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Is there anyone who doesnt smoke cannabis?



  • Registered Users Posts: 2,055 ✭✭✭snickerpuss

    I don't and wouldn't. I'd never be able to go out with someone who smoked it or cigs either.
    Hanging around with dull stoners is about as exciting as hanging out with idiotic drunks, i've better things to do.

    (Plus i'm an asthmatic, i'd die)

  • Moderators, Music Moderators Posts: 35,943 Mod ✭✭✭✭dr.bollocko

    Its nice that the adjectives you used (dull stoners, idiotic drunks) don't at all display your feeling of superiority over those that smoke and drink.
    Just thank god that you came all the way down from your ivory tower (Ivory tower showing poor architectural design too, if you ask me) to favour us with that non-biased well-written opinion that clearly indicates that you read the thread.
    Thank God.

  • Registered Users Posts: 21,611 ✭✭✭✭Sam Vimes

    NutJob wrote:
    Soap bar Vs Shandy

    Its not about the strength.

    And i firmly believe you should go to jail for selling it. It promotes criminality and its the only point i ever agreed with McDool on.

    If you are going to smoke grow your own weed and dont support criminal gangs
    that's why i think it should be legal. a lot of people want to smoke it despite the fact that it causes schizophrenia so i think we should let them as long as they're not hurting anyone. that way the government can get taxes from it instead of spending billions trying to prevent its use and they can regulate it to ensure the quality to prevent overdoses and poisoning (applies more to other drugs than cannabis)

    @op, none of my friends smoke it.

  • Moderators, Music Moderators Posts: 35,943 Mod ✭✭✭✭dr.bollocko

    What do you mean despite the fact that it causes schizophrenia?
    Do you even know what schizophrenia is!
    Oh no. A drug might have negative effects! ****!
    According to some scientists, drugs.. are.. bad!
    Even the oxygen in your lungs right now is killing you for **** sake....
    Everything is bad for you. Scientists just announced that chocolate is good for you for **** sake. Drug laws are an arbitrary prohibition of that which was seen as a profit threat or that which is not understood.

    Oh my god. this should be the Holier-than-thou we used to be in a bible group lets meet up again and drink ribena thread.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,452 ✭✭✭Time Magazine

    that's why i think it should be legal. a lot of people want to smoke it despite the fact that it causes schizophrenia so i think we should let them as long as they're not hurting anyone.
    What about themselves?

    Seatbelts, motorcycle helmets.

    There was a case a few years back in the European Court of Justice where guys in the UK (can't remember their names at the moment) beat the **** out of each other (all consented) and turned up at a hospital seeking their medical treatment to be paid for by the State. Do you think that you and I should pay for their medical treatment? The ECJ don't think so. I don't think drug users should be turned away from medical services unless they pay either. The solution? You get free medical care once you stay within a few limits.*

    We have a huge problem with alcohol in this country, everyone accepts that. Who's to say we wouldn't develop a similar problem if we legalised cannabis? If we spend billions trying to combat and defend against alcohol and tobacco, and are still losing, where is the logic of allowing another drug to be legalised? If it doesn't work well for alcohol, we should learn our lesson, not treat this as an "equality" issue. If you f*cked up raising your first child, who says you can't change your ways for your second?

    Meh, I'm too busy to get into these debates.

    *Self-harm etc. is excluded on grounds of mental illness.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,300 ✭✭✭CiaranC

    Ibid wrote:
    We have a huge problem with alcohol in this country, everyone accepts that. Who's to say we wouldn't develop a similar problem if we legalised cannabis?
    Im to say it. Because its patently nonsense.

  • Moderators, Music Moderators Posts: 35,943 Mod ✭✭✭✭dr.bollocko

    Yeah. Thats based on the assumption that weed is more difficult to get because it is illegal.
    It isnt. At all. So why would legalising it make any problem worse? It doesnt really matter. It's a ridiculous arbitrary law held up by a ridiculous arbitrary police force. Its a law that has been ignored and flouted since day one. The very thought of being arrested for smoking a spliff is laughable. the world is happy to turn a blind eye to the user but is totally unwilling to admit that prohibition does not work.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 110 ✭✭1der

    got one up now. don't really know how relevant it is to the thread now though.....

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,794 ✭✭✭JC 2K3

    Clarehobo wrote:
    If various drugs were legalised, and people abused them to the same level as most people abuse alcohol in this society in their day to day lives, I wonder what the ramifications would be?
    Nothing different than now I think. More recreational drugs available wouldn't mean more drug problems, since alcohol is one of the most dangerous drugs available as it is, and people would only be able to abuse drugs as often as they abuse alcohol, they'd just maybe use different drugs on different nights.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,370 ✭✭✭Timans

    I don't and never will.

    I have seen the effects. A family member now suffers mental illness because of it. It DOES cause mental illness. It is a fact. It is just a case of whether you're one of the unlucky people who reacts negatively to it.

    I hate the drug, obviously, but I don't hate people if they do it. I don't feel it should be legalised and I'm sick of people constantly comparing it to Alcohol when arguing. Alcohol is bad, why use it is a comparison.

    Either way, Cannabis isn't GOOD for you. I don't like being around it, I have friends who do it. But I don't like being around it.

    Why do SOME Cannabis users feel the need to constantly talk about it? To be brutally honest, I couldn't give a **** what you do.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,241 ✭✭✭Auldloon

    Cannabis is illegal and i will not admit to doing anything illegal. I will however say that i have seen cannabis being used and it seems that like many things in life some people can use it and enjoy it with no apparent negative effect some people cannot. I like to think that i can try anything i choose and judge for myself whether its effects are worthwhile or not.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,568 ✭✭✭ethernet

    If only this poll was public ...

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,273 ✭✭✭source

    never, don't see the point, worst i've ever gone is alcohol, and that not so much these days.

  • Registered Users Posts: 21,611 ✭✭✭✭Sam Vimes

    What do you mean despite the fact that it causes schizophrenia?
    Do you even know what schizophrenia is!
    Oh no. A drug might have negative effects! ****!
    According to some scientists, drugs.. are.. bad!
    Even the oxygen in your lungs right now is killing you for **** sake....
    Everything is bad for you. Scientists just announced that chocolate is good for you for **** sake. Drug laws are an arbitrary prohibition of that which was seen as a profit threat or that which is not understood.

    Oh my god. this should be the Holier-than-thou we used to be in a bible group lets meet up again and drink ribena thread.
    yes i do know what schizophrenia is and i know that cannabis causes it. in fact i personally know someone who has schizophrenia caused by cannabis, as does Timans it seems.

    comparing oxygen to cannabis is a bit silly tbh. without oxygen i would die, without cannabis i may just survive.

    having said that, i'm saying it should be legalised dr bollocko. as you say, most things have some negative side effects and if people understand the risks and choose to smoke it anyway its none of my business. but pretending there are no risks and rationalising it by saying "everything's bad for you" isn't a great attitude to have tbh. it can cause mental illness and if you choose to smoke it, don't fool yourself into thinking it's perfectly safe

    the problems with drugs in my eyes are that they're controlled by criminal gangs who charge massively more than they're worth, which forces addicts to steal to feed their habits. if they were grown by the govt, they would be a lot cheaper
    Ibid wrote:
    What about themselves?
    that's their problem. as dr. bolloko says, people do things that are bad for them all the time anyway. drugs are just one more bad thing to think about. and judging from the ease with which people can get drugs these days, i don't think legalising them would have a dramatic impact on usage levels

  • Registered Users Posts: 27,645 ✭✭✭✭nesf

    I'm on far too many sedatives to be smoking anything. :p

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 110 ✭✭1der

    mmmmnn lots of 'nevers'. that's pretty cool. fair play like (jus so long as they're not all raving alcoholics or even worse again religious)

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,458 ✭✭✭CathyMoran

    I must admit that I can never see a situation where I would go near cannabis. I have been on enough prescription drugs in my time (type 1 diabetic and a few other things) so taking anything more would be too much.

  • Registered Users Posts: 28,789 ✭✭✭✭ScumLord

    To answer the OP I smoke regular ( not everyday and less and less as I get older) and I'm an IT manager.

    I don't know how people can go through their whole lifes completely closed to certain things like drugs. It's a life experience like traveling to different countrys, learning to drive or jumping out of an aeroplane. Your not going to drop down dead from smoking a spliff or even taking a yolk (as long as it's a real yolk your taking). If you don't like it fine but at least you've tried it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,207 ✭✭✭✭Sleepy

    I love how people can be so adamnent that marijuana definitely absolutely no questions about it causes mental illnesses :rolleyes:

    I accept that regular or heavy consumption of marijuana can bring mental issues a person already has to a fore or make them worse, however none of the research I've come across indicates that there's any *causal* effect.

    One of the main problems surrounding marijuana is the sheer ignorance of society, including many of those in the health sectors who really should know better, about it's effects on the human body/mind.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,552 ✭✭✭✭Mr. CooL ICE

    I smoke regularly and absolutely love it. I have had the best fun ever while smoking with friends. Cannabis is not the only drug I take though. I am also very fond of magic mushrooms, and to a lesser extent, salvia (which is legal). I don't feel bad for taking any of these substances as I do so in a manner in which they will not affect others (maybe apart from other users around me). Oh yes, all home-grown for personal use only, so I'm not supporting criminal gangs.

    Before I take any drug, I do my own research into it. I listen to what people say about it, and also check out the internet. Cocaine is something I will never touch, as it is highly addictive. Just from hearsay, the fact that ecstasy users sometimes get pains in the heart is enough to scare me away from anything like it. And as for heroine... nuff said.

    I would encourage (but not force) anyone to try cannabis, using the arguments that you only live once and "what's the worst that could happen?". For all those people that won't touch for reasons that it is illegal - if you were touring Europe and were going to be in Amsterdam for a few days, would you try it out of curiosity?

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 11,909 ✭✭✭✭Wertz

    CathyMoran wrote:
    I must admit that I can never see a situation where I would go near cannabis. I have been on enough prescription drugs in my time (type 1 diabetic and a few other things) so taking anything more would be too much.

    That's an interesting point coming from you. I have no wish to overstep any mark here but I'd like to hear your views on something. If I'm overstepping my mark feel free to tell me to MYOB.

    As someone who has posted on these forums about suffering from cancer and all the things associated with that disease, what is your opinion on the medicinal use of cannabis and it's chemical derivatives?
    There is much documentary evidence from people suffering long term illness and/or pain who have benefitted immensely from treatment/medication with cannabis, many of whom have stopped taking or lowered their intake of other manafactured drugs and many of whom have reported a noticable drop in side effects from their conventional medicine.
    It can apparently be of great benefit to people going through chemotherapy and it's use in the trearment of MS is well known.
    So do you have an opinion on medical marijuana? Or is it it's legal status alongside the many demonised opinions of the drug that sway your opinion toward the negative?

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,649 ✭✭✭Catari Jaguar

    Thats interesting, almost a 3rd don't use cannabis.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,437 ✭✭✭Crucifix

    Lil Kitten wrote:
    Thats interesting, almost a 3rd don't use cannabis.
    Almost a 3rd never tried, over 40% don't use it.

    There's no option I feel applies to me. I guess I could select 'tried it once and didn't like it', but I tried it like 30 or 40 times.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,879 ✭✭✭Hippo

    Used to smoke when I was young (and take anything else I could get) until one night when I was straight and for once got to listen to the kind of conversation the stoners were having, a bit like being sober in the pub at midnight. Could never touch it again...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 11,909 ✭✭✭✭Wertz

    Clarehobo posted a question on how they thought the legalisation of recreational drugs would effect the public at large, and would it lead to even more problems....this has been discussed on the many other cannabis theads on AH, and the general consensus from drug users who posted an opinion would be that it would actually quieten things down a lot. Better (and legal) availability of cannabis for instance, would mean some people on a night out, might have a few spliffs then head down the pub for a couple...the general upshot is less alcohol consumption and an end result is the punter who is less likely to get up to mischief, become aggressive etc. You also end up smoking less dope.
    What I perceive as our phenonmenal problem with alcohol in Ireland is the lack of anything else to do on a night's drink or don't drink, no real middle ground. Okay so say we walk up to a pub after coming from a smoking session, bouncer sees red eyes, smells smoke, tells us to f*ck off home...fair enough really, cannabis is illegal, we've obviosly been using it, we're likely to be using it again, possibly inside the premises, and who knows what else besides. The same is true of ecstasy and the other uppers (with the exception of cocaine, since that seems to be the de rigeurfor a night out in this country lately), publicans don't want it on their premises, some punters don't want it around them....both are due to the legality on the issue and ignorance of the facts.
    So basically what I'm saying is that you have one major social outlet with everyone just getting pissed...if you're "on" something else, you're generally not welcome out into the mainstream scene, you end up sitting home with your mates or going to somewhere dodgy with a less strict door policy.
    It's the attitude toward drugs just as much as the legal aspect that creates the "problems" that society has from their use.

    Has the person who posed this question considered that if other drugs were available, that the over consumption and downright abuse of alcohol might fall? Perhaps the problems associated with binge drinking might also be curtailed.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,458 ✭✭✭CathyMoran

    Wertz wrote:
    That's an interesting point coming from you. I have no wish to overstep any mark here but I'd like to hear your views on something. If I'm overstepping my mark feel free to tell me to MYOB.

    As someone who has posted on these forums about suffering from cancer and all the things associated with that disease, what is your opinion on the medicinal use of cannabis and it's chemical derivatives?
    There is much documentary evidence from people suffering long term illness and/or pain who have benefitted immensely from treatment/medication with cannabis, many of whom have stopped taking or lowered their intake of other manafactured drugs and many of whom have reported a noticable drop in side effects from their conventional medicine.
    It can apparently be of great benefit to people going through chemotherapy and it's use in the trearment of MS is well known.
    So do you have an opinion on medical marijuana? Or is it it's legal status alongside the many demonised opinions of the drug that sway your opinion toward the negative?
    I would not risk drug interactions with all the other drugs that I am on, if there was proper medicinal testing and it was proved to be of benefit and did not interact badly with any of my other drugs I would not have a problem with it, otherwise no.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 11 jimmyc123

    CathyMoran wrote:
    I would not risk drug interactions with all the other drugs that I am on, if there was proper medicinal testing and it was proved to be of benefit and did not interact badly with any of my other drugs I would not have a problem with it, otherwise no.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,790 ✭✭✭cornbb

    jimmyc123 wrote:

    Man, I'm all for legalisation and medicinal use and everything but I hope that single-link reply is not intended to be some sort of medical advice

  • Registered Users Posts: 27,645 ✭✭✭✭nesf

    Sleepy wrote:
    I love how people can be so adamnent that marijuana definitely absolutely no questions about it causes mental illnesses :rolleyes:

    I accept that regular or heavy consumption of marijuana can bring mental issues a person already has to a fore or make them worse, however none of the research I've come across indicates that there's any *causal* effect.

    I've only seen psychosis mentioned in relation to it, not mental illnesses in general. Then, I could be wrong.

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  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 32,285 Mod ✭✭✭✭The_Conductor

    nesf wrote:
    I'm on far too many sedatives to be smoking anything. :p

    A couple of drinks is sufficient to knock me out, never mind THC or its derivatives.

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