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Bertie Vs Enda



  • Registered Users Posts: 2,544 ✭✭✭redspider

    Bertie at times comes across as a nort side car sales man, and a wheeler dealer accountant who would "see you right" and et you out of a scrape.

    Kenny does have a certain chutzpah (something) missing which many of us cant quite put the finger on. He seems similar in a way to John Bruton and we can envisage him being somehow a 'weakish' Taoiseach.

    Having said all that, 10 years of one Taoiseach sort of puts that stamp in everyones minhd as the standard bearer. We as a population get used to Bertie as being what a Taoiseach should be. But that shouldnt be the case. We would be lazy to take that approach.

    As for experience, we should instead look at capability. Was Bertie a wise choice as Minister for Finance, the anorak man under CJH? And the revealations of Bertiegate-1 and Bertiegate-2 havent exactly shown him to have a squeaky clean track record.

    I would expect Kenny to do just as good/bad a job as Taoiseach as Ahern.

    As for the debate, no doubt both will be claiming victory and it is likely to be a draw as the trade points across the floor which dont match and talk around each other.

    A new point. By the way, does anyone think that our current system is flawed whereby the Taoiseach remains in office yet performs functions such as speaking to the UK's houses when it is officially election mode and the Dail has been dissolved? Another example, Ministers announcing financial packages, etc. Surely, the President can represent the state when the country is in election mode and prevent the Taoiseach from (ab)using his positon as an electioneering platform.

    thoughts ???? (or yet another thread topic?)


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,034 ✭✭✭Rock Climber

    One of Enda's great traits is that he's a real "peoples man",an ordinary man.
    He has time for you,theres no whats in it for me when he talks to you (except maybe looking for a vote).
    He really does need some presentation coaching though because on TV, he has this smarmy looking smirk that he puts on at the end of what he says which isn't a plus,he should lose that.
    He also looked very "awed" or nervous or something when the camera trained on him in the guest seating at the front over in westminister which I suppose is understandable.He wouldnt have much experience of the big occasions (yet).

  • Registered Users Posts: 947 ✭✭✭fobster

    bget wrote:
    The media seems to be pitting Bertie and Endas against oneanoter. What are peoples feelings on this issue.

    Well there is an election coming up so the media will obviously be pitting the two leaders of the two main parties against each other :p
    I think Enda is preferable. Bertie despite his 'common man' front strikes me as very false and i do believe that at the back of it all he is a very sly and astute man. Some people are saying that Enda is not up to it but i think he should be given the benifit of the doubt and if he is he could end up suprising a lot of peope.

    Enda certainly comes across as a very determined individual at turning his party's fortunes around, but we'll only know if it's a real success after the election. On the other hand Bertie's ability to come across as "one of the people" appeals to the average Joe on the street who wants a taoiseach they could have a pint with and talk about Dublin in the GAA etc. Enda has the ability and the determination, Bertie has the charisma and appeal.

    My opinion is he has already had ten years to work on the health system and where has it got us.. to te point where nurses are so fed up with conditions that they are going on strike.. Not exactly a blazing success..

    Ah the nurses union, is the fact that there's an election coming up just a mere coincidence? Ask Liam Doran before he runs to the nearest microphone. Interesting that the opposition parties are keeping fairly stum on the issue. Don't want to be seen to be pandering to the nurses requests now would they, otherwise everybody will want a pay rise...

  • Registered Users Posts: 163 ✭✭elurhs

    There's a major flaw in all this "no experience" talk regarding Enda - the only way to get experience as Taoiseach/Minister is for your party to be in power. If your party has been in opposition for 10 years, the number of people with such experience will be reduced. If this argument was logical, we would never elect the Opposition because they have no experience in power!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,422 ✭✭✭Avns1s

    elurhs wrote:
    There's a major flaw in all this "no experience" talk regarding Enda - the only way to get experience as Taoiseach/Minister is for your party to be in power. If your party has been in opposition for 10 years, the number of people with such experience will be reduced. If this argument was logical, we would never elect the Opposition because they have no experience in power!

    Completely agree. What he should have is fresh thinking, a new way of doing things all positives when you're filling any position.

    Also Enda Kenny is a listener. He very much likes to take people opinions on board. Believe me, I expect he'll get plenty of advice and direction from the "permanent Government". I just hope he's strong enough to face them down and push his own agenda and decisions.

    Also anyone who has ever met Enda Kenny couldn't help but like him. If that isn't charisma I don't know what is.

    Finally, the gresatest thing Enda Kenny has on his CV is what he has done for the FG party. When he took over, the party was at its lowest ebb, On the way out many would say. Since then they had the success of the local and european elections, unprecedented for FG and now the party is at its highest level in the polls for many years. The real poll on the 24th will of course, be the ultimate test. He promised to "Electrify" the party. He has done this without doubt. The party is united behind him and on the verge of government. To my mind and to borrow McDowells phrase (even though I hate it) he's a "ronseal" politician. You get what you see.

    He has delivered within FG and I suspect he'll do whatever he has promised in government if he become Taoiseach.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 9,770 ✭✭✭Bottle_of_Smoke

    JerkyBoy wrote:
    I see two people.

    1) A man of questionably trustworthiness, with very poor communication skills, and a record of not delivering on his promises, and no record of accountability (nor is he offering any).

    2) A man with no suspicious baggage attached to him, with excellent communication skills, and what appears to be a genuine eagerness to deliver on his promises, with a promise to hold himself and others accountable.

    No suspicious baggage - Well we don't really know much about him. Excellent communication skills? No I just don't know what you mean, would agree if you said Richard Bruton but Enda Kenny comes across as the type of guy who'd cane a kid for claiming he was being bullied. That embittered smirk he can't complete a sentence without is just not an example of excellent communication skills.

    Looking like your eager to deliver is easy to do with the current government tbh.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,857 ✭✭✭Valmont

    goodness gracious me I can't make my mind up and the fence is starting to hurt my arse

  • Registered Users Posts: 164 ✭✭bget

    I was very impressed by enda preformance in the debate last night. I am even more sure now that his contract is not just pie-in-the-sky, telling people what they want to hear. I am not sure that he knows what needs to be done if he is to provide on his promises and i belief he has what it takes to do what needs to be done and make changes.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,772 ✭✭✭Lennoxschips

    I thought Enda missed a trick when Bertie was going on about how colocation was the quickest why to get more beds. The point should have been raised as to why we've gotten ourselves into a situation where we are looking for a quick fix. Kenny did call it an "admission of failure" but he could have expanded on it a bit.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,551 ✭✭✭panda100

    Sleepy wrote:
    I don't get why people are so anti-Kenny

    He comes across as very boring with no personality and a bit of personality is important in a leader.
    I would actually vote fine gael but Kenny really turns me off them. I met him three times. The first two times he spoke for me for a minute thinking I was English as I have an Engllish accent.Yet he spoke at length to all my Irish friends.The third time I met him and told him I was from west Limerick he suddenly became very interested in me and spoke to me for 20 minutes. I just get this creepy feeling of him that he just wants votes and thats all he cares about.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,520 ✭✭✭The Rooster

    panda100 wrote:
    he just wants votes and thats all he cares about.
    Thems are the ones that tend to get elected!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,929 ✭✭✭Raiser

    Sleepy wrote:
    I don't get why people are so anti-Kenny and for the life of me I don't understand the liking for Ahern (besides the fact he's made great fodder for Today FM's Gift Grub).

    The man has led the country for 10 years yet the only political belief I can ever remember him expressing was his rather ludicrous claim to be a socialist :rolleyes:

    I can really understand why people think that Kenny personifies Hopkins choice come May 24th.

    No matter how crooked people perceive Bertie to be - I would be nervous of leaving Inda [the champion of "joynd-up thinkin'"] in charge of my post office savings book - not to mention at the helm of the Country.

    The man has a small-time air about him, to watch and listen last night [as Miriam failed miserably at anything other than showcasing every Max Factor product all at once] he seemed like a man who would struggle at GAA fundraising level not to mind being our next Taoiseach.

    His Political foe has been limping around for weeks now with a massive [self-inflicted] target tatooed across his chest - our Nurses are on the streets on strike, while our patients are on the streets on trolleys - Kenny in the meantime has been in the Political ring trading punches like a myopic, dizzy, paraplegic, one legged Hamster with vertigo.

    He'll probably get in - but he will get in by default & he is not up to scratch, not by any stretch of the imagination.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 376 ✭✭golden

    Did anyone notice Bertie at times could not look at Enda in the eye when he was talking?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,230 ✭✭✭scojones

    That's the usual Bertie tbh, golden. I loved how Enda was more or less laughing every time Bertie was saying something. I thought Enda performed brilliantly, but he could have expanded on a few things. All in all a good show, and I'm more confident in Enda's abilities now.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,366 ✭✭✭ninty9er

    bget wrote:
    I was very impressed by enda preformance in the debate last night. I am even more sure now that his contract is not just pie-in-the-sky, telling people what they want to hear. I am not sure that he knows what needs to be done if he is to provide on his promises and i belief he has what it takes to do what needs to be done and make changes.

    Here's my 2cents of bias:

    FF backroom and grassroots are extremely happy with the debate as it gave the boost to morale that was needed for the final push.

    All we learned about Kenny's contract is that his 2000 extra Gardaí is 700 short of Fianna Fáil's 2000 Gardaí promise, that his 2300 beds are really 1700 and that they are at the cost of critical cancer care services. Now anyone who knows someone who has died of cancer would rather they had local cancer treatment which would free up beds as overnights wouldn't be necessary in all cases and that the treatment be top class.

    He pulled Bertie up on 300 soldiers at a cost of around €45million while having no qualms about leaving the cost of the Labour pledges out of his manifesto.(€2.3 BILLION)
    Now there's "joyned yup twinkin" for ya

    What I want to know is WHERE IS THIS JOINT MANIFESTO WE WERE PROMISED 2 years ago in Mullingar. Empty promises from an empty politician.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,801 ✭✭✭Roanmore

    Everybody keeps talking about previous experience and lack of experience. Just remember that the civil servants that are running the depts will be there after the election as well. hey are the real people who run the country.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,314 ✭✭✭Marcus.Aurelius

    Roanmore wrote:
    Everybody keeps talking about previous experience and lack of experience. Just remember that the civil servants that are running the depts will be there after the election as well. hey are the real people who run the country.

    Civil service are the permanent government. But Bertie's had 10 years to spend billions that no govt had before him on infrastructure. And just look at it, billions gone into backhanders and overtime projects, with a few euros into Bertie's arse pocket to boot.

    I think Bertie is very capable, very good if he wanted to be, but he's so corrupt now, he probably couldn't do anything decent if he tried, his hands are tied by his business masters.

    Enda is not as good a politician as Bertie, no doubt there, but Enda was honest in Thurs night's debate, he held his gaze and spoke clearly. Bertie's eyes darted everywhere, a sure sign of lying and he interrupted and ignored Enda and shouted over him like a schoolyard bully. Cornered, Bertie shows himself up as the lying weasel he is.

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,944 ✭✭✭✭Villain

    Well I met Bertie Ahern in person this morning in Carlow, he was in the Fairgreen shopping center going around shaking hands with people that MJ Nolan and other FF councillors were introducing him to.

    I met him at the exit and door and shook his hand, I then said I hoped he was going to tackle MRSA if he got elected as it has got a lot worse in the last 10 years. I have to say I was very surprised that instead of just saying yes and walking off he actually engaged in conversation with me although thats where my good impression of him ended, he start saying that Hospital Hygiene was only a smart part of the problem and that the over use of antibiotics was the real issue, while this may in theory be true there is not much he can do about that, whats needs to done is to prevent the spread of the infection in our hospitals something the Government can tackle

    So the conversation ended after I told him I would have voted for MJ if he had tackled the issue over the last 10 years at that point he said "Good Man" tapped me on the shoulder and walked off, well I suppose he couldn't really argue that they had tackled the issue.

    Has anyone else met Bertie or Enda in the last 2 weeks?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 373 ✭✭burnedfaceman

    i met enda getting off the train in dublin about a fortnight ago, he was shaking hands and place was very busy but he still took time to ask to vote for local candidate which i had already decided to do anyway. i found him polite and witty as he was quick with the tongue to crack a joke and having previously seen him speak at close quaters in a debate when i was in school i found him very honest and was very impressed with the manner in which he can conduct himself while public speaking, a far cry from de de de bertie

  • Registered Users Posts: 164 ✭✭bget

    i have never personally met either. Having said this my housemate and close friend has. Around two years ago she met enda kenny and there was no election coming up but he still stopped and took the time to chat to her. they chatted for around 20 mins and she found him to be very friendly and genuine. on the other hand she worked for a full 18months in berties local serving him regularly and he barely took the time to look at her, but after the election was announced the first time he saw her ha was all set to get into a conversation with her but she was having none of it.. That for me sums up the differnce between the two men; enda is a genuinely decent guy and bertie is jus out for what he can get!!!

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 703 ✭✭✭Filan

    Didn't like the frequency at which Bertie interrupted / spoke across Enda. Think it's very ignorant not to allow someone the time to speak. Bertie was taken by Bruton and Noonan yet won both elections....

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,969 ✭✭✭christophicus

    Sorry if this hasd already been asked , but I just had a quick flick through the thread, and couldnt see any links, so I was just wondering, is there anywhere where you debate can be seen on the internet?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,673 ✭✭✭DeepBlue

    Sorry if this hasd already been asked , but I just had a quick flick through the thread, and couldnt see any links, so I was just wondering, is there anywhere where you debate can be seen on the internet?
    The leader's debate is available here :
    Be warned though - it's an hour and a half long and quite dull :( .

    There was more spark in the debate between the leaders of the four smaller parties and that debate is available here:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4 tallyman

    What happened in the debate is that Enda's contract was dismantled by Bertie, as with all contracts look at the small print.

    I sat incredulous as Mr Kenny's announcements and fanciful defences of what now appears to be not a contract, but a collection of ill conceived, poorly considered, and yet to be confirmed thoughts with potential Government partners.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 16,165 ✭✭✭✭brianthebard

    That's not the debate I saw.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 67 ✭✭JonnyXXX

    neither the debate I saw. The crap about the contract being dimantled. less face it, Berties only form of defence was to attack. Anyone can pick a hole in anything if they want to. One mans word against another. And all FF have to talk about is the economy. Treating the Irish People as naive as usual. "Dont turn your back on all the progress" Bull****. Its scaremongering tactics on the part of FF. Whoever the new govt is wont make a blind bit of difference to the economy. In any event,the boom is already over. Secondly, the risk of complacency with FF in again is very high. If i was re elected again for 15 years, I cant imagine i would have the same vigour as I did 10 years ago. The fat cats get fatter. We need something new.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,472 ✭✭✭Sposs

    Change just for the sake of change is not always the right option, i gave the debate to bertie as he basically dismantled enda's proposal.
    What annnoys me is the fact that anyone can sit taken pot shots at the current government for their failures , yet no one can come up with ways to resolve those very issues simply saying the current government have failed to deliver is not a reason to vote for someone.
    It's not a matter of simple throwing more and more money at the problems of health and crime, it needs a detailed strategic plan that will maximise resources, this is something FF are working on and needs more time.
    Also FG + Lab also don't seem that bothered with R & D which is a must if we are to continue with a strong economy and make ireland a attractive proposition for foreign investment.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 16,165 ✭✭✭✭brianthebard

    The detailed strategic plan is what FG and Labour have set out, FF are the one's who have been throwing money at problems. Have a look at, it lays out all of the present government's incompetency and lack of foresight for all to see.

  • Moderators, Entertainment Moderators, Politics Moderators Posts: 14,505 Mod ✭✭✭✭johnnyskeleton

    Saruman wrote:
    Bertie gets my vote, better the Devil you know!
    Enda is a muppet.

    I think this sums it up exactly for many people. Enda really is unlikeable as a person and I wouldn't let him run a civil service office, never mind the entire country.

    Also, as I green voter (:o ) I think that FF would be much more willing to work with the greens than FG/Labour.

    One poster mentioned that they didn't trust Bertie because behind the bumbling incoherent exterior he is sly and as sharp as a razor. I think that this is a good characteristic in a politician, and I can't help but feel that if any other party leader was Taoiseach when GW Bush started on his crusade, Ireland would have been drawn much further into that folly.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 11,980 ✭✭✭✭Giblet

    The detailed strategic plan is what FG and Labour have set out, FF are the one's who have been throwing money at problems. Have a look at, it lays out all of the present government's incompetency and lack of foresight for all to see.

    Like 30,000 on makeup.. what is this crap?
