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The get un-sleepy-ified diary



  • Registered Users Posts: 24,234 ✭✭✭✭Sleepy

    Tried out my new workout plan tonight and it kicked the daylights out of me. Could definitely still feel the tiredness from lack of sleep earlier in the week and it hurt my performance from about half-way through the program.

    Squats - bar x lots, 50k x 10, 55k x 8, 55k x 10 (PB)
    Leg Press - 80k x 10 x 3
    Dumbbell Bench Press - 15k x 10, 15k x 9, 15k x 8
    One Arm Dumbbell Rows - 20k x 10 x 2 (both arms)
    Standing Military Press - 20k x 10, 30k x 6, 30k x 3, 20k x 10
    Bicep Curls - 20k x 10 x 2
    Cable Pressdowns - 27k x 10 x 3

    Starting to enjoy the squats and the leg press felt like a medieval torture device that I literally wobbled out of. The bench press was lighter than I've been using recently but my form was way better at that weight. The Military Press was when I started to really feel my tiredness, haven't struggled as badly with these since the first time Dragan showed me how to do them. Got a nice pump going and finally managed to get some wholewheat pasta in my local Supervalu so had a nice minced turkey bolognese afterwards :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,417 ✭✭✭Dr4gul4

    thats a pretty decent workout man, you'll get used to the press after a while, just make sure you have a spotter when you're doing it if you really want to push ure self.

    also maybe throw in sum lunges when you get off it ;) just to add insult to injury as it would be.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,234 ✭✭✭✭Sleepy


    Came home to Galway so no access to a gym :(

    Luckily nature gave Galway a good natural gym in the shape of the twelve pins. Climbed Diamond Mountain, hit the summit after about an hour by which stage the back of my t-shirt was soaked through. No better low intensity cardio than climbing a steep mountain on a sunny day!

    Hopefully I burnt off enough calories and gave my legs enough of a thrashing to make up for my Easter Egg.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,234 ✭✭✭✭Sleepy


    Gym was fantastic tonight, hardly anyone in there at all so I had the run of the weights area to myself. Went in with the intention of destroying my chest and arms and think I accomplished it!

    Bench Press - 40k x 12, 50k x 6(PB), 50k x 4, 45k x 7, 40k x 9
    T-Bar Row - 20k x 10, 30k x 10, 30k x 10
    Superset: Dumbbell Flys / Bicep Curls - 4k x 10 / 4k x 10, 8k x 10 / 8k x 10, 8k x 10 / 8k x 10, 8k x 10 / 8k x 10
    Skull Crushers - 4k x 10, 4k x 10, 4k x 10
    Dumbbell Bench Press - 15k x 10, 15k x 11
    Squat - 40k x 10

    No great weights lifted but my form was *far* better at these weights. I culdn't finish out the squat set because the gym was closing (and I was the last one on the floor) but definitely had another 2 sets in me at a higher weight (was planning on upping to 50k). Nothing outstanding but I really enjoyed this tonight. Came out with endorphines flying all over the place :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,234 ✭✭✭✭Sleepy

    Is it that long since I updated this?

    Thursday April 12th
    Squat - 40k x 12, 60k x 10, 70k x 10(PB), 60k x 10
    Low Row - 105lb x 10, 120lb x 10, 105lb x 10
    Chin Up - Bodyweight x 0, Bodyweight x 0 (came within an inch the first time, and about 2 the second)
    Bench Press - 40k x 10, 40k x 10, 40k x 7, 40k x 10
    Leg Press - 70k x 10, 70k x 10, 70k x 10

    A short but nice session, really enjoyed the squats. The chin-ups were frustratingly close, my biceps were just too fried from Monday night. Bench Press was low for the same reason but was really only doing them to get some blood through my chest. Really suffered from only having 4 hours sleep last night (look at the time I'm posting this at and my username and you'll figure out why) though I'm wondering if I'm attacking my first lift of each session with a bit too much gusto, I really tend to fade at the end of my sessions. I'm guessing it'll improve as my fitness levels get better.

    Thursday April 19th
    Squat - 50k x 10, 70k x 10, 70k x 9, 80k x 3(PB), 50k x 10(fast)
    Low Row - 27k x 10, 40k* x 10, 40k* x 10
    Dumbbell Bench Press - 15k x 12, 17.5k x 12, 20k x 10, 20k x 7
    Military Press - 30k x 8, 30k x 6
    Cable Pressdown - 27k x 10, 40k* x 10, 40k* x 4 (fail)
    Weighted Crunch Machine - 20k x 12, 20k x 8, 20k x 5

    *can't remember exact weight will check the stacks more closely next time but remember it being 2/3k up or down from the 40

    Happy with the squats and learning what Hanley means about lifts costing him blood vessels, my face was purple during the last rep at 80k. I can definitely do more than this but nervous about going for lifts over my bodyweight without a squatter. The Bench presses were weird, my left tricep kept twitching at me on the last two sets, like it was trying to tell me it was going to tear but I know it can handle more weight than that. My military press still sucks balls but part of me wonders if that's because I nearly always leave it to the end of my workout.

    Saturday April 21st

    5 min treadmill warm-up

    Deadlift - 60k x 10, 80k x 9 (PB), 80k x 8, 60k x 10
    Dumbbell Bench Press - 17.5k x 12, 22k x 10

    [kicked out of gym at 8.30 despite website saying open til 9 Evil or Very Mad ]

    Run approx 1 mile around racecourse

    Drive home

    Press-ups 10, 10, 7
    Crunches 20, 20


    1. My deadlift sucks balls, I keep rounding my back while lowering the weight, I'm sure I can lift quite a bit more than 80k but I'm afraid of doing in my back lowering it Evil or Very Mad. Back is nice and tight though.

    2. Benchpress is coming along nicely, was going to have a go at upping the weight before being kicked out.

    3. If you're going to close a gym in stages (i.e. floor half an hour before dressing rooms, advertise the fact or let people work til the end and change at home)

    4. Running outdoors is *way* harder than indoors. My lungs hate the cold air and I end up having a mini asthma attack. Evil or Very Mad

    I was really looking forward to beating the **** out of my chest tonight because I'll be in Scotland until Thursday and doubt I'll get near a gym before Friday. Planning plenty of hill-walking etc. though so at least I'll be active for the week. Only real positive thing was a friend (and ex) commenting on the fact my chest and shoulders were getting big.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 24,234 ✭✭✭✭Sleepy

    Thursday May 3rd

    Training Partner - Dragan

    Waarm-up - D/bell flies - 6k x lots

    Incline D/bell Bench Press - 15k x 12, 15k x 9, 15k x 7
    Superset - Press-ups - 7, 3, 1
    Chest Supported Row - 15k x 13, 18k x 10, 20k x 11
    Cable Complex - no idea of reps or weight but my shoulders were killing by the end and the reps slid down as I went
    Random close-grip Chins between sets, 3 being the best consecutive
    EZ Curl - 5k x 8, 5k x 4, 5k x 10 (weight not including bar)
    Skull Crushers 5k x 10 with 4 count negatives - (weight not including bar)
    Tate Press - 6k x 10, 6k x 8
    Leg Press - 80k x 20 (PB for reps), 90k x 20(PB) (lots of pauses), 90k x 7
    Deadlift 40k x 10


    1. Good workout! Supersetting incline bench with press-ups is incredibly difficult!
    2. Cable Complex is torture but in a good way
    3. Had to switch skull crushers for tate press as my left elbow was giving me serious grief

    Saturday May 5th - Mini Test Fest!

    Barbell Benchpress - 40 x 12, 50 x 6(PB for reps), 50 x 4, 40 x 10, 60 x 1(PB), 65 x 1(PB), 70 (fail), 67.5 (fail), 70 (fail) - Singles were done about 20 mins after initial sets and spaced reasonably widely apart
    Chins 4(PB), 2,2,2,2,1
    One arm row - 25 x 12/11, 35 x 8/7(PB), 25 x 10/10
    Preacher EZ Bar Curls - 5 a side x 14, 10 a side x 2(PB), 7.5 a side x 6
    Cable Pressdowns - 40 x 12, 40 x 8

    Can't remember reps or weights but also did a number of reps of:

    leg raises from dip station(?)

    Incredible to train with you guys and looking forward to the next one already to set a few more PB's at!

    Friday May 11th
    Hit the gym tonight straight from work because I hadn't made it in since the Test Fest thanks to a stupid members only after 6 rule in the hotel I was staying in this week. Was totally wrecked going in, hadn't slept properly all week and my diet's been an absolute mess.

    Squat - 50k x 12, 50k x 10, 55k x 10
    DB Flies - 10k x 15, 10k x 10, 10k x 10
    DB Curls - 15k x 10 each side
    Assisted Pull Ups (Wide grip) - 10, 6

    and that was it. Couldn't continue and have spent the rest of the night thoroughly drained. I'm totally out of it. The one good point of the gym tonight was when I weighed myself and I'm now 13 stone exactly which given the fact I've put on muscle means I've lost over a stone of fat since February Smile

    Still bloody pissed that I quit but I just didn't have the energy.

    Monday May 14th

    Managed to grab a quick session today which I was well happy about because I didn't think I was gonna be able to make it down. Gym was mobbed with the usual Monday night crowd so just ran a TBT session using what I could get my hands on.

    Deadlift - 50 x 10, 70 x 10, 80 x 9 (PB)
    Low Row - 48 x 10, 48 x 9, 48 x 6
    Wide Grip Chins - 2 (failed by approx 2 inches on the first and about 4/5 inches on the second)
    Bench Press - 50 x 10, 50 x 6, 50 x 4*
    Concentrated Curl - 12.5k * 10/10, 6/7
    Rope Pulldown - 24 x 10, 32 x 9, 32 x 10

    * failed badly on this, couldn't rack the left side of the barbell and had to pretty much roll off the bench, luckily I was using the low bench.

    I think I'm seeing a trend in my sessions that I'm fading after my first couple of lifts badly, really need to work on my endurance / energy levels. While it wasn't a particularly heavy session in terms of how much I got done, it was a bit more intense than usual because of time constraints and I really felt it. Very nearly threw back up my PWO protein shake and my CNS doesn't seem to like these sessions. My entire upper body was shaking uncontrollably (quite like shivering) afterwards. Feel great for having done it now though

    Tuesday May 15th
    Wprk Out of the Week - Hung Over

    This shagging killed me, kissed the clown and had to swallow it back before chugging my PWO shake. I've never felt weaker or more unfit but at the same time, I've never felt hardcore before and the 'crazy bastard' looks I was getting while attempting this definitely made me feel hardcore (guess it helps that I train in the WestWood and had D as my training partner!)

    Chins/Pushups 3 rounds, only managed full rom on the first set of chins and the rest were single fails, after the first set of press-ups the rest were done in multiples of anything from 6s to 2s with pauses between where I lay on the ground like a helpless kitten.

    Power Cleans Scaled due to unfamiliarity with the lift and dreadfull form. Can't remember the weight but a LOT lower than 60% of bodyweight. 3 sets of 6

    Farmer's Walk 62k x 106 (in 3 sets), 40k x 110 (unsure of count so threw in an 'extra' ten for safety. Didn't manage a second round, grip was completely gone, hands covered in blisters tonight.

    500m Row Forgot to check time, guess at 2:30?

    Total time:about 22 mins.

    Stats: 26/M/83k

    Thanks to D for driving me through this. I know the only reason I didn't quit was pride. I just couldn't quit when he was doing it with so much more weight! I can see why he's been leaning out so well, workouts like this are too torturous not too work. The awful/great thing is, I'm growing to like this torture...

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,234 ✭✭✭✭Sleepy

    Tonight in WestWood

    Training Partner - Dragan

    Press Ups - 10 x 4
    Dumbell Swings 10k x 11 x 3 (each arm)
    Stairs Run - 5, 4
    Power Cleans - 5 x 2 (unsure of weight - D?)
    Floor Sweepers - 20 x 2 (two pauses on second set same weight as cleans)
    250m Row - 47s

    My first RAM shake (2 scoops) - L&L nyom! Very Happy

    Pool - 40 lengths alternating front crawl with breast stroke
    Jacuzzi, Sauna and Plunge Pool for a well-earned chillax

    1 scoop of RAM

    Verdict - Hell of a workout, retched after the stairs run and threw up after the Row (but before my RAM thankfully). Cardio vascular fitness is really my weak spot atm, anything that hits my lungs hard kills me. Only one way to fix it and it ain't gonna be pleasant. Crossfit is great, feel fantastic after the session but they sure are tough to do!

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,234 ✭✭✭✭Sleepy

    Saturday Session in Pinnacle

    Training Partners: Kenny, Dragan, kwalsh, Wasabi, colmconn

    Savage session, Pinnacle even smells of testosterone, it's incredible, absolutely loved it.

    Wide Grip Pull Ups - 5(PB)
    Squats - 40 x 10, 50 x 10, 60 x 7, 82.5 x 2 (PB), 60 x 8
    Decline DB Flies - 10 x 10, 10 x 10, 10 x 10
    Chest Supported Rows - 20 x 10, 20 x 10, 20 x 10
    Bench Press - 60 x 7, 70 x 2(PB), 75 x 1(PB), 77.5 (f), 80 (f)
    Floor Wipers - 40 x 20


    The squat PB is one I'm v. happy with as I can now squat my bodyweight. I'm still a little nervous of these, I'm sure I can do more weight but fear of doing my back in is holding me back from pushing the weight up too much.

    The decline flies should really help my bench as they really focus in on the pecs and my problem with my bench is the first 4/5 inches so will try include these as often as possible.

    The Prodigy came on just as I set up for the Rows and led me to really hammer through these. Have never lifted so quickly before and it gave me the most intense pump I've ever experienced. I could feel the test flowing through me which set me up nicely for the bench...

    Absolutely thrilled with this. I failed quite badly with 70k up in TF at the mini test fest and just three weeks later I repped it and managed to grind up a 75k! :D

    So I've now got one of the big three up to bodyweight, my bench is only 7.5k short of it and I've yet to test my 1RM at the deadlift. Might give it a go tomorrow or tuesday depending on how my form is feeling.

    - A very happy Sleepy!

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,234 ✭✭✭✭Sleepy

    Wide Grip Pull Up - 3, fail on 4
    Deadlift - 50k x 10, 60k x 10, 80k x 10, 100k x 3 (PB), 100k x 1
    Military Press - 30k x 10 x 3
    Bench Press - 24k x 6 x 3
    Bench Dips - 12 x 3
    Bicep Curl Machine - 5 plates x 6 x 2

    Treadmill - 6mins @ 10.7

    Thoughts: fun quick workout. Deadlifts felt good, definitely have more in it for a 1RM, grip went on the last one which stopped me from repping it further. First time I've ever made it through 3 sets of military pressing. Bench Press was tough, pecs are still fried from Saturday. First shot at bench dips, man they hurt after the first 7/8 reps.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,234 ✭✭✭✭Sleepy

    Tuesday May 22nd
    Superset Chins / Press-ups - 5/15 - 4,2 / 15 - 5 fails - 8 / 7
    Power Cleans - 30k x 6 x 3
    Farmers Walk - 35k x 124, 37, 36, 47 (total of 244)

    - And that's where the owie comes in. I now know it's not a good idea to try and re-rack 35k dumbbells while failing from a farmer's walk. Got my hand trapped between the DB and the rack. Never been so glad I'm not stronger! Ran it under the tap for a while and it seems okay even though it's still tender.

    Leg Press - 100k x 20(PB), 14, 8
    Incline Barbell Bench Press - 40k x 10, 6, 4

    Wed May 23rd Sligo Park Hotel

    Limited equipment and time so a quick session thrown in because I probably won't get near a gym again til Monday.

    Squats - 50k x 12, 70k x 8, 70k x 9
    Wide Grip Pull Ups - 3
    Chins - 3
    DB Bench Press 16k x 14, 20k x 10, 20k x 10
    Chest Supported Rows - 20k x 12, 20k x 10, 20k x 10
    Concentrated Curls - 12k x 8/10, 12k x 6/8

    Thoughts - Was up before 6am for a drive to Sligo so tired before I got here and was stuck in a conference all day so really wanted to blow some cobwebs out of the head. Lowered my usual weights and reduced the breaks between sets and exercises to try and work on my intensity/cardio vascular system as it's probably the weakest area of my fitness. Surprised that my left arm was the stronger on the curls though guessing that might be a result of my right arm taking more of the weight on the chins(?) Have a great pump going and RAM has never tasted so good. :)

    Tuesday May 29th
    Poor effort tonight, I was shattered all day after the weekend's over-indulgences. Really went up as much to keep the habit of going as to lift and it shows:

    Deadlift - 60 x 10, 80 x 7, 80 x 5, 120 x 1 (PB), 120 (F)
    Seated Military Press - 30 x 10, 30 x 7, 30 x 7
    Incline Bench Press - 17.5 x 7, 17.5 x 4, 17.5 x 1
    Bench Press - 17.5 x 7
    One Arm DB Rows - 26 x 10, 26 x 10, 26 x 10 (each arm)
    Preacher EZ Curl* - 13 x 10, 13 x 7 (unsure of bar weight, think 8k, so just posted plates)
    Dips - 8, 3, f

    Barely broke a sweat, not a good session but glad I went.

    Thursday 31st May - Westwood
    Training Partner - Dragan

    I can't recommend this one enough, absolutely riddled with DOMS today, my pecs are in agony.

    Superset - Pull-ups / Press-ups / Isometric Dip holds(?)
    5 / 20 / 30s
    4 / 15 / 30s
    3 / 10 / 30s
    2 / 5 / 30s
    1 / 5 / 30x

    Power Clean & Jerk - 40 x 3, 40 x 3, 40 x 3, 40 x 3, 40 x 3
    Man Makers 10kg dbs - 8, 10, 10

    Superset - Hanging knee raises / Bridge
    15 / 30s
    15 / 30s

    (?) Don't know the name, basically it's holding the top of a dip position for time.

    Thoughts: Well clearly, I loved this one. Felt strong on the chins and press-ups, these have really come on for me. Made a mess of the first few sets of the clean and jerk (instead of jerking the weight I military pressed it for the second and third sets) and form still needs some work but felt great holding 40k over my head :). Man makers need to be re-named, forget torture: force any man to do enough of these and you'll break him.

    This was, imho, the perfect work-out. I felt strong throughout (hell I even pulled ahead of Dragan for a short while on the man makers!), thoroughly knackered at the end and DOMS riddled today. I think this has to be made a WOW D!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 24,234 ✭✭✭✭Sleepy

    Saturday 2nd of June
    Tried out the Rocky Balboa soundtrack as a workout motivator. Fun Smile

    Pull Ups - 5
    Squat - 40 x 10, 60 x 10, 60 x 7, 60 x 8
    Superset: Flies/Dumbbell Press - 15k x 10 / 15k x 10, 15k x 8 / 20k x 10
    One Arm Rows - 28k x 8 / 28k x 9, 28k x 9 / 28k x 10*
    Preacher EZ Curls - 10k x 10, 20k x 8, 20k x 3, 10k x 10 (plate weight only)
    Rope Pressdowns - 4 x 10, 6 x 10, 6 x 9, 6 x 10

    Thoughts - A quick session before a party with friends I hadn't seen in a while. Comments on the night - "well someone's found the weight section of the gym!", "Looking buff" and my favourite "You're not going to get too big are you?". Me = Very Happy

    My squat is still piss weak though the form is getting a lot better, still can't remember the weight settings on the pressdown machine so just listed plates, unsure of the weight of the DB I used for rows - one of the old ones with 7 plates on each side. Recommend adding 'Gonna Fly Now' and 'Eye of the Tiger' to your playlist for the gym, fun to lift to Rocky's themes Smile

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,234 ✭✭✭✭Sleepy

    Yesterday - WestWood - Paying the Piper

    Pull-Ups - 7 (PB)
    Deadlift - 60k x 12, 100k x 8, 100k x 8, 140k (f), 120k x 1, 130k (f)
    Military Press - Bar x lots, 40k x 6, 40k x 3, 30k x 10, 30k x 7
    Decline Flies superset with Decline DB Press 12.5k DBs
    8 / 10, 9 / 10
    Floor Wipers w/ 50k - 20, 20, 13
    Power Clean$ - 30k x 10, 30k x 10, 30k x 7
    Preacher EZ Curl* - 15k x 10, 15k x 7
    Cable Pressdowns - 42k x 10, 42k x 10, 42k x 8

    2 Scoops RAM

    Treadmill - 20 mins covering roughly 3.25k at various speeds w plenty of sprints thrown in.

    1 Scoop RAM

    * - Plate Weight Only
    $ - Last set were jerked

    Hadn't been in the gym since Saturday so it was time to pay the piper and hit it with gusto. Equalled my PB on the deadlift, the 140k didn't move from the ground and the 130k failed at lock-out. Should have hit the chest with another set on the superset. Floor wipers felt good and was getting some mad looks when doing them. Couldn't resist jerking the power cleans on my last set. Came off the gym floor covered in sweat cos it was pretty warm in there today.

    Strangely, the treadmill was the bit of this workout I'm proudest of. I hate cardio. Just plain and simple hate spending time at it. Knew I was leaving the C/V side of my workouts fall behind so said I'd hit the treadmill for 10 minutes at the end and ended up spending twice that on it. The reason? 'Gonna Fly Now' came on 7/8 minutes into the run and drove me through the rest. Guess my body's as childish as my brain at times!

    Weighed myself after and was 13 stone dead. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,234 ✭✭✭✭Sleepy

    Have been in the gym since last post but don't have access to my other log so:

    Squat - 60 x 10, 60 x 10, 80 x 6
    Leg Press - 80 x 20, 80 x 11, 80 x 13
    Wide Grip Pullups - 4, 2
    Bench Press - 50 x 10, 50 x 7, 50 x 5
    Floor Wipers - 50 x 20, 50 x 20
    Chest Supported Rows - 20 x 10, 20 x 10, 20 x 10
    Rope Pressdown - 38 x 10, 38 x 10, 38 x 4

    Was wrecked tired going in and this was not fun at all. Energy levels are still totally sapped. Need to sort out my sleep patterns.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,022 ✭✭✭ali.c

    Sleepy wrote:

    Was wrecked tired going in and this was not fun at all. Energy levels are still totally sapped. Need to sort out my sleep patterns.

    Hey there, are you sleep patterns all over the place or are you just not able to sleep? When that happens to me, i make sure i get up at the same time (usually 7am) everyday for a week or two and it sorts it right out!

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,234 ✭✭✭✭Sleepy

    Just coming out of a bit of a slump. W/Outs from the past few weeks:

    Wed Jun 20
    Wide Grip Pull-Up - 3
    Deadlift - 80k x 10, 90k x 6, 90k x 3, 90k x 4
    Superset - DB Flies / DB Bench - 12.5k x 10 / 22k x 10, 12.5k x 10 / 20k x 6, 12.5k x 10 / 20k x 3
    Pull Ups - 4
    Barbell Curl - 25k x 10, 25k x 9
    Dips - 7, 3

    Treadmill - 1k in 5.24

    Friday Jun 22nd - Westwood

    A quick session before driving home to Galway for the weekend

    Smith Bench Press - 40 x 15, 60 x 8(PB), 60 x 6, 60 x 4, 50 x 8, 40 x 10
    Pull Ups - 4
    Bent Over DB Row - 35 x 10/10, 35 x 8/7
    EZ Curl - 20 x 10, 20 x 8
    Floor Wipers - 50k x 20, 10, 14
    Assisted Dips - 10, 10
    Clean and Jerk - 35k x 10, 35k x 8

    Time: 35 mins

    Thoughts - Got an unreal pump out of this but afraid it may have been a mistake. I was still hungover going into the gym at 6 after a stupidly heavy Thursday night and didn't realise until about 2 hours ago that it wasn't just a hangover, think it's a dose of my old nemesis Tonsilitus. Not sure about the science but it seems logical that the body having to recover from a gym session will negatively impact on it's ability to fight off the tonsilitus. :(

    Sat Jun 30th
    Feeling a bit better this morning after last night's work out and subsequent drinking session (Paulaner for the no hangover win!). Took it pretty easy in the gym as I'm still getting over this infection but it was a pretty draining workout nonetheless:

    Smith Machine Bench Press - 60 x 10(PB), 60 x 7, 60 x 5
    One Arm Rows - 24k x 10, 24k x 10, 24k x 10 both arms
    Dumbbell Shoulder Press - 15k x 10, 17.5k x 7, 17.5k x 4
    Floorwipers (w/ 50k) - 30(PB), 21
    Barbell Preacher Curl - 25k x 10, 25k x 10

    Time: 34mins

    The Bench Press feels a lot better in the Smith Machine, don't know if it's because I'm not having to stabilize, if my strength's improving or a combination of both. Overall this was a sapping workout, my energy levels haven't been great this week and my diet's been ****e - keep carb loading to keep me going in work. Good to get in though, enjoyed feeling some iron in my hands again.

    Tuesday July 3rd in WestWood

    Squat - 50 x 10, 70 x 5 x 5
    Low Row - 55 x 10, 75 x 5 x 5
    Smith Machine Bench Press - 50 x 10, 60 x 5 x 5
    Man Makers - 10, 4, 3
    Preacher Curl Machine - 5 plates x 10, 7
    Assisted Dips - 3 x 10 (can't remember level of assistance)

    1. I like 5 x 5 training, have worse DOMS in my chest today than I usually get from working in an 8 - 10 range.
    2. Very nearly dumped the fifth squat of my third set, just lost my balance somehow but managed to hold it.
    3. I'm definitely putting on muscle but I'm not going so well on the cutting fat. Need to sort out my diet, sleep patterns and maybe add in some HIIT.

    Wednesday July 4th
    Training Partner: Dragan

    A1 - Pull Ups: 5 x 4
    A2 - Bodyweight Squat: 20 x 4
    A3 - Isometric hold at top of Dip position: 30s x 4

    B1 - DB Swings: 10k x 10, 10k x 10, 12.5k x 10 (a side)
    B2 - Bench Jumpovers: 10 x 3

    C1 - Floorwipers: 50k x 31, 50k x 20, 50k x 7, 50k x 3

    D1 - Plate Loaded Bench Press: 40k x 10, 50k x 10, 50k x 5, 50k x 4

    E1 - Bicep Curl Machine Dropset - can't remember weight or reps but brutal.

    F1 - Bodyweight Dips: 10, 7, 3

    Thoughts: Lungs were burning at the end of the two combos though I should have been using the higher weight for the swings from the start. Floorwipers felt great, really building up the reps now. Got a great pump and the intensity was as high as it always is when I train with big D. Good session, pretty sore now. Will take tomorrow off and try get in Friday evening to try Xplode :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,234 ✭✭✭✭Sleepy

    Friday Night

    Xplode pumps you up like ****in crazy!

    A1 - Wide Grip Pull Ups - 5
    B1 - Deadlift - 60k x 10, 100k x 5, 100k x 5, 100k x 3
    B2 - Pull Uos - 6, 4
    C1 - Seated Press - 40k x 5, 40k x 5, 40k x 5, 40k x 4, 40k x 3
    D1 - Incline Flies - 10k x 10, 10k x 10, 10k x 10
    D2 - Incline Situps - 10, 10, 10 - 30 seconds rest between each pair of sets
    E1 - Flat Bench Press - 50k x 5, 50k x 5, 50k x 5, 50k x 5, 50k x 6(miss)
    F1 - Bicep Curl Machine - 45k x 12, 45k x 7, 35k x 10, 35k x 7
    G1 - Bench Dips - 10 x 3

    Thoughts: My grip is letting my deadlifting down massively. Right hand just won't hold the bar when I start repping. Nearly lost the last rep of my 4th set on the flat bench and got a spot for the last set. There were some more pull ups in there somewhere as well. Xplode? I like it. Didn't feel a huge difference to my workout except I was breathing harder through most of it and tbh, I was knackered before hitting the gym and still got through a fairly decent session. I do love it's pump up effect though. My arms are bigger than they've ever been right now (about half an hour pwo).

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,234 ✭✭✭✭Sleepy

    Saturday Morning Session in Pinnacle with ali

    Wide Grip Pull Up x 7 (PB)
    Bench Press - 50k x 12 (PB for reps)

    A1 - Press Ups - 20, 15, 10, 5
    A2 - Pull Ups - 5, 5, 5, 5
    A3 - Isometric Hold at top of Dip - 30s x 4

    B1 - Power Clean and Jerk - 35k x 6 x 4
    C1 - Floor Wipers (50k)- 24, 6, 31
    D1 - Bench Press - 50k x 10, 60k x 7 (reset at 3), 60k x 5, 80k (miss), 60k x 3
    E1 - Preacher Curl - 25k x 12, 25k x 3, 20k x 8

    Random pull ups thrown in between the last 4 sets as well.

    Took 3 scoops of Xplode half an hour before this session and was jittery as hell between sets. Have a headache now too so guessing I should just use the 2 scoops.

    Missed 80k yet again though not really surprised. I'm going to Spain for a week on Wednesday so I've been in the gym 3 of the last 4 days (and plan on going every day til Tuesday) and I always hit the chest somehow, had already done a considerable amount of chest work by the time I went for it and I reckon fatigue was all that stopped me from getting it. Will have another shot at it when I get back.

    Good session and always good to lift with ali.
