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Speak up for Limerick



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 363 ✭✭cancan

    Finally, to cancan, you say that no one has ever been prosecuted in Limerick for lugging snot/firing bottles. Could I alert you to one of the local daily papers, be they agenda-ridden or agenda-free, cos in them you will find the court reports, where it is regularily reported that X or Y was prosecuted for such so-called "minor" offences.

    It’s fairly obvious that the chance of a prosecution in a matter such as that is very, very low. Hence the multitude of "minor" offences that never go punished.

    Also, to suggest that intimidation is more likely because of a smaller locale is kind of silly - you hint that prosecutions are less likely because of this factor - Is this not just a complete failure of the law and order system if this is actually the case?

    Also parents should be held accountable for their offspring. If your kid is out flinging bottles at people and being a general nuisance, perhaps the parent should not be in the pub or watching coronation street, and actually try parenting for a change.

    If you get penalty points for doing 35 in a 30, how about points for being a useless parent?

    Limerick has had a crime issue since as long as I can remember, and no solutions to date have had any effect.

    The point that I am trying to make is that perhaps it is time to explore some different solutions such as zero tolerance, or parenting penalty points or whatever floats your boat.

    There is no point comparing ourselves with other towns for crime rates, or what the media thinks, or whatever.

    Limerick people's opinion should be all that matters, and if we feel that crime is a problem for many people, perhaps it's time to try something else.

    Why such a minority has been allowed to have such influence over how the majority of citizens live for so long is beyond me.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,584 ✭✭✭shane86

    If I may say, arent Limerick people over sensitive to criticism? Im from North Dublin, I can laugh at jokes that portray the area as full of criminals etc etc. My family is from Cavan, I can laugh at the meanness jokes (though let me tell you, working in a company that deals with mainly UK customers I can say without a doubt the English are far tighter than the Scots, Cavan folks or any other stereotypically cheap place, theyll argue over 5 pence on "principal"). Im Irish- I wholeheartedtly endorse humour which portrays us as alcoholics, either addiction wise or socially.

    You can throw "1 murder last year in Limerick vs X amt in Dublin" all you want, fact is Limerick goes through very violent patches. Alot of areas do- there is alot less shootings etc in Blanch than in the early part of the century when the Westies were at their height, and in the aftermath of their demise there were two or so hits. So there was a year or two of no trouble in Limerick. Most likely because alot of the main instigators from the last bit of bother (the spate that happened when those brothers were kidnapped) had finished their sentences. From my memory there have been at least 2 gangland murders and innumerable shootings, not to mention those kids being burned, this year. I agree that its a small hardcore, hell I only know from reading the papers that names like Kelly and McNamara seem to crop up the whole time, but its hardly worth pretending its not as bad as it is. It mightnt be where you live, but O`Malley Pk et al sounds like Fallujah.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 31 Coonagh Cowboy

    I've lived in dublin for a few years and to be honest all i ever found were very rude people and scam artists and yes there were stabbings and drug related offenses going on every night,so any one who is trying to sugar coat dublin is wasting their time.And as for Limerick,of all the places in ireland i've lived,she's the best one.the whole atmosphere and people are genuine and easy going.And yes there is crime there but its mostly between certain families and like anywhere the odd thug out to impress his mates or get something for nothing,you have that anywhere.For years the media has portrayed limerick as a lawless,drug fueled murder fest,and over the years thats all the imagine most people who dont even live here think of.Limerick has gone through and still is continuing to go through changes and I think its wonderful,which makes me sort of sad to think of all the people out there who has never really experienced limerick,its history and people because if they have then they would know just how lovely this city is and not what its portrayed to be.Sure there's bad areas and even now there are efforts to change that such as more garda patrols and even talk of new stations being put up in those areas.and its not all going to change overnight but it will change and hopefully for the better,for the city itself and for the people who live in those areas.Basically what is boils down too is if you only concentrate on the bad things of a city then that is all you will see,and you blind yourself to the greater things the city itself is really all about.Thats my two cents anyways.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8,048 ✭✭✭Amazotheamazing

    yeah, right... nice try!

    Headline offences per 1,000 of population 2005
    Dublin Met Region 39.13
    Souther Region 21.92 (Limerick 31.85)

    and now shoo! back into your pink clound!

    Read the examiner article in dv's post, it's pretty shocking with regard to crime levels in Limerick, Cork and Dublin.

  • Registered Users Posts: 488 ✭✭ellenmelon

    gaf1983 wrote:
    Ellenmellon, I know this is off-topic, but in a previous post you said you don't read Irish newspapers, nor did you read New Zealand ones, because they have agendas. Does this mean that you don't read/watch any news media at all, because as far as I'm aware, every newspaper/broadcast has some sort of agenda. Could you provide us with the name of an agenda-free publication?


    well, seeing as i said i dont read newspapers because i think theyre a load of bo**cks, that kind of answers your question doesnt it? so no, i cant provide you with an agenda free publication because of that.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 488 ✭✭ellenmelon

    This is where you and I differ, I don't go out of my way to post negative things about Limerick, you often do. Even when positive things are posted, (which the first comment largely is) you jump up about comparisons with other places and how much worse than somewhere Limerick is.

    I don't accept that negative things have to be brought into every thread, this thread for example was from 3 relatively famous people spoke up for their city, I was re-iterating their views, why you felt the need to be negative is up to you, not me.

    At the risk of attempting to educate you, in the 1980's, Limerick had no university (it was an NIHE), huge unemployment, Shannon was used mainly for emigration, the city centre was largely unmaintained (compared to the improvements around the Cresent, the new buildings on the river etc), there was council houses in King John's Castle, river was badly polluted and hospitals were being closed down.

    Now Limerick has one of the best universities (according to official rankings) and IT's, Shannon is bring huge numbers of tourists into the West and Midwest, great sports facilities, new hotels being built, new hospitals being built, main drainage scheme slowly cleaning the river, most of Pery sq being refurbished, several streets being refurbished, several new shopping centres being built, new nightclubs coming onstream, gaelic grounds expanded, Thomond being rebuilt etc etc.

    Yes Limerick has it's bad parts, but do the bad parts have to be every story? Why not reflect on the positives coming along than continually look at the bad side of the story? I think Limerick has made some huge strides in the last 10 years, sure I'd love if there was more cafes, bookshops and theatres but even then things are improving. What we need now is for events like riverfest to really take off and capture the public's imagination, maybe bring a few big bands for gigs here etc, but it's an upward curve.

    it seems that you're accusing me of bringing a negative light into this post, when 5 days later(i wonder why this was..), after someone else posted about feeling uncomfortable walking home at night. all i said in reply to their post was "i always felt a bit uncomfortable walking around limerick city at night too, it wasnt like i feared for my life or anything but it was just..wierd. i think its the fact that there arent many people around and some bits are really badly lit".
    i said it about the temple bar thing, and ill say it again..i would say this about any city/area that i lived in that i felt uncomfortable walking around. its not a "personal attack" on limerick at all.
    after that, the only time i posted was in response to something somebody else had said.i didnt just post randomly. so why specifically point the finger at me on this occasion? i see others post similar (not the same) things.

    you cant stop people commenting on a "positive" post with a "negative" comment and vice versa.people will think what they think and as i said before, this topic is a hot topic and stirs strong emotions in people.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 153 ✭✭motormouthmable

    Read the examiner article in dv's post, it's pretty shocking with regard to crime levels in Limerick, Cork and Dublin.

    Error 404

    Your page cannot be displayed.
    Click here to go to the IrishExaminer website.

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    Please change the links in your favourites.

    what was it about?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,312 ✭✭✭Limerick Dude

    Um, there has been alot of abuse towards ellenmellon in the past.... She makes valid points about Limerick and at the end of the day its her opinion so just get over it, I dont like Limerick for many reasons also, but there are also positives too.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,871 ✭✭✭Karmafaerie

    what was it about?

    Here is the article. (I've added what's in red)
    Media ‘hypes and over-reports crime in Limerick’

    Professor Stephen O’Brien said garda crime figures do not support the image of the city as having a disproportionate level of serious crime.

    Prof O’Brien, head of the University of Limerick’s applied mathematics faculty, said he decided to research crime as it seemed to be a particular issue in Limerick.

    “It made me wonder how bad the situation really is. So I went looking. After a little searching, one comes across the crime statistics for 2005. And the results are really surprising: how many murders in Limerick in 2005? From media presentations, one would guess ‘many’. In fact for that year the figure is precisely one. Yes, one.

    “When I looked at the numbers I could not believe it. The figures for headline crime are also very interesting as they show a similar level of headline crime from for Cork and Limerick per 1,000 of population at around 28 crimes per 1,000. The corresponding figure for headline crime in Dublin was 120 per 1,000.”

    In 2005, Cork city had two murders and Dublin had 27.

    “This may be a particularly low murder figure for that year; Limerick does tend to have more murders than it should due to gangland/feuds. But nothing like what one would perceive from media hype. Three to four a year seems about normal.”

    Headline crimes per 1,000 of population for major centres of population for 2004 and 2005 were as follows:

    * Cork: 26.82 (2004); 27.81 (2005).

    * Limerick: 25.57 (2004); 31.85 (2005).

    * Dublin North Central: 119.72 (2005).

    * Dublin South Central: 95.78 (2005).

    Prof O’Brien said: “Similar trends apply for previous years. Limerick had slightly fewer headline crimes (per 1,000 population) than Cork in 2004 and slightly more in 2005. But inner city Dublin is three-to-four times as bad.”

    He said the conclusions of his research are obvious.

    “Dublin is by far the most dangerous place in the country. Headline crime figures in other urban areas are approximately the same; Dublin is seriously out of line. Limerick is more or less average.”

    He said the media are responsible for the unfair projection of Limerick as a place with a crime problem which is out of kilter with other cities except Dublin.

    He said some crimes which go unreported in Dublin would merit national headlines if they happened in Limerick.

    “A man went into a rugby club in Dublin recently and stabbed five people, singling out men wearing blazers. That only emerged in the media some weeks later when it was briefly mentioned in a Sunday newspaper as part of a story. Imagine what would have happened in the media if a similar attack occurred on a Saturday night in a Limerick rugby club.”

    Very, very, true. This would have been on every news station, every radio show, and in every news paper for a week had it happened in Limerick.

    He said the incident in which a five-year-old Southill boy was shot was also over-reported.

    “It went on for days in the media. If that happened in Dublin it would not have got the same treatment. And in one radio chat show, a guest mention about a ‘boy being murdered’ in Limerick and not one person contradicted him. There was a gut reaction.”

    Which is proven when a couple of days later shots were fired into the bedroom of an 11 and 12 year old in Dublin while they were sleeping, but there was nowhere near the media outcry.
    The boy in Limerick was in the news for weeks, but the two in Dublin got mentioned for one day, and then nothing else.

    yeah, right... nice try!

    Headline offences per 1,000 of population 2005
    Dublin Met Region 39.13
    Souther Region 21.92 (Limerick 31.85)

    and now shoo! back into your pink clound!

    I just rechecked what I said, and it seems I wasn't clear.
    I was referring to some of the individual areas.

    Headline Crimes per 1000 pop.

    Dublin North Central : 114.57

    Dublin South Central : 93.86

    Limerick : 31.85

    P.S: What sums it up for me, is that there are more crimes in Cork City (5814), than in Limerick City, County, and all of Clare County put together (5717)! In case you didn't know, the Limerick region incorporates all of the County, and all of Clare County!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 153 ✭✭motormouthmable

    i give up. now that cork thing... waste of time. l047.gif

    maybe you try to read this from squids blog
    and then try to think a while about this, read again and then think again and try to understand. you may shove your statistics up your longer back then and say hello to the real world outside your cloud.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,871 ✭✭✭Karmafaerie

    Are you an idiot?
    (I know that personal attacks aren't allowed here- Sorry Billy)

    You asked about the article so I posted it.
    In the interview, he mentions the similarity to Limerick and Cork per 1000 of population.
    So I point out Cork.

    Every city in the country, and all of the larger towns have roughly the same ratio.
    Some years Limerick is higher, some years Limerick is lower, but only by a couple of points.
    Same as every other city.
    The only place in the country that is out of line is Dublin.
    And this isn't a once off. Every year Dublin is well above the normal for the rest of the country!
    But the media picks on Limerick.

    As for the article in the blog spot, you will find people in similar situations in Cork, a few different places in Dublin, and to a lesser extent in places like Galway and Waterford, with their smaller population centers.
    Why do you insist that it's just Limerick.

    And as for the media bias argument.
    Read the front page of today's Limerick Post.

    Tell me that that isn't biased media reporting!

    Open you're bloody eyes!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 153 ✭✭motormouthmable

    try again!

    you think your endless stupid comparing with other towns and cities makes this city less violent? i frankly give a sh*t about Cork, Dublin or Ballybumfvck. I live in Limerick.

    I hope and wish you will get attacked by scumbags one day twice in the city centre just after reading in the newspaper that another kid was burnt in the car, another house was set on fire, another kid was shot, another scum was shot, another amount of weapons was found, another amount of drugs was found and then I want to hear you saying "Ah, nice place. Ballybumnfvck has a higher crime rate anyway. This makes Limerick so wonderful." And then go home and w*nk on your fecking statistics. If you are already old enough or not to old.

    to the other readers: sorry for my rant but this makes me sick.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,871 ✭✭✭Karmafaerie

    try again!

    you think your endless stupid comparing with other towns and cities makes this city less violent? i frankly give a sh*t about Cork, Dublin or Ballybumfvck. I live in Limerick.

    I hope and wish you will get attacked by scumbags one day twice in the city centre just after reading in the newspaper that another kid was burnt in the car, another house was set on fire, another kid was shot, another scum was shot, another amount of weapons was found, another amount of drugs was found and then I want to hear you saying "Ah, nice place. Ballybumnfvck has a higher crime rate anyway. This makes Limerick so wonderful." And then go home and w*nk on your fecking statistics. If you are already old enough or not to old.

    to the other readers: sorry for my rant but this makes me sick.

    You are an idiot!
    Thanks for answering my question.

    Newsflash, this isn't a post about crime in Limerick.
    It's a post about people in Limerick standing up for ourselves, and not letting the media get away with altering the national image of Limerick.
    There have been tonnes of incidents cited by me and others giving reference to this, but instead you want to just insult Limerick, and refuse to except that Limerick is the same as the rest of the country.
    We get it, you don't like Limerick. Well go back to cloud cuckoo land where you obviously come from where there's no crime, and drugs are unheard of. Or get back on topic.
    If you want to keep on bashing Limerick go do it somewhere else where I'll ignore you, but don't do it in a thread entitled "Speak Up For Limerick"

    BTW you do realise that you've proven the point I made in my first post in this thread right?

    Then a few weeks ago, when another one of these sporadic Limerick bashing threads was started, I had somebody derisively comment on how I was going to bring facts into the discussion again!

    People have made their minds up about Limerick, because of all the national coverage, and they refuse to let a little thing like facts change their minds.

    And yes, I was talking about you!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8,048 ✭✭✭Amazotheamazing

    try again!

    you think your endless stupid comparing with other towns and cities makes this city less violent? i frankly give a sh*t about Cork, Dublin or Ballybumfvck. I live in Limerick.

    I hope and wish you will get attacked by scumbags one day twice in the city centre just after reading in the newspaper that another kid was burnt in the car, another house was set on fire, another kid was shot, another scum was shot, another amount of weapons was found, another amount of drugs was found and then I want to hear you saying "Ah, nice place. Ballybumnfvck has a higher crime rate anyway. This makes Limerick so wonderful." And then go home and w*nk on your fecking statistics. If you are already old enough or not to old.

    to the other readers: sorry for my rant but this makes me sick.

    Listen, no offence, but all that stuff happens in Southill or Moyross, which may as well be a different world to most Limerick people. In my life I've been into Southill maybe twice, and few more times to Moyross, like most Limerick people those places are not in my local geography. And even more pointedly, very little of the stuff that happens is random, when was the last time a random person was killed in the city? Usually (90+ of the time) it's drug dealers killing each other, not something I agree with, but not people I lose sleep over either. Now, perhaps you're a dealer or something, becuase if you're not, there's very little chance of anything like what you've wished on KF actually happening to you.

    Now anti-social behaviour is a different thing, like what you experienced on the strand, and I think we'll be a long time finding a proper solution for it. Generally it's not criminals but bored teenagers causing the trouble, like I said, some of the wildest 15 year olds I knew are now accountants and bank clerks, most people grow out of it but how do you deal with the problem as it occurs?

    btw, what do have against statistics?

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,871 ✭✭✭Karmafaerie

    btw, what do have against statistics?

    They prove that he's either misinformed, blinkered about the rest of the country, or simply lying.

    BTW, nicely put post.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 18,163 ✭✭✭✭Liam Byrne

    CiaranC wrote:
    Why do Limerick people constantly complain that people point out criminality in their city, and while doing it constantly point out criminality in Dublin themselves?
    Not true.....most of us only complain when it's exaggerated or used to slag off the city; anyone who quotes facts and/or objective arguments is more than welcome to debate.
    Like when Willie O'Dea pointed out the crime rates in Dublin on the Late Late recently and the audience applauded. Ugh.
    This happens when Dublin-based media continually exaggerates Limerick stories but ignores ones (like the rugby ones above). It's not ideal, but it is a case of "people in glasshouses".

    Fact is, both Limerick and Dublin (and other places) are cities; great places in many senses, but every city has it's share of problems and scumbags. No-one says "Dublin is a ****hole" because of the 5% or whatever of joyriders and knackers, but people happily spout similar crap about Limerick.

    Why ? I don't know, but personally any reference I (or Willie O'Dea or anyone else) makes to Dublin crime is only to point out that fact to whoever is doing the exaggerating. It's a way of shutting them up, pointing out that they're talking through their arses. If the Dublin media and uninformed idiots stopped slagging the place, we'd stop having to correct them.

    Constantly having to defend against the exaggerations is counter-productive, since it does lead people to say "we're not that bad"......"not that bad", or "not as bad as Dublin" isn't good enough, and the ****e spouted about Limerick is pathetic and would be laughable if gullible idiots didn't believe it.

    If Denis O'Brien can get €750,000 for libel and inaccurate reporting, it's a pity that Limerick can't go to court - we'd be able to afford the remaining city improvements in no time!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 18,163 ✭✭✭✭Liam Byrne

    yeah, right... nice try!

    Headline offences per 1,000 of population 2005
    Dublin Met Region 39.13
    Souther Region 21.92 (Limerick 31.85)

    and now shoo! back into your pink clound!

    Where exactly is the "Dublin Met Region" ? I would think that it refers to Dublin and suburbs ? So, therefore, it has a larger population ?

    Despite the obvious fact that even allowing for that the Dublin figure is still higher than Limerick (thereby proving the main point of the thread without any adjustment), there's another factor; Limerick's official population does not include the suburbs - if you add them in (i.e. create a "Limerick Met Region") then the population goes up by almost 45%, thereby almost halving the headline crime rate.

    If you're going to quote and compare facts, please make sure that the base figures are comparable and not skewed to suit your argument. I know that it's not strictly your fault (I'd never heard of Dublin Met Region until I researched this for a discussion earlier this year) but it's yet another example of how lies, damned lies and statistics can be used to put a slant on pretty much anything.

    And once again, I'm not slagging off Dublin - just quoting the stats.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 18,163 ✭✭✭✭Liam Byrne

    If anyone is in any doubt whatsoever that the Dublin-based media exaggerate things, have a look at this - unpublished - letter that I sent to the Sunday Independent pointing out a few minor flaws in an article that they ran.

    The article was entitled "One more killing and Limerick is murder capital of western Europe", and I haven't bought the so-called "news" paper since.


    I have been a regular reader of the Sunday Independent for the past 20-odd years, but I am beginning to questions the quality of the paper, the standard of writing and grammar, as well as the level of actual facts rather than mere editorial and opinion that has begun to fill your paper lately.

    The most recent example was the attention-grabbing headline that "One more killing and Limerick is murder capital of western Europe" on September 24th.

    Let's leave aside for a moment the subjective definition of what a "murder capital" might be. The most murders ? No. The most attacks on decent, law-abiding citizens ? Nope. The most in-fighting and hits on members of criminal gangs ? Again, no. Maybe it's the place where newspaper reporters are murdered for just doing their jobs ? No - that's somewhere else in Ireland. But let's leave all that aside; after all, truth and detail can be sacrificed in an effort to grab a sensational headline, can't they ?

    However subjective the title, my thought at reading the headline was that our fair city is now, at this moment, some form of "murder capital"; after all, the headline said "is", and my reading of the headline was the inference that the "one more killing" referred to the much-reported one last week. Having read through the entire article, including Willie O'Dea's correct observation that this doesn't even relate to 99.9% of the city, I finally found out in the last 2 paragraphs that Limerick is not the murder capital described in the headline, but might possibly be at some notional stage in the future, on condition that another possible murder might possibly happen before the end of the does the correct headline now become "if there's one more...then Limerick would be" ? So that's cleared up then ? Just a minor over-simplification and condensing of facts by the headliner ?

    Actually, no - we're not finished yet.

    At the risk of extending my lesson in basic grammar and objectivity, the suggested correction, using "would be", is amazingly still incorrect, and would require the services of a clairvoyant to back it up. Why ? Because the allocation of the dubious and subjective title is still based on an amazing prediction by the writer - the prediction that one such event is likely to occur in Limerick, but at the same time they are certain that for all Glasgow's current status as the actual murder capital, Glasgow is going to be amazingly murder-free for the remainder of the year, thereby allowing Limerick - if the event predicted by the reporter happens - to pass it out! So should the original "is" now change from "would be" to "could possibly be at some unknown stage in the future if we've guessed right" ? Factually correct, but I reckon that'd be too far from the intended purpose of the original headline.

    Just imagine if your writers had afforded Limerick the same level of respect that they amazingly afforded the current "murder capital" of more respect, but also, as is fair and just, no less.....but I guess that that would've spoilt your fun and would have put the brakes on your amazing attention-grabbing tabloidesque headline.

    Liam Byrne

    Pity they didn't have the guts to publish it - I guess no bully likes to be challenged, especially when they can decide what to print. Incidentally, there was another murder in Glasgow about 2 weeks after I sent the above letter.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,871 ✭✭✭Karmafaerie

    That whole murder capital thing is a load of crap anyway.
    They use the number of murders in the garda region, and the official population of the city.
    This would be fine in areas like Cork where there is a separate Garda district for Cork city, so the figures match up.

    119,143 in Cork City.
    119,143 in Cork City Garda District.

    This doesn't work in Limerick however.
    Limericks Garda district incorporates Limerick City, Limerick County, and all of County Clare!
    I looked over these "murder capital" figures a few months back, and they used the "official" Limerick City population figures only.

    52,560 in Limerick City (Yeah fu€king right!:rolleyes: )
    131303 in Limerick County
    110800 in Clare County
    294663 in total!

    The murder figures used for Limerick city in that thing are almost 6 times out of whack! (considering the size Limerick actually is, about 3 times out of whack!)

    It's all just a load of crap!:mad:

    P.S: Sorry for bringing facts into this again MMM

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,283 ✭✭✭source

    CiaranC wrote:
    The 'Dublin' media? :confused:

    Surely you mean the national media?

    I realise this is an old post but i have to point out to CiaranC that YES it is the Dublin based national media that seem to be putting Limerick down, In fact correct me if i'm wrong, but was the moniker "stab city" not coined, by the Dublin Media, It was a line in Fair City in the mid 90's which the rest of the media grabbed hold of like a greedy child with sweets.

    To get back to the point of this thread i have to say unfortunately that i have moved from the city to Ballina in Co Tipp and i miss the city so much, I think in my 24 years of living in the city, I experienced street crime once, when i was beat on by 4 drunken idiots......and we're not talking scumbags here, these 4 it later turned out were from the North Circular Road, which for those of you who don't know it, it would be quite an affluent area.

    I think the point i'm trying to make here is the exact same as every one else, Limerick is a beautiful city with a lot to offer visitors and residents, YES there are some problems but NO we don't all go around in armoured cars wearing bullet proof vests and fearing for our lives.

    before anyone starts i know that is an exageration but it has been suggested to me while visiting my girlfriend who is living in Dublin that this is what is needed to survive in Limerick.

    Bloody typical!

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 18,163 ✭✭✭✭Liam Byrne

    Not so long ago, during what was probably the worst of the events (back when The Sunday World had pictures of armed Gardai patrolling what they called "the streets of Limerick" - implying the main streets, when it wasn't - it was a road on a housing estate on the outskirts) I visited a client in Dublin and he said "ye're having a rough time in Limerick". I replied "If you were to believe the papers, yes, but - while like every city there are a few areas you probably wouldn't go into at night, there's nothing up in most of the city". I proceeded to tell him how I'd strolled home along O'Connell St the night before coz I couldn't get a cab.

    His reply - "Jeez, you wouldn't do that in Dublin!"

    Words from a Dub living in Dublin; I didn't comment on his city, or ask him to expand or how he thought the above about his city, but he said it himself; I've more peace of mind and freedom from violence in Limerick than he has in his view of Dublin, so it's pretty ironic that the topic was started up by him feeling sorry for me! And that was when events in Limerick were at their worst!

    Go figure!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,173 ✭✭✭1huge1

    ^^ or maybe you have more guts on him

    i wouldn't feel safe walking by myself in any city centre in the middle of the night
    thats common sense

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 18,163 ✭✭✭✭Liam Byrne

    thats common sense
    Nope, that's letting the scumbags win.

    Don't get me wrong, in any city there's a small chance that something might happen, but likewise if you go out in your car there's a small chance that some idiot will crash into you; as long as it's a small chance (i.e. it's not likely and not a foregone conclusion) then we accept it as part of life.

    I wouldn't be stupid about it, and we are talking about the main streets here (and so was he) but I genuinely don't see any reason not to stroll home from a club; I've done it on numerous occasions with no problems, and I don't get any feeling of being unsafe.

    And while I wouldn't be a shrinking violet, I wouldn't consider myself unduly "brave" or that walking home in a relatively safe city requires "guts".....there's a thin line between guts and stupidity at times, and there are definitely some areas that I'd feel uncomfortable about, but that applies anywhere; the main streets of Limerick are not one of them.

  • Registered Users Posts: 34,788 ✭✭✭✭krudler

    as long as normal everyday people arent being killed in the feuds then fine,just let the "gangsters" wipe themselves out,in fairness does anyone care if a drug dealing knacker is blown away?i sure as **** dont one less scumbag on the streets is a good thing

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,173 ✭✭✭1huge1

    ^^ well ya that makes sense but it isnt always the reality
    luckily for the most part in limerick it is these people (though a person all the same)

    that thing in dublin about the plumber getting killed was one of the worst ive ever heard though

  • Registered Users Posts: 34,788 ✭✭✭✭krudler

    a person they may be but nobody forced them into a life of crime and drug dealing (spare me the social differences and disadvantaged communites bollocks) you live be the sword you die by it

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 18,163 ✭✭✭✭Liam Byrne

    I'm with krudler on this; there's no responsibility for people who make a choice to do crime.

    I'm sick of seeing in the paper that John Devane or whoever has represented some scumbag in court and asked for leniency because someone's dad died earlier in the year or whatever.

    My dad died in 2002 and I didn't go loony robbing/killing/murdering; it affected me, sure, and still does around this time of year, but I make my own choices and becoming a scumbag ain't one of them.

    Whatever choice you make you should face the conseqences; if this minority kills each other off, no loss, and Limerick can return to standing loud and proud with the best of them. The only problem might be that other relations get dragged in and it makes things worse.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,871 ✭✭✭Karmafaerie

    Sorry to hear about your dad LB.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 170 ✭✭soldering iron

    it sadden me to see the image that limerick has due to the media,there are more normal law bidding people living there than scumbags.Limerick is a nice place to visit and you all should be very proud of your city.All the best from the Waterford city home of the Deise

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 531 ✭✭✭D-A-V-E

    it sadden me to see the image that limerick has due to the media,there are more normal law bidding people living there than scumbags.Limerick is a nice place to visit and you all should be very proud of your city.All the best from the Waterford city home of the Deise
    i just want to say thankyou to the guy from waterford, our city is a normal Irish city thats changing before our very eyes with all the huge money being pumped into it. believe it or not there is nearly 4.5 million in Ireland and to focus all its primary crime on just one of many of its urban townlands is f***en rediculous, the dublin media should be ashamed for what they are trying to do to us and for their followers who aggree with what they are doing, you should cop on to yourselves and open your eyes..
