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Is is a good idea to suppress evidence to the contrary?



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 17,163 ✭✭✭✭Boston

    He was joking when he said he got the admins to remvoe them. And yo ucan't ever delete anythign from boards. It's all recorded.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 13,497 ✭✭✭✭Dragan

    Actually i believe my location is giving me away, right now i am deleting all my confessions about being a gearbag. I am also deleting all the times that i told poor fat children that they were lazy and crap, which i try and do daily. :D

    Actually, there's one right now.....HEY TUBBY, COME HERE A SECOND!!!

    *wanders off to make child cry*

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,606 ✭✭✭Jumpy

    Heh, I always assumed he was a mod. I never look at the boldyness of names.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,579 ✭✭✭aare

    I am totally staggered here.

    First place, that isn't the thread where I caught Dragan advocating steroid use, here is how I referred to that post (just in case anyone has an abberative interest in actual facts):

    I have a slow connection, individual pages can take 10 minutes or more to load. Wherever his support of steroid use was advocated I can no longer find it. Proper order, because any post here advocating the use of illegal substances should be edited or deleted before it comes up on google and some poor kid takes it seriously.

    But the honestly BEST part is not so much that this entire thread has been diverted from the pretty obvious fact that Dragan abused and provoked me, then closed the thread where he had done so, which, anywhere else on the 'net would be seen as a form of trolling by moderator (the subject header of this thread was the kindest construction I could put on his behavior in so doing, in the sense that he cannot tolerate anything that challenges his, somewhat distorted core beliefs, and feels compelled to achieve a sense of control over it).

    No, the best part is that it has been diverted TO my "heinous crime" in being genuinely extremelly worried about a rather obviously messed up young man, instead of getting angry with him, while he was actually being extremelly, though creatively, personally abusive to me, and, to compound my crime, expressing that concern PRIVATELY to him rather than publicly.

    (GOD THAT was wicked...denying the community of boards an opportunity to decide which of us they most wanted to tear apart. HOW EVIL :mad: )

    I had actually forgotten all about Dragan in specific, until he closed the thread. All I remembered were the extraordinary lengths a claque on the fitness forum are prepared to go to to pressure any poster who honestly cannot lose weight through the PARTICULAR TYPE OF HEALTHY EATING AND EXERCISE THEY PREFER (not just anything except Lipotrim, you have to be pressured into saying you can/have lost weight by a particular regime they advocate that is actually better suited to body building and weight maintenance than weight loss!) into admitting that they are lazy, weak willed and lying about trying in the first place, even when they are simply telling the truth.

    That is cruel and unreasonable.

    But the obvious answer was to suggest a seperate forum where people could discuss weight loss without upsetting them with any of the parts of the truth they cannot handle (specifically the one's where the facts start suggesting that they are not, in fact, the final authority on everything connected to weight loss and do not, in fact know everything there is to know about it). The same claque went to great lengths to prevent this, UNLESS they would have control of it.

    That is cruel and unreasonable, it is also very sick.

    The "we can't give medical advice" excuse doesn't hold water as long as they are still aggressively insisting that morbidly obese people can only be healthy by losing weight on their preferred diet long after it is established that they cannot lose any weight on it at all. That is, in itself "giving medical advice", and, in instances of morbid obesity, it is giving very dangerous medical advice indeed, but that does not stop them. To go further and insist that a morbidly obse person is either "not really trying" or "lying" about not being able to lose the weight is going a step further into DISTORTING medical facts, prior to aggressive insistance.

    DaveIrl, has it ever occurred to you that people probably WON'T complain as long as they see the mobbing and abuse that is ready and waiting for anyone who challenges anything on your board, but that doesn't mean nobody feels anything is wrong. It just means that they don't want to become the "designated target". Fat people are particularly vulnerable to that as they get enough of it in the rest of the world too.

    In the real world, healthy minded people do NOT regard a totally private expression of serious concern about another human being as a threat, or a "tactical weapon", they see it as the caring it usually is, and appreciate it as such.

    Not on boards...I wonder why?

    Is any kind of altruistic caring so rare here, and so abberative in terms of the dynamic, that nobody knows what to make of it?

    I posted on the thread Dragan closed (apparently, as it turns out since, mostly to "spite" me) simply to say: "I DID try it your way again, and the results were a disaster, so please take this on board and try to be more reasonable and compassionate with people in the future".

    BIG CRIME...I mean, asking for a little compassion and understanding, while showing evidence of why it is needed, is ALWAYS the last word in "UBERTROLLING" isn't it?

    Not in the real world...just on boards...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 13,497 ✭✭✭✭Dragan


    I believe that i already mentioned my use of the word "freak" and the context in which i used it in, and apologised for that. You either didn't see that or simply ignored it but the simple fact is that no offense was meant.

    I don't do subtly offensive when i want to insult someone, i do big plain obvious offensive. If i want to insult you then believe me you would have known all about it.

    I have also clearly detailed why i shut down that thread and why i feel the discussion of Lipotrim is not always best suited on the board. I have also stated where i feel Lipotrim should be used and can be a benefit ( in the actually obese, as opposed to the just overweight ). Another mod of that forum, Daveirl, agrees with me. Believe me, if Dave felt i had acted incorrectly then he would just tell me and open the thread again. It's not a democracy between us. Dave has been a Mod for far longer than me and he is senior to me on the Fitness forum in my mind.

    Now then, please provide proof of this singular system that we seem to shove down peoples throats and why it is better suited to bodybuilding that weightloss? We have had countless people suceed in there own weight loss goals by following the three steps of the system that is recognised world wide as simple common sense.

    1) Eat a healthy balance diet, wholefoods where possible, cooked from fresh when you can. Eat a rainbow of colours of fruit and veg and meats. Try and hold back on the carbs.

    2) Be active. Run, do classes in the gym, do any sport. Walk if it's what suits you. Just BE ACTIVE.

    3) Try hard. You owe it to yourself.

    Thats really about it. I fail to see where that only suits "bodybuilders" or where i am shoving a bodybuilding lifestyle down peoples throats? If you even check the workout of the week that we on Fitness try and do as a community you will see that they look nothing like bodybuilding routines. Rather they are aimed at general health, fitness and efficency.

    Also, please find example where me and my "clique" have lambasted posters for being "lazy and liars" for no good reason? We have had people come on and complain about there working weeks and how the can't train. We have then told them to simply make time, that excuses are the last thing they need to be making and provided them with short, cut down workout that they can do at home as well as dietary advice.

    You need to understand that the board is populated by professionals who work hard, have families and commitments and STILL make time for themselves to train. It's hard to tell someone who works long hard hours that you don't do anything because you work long hard hours.

    You seem to be more than willing to tell people i am a steroid using bully but can't seem to provide any evidence of it.

    I also recall when you posted all your dietary efforts in the past that we went through them, pointed out what may have been the issue with the lack of success and you took the points you wanted on board and left the others go?

    Now then, i think i've been more than patient in having someone call me not only a user of illegal drugs, but also an advocate of them, that I am an "obviously messed up young man" and basically imply that i have some kind of deep issues going on.

    As such i'm done in this thread. You can either provide evidence, or a valid point why our reasons behind dubbing the genuine use of Lipotrim a medical issue and everything else solvable by real food and work....... or do you actually feel that Lipotrim is the long term healthy option for people with a few stone to lose?

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 17,163 ✭✭✭✭Boston

    aare wrote:
    I am totally staggered here.

    First place, that isn't the thread where I caught Dragan advocating steroid use, here is how I referred to that post (just in case anyone has an abberative interest in actual facts):

    You and daveirl quote the same post by dragan. In summary
    Boston wrote:

    Dragan: People that use steroids are idiots.

    Dragan: steroids give you cancer.

    Dragan: steroids will kill you.

    aare: So you're saying you use steroids and I should use steroids to?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,613 ✭✭✭JayRoc

    aare wrote:
    Wherever his support of steroid use was advocated I can no longer find it.
    Well you should have made sure you had something concrete to back such an accusation up before you made it on a public board, then, shouldn't you?
    aare wrote:
    it comes up on google and some poor kid takes it seriously..
    Yes, of course this was your motivation for what borders on public slander. Won't someone, please, please think of the children? :rolleyes:

    Aare, you might have had something resembling a point once.
    I for one welcome the odd voice of dissent and a new perspective on things in the Fitness forum, once manners are maintained and common sense remains.
    But I can assure you that if you did have a point it has been utterly lost in your neverending outpouring of vitriolic nonsense that has been going on, both in Fitness and right here.
    aare wrote:
    No, the best part is that it has been diverted TO my "heinous crime" in being genuinely extremelly worried about a rather obviously messed up young man

    God knows he's a big boy and well able to take care of himself (and I'm aware of running the risk of now being forced to join the Dragan fan club after I told him specifically that their custom-made t-shirts are all too big for me), but would you ever cop on to yourself and not post that kind of rubbish about someone you've never met and clearly have about as much of a handle on as Steve Irwin did of Health and Safety regulations. Thanks.:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,606 ✭✭✭Jumpy

    With the time taken to write that post you could have burned off at least 50 calories aare.

    Either way. You are fighting a losing battle here. I would have lost patience with you a long time ago. The only thing you are succeeding in doing is making the mods who havent banned you yet look like patient saints.

    "extremely messed up young man" FFS, that is no way to talk about anyone, especially one who has achieved his goals. I will say no more at the risk of getting personal. There is already far too much personal stuff going on here already. All by one poster I might add.
