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Gastric Banding anyone? Mod Note: No Clinic Names



  • Registered Users Posts: 118 ✭✭shellita

    borntolose wrote: »
    they said if I need the odd fill this isnt a problem and any complications long term to do with it that they cover the cost of anything that needs to be done

    I will be amazed if they give you free fills when your aftercare is finished. Have never heard of any clinic doing this. Also when you have surgery you sign all right to complain/sue etc, so if anything happens they don't cover it. Once your outside the aftercare time they change. They want money.

    I got my recent stuff done in Jamses hospital took a few months but was only I think 60 euro. As I said fills are 180 makes me sick.

    Yeah there's two size bands 10ml and 14ml, usually depends how big you are. I was a size 24/26 and 21 st, got down to size 20 and 18 st, now im a 20/22 and about 18.5st

    My boyfriend is tall so he's not big but wants to tone up more. He could probably lose 2 stone.

    what size are you currently?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8 borntolose

    shellita wrote: »
    I will be amazed if they give you free fills when your aftercare is finished. Have never heard of any clinic doing this. Also when you have surgery you sign all right to complain/sue etc, so if anything happens they don't cover it. Once your outside the aftercare time they change. They want money.

    I got my recent stuff done in Jamses hospital took a few months but was only I think 60 euro. As I said fills are 180 makes me sick.

    Yeah there's two size bands 10ml and 14ml, usually depends how big you are. I was a size 24/26 and 21 st, got down to size 20 and 18 st, now im a 20/22 and about 18.5st

    My boyfriend is tall so he's not big but wants to tone up more. He could probably lose 2 stone.

    what size are you currently?

    Last time I checked i was just under 19 stone, but im only 5'7. Dr told me my bmi is 41 (although it could be slightly higher now!). He was confident we could get it down to 25 within the first year, then its just maintenance of weight to work on. I will speak to them again just to go over the band fills etc. Its crazy when I look at this from an outside point of view... I mean I put myself in this situation, I spent my money on food (and lots of it), I then went and spent my money on bigger clothes, carried on buying more bad food, carried on buying more bigger clothes...and now I am paying to reverse it all over again! I feel very disapointed in myself that I have allowed myself to go this far, to get this bad! I always put things on the long (chubby) finger and said "next week". This is an end to it now once and for all I have had enough I am 100% committed to this I want to put my heart and sole into it. If I dont its simple, I will be lucky to see 50 years old. 1 year of working my butt off will get the weight down and by then I am a total idiot if I dont understand what I can and cant eat. By then I hope to be able to go for a regular jog rather than walking, I would LOVE to go cycling (havent done this in a long time). To be able to go and buy a bike, a nice fast racing bike would be amazing! I really want my life back!

  • Registered Users Posts: 118 ✭✭shellita

    Im 5'7 too :p

    Yeah well I hope you have the determination and willpower. I did but when problems started & other crap I just gave up.
    Sure we've all eat too much and bought bigger clothes.
    I have spent most of my life trying and failing. 17 years actually !!!!

    the only thing that ever worked was Lipotrim, got to 13 st after 6 months without food, it was so easy and I wish I could again but they won't let you do it multiple times. I didn't do mush exercise either.

    You will do it this time and I will start trying too
    Have to run im late chat again xxx

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8 borntolose

    shellita wrote: »
    Im 5'7 too :p

    Yeah well I hope you have the determination and willpower. I did but when problems started & other crap I just gave up.
    Sure we've all eat too much and bought bigger clothes.
    I have spent most of my life trying and failing. 17 years actually !!!!

    the only thing that ever worked was Lipotrim, got to 13 st after 6 months without food, it was so easy and I wish I could again but they won't let you do it multiple times. I didn't do mush exercise either.

    You will do it this time and I will start trying too
    Have to run im late chat again xxx

    the doctor actually asked me had I tried any previous diets like lipotrim etc. I told him I had tried tablets a few years ago and shakes which did work, very well! but as soon as I stopped the weight piled back on, and I swear I wasnt over eating that much for the weight I re-gained! He said this was the norm. Apparently when you stop giving your body the food it needs it goes into a sort of "power save" mode...metabolism slows down and when you do finally start eating again you store everything you eat as fat incase you decide to go on "hunger strike" again...Not sure how accurate this is but he said your metabolism takes months and sometimes years to speed back up so in the long run even eating less food than you did before you will still gain weight....asked him how that doesnt happen with the gastric band and he said because the meals are carefully balanced to make sure all the nutrients I need are in them...Im no physiology expert but sounded plausable.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 79 ✭✭slim4life

    Not sure how accurate this is but he said your metabolism takes months and sometimes years to speed back up so in the long run even eating less food than you did before you will still gain weight....asked him how that doesnt happen with the gastric band and he said because the meals are carefully balanced to make sure all the nutrients I need are in them...Im no physiology expert but sounded plausable.[/QUOTE]

    That is 100% true, but from what I know it takes longer than even 1 year, I am of the understanding that it takes up to 3 years to fully speed up your metabolism after crash dieting....which is why so many people go on diet after diet and keep losing weight to only re-gain it again when they stop. Its like a viscious circle that allot of people find themselves stuck in..not realising why they are re-gaining weight when they arent actually over eating when they come off the diet...they got annoyed and discouraged and end up really heavily over-eating for comfort and end up gaining even more weight. The only way to lose weight without re-gaining it is to do it using a balanced diet and making sure you are still getting all your nutrients. Couple that with a little exercise and your sorted :-)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 118 ✭✭shellita

    Yeah I can't do it again anyway as your only allowed to do it twice.
    I was maintaining the weight loss with WW and it was all going grand till the recession and lots happened. So put on weight.

    Not sure what to do now?

    They want 100 euro for me to see the dietician, I have NEVER been giving any lists of food or diet since my op. I was just told crunchy food.
    I saw the dietician twice but I was losing at the time and she said hard, crunchy, chew well. that was it.

    Regarding a fill its 180 euro and I'm already at 7.025ml in a 10ml band, haven't had a fill since last Sept.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 79 ✭✭slim4life

    shellita wrote: »

    They want 100 euro for me to see the dietician, I have NEVER been giving any lists of food or diet since my op.

    Hi Shellita, I really do feel for you I was given a booklet of what foods to eat, how to eat, when to eat, why I am eating those foods and a break down of fats/proteins/carbs in simple terms to understand exactly what I was eating. Also was given a list of foods I should avoid and ones that may be a problem. Got an email off clinic last month asking if I wanted a list of recipes for meals also (not a great cook and I currently am stil losing weight so I declined)...I know its a long shot but have you priced a dietician yourself? could possibly be a cheaper option? xxx

  • Registered Users Posts: 118 ✭✭shellita

    slim4life wrote: »
    have you priced a dietician yourself? could possibly be a cheaper option? xxx

    I have, consultations are around 80 and then 50 for each visit.
    I haven't found any that mention/specialize in the band though.

    Is there any way I could get a photo copy of your book?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 79 ✭✭slim4life

    shellita wrote: »
    I have, consultations are around 80 and then 50 for each visit.
    I haven't found any that mention/specialize in the band though.

    Is there any way I could get a photo copy of your book?

    I dont think you would need one to specialise in the band as its basically a normal healthy eating plan you just have to eat smaller portions. Once you explained to them the do's and dont's Im sure they would be more than capable of helping. I can try to get it scanned somehow and send you it. I dont see how one clinic will give all the information and the other wont it should be right across the board thats seriously unfair...was your surgery done in Ireland?

  • Registered Users Posts: 118 ✭✭shellita

    No in the UK, Birmingham. They have a clinic here, though its just the nurse and the dietician.

    I got a pack when I left the hospital but no eating plans, or list of foods.

    I know what foods are healthy but I wish I had a more structured diet plan (as in food plan)

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 79 ✭✭slim4life

    shellita wrote: »
    No in the UK, Birmingham. They have a clinic here, though its just the nurse and the dietician.

    I got a pack when I left the hospital but no eating plans, or list of foods.

    I know what foods are healthy but I wish I had a more structured diet plan (as in food plan)

    Ah ok I know who your talking about. I had mine in Dublin but I think the guides are better than an exact food plan, I mean a food plan would get pretty boring quite fast...whereas with the guides I have the freedom to choose from quite a big variety of foods, I just try my best to make sure theres some protein, carbs and veg in every meal I eat and that its the right portions

  • Registered Users Posts: 118 ✭✭shellita

    sent you a private msg slimforlife thanks

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 79 ✭✭slim4life

    replied Shellita...what about exercise guidelines, did they give you them

  • Registered Users Posts: 118 ✭✭shellita

    nope !!!! nothing like that

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 79 ✭✭slim4life

    I was given an exercise booklet with how to start things from very little like walking around the house and then as fitness went up to doing exercise every day outside...There really should be some sort of standard across the board for this because it sounds like they left you high and dry, thats not fair to do that on unsuspecting people...I feel quite lucky that I picked a clinic that had these in place but have you tried calling them? I would call them continuously until you get what you want. they cannot ignore you as you are still one of their patients even if your program is over, you can still push and push....for all you know they might finally give you something, either way you wont end up any worse off!

  • Registered Users Posts: 118 ✭✭shellita

    I know myself all that, been dieting and exercising since I was 13.

    I have to put a lot of effort in to get to the gym, change my work times, etc.
    Im living at home with my parents as due to recession lost the house I was buying, so im trying to save.
    I don't have space or availability for food & cooking.
    My parents are elderly and I don't feel comfortable coming in after 6 or 7 and start cooking.

    Also I have plenty of excuses ;)
    I am so lazy and most days I just want to sleep after work. Im even reading "50 shades of Gray"
    at the moment and its taking forever as I read for only a few min and im falling asleep. I get about 8 or 8+1/2 hours sleep a night. I spend most of my time in work.

    I actually think I would rather be on the dole then I could at least do something instead of sitting at a computer 10 hours a day, and int he car another hour.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 79 ✭✭slim4life

    shellita wrote: »
    I know myself all that, been dieting and exercising since I was 13.

    I have to put a lot of effort in to get to the gym, change my work times, etc.
    Im living at home with my parents as due to recession lost the house I was buying, so im trying to save.
    I don't have space or availability for food & cooking.
    My parents are elderly and I don't feel comfortable coming in after 6 or 7 and start cooking.

    Also I have plenty of excuses ;)
    I am so lazy and most days I just want to sleep after work. Im even reading "50 shades of Gray"
    at the moment and its taking forever as I read for only a few min and im falling asleep. I get about 8 or 8+1/2 hours sleep a night. I spend most of my time in work.

    I actually think I would rather be on the dole then I could at least do something instead of sitting at a computer 10 hours a day, and int he car another hour.

    I know things can be hard and get you down at times but you dont need a gym membership. All it takes is 4-5 days each week doing 30 minutes of exercise...allot of people may say thats a long time but its not when you look at it this can be broken down into 3 lots of 10 minutes, or even 6 lots of 5 minutes. If you work during the day you probably get an hour lunch break? Use 15 minutes of it as 1/2 of your exercise. then all you need is 15 minutes later on in the day.In terms of cooking, do what I do...make a big tray of a meal (lasagne/shepards pie etc) and cut it into small portions and freeze them. When you come in they take 5 minutes in a microwave and you know that you are still eating good homemade food. Doing that means you only need to cook maybe once or twice each week. Even for people that work long days, generally they will still have the weekend off where a bit of time could be put into working out. YOU CAN DO THIS! i wont for 1 minute say its easy because its not but you can do this! if you can dedicate time to a job and turn up on time each day and do your work then you can do this to. Believe in yourself and aim for the stars and you will achieve what you want.x

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 79 ✭✭slim4life

    Think I have found my first banding buddy on this :-)...always helpful to have somehting like this for support

  • Registered Users Posts: 118 ✭✭shellita

    slim4life wrote: »
    Think I have found my first banding buddy on this :-)...always helpful to have something like this for support

    I hope im it :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 79 ✭✭slim4life

    shellita wrote: »
    I hope im it :D

    hmmmm I suppose you are :-P

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8 borntolose

    Hi Guys,

    Just been to the clinic to have my blood tests done. Dr told me I should here back in a week or so just to make sure theres nothing going on that we dont know about! ALso had to fill in a pretty big questionnaire for the anesthetic. Really excited now not long to go :-) Told relatives over the weekend and they all seemed very supportive, few jokes were cracked but all in good humour. I dont actually feel nervous I thought I would but having been in the clinic this morning Im really excited for it. Had a quick look into the ward,recovery area and could see into the theatres from a distance. The Dr was quite happy to show me around, I thought this was nice as had he refused it maybe could have put doubts into my mind. Had a short chat with the weight loss coordinator in the clinic too just before I left. Just asked me how I was feeling and explained that its normal to be nervous etc. He has actually lost allot of weight himself so when he told me this I felt allot easier about talking to him about my weight and how its bothering me. Seemed genuinely interested and said he would be in regular contact before the big day. Fingers crossed the blood test comes back fine !

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 79 ✭✭slim4life

    borntolose wrote: »
    Hi Guys,

    Just been to the clinic to have my blood tests done. Dr told me I should here back in a week or so just to make sure theres nothing going on that we dont know about! ALso had to fill in a pretty big questionnaire for the anesthetic. Really excited now not long to go :-) Told relatives over the weekend and they all seemed very supportive, few jokes were cracked but all in good humour. I dont actually feel nervous I thought I would but having been in the clinic this morning Im really excited for it. Had a quick look into the ward,recovery area and could see into the theatres from a distance. The Dr was quite happy to show me around, I thought this was nice as had he refused it maybe could have put doubts into my mind. Had a short chat with the weight loss coordinator in the clinic too just before I left. Just asked me how I was feeling and explained that its normal to be nervous etc. He has actually lost allot of weight himself so when he told me this I felt allot easier about talking to him about my weight and how its bothering me. Seemed genuinely interested and said he would be in regular contact before the big day. Fingers crossed the blood test comes back fine !

    Hi born2lose glad to hear its all going well for you. I didnt see the ward/theatre before going in on the day of my surgery but was still quite impressed, never knew that it was so big when I went in for the consultation. Its great that your relatives are on board. When I was banded it was almost as though half of the family were for it, the other half against it (allot of my relatives are very active and couldnt understand why I couldnt just exercise like "normal" people)...But once they saw me a few months after I had it and I had lost a few stone every single one of them commented on how well I looked and said it was the right decision, so dont worry if you dont have everybody 100% on board just yet, they will come around once they see the improvement in your life! The after care really helps you stay on track, once you know that you are going in to the clinic regularly you make sure you stay in line with the guides, after all, you want to go in and show how good youre doing! I found this a great help. Having spoken to several people since having my band done that had their bands done over in the UK and Belgium I really do think that the after care meetings made the big difference in terms of weight loss. I ended up telling each one of them something they didnt know(which they should have known had the clinic they were in gave them the correct information) and in nearly all of the cases I had lost allot more weight than them. A few of them said they lost a good bit at the start but with no after care and no guidelines for food they let themselves slip off the wagon through frustration and confusion. I have said it before and I will say it again that there should be a standard across the board that all clinics must go by and supply their patients with correct guidelines and after care. I was lucky enough to go with a clinic in Dublin and have my band done here in Dublin as well, and also get all the correct guidelines but I could have easily fallen into the same trap as many others and ended up with a clinic that doesnt give all the information and help. Looking at your posts it sounds like you are going with the same clinic that I went with. Its great that you are looking forward to it rather than being apprehensive, you will be pleasently surprised how easy the operation actually is! You are back on your feet within a few hours and you dont actually feel any discomfort in your stomach. Would love to hear how you get on please keep us posted and dont be afraid to ask for advice. Best of luck :-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 9 Mand30

    hello All,

    can anyone send me a message of where i can get my band filled in Dublin


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 79 ✭✭slim4life

    Mand30 wrote: »
    hello All,

    can anyone send me a message of where i can get my band filled in Dublin


    Hi Mand30, the band fills should be done in the clinic you had your band done in. From what I know you cant just have an adjustment done anywhere. Did you have it done in Ireland?

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,399 ✭✭✭✭r3nu4l

    slim4life and borntolose have been banned as these accounts are being operated by one individual who works for a weight loss clinic and has been subtly advertising this business, probably by PM. This person has been taking advantage of people on this thread. If you receive any PMs from newly registered accounts in relation to gastric banding or weight loss please let me know. Thank you.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 15,914 ✭✭✭✭tbh

    r3nu4l wrote: »
    slim4life and borntolose have been banned as these accounts are being operated by one individual who works for a weight loss clinic and has been subtly advertising this business, probably by PM. This person has been taking advantage of people on this thread. If you receive any PMs from newly registered accounts in relation to gastric banding or weight loss please let me know. Thank you.

    I'm sickened, to be honest. Thanks R.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 15,914 ✭✭✭✭tbh

    tbh wrote: »
    I'm sickened, to be honest. Thanks R.

    If there's one positive to come out of this, I hope it's that people who post on this thread can see why the mods have implemented a strict no-names policy. I know some of you find it frustrating and think we're being paranoid, but now you can see why the rule is in place.

    I would repeat what R3 said above - if any of you get unsolicited PMs from users, please let one of the mods or admins know - our role in this forum is to protect you from the type of scumbag company who would lie about who they are in an effort to drum up business.

  • Registered Users Posts: 118 ✭✭shellita

    tbh wrote: »
    I would repeat what R3 said above - if any of you get unsolicited PMs from users, please let one of the mods or admins know - our role in this forum is to protect you from the type of scumbag company who would lie about who they are in an effort to drum up business.

    Im very disappointed as slim4life has been mailing me a lot, privately just about general stuff and also "asked" the clinic where he said he had his band done to send me info which I was very appreciative of. As I explained to him I had no info from my own clinic.

    Just feeling a little used :(

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 15,914 ✭✭✭✭tbh

    shellita wrote: »
    Im very disappointed as slim4life has been mailing me a lot, privately just about general stuff and also "asked" the clinic where he said he had his band done to send me info which I was very appreciative of. As I explained to him I had no info from my own clinic.

    Just feeling a little used :(

    I don't blame you - it was you I was thinking of when I saw R3's post - I'm really sorry.

    We do see this a fair bit from the weight loss clinics, but I've not seen a case so insidious before. I'm disgusted to be honest.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 118 ✭✭shellita

    tbh wrote: »
    I don't blame you - it was you I was thinking of when I saw R3's post - I'm really sorry.

    Thanks TBH, well I suppose that's life, and either way I did get lots of info about band exercise and diet so it can only help me :D

    I would love to find another clinic, I would even pay for aftercare but it seems no where does this.

    My family keeps saying get it taken out and they don't understand that to me the band is the only "control" I have as my will is never what it should be.
    The band makes me feel secure.

    Im in the process of buying a house and I have decided to make one room my gym :D

    if anyone else would like the info I was sent, let me know:
    Exercise Guidelines for lap band patients,
    Lap band long term diet guidelines.
