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Return of the King



  • Moderators, Arts Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 9,521 Mod ✭✭✭✭BossArky

    Friday April 22nd: Deadlift

    Deadlift (conventional, double overhand)
    70kg – 1x5
    110kg – 1x3
    130kg – 3x6 ... alternating mixed grip per set. Weight felt so easy for 130kg. My grip training is paying off
    Front Squat (flat shoes)
    30kg – 1x5
    50kg – 3x5
    Abz (plank)
    5 minutes of 20 seconds on / 10 seconds off

    Trained with wifey again which was good. Good change from being in the shed training alone. Spurs you on a bit.

    Conventional Deadlifting 130kg 3x6 felt great. I've been training forearms/grip a lot recently with the fat gripz and it seems to be paying off. The weight feels like nothing in my hands and I can concentrate on the back/legs rather than trying to just hang on.

    Did the Front Squats in flats because forgot to put on heels. Kept it light to save myself for 2nd last heavy Squats on Monday.

    Abz were good too.

  • Moderators, Arts Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 9,521 Mod ✭✭✭✭BossArky

    Saturday April 23rd: Bench

    Bench (all paused)
    20kg - 1x5
    60kg - 1x5
    80kg - 1x3
    90kg - 1x1
    98kg - 6x3 ... fine

    Barbell Row (with FAT GRIPZ)
    60kg - 6x5
    Chin Up
    bodyweight +15kg - a rep every 15 seconds for 5 minutes = 20 reps total
    Barbell Curl
    30kg - 2x8, then 3 +3 ... as biceps fried from supersetting and couldn't make 8 on last set

    DB Curl (with FAT GRIPZ)
    10kg DB per arm - 3x12
    Tricep Extension
    10kg DB per arm - 3x8
    Pec Stretch
    2kg - thrice for about 20-30 secs

    Rev Fly
    2kg - 3x12

    I'm feeling awesome right now. The past 6 of so weeks has seen me put back on some serious muscle and I'm feeling strong on everything.

    My father was in the gym again watching today as I trained. He commented that I'm looking much leaner than previously. I am - probably about 5kg lighter than 6 months ago and Bench strength is up there still. I've put on a bit of weight in the past couple of weeks - haven't weighed myself to find out but can see and feel it. Arms are looking more jacked than ever from all the fat gripz work and curling.

    Bench 98kg 6x3 was fine. Superset with 60kg fat grip rows. If you check back through my log about a month or so you will see that I failed to lift 60kg off the ground when I first used fat gripz. Now I'm up to 6x5. Still feels hard but can at least hang onto the bar a bit now. This is transferring to my Deadlift (see last nights entry). Upper back riddled with DOMS from those Deads as I type this the next day.

    Weighted chins with 15kg hanging off me were heavy enough. Got 20 (or 21) reps with the 5 mins of a rep every 15 mins. May have done an additional rep at the very end when I was supposed to stop. Followed these up with 6 sets of curls (3 barbell, 3 DB) and the biceps were hanging off me by the end.

    On to Tri Extension which felt interesting for the sake of variety.

    Finished off with a new staple - pec stretching with rev fly supersets. This makes me feel great after all the Bench work.

    I'll try and weight myself and take some photos tomorrow for the sake of comparison. I haven't tracked this stuff for a few weeks as been quite busy.

  • Moderators, Arts Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 9,521 Mod ✭✭✭✭BossArky

    Monday April 25th:

    20kg – 1x5
    60kg – 1x5
    80kg – 1x3
    100kg – 1x1
    115kg – 1x1
    127kg – 3x6

    Calf Raise
    Bodyweight – 6x12
    Abz (plank)
    3 x [3 times: 20 secs on / 10 secs off]

    Trained in the evening around 7:30pm with wifey which was good (yes – sounding like broken record the past few posts. Parents still in town for the rest of the week so using that to our advantage to train together). Ate a heap of food over the weekend doing touristy stuff with the visiting relatives. Had a 0.5kg steak on Sunday, much birthday cake, then some massive fish and chips a couple of hours before Squatting. The salt in the chips and me super bloated and pumped to the max. Excellent.

    Squat was programmed for 125kg at an undecided 3x5 or 3x6… Decided to round up to 127kg and go for 3x6, as have being pfaffing around Squat wise and hit 130kg a few times in past cycles in home gym. Going for 127kg 3x6 in this workout above ^^ allows me to jump to 132/133 for 3x6 in the last one of the cycle next week. Apparently the bar was slightly lower on the right side as I was Squatting.

    Included the usual calf raise supersets and then finished with with some Abz.

  • Moderators, Arts Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 9,521 Mod ✭✭✭✭BossArky

    Wednesday April 27th

    Bench (all paused)
    20kg – 1x5
    60kg – 1x5
    80kg – 1x1
    88kg – 6x6

    One Arm DB Row
    10kg per arm – 6x8
    Shoulder Shocker
    3 rounds with 2kg DB handle & 10kg plate … lighter as into last 2 weeks of Bench peak

    Bench was fine. Got the worksets at 88kg 6x6 done in slightly over 30 mins along with the superset rows. That Benching is just 2kg under my all time best 6x6, so cannot complain given I’m a lot lighter now.

  • Moderators, Arts Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 9,521 Mod ✭✭✭✭BossArky

    Friday April 29th: Deadlift

    Deadlift (conventional)
    70kg – 1x5
    110kg – 1x3
    130kg – 1x1
    140kg – 3x6 ... PR for 3x6 conventional. Alternating mixed grip each set
    Front Squat (flat shoes)
    30kg – 1x5
    40kg – 3x5 ... light stuff
    Abz (plank)
    3 x [3 times: 20 secs on / 10 secs off]

    Deadlifts were perfect. 140kg 3x6 felt alright. Had a feeling it was up in PR levels. Checked afterwards and saw that in 2011 I did 132.5kg and 135kg off a small block for 3x6... and 132.5kg off a big block for 3x6.... but never 140kg 3x6 off the ground. Nice to get a legitimate Deadlift PR after 5 years! Grip & ab training, plus being leaner, seems to be paying off.

    Kept the Front Squats really light, as have final Squat session coming up on Monday and want no impact on recovery.

    Abz were 20 second counts (one-onethousand, two-onethousand, etc).

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  • Moderators, Arts Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 9,521 Mod ✭✭✭✭BossArky

    Saturday April 30th: Bench

    Bench (all paused)
    20kg - 1x5
    60kg - 1x5
    80kg - 1x3
    93kg - 6x5 ... got through these in 30 mins flat combined with superset rows below.

    One Arm DB Row (with FAT GRIPZ)
    10kg per arm - 6x8 ... light stuff
    Barbell Curl
    20kg - 3x8 ... last set was reverse curl as some muscle slight sore in first couple of sets... probably from heavy Deads yesterday
    Pec Stretch
    1kg - thrice for about 20-30 secs

    Rev Fly
    1kg - 3x12

    Got through the Bench worksets in 30 mins flat which was good pace given these sets are 2kg under my best ever 6x5.

    Kept the assistance minimal to save energy for recovery ahead of last week peak coming up.

  • Moderators, Arts Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 9,521 Mod ✭✭✭✭BossArky

    Monday May 2nd:

    20kg – 1x5
    60kg – 1x5
    80kg – 1x3
    100kg – 1x1
    120kg – 1x1
    133kg – 3x6 ... PR for 3x6

    Calf Raise
    Bodyweight – 3x12
    Abz (plank)
    3 times: 20 count on / 10 count off

    Was 79.9kg this morning after breakfast on scales in bday suit.

    Couldn't sleep last night thinking about how heavy Squats were gonna be. Was originally gonna go for 132kg 3x6 for a 5kg increase on last week.... but I've repped that range many times (or 132.5kg to be percise) in various cycles... so instead opted for a 6kg on last week and went for 133kg 3x6.

    Warm ups felt good, even though it was cold outside. Felt very much in the zone. Was calm and collected. No amp up, no music. Just listening to podcasts.

    First set: felt heavy but not impossible. Got to 5th rep and was almost gonna rack it but had one of those catchy slogans flash through my mind ("pain is temporary - failure lasts forver"... or similar) and went for the 6th rep. Got it and was pretty chuffed inwardly.

    Knew the 2nd and 3rd sets would be easier than the 1st, so it was just a case of pacing myself in the rest periods, letting heart rate come down... and keep on keeping on.

    Nice to hit a legitimate Squat PR in the same cycle as the Deadlift PR a few days back! I have previously Squat 135kg 7x5 on the way to 140kg 6 or 7x3.... so that 133kg 3x6 tonight is definitely the heaviest I've gone on 3x6s.

    Calf Raise were light supersetting as heart rate was coming down in between Squats.

    Did just a few sets of Abs to finish off.

  • Moderators, Arts Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 9,521 Mod ✭✭✭✭BossArky

    Wednesday May 4th

    Bench (all paused)
    20kg – 1x5
    60kg – 1x5
    80kg – 1x1
    90kg – 1x1
    98kg – 6x4

    One Arm DB Row
    10kg per arm – 6x8
    Barbell Curl
    20kg - 3x10 ... light stuff
    Pec Stretch
    2kg per arm - thrice for about 20-30 secs

    Rev Fly
    2kg per arm - 3x12

    Got through the Bench 98kg 6x4 ok, but was pretty knackered from Squats on Monday. Need to eat/sleep/recover ahead of final 103kg 6x3 on Friday.

    Weighed myself on Tuesday morning (day after Squats in previous post above^^) and was 79.4kg first thing in the morning.

  • Moderators, Arts Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 9,521 Mod ✭✭✭✭BossArky

    Saturday May 8th: Dexa scan #4

    Pretty happy, if surprised, with the results. In the past 8 weeks I managed to lose 2.051kg of bodyfat whilst putting on 0.499kg of muscle. New bodyfat = 22.1%

    Dexa Scan #4 (compared to Dexa Scan #3 8 weights ago)
    - Bodyweight 79.1kg (down 0.8kg on last scan, includes 300g of water ... actual scanned bodyweight = 78.8kg)
    - Skeleton: 3.161kg (down ~24g in total: down 43g in trunk, up 24g in legs ... whilst down 4g in arms)
    - Bodyfat: 17.407kg @ 22.1% (down 2.051kg from 19.458kg @ 24.2%)
    - Lean Mass (muscle & organs): 58.275kg (up 0.499kg from 57.776kg)

    Trunk muscle: 24.800kg to 25.638kg for 0.838kg muscle gain
    Trunk fat: 9.556kg to 8.001kg for 1.555kg fat loss

    Leg muscle: 20.406kg to 20.500kg for 0.094kg muscle gain
    Leg fat: 7.869kg to 7.559kg for 0.310kg fat loss

    Arm muscle: 7.853kg to 7.654kg for 0.199kg muscle loss
    Arm fat: 1.299kg to 1.204kg for 0.095kg fat loss

    From my calculations the total numbers for fat & muscle gain & loss seem to be out by 91g fat & 234g muscle when I do the sums on the sub components totaled.

    What does all this mean?

    - I put on muscle on both my trunk (abz, back, chest, shoulders) and legs.

    - I lost bodyfat everywhere - in particular on my trunk

    - Dropping cardio and concentrating purely on weights for the past 8 weeks has given much better results.

    - I'm under-eating alot compared to what I thought I was eating. My plan this 8 week cycle was to put on muscle with no real focus on fat loss. Instead I still managed to loose 2kg of fat whilst putting on ~0.5kg muscle. Imagine if I had more calories in me I'd probably have built more muscle.

    - Surprised that I lost lean muscle on my arms considering I was Deadlifting heavy & using fat grips (i.e. forearms muscle) and also doing lots of DB curls and a bit of armblaster. I guess nothing beats heavy straight bar BB curls for mass gainz. Back to that next cycle.

  • Moderators, Arts Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 9,521 Mod ✭✭✭✭BossArky

    Sunday May 8th: Bench

    Bench (all paused)
    20kg - 1x5
    60kg - 1x5
    80kg - 1x3
    93kg - 1x1
    103kg - 6x3 ... got through them. Didn't die.

    One Arm DB Row (with fat gripz)
    14kg per arm - 6x6

    Finished the bench cycle successfully: 103kg - 6x3 is 2kg under my all-time best of 105kg 6x3.

    Bar moved slow enough and probably came closest to failure on the last rep in 5th set. 6th set was better.

    Happy enough consider the recent successful fat loss, body recomp & overall bodyweight.

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  • Moderators, Arts Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 9,521 Mod ✭✭✭✭BossArky

    Monday May 9th: Squat

    20kg – 1x5
    60kg – 1x5
    81kg – 1x3
    101kg – 1x1
    101kg + 16kg chains – 6x6

    Calf Raise
    Bodyweight per leg – 6x10 each side
    Bodyweight both legs together – 6x12
    Abz (plank, with 10kg plate on back)
    15 secs on / 15 secs off for 5 mins

    Dawn of a new cycle. More motivated than ever following the Dexa results two posts above ^^

    Made myself eat a large plate of pasta & tuna after the above to put the Squats to good use.

    Squats felt a bit achey on first set but got into them.

    Added in single leg calf raises for a change before doing feet together

    Abs with plate on back during plank were a lot harder.


  • Moderators, Arts Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 9,521 Mod ✭✭✭✭BossArky

    Wednesday May 11th

    Bench (all paused)
    20kg – 1x5
    60kg – 1x5
    76kg – 6x6

    Barbell Row (fat gripz)
    20kg – 1x5
    50kg – 6x8
    Barbell Curl (fat gripz)
    30kg - 3x8

    First bench day of new cycle. Feeling pretty wrecked but got it done. Had a short sleep beforehand and went into the shed/gym with imprint of pillow on my face.

  • Moderators, Arts Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 9,521 Mod ✭✭✭✭BossArky

    Friday May 13th: Deadlift

    Deadlift (conventional)
    70kg – 1x5
    105kg – 30 EMOM
    Front Squat (flat shoes)
    40kg – 3x5 ... light stuff
    Abz (plank with 5kg plate on back)
    5 mins of 15 secs on / 15 secs off

    Good. First Deadlifts of the new cycle.

    Experimented with bodybuilder style crossed arms on the Front Squat & it felt uneven & wobbly. Went back to front squat oly grip on 3rd set which helped stretch out my tight forearms from Wednesdays fat day rows.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,607 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    BossArky wrote: »
    Experimented with bodybuilder style crossed arms on the Front Squat & it felt uneven & wobbly. Went back to front squat oly grip on 3rd set which helped stretch out my tight forearms from Wednesdays fat day rows.

    When I started front squatting I always did the cross-arm style and couldn't get the hand of the front rack (probably because mobility).

    But about a year ago I went back to crossed arms and found it (a) uneven and wobbly and (b) I actually found my elbows more likely to drop.

  • Moderators, Arts Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 9,521 Mod ✭✭✭✭BossArky

    Saturday May 14th: Bench

    Bench (all paused)
    20kg - 1x5
    60kg - 1x5
    81kg - 6x5 ... fine

    Barbell Row
    60kg 3x5 ... with fat gripz
    80kg 3x5 ... no fat gripz ... maybe a PR
    Chins Ups
    20 reps - a rep every 15 seconds for 5 mins
    Barbell Curl
    40kg - 3x5
    Pec Stretch
    2.5kg per arm - once for a min or so

    Rev Fly
    2.5kg per arm - 3x8


    Rowing 80kg 3x5 may have been a PR. Felt easy after taking the fat gripz off following the first three lighter sets.

  • Moderators, Arts Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 9,521 Mod ✭✭✭✭BossArky

    Monday May 16th: Squat

    20kg – 1x5
    60kg – 1x5
    90kg – 1x3
    107kg - 1x2
    107kg + 16kg chains – 6x6

    Calf Raise
    Bodyweight both legs together – 6x12
    Bodyweight per leg – 6x10 each side
    Abz (plank, with 15kg plate on back)
    15 secs on / 15 secs off for 5 mins

    Squats took 70 mins. Getting the work done.

    Abz: went heavier with 15kg pate on the back for plank. Wasn't too bad. Will try 20kg next Monday.

  • Moderators, Arts Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 9,521 Mod ✭✭✭✭BossArky

    Wednesday May 18th

    Bench (all paused)
    20kg – 1x5
    60kg – 1x5
    80kg – 1x3
    86kg – 6x4 ... done in 31 mins

    Barbell Row
    20kg – 1x5
    60kg – 3x5 ... fat gripz
    80kg – 3x5 ... no fat gripz
    Barbell Curl
    40kg - 3x5

    DB Tricep Ext
    6kg per arm - 3x10

    Feeling a bit achey in the elbows/shoulders from all the heavy Squatting/Benching in past weeks. Probably should have deloaded properly after last cycle instead ploughing onwards. May take a deload next week as wifey is in India and I'm home alone with the kiddies.

  • Moderators, Arts Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 9,521 Mod ✭✭✭✭BossArky

    Saturday May 21st: Deadlift

    Deadlift (conventional)
    70kg – 1x5
    115kg – 30 EMOM
    Front Squat (flat shoes)
    30kg - 1x5
    50kg – 3x5
    Abz (plank with 5kg plate on back)
    5 mins of 15 secs on / 15 secs off

    Deadlift 1 day later than usual as was slightly hungover/tired from Thursday night out to train Friday.

    Got it all done pretty quickly as wifey was heading off to the airport and needed to sneak it in before all hell breaks loose on the home front.

  • Moderators, Arts Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 9,521 Mod ✭✭✭✭BossArky

    Sunday May 22nd: Bench

    Bench (all paused)
    20kg – 1x5
    60kg – 1x5
    80kg – 1x3
    91kg – 6x3

    One Arm DB Row
    22kg per arm – 6x8
    Chin Ups
    Bodyweight +10kg – a rep every 15 seconds for 15 mins = 20 reps
    Incline DB Fly
    6kg per arm - 3x10

    IReverse DB Fly
    6kg per arm - 3x10

    Barbell Curl
    35kg - 3x6


  • Moderators, Arts Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 9,521 Mod ✭✭✭✭BossArky

    Tuesday May 24th: Squat

    20kg – 1x5
    60kg – 1x5
    80kg – 1x3
    100kg - 1x2
    115kg - 1x1
    115kg + 16kg chains – 4x6

    Calf Raise
    bodyweight - 4x12
    Abz (plank, with 20kg plate on back)
    15 secs on / 15 secs off for 5 mins

    Went into this expecting to feel physically tired but surprised myself when I was doing final warm up on 115kg. Was mentally ready to do that 1 rep and then deload to ~100kg 3x5 for the week. Instead the 115kg felt handy enough so I kept on accidentally with 115kg (instead of 113kg) on the bar for 4x6.

    Adding 16kg chains made it 131kg at the top and slightly more than 115kg at the bottom. Felt alright. Cut it 2 sets short of the usual 6x6 because I need to avoid totally annihilating myself and should eat/rest up more for muscle growth.

    Feeling these Squats with chains more in the quads, similar to a conventional Deadlift. Most be the quads kicking in to keep the bar moving as the weight gets heavier past the sticking point.

    4 Squat work sets done in 35 mins.

    Calf Raises were just light flexibility/mobility.

    Used a 20kg plate on the plank for first time. Hard enough but did it.

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  • Moderators, Arts Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 9,521 Mod ✭✭✭✭BossArky

    Wednesday May 25th

    Bench (all paused)
    20kg – 1x5
    60kg – 1x5
    81kg – 6x6 ... fine

    Barbell Row
    20kg – 1x5
    60kg – 3x5 ... fat gripz
    85kg – 3x5 ... no fat gripz
    Barbell Curl
    45kg - 3x5
    Barbell Curl
    40kg - 3x5

    DB Tricep Ext
    6kg per arm - 3x10


  • Moderators, Arts Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 9,521 Mod ✭✭✭✭BossArky

    Friday May 27th: Deadlift

    Deadlift (conventional)
    70kg – 1x5
    100kg - 1x3
    125kg – 30 EMOM
    Front Squat (flat shoes)
    30kg - 1x5
    65kg – 3x5
    Abz (plank with 5kg plate on back)
    5 mins of 15 secs on / 15 secs off

    Double overhand grip on Deadlifts until lost hold on 16th rep. Switched to alternating mixed from there until rep 30.

    Front Squats felt good in flat shoes from 2nd set onwards. Got bar closer to neck.

    Lighter abs today.

  • Moderators, Arts Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 9,521 Mod ✭✭✭✭BossArky

    Saturday May 28th: Bench

    Bench (all paused)
    20kg – 1x5
    60kg – 1x5
    80kg – 1x3
    86kg – 6x5 ... handy

    T-Bar Row ... alternating top arm each set
    bar +0 kg = 2x10
    bar +5 kg = 2x10
    bar +10 kg = 2x10
    bar +15 kg = 2x10
    bar +20 kg = 2x10
    bar +25 kg = 2x10
    bar +30 kg = 2x10
    bar +35 kg = 2x10

    Bench was easy once I warmed up. Really freezing out today.

    First time doing T-Bar Rows in forever. Found a nice spot to wedge the tail end of the bar and kept adding 5kg. Feels good to have a new rowing exercise in the arsenal. A buddy is coming over to train on Tuesday morning and mentioned he'd be doing these on his back day, so I thought I'd give them a go.

  • Moderators, Arts Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 9,521 Mod ✭✭✭✭BossArky

    Tuesday May 31st: Bench

    Bench (all paused)
    20kg – 1x5
    60kg – 1x5
    80kg – 1x3
    91kg – 6x4
    **add slingshot & wrist wraps**
    100kg – 1x3
    110kg – 1x3
    115kg – 1x3

    T-Bar Row
    Bar + 30kg – 2x8

    Barbell Row
    70kg – 2x6
    80kg – 2x5

    Trained with an ex work buddy at 5:30am. It was good to catch up and throw some weights around.

    Got through the whole thing in 45 mins flat, of which the 6 bench worksets of 91kg 6x4 were done in 16 mins.

  • Moderators, Arts Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 9,521 Mod ✭✭✭✭BossArky

    Wednesday June 1st: Squat

    20kg – 1x5
    60kg – 1x5
    83kg – 1x3
    *add belt & wrist wraps*
    103kg – 3x5 … felt heavy as predicted hence this deload

    Calf Raise
    Bodyweight – 3x10 holding the stretch at the bottom between sets so it was really 1 big massive set instead of 3 sets with breaks in between
    Abz (plank)
    Forearms to palms for a few times, mixed with some side plank

    Right knee slightly sore the past few days on the inside. Good timing for this deload session. 103kg 3x5 felt slow and heavy. Looking forward to recovering a bit more this next few days and hitting the final 4 weeks of the session hard.

  • Moderators, Arts Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 9,521 Mod ✭✭✭✭BossArky

    Friday June 3rd: Deadlift

    Deadlift (conventional)
    60kg – 1x5
    100kg - 1x3
    120kg - 1x2
    135kg – 16 EMOM ... alrighty

    Didn't bother with abs or Front Squat assistance as really in need of deload/recovery.

  • Moderators, Arts Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 9,521 Mod ✭✭✭✭BossArky

    Saturday June 4th: Bench

    Bench (all paused)
    20kg – 1x5
    60kg – 1x5
    80kg – 1x3
    90kg – 1x1
    96kg – 6x3 ... felt heavy for first few sets and gradually got into it until felt fine on last set

    Barbell Row (with fat gripz)
    40kg - 3x10

    T-Bar Row (with fat gripz)
    bar +30 kg = 3x10
    Incline Bench
    60kg - 3x10

    One Arm T-Bar Row (with fat gripz)
    bar +30 kg (or 10kg? cannot remember) = 3x8

    Tried out some incline assistance by jacking back bench feet up on a couple of 25kg bumpers. Iphone spirit level told me that made it a 6% incline - lol. Took the grip in a bit narrow to as the sets went on to target different muscle. Feeling it in the front delts and triceps as I type this the next day.

  • Moderators, Arts Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 9,521 Mod ✭✭✭✭BossArky

    Wednesday June 6th: Squat

    Squat (flat shoes)
    20kg – 1x6
    40kg – 1x6
    60kg – 1x6
    80kg – 1x6
    90kg – 1x3
    100kg – 1x3
    110kg – 3x6

    20kg – 1x10
    40kg – 8x8

    Hack Squat
    40kg – 3x6
    Abz (plank)
    5 mins of 15 secs on/off

    Back Squat in flats for first time in a long while. Felt alright at lighter weights, but a bit odd when getting towards working sets. Did this to take the strain off right knee which was feeling slightly niggly recently.

    Hack Squats felt awesome on quads. Definetly will include again for quad assistance.

    RDLs for variety.

    Legs nicely sore the next day as I type this the next day.

  • Moderators, Arts Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 9,521 Mod ✭✭✭✭BossArky

    Sunday June 12th: Deadlift

    Deadlift (conventional)
    60kg – 1x5
    100kg - 1x3
    115g - 3x6
    Hack Squat
    50kg - 3x6 ... from floor
    50kg - 1x6 ... standing on slim 10kg plate
    50kg - 2x6 ... standing on fatter 20kg plate
    Abs (Plank)
    5 mins of 17 secs on / 13 secs off

    New lever for my Toro belt arrived in the post. That is the third lever for the belt in 6 years. Took out a steak knife the next day and cut approx 3 inches off the end of it which was digging into me when buckled on Deadlifts. Funny to think I've used that belt for 6 years and only now realized it was probably too long all along.

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  • Moderators, Arts Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 9,521 Mod ✭✭✭✭BossArky

    Saturday June 11th: Bench

    Bench (all paused)
    20kg – 1x5
    80kg – 1x3
    91kg – 6x5 ... accidently did a set of 6 on the 6th set actually which happens to be an all-time PR for a set of 6

    Barbell Row
    40kg - 1x5
    45kg - 1x5
    50kg - 1x5
    55kg - 3x5
    Incline Bench (10 degree incline, grip getting closer each set)
    20kg - 1x10
    64kg - 3x10

    Some nice benching tonight. Hit an accidental PR by miscounting - got 6 instead of 5 reps on 6th set. Was actually looking forward to the upcoming 6x6 day in two weeks where I'd be repping that weight for the 6 rep PR. Looks like I just stole my own glory. Weight moved very well and that last PR set felt like nothing.

    Had some fun setting up the ER rack on an incline again. Got it up to 10 degrees incline today by stacking it on two columns of 2 blues & 1 red bumper.
