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The Dark Sacrement - Exorcism In Modern Ireland



  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    TryItMyWay wrote: »
    Hey I got a slap from a moderator for stating I thought she was nuts.
    And yet you do it again, which earns a ban.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1 Agnaton

    There are of course sad cases like that of Portia27. But it does not cancel God's and Jesus's existance. If you go accross the wrong people,go directly to the Lord. Ask Him to help you out. Truly. It worked out with my life, I gaind knowledge and I was given wisdom to understand. But that wouldnt happen without humble begging. He is God,WE owe Him respect,He ows us nothing.
    Just ask directly and He will change your life.

  • Registered Users Posts: 339 ✭✭Elrollo

    TryItMyWay wrote: »
    If you are going to make up stories try and at least make them credible.

    To me your postings seem not to be true.

    No one came for your daughter at three weeks old.

    That you feel the need to even assert this means to me

    a)A you are psychotic and your daughter was removed into care, somehow you blame the Catholic Church for this though it would have been done by the HSE. If that is the case can you tell us what reasons the HSE gave for the serious action of removing a new born infant to care, do you for instance take trugs or have a diagnosed history of mental illness
    b)You have zero understanding of the Catholic Church in Ireland and did not grow up within it. Otherwise you would be fully aware of how incomprehensible and inconsistent your postings seem, even to those who inderstand when and how abuse can take place you seem fantastical and the web site you reference in your postings are full of fringe lunatic, paranoid conspiracy and jumbled up occultism.
    c)I choose not to believe you because my insight let's be know you are a liar. It is however important that you are seeking to incite others to believe falsehoods. If your claims were even marginally true, especially in relation to the kidnapping of your daughter at three weeks old then your story would be making headlines in Ireland and possibly globally. However it won;t because it is a pack of lies and making annnoymous sectarian claims via the internet does not in any way prrove a word you are saying.

    There is support available for survivors of abuse and legal remedy in both civil and criminal prosecution. In a climate where the governement and vatican are openly hostile you should have no trouble getting justice except you won't because the events you describe did not happen.

    As I say the sites you reference are lunatic fringe to put it mildly and I wish you the best of good luck in treating your mental health.

    Try not to be so full of hate and invent reasons for it.
    Godless heathens the lot of them ;), joking of course, though the thread did get a tad derailed with this Portia person ragging on the Catholic Church and all that TryitMyWay did make a good point about Portia's lack of proof to back up what she had brought up regarding herself/her child/the men in dresses(made me think of a group of angry Scots in kilts kicking her door down), personally I don't care enough to have an opinion though I read a bit about exorcism and its a fierce interesting and often frightening subject, kinda gets you on a primal level, something that tugs on the innate fear of having no control over yourself eh? Anyhow, that's my rant over! :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1 fredolsen

    I have just joined Boards and have come accross this Thread. I can not belive anything that Portia 27 has written in the past.

    Portia 27 should go to the Gardai if anything is true. Otherwise give the names of the priest and get things moving

  • Registered Users Posts: 530 ✭✭✭Logan

    I have read the book, I very much enjoyed it also. I got a chance to visit David one of the co-authors, he was such a great guy and level headed. He did say that there was a lot of cases going on and they had to pick just a handful.

    There have been cases of Demonic possesion, but are they real or are they all in the mind. When exorcisms are performed is it because the person believes they are being expelled of the demon or that a higher power is helping, in the end who knows. Who know's if it's what people truely believe that helps or if there's some higher power involved. No one knows, no one can rag on other people, no matter who they think they are.

    I believe that it's what we believe that matters, but I wouldn't stop others from believing that theres a higher power.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 14,772 ✭✭✭✭Whispered

    Portia 27 wrote: »
    Just to clarify, .

    You didn't clarify anything. You don't seem to want to tell your story properly at all. You're just ranting on about random things and won't answer any questions which might clarify your story. You can say "believe what you want" but wasn't the purpose of your post to tell people your story? If so, then tell it, don't just drop in random bits and expect people to believe them.

  • Registered Users Posts: 536 ✭✭✭lisatiffany

    Okay well back to the book and i have to warn that i’ll ramble a bit here but of course try and keep it informative at the same time.

    I put off reading the book for a while, it was part of my collection for at least a year before i took it down off of the shelf and gave it a try. the reason i stayed away from it is because though i do read and have a lot of books that tackle the rite and beliefs of exorcism it was always too close to home to give it a serious run through. i don't mean i was scared of the idea that it was happening in ireland i mean when it came to religion the whole emphases on the irish catholic church was just too off putting. eventually when i did start reading i found it impossible to put down and have since become friends with David, one of the authors. while the book does seem to more than gently hint at times that if you don't believe in the power of god then you are at higher risk to be demonically influenced of even possessed it’s not the be all and end all message of the book. i'll agree that the general consensus is to stay away from the ouija board and the book certainly pushes that belief, in my own experience with the board it’s never been a positive force and is definitely something i like to keep distance from. you will always get people who say it’s only a board with some letters and numbers but it’s a powerful tool that really should be avoided by anyone not experienced with spirit communication – it’s a lot like walking through one of the dodgiest areas in your town or city while wearing your best clothes and sporting a brand new laptop or ipod. i respect peoples beliefs when it comes to the thinking that its only an inanimate object but all tools can be dangerous if you don't know how to use them and ouija especially taps into a plane that a lot of people can't and probably never will comprehend. but back to the book..

    I found the first time i read it that yes it did indeed scare the bejesus out of me on many levels but it never made me think i had to turn to Catholicism in order to fend off attacks from evil forces, i turned away from Catholicism a long time ago and now concentrate more on spiritualism and certain aspects of wicca. as mentioned i'm now friends with one of the authors so we have discussed the book over and over again and still do but not once did i think anything he was telling me was made up to make the book more of a sensational read. he and his wife did over a year’s worth of research before starting to write the book and some cases never even went into the finished manuscript but the ones that did were some of the most compelling that came their way. we both agree about a lot of the same things and aspects of the paranormal but neither of us are really that religious so though it may come across that the book us pushing the message of be a good catholic or else ..that's really not the case. it does push extreme negativity towards the use of ouija by untrained hands and i completely agree with that on all levels. i know plenty of people who were willing to test their scepticism of the board and came away from it seriously regretting what they did, one of my sisters when warned about it went ahead and did it anways - what followed was manifestations in our house and even someone being lifted from the bed only to be thrown across the room, after that she kept witnessing people walking around her bed at night muttering and it followed regardless of the house or even country. it’s only recently the activity has fizzled out and she will never even utter the word ouija again, i'd warned her about it beforehand and was very read up on the subject but he shrugged it off and did it anyways because she was more about the thrill than the risks.

    Many people who dabbled or experiment with after death communication are after a thrill or even after proof that there either is or is not life after this world. one of the main stories in the Dark Sacrament which deals with the ouija board is called "the boy who communes with demons", his story is not the most terrifying but its definitely important in understanding why people do it and the risks involved. the boy in the story (gary) was walking home from school one day when he took a shortcut he saw the edges of the board sticking out of a rubbish pile, he went over and pulled it out but as it came loose the planchette (pointer) seemed to jump out of the pile and float slowly onto the ground beside him - some people would run but he saw it like a magic trick and so he stayed to see what would come next. he soon witnessed a vision of what he thought was hell, the ground split and he claimed to see hundreds of winged creatures flying up towards him, sitting on a throne was one which identified itself as Tyrannous. after the vision the boy ran home and when he got there he started to climb the stairs to his room, he screamed and froze on the spot - he said at the top of the stairs was the entity he saw on the throne. things got worse he become very violent and would curse and swear at his family, he would go into seizures that lasted over 30 minutes/on one occasion he demonstrated automatic writing and when his mother tried to lift his hand it just kept going so she tried to pull the chair out from under him and his body stayed ridged as if he still were on the chair – arm writing in midair. he was checked for any and all brain abnormality but nothing was found, not even a trace of epilepsy. when the authors were interviewing the boy they asked him what he wanted to be when he grew up - the boy said Tyrannous said he would be a business man behind a big desk with a lot of money but only if he stayed with the entity and kept it in his life. 9 to 10yr old boys want to be footballers or astronauts not businessmen, that kind of thing is boring to a young boy but that gives you an idea how demonic influence can have serious affects on a persons life. at first when gary found the board he ran but afterwards he admits to returning and playing with it regularly, he said he did it because he was bored and that having demon friends was cool. that's the reason a lot of people try ouija, boredom and for a lot of people it’s the ultimate magic trick – the last i heard gary still has demons in his life and welcomes them. he had an exorcism when he was a young boy and was told to recite a certain prayer every day, he did and things calmed down but he feel out of habit and it came back, even now when he is a young adult he claims the demons are still there and doesn’t want rid of them. that particular case didn’t just affect the boy it was his family too, his grandmother experienced a lot of activity in her home and it had a huge baring on her health.

    The other stories in the book tackled with similar subjects but one that really affected me was "the girl who left her body". in a nutshell it was about a woman who first experienced astral projection when she was only 17yrs old, many years later she then witnessed the death of a close friend remotely and called her only to find that she had died in the same way she witnessed, but after that it become a lot more serious and dangerous. She was still a schoolgirl when the event happened so when in a bookstore she browsed the spiritual section for more insight, she found a book on astral projection and spiritual healing and awareness, a male knocked the book from her hand (by accident) and struck up a conversation about astral projection and remote viewing - he wrote his name and phone number on a book then they didn't see each other again for years. eventually she bumped into him again at a really lonely time in her life and though she felt there was something more to bumping into him but the loneliness got the better of her. they met later that evening and he told her he was psychic and knew of her gift (he knew of her experience and thought she was gifted in remote viewing). they experimented in remote viewing where he visited her remotely and she visited him, it soon turned into nightmare when she realized he was not at all the person he said he was. he had been involved in a lot of black magik and used drugs to reach the state of making remote viewing more accessible. though many people try drugs such as LSD to remote view their agenda is clear and not really something they experiment in to exploit others. he was different and it sounded like he may have been in direct contact and communication with dark forces, he tried to have her take drugs to remote view much quicker. when she broke away from him her house came under attack by manifestations and very negative energies. in the end the house was exorcised and during the exorcism it sounded like an army of loud heavy footsteps came down the stairs and went out the door - afterwards her life returned to normal but her ordeal went on for years. i have and still do practice and study astral projection and remote viewing, i know it’s possible and with enough years of determination can be something that can be quite easily controlled but drugs especially hallucinatory are where i draw the line. there are many groups of astral travellers who use drugs to remote view and generally they are decent people and are organized enough to have a non-traveller watch over them while they are "gone".

    i don't think astral projection or remote viewing are something that should be avoided but i do think the risks should be known. there is a belief with a lot of people that when you are outside of your body a negative entity could try and take up shop while you were gone ..i'm not so sure i believe it because i never encountered it nor anyone that had it happen. it is however a different plane and i'd not advise anyone to try it without learning what is out there first, i don't mean a map i mean realizing that you are only a visitor and a lot of other beings exist on that level that demand respect. again like the ouija if you go into it to outwardly prove it wrong then be prepared to change your lifetime tune, i'm not saying it will always be a bad experience but you are putting yourself out there and its only a matter of time until something notices. in the case of the ouija the majority of experiences are bad but you do get people saying it was a great experience and they got in touch with an old deceased family members. my understanding is this: it’s possible to contact family members through the board but you are more likely to tap into something that says it’s your family or friend but really isn't. i think these entities can telepathically read a person so they know what your expectations are and will exploit them if they think it will make you return to the board again. you are probably saying why does it matter if we come back? well people are very attractive to spirits and entities because we are the purest form of energy and they are drawn towards it (children especially attract spirits but much more it’s a positive experience) with the board you welcome in the closet beings at the time and those often are the closet to our plane - i.e. spirits that are distressed and have not passed on, often they are confused and angry and will feed off of your energy so the more you use the board the more they get to feed and influence the world outside of theirs. it does lead to possession but much less than people think, possession only occurs when you let the barriers down so that an entity or can latch on. the board is definitely one of the easiest ways to drop your guard because though its only wood and glass you are going out of your way to contact whatever feels like answering back and like i said its usually an untruthful or tormented soul. i do think there are demons and did think it a long time before i read the book, demons in my own view are a kind of being that lives in the astral plane but can when given enough energy manifest in our own, but the devil with his pitchfork is nothing i prescribe too - i believe in evil as an energy but i don't go to mass or read the bible.

    Exorcism exists in almost every religion not just Catholicism but in this part of the world and because of the media many people assume it’s an invention by the catholic church to turn illnesses into "you didn't go to church so now the devil has you", but that's not the case as its been around for hundreds of years, the church only tailored their rite to meet their own demands. i don't doubt the roman rite of exorcism works and that many cases are due to demonic forces but in the past mental illness was attributed too much to the devil and his minions. if you come away from the book thinking it was only put together to scare people into being better churchgoers then i have to say you are wrong, the authors had to deal with a lot of exorcists who were church based and so many of the quotes were from a figure or figures who believed literally in what they preached. there are many books on exorcism and some of them are quite good, many were mentioned here and i'd strongly recommend "hostage to the devil" by Malachi Martin whose death is nothing short of suspicious. there is also an updated version of the Dark Sacrament which features some new cases from the states and another book is in the works. i have read tons of books on demonology and exorcism but it’s extremely rare that i'll go out of my way to contact the authors, no doubt the book had a huge impact on my own views and i'd highly recommend it to anyone interested in the subject. i only touched on a few of the cases within the book, all are extremely well researched and many are more frightening and give a great insight into the world of exorcism and the dark forces that it tackles. =)

    If you still want to know a little more about the book i reviewed it on my blog a while back.
