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Connundrum - GO!

  • 13-11-2006 10:25am
    Registered Users Posts: 5,563 ✭✭✭

    Ok, after weeks of talking about it, I've gone on the Liptrim program thingy. I started it yesterday having purchased all of the necessary goods on Saturday.

    Had 2 shakes yesterday - Chocolate and Strawberry. I'd be lying if I said they didn't taste like a$$ :o And preparing for the first shake of the day now.

    My reasons for taking part in the programme..

    About 2 years ago I got into a slump of overeating (not to an excessive degree but noticable) which was mixed with slacking exercise ventures. I was in college and working so it literally was wake up => college => work => bed. This led to me stickin on maybe a stone and a half, which I haven't been able to shift, and I've been pretty much the same weight +/- the obvious few pounds since then.

    So, this is being done with a view to kick starting a better body (along with me feeling better about myself).

    I really don't believe that I eat unhealthily now, I reckon I eat like a normal person - Cereal with banana, coffee, meat + salad sandwich or roll and then a dinner which would be meat + pasta/rice or meat and 2/3 veg. During the day there might be a coupla snacks but that is pretty much my day to day diet. There also might be the odd chinese/chipper but again, nothing too hectic.

    Over the last coupla months I've rekindled my relationship with the aul excercise - but it hasn't been a routined thing due to work/other commitments. I might go to the gym once a week or three times a week but I guess it is averaging out at twice a week.

    My ultimate goal for this programme is to stay the course for 4 weeks, keep a minimum of 2 gym trips per week, and see how I am come December 10th.
    My weight at the moment is 16st 1, and my ideal weight would be 14st 5 - 15 st (this is my ideal weight, not what a BMI chart would suggest as I am 6'2).

    When I'm in the gym, it'd usually be 20 minutes cardio - treadmill, stepper, rowing and skipping (although not all in the one session) followed by 40 + minutes of upper body - benching, free weights and using other such equipment.

    Apart from the 2 shakes a day I'm taking Berocca (1 a day) and cod liver oil (just because I always do).

    Here goes!
