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internet radio for the college???

  • 06-12-2006 10:48pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 380 ✭✭

    i was thinking today(OUCH!!that hurt,stop that brain!), would anyone be interested in an internet radio station for the college specifically for the college, do you think anyone would listen?? i am looking into the software, which actually isnt too hard to work with and then i also looked at the legallities so we know exactly how many laws we will be breaking cos this will definitely happen.
    also do you think the techies would allow it on the system???
    many question,any answers??


  • Moderators, Computer Games Moderators Posts: 4,569 Mod ✭✭✭✭Ivan

    If you were to play music, which I assume you would want to, then you would need to pay royalties for playing music to the public as I believe other radio stations do.

    To not pay them would put the college at risk of legal action, so you can forget that straight away...

    On top of this you would be using up precious college bandwidth, although, presumably, it would be only over the LAN which is 1Gb or 100Mb at least, so that would be less of an issue...

    Good luck with it though.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,479 ✭✭✭wheres me jumpa

    I was actually looking into this too. Ive been chatting with someone who performs this function already in the Carlow area but on a limited basis.

    It doesnt have to be on the college system, it can be hosted remotely for a nominal fee. The only bandwidth issue would be people actually streaming the feed.

    My MSN is in my profile, add me if you want to compare notes on this.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 16,965 ✭✭✭✭Nalz

    ya think people would listen lads? really?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 380 ✭✭lynch_3001

    wheres me jumpa, maybe we should compare notes on this issue if you wouldnt mind,i think this would rock out loud.
    for the royalties issue, pirate radio is always the best way to go,
    finally would ppl listen yes i think they would, esspecially if you have a mic and put a voice over everyso often announcing events or shout outs and stuff,if you build it they will cum!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,298 ✭✭✭tom_ass19

    lynch_3001 wrote:
    if you build it they will cum!

    lol....just sounds so bad...coulda used come like

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 37,314 ✭✭✭✭the_syco

    lynch_3001 wrote:
    for the royalties issue, pirate radio is always the best way to go
    And pirate radio's get busted.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 380 ✭✭lynch_3001

    tom_ass19 wrote:
    lol....just sounds so bad...coulda used come like
    i see tom has completely missed the hole sexiness of the issue!!:p :D
    the_syco wrote:
    And pirate radio's get busted.

    well at least it will be fun while it lasts

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 862 ✭✭✭Psycopat

    lynch_3001 wrote:
    well at least it will be fun while it lasts

    I hear jails in ireland are pretty relaxed too, so it may be worthwhile....

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,298 ✭✭✭tom_ass19

    Psycopat wrote:
    I hear jails in ireland are pretty relaxed too, so it may be worthwhile....

    dont ya just love pats sarcasm :D

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,745 ✭✭✭StupidLikeAFox

    when and where exactly would people listen to it?

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,298 ✭✭✭tom_ass19

    true actually. I mean how many people have radio devices on them other than a few people that have a built in radio with their phone. But who would actually go onto it. I had a phone/radio thing for about 2years and prob only used it about 5 times.

    Another way the college could broadcast it is on the college website or that program, cant think of the name of it but its on the desktops on the college pc's . It lets you view a few tv channels. But once again, who is going to do that. Also most of the pc's have the sound disabled because some of the new machines have built in speakers hense why the sound is disabled. Its a library and they dont noise, even though u cant hear urself half the time your their.....

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,479 ✭✭✭wheres me jumpa


    Just to point out. I know two people who have their own mini shows. When Lynch suggested this I thought it might be a good idea for all of them to discuss their needs and see if we could come up with a common solution.

    It probably wont happen, were just gona talk it over for now. It will not be a pirate station. One of the "shows" already in place, pays a regular fee, in return for which his station is hosted remotely. He is given a long list of songs which he can play royalty free. He is also give a .pls and .m3u link for people to access his show via winamp or media player.

    This probably wont happen! But while were discussing it, if anyone has any constructive input, it would be appreciated. I should also point out that there will be a new online radio station in Carlow, this thread is just concerned with whether it will be live during college hours.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,479 ✭✭✭wheres me jumpa

    Just an update on this. A station now exists.

    The guys from have set up a station with live shows and podcasts, see here:

    Very worthy of support.

    [Edited by authors request]
