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Someday I Will...



  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 21,981 ✭✭✭✭Hanley

    Malteaser! wrote: »
    So I have my training sorted, next up is my diet. The only problem is, I really don't want to change it. See, the last time I had an over haul of my diet I lost loads of weight but after a while I started to get a little bit more relaxed about my whole approach to eating and all the bad stuff started to slip back into my diet again. At the same time, I took up weight training. So what was, and still is happening, is that I can afford to eat more food without putting on weight because of the extra calorie expenditure I get through my training. That would be fine, if the food that I was eating was in any way decent but it's not. My diet is crap. I eat far too many processed, carb laden, saturated fat loaded foods. I eat barely enough protein for a normal person, let alone someone who likes to lift some heavy-ass weights a few days a week. I eat barely any vegetables, no good fats, skip breakfast more often than not. Basically, for someone who's as intent as I am on my weightlifting goals, I'm simply not eating the right way to achieve them. How dumb does that sound?? After describing how awful my diet is, I still say that I don't really want to change it. The reason is, I actually enjoy what I'm eating. I like having a pizza 2 or 3 times a week, I like fizzy drinks, I like all of these things that are so bad for me.

    Up until now, I haven't really seen a problem with the way I eat because I've stayed so slim. When I cleaned up my diet before it was because I wanted to loose weight. Now, I want to clean up my diet again, and has nothing to do weight, it's to do with eating the right way to get the most out of my training but how do you measure that?? With weight, I was able to measure myself, take photos, weight myself etc and when I saw results, it was motivation to keep going, but how does one measure the effect changing your diet has on your performance?? I'm getting stronger as it is, if I were to change my diet and then manage an extra set of deadlifts next week, how do I know that that was as a result of the diet?? It doesn't act as enough of an incentive for me.

    I work my arse off in the gym, every new PB, every missed rep, everybody else in the gym, everybody else's training logs, the world records to be broken - all motivate me to work that little bit harder each time I walk into that weights room. Yet, I can't get my arse in gear to sort out my diet.

    I'm not sure what the point of this mini rant was, maybe by awknowledging that something needs to be done about it in public will act as a bit of an incentive for me to work harder on it.

    God do I know that feeling..... You know what I'm doing diet wise anyway. I'm considering a few early cardio days now next week if you feel like joining!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,602 ✭✭✭celestial

    Malteaser! wrote: »
    Thanks for not completely slating me over how bad my diet is!!

    Those reasons you just listed are all part of the reason why I want to improve my diet. See I know the benefits of healthy eating but because I can't measure the effect it's having on body, like I would if I was eating to loose weight for example, means that I'm more likely to fall into the trap of 'ah sure what harm is this one pizza', or 'one bottle of coke is hardly going to kill me' and on and on it goes until my diet is back up in disaster-land again. :o

    The way I was thinking of doing it is, instead of waking up tomorrow and trying to implement a brand new diet plan, is to do in stages. I think it'll be more manageable that way. So for example, I could start by eating breakfast every day for a week, then the next week make another change, like cutting out the fizzy drinks, then the following week cut out the pizza.

    I think small manageable steps may be the key in me making this change a successful one??

    There was no chance of me slating you cos I know exactly where you're at and am facing the same thing myself - to a much lesser extent though - I DO eat breakfast:D

    Totally know what you mean - I've dropped loads of fat. However when I was really trying to drop the flab I wouldn't touch any sugar - except maybe a bar or packet of crisps as post night out food (day after a night out). During the week I'd have sugar free muesli for breakfast and would eat religiously every 2-3 hours, kept starchy carbs to pre and post workout- all the things you're supposed to do. Now that I can wear any t-shirt I want without a visible gut and my stomach no longer has that 'paunch', I'm thinking 'I've got a lot more leeway here!' Hence the reason I've been having dark chocolate and the odd bowl of Kellogs Start and actually I'm not doing too bad am I - the worst thing I have is a bowl of sugary wholegrain cereal once or twice a week! The point being though that I kinda feel I can get away with it cos I've come this far, have added mass, and train regularly.

    It really depends on yourself though - you can be either 'all or nothing' or 'I'll just have a few bad things'....I think I'm a mix of both.

    One thing I do know is that it's a lifestyle choice - if you were to do everything right you would likely find you don't want to go back to your old ways - and that is the key. It's not that you want to eat crap but make yourself not eat it - it's that you don't want to eat it - and that is what makes the difference.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,234 ✭✭✭Malteaser!

    celestial wrote: »
    There was no chance of me slating you cos I know exactly where you're at and am facing the same thing myself - to a much lesser extent though - I DO eat breakfast:D

    Totally know what you mean - I've dropped loads of fat. However when I was really trying to drop the flab I wouldn't touch any sugar - except maybe a bar or packet of crisps as post night out food (day after a night out). During the week I'd have sugar free muesli for breakfast and would eat religiously every 2-3 hours, kept starchy carbs to pre and post workout- all the things you're supposed to do. Now that I can wear any t-shirt I want without a visible gut and my stomach no longer has that 'paunch', I'm thinking 'I've got a lot more leeway here!' Hence the reason I've been having dark chocolate and the odd bowl of Kellogs Start and actually I'm not doing too bad am I - the worst thing I have is a bowl of sugary wholegrain cereal once or twice a week! The point being though that I kinda feel I can get away with it cos I've come this far, have added mass, and train regularly.

    It really depends on yourself though - you can be either 'all or nothing' or 'I'll just have a few bad things'....I think I'm a mix of both.

    One thing I do know is that it's a lifestyle choice - if you were to do everything right you would likely find you don't want to go back to your old ways - and that is the key. It's not that you want to eat crap but make yourself not eat it - it's that you don't want to eat it - and that is what makes the difference.

    Pretty much summed it up there in that bolded part! It's just a tough cycle to break.

    I do agree with you that it's a lifestyle choice. I also think that the last time I had an overhaul of my diet, the fact that I just suddenly changed *everything* one day contributed to me not sticking with it! The changes were too much altogether. I didn't really crave any of the bad stuff, though sometimes I'd be walking through Superquinn and I'd smell all the lovely bread from the bakery and would really, really want some but I wouldn't let myself just have the treat, ever. I don't think that was a great idea, I do think that you need a cheat every now and again, coz the more I denied myself something, the more I wanted it - typical!! :rolleyes:

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,234 ✭✭✭Malteaser!

    Sheiko - Week 1, Day 3


    20kg x 3

    32.5kg x 5

    40kg x 4

    45kg x 2 x 3

    50kg x 5 x 2


    20kg x 5

    22.5kg x 4

    27.5x 2 x 3

    30kg x 2 x 2

    20kg x 3

    25kg x 5

    20 x 7


    5kg x 5 x 10


    32.5kg x 5

    40kg x 2 x 5

    45kg x 4 x 4

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 21,981 ✭✭✭✭Hanley

    That is just so stupid... I'm really impressed with how well your handling it!!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,234 ✭✭✭Malteaser!

    Thoughts on yesterdays session:

    This one looked a lot worse on paper than it actually was to do. I thought 50kg x 5 x 2 was gonna be really tough but then I remembered that I'd done it for 3 x 3 with 57.5kg so 50 shouldn't be a bother. It wasn't.

    Benching was good. I really like the bench pyramid, you're always nicely shattered by the time you're done. Hurt my wrist quite badly on one the first set of 30kg though, I wasn't really paying attention to what I was doing and just unracked it without setting up properly or being ready, I'm not sure exactky what happened, other than it left me with a searing pain right through my left wrist. It was sore for the remainder of the sets but it's cleared up fine now though!

    Second round of squatting was a bit tougher, I was really tired at this stage and was in a rush to get out of the gym so had to race through all the sets.

    I was damn sure that I was going to be crippled with DOMS today after all that squatting like I was at the start at the week but I'm not. I'm slightly stiff but nothing compared to what I"ve been like in the last few days!

    So week 1 is down, only 3 more to go. This whole Sheiko lark is definitely a lot more manageable second time round!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,234 ✭✭✭Malteaser!

    Monday - Sheiko, Week 2, Day 1


    20kg x 5

    32.5kg x 5

    40kg x 2 x 3

    50kg x 5 x 2


    20kg x 5

    22.5kg x 4

    27.5kg x 2 x 2

    30kg x 5 x 3


    6kg x 5 x 10

    Front Squat

    20kg x 2 x 3

    25kg x 2 x 3

    30kg x 4 x 2

    Good Mornings

    20kg x 5 x 5

    Load volume:
    3193 kg.
    Number of lifts: 153 lifts

    Another good session, I'm really getting into this Sheiko lark! I think I'm gonna run another 4 week cycle right after this one! (wonder if I'll still be saying that in week 4!!)

    First of all, I accidently took the sheet for week 2, day 3 to the gym instead of week 1, so yes I am an idiot but I'm also happy that I was able to get through it with relative ease! Seeings as I'd already done 50kg x 5 x 2 the last day it was no problem on Monday!

    No sign of any wrist pain during the bench!! :) Which was also very strong. It's so frustrating, I can bench 30/32.5kg so strongly for a ton of reps but if I try to move the weight up, even by a fraction, I can't do it. I don't know whether it's in my head or whether I'm just not strong enough, either way it's annoying as hell.

    Front squats were a load of fun, I haven't done them in ages so I don't know what my max is on them so I was sort of just feeling my way through them. Needless to say that 30kg is *way* too light. For all of the top sets I was seeing if I could actually sit on the floor and get back up - I couldn't, not even nearly flexible enough. I took a video of them which I'll try to get up later!!

    Heading to the gym today for day 2!! :)

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 21,981 ✭✭✭✭Hanley

    Lol those front squats were GAS. So frickin hilarious like.

    I can't believe I'm only up. I'm such a waster. At least the rain's washing the car for me now :p

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,234 ✭✭✭Malteaser!

    Hanley wrote: »
    Lol those front squats were GAS. So frickin hilarious like.

    I can't believe I'm only up. I'm such a waster. At least the rain's washing the car for me now :p

    Yeah I know, I'd put the video up but I was making some horrible faces while I was doing them and I really don't think the whole world wants to see that!! :p

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 21,981 ✭✭✭✭Hanley

    Malteaser! wrote: »
    Yeah I know, I'd put the video up but I was making some horrible faces while I was doing them and I really don't think the whole world wants to see that!! :p

    Ya know... they're on my camera. And would be going on my youtube. So I don't really think you've any say :p

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,234 ✭✭✭Malteaser!

    Hanley wrote: »
    Ya know... they're on my camera. And would be going on my youtube. So I don't really think you've any say :p

    It's awfully rainy out...I hope you weren't looking for a lift to the gym today! evil.gif:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,234 ✭✭✭Malteaser!

    Gym last night:

    Sheiko, Week 2, Day 2


    50kg x 3

    60kg x 3

    70kg x 2 x 3

    75kg x 4 x 2


    20kg x 6

    22.5kg x 2 x 6

    25kg x 4 x 6


    6kg x 5 x 10

    Rack pulls (4 - 5 inches below the knee)

    55kg x 4

    65kg x 4

    75kg x 2 x 4

    80kg x 4 x 4


    20kg x 5 x 5

    It was supposed to be deadlifting to the knees but I really don't see the point in it at all so just switched conventional deads instead.

    I don't know why, but I really do find that rack pulls to be harder than pulling from the floor. It's probably because by the time I'm doing them, I've already done conventionals, benching and flies so I'm pretty wrecked. Standing on the box to do them is just evil!!

    Something happened in the gym last night, and I'm sure it's not really that big of a deal but I'm still furious over it. When I was finished doing the rack pulls, I stayed in the rack to do my lunges - I've never done them with a barbell before - actually I don't know why I'm explaining myself, I was using the rack because I flippin' wanted to. Anyway, some fella comes over to be after I've done my first set and asked would I be much longer, I said two minutes at the max and he was cool with that, I told him I had no problem if he wanted to put some weight on it to get his set in and I'd take it off when he was done but he said it was fine that he'd wait. It's funny, people have asked me was I using equipment such as the racks, barbells, plates before and I've just let them have them coz I hate putting people out. I have actually let people take over what I was doing and then I'd wait for the other one to become available just so other people wouldn't be left waiting. Now when this guy last night asked me was I nearly done, I was so close to saying he could just take it and I'd use DBs when he called over to his friend that I'd be another two minutes and his friend started to go on about how people shouldn't be allowed to take up the rack if they're just using the bar, that there was loads of more floor space to use, that it's rediculous, yada yada yada. The fucker actually started to say all of these things right in front of me and whats even worse is that he was using one of the leg machines so it wasn't even like he was ready to use the bloody rack yet, he was just being a bastard for the sake of it. Maybe if he didn't spend as much time on the resistance machines or talking to his mates he would have gotten to the rack first. It's just bad manners to talk about somebody like that, he knew that I could hear him because I stared at him the whole way through my sets as I took my sweet time plus he was literally about 5 feet away from me, there's no way I couldn't have heard him. I really don't know why I let him get to me so damn much and I was so annoyed afterwards that I didn't go up to confront him but I swear to god if he so much as looks at me again, he will be sorry.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,348 ✭✭✭the drifter

    you have every right to use the rack to do lunges or bulgarians when using the barbell.. its done the whole time by anyone who is any bit safety minded in a gym.... i dont agree with racks being used for curls that just gets to me... you pay your membership the same as he were fully within your rights and if he doesnt like it its his tuff ****!! i say go you for training safe...if more people trained like that it would be better...

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 21,981 ✭✭✭✭Hanley

    you have every right to use the rack to do lunges or bulgarians when using the barbell.. its done the whole time by anyone who is any bit safety minded in a gym.... i dont agree with racks being used for curls that just gets to me... you pay your membership the same as he were fully within your rights and if he doesnt like it its his tuff ****!! i say go you for training safe...if more people trained like that it would be better...

    He was a fat cnut too. I'm still raging I was only heard about it after we left the weights room. Him and his mates ended up using the massive amount of 100kg after we left too.... I REALLY wish I'd been training legs.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,234 ✭✭✭Malteaser!

    you have every right to use the rack to do lunges or bulgarians when using the barbell.. its done the whole time by anyone who is any bit safety minded in a gym.... i dont agree with racks being used for curls that just gets to me... you pay your membership the same as he were fully within your rights and if he doesnt like it its his tuff ****!! i say go you for training safe...if more people trained like that it would be better...

    Ah yeah, I know that, I still couldn't get over the cheek of him. I've never experienced somebody being so rude in the gym before. Using it last night wasn't so much a safety issue, more like, 'I've never done lunges with a BB before so I want to be able to re-rack it quickly if I make a fool of myself!!!' kinda thing!! :D
    Hanley wrote: »
    He was a fat cnut too. I'm still raging I was only heard about it after we left the weights room. Him and his mates ended up using the massive amount of 100kg after we left too.... I REALLY wish I'd been training legs.

    Yeah and for how many sets?? In the time it took us to walk from the door to the car he seemed to have finished his sets in the rack and moved to squatting in the Smith!!

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 21,981 ✭✭✭✭Hanley

    Malteaser! wrote: »
    Yeah and for how many sets?? In the time it took us to walk from the door to the car he seemed to have finished his sets in the rack and moved to squatting in the Smith!!

    Yeah I don't tihnk he even ended up using the rack tbh. It was his jacked mates that did.

    I think they were using something stupid like 30 or 60kg in the smith plus the weight of the bar. Douche bag. I actually hope I come across him again.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,234 ✭✭✭Malteaser!

    Core yesterday. I can't actually remember everything I did, I know there was planks, planks with my feet on the bosu ball, sit ups on the ball ,oblique sit-ups, push ups oh and to finish it off, 30 squats as fast as I could on the bosu ball. My legs were in bits when I was done!!

    One of the trainers in the gym made a new core program for me so I'll start incorporating that as soon as I have a chance to go through it with him!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,234 ✭✭✭Malteaser!

    Hanley wrote: »
    Yeah I don't tihnk he even ended up using the rack tbh. It was his jacked mates that did.

    I think they were using something stupid like 30 or 60kg in the smith plus the weight of the bar. Douche bag. I actually hope I come across him again.

    Lol, he's up there all the time!! He knows I was p!ssed off about it but sure it's in the past now, I'm not even gonna think about it, he obviously doesn't have a fuppin' clue and tbh people like that aren't even worth getting stressed over!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,234 ✭✭✭Malteaser!

    Sheiko, Week 2, Day 3


    20kg x 4

    32.5kg x 4

    40kg x 2 x 3

    52.5kg x 5 x 2


    20kg x 5

    22.5kg x 4

    27.5kg x 2 x 3

    30kg x 2 x 2

    27.5kg x 3

    25 x 5

    20 x 7


    6kg x 5 x 10


    32.5kg x 5

    40kg x 2 x 5

    45kg x 4 x 4

    Good mornings

    20kg x 5 x 5

    I was really tired after this. I was actually completely drained after my benching so the squats were tough mentally to get through.

    The heat was something else in the gym today, I was wearing two t-shirts when I went in, as I often do but I swear, by the time the first two sets were done, I felt like I was boiling alive!! I think when the gym is too hot it can lead to the session being a bit tougher, I always find it takes more out of me.

    Squats were really strong, I have video of my fourth set of 52.5kg. I attempted to get videos of the first three but my camera kept acting up!!

    I also have a video of my top bench set, I'll try to get that uploaded tonight as well, they won't be up till later though coz I'm heading out to Howth now for a walk down the pier! :)

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 21,981 ✭✭✭✭Hanley

    You haven't left yet???

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,234 ✭✭✭Malteaser!

    Hanley wrote: »
    You haven't left yet???

    Well if I'm here posting, then clearly I haven't!! :p

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 21,981 ✭✭✭✭Hanley

    Ah ok. I thought you were going at 6.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,234 ✭✭✭Malteaser!

    Hanley wrote: »
    Ah ok. I thought you were going at 6.

    My date got delayed!!! ;)

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 21,981 ✭✭✭✭Hanley

    Malteaser! wrote: »
    My date got delayed!!! ;)

    Lolz. Cheeky mare. Enjoy!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,234 ✭✭✭Malteaser!

    This is my fourth set with 52.5kg.

    Bench video to come...

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,234 ✭✭✭Malteaser!

    Oh and I keep doing this out, then forgetting to stick it in.

    For Week 2, Day 2:

    Load volume: 5500 kg.
    Number of lifts: 169 lifts

    and Week 2, Day 3:

    Load volume: 4480 kg.
    Number of lifts: 185 lifts

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,234 ✭✭✭Malteaser!

    This is 30kg x 2.

    -I look like a cat setting up

    -I have a really big arch

    -It looks like my whole bum isn't touching the bench, it *definitely* is. My leggings go right up to my belly button and when I pull myself up towards the bar, my top rides up so you can see more of the leggings and it looks like my bum is higher up that it actually is. Just as an aside, in a competition there's a 50% rule, that's to say 50% of your bum must be in contact with the bench, I know that mine is but I don't like the way it looks like it isn't.

    -30kg is *way* too easy. When working out the numbers for Sheiko you basically work out certain percentages of your max lifts and slot them into the program - my 'max' is 37.5kg. I've never actually lifted it, but it was obvious that I could do it, it's starting to look like I should have used 40kg as a base. The volume may be intense but the weights are easy, I think I may adjust the rest of my benching from here on in to be 2.5kg more than what I wrote out originally.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,348 ✭✭✭the drifter

    holy s*#t thats some arch....if i got my back into that position id be in hospital!! fair play...whats your 1 rep max on the bench so far?

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 21,981 ✭✭✭✭Hanley

    Malteaser! wrote: »

    -I look like a cat setting up

    Lol'er skates. Amazing. And so so true.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,234 ✭✭✭Malteaser!

    holy s*#t thats some arch....if i got my back into that position id be in hospital!! fair play...whats your 1 rep max on the bench so far?

    Lolz I know, I didn't realise it was so high till I taped it!!

    Tbh I don't know what it is, the last time I tested it was before Sheiko, round 1 and it 35kg x 1 but since then I've done it for 3 I think. My bench is really brutal, before Sheiko, it was the one lift that I always happened to be 'busy' on the day I was meant to be doing it so it always got neglected. I'm gonna test at the end of the comp cycle in 7 weeks. It better have gone up or I'll go mad!!
