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This journal of mine...

  • 10-04-2007 10:46am
    Closed Accounts Posts: 1,312 ✭✭✭

    I think it's time I started documenting my fitness' progress through a thread of my own in this fine forum. I've been going gym regularly since the start of febuary this year, after nearly 2 years of near total physical inactivity. I wanted to wait until I got into a set, consistent routine before making one of these journals, so here goes...

    age: 20
    height: 185.5 cm
    weight: 88kg
    bodyfat (according to the handheld thing in my gym:rolleyes: ): 14%

    For my 3-4 few weeks back in the gym I was doing all my running first and I was hitting 8km or so at most per session in the gym. Then I started doing my lifting first and the running has suffered a lot as a result, but I'm sure it's done wonders for the lifting itself, which is what matters.

    Nearly three weeks ago I had my fitness assessment in my gym and was given this 2-day split weights program

    Day 1 Legs, back, shoulders, abs

    50kg x 9reps
    50kg x 9/10
    60kg x 8/9

    50kg x 8
    50kg x 8
    60 kg x 4 + 2 + 2

    These figures probably seem oddly low, given my weight and everything. For some reason, my squat and deadlift aren't really much higher than my bench press. I've gathered that they're supposed to be? Normally I'd say my legs were my strongest. Maybe I need to work on my core more to get better at these... :confused:

    Forward raises: 15kg x 8, 20kg x 8, 25kg x 6-8 (failure around 6/7/8 usually)
    Lat raises: 12kg x 8, 15kg x 8, 20kg x 6-8
    Bent over row: 20kg x 8, 25kg x 8-10, 30kg x 9 (I'm still gauging what's the best weight for me on this lift, I feel I'm definitely able for more than 30kg)

    Sit-ups: I was given 3 sets of 30 to do but I haven't gotten near that yet, usually do 2 sets max of 30.
    Plank: 3 sets of 60 seconds. Usually fail halfway through 3rd set.

    Day 2 Arms, chest

    I've only performed this session once or twice so I'm still gauging what weights to use for some lifts...I can't actually remember right now what I lift on some of these :\ I'll edit 'em in as soon as I do.

    Lat pulldown: 3 sets of 8 reps, using roughly 40kg I think
    Bench: 50kg x 8, 50 kg x 8, 50kg x 4 or so.
    Bicep curl: 15kg x 8, 20kg x 8, 25kg x 8
    Preacher curl: 20 kg x 10-12
    Tricep extensions w/ pulley machine: 40kg x 8
    French press, superset'd w/ something I forget the name of(!) where I keep my elbows pointed in and do a kind of press vertically over my abdomen/chest: 20kg-ish x 8, 20kg x 8

    Hmm, I'm still a little sketchy on the details of day 2's lifts. I'll clear 'em up ASAP.

    I'll go to the gym about 3-4 times a week at best. So those are my lifts. I'm only realising after typing them how puny some of them are :( I have to get stronger.

    My diet is probably my achilles' heel. I miss way too many breakfasts. In try to eat good food regularly but I miss meals and then also eat my fair share of the wrong kind of food, too. It's so inconsistent that I don't even know where to begin documenting it. I'll start keeping track and hopefully in doing so can cultivate a consistent, healthy diet.

    Today's not been an altogether untypical day and so far this is what I've had:
    7:30am: Pure blueberry juice 300ml, Bowl of weetabix, banana
    8:30am: Peanut butter & banana smoothie (from Zumo, I love these, please tell me they're healthy!)
    9:30am: Egg & bacon sandwich

    Okay, more to come on my daily food intake...

    Any advice/comment on what's posted so far is much appreciated!
