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Those gypsies



  • Registered Users Posts: 5,199 ✭✭✭muppetkiller

    I agree with alot of what is being said here but the problem is not just with Roma Gypsies..For me it's anyone on the dole or welfare longterm without good reason.
    The dole/welfare should be cut after 12 months if the person is not willing to find work. Also the dole should not come in the form of cash, but in vouchers for food,Rent,heating etc. This should hopefully get the muppets who drink their dole away to get work if they want Booze.

    The Country is full of jobs so they have now excuse other than pride (i.e. If they think they're too good for some jobs..)..

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,210 ✭✭✭✭JohnCleary

    The Country is full of jobs so they have now excuse other than pride (i.e. If they think they're too good for some jobs..)..

    Personally, i'd be much more ashemed to say that I was on the dole, as opposed to working in Supermacs or something of the sorts.

    Maybe it's just me though? :confused:

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,711 ✭✭✭Redhairedguy

    Where's thar's muck thar's brass boys!

  • Registered Users Posts: 446 ✭✭You Suck!

    It's election time folks......anyone care to get a commitment from our local politicos to enforce a zero tolerance on begging?

    Im sure micheal d is just chompin at the bit to enforce a zero tolerance policy.......:D

    Also maybe a water gun with some fine galway water might just be the trick for our roma friends ;)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1 hamj

    The level of racism in this thread is unbelievable. I've had dealings with lots of the Roma gypsies in this country. The ones I've met are extremely hard working and are trying to get an education in college and learn English in order to better themselves. A small minority beg on the street but of course the ignorant racist morons on this thread just tar them all with the same brush and assume that they all beg. I suppose ye all think that all the blacks in America are crack addicts and gang members as well?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,199 ✭✭✭muppetkiller

    Racism eh ...NO we don't like wasters and scumbags. I pay tax.. I don't care where you come from (Including Ireland) or what colour you are. If you don't work because your Lazy or a spunger then you deserve nothing. And to say that the beggers are a minority I wont argue with you as I have no facts on the numbers of Roma Gypsies in the country/how many are working...but I don't believe your point either that they are 'a minority' seeing as you have not provided any facts yourself.

  • Registered Users Posts: 446 ✭✭You Suck!

    I suppose ye all think that all the blacks in America are crack addicts and gang members as well?


    And chinese girls have horizontal vaginas, eskimos have cold vaginas, japenese men have small penis's, indians sell cheap viagra, americans indians can't drink and your a late teens early 20s pious student **** so love with smell of your own pious ****e you'll only ever rant on an internet forum without actually bothering do anything about the things you decry.

    Racism's great :D
    YAY Im a Racist!

    Oh wait.......I hate everyone equally......Im not a racist :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 28,789 ✭✭✭✭ScumLord

    I've seen a gypsy camp out in eastern Slovakia, it was pointed out to me as we where coming up to it. All I could see was a big hollow looking building that looked like fires where burning inside, no windows or doors and big walls around it. I thought to myself, jesus that's awful but it wasn't until we got to the passed the big building that I could see into the back of the camp. It was basically just a shanty town made out of rubbish. The locals had little fear of the gypsies and seemed to think of them as rats, the gypsies even acted like rats, going through bins and staying away from the Slovakian people.

    If that's how they live maybe they just don't know how to operate in our society and I'd say they don't get away with any kind of scumbag activity in the countries they came from, so they might see us as a soft touch and then really lose the run of themselves.

    I don't think their asylum seekers though, people from war torn countries are asylum seekers the countries their coming from in eastern Europe aren't that bad. If their coming over here to do exactly the same thing they would be doing in the last country and not trying to educate and better themselves I don't see the point of them being here

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,471 ✭✭✭majiktripp

    hamj wrote:
    The level of racism in this thread is unbelievable. I've had dealings with lots of the Roma gypsies in this country. The ones I've met are extremely hard working and are trying to get an education in college and learn English in order to better themselves.

    Jesus they must be all hiding in Dublin in that case, because from what I've experienced in Galway, the Roma Gypsies do nothing but suit themselves, treat our community like dirt and show no respect for their Irish neighbours and indeed Polish neighbours....
    I don't see anything in this thread as being racist, as both sides of the argument have been posted with some people having positive encounters with the Romas as you claim to have, but it just so happens that the negative ones that the general public experience far outweigh them.
    Just because you don't agree with the views of the people being voiced here and their opinions doesn't make us as racist as you think.

  • Registered Users Posts: 432 ✭✭Duras

    I agree with alot of what is being said here but the problem is not just with Roma Gypsies..For me it's anyone on the dole or welfare longterm without good reason.
    The dole/welfare should be cut after 12 months if the person is not willing to find work. Also the dole should not come in the form of cash, but in vouchers for food,Rent,heating etc. This should hopefully get the muppets who drink their dole away to get work if they want Booze.

    The Country is full of jobs so they have now excuse other than pride (i.e. If they think they're too good for some jobs..)..

    I don't argue with the fact that Ireland is too soft with its own lazy boys. However I think the thread is about something else.
    hamj wrote:
    The level of racism in this thread is unbelievable. I've had dealings with lots of the Roma gypsies in this country. The ones I've met are extremely hard working and are trying to get an education in college and learn English in order to better themselves. A small minority beg on the street but of course the ignorant racist morons on this thread just tar them all with the same brush and assume that they all beg. I suppose ye all think that all the blacks in America are crack addicts and gang members as well?
    You're so right. The morons don't understand that the gypsies that beg & steal are just a minority. The same morons think that sharks bite... Get real people, most sharks are vegetarians... Like the one from A Shark's Tale for instance... By the way, how are things in Wonderland lately? Is Alice OK?

    As a side story: in Romania the "rroma" gypsies that are hard working and go to college and whatever are called "romaniazed gypsies". And that's a bit racist... They are no longer gypsies. They are civilized people and there is absolutely no difference between them and an ordinary Romanian or European. Also if you tell one of them that "gypsies are thieves" they won't take it personal. They know damn well that it's not about them. Unfortunately they are a rare breed, most (yes MOST) of the rroma gypsies are not like this. They have their own laws, their own ways of perceiving reality, their own right or wrong. Stealing, cheating people or begging is their way of being, they are not ashamed of it. As I previously said the word gratitude is not in their culture. In their eyes altruism equals idiocy. They do not try to adapt to the civilized society but to exploit it.

    I am sure that noone that posted here dislikes these guys because they are gypsies. It is not who they ARE but what they DO. And actually, no one would care what the hack they are doing as long as they wouldn't harass other members of the society.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 15,815 ✭✭✭✭po0k

    Duras wrote:
    In their eyes altruism equals idiocy. They do not try to adapt to the civilized society but to exploit it.
    Ironically, our "civilized society" [post Celtic Badger] seems to be adopting similar attitudes. Forward Capitalism.
    Duras wrote:
    I am sure that noone that posted here dislikes these guys because they are gypsies. It is not who they ARE but what they DO. And actually, no one would care what the hack they are doing as long as they wouldn't harass other members of the society.
    Good point, however the lines quickly blur between actions observed and perceptions rooted in a stereotype. What values a culture or people had historically is changed with the passage of time. The roles in society are largely static, with new players stepping in as and when entropy demands.

    What became of the landless farmers during the British occupation of Ireland in the latter half of the last millennium?

    There are always rogues and labels.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,048 ✭✭✭SimpleSam06

    I still don't see what everyone is so riled up about. They are no more of a nuisance to me than the chuggers, or the winos, maybe even less so. Are you concerned about them because you feel guilty walking past them? Well now that everyone has satisfied themselves that they are villains, no need to worry about that any more!

    There are a variety of more dangerous, organised and actively antisocial elements creeping in from Eastern Europe, most particularily Russia, and Nigeria. I'm sure the freedom riders will be out with their "racist" branding irons on that one too, but I'm not referring to the entire community, just certain groups. And its not true to say about every immigrant group either, because there are no such elements among the western European visitors, the Polish, or for example the Filipinos or Malays.

    Gypsies? Who cares.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,375 ✭✭✭kmick

    I still don't see what everyone is so riled up about. They are no more of a nuisance to me than the chuggers, or the winos, maybe even less so. Are you concerned about them because you feel guilty walking past them? Well now that everyone has satisfied themselves that they are villains, no need to worry about that any more!
    Gypsies? Who cares.

    This is true - if you don't interact with something you dislike then it becomes background noise. The next time you see one of these big issue/rose/'my brother is in hospital' characters smile and say no thank you. You have then won the battle with your own conscience which is the real battle.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,471 ✭✭✭majiktripp

    Gypsies? Who cares.
    I care when theres a gaggle of them outside my house at midnight talkin' at the top of there lungs, I care when there f&%in kids keep walloping there football off our car...when a congregation of them assembles outside on the street shouting and screaming, I bloody care.
    I can't just ignore them and go about my business as usual, if only I had that luxury.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,048 ✭✭✭SimpleSam06

    majiktripp wrote:
    I care when theres a gaggle of them outside my house at midnight talkin' at the top of there lungs, I care when there f&%in kids keep walloping there football off our car...when a congregation of them assembles outside on the street shouting and screaming, I bloody care.
    I can't just ignore them and go about my business as usual, if only I had that luxury.
    Those are public order offences. Next time break out the oul' camcorder and take a few shots for youtube. Also if the Gardai don't rectify your problems, you can haul them up before the courts for damages and compo. How much are gold teeth worth these days anyway?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,414 ✭✭✭kraggy

    padi89 wrote:
    I can read just, fine thank you.You dont learn about gypos in college or have any interaction with them so dont expect someone to have an "educated" opinion on them just because they are in college.

    You're obviously not seeing the words that are there then.

    Where did i say that you learn about gypsies in college? point it out please.
    My point about college education is that one of its purposes is to teach a student how to construct an argument. Anyone here who has said that all gypos are bad people fails on this count.

    Grow up and stop taking things i say to be what you'd prefer them to mean just because you can't argue properly.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,478 ✭✭✭padi89

    kraggy wrote:
    You're obviously not seeing the words that are there then.

    Where did i say that you learn about gypsies in college? point it out please.
    My point about college education is that one of its purposes is to teach a student how to construct an argument. Anyone here who has said that all gypos are bad people fails on this count.

    Grow up and stop taking things i say to be what you'd prefer them to mean just because you can't argue properly.

    You expect a constructive argument on gypsies? Grow up?? I think you need to get real mate.

  • Registered Users Posts: 432 ✭✭Duras

    kraggy wrote:
    My point about college education is that one of its purposes is to teach a student how to construct an argument. Anyone here who has said that all gypos are bad people fails on this count.

    What about "all Irish like beer". Is that true or another proof of uneducated mind?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,711 ✭✭✭Redhairedguy

    Duras wrote:
    What about "all Irish like beer". Is that true or another proof of uneducated mind?

    stereotypes don't come out of nowhere!;)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,414 ✭✭✭kraggy

    Duras wrote:
    What about "all Irish like beer". Is that true or another proof of uneducated mind?

    No it's not true, obviuosly. That's my whole point. Not all Gypsies are thieves or scum as some people have said here.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,414 ✭✭✭kraggy

    padi89 wrote:
    You expect a constructive argument on gypsies? Grow up?? I think you need to get real mate.

    Right. So we'll just paint a whole ethnic group with the same paint? Good lad.

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,815 ✭✭✭✭po0k

    Now we're going round in circles.

    So what have we learned?

    Stereotypes exist. All generalisations are false. There are bad people in the world.

    Thread closed.

This discussion has been closed.