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The c - 13 Story



  • Registered Users Posts: 5,584 ✭✭✭c - 13

    Thanks for the reminder King, I almost forgot about the journal. I'm getting there, slower than I would like admittedly.

    Theres been a couple of **** ups in work and alot of work going on at home and with a house i'm buying at the moment so I feel like i'm making one step forward and two back. Ive been at it but not as much as I would like.

    Everything should be finalised by lunchtime today so I can get back to normality with it from today.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,251 ✭✭✭The Walsho

    Good to hear, all the best with it man.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,584 ✭✭✭c - 13

    OK, so as of recent times I have been concerned with the following areas -

    (1) Calorie Counting
    I have been counting the calories for meals (using G'em's excellent guide in the Fitness forum stickies to work out my Daily allowance of 2680 (Trying to keep it a bit under that even)).
    This seems to be working better for me as I feel fuller and can monitor what I eat in detail, the only con for this system is that sometimes I find it hard to track down the exact calories for what I eat and as a result have to make estimates based on similar foods.

    (2) Crossfit
    Crossfit did a lot to help me, most notably my total chinup figures quadrupled (from 2 to 8), even though its a small enough gain in totality, I'm still chuffed with it. However I think i'm going to ease back on crossfit a bit and try something new (see next point)

    (3) Kickboxing
    Monday I went for my first kickboxing class as I feel I have been neglecting cardio a bit. I intend to do this class twice a week (mondays and wednesdays). I thought the first class was great, its much easier to push yourself to go to a class than to train at home. Next class is on tonight.

    (4) Lapses
    As I specified in my journal over the last couple of entries I have lapsed in places due to personal reasons, this is all hopefully behind me now so I can continue unburdned.

    (5) Gains

    As mentioned in my previous posts my strength increase has been noticable and although I am staying away from weighing scales quite a few people have commented that I have lost weight. So all looks well at the moment.

    I hope to return to posting details on a more regular basis again hopefully.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,584 ✭✭✭c - 13

    Well i'm keeping up the kickboxing at the moment anyway, very enjoyable and a fairly intense cardio workout as well.
    Now that i'm adjusting to it ill have to mix something into some of the days that i'm not going to training.
    At the moment i'm unsure as to wether to train kickboxing on the other days, weights or cardio, or a mix of all three.
    Might just go back to crossfit.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,584 ✭✭✭c - 13

    Still keeping up the kickboxing twice weekly, integrating other work with it form this week, staring tonight wiht an attemp at the Fitness boards workout of the week for last week.

    I've also set up a Fitday account for food tracking after seeing how well it seems to log foods.

    I'm having to calm down on the cardio part of the kickboxing a little this week as my asthma has reared its head after two full years of being dormant. Hopefully that should recede in the next day or two though.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,584 ✭✭✭c - 13

    OK, I''m back again, since my last post work sent me out to the middle east for a couple of weeks on a project (I was stranded in a camp in the middle of a desert). As a result I havent been to a gym in about 3 weeks and my food intake has been all over the place.

    I've been missing alot of meals and eating bad food fror the meals I was taking.
    I've been missing exercise due to not getting to a gym and being far too hot to go for a run etc. outside (35c most days).

    So, i've been back in the country since saturday morning and although i'm moving my eating habits back to normal I havent had the energy/motivation to go to a gym/exercise.

    I've been giving my plans a lot of thought over the last couple of weeks and I began to realise i'm not really working towards any specific goals so i'm toying with the idea of signing up to do either a half or full (most likely half !) marathon

    This could be a good thing to challenge me and to work towards.

    I am setting Tuesday 8th May as my date to get back into all my good habits (It should also give me time to convince someone else to sign up for the marathon with me !), the reason I am leaving it until then is that my birthday is this weekend so I will probably be out for most of the weekend undoing any progress I have made.

    I have purchased a bodyfat calipers as I am sick of trying to work thing out from a standard scales, hopefully thats going to arrive tomorrow. If nothing else seeing my body fat % should give me enough of a shock to make me work harder.

    I will return tuesday.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,584 ✭✭✭c - 13

    Well it began yesterday (again) after many times of stopping and starting ...

    To give myself motivation this time I have bought a wetsuit (surfing) shows off all the fat i'm carrying so that should be good motivation.

    Also i'm hoping to stick with the (half)marathon idea, i'm in the process for finding someone who wants to train (but wont back out at the last minute) with me first, if not ill go it my own.

    Body fat calipers arrived yesterday, I dont seem to be very consistant with them to be honest, over the course of two hours (research and measurement) I managed to come back with values varying betweeen 11% (I wish) and 40% (I hope not) - This was using the 3-folds formula of Jackson/Pollock

    Now I know self measurement isnt accurate but with such varying figures as those I dont think that these can be used for progress monitoring.

    If anyone can suggest a better method than JP3 please let me know ! Also I've taken the "Before" pics (so if anyone thinks they can hazard a guess at my body fat based on these please let me know - Just so I know what i'm aiming for with my measurements).

    So with before pics taken and a concrete resolve todays diet is as follows -

    Taking in too much carbs, those need to be curded I would think.

    Kickboxing at 7.30 tonight, first time after coming back from Middle east, looking forward to it.

    EDIT : Forgot to add i'm putting a 10 week frame on this, someone force me to put up my progress photos then !

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,417 ✭✭✭Dr4gul4

    Fix the link to ure fitday, and we can take a look, it's tough staying motivated, but it's really worth it in the end.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,584 ✭✭✭c - 13

    Whoops sorry about that -

    Thanks Dr4gul4, I know the bread has to go thats the main source (thats planned eating for today - will be adjusted accordingly tonight).

    And too little protien, I forgot to take chicken out of the freezer (hence the bread for lunch)

    I think to be honest I have the motivation of a sloth at the best of times :(:o

    Ahahaha ! Now theres some real motivation for me - I'm signed up for a charity skydive in a months time and just rechecking the T&C's and i'm exactly on the button for the weight limit, need to loose some before then.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,417 ✭✭✭Dr4gul4

    It's all about planning, and if you for get to plan, then have another backup plan.

    Cut out the bread ;) and the butter, remember you really dont need to eat it.

    Keep things like mixed nuts handy in the house, there great 4 a quick snack.

    Turkey bacon is also great to keep in ure fridge, it's a great source of protein and it's like bacon !!

    and eat poridge in the morning !!

    And remember u'll be grand , just take ure time, and work out ure own balance, and food requirments.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,584 ✭✭✭c - 13

    Everything you say makes sense alright, others like G'em and JSB have told me the same, I need to give myself a good kick up the arse this time.

    My main problem is that I love bread and hate porridge ! :p
    Regardless, the bread is on the way out and the porridge on the way in.

    Thanks Dr4gul4, much appreciate the advice !

    Will have to stop on the way home for nuts/porridge, have my chicken thawing for tomorrow too.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,417 ✭✭✭Dr4gul4

    You'll be grand, Grab sum flavahans's (sp) oatlets and add milk slap her in the microwave and add a banana after, you can add whey to it after if you like for sum protein, but personally i'd rather a shake.

    Make sure you're nuts are unsalted and un-roasted, if possible get walnuts there great. i also like my hazelnuts and cashew nuts. tbh i even have a big bag of mixed nuts @ home.

    Also cottege cheese wont actually kill you, just in case u feel hungry at ohh say 10 pm

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,584 ✭✭✭c - 13

    Hmmm, banana, didnt actually think of that, good idea - I usually make the porridge with just water (which is probably why I dont like it that much) so that would add a nice flavour blast alright !

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,584 ✭✭✭c - 13

    Well back on track this morning, kind of stiff from kickboxing last night (but in a good way). Everything planned out for today as follows -

    I x Apple
    1 x Porridge Serving with water

    1 x Boiled Egg
    1 x Apple

    2 x Baked Chicken fillet
    With medium - Large mixed salad containing Lettuce, red/green pepper, diced radish, no dressing, mayo, coleslaw etc.
    (Maybe 1 x Apple)

    1 x Boiled Egg
    1 x Apple

    Unsure at present most likely -
    2/3 Pork Chops (Size Dependant, Grilled, Lean Meat Only)
    Carrots (Diced, Boiled)

    During Course of day -
    Approx 4 Mugs coffee

    Just looking at it I cant help get the impression it looks like too much - I know 6 small meals a day = good, but am I overdoing it ? Should I knock a few things offf that list

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,584 ✭✭✭c - 13

    I've been as sick as a bus to Lourdes all weekend, dont know whats up, upset stomach, shakes, dizzy spells etc.

    So as a result my diet has suffered and there were no workouts done.

    Going to have to go see a doctor tonight, typical, start with the best intentions and then fall on my ass straight away :rolleyes:

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,584 ✭✭✭c - 13

    Ok, better today, 'twas only a crappy cold. Went swimming last night in a desperate bid to do something, unfortunatly, due to me being crap at swimming I lost interest and spent most of my time in the Sauna/Steam Rooms :o

    Today I will be eating
    1 x Boiled Egg
    1 x Apple

    2 x Baked Chicken fillet
    1 x Apple

    1 x Boiled Egg
    1 x Apple

    Unsure at present

    During Course of day -
    Approx 4 Mugs coffee

    Was running late this morning so breakfast consisted of two slices of bread whilst driving to work.

    Kickboxing tonight.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,584 ✭✭✭c - 13

    I cant seem to kick this Flu completely at all, I though it was gone and it started to come back on me last night. I feel like crap this morning.

    Today I will be eating
    1 x Boiled Egg
    1 x Apple

    2 x Baked Chicken fillet
    1 x Apple

    1 x Boiled Egg
    1 x Apple

    3 Chicken Fillets
    Perhaps a small amount of potato & onion

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,584 ✭✭✭c - 13

    Still sick, cant get rid of it, getiing fairly bloody fed up of it now, at the moment its a repeating cycle of work-home-bed-work-home-bed. I'm dosed to the gills on benelyn(sp?)

    Diet is basically the same no major changes. Workout/Training non-existant, if its not gone by tomorrow ill have to do something, i'm feeling really lazy and sluggish.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,584 ✭✭✭c - 13

    OK - back again :rolleyes:

    Cured of the flu but still coughing up copious amounts of phlegm (lovely, I know) - I think I've discovered the reason my flu was so prolonged, I only realised today i'm sitting directly under one of the air conditioning outlets in the office. So that certainly didnt help.

    Didnt go to the kickboxing classes last night due to aforementioned phlegm but went through all the motions at home.

    No real variation in diet
    1 x Boiled Egg
    1 x Apple

    2 x Baked Chicken fillet
    1 x Apple

    1 x Boiled Egg
    1 x Apple

    Unsure at present
