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walt0rs journal

  • 07-11-2006 10:17pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 615 ✭✭✭

    It's been two months since I trained properly because I recently went back to college for another year of the sauce. That's exactly all I've been really doing for the last two months. Been on the sauce in Galway and sleeping in till the afternoon most days. Well, I've decided that's all gonna change so I started going to lectures lately and now I'm gonna kick ass in the gym too.
    I'm going to try and log as many of my workouts as poss
    Here we go...

    16:07 07/11/2006
    warmup - 6 minutes - treadmill
    60kg x 12
    80kg x 7
    100kg x 5
    100kg x 3
    incline db bench: (thought the bench was at a higher incline than usual)
    20kg x 7
    22.5kg x 6
    30kg x 6
    overhead db tri ext:
    15kg x 6 x 3
    DB hh curl:
    22.5kg x 5 x 3

    Strength is way down but I'll get that SOB back up, gotta cut down the booze for the rest of the week.



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 615 ✭✭✭walt0r

    Got up at 6am and went for a 20 min jog and then into college for 8am. Decided I'd make an early start for once. Got some study done and consumed about 2000 cals. Hit the gym really early also, lunch time (that's normally when I wake up).

    BW this morning: 187lbs - 85kg

    1pm - Galway City Gym

    60kg x 10
    80kg x 5 x 3 - pathetic, but it's a start.

    Military press:
    40kg x 10
    62.5kg x 5
    62.5kg x 4 (failed 5th)
    62.5kg x 5 (struggled on 5th)

    Bent over BB rows:
    60kg x 10
    80kg x 5 x 3

    Chin-ups (palms facing forwards):
    BW x 8
    BW+10kg x 6
    BW+20kg x 5
    BW+20kg x 4

    DB Front Raises:
    12.5kg x 7
    15kg x 6 x 2

    DB Lateral Raises:
    15kg x 7 x 3

    Not tooooo bad. Bad enough though. I'm going to pig out today in college between study breaks. It's a bad time to be starting bulking during study period but I need to get my ass into gear some time.
    Not going to weigh myself until next Monday. Should be up at 189lbs. (fingers crossed).

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 615 ✭✭✭walt0r

    Went on the piss last night for the first time in a total of five days. I know that sounds rather pathetic considering it's the longest time I haven't had a drink in about two years. It's a tough life being a college student, isn't it?
    Definitely going to go training tomorrow loike. Bench and all that I promise. There's no real point in going tonight because I haven't really eaten all day and have to get a **** load of study done because I'm way behind.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 615 ✭✭✭walt0r

    14:00 11/11/2006 - Galway City Gym
    warmup - 6 minutes - treadmill
    60kg x 12
    80kg x 7
    100kg x 4 (could have got 5 but had no spotter)
    100kg x 4 (got spotter for this set, failed on the 5th rep, not happy about this)

    Weighted dips:
    BW x 8
    BW+20kg x 5
    BW+30kg x 4

    overhead db tri ext:
    15kg x 5
    15kg x 5
    15kg x 4

    Finish: 16:35pm - very short session, wanted to go to pub for the rugby at 5.

    Looking at these numbers, I have a lot of work to do. I was having no problems repping 105kg for sets on bench and dips with 45+kg during the summer. Bring it on, though.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 615 ✭✭✭walt0r

    5:50pm 13/11/2006 - Galway City Gym

    Military press:
    40kg x 10
    60kg x 5
    62.5kg x 5 x 2 (this was a fair bit easier than last weeks pressing)

    Bent-Over Rows:
    60kg x 10
    80kg x 5
    85kg x 5 x 2 (struggled a little, cheated on last reps slightly)

    Weighted Chins:
    BW x 8
    BW+20kg x 5 x 2

    DB Hammerhead Curls:
    22.5kg x 5 x 3

    DB Front Raises:
    10kg x 8
    15kg x 5
    17.5kg x 5 x 2

    DB Lateral Raises:
    15kg x 8
    17.5kg x 7 x 2

    Finish: 6:50pm

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 615 ✭✭✭walt0r

    Going to the gym now for my second squat session in about a year. Quite excited!!!! Going to throw on 85kg and if it's really light (which it should be, goddammit), I'm going to go higher to 90kg for 5x3 or so. CMON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 615 ✭✭✭walt0r

    3pm Galway City Gym

    60kg x 10
    85kg x 5 x 4
    Happy enough with this. Was going to go for a 5th set but gym was pretty busy considering how early it was. Didn't want to embarrasse myself by collapsing with only a measly 85kg on my back :p

    BB Shrugs:
    60kg x 10
    100kg x 10
    120kg x 10 x 2

    DB Shrugs:
    30kg x 10
    35kg x 10

    Seated Calf Raises:
    40kg x 15
    60kg x 15 x 2

    Finish: 3:40pm

    A very short but sweet workout. My legs are shaking like jelly. Hopefully my legs with recover by Saturday when I go for squats again.

    BW This morning:
    188lbs - a 2lb increase in the last week

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 615 ✭✭✭walt0r


    USN Mass Fuel (600cals 2-3x/day)
    Animal Vitamin Pak (1 serving every morning)
    Animal Nitro (1 serving before and 1 after training)
    Aninal Stak (1 serving 30 mins before training)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 615 ✭✭✭walt0r

    Going out for a few pints tonight so decided to do my thursday workout today(wednesday) instead.

    5:50pm Galway City Gym

    Military press:
    40kg x 10
    60kg x 6
    63.5kg x 5 x 4 (this is only a 1 kilo increase since monday and I had no problem lifting it - I made the one kilo increase with two fractional plates each weighing 0.5kg)

    DB front raises:
    15kg x 6
    17.5kg x 6 x 2

    Bent-Over BB Rows:
    60kg x 12
    85kg x 5
    87.5kg x 5 x 2
    87.5kg x 3 (started to cheat after 3rd rep so I quit)

    Machine Rows:
    65kg x 6 x 3 - I don't know the true weight of what I was lifting because of the bar, etc.

    Quit early, got study to do, wont' train again until Friday when I go benching and hopefully squatting again if my legs are recovered.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 615 ✭✭✭walt0r

    5:09pm - 6:00pm
    18/11/2006 - Galway City Gym

    Someone on the rack, couldn't squat. Going to go again tomorrow if not too hungover and get squats done. Was on the sauce very hard on Saturday night, woke up last night thinking I was getting a heart attack so not expecting this workout to be amazing!

    Millitary press:
    60kg x 5
    65kg x 5
    65kg x 4
    65kg x 3
    Need to stick on 65kg until I can get 5x5.

    Bent-Over Rows:
    60kg x 8
    80kg x 5
    87.5kg x 5 x 2

    bw x 8
    bw+10kg x 5 x 3 (strict)

    BW+20kg x 8
    BW+30kg x 5 x 3 (easy - moving up weight to 35kg next session)

    Right lower back still quite sore. Left elbow niggling a little after the dips. Should be okay though.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 615 ✭✭✭walt0r

    14:15 - 15:30 21/11/2006

    bench press:
    60kg x 10
    80kg x 7
    100kg x 5 x 3

    60kg x 10
    90kg x 5 x 5

    military press:
    60kg x 5
    65kg x 5
    65kg x 4
    60kg x 5 - had to go back down for this set, was wasted after the benching and squats

    DB front raises:
    15kg x 5
    17.5kg x 5 x 2

    DB lateral raises:
    17.5kg x 8 x 3

    DB HH Curls:
    20kg x 7
    25kg x 5 x 2
    25kg x 4

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 615 ✭✭✭walt0r

    I have exams coming up in a few weeks and I really don't have a lot of time to be training. I really have the urge to train now more than ever, but I have so much ****ing work to do to pass these exams. I will probably have to cut training down to 2x a week for the next few weeks so I'll be concentrating only on compound movements. Going to definitely squat another day this week, probably Friday. Legs seem to be recovering quicker than when I started a few weeks ago. The first few days after squatting were killer, my legs hurt for days and I could barely get up out of a chair. Squatted on Tuesday this week, and now I think I'll be fully recovered again by Friday. Unreal.
    Hopefully I can stay off the sauce for the next few weeks so that I don't ruin all the gains I'm making.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 615 ✭✭✭walt0r

    16:50 - 18:00 25/11/2006 Galway City Gym

    Military press:
    60kg x 6
    65kg x 5 x 5 (this was easier than the 64.5kg on tuesday, a lot easier)

    Bent-Over Rows:
    60kg x 10
    90kg x 5 x 4
    90kg x 4 (last set only got 4)

    BW+10kg x 5
    BW+15kg x 5 x 3
    BW+15kg x 4 x 2 (last two sets I struggled really hard on the 5th rep, got 3/4 way up)

    BWx 10
    BW+30kg x 5 x 4

    DB HH Curls:
    17.5kg x 5
    22.5kg x 5 x 3

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 615 ✭✭✭walt0r

    Believe it or not, I've broken a record. A boozing record. Over the last 4 years up here in College in Galway, I've not gone a single semester/summer/any part of the year for more than 5 days without a single drink. Well, my dears, I'm sure whoever is reading this will be glad to hear that I've broken this sad, pathetic streak. I haven't had a drop of alcohol since Sunday. Yes, SUNDAY! And today's Saturday. So tomorrow it will be a whole week!!!!
    But it's early yet...only 6:30pm...there's still a chance the evil sauce could tempt me into a night out on the raz in the lovely city of Galway. It's always when the exams approach (they're only a week away) that some people get the wise idea of going on the piss. Say a prayer for me.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 615 ✭✭✭walt0r

    A little mad at myself. I went out last night. I had 7 pints. Could have been worse, 7 pints is better than 15. I struggled trying to study up until about 11.45pm until that phone rang once more and my arm was eventually twisted into going into town. Ah well. Today was a total right off, got no study done because I had a hangover. ****ing down to business from tomorrow on. Going to bed now and getting up at 5.30 for a jog and to get some work done early.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 16,165 ✭✭✭✭brianthebard

    Perhaps from now on you could try drinking whiskey and ginger ale, its quite nice and have less calories than a pint!

    Just a thought. Keep the good work up and don't let one night out spoil a weeks work.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 615 ✭✭✭walt0r

    I'm trying to bulk anyways so the calories doesn't really bother me that much. A little flab around the waist isn't going to affect me too much as my bf is pretty low already. The thing that bothers me about the drinking is the lack of energy the next day/days with the hangover. It ****s up my training no end. Thanks anyways, brian.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 16,165 ✭✭✭✭brianthebard

    Just a quick question, how would you descirbe your energy levels at the minute? I know a lot of people are feeling run down at the minute as was I a fortnight ago so I went and got a B vitamin supplement. If you aren't using one already I would suggest you try one, it makes all the difference in the world for me. Although you seem fairly well clued in so you probably knew that already. Good luck hope you get the gains your aiming for.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 615 ✭✭✭walt0r

    Yeah I have been feeling a little sluggish the last few days. It's that time of year I guess. Few of my friends are the same, some have a cold. I put it down to the stress of the exams and not eating as well as I would when not under study pressure. The animal pak is all I take as a vit supplement and it has got good RDA's of pretty much all vits. Do you not take a multi-vit every day anyways?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 16,165 ✭✭✭✭brianthebard

    strangely enough no, although I probably should, as well as flax seed oil and fish oil but at the minute I'm too strapped for cash to look for supplements. Am considering asking for a protein supplement as a xmas present:D . B vitamins is the only one I consider essential at the minute. I've had allergy tests and the like done before and I've never been in major need of any vits or minerals so I don't worry about it too much. I see so many people in college at the minute walking around half asleep and with no energy, I tell everyone to take b vitamins although I doubt many people are listening to me!
    sorry didn't mean to hijack your journal.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 615 ✭✭✭walt0r

    Nah, you're not hijacking, it's fine. Well, a lot of people say they feel no difference in taking multi-vitamins and they're a waste of money. I tend to disagree. I take them regularly lately and notice my energy has vastly improved (although at the moment not as good) and I can train more. The animal pak stuff seems a bit excessive with the huge amount of tablets that you have to consume and also very pricey. But it seems to work for me. I'm gaining weight slowly. I was up to 14 st during the summer but because of boozing and bad diet when I returned to college, I went down again to about 13.5 in 2 months. Nearly back at 14 already though.

    I was a lot stronger during the summer though but I hurt my back doing heavy deadlifts. I starting off doing light squats a few weeks ago because I felt better and now tonight I'm going to go do some light deads again. My form is going to be impeccable from now on so hopefully no more injuries.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 615 ✭✭✭walt0r

    20:10 - 21:10 Galway City Gym

    Was really angry with myself in the gym there. Not so bad now. The session didn't go all as bad as I thought. I don't know what happened me though, maybe it was I'm not used to training so late in the evening anymore, lately it's all been in the afternoon. It could also have been the fact I'm not usedt o doing deadlifts and benching right after each other on the same day. Doing two compound lifts can tire you out I guess. Anyhow, whatever it was, I did manage to tweak my back on the deadlifts. It's not too sore now that I'm home. But I just went for repping 140kg after two warm-up sets after not deadlifting in over 2 months. ****ing stupid. I hope it's not going to be out again for another month.

    60kg x 10
    80kg x 7
    100kg x 5
    100kg x 4 x 2

    60kg x 10
    100kg x 6
    140kg x 6
    140kg x 7 (tweaked something in back again)
    I was in real pain. Stopped deadlifting. It's not too bad now but I think I could be screwed if I don't keep the weights low for a while.

    BW x 8
    BW+20kg x 7
    30kg x 6 x 2
    Totally shagged after these. Something's wrong. Nearly abandoned workout here but decided to do some smaller muscle groups for a bit.

    DB Front Raises:
    15kg x 5
    20kg x 5 x 2

    DB HH Curls:
    20kg x 7
    22.5kg x 5
    22.5kg x 6
    22.5kg x 5

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 615 ✭✭✭walt0r

    29/11/2006 - 3:30 - 4:30pm Galway City Gym

    60kg x 8
    90kg x 5
    92.5kg x 5 x 2
    92.5kg x 4 (not including last rep because I didn't go down far enough)
    Not too bad a squat session because I did deadlifts only yesterday so legs weren't fully recovered.

    Military press:
    60kg x 6
    66kg x 5
    66kg x 4
    66kg x 3
    I knew this one wouldn't go well as soon as I started doing a warm-up set. My tri's are wrecked from dips and bench yesterday.

    Bent-Over Rows:
    60kg x 10
    80kg x 6
    90kg x 5 x 2
    90kg x 4 - struggled

    BW x 8
    BW+15kg x 5 x 2
    BW+15kg x 4

    Overall, not a great training session. I think I did it out of boredom to get away from study. I would have lifted more on squats and mili press
    If I had left it until tomorrow. But at least it got me out of the house!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,735 ✭✭✭MyPeopleDrankTheSoup

    Good man dave, keep up the hard work, soon I won't be able to call ya lanky

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 615 ✭✭✭walt0r

    01/12/2006 7:15pm - 8:15pm - Galway City Gym
    60kg x 10
    80kg x 8
    100kg - 5, 5, 4, 4 - should have went for 5th set but had no spotter

    BW x 10
    +20kg x 7
    +31.25kg - 6, 5, 3 (+1.25kg from last week)

    Over DB Extensions:
    15kg - 6, 5, 5

    DB HH Curls:
    25kg - 5, 5, 5

    Happy enough with today. Even though I didn't eat much I felt stronger than the last bench day. I think I'll be moving up a kg/2lbs next week.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 14,483 ✭✭✭✭daveirl

    This post has been deleted.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 615 ✭✭✭walt0r

    I've got a hell of a long way to go before I consider them good lifts! Thanks anyways

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 615 ✭✭✭walt0r

    BW This morning:
    192lbs - 87kg
    Reckon I've gained about 3-4 lbs over the last 2-3 weeks. Not too bad. Gotta keep it up. If I gain 1-2lbs every week from now on, which I should have no problem doing over the Xmas :), I should be 200lbs by early January. Keep it comin, baby!!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 14,483 ✭✭✭✭daveirl

    This post has been deleted.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 615 ✭✭✭walt0r

    Yeah, it's quite obvious that Irish people don't really have a gym culture going on. I mean I loved in America for a Summer and joined Gold's Gym. The lads lifting there were hard lifters and lifted heavy. Here, it's hard to find a good gym. Galway City Gym is the best gym I've ever trained at. A hell of a lot of pictures on the walls of powerlifting champs from the area and some bodybuilders too. It's hard to find a gym like that in this country. Some days you'd see lads benching 160kg for reps and one day a guy was benching 200kg+. I find it really motivating when people are lifting heavier than me.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 14,483 ✭✭✭✭daveirl

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