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My Journal

  • 29-11-2006 3:28pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 3


    Thought I would post this up here as I thought it would be great to record this journey. It will be nice to see it all laid bare in black and white too!

    Ok well I am a 26 year old Female 5'10, who is massively overweight due to hormonal reasons and sheer stupidity. Two weeks ago I got on the scales to find that I have grown to 19 1/2 stone. I decided then and there that it was the end of living my life in that way.

    I went cold turkey and changed all my old eating habits and have also begun an excersise regime.

    Today, two weeks later, I got on the scales to find that I have lost 7lbs!!!!

    A little background...I was very active in school, played all the sports, was never skinny but never this heavy, back then, at my heaviest I was about 13 stone. I went to college and the sports stopped, social occasions took over, meeting in the bar after lectures took precedence to exercising and playing sport.

    Then I got into a relationship and got comfortable, eating out was more common and to be honest, I just stopped caring how I looked. So, four years ago the relationship ended and I took it very hard, went on a massive diet kick and lost all my excess weight, was very stupid in the process, I just basically stopped eating and when I got to where I wanted to be I put it all back on, and then some!

    So there I was overweight and there looked to be no escape. What did I do? I ignored it and kept eating. This is an example of my OLD days...


    8.00am None or a bottle of coke and a kit kat
    10.00am Greasy sausage roll from the cantine
    11.00am More coke


    Bagette with breaded chicken fillet, mayo and swiss cheese
    Packet of King Crisps


    Homemade chips
    Creamy Mushroom kievs - or something equally crappy

    After dinner - no joke

    Bowl of butter popcorn
    2x500ml bottles of coke
    large bag of maltesers or 2 kinder buenos
    maybe a bag of jellies

    Absolutely appalling and seeing it all there really drives the point home. I was killing myself and I cannot go back to that.

    This is an outline of my diet at the moment


    6.00am Large bowl of porridge maybe with some banana to sweeten
    Glass of Cranberry Juice
    Slice of McCambridge Bread

    9.30am/10.00am two satsumas and half a banana or activia yoghurt


    1.00pm - Two slices of McCambridge bread and maybe a grilled chicken fillet (depends on night before)
    Other half of my banana and an apple.

    3.00 - More fruit


    5.30 - Chicken fillets in some shape or form or last night I had an omelette with a salad

    My body still craves sugar so I will have a glass of Cranberry juice around 6.30pm

    Its still early days but I feel great. I am naturally tired in the evenings, I have started to go walking in the mornings 20 minutes around the block before brekkie then a half hour at lunch. When I feel fitter I will walk home from work which is about 50 minutes.

    Changes to note:

    I can now get my socks on! Imagine, something so simple as putting on socks, I don't have to sit there contemplating it anymore! My clothes certainly feel looser too

    The only way is up (or down in this case) watch this space!


  • Registered Users Posts: 10,407 ✭✭✭✭justsomebloke

    hey good work so far, hope it all goes well. Just as a suggestion instead of having fruit at 3 try have a small amount of nuts and seeds.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 615 ✭✭✭walt0r

    I hope you are going to throw in some cardio as well. Start off slow but make sure you get your ass on a treadmill or a bike or something.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 80 ✭✭Frequent

    Good for you! Keep going! It will be slow but don't give up. Remember to pack yourself full of vegetables - they will fill you up and help to avoid snacking. I'll be reading along for your progress. Good luck. :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3 Tub O' Lard

    JSB - Thanks, what kind of seeds do you suggest? I can't eat nuts as I am allergic :(

    Waltor - Yeah I got the bike out this evening but it needs a service! The walking is grand for now. I had bad back cramps if I walked for any lenght of time due to my weight but they have gone/subsided now, I think I will start the walks home on Monday evening. I have done it a couple of times and they take an hour and 15 at a normal pace, really going for it, I can do it in 50/55. Through the walking I plan to get my fitness level up to take on other activities.

    Frequent - Thanks a million! I have been reading your journal and it inspired me to start this!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3 Tub O' Lard

    Today was a good day in all. It started off kind of sluggish. I was tired on my morning walk, I think I went to bed far too late. I am up at 5am each day as I start work at 7am and if I am not in bed by 10 I am crippled for the day.

    As I said I was fairly sluggish on my walk but once I got in and had my porridge and my shower I was grand.

    Somebody in the office bought scones for everybody this morning but I gladly gave mine away, was pretty proud of myself too. Would have been so easy to eat it! Instead I had my yoghurt and fruit and I didn't suffer the starchy bloating!

    I can't believe how much of a water fan I have become. I was an awful coke fiend and the switch was initially tough, but I just can't go back to that stuff, its pure sugar and tbh, although its only been two weeks, I don't think my palette could take it.

    I had some peppermint tea today which I found I really really like. I don't know if it is just me but it feels really cleansing as your drinking it!?!

    Anyways, things are good good good! :D

    Changes To Note

    My digestive system is running like clockwork. I now 'go' at least twice a day.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 10,407 ✭✭✭✭justsomebloke

    I would generally suggest a mix of different types of seeds, I like pumpkin seeds myself (actaully I don't really but for some reason I am kind of addict to them go figure) no it is just that your diet seems a bit low on fats so maybe some cod liver oil tablets and maybe some flax seed oil maybe a good sub for nuts.
    A lot of people think they should stay clear of fats when trying to lose weight however fats are actaully good for you, just stay well away from trans fat

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 80 ✭✭Frequent

    What is happening with you? I hope your silence doesn't mean you have given up!
