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Galway, here i come

  • 05-01-2007 12:20pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 171 ✭✭

    I signed up for the science day cycle to galway on the 2nd of february in college a couple of months ago and am beginning to get worried about doing nothing to prepare so i decided a journal is in order to keep me focused.
    I have been doing the odd random cycle here and there but seeing as its in exactly 4 wks its time to get the finger out.
    They did say that, as it isn a competition, training for soccer etc will do, BUT, this happens to be the season i decided im gonna take off rugby, brilliant.
    I have decided that from today on, im going to do SOME form of exercise every morning/day, be it a cycle, a jog, a gym session, or even just pushups and situps.
    My usual cycle workout is a 10-12 km cycle, followed by 2 laps of a running field and then the cycle home again, another 10-12 km.
    This is only a start so i hope to improve on it.
    My diet isnt really a prob cos i eat quite well anyway, i.e.
    Porridge or shredded wheat with honey and a banana for brekkie, two sandwiches made with wholemeal vogel bread and no butter/mayo during the day, plenty of fruit, a bit of chocolate, a healthy dinner, and toast and milk before bed etc.
    So, now that the basics are down, time to start with the training.
    I did do the cycle workout on wednesday but was only able for one lap, and i did say i was starting properly today, so ill take it as the introduction, or preparation if you will.
    I done the cycle workout this morning and managed to squeeze out 2 laps. So now im home for a shower, a nice sambo and into work for the next 8 hours, yippee.
    Ill update tomorrow.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 171 ✭✭JimmNeutron

    Decided to go to the gym today to vary my training a little so i dont get bord and give up.
    Done 15 minutes of an intense hill program on the bike, 10 minutes of the same program on a cross trainer, and 8 minutes of interval on the treadmill, and every one has a 3 minute cool down program afterwards aswel.
    It was tough and my legs were hangin off me afterwards but i soldiered through it.
    Didnt want to spend too long for fear of overtraining but hope im not undertraining, lol:D
    I just realised, this training completely goes against the training i want to be doing, ie bulking up a little.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 171 ✭✭JimmNeutron

    Didnt do any exercise today but i dont really mind, six days a week of exercise is defo enough to do some good, and plus i was on my feet in work for the last 8 hours anyway.
    Plan to get up and do the usual cycle in the morning on my newly acquired bike:D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 171 ✭✭JimmNeutron

    Woke up to an absolutely miserable monday morning, hasnt stopped raining since i got up. Decided i would give cycling in that rain a miss for today and didnt have the car so no way of getting to the gym. I have it tomorrow though so i will go there if its horrible again and do a good aerobic workout. Anyways i decided to do some bodyweight exercises this morning to make up for this.
    I started with:
    5x10 squats,
    5x10 Hip raises with my feet on an exercise ball,
    Done 5x10 of a superset of push ups and crunches changing on every set,
    Then 5x10 of a superset of dips and crunches changing on every set,
    Then 2x10 of crunches on an exercise ball,
    Finally some core exercises; Bridges and 2x10 of back extensions.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 171 ✭✭JimmNeutron

    Today was a pretty nice day, well, at least the morning was.
    Done the usual route today, out to the running track, managed two laps a bit easier today so i walked a third lap. My legs still felt like jelly climbing onto the bike tho and the cycle home was a little slower than the journey out.
    Managed to do it about five minutes quicker than last time, even with the extra lap of the running field.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 171 ✭✭JimmNeutron

    Even though this morning is an absolutely fabulous morning for a good cycle, i was just not bothered one bit to go on one. I decided to stick with the same bodyweight workout as monday morning with 2 sets of reversecrunches thrown in aswel.
    Hopefully tomorrow isnt a s***e morning now so i can go on a cycle!!

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 171 ✭✭JimmNeutron

    Woke up to a fairly gloomy looking morning so i decided i would make it a gym day seeing as i had the car.
    Started with 20 minutes on level 12 of the random program, which got fairly f***in tough, then jumped straight on the cross trainer for 10 minutes of the same program, finished off with a 5 minute jog on a serious incline. Again, each program had either a 5 minute or 3 minute cool down straight after. Staggered out to the car for the drive home,lol:p
