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Soccer Forum



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 15,552 ✭✭✭✭GuanYin

    then id like you to go and do your search and find out when i was banned. and if its that long ago,. then i completely fail to see why you have me listed.
    Search is down.
    i tend to give back what i get, so i will assume you were your usual witty self in reference to me. such as your above post involving me.
    No, I don't think you'll ever find me having a go at you. I wouldn't see the point. However, I could, if so inclined, point you to many mod and feedback threads where you have posted attempting to troll, insult or belittle something I've said, with a comment out of context based on some perceived flaw in me that you have.
    you see, i dont understand. you respond every time, but are you saying that you arent going to take on board anything i say.
    so for you, its just about getting in your remarks, and not about addressing any of the points i make. again, a mark of the man, and not one that should be in a moderating position on imho.
    Well I live in hope that with my repeated responses to your repeated posts that are uncivil, you may post in a civil and adult manner and we may enter a worthwhile dialogue.

    I'm amused that your response to my request for civility, is yet more insults.
    you can go back and read anything ive written. but it seems you ignore it, and then call me a parrot.
    I think again, I merely pointed out that you had followed up several posts in the space of a short time saying the same thing, usually in the same insulting way.

    Which again, I just see as your character, but I see no point in responding to you about the issues at hand when you're in that mindset, I've tried before in mod and you got insulting, I responded to that and you made an attempt to show me up based on a faulty assumtion on your part. When I corrected you and called you on all of this, you simply stopped responding.

    What am I to think but you simply enjoy harassing me, seeing as my attempts to enter into serious dialogue are met with insults and my requests for civility are met with insults?

    I'll be happy to enter into dialogue when you post in a polite, civil and adult manner. So there you go, the ball is (as it always has been) in your court.
    Better than you it would seem.
    so why would i?
    I don't think you would. Because I don't think any point you have to make is as important to you as the appearance of being an intellectual better who can talk down to others and insult them at a whim. But that is just my opinion.
    besides, im not interested in posting your soccer forum anymore. there seems to be a lot of people who would like something different than what you offer, and if they get a forum going, id post in there. i said i have nothing more to say on the matter of your forum, and its the truth. i dont, what i dont like is your constant use of me as some sort of totem for disruption.
    if you want a disrupting factor, id look at the moderation of the forum. that seems to be what people are not happy with.
    It's not my forum and as you well know, I merely enforce rules that have been there since before my arrival. You never seemed vocal about it when your pal was running the show.

    As for you as a totem for disruption, drama much? Can you show me where I said that. I merely implied you'd been noted as having been flaming and trolling before.

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,099 ✭✭✭✭WhiteWashMan

    and you are known for banning people from fora when they have said things you didnt like on other fora.

    but im gald you feel thaqt my posts are worthy of reading sometimes. now, feel free to carry on whatever dispute you are currently having on the state of play on the soccer forum. like i keep saying, i have no wish to discuss the soccer forum any further, since i would simply then be a parrot, according to you (so you admit that i have made attempts to make suggestions, but you pass them off).
    if you do want my opinion, feel free to pm me.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 15,552 ✭✭✭✭GuanYin

    and you are known for banning people from fora when they have said things you didnt like on other fora.

    Do you simplify issues to cloud them and suit your needs in all aspects of life or just selectively?

    What this has to do with anything besides another inane attempt by you to rise or flame me is questionable.

    It's also exactly what I mean about your posts. It always *SEEMS* like you are fighting a good fight with some intelligent purpose. At the end of the day, when you strip away your insults and your snide remarks and your attempts to flame people, there is no substance.

    Here I gave you a fair chance to make your point, clearly stating I'd enter into dialogue, asking only that you remain civil. And you back away with another jibe (that you have proably overused at this point, at least if you expect it to succeed in rising me) and dismiss my offer.

    So it seems to me, the fight is only worth fighting for you if you can take people down and not actually civally resolve the issue. Yet apparently my character is the one you feel needs questioning.
    but im gald you feel thaqt my posts are worthy of reading sometimes. now, feel free to carry on whatever dispute you are currently having on the state of play on the soccer forum. like i keep saying, i have no wish to discuss the soccer forum any further, since i would simply then be a parrot, according to you (so you admit that i have made attempts to make suggestions, but you pass them off).
    if you do want my opinion, feel free to pm me.

    So what you're saying is, you have no interest in publically entering into discussion unless you can be insulting, patronising and flaming. But I can PM you instead, presumably in private you don't mind being civil because noone is watching to see how brash and brazen you are - (or at least I presume you wouldn't expect me to PM you otherwise). I see.

    Feel free to wander off and lose interest in soccer so, I'm glad we had a chance to highlight that at the end of the day, you didn't really have any contribution of worth and were just content to insult people. I'd rather hear complaints from someone with an interest in soccer and the forum, and not from someone just wanting to act like a bit of a bully.

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,099 ✭✭✭✭WhiteWashMan

    an admin has had to 'step in' to help mod a forum.

    thats not a reflection on me, nor is it a result of me, as much as you may wish it were.
    no matter how much youd like to turn this thread into a 'bash wwman' thread, its not about me. its about the soccer forum.

    i have no problem with you insulting me, but it seems youre more interested in that than the task at hand.

    the forum is your responsibility, so tell me, what are the issues you have in the soccer forum these days, and what are you[/] doing to solve them.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 15,552 ✭✭✭✭GuanYin

    an admin has had to 'step in' to help mod a forum.
    I don't think the admin had to at all. I think he wanted to.
    thats not a reflection on me, nor is it a result of me, as much as you may wish it were.
    Don't personally believe it has much to do with you at all.
    no matter how much youd like to turn this thread into a 'bash wwman' thread, its not about me. its about the soccer forum.

    Who is bashing you? I have merely commented on the series of events. You've complained I don't listen to you. I've stated why I don't listed and given you a chance to rectify it. I've asked for a civil conversation and you've backed away from that chance with less civility.

    Now to a casual observer that seems suspicious? It means you either can't or won't enter into dialogue without being rude, insulting and abrasive. If you can't, well then that says something there. If you won't, well I think that says even more.
    i have no problem with you insulting me, but it seems youre more interested in that than the task at hand.

    I've no intention of insulting you nor have I done so purposely in this thread. If you feel that I have, I assure you I did not intend it so.

    I'm merely commenting on my perception of your actions and questioning why you refuse, when offered the chance, to enter into dialogue in a civil manner.
    the forum is your responsibility, so tell me, what are the issues you have in the soccer forum these days, and what are you[/] doing to solve

    I thought you had no interest in discussing this further? Oh well, seeing as you have obliged my request and asked nicely.

    The only issue I have at the moment is the amount of duplicate accounts getting in. I've asked for a way to spot them and with ecksor now mod, I hope that way may be in place.

    Otherwise, the issues highlighted by the few posters here don't seem to be much of an issue with me. I've talked to Tom about it and his comment of "can't please everyone all of the time" is something I'm coming around to. There is a misconception regarding banter not being allowed. The so called inconsistancy of the modding is merely down to speed of action by the mods and the use/misuse of report post. If something is missed, I hope we get it eventually.

    As for your comment about things being ignored. Again, your not a mod of soccer, so just because you feel something needs action doesn't mean we do. Nor indeed, does it mean we haven't acted in a way unbeknownst to you.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 20,099 ✭✭✭✭WhiteWashMan

    well, there you go.

    you feel there are no further real issues.

    i do.

    i have no doubt that tom will be happy enough to give those people who are not happy with the current status quo another forum to post on. and then all the people can be happy, asll the time.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 15,552 ✭✭✭✭GuanYin

    i have no doubt that tom will be happy enough to give those people who are not happy with the current status quo another forum to post on. and then all the people can be happy, asll the time.
    Maybe he will, maybe he won't. It's not my place to speak for him.

    Mind you, I've noticed that you have no put the task of identifying these "issues" that you claim exist, on me, rather than you actually bringing them up in a civil manner, seeing as you are the one who claims they exist.

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,099 ✭✭✭✭WhiteWashMan

    you can go back and read my first post if you want a list of my issues.

    you have said that they arent issues for you though, so im guessing youve read them.

    which kind of makes me wonder why you persist in telling me that i havent told you what they are.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 15,552 ✭✭✭✭GuanYin

    you can go back and read my first post if you want a list of my issues.

    you have said that they arent issues for you though, so im guessing youve read them.

    which kind of makes me wonder why you persist in telling me that i havent told you what they are.
    I'm not interested in entering a discussion with you unless you are polite and civil. Your first post wasn't.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,482 ✭✭✭RE*AC*TOR

    Jeez get a room lads.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 14,003 ✭✭✭✭The Muppet

    psi wrote:

    Of the people I've seen post on this thread and the others, most of the most more prolifically outspoken - REACTOR, The Muppet, mayordenis, WWM fade2black jump out at me, are people either currently or previously banned from the soccer forum and names known to the mods (and not in a good way).

    Sorry PSI but as you have decided to name and shame certain users could you at least please provide links to posts from these users that lead you to your conclusion. I think its only fair that these users are given the chance to defend themselves now that they have been named.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,230 ✭✭✭scojones

    Careful now The Muppet. psi won't enter into sexual relations with you unless you are civil and polite.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,839 ✭✭✭Hobart

    The Muppet wrote:
    Sorry PSI but as you have decided to name and shame certain users could you at least please provide links to posts from these users that lead you to your conclusion. I think its only fair that these users are given the chance to defend themselves now that they have been named.
    Is there really any need? I think anybody who posts on soccer is aware of the bile you can come out with with infrequent regularity, most of it innacurate tbh.

    And your record on feedback is hardly without blemish, is it? Were'nt you the user who tried to hoodwink an admin, DeV if memory serves me right, only for you to admit to lying to the whole site in an embarresing climb down. If I were you, I would leave it while you have some semblance of credability left.

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,099 ✭✭✭✭WhiteWashMan

    psi wrote:
    I'm not interested in entering a discussion with you unless you are polite and civil. Your first post wasn't.

    i guess the rest of our posts is foreplay.
    i wish youd tell me these things. i can never tell when someone is cracking on to me!

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,003 ✭✭✭✭The Muppet

    Hobart wrote:
    Is there really any need? I think anybody who posts on soccer is aware of the bile you can come out with with infrequent regularity, most of it innacurate tbh. .

    Of course there is a need for the reason stated. Nobody posts "bile" on soccer and gets away with it. I have had over 5000 posts here, mostly on soccer so it should not be difficult to provide links as I requested.

    Hobart wrote:
    And your record on feedback is hardly without blemish, is it? Were'nt you the user who tried to hoodwink an admin, DeV if memory serves me right, only for you to admit to lying to the whole site in an embarresing climb down. If I were you, I would leave it while you have some semblance of credability left.

    I don' see the relevances to this topic but as you have raised it I'll address it . That was four years ago when I joined the site . I don't think I was the first or last Noob to try fight The Powar when I came here. I would hope all involved have moved on from that.

  • Registered Users Posts: 27,322 ✭✭✭✭super_furry

    KdjaCL wrote:
    So the problems with Soccer forum other than many threads on the same subject re the OP :

    Cant abuse players.
    Cant abuse other users.
    Cant try get other users banned.

    Did i leave anything out?


    Certain moderators have shown that they're not fit to hold that role.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 15,552 ✭✭✭✭GuanYin

    The Muppet wrote:
    Sorry PSI but as you have decided to name and shame certain users could you at least please provide links to posts from these users that lead you to your conclusion. I think its only fair that these users are given the chance to defend themselves now that they have been named.
    None of the details of the others are of any concern of yours, but seeing as you asked about yourself:

    You were viewed as one of the worst offenders for trolling on soccer. Indeed, you were one of 4-5 users who were the direct reason for the soccer overhaul. This in turn led to your continued ban from the forum when it re-opened. Since amnesty was given to you, you were quiet for a while, but recently have started (in the view of some mods and admins who are observing) to return to you old ways.

  • Moderators, Social & Fun Moderators Posts: 10,501 Mod ✭✭✭✭ecksor

    Aquos76 wrote:
    I am lead to believe that this comment has gotten F2B a ban from not only here but also the Soccer forum.

    Surely that cant be right.

    I think it was consistent with my previous post on this thread.

  • Moderators, Social & Fun Moderators Posts: 10,501 Mod ✭✭✭✭ecksor

    The Muppet wrote:
    Sorry PSI but as you have decided to name and shame certain users could you at least please provide links to posts from these users that lead you to your conclusion. I think its only fair that these users are given the chance to defend themselves now that they have been named.

    Oh wow, there's a real big smell of a troll right there. Why does he have to provide links when you refused to provide them for me?

  • Registered Users Posts: 18,625 ✭✭✭✭BaZmO*

    ecksor wrote:
    Why does he have to provide links when you refused to provide them for me?
    Because (and I'm not having a go here) that's his stock answer for every challenge to something he has said. I think it started when himself and T4TF were at each other's throats and T4TF used to make him provide links and then it became tit for tat a lot like the way this thread is heading tbh.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 17,213 ✭✭✭✭therecklessone

    In other news, here's a car crash


  • Registered Users Posts: 18,625 ✭✭✭✭BaZmO*

    In other news, here's a car crash

    I bet a Mod caused that!

  • Moderators, Social & Fun Moderators Posts: 10,501 Mod ✭✭✭✭ecksor

    BaZmO* wrote:
    Because (and I'm not having a go here) that's his stock answer for every challenge to something he has said. I think it started when himself and T4TF were at each other's throats and T4TF used to make him provide links and then it became tit for tat a lot like the way this thread is heading tbh.

    Whose stock answer? That doesn't answer my question anyway.

  • Registered Users Posts: 18,625 ✭✭✭✭BaZmO*

    ecksor wrote:
    Whose stock answer? That doesn't answer my question anyway.
    The Muppet's

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,944 ✭✭✭✭Villain

    IMO I think the way Liverpool fans thread has been allowed to run on shows exactly the kind of problems I have seen in the soccer forum.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,247 ✭✭✭✭6th

    Well seeing as the car crash pic popped up:


    Yes ..... I need to get out more!

  • Moderators, Social & Fun Moderators Posts: 10,501 Mod ✭✭✭✭ecksor

    BaZmO* wrote:
    The Muppet's

    I take it back, perhaps it does answer my question!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 15,552 ✭✭✭✭GuanYin

    irish1 wrote:
    IMO I think the way Liverpool fans thread has been allowed to run on shows exactly the kind of problems I have seen in the soccer forum.
    I just closed it - I was away and I'd probably have closed it earlier. Perhaps the other mods felt their actions may be deemed as biased in acting.

    I have no such problem (except the Milwall fan who outted himself on this thread - we're now sworn enemies ;) )

  • Administrators, Entertainment Moderators, Social & Fun Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 18,727 Admin ✭✭✭✭✭hullaballoo


    This thread is about 150 posts longer than it needs to be: Soccer should be no different to mod than any other forum and the whole system that's in place makes a mountain out of a mole hill.

    The fact that it's perceived as a difficult forum to mod makes it easier for people to come along and criticise the way it's done - the assumption is already there that mods are trigger-happy so when someone gets banned, they can come along and shout "POWER TRIP" at people.

    The usual conspiracy theorists will back them up and you'll end up with threads like this.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 17,247 ✭✭✭✭6th

    Well I hate this thread because no one liked my picture :(
