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Banned from a forum.



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 17,163 ✭✭✭✭Boston

    nipplenuts wrote:
    Calling a poster a muppet would, I think, get me banned from most of the fora here. I expect better from such a highly respected mod as Thaed.

    Thats the problem with new people thse days. Calling someone a muppet won't get you banned on most fora.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,701 ✭✭✭Diogenes

    People who post on conspiracy theories are often very impassioned on their subject, and the whole point of conspiracy theories is that they're open to lots and lots of argument. If you don't want argument, close the forum.

    Thank you, what muji didn't know is that I'm a reformed JFK conspiracy theorist. "Back and to left" "magic bullet" everything. Thats until I read James Elroys "American Tabloid" and began to examine the evidence rationally.

    It's an arrogance of a conspiracy theorists that the person that they are speaking to hasn't read and rejected (or more watched and rejected) the evidence they are presenting.

    Not to be arrogant but on my first post on the thread I point out two gapping factually inaccuracies in miju's first post.
    Users can be arseholes. But every mod knows that when they take the job. If you're tired and cranky and the forum and a user is taking up what feels like too much of your time, you should be passing your modship to someone else, not reaching for the ban button.

    I don't really feel I was being an arsehole, I'm quiet interested in miju's claim not having seen it elsewhere before, and was looking forward to seeing it put forward. I was disappointed with the evidence presented so far. I bumped a thread twice in a month to see if more would be forthcoming, and recieved a pretty snotty reply, I responded in kind, and got a ban for my troubles.

    Thaedydal, thank you for the ad homien and confirming my expectations of where this thread would go.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 43,045 ✭✭✭✭Nevyn

    Jayus when the fuck did I become respectible ?
    Outside of the forums which I happen to co mod with other people I am a poster like everyone else
    and I have said worse abusive things then flashing the gathering muppet card to the extent I have gotten banned.

    Should miju have gotten back to the tread soon prolly but mods have lives and who likes to post in a thread that is turning hostile and may be distrubtive to the whole forum.

    Mods should in my opinion let thier fellow co mods know about bannings and the reason's why, copying your co mods on a pm being sent to a banee will help matters rather then people having to wait to resolve matters.

    Diogenes you should not have let this escalte if after two pms given the consideration it was the festive period you didn't get the information about your ban you wanted you should have started a thread here rather then stroppy pms.

    Miju was the reason you gave for the banning as stated above
    When I pm'd the Mod to ask why, the mod in question responded that I had been banned, not because I had breached the charter, but because he didn't want me posting on this thread until he found time to respond in said thread. I have been given no timeframe as to when this will happen.

    Not sending a pm to state the nature of the ban and the lenght is bad form even for a hosted forum.
    ( are the rules different for a hosted forum ? I didn't think they were. )

    If the ban was to give the mod time to reply then I think it is spurious to say the least he could have just left a note in the thread or asked Diogenes to quiet pestering via the thread until they got around to it.
    Even locking it would to my mind be a incorrect action unless it wandered way off topic due to bumping.

    I would say lift the ban and forward the pms to the admins to decide if a site ban for abuse of the pm system is warrented.
    If the mods felt suitibly harassed to put a user who posts in thier forum then they are being curtailed in being able
    to mod the forum properly.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,454 ✭✭✭cast_iron

    Thaedydal wrote:
    If you were not getting the rapid response on the matter from the forum mods, you seemed have wished for ot tought youwere entitled too;
    why didn't you start a thread here rather then sending childish harassing pms which have done nothing for your case at all only making you seem even more petulant and more of a prat ?
    Has he not acknowledged those PMs were childish and spammy, so why keep harping on about it?
    I am also curious to see if miju will rise the same level.

    I would agree with cc'ing co mods on bannings. When I cc'd Mods on an unfair ban I got, I was given out to for it. Thankfully, Hulla being the fair minded guy he is, realised it was an unfair ban:)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,701 ✭✭✭Diogenes

    Thaedydal wrote:
    Look everyone has opinions and they are subjective, one person looks at a colour and sees green someone else see blue.

    You disgareed over the nature of the edivdence and wether it was substantive or not and in such a situation you are never going to be able to resovle it,
    you just have to learn to disagree and harping on saying 'prove to me it is green' and 'prove me wrong, show me it is not blue' will never resolve the issue and infact turns people agianst you at it makes you sound like prat.

    You can't force anyone to post to answer your questions or to defend thier position.

    Thats fair enough but miju claimed he had more substanital evidence, but never bother posting it.
    If you were not getting the rapid response on the matter from the forum mods,

    It is now well over a month since muji's orginal post, and well over two weeks since I was banned, I don't think I'm demanding a "rapid" response.
    why didn't you start a thread here rather then sending childish harassing pms which have done nothing for your case at all only making you seem even more petulant and more of a prat ?

    Because I fully expected to recieve responses exactly in line with your first post on this thread. Miju has said on this thread that he will not lift the ban, so I'm wondering what response you expect me to have recieved on this thread?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 10,658 ✭✭✭✭The Sweeper

    Diogenes wrote:
    I don't really feel I was being an arsehole.

    Perhaps not. But if I'd gotten a PM from you written in the text of the one you'd sent Miju, whether or not it was justified I'd have torn strips off you, dried them in the sunshine and woven them into a nice skirt.

    Unfortunately for you, Miju's response was the ban button.

    Saying that, in disagreeing with anybody you'd bound to start thinking 'wow, suchnsuch is such an arsehole', whether or not they are - such is the nature of confrontation.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 29,130 ✭✭✭✭Karl Hungus

    Hmm, long story short, I don't think the ban was justified in the first place.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 43,045 ✭✭✭✭Nevyn

    Yes but its seem the ban was alread in place before those horrendus pms were sent.
    which does not by any means ok the pms.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,673 ✭✭✭DeepBlue

    What's the deal with publishing PMs?
    I thought in most fora this was frowned upon unless agreed with the sender of the PM?

    Anyway fwiw miju is clearly in the wrong here and should have his mod powers revoked.
    But hey it's the conspiracy theory forum so perhaps it's ideal behaviour for a mod in that forum :D .

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 17,163 ✭✭✭✭Boston

    That's something you decided all by youself DeepBlue.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 43,045 ✭✭✭✭Nevyn

    DeepBlue that may be your opinion but that decision it up to the Site admins.

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,099 ✭✭✭✭WhiteWashMan

    were there a number of posts deleted from that thread?

    i fail to see any reason for banning anyone.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,980 ✭✭✭✭Giblet

    Unban him before I beat your ass. That thread was good, maybe miju was blinded by the other guys tedious manner of going about things but he shouldn't be banned for it.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 17,163 ✭✭✭✭Boston

    Where do you get off threatening someone Giblet?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 16,793 ✭✭✭✭Hagar

    Yeah, you big bully. What has Miju's donkey got to do with this anyway?

    This is madness, two intelligent people should be able to resolve a matter like this without World War III.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 8,486 ✭✭✭miju

    Diogenes wrote:
    substanital evidence, but never bother posting it.

    you still don't get it Diogenes do you :rolleyes:

    anyways , like i said in my previous post i was going to lift the ban as i felt i'd been too quick off the mark and it was unfair but it was the subsequent PM's that made me leave the ban there.

    however, having discussed it with billy via PM i've lifted the ban on condition that Diogenes waits for my reply in the thread without bumping it again the PM thing I can forget about even though it was incredibly irratating at the time but i've recieved worse from others :D:D,

    both sides are therefore happy as i don't get reminders (because make no mistake about it i will be posting am currently on page 30 of a MS word document i'm putting together) and Diogenes has access again

    billy you need to get your ass on the UN council you'd do deady there :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,701 ✭✭✭Diogenes

    Thaedydal wrote:
    Yes but its seem the ban was alread in place before those horrendus pms were sent.
    which does not by any means ok the pms.

    That pm was sent after I sent several polite and respectful pms, trying to find out why I was banned, and for how long. I then sent several more polite and reasonable pm's trying to reason with miju, I suggested that I wouldn't post on the thread until he responsed or that he lock the thread until he was ready to respond. He delcined to do so. Only in frustration did I sent two pms like that to miju. I doubt he'd post any of the other pm's.

    I didn't come to feedback, because, some what cynically, I've seen what happens to "Why wuz I banned" threads invariable turn into mods and older users, mock the OP and post those cards that are so popular, which, quell suprise, is what happened here. I really saw "take it to feedback", as the equlivent of "forget about it Jake, it's Chinatown". But overall I'm pleasantly surprised by the attitude presented here.

    Some people have called me obonxious, but I'm a user who has been banned from a forum for, at worst, breaking an "unwritten rule" of these forums. I recieved no notification of the ban, which can only be lifted, by muji writing something. I sent several polite pm's trying to reason this out, only after finding this a brick wall, I sent two spammy pm's. Went contacted by a senior mod, and ask to stop, I instantly did so.

    Muji, has banned me from a forum, seemingly on a whim, and didn't bother informing me of the ban. It took three pm's to find out, why he had banned me, and for how long. He has ignored my attempts to come to a reasonable solution. He published a private message in a public forum, without my consent, and has stated he will not lift the ban.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,701 ✭✭✭Diogenes

    miju wrote:

    however, having discussed it with billy via PM i've lifted the ban

    I just checked I'm still banned from the forum
    on condition that Diogenes waits for my reply in the thread without bumping it again the PM thing I can forget about even though it was incredibly irratating at the time but i've recieved worse from others :D:D,

    Can I post on the thread aside from bumping it? Meaning can I add information to the thread.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,724 ✭✭✭oleras

    miju wrote:

    however, having discussed it with billy via PM i've lifted the ban on condition that Diogenes waits for my reply in the thread without bumping it again there :D

    Did i miss something ? Do you mod the forum or own it ? How can you tell a poster not to post ? :confused:

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,724 ✭✭✭oleras

    Diogenes wrote:

    Can I post on the thread aside from bumping it? Meaning can I add information to the thread.

    I should certainly hope so Diogenes, keep up the good work ! ;)

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 17,163 ✭✭✭✭Boston

    oleras wrote:
    Did i miss something ? Do you mod the forum or own it ? How can you tell a poster not to post ? :confused:

    Dont post here again.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 8,486 ✭✭✭miju

    oleras wrote:
    Did i miss something ? Do you mod the forum or own it ? How can you tell a poster not to post ? :confused:

    If you re-read what i said i dint ask for him not to post , simply not to bump which given the reason for this whole debaclein the first place is not to much to ask

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 87 ✭✭Sid Deuce

    LiouVille wrote:
    Dont post here again.

    Why not?

    You think your special status of having two account stands for something?

    DeepBlue.. No you cannot post PM's as was discussed way back. But that was a member posted a mods PM's without permisson. And it was deemed "Bad" ......Mods in Conversation made publiuc...... bad.....

    However a Mod posting a members PM's is OK.

    So it seems.

    More ecksor. Less would be Smods tbh

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 17,163 ✭✭✭✭Boston

    You, you're banned. Don't post here again.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,497 ✭✭✭Nick_oliveri

    Although i like the way miju engages in the threads on the Conspiricy Forum directly, i dont see how the ban was warranted (in the first place).If that was me i would have got ass-raped for this "evidence" after a couple of days or a week, but a month? 0.o

    Anyways, i hope ye can put this shíte behind ye and i also hope Diogenes starts off on a "clean slate"!

    I also hope mijus next post on the thread in question will be good and i will enjoy reading it!! (most likely!!)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,724 ✭✭✭oleras

    miju wrote:
    If you re-read what i said i dint ask for him not to post , simply not to bump which given the reason for this whole debaclein the first place is not to much to ask

    What you said was for him to wait for your reply before he bumped the thread, adding to the thread with more info would "bump" said thread, ie. dont post in the thread.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 87 ✭✭Sid Deuce

    Boston wrote:
    You, you're banned. Don't post here again.

    No. Never been banned. Have you or your other account? You do realise having duplicate accounts means Tailiens will have to ban you? Or tell you how to make love in the "Wild spider monkey" manner?

    It's a precident thing.

    If you are not banned..... THE WORLD WILL IMPOLED!!!

    Or not...

    You have to love the irony/parodox.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 17,163 ✭✭✭✭Boston

    There's no paradox, Kev_rc_ie stumbled upon the real reason I don't get banned, age's ago. But you'll have to ask ecksor about that one(PM and all).

    But anyway, yea you're banned from here on out.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,454 ✭✭✭cast_iron

    Since miju and Diogenes last posted around 18.30, we can assume they have been put into their cots again.:)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 20,099 ✭✭✭✭WhiteWashMan

    miju wrote:
    you still don't get it Diogenes do you :rolleyes:

    dont get what?

    i see you make a claim on the forum, not back it up and when asked about it you banned someone.
    why do you feel the need to be patronising and condecending to someone who has only asked for you to come forward with your proof? in fact, its still about 5 weeks later, and youre still telling us on this thread that you will post it up.

    so what is it he doesnt get, becuase i dont get it either. or will we have to wait 5 weeks for the answer?
    miju wrote:
    anyways , like i said in my previous post i was going to lift the ban as i felt i'd been too quick off the mark and it was unfair but it was the subsequent PM's that made me leave the ban there.

    PM's do not constitute your domain and therefore should have no impact on what happens in the forum. if they were abusive, you should have taken it up with an admin.
    miju wrote:

    however, having discussed it with billy via PM i've lifted the ban on condition that Diogenes waits for my reply in the thread without bumping it again the PM thing I can forget about even though it was incredibly irratating at the time but i've recieved worse from others :D:D,

    your not posting up your proof is very very irritating.

    and i fail to see why people should continue to press you for the information you have so far, fail to supply.
    dont bump the thread?
    miju wrote:

    both sides are therefore happy as i don't get reminders (because make no mistake about it i will be posting am currently on page 30 of a MS word document i'm putting together) and Diogenes has access again

    so why didnt you say this in the first place, or were you playing at secret squirrel?
    or as i like to call it, acting the dick.

    seriously, if you cant mod properly, then dont do it at all.
