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Return of the King



  • Moderators, Arts Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 9,521 Mod ✭✭✭✭BossArky

    Saturday January 30th: Bench

    Bench (all paused)
    20kg - 1x5
    60kg - 1x5
    80kg - 1x3
    90kg - 10x3

    Barbell Row
    50kg - 10x6
    Barbell Curl
    30kg - 3x8
    Run (Treadmill) - Couch to 5k week 8 day 2
    - incline 2
    - Run 28 mins
    - Started run at 10kmph and increased by 0.1kmph every 3 minutes.. which brought me up to 10.9kmph at the end

    Bench & row supersets took 1hr 15 mins in total. Pretty knackered getting through it to be honest. 90kg feels heavier than it should, but got it done.

    Cut the reps per set on the barbell rows from the usual 10 to 6. The theory here is that each set of bench was 270kg volume (90kg x 3reps) so barbell rowing 50kg x6 (300kg volume) more than equalizes that. No point in going for 10 sets of 10 reps and being totally depleted before the run.

    Curls were curls.

    Run was a debacle. Prior to it I had been listenng to various podcasts whilst I did my bench/rows/curls. Towards the end a TED podcast on "the dying experience" (or similar) came on. It was incredibley morbid. It kicked in just as I was unracking the 10th set of bench and I most have made the set about 10% heavier. Funnily enough I had killed than podcast a few days before whilst Squatting as didn't want to listen to it, but the iphone was jumbling the order randomily and played that one next in the playlist.

    This topic of death had me all melancholy and I was seriously almost in tears. I find this happens me a lot when I train alone (the melancholy bit), especially without driving music or if listening to something soothing such as a podcast/background music. I often end up thinking about my childhood/family/life experiences, etc.

    Anyway I get out of the gym (my shed gym) and head to the treadmill (in the apt complex gym on another floor). I was so out of it after that podcast that I forgot to take off my elbow sleeves, plus forgot to set a walking warm up speed... so instead lunged straight into the run with no warm up at 10kmph.

    Struggled on like this for about 1 minute wondering why everything felt so off, then realized I still had the hoody on, plus elbow sleeves and death podcast. Nearly tripped myself up taking them all off whilst still running. Got through the run in the end but was feeling very odd.

  • Moderators, Arts Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 9,521 Mod ✭✭✭✭BossArky

    Monday February 1st: Squat Deload

    Squat (low bar)
    20kg - 1x5
    60kg - 1x5
    80kg - 2x8 ... top deload sets.
    70kg - 1x12 ... drop set
    Military Press
    48kg - 3x8

    Front Squat
    48kg - 3x8

    The in-laws are still here. The one positive from this is that I trained together with wifey which must be the first time in about 4-5 years. It was good, if weird to see her Squatting / Deadlifting in person again after so long! Will hopefully be able to have a few more training sessions together in the next week or two.

    Squats felt heavy, which is a good reason for the deload. The drop set was alright though.

    Military Press felt ok. Thought it would be harder.

    Front Squats fine too.

    All in all a nice little quick session.

  • Moderators, Arts Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 9,521 Mod ✭✭✭✭BossArky

    Wednesday February 3rd: Bench

    Bench (all paused)
    20kg - 1x5
    60kg - 1x5
    80kg - 6x6 ... fine
    **add slingshot**
    90kg - 1x3
    100kg - 1x3
    105kg - 1x3

    Barbell Row
    60kg - 6x8
    BB Curl
    20kg - 3x12

    Sumo Deadlift
    70kg - 1x5
    120kg - 3x3
    Run (Treadmill) - Couch to 5k week 8 day 3
    - incline 2
    - run 28 mins
    - started at 10kmph and increased by 0.1kmph every 3 minutes.. until 20 mins when I started increasing by 0.1kmph every minute. This took me up to about 11.5kmph at the end and 4.9km total in distance

    Bench felt better than usual. Probably because I took an extra day between the Military Press on Monday and Benching today (Wednesday).

    Increased the Barbell Rows by 10kg to 60kg and choose the reps to equal exactly the Bench volume per set (i.e. 480kg)

    Was just going through the motions on the run but decided after the half way point to try push it a bit faster at the end to break 5km. Just missed it by 100m, doing 4.9km instead. That is the furthest I've run in years. Will increase the pace a bit earlier next time.

    As a reminder I have two running goals (treadmill vs. outdoors - who cares):
    1) Run 5km distance in one go
    2) Run 5km in 25 mins

    Not too far off the first one now and will break it in the coming days when the time limit on the run goes from 28 mins to 30. The next challenge will be increasing the pace overall to get through the 5km in 25 mins..

  • Moderators, Arts Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 9,521 Mod ✭✭✭✭BossArky

    Friday February 5th: Squat Deload

    Squat (low bar)
    20kg - 1x5
    60kg - 1x5
    80kg - 1x3
    90kg - 2x6 ... top sets
    70kg - 1x12 ... drop set
    Military Press
    49kg - 3x8

    Front Squat
    49kg - 3x8

    Squats were all no sleeves, no belt, no weight, no problem. Well actually felt a bit achey & hence the deload sessions around now. Drop set was fine though as I was into it by then.

    Military Press is 1kg away from a milestone number.

    Front Squats were just working on form & building some muscle.

  • Moderators, Arts Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 9,521 Mod ✭✭✭✭BossArky

    Saturday February 6th: Bench

    Bench (all paused)
    20kg - 1x5
    60kg - 1x5
    85kg - 7x5

    Barbell Row
    60kg - 7x8
    Barbell Curl
    30kg - 3x10
    Run (Treadmill) - Couch to 5k week 9 day 1
    - incline 2
    - Run 30 mins (broke 5km distance after 29:16)

    Running goal #1 achieved: Run 5km.

    Started run at 9kmph and increased by 0.1kmph every minute until 27 minutes where I was feeling a bit bit gassed and reduced from 11.6kmph to to 10kmph, then 9.5kmph at 28 minutes and finally 9kmph at 29 minutes.

    Hit 5km distance at 29:16 so first running goal achieved with time to spare. Knew that I could ease off the pace in the last 3 mins and make it to 5km ok. Next time I'll try to keep pushing the pace for the last 3 mins also and see where that gets me. No point in totally going for broke today when I have 2 more run sessions left on this couch to 5km plan.

    Bench felt pretty good groove-wise: 85kg - 7x5 paused was ok. Did lots of band pull aparts with scap retraction between each bench/row superset. Fatigued slightly from Military Press yesterday.

    Rows were 480kg per set (60kg x8) to over compensate for the 425kg per bench set (85kg x5). Fine.

    Threw in some curls as usual to prevent pipe wastage: 30kg - 3x10.

    Weighed myself after breakfast and was 81.6kg on home scales (i.e. including breakfast & a few cups of tea in the belly). Probably lost a bit more fat and gained a bit more muscle in the past 3 weeks since Dexa scan #2 so will be interesting to see how the body recomp is going at next Dexa scan in 5 weeks at Dexa scan #3.

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  • Moderators, Arts Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 9,521 Mod ✭✭✭✭BossArky

    Sunday February 7th

    Bike: Cycled 16.4km along the beach and around the park with the 2 kiddies in the back of bike trailer. Think it's getting to the stage where the older one is outgrowing it. I can still pull them fine but it's probably getting to the stage where I'll need to spit them up and get rid of the double trailer.

  • Moderators, Arts Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 9,521 Mod ✭✭✭✭BossArky

    Monday February 8th: Squat Deload

    Squat (low bar)
    20kg - 1x5
    60kg - 3x5
    Military Press
    50kg - 3x8

    Front Squat
    50kg - 3x8
    20kg - 1x8
    30kg - 1x8
    40kg - 1x8

    Military Press hit the milestone of 50kg 3x8. Felt alright. Video'd first set - see below. 2nd and 3rd sets I was more concious of making sure I was setting up with shoulders even. I get the feeling that the right shoulder sits lower than the left and causes a bit of unevenness on both Bench & overhead pressing.

    Squats: Did the first set of 60kg x5, then proceeded to unrack 80kg. Stood there with it for a few seconds before racking it and taking a super easy session by finishing off with another two sets of 60kg x5. Plan today was to go up to 100kg 2x5 but everything feeling a bit sluggish Squat wise so will take this final deload and then back to 100kg 2x8 as the first day of new program when I Squat on Thursday.

    Front Squats fine. Video's first set. See below.

    RDLs: adding these back in for a bit of hamstring destruction.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 21,981 ✭✭✭✭Hanley

    Bumpers, Eleiko PL set and ER rack?

    What's your address again.

    ...also, send airfare.

  • Moderators, Arts Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 9,521 Mod ✭✭✭✭BossArky

    Hanley wrote: »
    Bumpers, Eleiko PL set and ER rack?

    What's your address again.

    ...also, send airfare.


    2 bars:
    - 1 Eleiko (for mainly comp lifts). Got a 10% discount plus the 2014 price (vs 2015 when I bought it) as I had a pre-existing quote from the year before
    - 1 good quality local Australian powerbar (for supersets/assistance)

    - ER Rack. Got a great deal on it new direct from Denmark.

    Weight Plates/Bumpers
    - Same brand as the local Australian powerbar above. Little difference between these and Eleiko bumpers except the branding which is stamped on them as they come out of a Chinese factory
    - Full size bumper plates: 4x red 25kg, 2x blue 20kg, 2x yellow 15kg, 2x green 10kg, 2x black 5kg
    - Fractional plates: 2x red 2.5kg, 2x blue 2kg, 2x green 1kg, 2x white 0.5kg

    Weight Tree:
    - Same brand as the local Australian powerbar above.

    Gym Floor Mats (12.15 metres square):
    - picked these up as one of my old gyms was doing a re-flooring exercise which happened to match up exactly with when I was setting up the home gym a few months back.
    - Width 2.7m (3 x 0.9m mats) and Length 4.5m (5 x 0.9m mats)
    - it's slightly inspiring to know that in the past some great lifters have trodden on these mats
    - these would have ended up in the dump if I didn't take them
    - most of the gym floor is double layered with these mats. Was just 1 short of getting total double coverage. That single layered square is by the entrance and not a lifting spot so dosen't matter really

    - 2 adjustable ones which go up to 10kg each. Too light to be honest. Ok for rehab/prehab. Got these years ago in London and need to upgrade to get some additional plates to load on

    - Light mini band from local Australian supplier (as per powerbar)

    - local Aussie as per above

    Sound System:
    - UE Megabook (the bigger version - v2.0?). Great sound and works with blue tooth connected to iphone for your music library or stream spotify. Recently I've gone off training with blaring music though and just listen to podcasts on my iphone headset. I find this distracts me nicely and I get through the workouts without some much need for adrenaline, or something.

    What is missing?
    - Pull up bar. Need to figure out which one would suit the shed wall/roof configuration
    - Chalk bowl. Won't bother with one. Use a tupperware container on ground by Squat rack instead and does the job fine.
    - A couple more 20kg and 5kg plates might make superset loading slighty less of a maths problem. Sometimes when supersetting Bench and Deadlifting/Rowing I realize that the one plate I need is the first one I loaded onto the other bar and couldn't be arsed unloading it to get at it. First world problems.
    - Blocks for Rack pulls
    - Straps for heavier rows / messing about
    - Heavier Dumbbells

  • Moderators, Arts Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 9,521 Mod ✭✭✭✭BossArky

    Tuesday February 9th: Bench

    Bench (all paused)
    20kg - 1x5
    60kg - 1x5
    80kg - 1x3
    90kg - 6x4 ... supposed to be 8x4 but had to cut workout down by a couple of sets due to other commitments

    Barbell Row
    40kg - 6x10
    Barbell Curl
    20kg - 3x10
    Run (Treadmill) - Couch to 5k week 9 day 2
    - incline 2
    - Run 30 mins (broke 5km distance after 28:03)

    Got a call just as I was warming up for Bench which required me to be somewhere else asap. Got through the Bench quickly and cut the total working set volume from 8 to 6. That was kinda what I was thinking of doing in general going forwards after the end of the this cycle. Too much volume when you start going above 6 working sets, especially if you want to get other stuff/assistance done.

    Kept the rows nice and light to fly through them as well. 40kg 6x10 felt like nothing and I could just concentrate on feeling the muscle work.

    Curls because they take seconds.

    Run: Broke 5km in 28.03 which is 1 minute 13 seconds faster than a few days ago. Started off at 10kmph and increased speed by 0.1kmph each minute until I was up at 11.5kmph. The next increase took me to 12kmph for 1 minute before I ramped down to 10kmph.. and then increased again by 0.1kmph each minute. Once I hit 5km at 28:03 I ramped the speed down and didn't keep pushing. May have been able to keep going for the next couple of mins but no point at the moment. Saving if for the last run in a few days.

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  • Moderators, Arts Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 9,521 Mod ✭✭✭✭BossArky

    Thursday February 11th: Squat

    Squat (low bar)
    20kg - 1x5
    60kg - 1x5
    80kg - 1x3
    **add belt & wrist wraps**
    100kg - 2x8 ... working sets
    70kg - 2x12 ... drop sets & super close stance to hit quads
    Military Press
    51kg - 3x7

    Front Squat
    51kg - 3x7
    bodyweight - 3x3

    Ham Curls (band)
    3 sets of random high-ish reps experimenting with both together and single leg variations

    Took me a while to get going. Pace was pretty slow.

    Squat working sets were alright but I can tell my body isn't keen on all the running combined with Squats, heavy overheads and heavy bench. Everything has been building up and up in recent weeks and will be glad once the final (long) run is over tomorrow so I can back off the distance and work on speed over shorter distances.

    Added an extra drop off set with a super close stance on Squats. Quads were on fire after each set with only 70kg. Interesting. Typically my normal Squat stance, even when heavy, dosen't seem to destroy my legs too much DOMS wise as I thing I'm slighty posterior change dominant / quad weak. Hence the extra close stance sets.

    Front Squats for more quad muscle growth. Weight still handy enough and concentration on form. Took grip in to right on the edge of knurl which seemed quite comfy... which is odd as previously that was an awkward position for me.

    Military Press felt pretty good. Was almost going to reset back down to nothing today and ramp back up in the coming month or two... but thought I should keep pushing on. Glad I did.

    Added in some experimental exercises at the end for variety. Things are getting a bit stale mentally and I'm looking to incorporate new stuff to keep it fresh.

    Dips: I don't have parallel bars for Dipping... but realized that if I put the two powerbars parallel to each other across the power-rack safetys... well, then I do! Just did 3x3 to get a feel for the rig, which was fine. Didn't want to destroy myself ahead of final heavy bench of this wave tomorrow.

    Ghetto Ham Curls: Saw these on Matt Vincents youtube channel recently. Hook a band to a bar in the rack. Sit back a few metres & wrap back around ankles. Secure optionally with wraps. Ham Curl away. Alternatively I could just have went upstairs into the complex gym... but that would have meant mingling with the great unwashed masses... and the things I've seen up there in recent times from my vantage point on the treadmill convinced me to stay put in my shed.

  • Moderators, Arts Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 9,521 Mod ✭✭✭✭BossArky

    BossArky wrote: »
    Added in some experimental exercises at the end for variety. Things are getting a bit stale mentally and I'm looking to incorporate new stuff to keep it fresh.

    Dips: I don't have parallel bars for Dipping... but realized that if I put the two powerbars parallel to each other across the power-rack safetys... well, then I do! Just did 3x3 to get a feel for the rig, which was fine. Didn't want to destroy myself ahead of final heavy bench of this wave tomorrow.

    Ghetto Ham Curls: Saw these on Matt Vincents youtube channel recently. Hook a band to a bar in the rack. Sit back a few metres & wrap back around ankles. Secure optionally with wraps. Ham Curl away. Alternatively I could just have went upstairs into the complex gym... but that would have meant mingling with the great unwashed masses... and the things I've seen up there in recent times from my vantage point on the treadmill convinced me to stay put in my shed.


    Ham Curls:

  • Moderators, Arts Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 9,521 Mod ✭✭✭✭BossArky

    Saturday February 13th: Bench

    Bench (all paused)
    20kg - 1x5
    60kg - 1x5
    80kg - 1x3
    95kg - 6x3 ... alright

    Barbell Row
    50kg - 6x8
    Sumo Deadlift (off 10kg bumper plates, double overhand)
    50kg - 1x5
    100kg - 3x3

    Barbell Curl
    30kg - 3x8
    Run (Treadmill) - Couch to 5k week 9 day 3
    - incline 2
    - Run 30 mins (broke 5km distance after 27:12)

    Benching 95kg 6x3 was ok. Had a day off since last overhead pressing which helped a bit with recovery. On the 2nd or 3rd set I managed to rack the bar precariously on the hook instead of in it. Noticed just in time and adjusted. Safetys were set correctly anyway, but it goes to show that you cannot get complacent. 95kg falling on me would have made a bad day.

    Interestingly another podcast on the topic of Death ("rethinking Death" from the TED podcast to be precise) came on in the midst of my Bench worksets. On the final set, just as I unracking the bar, there was a paramedic talking about his experiences dealing with fatally injured people at motor crash sites. I thought about changing the podcast but didn't want to mentally give into the weight let it know that its buddy Death and got into my head.

    Sumo Deadlift off 10kg bumpers for the sake or variety and to see how that feels as a prep for going heavier in future. Rolls around a bit but workable. Really need to get back into Deadlifting more. It's always an afterthought if I have time at the moment.

    Run saw me complete the Couch to 5km programme. Started off at 10.1kmph and increased by 0.2kmph each minute until was up to 11.5kmph. Then I started increasing by 0.1kmph every 2 mins. Got to 3km distance in 16:00 mins then decided to ramp down to 10.1kmph again as was feeling a bit gassed. After this breather for a minute I started increasing again by approx 0.1kmph each minute. Towards the end I made the increases every 30 seconds. Once I hit 5km distance at 27:12 I went back down to 8kmph fro the final few mins.

    Successful feeling to have completed the entire Couch to 5km. Will have a think about what I'll do next running wise. Enjoyed it and feel "fitter" than just lifting weights. May concentrate on increasing my 3km times and HIIT sprints before returning to the challenge of running 5km in <25 mins in the next couple of months. Also may move from treadmill to outdoors as getting a bit tired of having to wait for a treadmill or generally put up with other people doing silly things in apt complex gym.

  • Moderators, Arts Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 9,521 Mod ✭✭✭✭BossArky

    Monday February 15th: Squat

    Squat (low bar)
    20kg - 1x5
    60kg - 1x5
    90kg - 1x3
    **add belt & wrist wraps**
    110kg - 2x8 ... working sets
    75kg - 2x12 ... drop sets & changed to high bar with super close (feet touching) stance to hit quads
    Military Press
    52kg - 3x7

    Front Squat
    52kg - 3x8
    Heel elevated 45 degrees Squats
    bodyweight - 3x8

    50kg - 3x8

    Great leg training today. Hit them with all sorts.

    Main event was the 110kg 2x8 Squats. Start of a new cycle. Followed those with:
    - close stance high bar high rep drop sets for 75kg 2x12 (5kg up on the weight I used for the past couple of months)
    - front squats
    - quad busting heel elevated Squats. This one feels great on the quads and incredible pump/burn for growth. Saw it on a youtube of a local fitness personality with huge quads. She also holds a tested Squat record for her age/weight class.
    - RDLs

    The military press was in the middle of the above. Starting to feel heavier but 2nd and 3rd sets were ok after getting into the swing of things with the 1st one. 52kg 3x7.

    Got that feeling in my legs, as I type, of new muscle being used/about to cramp. Nice.

  • Moderators, Arts Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 9,521 Mod ✭✭✭✭BossArky

    Tuesday February 16th: Bench

    Bench (all paused)
    20kg - 1x5
    60kg - 1x5
    75kg - 6x6 ... easy

    Barbell Row
    70kg - 3x5

    Deadlift (conventional)
    70kg - 3x5
    Barbell Curl
    20kg - 3x12
    Run (Treadmill)
    - incline 1
    - walk 5 mins, run 5 mins (starting at 10kmph and increasing by 0.5kmph every minute)

    Lightest bench of the next 6 week cycle. Day 1 of 12. Will peak with 100kg 6x3.

    Increased weight on Barbell Rows. Could overall row sets in half and used sets 4-6 for Conventional Deadlifting instead.

    Took Deadlift grip out to half way between knurl and rings. Helps avoid knees bashing arms and seems a more comfy position. Being extra vigilant on setup given past history of Conventional Deadlifts and my back not getting on.

    Some curls & a short deload run to finish off. Shins a bit battered for the couch to 5km programme and want to give them time to recover a bit whilst still keeping the running up.

  • Moderators, Arts Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 9,521 Mod ✭✭✭✭BossArky

    Thursday February 18th: Squat

    Split Squat
    bodyweight - 3x5 per leg
    Squat (low bar)
    20kg - 1x5
    60kg - 1x5
    85kg - 1x3
    **add belt & wrist wraps**
    105kg - 1x2
    120kg - 2x6 ... working sets
    80kg - 2x12 ... drop sets with super close (feet touching) stance to hit quads. First set high bar, second low bar.
    Military Press
    53kg - 3x7 ... alright

    Front Squat
    53kg - 3x8 ... good
    Heel elevated 45 degrees Squats
    bodyweight +5kg plate per arm - 3x8 ... nice burn in quads

    Band Ham Curl
    3x12 per leg ... fine

    The above took about 2 hours. Was knackered after being up late last night.

    Gave the legs a good hammering.

    Military Press getting heavier but still feeling manageable.

    Overall = good.

  • Moderators, Arts Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 9,521 Mod ✭✭✭✭BossArky

    Friday February 19th: Bench

    Bench (all paused)
    20kg - 1x5
    60kg - 1x5
    80kg - 6x5 ... done in 30 mins with rows/deadlifts below

    Barbell Row
    70kg - 3x5 ... slightly sloppy

    Deadlift (sumo)
    70kg - 1x5
    110kg - 3x3
    Barbell Curl
    30kg - 3x8
    Run (Treadmill)
    - incline 1
    - walk 5 mins, run 6 mins (starting at 10kmph and increasing by 0.6kmph every minute)

    30 mins flat to do bench/rows/deadlifts. All pretty light except rows which were sloppy at that weight.

    Run was short again but up to 13kmph at the end. Working up to faster speeds over shorter distances.

  • Moderators, Arts Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 9,521 Mod ✭✭✭✭BossArky

    Sunday February 21st:

    Cycle 19.2km with two kids in the bike trailer. My back tire was slightly flat and the combined weight is getting strenuous to pull around. Thinking about selling off the double trailer and getting a single one as the older kiddy is now getting too big for it.

    Swim a few lengths and general splashing about

  • Moderators, Arts Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 9,521 Mod ✭✭✭✭BossArky

    Monday February 22nd: Squat

    Split Squat
    bodyweight - 3x5 per leg (1st set from ground, 2nd and 3rd with bumper elevating front leg)
    Squat (low bar)
    20kg - 1x5
    60kg - 1x5
    90kg - 1x3
    **add belt & wrist wraps**
    110kg - 1x3
    125kg - 2x5 ... working sets
    85kg - 2x12 ... drop sets & high bar with normal stance
    Military Press
    54kg - 3x7 ... right on the edge of my 3x7 pressing abilities

    Front Squat
    54kg - 3x8 ... fine
    Heel elevated 45 degrees Squats
    bodyweight +10 per arm kg - 3x8

    60kg - 3x8
    Squats with dip belt standing on a few bumpers per side
    bodyweight +10kg - 3x10

    Squat working sets felt heavy enough. Need to roll my adductors and stretch out my external rotation prior to Squatting. This is something I have overlooked for the past few months. Need to keep knees out more and take a slightly wider stance for more power. Currently feel like I'm coming forward a bit much and taking all the weight on my toes.

    Squat drop sets felt good. Went back to a normal stance with these (vs. super close stance I'd used for the past couple of weeks) but kept the high bar grip (where my thumb actually goes around the bar) and the setup felt perfect. Much different than my low bar technique where the bar is half way down my back.

    Much other leg trashing went on:
    - split Squat
    - front Squats
    - heel elevated Squast
    - RDLs
    ... and bust out my SpudInc dip belt for some dip belt Squats.

    This SpudInc dip belt hasn't seen the light of day since perhaps 7 or 8 years ago in London. It will be used a lot more going forwards for dips/pull ups/dip Squats with the home gym setup.

    Warmed up with split Squats as I've been doing the past few sessions. Just bodyweight, but starting to put a bumper plate under the leading leg to get a nice deep dynamic stretch at the bottom.

    Military Press 54kg 3x7 was tough. Very close to failure on the last rep. Actually hit myself in the chin on the way up on one of the last reps as my form was all over the place and it was all hands to the pump (get it?) to keep the bar inching upwards at snail pace. Will go to 3x6s for the next couple of sessions. The aim with all this Military Pressing is to get to 60kg 3x5 in the coming weeks... so perhaps 3 sessions of 3x6 and 3 sessions of 3x5 would get me there at the current rate of adding 1kg to the bar each session.

    Took 2 hours to do all of the above, including the warm up and throwing some cardboard box trash out of the gym area. Have been listening to the "stuff you missed in History class" podcast a lot recently. Great stuff to train to. Keeps you distracted and unemotionally involved in the heavier sets.

  • Moderators, Arts Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 9,521 Mod ✭✭✭✭BossArky

    Tuesday February 23rd: Bench

    Bench (all paused)
    20kg - 1x5
    60kg - 1x5
    85kg - 6x4 ... fine

    Barbell Row
    60kg - 3x8

    Deadlift (conventional)
    80kg - 3x5
    Barbell Curl
    35kg - 3x8
    Run (Treadmill)
    - incline 1
    - walk 5 mins, run 6 mins (starting at 10kmph and increasing by 0.7kmph every minute until up to 13.5kmph at the end. Felt ok)

    It was 39 degrees when I got into the gym. Bar was roasting and hot air blasting me in the face coming in from outside.. Got through everything fine and quickly.

    Picked up a couple of extra 20kg and 10kg plates which were being sold off at a discount as the new line is coming into the vendor where I originally bought them. Cannot really tell the difference between them and the brand new ones except for some minor chalk/scratches on the rubber coating. Got them at a 1/3 discount. Makes loading the bar easier when supersetting as I mentioned in the past couple of weeks ^^. Also got a Deadlift jack to make unloading/loading the bar slightly easier.

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  • Moderators, Arts Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 9,521 Mod ✭✭✭✭BossArky

    Thursday February 25th: Squat

    Split Squat
    bodyweight - 3x5 per leg whilst doing band shoulder dislocates
    Squat (low bar)
    20kg - 1x5
    60kg - 1x5
    80kg - 1x3
    **add belt & wrist wraps**
    100kg - 1x2
    115kg - 2x8 ... working sets
    90kg - 2x12 ... drop sets & high bar
    Military Press
    55kg - 3x6 ... tough first couple of sets Third fine

    Front Squat
    55kg - 3x8
    Heel elevated 45 degrees Squats
    bodyweight +10kg plate per arm - 3x8

    65kg - 3x8
    DB Row (supersized homemade DB)
    24kg per side - 1x5

    Took about 2 hrs 15 mins to do that^^.

    Squats worksets were ok. Did some adductor rolling and band distraction stuff on hips to open them out prior to Squatting. Cannot say it made much difference to be honest. Did roll my calves beforehand too... which was very painful and something I don't usually do.

    Squat dropsets were again high bar with normal stance. Liking these. 90kg 2x12 with each set done in 1 go (rep after rep after rep) - no standing around breathing or taking a rest half way through the set.

    The toughest part was the Military Press after high rep Squats. Felt a bit light headed on the first couple of MP sets. Usually do the MPs paused on chest each rep, but went to touch and go on 2nd set as was getting heavy. This had the weird outcome that I managed to touch the roof with the right side bumper - something I've never done before. Perhaps due to shrugging shoulders up when going TNG caused it to be a bit higher than usual. Went back to paused on chest after nice long break and 3rd set was ok.

    Front Squats were ok, but had to take a nice long rest between the sets as I was seeing stars from the prior exertions.

    Did SDLs instead of banded hamstring curls. Just got mixed up after so long in there. Superset those with the heel elevated Squats holding plates.

    Also rigged up a supersized dumbell using my old non olympic dumbbell handles, some old non olympic sized 1kg plates as washers and a 10kg new oly sized dumbbell plate per side.. to give me a 24kg dumbbell. Will create a second one tomorrow and try doing some DB presses after benching for the laugh. ROM will probably be pretty restricted due to the size of the plates. Actually used them for some rows at the end of the workout today and they felt ok (if slightly limited ROM).

  • Moderators, Arts Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 9,521 Mod ✭✭✭✭BossArky

    Friday February 26th: Bench

    Bench (all paused)
    20kg - 1x5
    60kg - 1x5
    80kg - 1x3
    90kg - 6x3 ... done in 33 mins with rows/deadlifts below

    Barbell Row
    60kg - 4x8 ... fine... should have been 3 sets but got carried away listening to podcast

    Deadlift (sumo)
    70kg - 1x5
    120kg - 3x3 ... fine
    Barbell Curl
    20kg - 3x12

    DB Row (supersized homemade DB)
    24kg per arm - 1x10
    Run (Treadmill)
    - incline 1
    - walk 5 mins, run 6 mins (starting at 10kmph and increasing by 0.8kmph every minute until up to 14kmph at the end)

    Someone tried to hack their way into the gym cage overnight. A portion of the cage fencing about 3/4 metre high at the bottom middle bordering on neighbours empty open cage was cut. They must have realized they'd get an ass kicking when they saw what was in there and pissed off without taking anything. Hoping they try again one night when I'm in the there amped up training alone in the dark.

    Training itself today was fine. Bench handy enough at 90kg 6x3 superset with all the usual rows and sumo Deads.

    Run was good too. Up to 14kmph at the end. Enjoying these shorter more intense runs versus the longer 5km stuff from a couple of weeks ago.

    Tried out my supersized homemade dumbbells for a set. They were fine but I forgot to take the safetys off the bench which impacted the ROM. Put them down to adjust safetys and realized I'd screwed on the crappy small dumbbell plates (as washers) too tightly so panic'd thinking I'd consigned my new bumpers to a life of being stuck on a cheap dumbbell handle. Got them off eventually after rolling them around on the floor. Didn't bother with more supersized DB pressing sets.

    Enjoying Benching fatigued the day after heavy Military Press. At some stage in the not too distant future I'll drop the Military Press weight and Bench should feel easy when shoulders/triceps not wrecked.

    Found another good podcast on strength: Joe Defranco's Industrial Strength. Only listened to one episode so far (#52 of 52). Coincidentally his gym was broken into right now also.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 21,981 ✭✭✭✭Hanley

    THey probably saw your Eleiko **** and were just looking for Ivanko...

  • Moderators, Arts Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 9,521 Mod ✭✭✭✭BossArky

    Yeah, that or else they saw the stack of nappies in the corner and decided there was nothing of value available.

  • Moderators, Arts Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 9,521 Mod ✭✭✭✭BossArky

    Monday February 29th: Squat

    Squat (low bar)
    20kg - 1x5
    40kg - 1x5
    60kg - 1x5
    80kg - 1x3
    100kg - 1x2
    **add belt & wrist wraps**
    115kg - 1x1
    125kg - 1x1 ... supposed to be 2x6 working sets
    95kg - 1x2 ... supposed to be 2x12 drop sets
    90kg - 1x3
    85kg - 1x4
    80kg - 1x5
    75kg - 1x6
    70kg - 1x7
    65kg - 1x8
    60kg - 1x9
    Glute Bridge / Hip Thruster (whatever name I don't know)
    20kg - 3x10
    Ham Curl Machine
    setting 3 - 3x12
    Leg Ext Machine
    setting 3 - 3x10

    Decided to skip my usual 15 minute warm up or foam roller/bands/dynamic stretches etc and just get straight into Squatting. Added in a few more light sets and hoped that Squatting would loosen me out. Not sure if that was the reason but had a bit of a shocker. Unracked 125kg for what should have been 2x6 and racked it after a slow grinder of a 1st rep. Couldn't be arsed grinding out then rest. Same story with the drop sets.

    Since the plan was going to hell in a handcart I decided to really mix things up and pyramid down which was good fun - just resting long enough to reload bar for each downward set.

    Probably a bit too fatigured coming into today. Everything adding up. Didn't bother trying to Military Press either. Did a few Glute busters which feel odd - never really get the hang of these.

    Then went off and did some machines for total muscle confusion.


  • Moderators, Arts Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 9,521 Mod ✭✭✭✭BossArky

    Tuesday March 1st: Bench

    Bench (all paused)
    20kg - 1x5
    40kg - 1x5
    60kg - 1x5
    80kg - 6x6 ... fine

    Barbell Row
    60kg - 3x8

    Deadlift (conventional)
    60kg - 1x5
    90kg - 3x5
    Reverse Barbell Curl
    20kg - 3x10
    Run (Treadmill)
    - incline 1
    - walk 5 mins, run 6 mins (starting at 10kmph and increasing by 0.9kmph every minute until up to 14.5kmph at the end)

    Enjoyed blasting quickly through the above.

    Wore belt on the final set of conventional Deadlift for the sake of getting used to the feeling of belt. Not a fan - more uncomfy and feels awkward versus when used on a sumo.

    Bench was easy. Kept clipping the bench support on left. Need to setup a bit further down the bench.

    Reverse Curls with just the bar hit my forearms more intensely than expected.

    Thinking I may go back to a slightly more cut down 4 day a week programme. 1 day heavy Squat, 1 day heavy Deadlift (with the alternating days being light on each). Will keep the two bench days. Stick with Convo Deadlifts for building some new muscle and high bar Squats because they feel more natural than low bar.

    Perhaps something like this:

    - Heavy Squat (high bar)
    - Light Deadlift (sumo)
    - Hamstrings (SLDL or band curls)
    - Military Press
    - Calves

    - Bench
    - Rows
    - Curls
    - Run

    - Heavy Deadlift (conventional)
    - Light Squat (high bar)
    - Hamstrings (SLDL or band curls)
    - Military Press

    - Bench
    - Rows
    - Reverse Curls
    - Run

    Looks a bit too busy when written out above, but the intent is to have a 11 week plan starting with a week of 10s, 8s, four 6s, four 5s, then doubles.... where the main exercise takes the bulk of the time and then rattle through the assistance quickly.

    May change my mind later when I think about it more. Want to get training time down to 1 hr max each session for a change. Seem to be getting drawn into 2 hour ish sessions the past couple of weeks which is impacting my energy/motivation for non gym activities.

  • Moderators, Arts Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 9,521 Mod ✭✭✭✭BossArky

    Thursday March 3rd: Squat

    Squat (high bar)
    20kg - 1x5
    30kg - 1x5
    40kg - 1x5
    50kg - 1x5
    60kg - 3x10 ... nice & easy

    Military Press
    30kg - 3x12 ... easy
    60kg - 3x10 or 12 ... cannot remember exact reps. Forearms burning though by the end after double overhand grip
    Calf Raise (weight tree base used to elevate toes for greater ROM)
    bodyweight - 3x12

    Driving back from school / daycare drop-off I decided to YOLO and hopped straight from the parked car into the cage to get training done in record time. Stuck with the warm up being just more light Squats to save time again.

    Everything felt great - as it should when it is nice and light.

    Did the calf raises using the weight tree base as a step to elevate toes. Held stretch at the end of each set in greatest ROM had my calves on fire. So inflexible. Oh the burn! Won't be able to walk tomorrow. Used my yellow mini band to hook myself to the weight tree so that I could lean back slightly without falling over. Home training is great for ingenuity.

    Didn't have my shaker bottle with me as it was an unplanned entrance into gym. Instead drank it, for the sake of protein, after gym which probably wasn't the greatest idea. Had to go meet some people shortly afterwards in the office and the beta-alanine kicked in just as I was arriving causing me to paw my face incessantly like a leper. I usually have a few pre-prepared bottles of protein/creatine/beta-alanine sitting in the cupboard to save time on gym days.

  • Moderators, Arts Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 9,521 Mod ✭✭✭✭BossArky

    Friday March 4th: Bench

    Bench (all paused)
    20kg - 1x5
    40kg - 1x5
    60kg - 1x5
    85kg - 6x5 ... alrighty

    Barbell Row
    60kg - 3x8

    Deadlift (sumo)
    60kg - 1x5
    110kg - 1x3
    130kg - 3x3 ... top sets
    100kg - 3x3 ... paused about an inch off the floor for a second or so
    Barbell Curl
    30kg - 3x8
    Run (Treadmill)
    - incline 1
    - walk 5 mins, run 6 mins (starting at 10kmph and increasing by 1.0 kmph every minute until up to 15kmph at the end)

    Everything pretty handy. Got interrupted after 2nd Bench/Rows set. The neighbors had a leak which was impacting my place. Came back 20 mins later and was interrupted with an unrelated phone call. Finally got back to the 3rd set and got on with it.

    Sumo Deads felt good. Followed the three worksets up with three paused sets. First time doing pauses. Felt fine.

    Don't think I've actually Deadlift over 130kg in the home gym yet as I"ve been focusing on Squat/Bench. That is something I'll remedy in the coming weeks.

    Run was good.Up to 15kmph at the end. Nice to be pushing the speed a bit.

    Calves are in bits today as predicted yesterday. Stretched them out a bit between bench sets. May have over stretched them or else the DOMS is just really kicking in now.... god they are sore.

  • Moderators, Arts Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 9,521 Mod ✭✭✭✭BossArky

    Sunday March 6th:

    Swim splashing about

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  • Moderators, Arts Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 9,521 Mod ✭✭✭✭BossArky

    Monday March 7th: Squat

    20kg – 1x5
    30kg – 1x5
    40kg – 1x5
    50kg – 1x5
    60kg – 1x5
    70kg – 3x10

    Barbell Shrugs
    20kg – 1x~10 with bar initially in front of body, then straight away at back
    50kg – 3 or 4x~10 with bar initially in front of body, then straight away at back
    Military Press
    35kg – 3x12

    Ham Curl (band, unilateral)

    Pounding headache made that ^^ slightly ucomfy. Busy with work so kept the Squats light & was handy just to get in some late night training.

    Factored in the shrugs in front/behind body as heard Joe Defranco talking about this particular variation on his podcast.
