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19yr Old Guy - My Mission

  • 06-01-2007 5:47am
    Closed Accounts Posts: 47

    Ok, so Im 19 years old and in my first year of college. Straight off, Ill admit ive never been the most slim guy in the world. I topped the scales at somewhere around 15.9st in 5th year, but ive always been relatively tall. I did drop down to 13.4st, but I put it back on so quickly that ive been discouraged from dieting ever since. Last weekend, on Saturday 30th December 2006, I weighed in at 15.4½ .st (being 6ft 2) and I decided that, for a very much cliched New Years Resolution, I would do something about it. So this weekend, Ive weighed in at 15.0¼ st and im absolutely thrilled because I was only expecting to be at around 15.2 or 15.3. The most exciting part was how easy the first week was. If I can get through the second week relatively problem-free, I just think I might be on to a winner. Heres what I ate every day:

    Breakfast: (Between 8am - 10am depending on college times)
    1 medium sized bowl of Bran cereal with slimline milk.
    1 slice of wheatbread toast with sunflower spread.
    ½ glass of real orange juice mixed with ½ glass of water.

    Lunch: (Between 11am - 12:30am)
    1 slice wheatbread toast with sunflower spread
    1 small can of baked beans (low fat)
    1 small glass Super Milk

    Dinner: (Between 5.30pm - 7.30pm)
    1 fillet of fried fish
    ½ packet of Uncle Ben's egg fried rice
    2/3 small roast potatoes
    Small tin of peas
    ½ glass of orange juice mixed with ½ glass water


    Stir fry with 1 chicken fillet, rice, carrotts, parsnips, peppers and sauce of your liking.

    I also stopped getting the bus to college in the mornings and evenings. Its a 25min walk from my accomodation but well worth it. Even little things like taking stairs instead of elevators seem to make a difference. The one thing that scared me most was being embarassed at being on a diet in front of friends and room-mates. I know, one shouldnt be embarassed, but I couldnt help it so I came up with some neat hints and tips.
    • If embarassed about drinking/using slim milk, just do what I do and wash out an empty normal milk carton and refil with the slimmed milk!
    • I also bought 10 bottles of those 50c bottles of Orange Fizz or Cola that you get in sweet shops. I poured out the rubbish that was in them, washed them out, and then refilled 5 of them with ½ water and ½ real orange juice and the other 5 with ½ water and ½ apple juice so they were ready to drink with my meals!
    • I cut out fizzy drinks altogether, along with sweets and crisps (I do admit to sneaking one packet of Walkers Lites on a friday!)
    • Fruit and Veg are not only good for you, but great snacks too! I kept my room stocked with Apples, and even Carrots so when I got hungry, Id just have one.
    • Always have a full pint of water before a meal. You will eat less as a result. Also, its handy to carry a bottle of water with you wherever you go in case you get pekish.
    • I left the weighing scales at home away from my college accomodation so I wont be urged to weigh in too often. Once a week seems like a fair time to allow myself notice a small bit of a change, and it also gives me something to look forward to.

    So far, I dont mind saying that I am very proud of myself. I know its only been a week, but with the support of my girlfriend who rings me everyday to make sure Im following the rules, I cant see myself going wrong! Another reason for my posting this diet is that I have never been into fitness or anything before, so if anybody who is reading this can point out anything Im doing wrong or could imrpove on, then Id be very grateful. Thanks for reading!


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 39 kindle

    Just wanted to say good luck! If your embarrassed about what your mates will say just tell them you are eating healthy rather than dieting, they'll get over it in no time! all the best and keep posting how your getting on!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 47 kead1987

    thanks kindle, ill post my next update at the weekend!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 47 kead1987

    My latest weigh-in showed another drop to 14.10½ st. so Im pretty happy with that, but I dont know if its good progress, maybe some body could help me?

    Basically, all I ate this week were vegetable stir-frys and orange juice, along with my snack choice of apples. Kept up the walking to college every day which helped. Now that I have a week off, I can get some serious excercise under my belt and aim to do sit ups and push ups every morning, while going for a long walk twice a day. Support welcomed!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 39 kindle

    Healthy weightloss should be in the 1-2lbs or .5-1kg a week afaik..
    tbh i dont really feel qualified to offer nutrional advice, but there is absolutely loads in the stickies....
    Though i would say ditch the fruit juice its quite high in calories and if you find it hard maybe try 1/4OJ and 3/4 water or something..oh and if you find yourself missing fizzy drinks fizzy water is always an option you can but a slice of lemon or orange in it for flavour and its much better than any of the other crap like coke and all
    Walking is great but as you get fitter you will need to challenge your body a bit more, college is a great place to try out new sports, plus you have the added benifit of meeting new people...anyway all the best with it

  • Registered Users Posts: 39 johnsheehy

    Just wanted to wish you luck, i myself have lost a lot of weight and im 20. Some tips I can give are:

    Dont give in, it gets SO much easier to eat healthy after the first couple of weeks so dont snack because it makes it harder.

    Immediatly after I eat I find i actually look slimmer than after i exercise, You have to let yourself know that this is temporary, Dont let this tempt u.

    I use its free, its great.

    Know exactly what calorie intake you want per day, dont eat a food unless you have an idea whats in it. Spark tells you the calories of nearly everything.

    Dont eat after 8, this is the worst thing you can do, i used to eat very little all day and then give in late, U have no time to work this off.

    Stick with cardiovascular exercises only, until you have reached under your goal weight. Then put muscle on.

    Cut salt and keep sodium levels low, this aids water retention and looks like flab. drinking water will actually reduce water retention and make u look firmer.

    “A man who wants something will find a way; a man who doesn’t will find an excuse.”

    Good Luck

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