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  • Moderators, Arts Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 9,521 Mod ✭✭✭✭BossArky

    Wednesday September 19th:

    Military Press
    45kg x6 x4 x4 x2 ... thought my back was going to snap & was wobbling all over the place in the later sets

    Bent Over Row
    45kg x8 x8 x10 x10

    Calf Raises
    bodyweight x20 x20 x20
    Reverse Fly Bent Over
    6kg per arm x8
    7kg per arm x8 x8

    Tricep Extension
    6kg per arm x8
    7kg per arm x8 x8
    70kg x8 x8 x8 ... nice one. heaviest yet at 3 sets 8 reps.

    Hamstring stretch
    x8 x8 x8

    Bicep Curl
    17.5kg per arm x4 x3 x2
    60kg x8 x8 x8 ... wasn't going to squat today but the rack was empty and lured me in. Had to be go a bit lower weight-wise than planned as back tired following deadlift

    Side Bends
    15kg plate per arm alternating sides x10 x10 x10
    Bench Press (decline)
    50kg x5 x5 x5 x5 x5 ... again, I wasn't planning to bench today but what the heck the bench was free. Some guy had propped the leg end up on a platform so I thought I'd try out a few declines. Felt good and I could have gone heavier. Was just playing around really with the decline to see what it was like

    Bicep Curl
    17.5kg per arm x4 x3 x2 x3 x2
    Pec Fly
    12.5kg per arm x8 x6 x4

    12.5kg per arm x8 x6 x4
    Crunch Machine
    25kg at feet x10
    20kg at feet x10
    15kg at feet x10

    Upright Row
    35kg x8 x8 x8 ... was on the verge of passing out by the end of this superset

    Back in the gym today. Took Monday and Tuesday off. Pretty intense session from my point of view with heavy supersets all the way. Got through the lot in approx 50 mins.

    Squat after the deadlift felt weird as back muscles were blown out of the water. Had to really concentrate on staying upright, felt good though.

    Military Press was too heavy, couldn't manage my target 3 sets of 8 reps. However it was interesting to attempt 45kg as that is my heaviest yet.

    Grow little muscles grow.

  • Moderators, Arts Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 9,521 Mod ✭✭✭✭BossArky

    Saturday September 22nd:

    Military Press
    40kg x8 x7 x5 ... missed target of 3 sets of 8, just failed in 2nd & 3rd sets. Chanaged from parallel feet to one in front of other. Seemed a bit more stable

    Bent Over Barbell Row
    40kg x10 x10 x10

    Calf Raise
    x20 x20 x20
    70kg x8 x6 x4 x2 x4 ... last set I was going for 1 but went very deep, it felt ok, woke up my legs and I managed an extra 3.

    Side Bend
    15kg plate per arm alternating x10 x10 x10 x10 x10
    Dumbbell Bench Press (slight incline)
    27.5kg per arm x6 x4 x2

    Dumbbell Curl
    17.5kg per arm x4 x3 x2

    Cut short workout to get home to witness Leyton Orient 2 - 4 Hartlepool :mad: Probably good to have a short workout for a change and not be absolutely crippled leaving the gym.

  • Moderators, Arts Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 9,521 Mod ✭✭✭✭BossArky

    Sunday September 23rd:

    Seated Row Machine (Upper Back - wide grip)
    50kg x8 x8 x8
    Seated Row Machine (Low Row - narrow grip)
    50kg x8 x8 x8
    Leg Extension
    50kg x8 x8 x8
    Deadlift (straight leg) ... to stretch hamstrings
    40kg x8 x8 x8

    Calf Raise (standing with barbell)
    40kg x20 x20 x20 ... this is where my grip started to go which affected rest of session slightly
    Bench Press
    62.5kg x8 x8 x8 ... spotter touched on one or two reps so cannot say these were full 3 sets of 8's, but getting there..only need 65kg by end of next week to be on track with aims outlined a few posts above
    75kg x8 x8 x7 x3 ... damn grip on left side started to go during third set. Tried hard to hold it but had to drop. The deadlift itself was fine if I could have just held the bar longer. Threw in an extra 3 reps at the end as penance. Just need to get to 78kg by end of week and will be on track with deadlift too. Think that should be ok
    60kg x8 x6 x4
    20kg x10 x0 x10 ... went really deep with these, way below parallel. Great stretch

    Standing Military Press (behind neck - with Oly bar)
    20kg x10 x10 x10
    Pull Ups
    x6 x4 x2 ... had to do these up to the squat bar, hanging under it with knees drawn up like a monkey. Annoyed that there is no proper chin up place in my gym. My left hand grip was totally gone, hand numb and couldn't grasp bar anymore so had to stop

    20kg plate per arm x20 x20 x20

    Good workout. Left hand grip went which was odd. Forearm was all swollen up. Fine now though. Annoyed that this morning I was 71kg, so have gained a kg in the past week.

  • Moderators, Arts Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 9,521 Mod ✭✭✭✭BossArky

    Monday September 24th:

    Lat Pull Down
    60kg x8 x8 x8

    Military Press Standing Dumbbell
    17.5kg x8 x8 x8

    32.5kg x20 x15 x10 ... did the above 3 exercises as a super fast circuit. Pretty wrecked afterwards
    12.5kg per arm x10 x10 x10

    Reverse Fly
    7.5kg per arm x10 x10 x10

    Bicep Curl
    12.5kg per arm x10 x10 x10
    Leg Press
    80kg x10
    90kg x10
    100kg x10

    Side Bend
    15kg per side alternating x10 x10 x10
    Upright Row
    30kg x8 x8 x8

    Military Press Standing Barbell
    30kg x8 x8 x8

    x20 x20 x20

    Back Extension lying

    This morning I was 72kg :eek: That is another kg gained in a day. Either I'm a) seriously constipated b) putting on fat c) putting on muscle .... or d) my bathroom scales needs a recalibaration.

    Today's workout was fine, didn't max out which was good.

    Trying to burn as many calories as possible in the next day or two ahead of a trip to the Munich beer festival from Thursday to Sunday next.

  • Moderators, Arts Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 9,521 Mod ✭✭✭✭BossArky

    Monday September 25th:

    x8 x8 x3

    Pull ups
    x8 x5 x3 ... I don't believe it - I found the pull up bar that eluded me for months in this gym
    Bulgarian Split Squats
    bodyweight x10
    holding 10kg plate x10 x10 ... this exercise feels class. Will do it more often
    Incline Bench
    60kg x5 x4 x3

    Squat (overhead)
    30kg x5 x5 x5 ... last reps were tough. Had to work to hold it up straight. Really works the core. Hopefully can up the weight in a week or two once I get used to the movement

    Bent Over Row
    30kg x10 x10 x10
    Squat (front)
    20kg x10 x10 x10 ... again I need to get used to this movement. Holding bar in front feels really awkward. Palms up makes my arms seem really inflexible as elbow point towards ground at 45 degrees

    Military Press
    20kg x10 x10 x10 ... heart almost came out my mouth. Not overly heavy, just tired from bench and dips earlier

    Bent Over Row
    30kg x10 x10 x10
    Push up & Row compound
    7kg per arm x10 x10 x10 ... swimming in own pool of sweat by the end of this. Very intense exercise on core
    Chest & Shoulder stretch with bar (10kg I think)
    Situps with 8kg per arm
    x10 x10 x10 ... holding an 8kg dumbbell in each hand, arms extended straight above chest and pushing them up vertically. Killer on the abs. Could hardly breath after first set. Saw these on some other site, cannot remember the proper name
    Run 500metres (2:30) ... planned to run 3km but that wasn't happening tonight. Just stopped... wrecked
    Pec Fly Machine
    45kg x10 x10 x10

    Row Machine (upper back)
    45kg x10 x10 x10

    I have been moaning for months about the lack of proper pull up bar in my gym. Today I started with dips and pull ups first. Perhaps it was the extra energy which allowed me to take in my surroundinfs for a change; when I looked up I was shocked to see that there actually was a proper pull up bar about 1 foot above the pull up station arching out over it. Maybe it was previously hidden away folded back on its hinges. Anyway, to say I am delighted is an understatement. Now I can do proper pull ups again, nice one.

    Had an interesting time messing about with new exercises this evening. I'm going to put my plans for the 4 big lifts on the back burner until next week when back from Munich.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,635 ✭✭✭tribulus

    Sit ups sound like a serratus crunch that was in a little article on t-nation a while back?;jsessionid=BC2018BE950FF5F0DCC250FFE7394732.hydra?id=1698242

  • Moderators, Arts Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 9,521 Mod ✭✭✭✭BossArky

    Cheers Trib, that's the one. Funny article that.

  • Moderators, Arts Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 9,521 Mod ✭✭✭✭BossArky

    Thursday September 27th:

    Pull Ups
    x5 x4 x3

    x5 x4 x3
    80kg x8 x8 x8 ... target for end of September surpassed (target was 78kg)
    70kg x3 x3 x3
    70kg x3
    60kg x3 x3

    Videos to follow of todays deadlift, squat and bench. Pleased to pass my target for end of Sept on the deadlift. Grip was going towards the last few reps but managed to hang on.

    Got a guy in the gym to video the first set of deadlifts for me. For bench and squat I just rested camera on a few plates lying on a bench.

    Form was terrible on the 70kg squats. Playing the clip back in the gym my heels are off the ground and I get nowhere near parallel. Hence I dropped to 60kg for the last 2 sets.

    Will throw the videos up later.

  • Moderators, Arts Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 9,521 Mod ✭✭✭✭BossArky

    Videos from today so that I can check out my technique (or lack of). Bodyweight today just under 71kg.

    Deadlift 80kg x8 (don't have time to rotate clip at the moment)

    Bench 70kg x3:

    Squat 60kg x3:

    Any constructive feedback on the above appreciated.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 21,981 ✭✭✭✭Hanley

    On the squat your heels are coming up because you break at the knees. Pause it every second or so and look at your knee position. They're ahead of your toes before the bar even starts to move almost.

    It's hard to tell from the bench but they looked ok. Probably coulda pinned your shoulders together and been a bit more stable that way.

    Not the worst deadlifts I've seen, a bit stiff-legged maybe but strength looks good. Easily another 10kg in the bag like with the same amount of reps. Pausing the reps on the floor is probably better for building pure brute strength tho.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,635 ✭✭✭tribulus

    Just echoing the above. Break with your hips either very slightly before or at the same time as your knees. What I mean is push back with your hips while bending your knees, it'll be easier on your knees, engage your hams and glutes more and you'll get to a decent depth. You can see you're quite a bit off even parallel yet you're hams are touching your calves, i.e what some consider atg.

    Dead were okay, maybe site back into it a bit more.

    Bench you just need to get tight and you could easilt get 75 x 3, more with some leg drive. Tuck your elbows slightly (maybe you were, it's hard to tell) tense your lats and drive your shoulders into the bench. Think of trying to push yourself away from the bar rather than pushing the bar away from you.

  • Moderators, Arts Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 9,521 Mod ✭✭✭✭BossArky

    Monday October 1st:

    20kg x10
    40kg x10
    50kg x10
    60kg x10
    50kg x10
    40kg x10
    20kg x10
    Bench Dumbbell
    27.5kg per arm x8 x6 x4

    Overhead Dumbbell Press
    17.5kg x8 x8 x8
    Pull Ups (wide open)
    x5 x5

    Bulgarian Split Squat
    5kg plate per arm, per leg x10
    bodyweight, per leg x10

    72kg this morning so gained a kg at Oktoberfest. Long live beer and bratwurst. Time to get things back on track. Going to bust into training now until xmas.

  • Moderators, Arts Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 9,521 Mod ✭✭✭✭BossArky

    Hanley & Trib, thanks for the feedback above. My squat really does suck, I cringe to look back at that clip. Hoping that it would have been slightly better if my back wasn't so tired after the deadlifts. It looks like this is the main lift I need to more or less take from scratch again.

    Whilst doing the bulgarian split squats tonight a gym instructor told me to keep my knees above my ankles. i.e. the same as you both mention above. I'll pay more attention to this now and probably have to lower the weight alot until getting it right.

    Had severe lower back DOMS over the weekend after the deadlifts. Waking up to such DOMS in a cold, wet & muddy tent was definetly not fun. Copious amounts of alcohol were consumed to dull the pain :rolleyes:

    Re the bench - when you say push from the legs,... how exactly? I'm guessing by tensing the abs and lats.... and legs?

    I'll work on your what you mentioned and come back with more clips at the end of Oct.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,635 ✭✭✭tribulus

    There's not necessarily anything wrong with the knees coming forward but if the hips aren't dropping low too you will have problems.

    As for the bench, I'm a rubbish bencher so take all the advice with a pinch of salt! Bench is all about the set up. Get your shoulders locked in, your back tight, legs tight etc and you'll make it easier for yourself.

    Squeeze everything as tight as you can (I keep saying tight for a reason) and as soon as you start lowering the bar start applying pressure through your heels. The when you go to press, really drive your heels into the ground as hard as possible. If you're not tight all that will happen is you'll drive your ass off the bench. Do it right and your torso will nearly move downwards on the bench. It's a hard thing to get the hang of and I'm still working on it too.

  • Moderators, Arts Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 9,521 Mod ✭✭✭✭BossArky

    Wednesday October 3rd:

    Bench Press
    60kg x8 x8 x8
    70kg x3 x3

    Deadlift (stiff leg)
    60kg x8 x8 x8

    Bent Over One Arm Dumbbell Row (per side)
    12.5kg x10
    17.5kg x10
    12.5kg x10

  • Moderators, Arts Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 9,521 Mod ✭✭✭✭BossArky

    Thursday October 4th:

    Seated Row Machine (upper back)
    50kg x8 x8 x8
    Leg Press (machine)
    100kg x8 x8 x8
    Military Press Standing (Oly bar)
    50kg x3 x2 x2
    40kg x8 x5 x5
    Bicep Curl (EZ bar)
    20kg x8 x8 x8 ... not sure how much the bar weighs, had 10kg per side....

    Reverse Fly
    2.5kg per arm x24 x24 x24
    15kg per arm x10 x10 x10
    Side Bends
    15kg per arm, per side x10 x10 x10
    Military Press (Oly bar)
    40kg x5 x5 x5

    Bent Over Row (Oly bar)
    40kg x5 x5 x5

    Good to try the Military Press today with the Oly bar. Felt a bit more steady and sturdy than using a thin barbell with the same weight.

  • Moderators, Arts Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 9,521 Mod ✭✭✭✭BossArky

    Friday October 5th:

    Run 3km (13:55) ... first proper run in about 2 months. Will do them more regularly now as even though I kill myself each gym session my weight is increasing, so need the run to burn extra cals. Perhaps the extra cals are from the protein shakes. Next time I'll do the run at the end. Today I just wanted to do some cardio first for a change
    80kg x5 x5 x5
    Side Bends
    15kg plate per arm, per side alternating x10 x10 x10
    Pull ups (wide/open)
    x5 x5 x5 ... these were hard. Arms seem to be forced too wide with the grips on the pull up bar set about a metre apart

    x5 x5 x5 ... these were easy
    Situps x25 x25 x25 ... energy levels took a nose dive here, third set was a struggle

    Back extension (lying)
    x10 x10 x10
    Pec Fly (machine)
    45kg x10 x10 x10
    Seated Row (upper back)
    45kg x8
    35kg x8
    25kg x8 ... don't know what happened here. Usually do 3 sets of 8 at 50kg. No energy today since situps. Must have all went on the run

    Good workout all the same.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 21,981 ✭✭✭✭Hanley

    I know you said it but I can't remember, why are you trying to get your weigth down?

  • Moderators, Arts Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 9,521 Mod ✭✭✭✭BossArky

    I'm no marshmallow man, just reckon that 70kg is a nice round number. If I can gain strength and maintain 70kg then the weight then I'll be putting on will be lean muscle whilst the lard burns off .... --> equals lower bodyfat.

    One of my aims back in March when I started this was to get to single digit bodyfat %.

    My weight is climbing the past weeks, probably due to putting on muscle but keeping the same amount of fat. I'm hoping by throwing in a km or two run at the end of each session I'll be able to burn off bits of that fat reserve. I could be totally wrong though.

  • Moderators, Arts Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 9,521 Mod ✭✭✭✭BossArky

    Saturday October 6th:

    20kg x10
    40kg x10
    60kg x10
    70kg x7 ... all squats slow and deep. 7 was as high as I could go on 70kg. Almost didn't make it up on the last rep. Warming up actually works!
    Bicep Curl (barbell)
    20kg x20 x15 x10

    Crunch machine
    25kg at feet x10 x15 x20
    Run 2km (10:41)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,754 ✭✭✭Odysseus

    I know what you mean about the 70kg but I have to struggle to get there. Out of interest for a triathele you seem to be doing a very small amount of cardio, forgive my ignorance would this be the norm of are you just on a break?

  • Moderators, Arts Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 9,521 Mod ✭✭✭✭BossArky

    My tri season goes from about April until August, nice warm weather starting in Blenheim and finishing with London.

    I'm not planning on heaps of cardio until around March next year, giving me about a month to get back in running / cycling shape. In between now and then I'll get a bit tougher in the gym, and try to put on the muscle that this years tri's burned off.

    I find that once I start running and cycling for triathlons the weight falls off and muscle too. If I was an uber elite triathlete I would be doing about 10 hours or cardio per week. However I just take do it for the laugh, so you are right, I don't do half enough cardio :p

    With the type of runs you do I'm suprised you manage to maintain near enough to 70kg. What height are you?

  • Moderators, Arts Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 9,521 Mod ✭✭✭✭BossArky

    Pull Ups (close / open)
    x10 x5 x5

    x10 x5 x5 ... dips and pull ups felt strong
    Bench Press
    20kg x10
    30kg x10
    40kg x10
    50kg x6
    60kg x5
    60kg x4
    60kg x4
    60kg x3
    50kg x6
    40kg x10
    30kg x10
    20kg x10 ... a bit tired from dips and so many bench warm up sets. Used a wide grip (index on rings) for a change for most sets except the 60kgs
    20kg x10
    30kg x10
    40kg x10
    50kg x10
    60kg x10
    70kg x5
    50kg x5
    30kg x5
    20kg x11 ... last set very close feet. All the rest were wide-ish. Doing lots of low weight high reps for warm up and to concentrate on squat form
    (15kg plate per arm) x10 x10 x10

    Military Press (standing Oly bar)
    20kg x10 x10 x10

    Bent Over Row (Oly bar)
    20kg x10 x10 x10

    My top right ab muscle is pretty sore. Not sure if I pulled something slightly doing the pull ups / dips, or maybe it is just a bit of DOMS from Saturday's crunches.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,635 ✭✭✭tribulus

    How's the squat coming along?

  • Moderators, Arts Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 9,521 Mod ✭✭✭✭BossArky

    I think it is improving a bit. Will have to take another video clip to see for sure, maybe this weekend. I find it hard to judge in the squat rack when facing the mirror straight on.

    Can now go pretty deep / deeper with warm ups on low weights and then up the weight. Feels better than just busting in on max weight like I used to do before.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,635 ✭✭✭tribulus

    Cool, I hate mirrors, think they're a bad thing to have when squatting.

  • Moderators, Arts Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 9,521 Mod ✭✭✭✭BossArky

    Thursday October 11th:

    85kg x8 x8 x8 ... personal best

    Bicep Curl Dumbbell
    20kg per arm x1 x1 x1
    Bench Press
    65kg x8 x5 x3

    Calf Raises
    bodyweight x20 x20 x20

    Lateral Raises
    7kg per arm x8 x8 x8
    20kg x5
    50kg x5
    60kg x5 ... right knee getting sore here
    50kg x5
    20kg x5
    Seated Military Press
    17.5kg x8 x8 x8

    Bicep Curl
    17.5kg per arm alternating x3 x3 x3
    Seated Low Row Machine
    50kg x8 x8 x8

    Leg Curl
    30kg x8 x8 x8
    Run 1km (4:52)
    Seated High Row Machine
    50kg x8 x8 x8

    Leg Curl
    30kg x10 x10 x10
    Seated Military Press
    17.5kg x8 x8 x8

    Calf Raises
    bodyweight x20 x20 x20
    One Arm Dumbell Row
    12.5kg per arm per side x5 x5 x5

    Personal best on the deadlift, nice one. Right knee a bit sore from the squats. Seem to put significantly more weight on my right side when squatting. Need to do more bulgarian split squats and the likes to toughen up each leg individually I guess.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 21,981 ✭✭✭✭Hanley

    Probably a flexability thing on the squats, perhaps dormant muscles somewhere.

    To be hoenst it is something that is worth getting checked out. In my opinion if I could do it all again I'd have no problem taking the hit and going to a physio to get that checked out rather than end up injured down the line from it.

    Just something to think about. you could probably sort it on your own over time too tho... Single leg work will obviously help.

    Oh and good work on the deadlifts!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,754 ✭✭✭Odysseus

    BossArky wrote: »
    My tri season goes from about April until August, nice warm weather starting in Blenheim and finishing with London.

    I'm not planning on heaps of cardio until around March next year, giving me about a month to get back in running / cycling shape. In between now and then I'll get a bit tougher in the gym, and try to put on the muscle that this years tri's burned off.

    I find that once I start running and cycling for triathlons the weight falls off and muscle too. If I was an uber elite triathlete I would be doing about 10 hours or cardio per week. However I just take do it for the laugh, so you are right, I don't do half enough cardio :p

    With the type of runs you do I'm suprised you manage to maintain near enough to 70kg. What height are you?

    Bang on 70kg at the moment but I have to work at it too stay there. I'm like yourself with the running. I do it for the challenge and a laugh, though I often ask myself what funny about the pain I'm feeling during a long long run!

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  • Moderators, Arts Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 9,521 Mod ✭✭✭✭BossArky

    Saturday October 13th:

    Pull Ups
    x5 x5 x5

    x5 x5 x5
    One Arm Dumbbell Row
    12.5kg per arm alternating x8 x8 x8
    Bench press
    20kg x10
    25kg x10
    30kg x10
    35kg x10
    70kg x5 x4 x3

    ... was doing the low weight ones as warm ups with girlfriend alternating; her then me. Some muppet comes over and stands at the foot of the bench staring at us. I ask him if something is wrong. He just stands there saying he wants to use the bench. I tell him we'll be 10 minutes. He continues to stand there staring at us while we work through our sets. Annoys me when people try to intimidate you off equipment. He probably thought I was some weakling only able to bench 35kg and needed my girlfriend to spot. When I got up to 70kg he got embarressed and backed off a bit. Funny thing was that when we left the bench, he got on and only managed 40kg himself. He also had a winter jacket and furry hat on. What a tool.
    Incline Dumbbell Bench
    22.5kg per arm x5 x5 x5

    Lateral Raise
    7kg per arm x8 x8 x8
    Deadlift (stiff leg)
    40kg x8 x8 x8

    Bulgarian Split Squat
    bodyweight each leg x8
    bodyweight + 10kg each leg x8
    bodyweight each leg x8
    Swiss Ball Crunch
    x20 x20 x20

    Back Entension (lying prone)
    x10 x10 x10
    Leg Extension
    15kg x8 x8 x8
    20kg x5 x5 x5 ... all these one leg at a time to attempt curing my right side imbalances. Really feel it in the quads, alot more so than when doing double the weight with two legs

    Leg Curl
    15kg x8 x8 x8
    20kg x5 x5 x5 ... again all one leg at a time and felt it much more in the hamstrings than when doing double the weight with two legs
    Standing Military Press (oly bar)
    30kg x8
    35kg x8
    40kg x8

    Bent Over Row (oly bar)
    30kg x8
    35kg x8
    40kg x8

    15kg plate per arm x20 x20 x20
    Bicep Curl
    10kg per arm alternating x10 x10 x10

    Think that is it. Long session today. Threw it more unilateral leg stuff than usual to ensure they are both getting equal work loads. No pain in my right knee which is good.
