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BOOK CLUB - Galway



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 56 ✭✭higamos hogamos

    Some coincidence alright......

    Who's for reading a Dan Brown book next?

  • Registered Users Posts: 80 ✭✭germanSandra

    I think Dan Brown is a really good writer. So why not? Is it your turn to nominate the next book? I have three books writen by Dan Brown. So maybe I could save ready cash. :rolleyes:

  • Registered Users Posts: 278 ✭✭geekychick

    OK, I give up, this book is one of the rare ones that managed to get the better of me, I have been stuck on page 24 for almost a week now, funnily enough, I don't think that for me the problem is with the length of sentences (because if you break the sentence structure down, you can see that half of all the commas could be swapped for full-stops quite comfortably, therefore the phrase structure tends to be quite simple really), it is more the subject matter of voting politics and the indescribably impersonal way the author goes about approaching the already somewhat dry and boring subject that really, really got to me, anyway, I will say this much, thank you carol123 for nominating the book, because if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed how one book can be THIS uninvolving and THAT prize-winning at the same time! :)

    Dan Brown, here I come! (or maybe not...) :D

    See ye soon.

  • Registered Users Posts: 177 ✭✭carol123

    Have to say I didn't get past page 50 myself. Probably should've read something else by him first. Afraid to say I won't be there this evening. Will be out the country dog-sitting all week. So enjoy the meeting folks. Well we were looking for a book that would produce a more animated discussion!:o Looking forward to the next two choices. Have read The 39 Steps before and enjoyed it. Apologies for missing two in a row but will most definitely be there for the next one.:)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 717 ✭✭✭TristanPeter

    My apologies everyone but I won't be able to make it either this evening. I did get to page 54...which is relatively good going I think :) I have to agree with GeekyChick on this one for sure. It seemed to me that the author was going out of his way to make the reader NOT want to read the book

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  • Registered Users Posts: 80 ✭✭germanSandra

    I was very enthusiastic about the precursor or should I call it volume 1. – Blindness by José Saramago. And at the middle of Seeing there was it linked with Blindness. But why is there a precursor? My assessment about Blindness would be 9/10. Only one point miss because of the bad punctuation. (It annoyed me in Blindness and Seeing. – But after Blindness I get used to it). All the rest was so, so great.
    Which great, good things could I write about about Seeing? I have to think a few moments:
    Definitively the end has me mollifies and a little the first chapter. But unfortunately that’s it and I am really sorry about the things I wrote now – things I didn’t like.
    I am still discordant with mine awarding of score, so I’ll write about the things I didn’t like and at end of each part I’ll write about the points I’ll discount.
    Here goes!
    Like I wrote up there - I didn’t like the punctuation (And I am happy that I wasn’t the only one). So one point less.
    I don’t understand why a good book like Blindness need a serial novel. Because of that one point less for this cheesy decision. (There are many great serial novels – but not this, not this.)
    The ejuration of names was justified at Blindness. In this book it was take some getting used to but the story was still understandable. (And I could easy differentiate every person.)
    However by Seeing it bugged/irritated me. – A half point less.
    If this should be a separate story, why started Saramago after the half of the book with the proceedings about four years ago? And If this should be a serial novel why exist the first half of this book with all of its longwindedness? – One point less.
    I just said that the end make me mild-mannered. For this I give a half point more.
    So my final score is 7/10.
    Maybe I shouldn’t read Blindness, perhaps my review would be completely different if I hadn’t read Blindess. At this place I would like say sorry that be review was so hard again.
    Now a few words about the election by itself. I have (on the strength of the politics in Germany) extremely voter fatigue. And more than once I thougth whoever I vote is the same (I mean not the mad parties – I only write about the usual suspects CDU, SPD, FDP, Grüne)
    Despite I never would use the way and vote white. And however the wheater was I went to the election office or vote at home. But I used my suffrage. Precisely because it is a right and a privilege to vote who I want and only for this right I am overgrateful. (The reason is not only that I was born in GDR. No, I mean there are still so many countries without this right.)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5 colettelabete

    Hello everyone!

    I just moved to Galway, and I would be really interested in joining this book club. Are you still accepting new members? And if so, when/where would be the next meeting, what should I read by then, and what do I need to bring?

    Thanks in advance, am looking forward to meeting you. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 80 ✭✭germanSandra

    Hi colettelabete,

    First I have to say that I only enjoyed one meeting - So it is very presumptuous of me to answer you. But so I am. :)
    The list with the books is on top of page 68 and the next book is The 39 Steps by John Buchan at the 6 th of July. New members are always welcome. And trust me they are all so nice and great. I am sure that you will like every meeting.
    As far as I know are the meetings at The Cottage Bar in Lower Salthill Road (first door on the left side).

  • Registered Users Posts: 80 ✭✭Martty81

    Spot on instructions Sandra! New members always welcome!

    Sorry about missing the last meeting again but I was away with work so I'm hoping that I'll be at the next one. Yeah I gave up on Seeing too and thought from the cover it was one I was going to enjoy but BORING isn't even the word for it! Just couldn't focus on the sentences for wondering where the end was going to be!

    At this stage I won't be able to attend the BBQ this wknd but if something changes I'll let ye know. Enjoy!

  • Registered Users Posts: 278 ✭✭geekychick

    Hi folks,

    ok, there has been an idea initiated by MagicM83 for going to cinema this weekend, either tonight or on Saturday.

    I am voting for Saturday (too short notice for me otherwise), and I wouldn't mind going to see SATC 2 :eek: if need be... I know it's tosh, but it is lavishly produced tosh with some fashion thrown in which I would have seen anyway at some point... and nothing else really jumps out at me anyway.

    Anyone who is interested in going, or wants to negotiate the terms and conditions, speak up on here? (I thought this would be simpler then PM-ing everyone, MagicM).

    I will check in a bit later to see what the story is.

    SATC 2 at the Omniplex:
    14:15 17:15 20:20 23:15

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  • Registered Users Posts: 80 ✭✭germanSandra

    I am sorry. I know that my English is bad. In the future I'll read twice before I'll save.

  • Registered Users Posts: 278 ✭✭geekychick

    No takers for SATC 2. Can't say I'm surprised!

    germanSandra, Martty81 wrote that your instructions on the Book Club location were "spot on", which means they are perfect, great and correct.
    Nothing to apologize about. Thumbs up, big smiles all round. :):):)

  • Registered Users Posts: 80 ✭✭germanSandra

    Just how I said: My English is so bad that I don't understand a compliment.:DThanks for the explanation.

  • Registered Users Posts: 22 deedana

    would go to the cinema tonight??? much too short notice??? will watch anything...

  • Registered Users Posts: 511 ✭✭✭hyperbaby

    Sorry about not replying to your pms but i was in internet wilderness over the weekend.
    It's probably too late for the cinema this evening but how about Tuesday evening??

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 39 MagicM83

    I may be up for the cinema later on this evening (just depends if I'm as much of a zombie as I was last night, which may not be fun).

    His n hers is on at 21.00 at the eye cinema - i know bethm and geekychick were interested in seeing that?

    Otherwise, get him to the greek is on at 21.15 or 21.20 at the omniplex / the eye. I find russell brand very irritating at the best of times, but with a severe lack of other comedies around at the moment I would almost go to see this for something light hearted.

    Hyperbaby, I'll text you later on to see how you're fixed and we can decide if we wanna go or not?

    Also - started reading 'A Fine Balance' last night and am totally hooked already, hope it stays as good as it starts and that other people like it :-)

    anyone else keen?

  • Registered Users Posts: 511 ✭✭✭hyperbaby

    I wouldn't mind going, but please God no SATC, I had to sit through the first one twice and my poor brain hasn't been right since.

    Also The Killer Inside Of Me is on in the Omniplex at 19:15 21:45 but that might be a bit dark for some peoples' taste and Brooklyn's Finest is on at 20:30 in the Omniplex.
    Russell Brand is a total arse, but if that is the only thing that suits, I'll grin and bear it!

    So anyone else up for some popcorn munching? That sounds a bit strange actually...

  • Registered Users Posts: 278 ✭✭geekychick

    Hi folks,

    sorry I won't be able to join you for the cinema, I have just blown 70 something euro on lots of tickets for the coming Film Festival, so I will be in the cinema(s) from dawn till dusk soon enough anyway...:(:D

    Enjoy the film!:)

    Notification about the Book Club BBQ on Saturday:

    Anyone have any questions on the location, the time (I don't think we have fixed the time with definite certainty yet, but it's about the mid/late afternoon mark at this point), or anything else, PM me or text me.

    Otherwise, it wouldn't be a bad thing to let us know on the thread whether you will be attending or not in the next few days, just to get the idea of the numbers involved etc.

    Chat soon, hope to see most on Saturday! :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 39 MagicM83

    Sounds great geekychick !

    I'll be at the BBQ so count me in.

    Sounds like you made a good effort for the film festival too - am sure you'll enjoy that.

    On the off chance anyone else fancies it, myself and hyperbaby are going to see 'get him to the greek' at 9.15pm tonight in the omniplex.

    PM me if you want to come and we can meet up ahead.

    Thanks :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 511 ✭✭✭hyperbaby

    Yay the cinema!

    Anywho with regards to the BBQ Bonanza on Saturday count me in!
    Any idea on what time?
    I will be in town until six so I can be there at 6.30 if i drive straight there and bring clothes with me otherwise it will be 8 o'clock or so before i get there.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 278 ✭✭geekychick

    Hi again,

    a few of us met up yesterday to compile the shopping list for the BBQ; there will be beef (burgers), chicken, some sausages, maybe some lamb etc. Shopping will be done nearer the time.

    We have also decided on posting to enlist a few of the people coming, if you can bring a side dish. You can post here or PM me if for some reason you don't want to post, and I will do my best to co-ordinate everything to everyone's satisfaction.

    MagicM83 has already said she will bring a yummy-sounding salad, bethm will be making a nice coleslaw, carol123 will be making a salad as well (I think) and I will make an avocado/guacamoley relish and possibly something else. So don't be shy! If you have a knack for whipping up a lovely dessert, for example, now is the chance to show it off. ;)

    Not to put too fine a point on it, the more food the better, as we will be starting coming in at around 04:30 pm, and the evenings are looooong at the moment - it would be nice if we had a second crack at things at some later stage in the evening. :D

    As to the booze, everyone bring their own.

    Chat soon.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 717 ✭✭✭TristanPeter

    Hi All,

    I'll bring plenty of my home-made wine. Hopefully it won't kill anyone :)

    I was just reading through the Galway Independent and guess what?...Bret Easton Ellis will be giving a reading for the GAF on July 19th. I bought my ticket already. I can't wait. American Psycho is definitely in my top 3 books ever. And it was such a coincidence (well for me anyway) because I was reading it today on the bus to and from Dublin :) Anyone want to join me for it?

  • Registered Users Posts: 278 ✭✭geekychick

    Ah heck :(

    I won't be around on the 19th, I would have loved to go see him, he must be such an interesting person to try and work out!

    I think bethm also liked the book, maybe she'll join you.

  • Registered Users Posts: 418 ✭✭gandroid

    BBQ sounds like a great plan but can't make it at this notice. Hope yis all have a good time, enjoy the food and chat...sorry I'm missing it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 278 ✭✭geekychick

    Sorry you won't be able to make it, gandroid, however to be fair about it, I first posted the date of the BBQ on the 26th of May - more than a month ago. Maybe you missed the post? :(

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Is this open to anybody? Wouldn't mind coming along - when is the next meeting?

  • Registered Users Posts: 511 ✭✭✭hyperbaby

    The next meeting is Tuesday the 6th of July at 8.30pm in the Cottage Bar in Salthill.
    At the moment we are reading The Thirty-Nine Steps by John Buchan.
    The book is quite short, 108 pages so it would be easy to complete before Tuesday also i picked it up for €2.50 so it's cheap too.

  • Registered Users Posts: 418 ✭✭gandroid

    geekychick wrote: »
    Sorry you won't be able to make it, gandroid, however to be fair about it, I first posted the date of the BBQ on the 26th of May - more than a month ago. Maybe you missed the post? :(

    Ah it's no big deal, I was on hols at the time and didn't see it mentioned since. I probably wouldn't have been able to make it anyway it being the weekend. Have a good one and I hope it doesn't rain. :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 717 ✭✭✭TristanPeter

    Hi All,

    Here is an email I received from Newstalk a few days ago. I'm only posting it now because I had to confirm some details with them. I have edited out some contact information but pm me if you want any further details. According to the production staff, our turn may be in September. I have an good idea of which book it will be but I'm not sure if I should post it here.

    To whom it may conern,

    I am contacting you from the Moncrieff Show on Newstalk 106-108. We recently started a unique book slot on our show and I was wondering if your book club would like to take part.

    The slot is called '100 Books to Read Before You Die'. Each month a book is selected and so too is a book club from around the country. We send the book club copies of the book to read and review and then two representatives of the club would come up to Dublin and into studio with us here on Newstalk to talk to Sean about the book. The people would have to be good talkers, have plenty to say about the book and if possible have differing opinions. Transport to the studio in Dublin would be taken care of by ourselves of course.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,155 ✭✭✭PopeBuckfastXVI

    Wow Tristan, that's pretty cool... fair play!
