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Political Parties (who should we vote for)

  • 07-05-2007 8:20pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 14

    I was not aware or any hikes to the licencing system until last week i am sickend everything was done on the quiet all i want to know was bertie and his cronies directly responsible if so they wont get my vote only a two fingered farewell. Who then should the gun owing public vote for.



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,783 ✭✭✭maglite

    dont think it matters once you stay away from greens

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 10,271 ✭✭✭✭johngalway

    As an aside -

    There are posters up in Galway "Be a friend to the animals, vote Labour, Greens or Sinn Fein."


    There are, IMO, certainly some animals in one of those parties but I don't intend on befriending ANY of them, or voting for any of the above given certain policies of the different parties.


    John :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 205 ✭✭dimebag249

    Couldn't agree more with that johngalway said.

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,907 ✭✭✭✭CJhaughey

    mickeyr1 wrote:
    I was not aware or any hikes to the licencing system until last week i am sickend everything was done on the quiet all i want to know was bertie and his cronies directly responsible if so they wont get my vote only a two fingered farewell. Who then should the gun owing public vote for.
    I think it really comes back to th DOJ and the head honcho of that is none other than Herr McDowell.
    so if you want to point a finger then it should be directly at the PD's and their stablemates FF.
    Going by the rest of the comments above me it would appear that if you discount FF, PD, Green, Labour and SG then the only possible option is FG?
    apart from any wandering independants that may have broken loose:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 973 ✭✭✭mallards

    I know Martin McGuinness of SF is into Salmon fishing in a big way, can't see him letting the party ruining his pastime! They may or may not be into hunting but I don't think they are as bad as the greens in at least this respect.


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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,843 ✭✭✭Clare gunner

    Got a reply back from Maurice Quinlivan our local SF canditate,stating that he and his dad had been hunters and gunowners as well[hmm:) ]and were shocked at the recent liscense doings. Think it will boil down to which individual canditate supports your views,as such it seems the parties dont really have[apart from Greens] a stance on fieldsports or paticullary on gun ownership.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,612 ✭✭✭bullets

    And I got two different calls (or voice mails) from people
    working for Willie O'Dea to say that they
    had spoken to him about things and he was going to look into
    the way firearms were licenced both before and after the election.

    One was from Cahil and another from some guy called Derek,
    both were able to recite all concerns we raised which ment they
    actually at least had listened to us and made notes. The night
    we met Cahil he took very little notes (I was watching him) he
    only scribbled down a few one liners and yet he remembers
    most of our conversation and the other lad Derek who was
    not there was well informed too.

    They also mentioned something about the public being very sensitive
    about these things so it would be important to get the information
    across the right way when/if changes are being made.


  • Registered Users Posts: 682 ✭✭✭demonloop

    It would be fantastic to hear a SF candidate saying there should be stricter laws on guns in Ireland:D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,843 ✭✭✭Clare gunner

    You got the same guy and the same line as I did from that call I posted about last Sat!!Dereck,keeping it sthum,etc.Yah I watched Cahil that nite,he just took down pointers.So at least they listened,now will they do???

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,612 ✭✭✭bullets

    Well O'Dea Looks like a bit of a dithering ol fool sometimes, but I have
    never yet heard anyone say a bad word against him in the Limerick

    People have great time for him as he listens and
    remembers. He's always walking the town and covers his patch.
    One of the few you can see walking down the street in everyday life.

    Dunno how effective he is as I dont know much about
    politics but he does not appear to sprout as much
    cr*p as some of the others and seems a bit more down to earth and
    thats good enough for me to give him a vote, considering
    if I did not vote it would go to waste and possibly aid to get
    someone else that could possibly hinder the sport in power.


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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,070 ✭✭✭cavan shooter

    I seem to remember a couple of years ago Enda Kenny said that he was secretary of the Local Gun club when he was a teacher, Pat kenny was slagging him about a novel way he had with killing rats around the school.

    I would go with the approach ask the canvasser at the door, but don't be abvious about you stance, try this approach

    "Mr. xxx I am concerned about hunting, I love pheasants and duck......what will your party do about so called bloodsports????

    Then clarify your point as in You think they are delicious??????

    I've only got to pick on green party canvasser to date......::D :D:D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 10,271 ✭✭✭✭johngalway

    I saw on the Farming Independent today a 2 page article on the proposed ban on fox hunting with hounds and that craic. I don't do it, or have any interest in it and it doesn't go on around me but strangely enough it fired me up enough to get emailing the candidates for the party I intend voting for. Very odd. Also going to drop a line to each and every other candidate in my area on a few shooting and country side access issues.

    Time to speak up.

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,038 ✭✭✭✭Sparks

    bullets wrote:
    Well O'Dea Looks like a bit of a dithering ol fool sometimes, but I have
    never yet heard anyone say a bad word against him in the Limerick

    People have great time for him as he listens and
    remembers. He's always walking the town and covers his patch.
    One of the few you can see walking down the street in everyday life.

    Dunno how effective he is as I dont know much about
    politics but he does not appear to sprout as much
    cr*p as some of the others and seems a bit more down to earth and
    thats good enough for me to give him a vote, considering
    if I did not vote it would go to waste and possibly aid to get
    someone else that could possibly hinder the sport in power.

    Vote as you please Bullets. But I've been told more than once of Willie sitting across a table from shooting groups telling them that pistols were too dangerous for civilians to have licences for.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,124 ✭✭✭BryanL

    SF want to ban foxhunting
    Labour want to ban coursing
    Greens everything else
    and they are their stated policies!!!!!!
    alot of the SF guys don't know their own policy,i remind them that the first thing Daniel O'Connell did when he got out of prison in his 70's was to go hunting with his hounds(beagles)
    some here are just target shooters,some hunt with a gun,some hunt etc. but we are all just a little similar and need to keep an eye out for each other
    who had the article in the Farming Independant?

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,679 Mod ✭✭✭✭Rew

    SF weren't very helpfull during the committee meetings for the CJB amendments.

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,038 ✭✭✭✭Sparks

    And Brendan Howlin (Labour) was very helpful to us during the CJB debates, and the Greens were helpful prior to that point.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 10,271 ✭✭✭✭johngalway

    BryanL wrote:
    who had the article in the Farming Independant?

    I think it's time to ban politicians :D

    The articles writer is Caitriona Murphy. There's a small section on polls about foxhunting, the one on radio in Cork and an anti poll taken by, well, anti's... Some wishy washy politico speak giving plenty of room for manouver from the main oposition parties, usual stuff then from horse groups, hunting and anti hunting groups.

    Make a person feel like moving to a right country.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 84 ✭✭the demon

    apparently the licence is going to be approx 170 euro now for 3 years (slightly less for shot guns) instead of the yearly 38 or whatever it is now, im told the reason for this was to free up garda resousces to do other stuff, so now there will be renewals only every 3 years but the licence is dearer even though the gardai do less paper work!!! that doesent sound right, so sporting gun ownership is going to get VERY expensive compared to other eu countries, NI for example is only £77 approx BUT in NI as in most eu states it is the person who is licenced not the firearm so their £77 covers several guns whereas here if you own a rifle and shotgun it will cost you 330 euro approx. Also in other eu states e.g NI and UK they have a five year licence!!! Once again we are being ripped off, but as usual as irish people we will moan about it but do nothing! if all the gun owners in the country marched on the dail WE WOULD change this flagrant robbery, In france for example they would riot!!! and things would get sorted!! but here, we moan, and nothing changes, then while we are moaning the government rip us off somewhere else, like making the tax payer pay for a tunnell that doesent work and charge us 13 euro to travel thru it!! LETS GET OFF OUR ARSES AND DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE!!! Carpe Diem! sieze the day!!! act now lets hold a rally and demand our licencing laws and licence prices be brought in line with the rest of the EU! LETS DO IT NOW!!! no point moaning when it comes into effect!

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,038 ✭✭✭✭Sparks

    Erm, Demon, you might want to read the sticky thread about this at the top of the forum...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 84 ✭✭the demon

    very good sparks, i didnt see that, i seem to have just repeated what was already there,, didnt see any definite course of action in there tho, should we jus sit and wait till the election is over, or maybe threaten the door to door canvasser with our vote, i dont really see that working,. HOWEVER! If all 250,000 licenced gun owners marched in dublin WE WOULD be heard and WE COULD change this blatant rip off of the sporting gun owner!!! Like someone said in that thread if we spent less time and energy in correcting each other and more time actually doing something we wouldnt have this problem, but the government know we like to argue among ourselves and moan about our situation...... BUT!!! they also know they wont oppose them! What im saying is maybe its time we did something real except whinge n moan and write silly notes to each other on here correcting each other about things already said!! LETS PICK A DATE AND ADVERTISE IT AND IF YOU OPPOSE THIS BARBAROUS HIKE IN LICENCING MARCH ON THE DAIL UNTIL ITS CHANGED!! 250,000 voices will be heard!!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 11,393 ✭✭✭✭Vegeta

    we have all already e-mailed and sent letters to every member of the oireachtas.

    They are reconsidering their position on it.

    Myself and a few others met Willie O'Dea's aide and Willie met with one of the lads and made a commitment to get this changed and improve the system.

    We are doing something, now its your turn to send e-mails and letters :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,038 ✭✭✭✭Sparks

    Eh, demon, if you read the thread you'd see that the grassroots emailing and phoning and going to local TDs and so forth, is actually working. The issue's parked until after the election one way or the other though. But we need to be keeping the pressure on...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 84 ✭✭the demon


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,843 ✭✭✭Clare gunner

    Sparks wrote:
    Vote as you please Bullets. But I've been told more than once of Willie sitting across a table from shooting groups telling them that pistols were too dangerous for civilians to have licences for.

    Yet he has said he will take up my offer once the election is over to come out to my place and try pistol shooting!Maybe we can do a road to Damascus conversion on him?:D Maybe like all humans the guy has preconcieved notions and has now seen a different side to things?

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,038 ✭✭✭✭Sparks

    Maybe like all humans the guy has preconcieved notions and has now seen a different side to things?
    Maybe. But Willie's reputation and past record on this and lots of other topics strongly suggests otherwise.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 10,271 ✭✭✭✭johngalway

    Considering the two most popular options available, communicating views and marching. I would favour the former. The problem with marches is certain folk will brand the people marching a mob, or crazed bunch of gun nuts etc. They will send photographers and publish the most ill suited photograph they can find. This will be bad.

    The advantage I see in communicating our views by letter, phone, email and in person at constituency offices, on the doorsteps and anywhere else possible is that you immediately cut out the middleman. No naysayers, no s**t stirrers, no public gathering to be targeted and criticised. IF enough people do this it'll start being taken seriously.

    On a side note.Scully in Athlone reckoned the licence hike was already cancelled.Anyone have any views on that comment?

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,038 ✭✭✭✭Sparks

    Anyone have any views on that comment?
    Depends on the outcome of the election really.

  • Registered Users Posts: 649 ✭✭✭sidneyreilly

    Nope. It's not gone, just shelved for the moment:( We should not rest, battle won, not war.

    Regarding marching etc.. Fair point by Johngalway, it could be turned back on us in the media. Is there another form of protest we could make that would make us look good? Something original (or not so):confused:

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,783 ✭✭✭maglite

    work to rule?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,230 ✭✭✭chem

    Is there another form of protest we could make that would make us look good? Something original (or not so):confused:

    We could march to the GPO in Dublin with our guns and nail our demands to the doors and.......Er no wait, I think this was done before. ;)

    just a point did FG not say they would go into partnership with the greens? With FG looking like they might have a good chance, should we be half expecting the greens to get in under the door?
