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Recent Media Untruths



  • Registered Users Posts: 40,038 ✭✭✭✭Sparks

    Nothing in there about hunting with firearms, and I know there's the argument of "all in together", but at this rate we'll end up allied to every group in existance, and while I've nothing against left-handed red-haired Galway ladies playing whist on every other sunday, I don't see how it really pertains to our sport...

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,393 ✭✭✭✭Vegeta

    Sparks wrote:
    Nothing in there about hunting with firearms, and I know there's the argument of "all in together", but at this rate we'll end up allied to every group in existance, and while I've nothing against left-handed red-haired Galway ladies playing whist on every other sunday, I don't see how it really pertains to our sport...

    Ok I assumed hunting with a firearm is a blood sport (a legal one) and they say quite clearly they want all blood sports made illegal and then to impose hefty punishments on anyone participating in a blood sport.

    "7. Blood sports

    7.1 When in government, the Green Party will introduce legislation to end blood sports. "

  • Posts: 5,589 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    Doesn't hunting using a firearm fall under 'bloodsports'?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 205 ✭✭dimebag249

    Come on Sparks, if "7.3 The Party calls for research into alternative methods of animal population management other than killing, and the implementation of these methods" doesn't apply to shooting animals, what does it refer to? Just poison? It's there in black and white, mate, black and white. Even if 'bloodsports' just refers to fox-hunting, I'd still go ape if they banned it, despite the fact that I've never tried this sport, nor do I ever intend to. And yes, I'd affiliate to any group with the same fundamental interests, so if whist requires that all players have derringers under the table, I'd support them!

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,393 ✭✭✭✭Vegeta

    So I'm afraid the Greens will never get a vote from me.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 40,038 ✭✭✭✭Sparks

    See, you'd think so - but how is drag coursing an alternative to deer stalking?
    I think they're referring to hunting with hounds.
    7.1 When in government, the Green Party will introduce legislation to end blood sports.


    7.3 The Party encourages the alternatives of drag hunting and drag coursing.

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,038 ✭✭✭✭Sparks

    if "7.3 The Party calls for research into alternative methods of animal population management other than killing, and the implementation of these methods" doesn't apply to shooting animals, what does it refer to?
    I'd imagine it refers to research. I wouldn't imagine it refered to an outright and immediate ban. Why would you think we'd be the only group in the country that a politician would give a political answer to?

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,393 ✭✭✭✭Vegeta

    Sparks wrote:
    See, you'd think so - but how is drag coursing an alternative to deer stalking?
    I think they're referring to hunting with hounds.

    Maybe they are but i don't want to run the risk they are talking about every bloodsport.

    How come hunting with birds of prey doesn't get such bad press?

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,393 ✭✭✭✭Vegeta

    Sparks wrote:
    I'd imagine it refers to research. I wouldn't imagine it refered to an outright and immediate ban. Why would you think we'd be the only group in the country that a politician would give a political answer to?

    Again not willing to run the risk, hope the Greens never get in to power to be quite honest.

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,038 ✭✭✭✭Sparks

    Vegeta wrote:
    Maybe they are but i don't want to run the risk they are talking about every bloodsport.
    Has anyone asked them specifically?
    How come hunting with birds of prey doesn't get such bad press?
    Because rodents are rarely cute unless they're in little cages being fed by schoolkids and given funny names. And even then, they're not that cute.
    Rabbits, on the other hand, well:


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  • Registered Users Posts: 11,393 ✭✭✭✭Vegeta

    class picture :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,843 ✭✭✭Clare gunner

    Lets just say I am Misouri on this one.:D Plus I wouldnt belive a word the Greens say on anything re hunting.Their Euro counterparts are extremly anti hunting,and their allies here[IE ICABS]despite claiming to the contary have plenty of anti shooting rants in thei newspaper and website.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,124 ✭✭✭BryanL

    he also had the same thing printed in the a tiny local parish magazine in douglas,Cork
    i think that letter does us more good than anything,was thinking of replying,that the controls in place in Ireland prevent a nutter like that owning a gun.
    he was the ICABS, wildlife research officer
    and he's from Waterford(edited as CG is right,got my nutters mixed up)

    try this link for some deerstalking


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,843 ✭✭✭Clare gunner

    Kilkenny Eh...Where the other animal Libber hails from,John Fitzgerald,he of the many letters on every topic to every paper in Ireland every month..:rolleyes: :rolleyes:
    Thought he was shaked up with the Badger watch woman in Waterford??
    Read about that video and sanctuary in the Times last Sun.
    Your man hasnt a clue how to dispatch a deer quickly or humanely.
    But then again if that is the antis idea of a sanctuary,with diseased and starving deer all over the place,you couldnt expect them to do a proper job of humane dispatch either:eek: :mad:

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,124 ✭✭✭BryanL

    you can take it as 100% that the greens are against any and every form of hunting shooting or fishing.
    it seems like their manifesto is written by that bernie wright,i would be very scared of thier "vision" of Ireland,which is a pity because i think anyone who spends as much times as us out and about are "greens" in reality.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,393 ✭✭✭✭Vegeta

    BryanL wrote:
    you can take it as 100% that the greens are against any and every form of hunting shooting or fishing.
    it seems like their manifesto is written by that bernie wright,i would be very scared of thier "vision" of Ireland,which is a pity because i think anyone who spends as much times as us out and about are "greens" in reality.

    well said :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,070 ✭✭✭cavan shooter

    It is very annoying that the green party can't get to grip with the reality that hunting and eating nature is natural..... just had that debate with a canvasser:D :D:D:D

    Start off the line about being very environmentally friendly, how you love their policies, how you support environmental issues, green banks etc. That since you were 16 have done your best to avoid eating cattle/pigs/chickens because of the controversy relating farming methods (By this time they have a smile a plastic surgeon couldn't remove) Then comes the wallop, state that in fact 80% of your Diet is shot game, pheasant etc... tell them the culinary delights of a freshly shot rabbit........offer a frozen pheasant or pigeon.

    Or even better Venison....................:eek: :eek:

    The expression is worth a million.......

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,393 ✭✭✭✭Vegeta

    It is very annoying that the green party can't get to grip with the reality that hunting and eating nature is natural..... just had that debate with a canvasser:D :D:D:D

    Exactly, humans have been eating/hunting animals for thousands upon thousands of years

    Our closest relative in the animal kingdom the chimp also hunts and eats animals.

    I cant understand where they are coming from. Everyone is against un-necessary animal cruelty but I would definitely not persue hunting if I thought it overly cruel.

    I'd love to hear their solution to rabbit and fox infestations

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,843 ✭✭✭Clare gunner

    Vegeta wrote:
    Exactly, humans have been eating/hunting animals for thousands upon thousands of years

    Our closest relative in the animal kingdom the chimp also hunts and eats animals.

    I cant understand where they are coming from. Everyone is against un-necessary animal cruelty but I would definitely not persue hunting if I thought it overly cruel.
    I'd love to hear their solution to rabbit and fox infestations

    Give them contraseptives!!!:eek: Seriously this is their plan to prevent overbreeding.Feed the animals contraseptives and they will regulate themselves:eek: How this harebrained scheme is to be carried out,how much of the taxpayers money this nonsense will cost,what benefits will be achived. is notably lacking in detail.
    From what I can see of Greenies when they get in power is not much changes,they want a Merc under their arses,or in this case a bio fuel limo as much as the next politico.
    Germany had them for 8 years with Schroder.Apart from fuking up the ecnomy,falling out with their more radical members on immediately closing down nuke powerplants,and slapping a 50% tax rise on bio fuels,so that normal diesel is now cheaper than the friendler eco diesel.Not much happened on the shooting /hunting scene.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 205 ✭✭dimebag249

    Sorry, every time this arguement comes up all I can think of is that bit in a Futurama episode where the environMENTALISTS train a lion to eat nothing but tofu to save the poor animals... priceless.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,323 ✭✭✭Slaphead07

    So.... we have a forum for "sporting" shooters getting irate because some people (including myself) have a problem with animals being killed in the name of sport. It seems to me that those who fear support for sporting guns because it may be used to encourage hunting live animals have grounds for their beliefs. Is this forum just a veneer for pseudo Olympic aspirants who would prefer to hunt live animals than shoot targets? It seems so.

    It's somewhat disturbing that people with such a poor grasp of reality would be allowed anywhere firearms. I can't help but wonder who the real cranks are, but I know which side I'll be on and it's not with you lot.

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,038 ✭✭✭✭Sparks

    Slap, you could at least have looked up the difference between shooting sports and sports shooting before you posted. Or read the forum charter for that matter.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,323 ✭✭✭Slaphead07

    Sparks wrote:
    Slap, you could at least have looked up the difference between shooting sports and sports shooting before you posted. Or read the forum charter for that matter.
    why? would splitting hairs make a difference? Who else but yourselves gives a damn about the difference? The thread went from The Green Party not supporting hunting - which is entirely in line with their policies (and mine) to the absurd notion that they would also have an issue with target shooting. Or at least that's the impression I got.
    You're the PRO Sparks, it's your job to inform us (and not just me in this thread) what the difference, if any, between 'shooting sports' and 'sports shooting' - btw I hope you realise how absurd that is... Monty Python ran for years lampooning logic like that.

    Why would I, or any other passerby, read a forum charter?

    The fact remains that I just wondered into this this thread and the impression I got was that people who I thought were solely interested in target shooting get very defensive about hunting animals too... if I'm wrong it's YOUR JOB to educate me and the public at large.
    I would have been supportive of your sport until I read this thread. Don't spend your next post telling me paragraph by paragraph why I'm so wrong either.... that's not what a PRO does, tell me why you're right.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,323 ✭✭✭Slaphead07

    BTW, if this forum is a pro hunting one then I'm outta here and it's news to me that Sparks is in any way involved or supportive of hunting. I had assumed that the sport of shooting - Olympic hopefuls if you will, would be kept very far from hunting. They aren't... therefore, the "cranks" have justification for those concerns don't they?

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,038 ✭✭✭✭Sparks

    Slaphead07 wrote:
    Who else but yourselves gives a damn about the difference?
    You, for a start. Shooting sports are things like clay pigeon shooting and target shooting; sports shooting is hunting. You're fine with one and not fine with the other; but you could at least learn to tell the difference before posting in here about it.
    You're the PRO Sparks
    Not in here I'm not. This is not the NTSA, this is the discussion forum and it's for shooting sports and sports shooters. My job in here is just to keep threads tidy, make sure we at least stay within sight of the charter and do general maintainance. That's it.
    btw I hope you realise how absurd that is... Monty Python ran for years lampooning logic like that.
    Indeed. Somehow though, I think the difference is less like the people's front of judea and the splitters and more like the difference between boxer shorts and short boxers.
    Why would I, or any other passerby, read a forum charter? rules - read all you want, but your posts have to follow the charter.
    if I'm wrong it's YOUR JOB to educate me and the public at large.
    No it's not. Even as PRO for the NTSA, it's not. There, it's my job to promote olympic rifle and pistol shooting. Not educate you about differences between it and other stuff.
    Seriously, that'd be like saying the IRFU's PRO's job was to educate you about the difference between rugby and baking bread instead of telling you who's on the team, who they're playing, when, where, who won, and so on.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,843 ✭✭✭Clare gunner

    [It's somewhat disturbing that people with such a poor grasp of reality would be allowed anywhere firearms. I can't help but wonder who the real cranks are, but I know which side I'll be on and it's not with you lot.

    :rolleyes: Off you go then and dont let the door hit you on the ass on the way out!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,124 ✭✭✭BryanL

    if this was just for olympic hopefuls it'd be fairly quiet!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 281 ✭✭the hunter

    :rolleyes: Off you go then and dont let the door hit you on the ass on the way out!

    well said cg

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,393 ✭✭✭✭Vegeta

    I'm sure Slap has never consumed a piece of meat in his life. :rolleyes:

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 801 ✭✭✭jaycee

    Aw C'mon lads ....
    Posting that kinda thing will only lead to this...... :rolleyes:

    Dreadful ..carry on....mutter mutter....

