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Real team names\badges\kits online?

  • 16-11-2006 5:28pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 193 ✭✭

    I have edited the team names\kits and badges in the game. Is there anyway that these edited teams can be used when playing online?



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 20,346 ✭✭✭✭KdjaCL

    You have to hexedit the exe, soon there will be a version of kitservber that does it for you.


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,406 ✭✭✭brianon

    KdjaCL wrote:
    You have to hexedit the exe, soon there will be a version of kitservber that does it for you.


    No way ! Where did you see this ? That will be cool.

    That kitserver is class. Any idea wher to get the mini-kits from ? The ones that show up on the kit select screen ?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 20,346 ✭✭✭✭KdjaCL

    brianon wrote:
    No way ! Where did you see this ? That will be cool.

    That kitserver is class. Any idea wher to get the mini-kits from ? The ones that show up on the kit select screen ?

    They work for me theres a file called kserv.cfg Open it with Notepad and enter this into it.
    # KitServer configuration file
    # mini-kits model map. 
    # Needed only for correct display of mini-kits, 
    # but doesn't affect the in-game kits.
    # Note: the map might be incomplete, so feel free to add the model
    # numbers to correct groups, if you notice that a mini-kit for
    # certain model is rendered incorrectly.
    mini-kits.narrow-backs = [8]
    mini-kits.wide-backs = [0,1,2,9,12,13,37,51,60,64,100,101,102,104,105,106]
    mini-kits.squashed-with-logo = [18,19,20,21,49,54,61,68,69,70,74,91,115,116,117,118,124,125,126,127,128,129,132,134,137,138,139,140,146,147,148]
    # any other other model is assumed to be "squashed-without-logo"
    # (meaning the new PES6 model with squashed shirt, but no logo
    # in the bottom-right area of the texture.)
    # Some examples: 31,71,84,etc. 

    Thye show up then press 1,2,3,4 to select 1st 2nd 3rd kit ete:

    Online you see the jerseys you pick so it doesnt matter what other guy picks.

    The option file the game uses is contained in the EXE to stop cheating, fair enough you can change names but you can also change player stats so you can cheat.

