and got a dinner box from the chipper on the way home....nice....well not really...i hadn't one in years and was looking forward to it and it was not that nice..

    Anyway training was done.....

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,695 ✭✭✭King of Kings

    cannot remember diet but this day was decent

    My bro asked me to train with him in Total fitness coolock...I like it there cos the equipment is decent...but I go to Alsaa cos it's cheaper and better opening hours that suit me.

    Anyhow(I've made up some of these names cos I'm not too familiar with the exercise cos a lot of them we new to me)

    2 armed row (standing and lifting bar that is fixed at one end):
    50kg * 10, 60 kg * 10, 70 * 8 , 80kg * 5, 80kg * 5

    Incline cable row (climb up frame and leave feet in rungs while ass sits on the ground): 3 set of 10 reps - 62.5 kgs (i like this boyho)

    wide bar cable row: 3 sets of 10 reps - 62.5kg

    shoulder press (weight per dumbell)- 15kg * 10 , 17.5kg * 10, 22.5kg * 8, 25kg * 5, 25kg * 5

    barbell shrugs - 3 sets of 10 reps * 40kgs
    Dumbell shrugs - 2 sets of 10 reps * 38kg (per dumbell)
    Shoulder press machine: 3 sets of 10 at 62.5kgs


    I love training at TF cos it's kinda a treat for me. But they are a shower of wan*kers trying to clear you out from 9.30....the bro said we had to go cos he'd asked them to let me in for nothing and didn't want to piss* thme off. So I got no cardio done. i would have liked to spend more time lifting heavier weights on most of the exercises but we were in a hurry cos he was late arriving....
    But I enjoyed myself

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,695 ✭✭✭King of Kings


    9am - 3 weetabix , remianing of museli bag with slimline milk, 2 whole meal taost with honey and chopped banane, protein shake,

    12 - white bread sandwich, fresh turkey, ham , cheese and an apple

    2.30 - 2 scoops of no xpolde

    5pm(post training) - protein shake + 5g of creatine mono

    6.30pm - 2 chicken breast + balti sauce , 2 naan bread

    9pm - nachos and beer(4 beers - alone!!!!! oMG:eek: :eek: )


    Bench (no bar includ) 0kg * 15, 40kg * 10, 50kg * 8, 60kg * 5, 65kg * 5, 65kg * 3 - then stop then final 2 reps.

    incline bench: 30 kg * 8 , 40kg * 6, 45kg * 5, 45kg * 5
    Dumbell pullover:3 sets of 10reps at 34kgs
    flys: 3 set sof 10 reps at 50lbs

    dips: BW 10,7(fail) , 10
    tricep kickbacks: 2 sets of 8 reps at 45lb

    Today was good co sI didn't think i be able to train co smy missus was away but i dropped the son to play with another kid from his montessori so i got a few hours in the gym..
    diet could have been better but i was on the go all day apart from the gym bit.
