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evolution and atheism (youll enjoy this)



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,064 ✭✭✭Gurgle

    Zillah wrote:
    any entity capable of designing it is even more organised and complex, and therefore requires an even greater designer to explain it.
    So mathematically, the ultimate designer will be found is the same place as where parallel lines meet - at infinity.

    God therefore does exist but purely as a mathematical construct.
    the videos make great points that the transitional forms for evolution are not there
    Great points?
    Thats one of the oldest and least valid arguements against evolution.

    This may take some time:

    Take a camera and travel all around the world. Slowly. On foot. Walk every square mile of the earth. Then swim all over all the lakes and oceans.

    Take a picture of every millionth person, animal, fish, insect or bird you see.

    You now have the equivalent of our complete fossil record of the last 3.5 billion years of evolution.

    Do you think you will have examples of every variation of every creature that exists today?

    A tenth of them?

    One percent?

  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 25,558 Mod ✭✭✭✭Dades

    i pray so deeply that you 'atheists' just stop being angry and just go to God, im not someone here to hurt you or get on your nerves, just someone sharing the truth
    Welcome back... what are are experiencing here is not anger... frustration maybe. :)

    Also what you must realise is that most of us are happy ex-Christians (I spent 12 great years in a school ran by priests). Your tired old arguments have long since been filed under "Unsubstantiated".

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 17,371 ✭✭✭✭Zillah

    Gurgle wrote:
    So mathematically, the ultimate designer will be found is the same place as where parallel lines meet - at infinity.

    God therefore does exist but purely as a mathematical construct.


    Nerd jokes are great :)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,247 ✭✭✭stevejazzx

    gone two minutes and im hit with more replies than i expected

    i will start off by that im not worthy to argue for God, but its by the foolishness of preaching in which he delights to save men

    God is evident all around us....the videos make great points that the transitional forms for evolution are not there.....and what i think its amazing about evolution is the fact that something as dumb as a 'single cell' organism actually had the brains to evolve eventually into us randomly, seeing that all of our body parts are for use it shows an amazing mind behind it all....the bible says that Gods creation testifies of his existance, and truely his amazing work testifies....the fact that my soul, a soul that feels can actually rationalize and put it into words and type to you is proof of God, its just your hearts are so closed...the way the stars are so nicely spread out across the sky.....a big bang usually leaves a splat of paint in one area of the paper, but the stars cross the sky magnificantly....i wasnt convinced by arguments for Gods existance, but things like socializing with people, bonding with didnt make any sense to me that we could be like animals and do this....the reason he goes to the concience is to show you that Gods law is Holy and right....if we battle only intellectually arguments tend to get heated because of pride and the law humbles you....there is far more evidence out there for a God than not for a God....i really dont want to get too deep into the intellectual arguments, because it is true, that until the Lord opens your eyes you will be is born in sin....i myself wouldnt have come to God if God didnt call me and open my eyes.....if you really want to know if Gods there, i encourage you to humbly and patiently go before him and ask him to help you, beg him, because he resists the proud and gives grace to the obey Christs doctrine and truely know hes there you must repent of your sin and surrender completely to him.....when he gives you the Holy Spirit you will have a supernatural relationship with him which is what Mr Comfort meant when he said in the debate that once you touch the furnace then you have gone out of the realm of belief into the realm of experience....Christs doctrine is this "Repent and believe the gospel" repent, surrender your life to him, and trust on his sacrafice.....even if it takes months......i will finish off what im saying with a letter i wrote to my that you can see i only tell you what i tell my loved ones....i grew up in an atheist/agnostic home where Christianity was never even spoken of....i have already told my dad a whole lot, but i made this letter so it could be clearer.....i explained to him all the supernatural things that have come with being a Christian in a lot more detail to him face to face, and about Jesus dying for our sins..............

    Here is something I have written to help you better understand what I believe and even why
    If you told me that a piece of metal was hot, I would believe you, then I could touch it and
    After burning myself I would go out of the realm of belief into the realm of experience.
    I have and always do experience God, and I know without a doubt he is really there,
    it is knowledge, I know it with everything I am and would die beside that statement.
    There is only three conclusions you can possibly come to after I tell you this
    Im a liar, I am insane, or I am telling you the truth. I experience God all the time
    The less I am in his will the more he withdraws his presence from me and I experience demonic
    attack to discipline me into his will out of love as a father does. I strongly believe
    that a father son relationship and a wife husband relationship were given to us as a gift
    but also to show us how our relationship with God is to be. Proof of God biblically is what he made.
    Imagine putting a paint can on a giant piece of paper, and putting a bomb in the paint can,
    then the paint can explodes and the paint splatters on the paper, and boom a great picture appears
    sold for millions of dollars. it wouldnt happen imagine the big bang producing flowers, dears
    polar bears, humans, men women and children, flowers, grass, oil, gold, diamonds, stars, the moon, the sun, snakes, dogs, cats
    colors(can you even logically explain colors), bananas, oranges, the perfect solar system we live in, the beauty all around us.
    Relationships, between wives and children and fathers.....ect socializing
    all of it in which came from nothing but a big bang.

    You would atleast expect for me to look at you and say "there is a God" and for you to have a foot
    growing out of your head in which there was no use of it, to look back and laugh.
    But you cant because we are so wonderfully designed and so is everything around us.
    I just physically proved an intellegent designer to you if you really grasp my words.
    God has a law though, and one day he will judge the entire world by that law. God is just in his
    nature, and when someone who is guilty of a crime comes before a judge and says sorry
    and the judge says "i can see you are sorry so i will let you go" Justice was not served
    and according to the bible God will judge every single sin ever comitted since the beginning of the world
    First I will show you his law, I am sure you have heard of the ten commandments. God gave them to the Jews
    a long time ago to show his law. When we die it is the law he will judge us by. Whether we will go to heaven
    or hell.

    #1 Have no Gods besides me(everyone but Jesus has broken this commandment, to keep it we were required in order
    that you have God at the center of your life every single moment, loving him with all our hearts, our mind, our strength and soul, the bible says)
    #2 Make to yourself no Idols (im not fully sure how to explain this command but basically Idols are things
    we put at the center of our lives other than God, things that take control over us...say i was to motive for stealing would be the idol in that...anything that has control over us or is like the God in our life)
    #3 Do not take the name of the Lord in vain (using Jesus Christ or Gods name as a curse word instead
    of the four letter curse words in order to express disgust...the God who gave you life and all that you have)
    #4 Remember the sabbath day, keep it Holy. (God requires a day out of the week where we dont work)
    #5 Honor your father and mother. (This is to in all instances in thought word and deed to honor your parents)
    #6 do not kill. (the bible says that anyone who hates his brother is a murderer)
    #7 do not comitt adultery. (Jesus said that anyone who even looks to lust after anyone has already comitted adultery in their heart, before and after marriage)
    #8 Do not steal. (anything ever stolen in your entire life, big or small)
    #9 Do Not Lie. (even half truths are lies)
    #10 Do not covet. (ever been envious of someone else, or blamefully wanted something that they had)

    I myself am guilty of breaking all of the ten commandments...but this is Gods law

    God made a way through Jesus Christ to be justified through the law, that God may in his nature remain just but for us to not take the punishment for our sins...The bible says that Christ commended his love for us that while we were still sinners he died for us...God manifest himself in the flesh, and was marred beyond even looking like a human according to the bible (sprinkling many nations with his blood) and on the cross he took our punishment, and bore all of our sin and God even looked away from him because he became a curse for us the bible says....then he went to hell for three days(the temperary place for people who die right now and are unjustified) and he rose from the dead, and is now alive in heaven being a mediator between us and God. the bible tells us that if we want to partake in this salvation of living forever, and being reconciled with God, we must repent and believe on Jesus Christ. The bible even promises that if we obey the doctrine of Christ we will find out whether he speaks only of himself, or if his words are from God. Anyone who repents of their sins and believes on Jesus Christ will be justified for all their sins and become the children of God.
    I know without a doubt in the world God exists....a wise man once said, a man with an experience is not at the mercy of
    a man with an argument, which is how i can say that i know. i have seen evidence that goes beyond any chance of psychological hollucinations, delusions...ect...stuff that absolutely CAN NOT be explained in any other way shape or form.
    thank for reading this...i only tell you this stuff because i love you

    (i pray so deeply that you 'atheists' just stop being angry and just go to God, im not someone here to hurt you or get on your nerves, just someone sharing the truth)

    in love

    What about coconuts or even the humble spud?

  • Moderators, Category Moderators, Arts Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 50,039 CMod ✭✭✭✭magicbastarder

    any god who would create humankind and then insist they spend their lives worshipping him is a complete and utter psychological basket case. i suggest he goes to see a shrink.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 17,371 ✭✭✭✭Zillah

    any god who would create humankind and then insist they spend their lives worshipping him is a complete and utter psychological basket case. i suggest he goes to see a shrink.

    I've always found it quite interesting that the Biblical God just happened to behave like a really crazy Arab tribe leader...suspiciously like the kind of guys who wrote the book...

  • Registered Users Posts: 443 ✭✭Fallen Seraph

    the way the stars are so nicely spread out across the sky.....a big bang usually leaves a splat of paint in one area of the paper, but the stars cross the sky magnificantly

    Imagine putting a paint can on a giant piece of paper, and putting a bomb in the paint can,
    then the paint can explodes and the paint splatters on the paper, and boom a great picture appears
    sold for millions of dollars. it wouldnt happen imagine the big bang producing flowers, dears
    polar bears, .... gold, diamonds, stars, the moon, the sun,
    colors(can you even logically explain colors), bananas, oranges, the perfect solar system we live in, the beauty all around us.
    Relationships, between wives and children and fathers.....ect socializing
    all of it in which came from nothing but a big bang.

    If these are among your reasons for belief in god I *really* recommend becoming acquainted with some physics.

    Your objection to the way the sky is spread from the big bang is really quite simple to understand once you're acquainted with some of Newton's laws. When paint hits the paper a whole bunch of retarding forces kick in and bring it to rest. When the big bang goes off all that's necessary is that the initial force applied to everything is greater than the gravitational attraction and then nothing stops it from expanding. (and some other weird stuff which isn't exactly relevant). Knowing what we know at the moment it could quite reasonably be taken to be evidence of god if the stars did in fact look like a paint blob from earth.

    Also once you get your head around the big bang itself occurring, an objection you don't appear to be making, then the occurence of many of the things you suggest are highly improbably are, in fact, almost a certainly given the phyical laws that we know govern everything. Gold, diamonds, stars, the solar system and whatnot. And I believe that colours being simply different wavelengths or visible light is pretty universally known... If what you're asking is why we see them as different colours, then I'm afraid the theory of evoluting explains that pretty damn adequately..

    I'm afraid that your post displays some incredible ignorance of what you're talking about.. Which is, like others have said, probably why you think atheists are angry and whatnot. We don't actually eat babies!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 25,848 ✭✭✭✭Zombrex

    Zillah wrote:
    I've always found it quite interesting that the Biblical God just happened to behave like a really crazy Arab tribe leader

    ROFL :D:D:D

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 19,976 ✭✭✭✭humanji

    Wicknight wrote:
    We are wonderfully made, but then we, and all life, are very far from perfectly made. Far far from it in fact. Would this not hint that we weren't made by a god?

    Well, apparently, God made man in his own image and likeness, so I'm guessing God is far from perfect too, which would explain the minor cock-ups! :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 143 ✭✭lookinforpicnic

    I have and always do experience God, and I know without a doubt he is really there,
    it is knowledge, I know it with everything I am and would die beside that statement.

    Could you please, please elaborate on this statement, as wicknight asks also. What is that makes so you so confident that you would die by this statement?

    Is it all the meaningful things that have happened to you in your life ...which you attributed to god?
    Is it all the chance concidences that you have encountered in your daily life ...which you have attributed to god's plan?
    Is it all the love you have encountered...which you attributed to god?
    Or the opposite hate etc...which you attributed to the absence of god or evil or whatever?
    Is it your achievements.. which you have attributed to god's guidance?
    Or some other countless personal episodes that you have encountered and which you have used god as the final explanation.

    I think whatever reason you believe in god it is clearly not what you posted above - about the big bang resulting in humans by chance etc, which is i'm afraid a load of rubbish as the previous posts have pointed out ...clearly you don't know anything about the process of evolution. If you disagree with me, tell us why then its not just an ignorant rant about evolution, what sources or books did you read on evolution, where did you get your information.

    Your deeply held believe in god was with you before you posted elaborations of a creationist pamphlet that you probably just read, and all the reasoning in the world exposing the nonsense of the post above is not going to change your deeply held personal believe.

    This very personal believe or relationship with 'god' needs to be examined by you. Could it not be solely you and you alone that acheived, failed, loved, created or behaved with high morals. Why don't you consider taking responsibility for your own life and your place in society and stop using god as a crutch to answer all the questions (quickly, abruptly and definitely) about happenings in your life. Think for yourself about yourself and grow up.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 228 ✭✭MrB

    If you told me that a piece of metal was hot, I would believe you, then I could touch it and
    After burning myself I would go out of the realm of belief into the realm of experience.

    If you told me that a piece of metal was hot, I would get a Thermometer and not get burnt.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,736 ✭✭✭OctavarIan

    I'm only going to pick at parts of the first paragraph, since after reading it I honestly wasn't bothered with the rest.
    and what i think its amazing about evolution is the fact that something as dumb as a 'single cell' organism actually had the brains to evolve eventually into us randomly

    It's not really random though. By you saying that you've shown that you've no idea whatsoever about the Theory of Evolution. I think this could help you though, fourth one down
    the fact that my soul, a soul that feels can actually rationalize and put it into words and type to you is proof of God, its just your hearts are so closed...

    But your soul isn't proven to exist, so that's not a fact. Therefore your 'proof' doesn't hold.[/quote]
    the way the stars are so nicely spread out across the sky.....a big bang usually leaves a splat of paint in one area of the paper, but the stars cross the sky magnificantly....

    If you were a tiny speck in the center of that paint splat you'd see the same effect.
    there is far more evidence out there for a God than not for a God....

    You've yet to show us a single bit.
    i really dont want to get too deep into the intellectual arguments, because it is true, that until the Lord opens your eyes you will be blind....

    I read this as: "I know I can't hold a logical arguement for gods' existence, so I'll just pour out another cliche'd 'fact'."

    I actually lied when I said I read the first paragraph, I read up to there and skipped to the end because it was all so unfounded. Good look with your brainwashing though.
    (i pray so deeply that you 'atheists' just stop being angry and just go to God, im not someone here to hurt you or get on your nerves, just someone sharing the truth)

    However the manner in which you share it is what bothers me. You're being quite aggressive with your 'arguements' and spouting off facts that you can't back up. "just stop being angry and just go to God" That honestly sounds so immature I can barely find the words.

    [edit]Checking out that site in the first post, it's obvious it's aiming purely at christians, it's pretty much encouraging people to brainwash others and trick them into becoming Christian, which is pretty unforgivable.
    Also, I think that fact that they only interviewed people who were uneducated on the Theory of Evolution is another way they're trying to brainwash people. The fact that ChildOfTheKing can't hold an arguement here shows that when faced with people who know what they're talking about, the methods shown on that site fall flat on their face.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6 ChildOfTheKing

    once again i already know i am not worthy to speak for God....far from it, but to emphasize more what i mean by id die by the statement, is that i have the Spirit of God living inside of me, and through it i have intimacy with God....a great majority of the people claiming to be Christian in the churches are not actually even saved, but decieved, and scripture even backs me up on it, in matthew 7(many will say to me on that day Lord Lord), and other parts....the sheep and the goats, the wise and the foolish virgins(the oil was the Holy Spirit)....if you really want to know if the God of the bible is real, dont close your mind entirely to the idea...but go to him and pray with a humble heart, over and over....God resists the proud scripture says but gives grace to the humble....if you want to know hes there, go to him, and not me.......i strongly believe he will help you if you just wait on him.....i experience God all the time, i experience his Spirit and its great to worship him....its just being in love with him, and praising him and giving your entire self to him.....when he makes you his child, he puts his Spirit inside of you, and you have a relationship with him....i used to think Christians were brainwashed too, and i was foolish, i absolutely despise the old me and where i used to be, i despise the title atheist, and you will too(admittedly if you wake up in hell right?) hell is not a scare tactic if it is a real place...go around and ask people if they would want to know about hell if it was a literal place and you will get yes's....i hated the thought of being decieved....but all i really have left for you is my testimony, and i have showed you the law, you see your guilty before God, your conscience you can see my testimony, and all i say is if you look both ways before you cross the street precious soul...dont DARE run into death the Lord, i absolutely know hes there
    my testimony is i went from atheist to believer

    the Lord Bless

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 23,283 ✭✭✭✭Scofflaw

    my testimony is i went from atheist to believer

    OK, having read that - you were, for a while in your teens, rebellious against God, and then 'found Him' again. You've never been an atheist, nor were your parents, and you don't understand what the term actually means outside the context of your faith. Certainly you can have no idea whatsoever what it means to those of us who have been atheists for longer than you've been alive.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 25,848 ✭✭✭✭Zombrex

    my testimony is i went from atheist to believer
    the Lord Bless

    ChildOfTheKing judging by that essay, and assuming it is true, you have clearly had a very troubled life. I really don't think you should be posting here. I mean that in the best possible way, I have no wish to confront you on what you believe or think you have experienced. Instead I think you should be seeking counseling to deal with these issues properly and constructively. I don't think there is anything here that will do anything except make you more confused and disorientated about life. Professional help is what you should be turning to, not religion.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,737 ✭✭✭Asiaprod

    Wicknight wrote:
    ChildOfTheKing judging by that essay, and assuming it is true, you have clearly had a very troubled life. I really don't think you should be posting here. I mean that in the best possible way.....
    I must agree with this sentiment. I read your testimony, its quite a story. I really believe you would be better off posting on the Christianity Forum where you can meet and debate with others who share your deep faith.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,845 ✭✭✭2Scoops

    if you really want to know if the God of the bible is real, dont close your mind entirely to the idea...but go to him and pray with a humble heart, over and over....

    If you really want learn about the God of the Bible, don't close your mind entirely to alternative ideas:) Seek knowledge with a humble heart and above all be honest enough to consider evidence that goes against your beliefs. Engage your intellect and seek truth.

    In the spirit of Proverbs 4.13.
    In the spirit of Proverbs 18.15.
    In the spirit of Job 33.3.
    In the spirit of Job 34.4.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,845 ✭✭✭2Scoops

    Asiaprod wrote:
    I must agree with this sentiment. I read your testimony, its quite a story. I really believe you would be better off posting on the Christianity Forum where you can meet and debate with others who share your deep faith.

    A psychologist might consider that a form of enabling:) . Surely the paranoid delusions/psychosis of ChildOfTheKing should not be encouraged?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 23,283 ✭✭✭✭Scofflaw

    Wicknight wrote:
    ChildOfTheKing judging by that essay, and assuming it is true, you have clearly had a very troubled life. I really don't think you should be posting here. I mean that in the best possible way, I have no wish to confront you on what you believe or think you have experienced. Instead I think you should be seeking counseling to deal with these issues properly and constructively. I don't think there is anything here that will do anything except make you more confused and disorientated about life. Professional help is what you should be turning to, not religion.

    I'm sorry to say my compassion entirely fails me here. It sounds, I'm sorry to say, not unlike my own late teens (17-19). It particularly reminds me of the experiences of some of my friends and acquaintances, some of whom did go the Satanist route. Most cleaned up their acts long ago, a couple have never quite climbed back onto the horse twenty years later - those that believed in the "external reality" of what they were actually just doing to themselves.

    Frankly the whole thing is just self-indulgence, indulged to the point of jumping the rails entirely. Comments about how other people "don't understand" litter the text in one form or another - and yet the clearest thing to me is that the author has neither understood himself, not tried to. Instead, he has turned from the self-delusion of carnal gratification to the self-delusion of spiritual gratification - in the course of which he has wasted the time of, and probably seriously upset in some cases, countless people, including his family.

    Either way, this is standard (well, to me, anyway) late teen drama. Turning it into the story of your life is one of the saddest, and stupidest, things it's possible to do - and it's pretty clear that's what the author intends to do.

    absolutely no time for this kind of rubbish,

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 143 ✭✭lookinforpicnic

    my testimony is i went from atheist to believer

    I found your email quiet disturbing and offer you my sympathy. It is clear that you have suffered alot. However the reasons for your suffering are most likely due to an overindulgence of alcohol and drugs at an early age on top of a likely neurological predisposition for schizophrenic tendencies if not full blown psychotic episodes, rather than in my opinion demons and straying from god.

    Clearly as i said in an earlier post you have very specific personal reasons for believing in god, and given the seriousness of your situation as you protrayed in the email I am tempted to say no more and advice you to see a counselling psychologist or a psychiatrist to discuss your issues. However, given the typically nature of your experiences I am urged to say a couple of things.

    During psychotic or delusional episodes (which can even be solely drug & alcohol induced) the brain concotes issues that are very important and meaningful to you and amplifies these out all proportions. It looks to me from your email that you did indeed suffer through such psychotic episodes. It also looks to me that you always believed (or at least were heavily the way u never were an atheist as scofflaw points out, just because you behaved in what you believed was a godless manner does not mean that you are an atheist) in god & hell etc. and what most likely happened is that you experienced brief episodes of psychosis and without guidance in such a serious situation you attributed your changes in state to demons and the like. It is quite common for psychotic episodes to manifest as religious themes simply because of the unique position religion holds in questions of importance in a school childrens education..."why do we do good things? the child asks, "We will go to hell if we don't" the religion teacher/priest tells us. A nice simple explanation that the brain can easily get to grip with but also one the brain can induce and warp easily in a psychotic state.

    I am very happy that you came out of what looked like "living hell" but there could have been many different reasons for you getting better all of which could have nothing to do with you literally having 'the spirit of god in you'. I suggest you read about episodes of psychosis and learn more about the condition and see how similar it was to your situation in your teens and I would bet that you will encounter some stories with similarities with your own but also similar ones that don't involve religious themes. Reading about such stories and explanations for them may give you a better understanding why religious themes played such a big part in your life.

    Your sincerely


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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,845 ✭✭✭2Scoops

    Scofflaw wrote:
    absolutely no time for this kind of rubbish,

    I'm sure there will be the usual 'poor you'-type sympathetic comments for the OP but Scofflaw (who is awesome btw:cool:) has it spot on - melodramatic rubbish from the mind of a sadly deluded young 21 y old.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 143 ✭✭lookinforpicnic

    I have to disagree, I have encountered many examples of massive over-indulgence growing up myself, but his email does not read like the "standard late teen drama" or anything i have encountered arising from self-indulgence, particularly his delusional behaviour.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 17,371 ✭✭✭✭Zillah

    Absolutely insane. Well, that was fun.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 654 ✭✭✭DS

    That's just fucked up. I think there are certain levels of sanity required for intelligent religious debate, so I guess it's case closed on this one.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 17,371 ✭✭✭✭Zillah

    Actually read the article. Jamie I'm sorry your life was so messed up, and its not suprising that such a life would cause someone to look desperately for answers.

    Just don't assume that people who have led a more balanced/forgiving life need the same emotional placebo. And as Dawkins said, no matter how much you want or need a God, that doesn't affect whether he does or not exist in an objective sense.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6 ChildOfTheKing

    yeah i really dont have much more to say here, but i thank all of you for your time, and i pray that God awakens a seed in atleast one person....God only knows

    my last words for all of you are only, Jesus Christ died, the Lord of Glory the king of kings, the most precious being that has ever walked the face of the earth man on the face of this earth offers anything even remotely valuble in comparison to what Christ bad would it be to die rejecting such a thing....God Almighty came down and took the punishment upon himself for your sin.....sure win the lotto and die the next day.....that is such a small loss in comparison to what the Lord of glory done on that cross, to actually grant your soul everlasting life....i pray that you will look both ways before you cross this street...

    thanks again, and i sincerely hope the best for all of ya

    Love Jamie

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,064 ✭✭✭Gurgle

    Jesus Christ died, the Lord of Glory the king of kings, the most precious being that has ever walked the face of the earth man on the face of this earth offers anything even remotely valuble in comparison to what Christ did
    On that subject - didn't he die because he was betrayed?
    He didn't hand himself over to the authorities.

    A ritual suicide would have been more convincing, but I believe theres something in the old testament about that kind of thing.

    Obviously when they were writing the sequel they had to take that into consideration.

  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 25,558 Mod ✭✭✭✭Dades

    Well that was a mixed bag of responses to ChildOfTheKing's story.

    I'll go with my co-mod here and suggest Jamie would be a lot better off posting in Christianity where his current path would be applauded. I couldn't help thinking also, while psychiatry would be desirable, at least religion is free. ;)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 23,283 ✭✭✭✭Scofflaw

    Well that was a mixed bag of responses to ChildOfTheKing's story.

    I'll go with my co-mod here and suggest Jamie would be a lot better off posting in Christianity where his current path would be applauded. I couldn't help thinking also, while psychiatry would be desirable, at least religion is free. ;)

    ...except Scientology, of course.


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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,737 ✭✭✭Asiaprod

    Scofflaw wrote:
    ...except Scientology, of course.

    Don't start me off on that one. I have a real issue with these people:rolleyes:.
