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The path is not a personal parking space



  • Registered Users Posts: 5,663 ✭✭✭Charlie-Bravo

    Okey doke,

    I got this from the website...the new rules of the road book. If you think it is worthwhile sticky this page on the car window of the offender, sure print it off and circle the part they haven't a clue about!

    -. . ...- . .-. / --. --- -. -. .- / --. .. ...- . / -.-- --- ..- / ..- .--.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,939 ✭✭✭mikedragon32

    I look forward to seeing one on the white mondeo Astro!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 193 ✭✭Maisy

    LMC wrote:
    Thats the best - I know is wasnt funny at the time, but some people are unreal. I generally park in the upperlevel carpark and its empty while people are queing for a space outside SQ - :confused:

    I thought I was the only one confused about that ! and then there's the underground car park ??!!! - thats always so empty you could park a fleet of Sherman tanks in it !!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,663 ✭✭✭Charlie-Bravo

    I look forward to seeing one on the white mondeo Astro!
    Put his down to recent experience, and I don't mean the white mondeo...I got a note back saying I should stop wasting paper and discuss this with the management company. I only put two notes on cars! Ok I things through the proper channels and don't have arguements with your neighbours! But I don't really want to complain to the management company but if anyone has a problem with this whole issue, don't be wasting your breath on here and send a letter to the 'powers that try to be' the managing agents!

    So has anyone actually sent a letter to their managment company on this yet?

    -. . ...- . .-. / --. --- -. -. .- / --. .. ...- . / -.-- --- ..- / ..- .--.

  • Registered Users Posts: 311 ✭✭Wineman

    Unfortunately people react very defensively when you knock on their door to complain about anything. Rather than fall out with a neighbour ( who you may have to live beside for many years) it may be a better solution to contact the management company and let them deal with it. In my case I sent them a number of emails highlighting the fact that parking in this manner was a public nuisance and a health hazard for which they may be liable...then they sat up and listened.

    They sent me a formal letter explaining that they had written to the offending person twice and put notes on his car but to no avail, so therefore they could not be deemed negligent nor liable if any person were injured due to this type of parking. They were the ones who suggested clamping and it will be top of the agenda in the AGM at the end of April.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,663 ✭✭✭Charlie-Bravo

    So, it all points back to getting a clamping company to sort out the mess. Hitting people where hurts will be the only way to get some people to listen. I know clamping means the car will be there longer than is necessary but that's the mechanism of punishment for offending which will work best.

    Next is the problem of getting a clamping company in to sort this out. Each part of the Charlesland estate has their AGM at different times of the year so tying in one clamper for the whole estate may be difficult to organise. Nevertheless I suppose each management companies would have to have a service contract with the clamping company. And anyway, you are going to have the resistance of people not wanting such a service, especially if those resisting are the offenders ( whom don't have many other options but to park their car in a ridiculous position). Jaysus, this is going to go on for a while......

    -. . ...- . .-. / --. --- -. -. .- / --. .. ...- . / -.-- --- ..- / ..- .--.

  • Registered Users Posts: 265 ✭✭Sparks115

    I think any Residents assoc getting clampers in should be at a last resort. These companies are money mad and believe you me any opportunity they have to clamp they will. So if you lovely old Aunt is visiting and she parks outside you house but slighty on the path she will be clamped. If you have several visitors for dinner and they are parked in anyway on the kerb near the kerb on the path they will be are opening up a whole world of pain for your part of the estate by doing that and I really think before anyone goes forward with the idea you think about the results and effects it will have on your neighbourhood. Sometimes a solution to the problem is worse than the intial problem.

  • Registered Users Posts: 177 ✭✭Lumbarda

    Our main problem is ONE guy who insists on parking his (2nd) car on one side of the road (the side nearest the houses) despite the fact that everyone else parks on the other side. So it's great fun trying to squeeze out between his car and the one on the other side with inches to spare on either side (on a good day!!). Double yellow lines one side of the street and parking fines being handed out for infringements SHOULD solve the problem though!

  • Registered Users Posts: 44 Crescent

    Repeat offender:

    The small grey Nissan (96 D i think) that parks on the spine road path. He/she was there yesterday evening before six o' clock and there were a plethora of spaces. Equally he/she was there late this morning and still with a choice of spaces. They are the ones that are constantly breeching the laws.

    Also what about the management company getting those stickers that are nigh impossible to remove, they seem to work in alot of places?

  • Registered Users Posts: 21,257 ✭✭✭✭Eoin

    Crescent wrote:
    Also what about the management company getting those stickers that are nigh impossible to remove, they seem to work in alot of places?

    That's nothing but vandalism.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 265 ✭✭Sparks115

    I called the management company yesterday about our lovely friend that refuses to park either of his 2 cars in the driveway and freeks when anyone asks him to move. They said he is being completely unreasonable and will send him a letter asking him to use his driveway. If he continues to be unreasonable they will pursue the matter and contact him by phone or in person. At least he will know that we have had enough and wont tollerate his bad manners.;) now I am off to do something more constructive with my work, so I can pay my Management fees!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 44 Crescent

    So we wait until everyone agrees (including those who are the offenders) to allow clamping in. When we have an agreement (after all the AGM'c), we then hand the place over to money making officials who will as someone said, clamp our poor old aunties too near the curb.

    Or we could hope the local Gardai have time to police the place.

    We have a problem, we need to get ramps in and sort parking out.

    Hopefully all that procrastination wont result in the death of a young child.

    I just would have though those stickers administered by the right person would be an interim measure, to safe guard our community.

    Vandalism, I think not!

  • Registered Users Posts: 21,257 ✭✭✭✭Eoin

    Those stickers are a bitch to remove, and until they are fully off can easily block the view of the driver unless they have the sense to put it on the driver side rear window, which is the safest window to put it on (and still not ideal). Anything that hard to remove from a car is vandalism in my eyes.

    If a clamping company gets a contract for Charlesland, they will do so on the belief that there will be constant targets for them. I doubt they do it on the understanding that the offenders will learn their lesson after the first time they get clamped.

    This means that there will be enough different people to clamp, in which case you have an ongoing situation where cars are clamped in a place where they can't be removed quickly, exasperating the situation (or malparkage as they said in the Simpsons). If I was faced in a situation like the one that TnJ posted, I would be even more pìssed off if I had to wait for those lads to ring up, pay the fine and have the clampers come and have the clamp removed.

    The other scenario is that if people do stop parking in dangerous or seriously inconvenient places, then they will target people who have made slight transgressions.

    From what I see working in the city centre, clamping is designed to punish people who park legally, but don't pay the meter. Cars parked dangerously seem to be towed. I doubt anyone wants to go down that route.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,117 ✭✭✭Tails142

    Lol I got a good chuckle out of reading this thread... why do people feel that the road outside their own house is their property and that only they can park there?!?

    Fair enough that guy not using his driveway is an oddball but sure... just start parking in his driveway for the laugh. Also, did I hear someone say that they are annoyed that they have to park their 2 cars on their driveway cos there's no space on the road... there are three cars parked on my driveway, yes its a pain the ass moving cars about to get out but there you go, its just the way my family does things. We never park on the road and its always free, just a thing for safety with small kids about.

    I have a friend in Drumcondra and I often visit her in the evenings, as you may know these houses have no drives, so the residents zealously use cones to protect 'their' spaces. I dont recognise their false claims so I will park wherever conveniences me, often just driving slowly into the cones to push them out of the way (I drive a banger :D ). The amount of hatemail I get under the wipers is unreal, I jump into my car on leaving for fear of being stabbed by an angry homeowner (it is the northside after all). Do you expect me to park somewhere differently.. do you expect me to care about your problems. Having to carry your poor kids in from the road- all 20metres.. get your lazy arse husband to park out there. The road is the road, whether its outside your house or not, that's the price you pay for not having paved an extra bay into your front garden. You buy a house without a driveway, you run the risk of not having parking. simple as

    People parking on footpaths is illegal, but sometimes needs must. We dont live in a perfect world unfortunately.

    Also, clampers are the devil, what are you thinking actually trying to bring that onto yourself and your locale. The clampers will never catch the people that should be caught and will only catch the innocent and unsuspecting. All clampers do is cruise their usual money making spots, clamping people who are parking in places where there really arent all that much of an inconvenience.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,468 ✭✭✭matt-dublin

    THey Have clamping in operation in tullyvale in cherrywood. and there doesn't seem to be complaints there.

    @eoin_S : they only lift a car when it is deemed to be hazardous parking and dangerous to public safety.
    If you park on a back road double yellow lines you'll be clamped.
    if you park on a main road with double yellow lines they'll move your car, park it on a back road, clamp it and notify the gardai they've moved it.

    I think once the road traffic and parking survey has been done, and the roads and parking are properly marked/painted then there will be cause for the clampers to come in.

    Up in the crescent at the moment we're also looking at parking slips as we have a number of cars from the final phase parking in our spaces,

  • Registered Users Posts: 21,257 ✭✭✭✭Eoin

    Tails142, no trolling please. I'd say the majority of houses in the estate can fit in more than one car in the driveway. If you read the thread, you may see that some people have concerns for children's' safety, not (I hope) on some sort of Victor Meldrew-esque rant.

    matt-dublin, do they not have readily available underground car parking in Tullyvale? I don't know if the layouts of the two estates are comparable.

    What do you think the residents will gain from clampers? Like I said, if people do stop parking in the more dangerous spots, they will go for easier targets. When people are clamped, the car is there for longer.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,468 ✭✭✭matt-dublin


    tullyvale used to have a problem with onstreet parking and on courners similar to ourselves until they got the clampers in. once that was done there was a month or two of pain and the problems stopped.

    And you're right, yes if a car gets clamped it will be there for longer. but also i'm pretty sure it won't be there again afterwords.

    It doesn't matter if the car is going to be there for longer or not as people will still park there while nothing is being done about it.

    What will the residents gain from clamping? Well i would guess a safer neighbour hood for their children to play in. We've already had a dog killed un at the crescent due to bad parking.

    Now think if that dog was a small child...
    i would guarantee that some form of enforcement would come into play.

    At the rate that charlesland is going, with speeding, people not able to use roundabouts and bad parking at some stage there's going to be an injury, crash or death.

    Personally, I don't feel like crashing, dying or being injured, and im goiing to safely presume that everyone in charlesland has pretty much the same feeling.

    So for a few months of pain for the clampers being around, I think that charlesland in the longer run will become a better place. And for parking in easier targets? Well afaik everyone has allocated parking, people park dangerously because they're lazy. Two minutes walk isn't going to hurt anyone.

  • Registered Users Posts: 44 Crescent

    I understand why one might be against "Stickers, clampers"etc. but again a solution is needed.

    Unfortunately I don't think we can make pleas to the better nature of the offenders!

    Also, for it to stop I think there is going to have to be some consequence to the person illegally parked, and that is okay if it means promoting safety.

  • Registered Users Posts: 21,257 ✭✭✭✭Eoin

    And you're right, yes if a car gets clamped it will be there for longer. but also i'm pretty sure it won't be there again afterwords.

    I just can't see a clamping company taking a contract unless they know that there will always be people to clamp.

    Speeding is another issue, which speed ramps on the spine road in particular would help address.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 149 ✭✭dreamingoak

    i was in the police station the other day to sort out a form and overheard a woman complaining about people parking in her shops designated spot behind the video shop in the main street. she siad it was the staff of the other shops and they would not listen to her re it. the police said they would go down and 'have a chat' with them. could this not be done with people who are known to park in disableds spots, across ramps, endangering children etc? also, u wouldnt have to know who they are, u could just report siad car to the police, say its allways there, and let them get on with it.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,468 ✭✭✭matt-dublin

    Unfortunatly the cops can't really do much on the parking in charlesland as its still private until handed over to the wicklow co co.

    hence why clamping becomes an option.

    also i bet the cops never went and had that "chat"

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5 smithser

    I'd just like to repond to a previous person's complaint that a neighbour was parking their car outside their own house and all the other neighbours were parking on the opposite side of the road, thus having difficulty getting past.

    I also park my car outside my house when everyone else parks on the opposite side of the road, I could be the very person you have a problem with or just in a similar situation. My wife and I have had numerous discussions with an elderly neighbour and her elderly son about this and we are completely reasonable for any viable alternatives to be suggested but have got nowhere.

    I have no option but to park outside my house, my wife parks in the driveway and as there is no room for 2 cars I have to park outside (unless I parked right behind her car but this would mean blocking the foothpath which is unacceptable), I cannot park on the opposite side of the road as when I get home the spaces are all gone, the only space that would be left would be right up on a bend which is also unacceptable road parking, if I did park up further up the road on the green I would be using our other neighbours spaces as this is where they all park their second car.

    The problem exists because most of the houses beside me have 2 cars and only have a driveway with no garden and cannot park outside their house without blocking their own driveway in, the alternative is to park on the opposite side of the road and this then means that when I park outside my garden it is quite tight for people to get past as there is always cars on the opposite side of the road. I have been told to completely block my driveway in and have done this but the problem still occurs. My wife's car is slightly smaller and it probably would make more sense for her to park outside but we have a small baby and it's alot easier for her to lug the baby, buggy, shopping bags in from the driveway rather than the road.

    We are in a different situation to the majority of houses in the estate that are facing directly onto the green, we don't have an option of parking on the green, just outside your house or on the opposite side of the road where spaces are quite limited.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,939 ✭✭✭mikedragon32

    Here's food for thought. If cars are parked in an irresponsible manner, in ways described in this thread, have those who elect to do so considered the fact that they may well block the path of larger, less manoeuvrable vehicles. Fire engines, for example.

    I'll all for freedom to park where you like, when it doesn't impinge on the rights of pedestrians or mobility impaired people, however a modicum of common sense is needed, and it seems, based on my observations around the Wood, that not everyone has said common sense.

    How would you feel knowing someone's house got gutted and their property destroyed because there was no way for the emergency services to get by?

    I'm not having a go at Smithser in particular, but it's an observation based on the difficulty in getting around the estate in my small hatchback!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,430 ✭✭✭testicle

    These private clamping comanies don't come out unless they are called, so they can't be accused of clamping willy nilly.

  • Registered Users Posts: 332 ✭✭eleMental

    Like I already asked in another thread...

    at the CGP AGM last August the discussion around putting in double-yellow lines and speed ramps was brought up. My understanding was that members of Cuala and/or the Residents Association took the action to meet up with some guy who had installed same in other estates in the coming weeks. That was over 7 months ago - what came of it.

    Surely there are some members of either aforementioned groups who are reading these threads who can give us some kind of an update. Otherwise we're just going around and around in a circle. All we're doing on this forum is venting frustrations. I would like to know what is actually being done by these groups to address these 2 year old problems.

    Is there anyone out there from Cuala or the Grove/Park Resident's Association who has an update???

  • Registered Users Posts: 101 ✭✭Tomato

    Our LOVELY neighbour gets their visitors ( different one nightly - starting to wonder nature of business going on next door) to deliberately park their car in the middle of a space for two cars on the road right outside our house. They do it on purpose to cheese us off. Why why why are people so pig - headed? ~Would it kill people to be nice to one another.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 380 ✭✭future_plans

    I can't believe what I'm reading in this thread. Stand up for yerselves! People like this normally spew hot air and nothing else. As soon as it gets any way rough, they'll back down. If you can't get the Garda or Management Co to do something, you have to yourself.
