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Someday I Will...



  • Registered Users Posts: 2,234 ✭✭✭Malteaser!


    Set 1

    Back extension on the ball/sit ups with feet on the wobble board

    Back to back with no rest : 20 seconds rest after each cycle

    3 cycles with 20 reps of each

    Set 2

    Seated pull in crunches/Crucifix with 3kg dumbbells

    Back to back with no rest : 20 seconds rest after each cycle

    3 cycles with 15 reps of seated crunches and 10 second hold with the crucifix

    Set 3

    Oblique sit ups -> into bicycles

    Back to back no rest : 25 seconds rest after each cycle

    3 cycles with 15 reps for the obliques and to failure on the bicyles

    Set 4

    Planks with feet on bozu ball and arms on another bozu ball

    Minimum hold - 20 seconds

    Then just some messing around with the bosu ball - curls with a 12.5kg bar, straight into bent over rows, staright into squats.

    Oh wow, is all I can say. The guy who did out the program wasn't there but one of the other lads who I've known years came over to help me with it. The thing is though, he pushed me harder than I ever would have pushed myself. The program is all supersets with very little rest periods between sets and he was timing me the whole time, making sure I didn't slack off. When I was finished I actually lay on the ground, in a pool of sweat for about five minutes trying to stop the sick I could feel in my throat from coming up!!

    Highlights included me falling into a fit of laughter every time I attempted to do planks with my feet on one bozu ball and my arms on the other and me falling off the bozu ball with a bar on my back after trying and failing to do weighted squats on it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,062 ✭✭✭gabgab

    I do not understand alot of that but it sounds impressive,

    Anything involving weight and a stopwatch is torture but feel amazing after it,

    Keep it up,

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,234 ✭✭✭Malteaser!

    Looking at all the info laid out like that makes it seem a bit confusing. It's actually grand once you go through it once, like for example, with the 'Set 1', you do 20 hyper-extensions on a gym ball and then straight away without any rest you do 20 sit ups with your feet resting on one of these bad boys:


    And after that you take a 20 second break before starting on the hypers on the ball again. Once you've done that three times you start on 'set 2'.

    Oh and this is a bosu ball, just in case anyone was wondering


    Only when I'm using them I use them with the hard side facing up coz it's harder!!! :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,234 ✭✭✭Malteaser!

    Sheiko, Week 3, day 1


    20kg x 3

    35kg x 5

    40kg x 4

    50kg x 2 x 3

    55kg x 4 x 2


    20kg x 5

    22.5kg x 4

    27.5kg x 2 x 3

    30kg x 6 x 3


    7kg x 5 x 10


    32.5kg x 3

    40kg x 3

    45kg x 3

    50kg x 4 x 3

    Good Mornings

    20kg x 5 x 5

    This suddenly got very hard. I'm physically exhausted right now, by the time I got to the second set of squats I was ready to drop. If this had have been part of any other program I don't think I would have been as shattered as quickly but because you're pushing close to your max for reps, every second day, the tiredness jsut seems to hit you much faster.

    Tbh, I'm too tired to even formulate proper thoughts on the session right now. I might come back to this later and write some more!!

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 21,981 ✭✭✭✭Hanley

    Malteaser! wrote: »
    This suddenly got very hard.

    Haha you sound surprised??? I was a little bit in shock when you told me abotu the squat intensity today. It sounded nasty and looks even worse now that it's written down.

    I'm highly impressed that you pushed thru it so well!!!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,234 ✭✭✭Malteaser!

    So like I said yesterday I'm absolutely shattered right now. Normally when I'm finished in the gym I might be a little bit tired though usually I'm feeling re-energized but the intensity of this program has just taken it all out of me. As soon as I finish my first lot of squats or deadlifts I feel ready for bed, I literally have to talk myself through the rest of the session. I count down the total number of sets I have left, I fold down the exercise that I've just done so when I look at the paper it doesn't look like I've as much to do and makes me feel a little better and so on. This all might sound a bit strange, if it's making me tired and I'm feeling worn out all the time then why don't I just give up?? Well tbh, despite all the complaining I'm doing about it, I still love it. I know that it's making me stronger, both mentally and with my lifts and besides I know there's not much left now, by all accounts the second cycle isn't as tough as this one!!

    I felt that ping in my wrist again while doing my bench yesterday, as much as I don't like it, I think I'm gonna have to start wrapping my wrists when I bench from now on!

    I headed back up to the gym last night (I know I'm a glutton for punishment:D) though it was only for some stretching lessons! I don't really know the first thing about flexibility or stretching so I spent about an hour last night doing flexibility tests and various stretches that I'm going to get incorporated into a program...just what I need...another program :D My tight hips didn't feel so tight after I was finished so I was happy with that.

    No gym today or tomorrow, I think. If I get the chance I'll head up though!!

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 21,981 ✭✭✭✭Hanley

    You're insane. I've creared a monster :s

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,234 ✭✭✭Malteaser!

    Sooooo, it was supposed to be Sheiko, week 3, Day 2 yesterday but unfortunaltey having spent the entire day at a GAA mini-league final, I arrived to the gym just as it was closing. Well, I arrived about a half an hour before it closed, got changed and was obviously a but delusional thinking I could jam a whole Sheiko session into 25 minutes. I got half of my DLs from a box done before I heard ‘*bing bong*, the free weights section is now closed’. Grrrr, I suppose I just wanted to do something, now that think about it, I should have just done my core program or ran through a few stretches, what I did end up doing though is completely bruise my ego.

    The program said I was deadlifting off a box which I actually don’t remember doing from the last Sheiko cycle for some reason but in all n’ anyways that’s what the plan was yesterday, I was expecting them to be difficult, what with the increased ROM and everything. I reckon the box I used is about 7 - 8 inches off the ground, maybe more so of course they’d be harder, but I really wasn’t prepared for just how much harder they’d be. First set was 50kg, now for anyone who doesn’t know, 50kg is what I started deadlifting with and I was doing sets of 5 at the time so they should be mad easy but I’m not gonna lie, it was difficult today. Now I’m not saying that it was heavy or anything, the problem was breaking it off the floor. The 15kg plates are smaller than the 20s so I had to start in a much lower position then usual, this coupled with the fact that I recently lost my trusty Pumas(don’t ask) meant I was standing on a slipperly box in my socks which felt like the second I put any pressure on the bar, I’d be pulled forward and land hard on bum this all meant that when it came time to pull that I was really nervous…not good during Sheiko. So like I said, I struggled big time trying to actually break it off the floor, it was so frustrating, I was cursing Sheiko, my lackage of shoes, the annoying *bing bong* that kept going off, the stupid box and everything else that came into my mind at that moment.

    I was feeling a bit crap coming out of the gym, I’ve never, ever had a problem breaking from the floor so I was feeling a bit moody and then to make it worse, I couldn’t find my phone which meant that I had to up end the contents of both my gym bag and my handbag, eventually I found it hiding under the passenger seat in my car. Needless to say I was not a happy camper buuuuuuttt, then I was talking to Hanley on the phone later and I mentioned how surprised I was with how hard they were when he asked what I was standing on, I told him the metal box that I stand on to do my rack-pulls. His reply went something along the lines of ‘well no wonder they were so bloody hard, that box is really high, you were only meant to stand on a plate or something, that thing must be like 8 inches off the ground, are you mad, try it again tomorrow standing on a plate instead’. :o So I made a mistake. I will try it today just standing on a plate. I feel infinitely better now too, it means I’m not a big weakling and standing on a plate seems a lot more manageable in my head. Perhaps that’s why I don’t remember it from the last cycle.

    I’ll report back later with how I got on, I’m feeling much more confident about it now!! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,234 ✭✭✭Malteaser!

    Today was a really good day, I was feeling very strong throughout.

    Sheiko, Week 3, Day 2

    Deadlift from a plate

    50kg x 2 x 3

    60kg x 2 x 3

    65kg x 4 x 3


    20kg x 5

    22.5kg x 4

    27.5kg x 3 x 2

    30kg x 3 x 2

    32kg x 2 x 2

    30kg x 2 x 3


    7.5kg x 5 x 10

    Rack Pulls From the Knee

    60kg x 4

    70kg x 2 x 4

    80kg x 2 x 3

    90kg x 3 x 2


    25kg x 5 x 5

    So standing on the plate as opposed to the box made a hyyooge difference. All the deadlifts were nice and easy, the tiredness that I've been talking about did hit about half way through them but I was able to push through it and didn't feel all that tired for the rest of the session, dare I say it, I actually felt full of energy...not something I normally associate with Sheiko sessions but perhaps now that the end is in sight my body is allowing me to battle through it with full steam!!

    Benching was fine as well. I felt the ping in my wrist at the second set of 30s (I forgot my wraps), but I wasn't going to stop in the middle. I know it's not something I need to be seriously worried about, wrap it up for a few weeks and it'll be right as rain. 32s were hella strong. Could have done them for 5s...maybe I should have :rolleyes: :D Nah, I woulda been completely drained if I did but it's nice knowing the strength is there.

    Rackpulls were slightly higher on my legs then normal, exactly at my knee cap this week, usually I stand on the slippy box I was talking about but it was being used so I just stacked some plates on top of one another and stood on them. They were incredibly easy, I actually wanted to throw on a set of 5s and do 100kg for 2 maybe but decided that Sheiko knew best and that if I wasn't meant to do it then maybe there was a reason.

    Week 3 is nearly finished...Roll on week 4!!! :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,028 ✭✭✭oq4v3ht0u76kf2

    Sounds like a good workout, do you find the wrist pain degrades your form in any way or is it literally just a twinge as you take the weight / reach full extension?

    I gotta say, the thought of somebody standing there in socks getting ready to do the DLs from a box would've brightened up my day in the gym!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,234 ✭✭✭Malteaser!


    Set 1

    Back extension on the ball/sit ups with feet on the wobble board

    Back to back with no rest : 20 seconds rest after each cycle

    3 cycles with 20 reps of each

    Set 2

    Seated pull in crunches/Crucifix with 3kg dumbbells

    Back to back with no rest : 20 seconds rest after each cycle

    3 cycles with 15 reps of seated crunches and 10 second hold with the crucifix

    Set 3

    Oblique sit ups -> into bicycles

    Back to back no rest : 25 seconds rest after each cycle

    3 cycles with 15 reps for the obliques and to failure on the bicyles

    Set 4

    Planks with feet on bozu ball and arms on another bozu ball

    Minimum hold - 20 seconds

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 21,981 ✭✭✭✭Hanley

    I just stole your post for my log....

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,234 ✭✭✭Malteaser!

    Sounds like a good workout, do you find the wrist pain degrades your form in any way or is it literally just a twinge as you take the weight / reach full extension?

    I gotta say, the thought of somebody standing there in socks getting ready to do the DLs from a box would've brightened up my day in the gym!

    I really don't know how to describe it to be honest with you. It happens as soon as I un-rack anything remotely heavy, it doesn't cause my form to degrade coz I won't let it. If I did, my wrist would go from under the weight and the bar would land on my chest but it's really painful, after I shake it out and massage it a little, it's usually not as bad for the next set.

    And yeah, it must have looked a bit odd alright!! :D
    Hanley wrote: »
    I just stole your post for my log....

    Lol, I noticed!! ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,234 ✭✭✭Malteaser!

    Malteaser! wrote: »

    Set 1

    Back extension on the ball/sit ups with feet on the wobble board

    Back to back with no rest : 20 seconds rest after each cycle

    3 cycles with 20 reps of each

    Set 2

    Seated pull in crunches/Crucifix with 3kg dumbbells

    Back to back with no rest : 20 seconds rest after each cycle

    3 cycles with 15 reps of seated crunches and 10 second hold with the crucifix

    Set 3

    Oblique sit ups -> into bicycles

    Back to back no rest : 25 seconds rest after each cycle

    3 cycles with 15 reps for the obliques and to failure on the bicyles

    Set 4

    Planks with feet on bozu ball and arms on another bozu ball

    Minimum hold - 20 seconds

    This was fun to do, myself and Hanley were doing it at the same time, it was sorta a race, but not really coz he's so much better than I am at all this core lark. It was still a bit of a laugh. I had really rubbish coordination with the bicycles, as always, I dunno what it is about them but I always struggle with 'em!

    Went for a dip in the hydrotherapy pool afterwards, every single time I go in, I ask myself why I don't do it more coz it's a lovely way to just unwind a bit and is great for DOMs as well!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,028 ✭✭✭oq4v3ht0u76kf2

    Malteaser! wrote: »
    Went for a dip in the hydrotherapy pool afterwards, every single time I go in, I ask myself why I don't do it more coz it's a lovely way to just unwind a bit and is great for DOMs as well!!

    The hydro pool feels great after a tough session... I dunno if your TF has a cold plunge pool but I find about 15 minutes of contrast after a big session, especially squats and DLs, does amazing things for DOMS.

    I split it up into five 3 minute segments... Steam/Plunge/S/P/S but I'm sure two or even just one minute segments would have positive effects too if you find the cold plunge for three minutes a bit much.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,234 ✭✭✭Malteaser!

    Yeah it does have one alright. I dunno if I have the guts for it or not, after the hydrotherapy the other day, we used the foot spas...where you put the hot in one and cold in the other and alternative, well I tell ya, I must have looked so funny each time I had to switch, when I'd put my feet in the hot one it felt like they were being scalded and then it felt like ice cubes in the other one, the faces I was making were hilarious, all the while, Hanleys sitting beside with no bother so either he has feet like rhinoceros skin or I'm just overly sensitive to these kinda things. Either way, I don't really feel like doing that to my whole body!! :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,234 ✭✭✭Malteaser!

    Sheiko, Week 3, Day 3


    20kg x 3

    32.5kg x 5

    40kg x 4

    45kg x 2 x 3

    52.5kg x 7 x 3


    20kg x 5

    22.5kg x 4

    27.5kg x 2 x 3

    30kg x 7 x 3


    7kg x 5 x 10

    Military Press

    20kg x 5 x 4

    Good Mornings

    20kg x 5 x 5

    Yesterday was very tough but went well. What you’re seeing above is basically 85% of my max for both the squat and the bench for seven sets of three. I was really expecting this to be absolutely impossible but it was completely manageable. I tried some of The Supplement Factory NRG shake beforehand, it’s probably the nicest tasting supplement I’ve had but I have to say, the very first taste before you swallow was really vile, that could have been caused by the shaker if it wasn’t cleaned out properly though but I still think it’s the kind drink you need to get used to. You’re not supposed to eat anything before you take it, I hadn’t planned on taking any so had already eaten a pain au chocolat before I decided to try it and you’re also meant to drink it about half an hour to 45 minutes before you’re session, I was still chugging it down as I pulled into the carpark.

    Woke up yesterday morning feeling a bit ****, I really didn’t feel like going to the gym and didn’t think I could face that number of sets. I really didn’t have much energy before going so that’s why I decided to try that NRG stuff. When I got into the gym I brightened up and got stuck in, I don’t know whether my new found energy was from the shake or whether I just perked up a bit after my first few sets like I usually do, either way it ended up being a great session.

    I absolutely flew through the squats, all done as low as I could manage. My legs were all shakey by the time I was done and I had to lie on a bench for a few minutes just to catch my breath again.

    Benching was also a breeze. I put on a pair of wraps for the first two sets of 30 but there was no pain at all in my wrist (I unracked it a little differently, I think this may have been the cause of the pain) which I was delighted about so I took off the wraps and did final 5 sets with no difficulty.

    I was afraid of doing the military pressing because the last few times I did it, I had that pain in my shoulder (gawwd, I sound like I’m falling apart), but it’s completely disappeared!! There was no free rack to take it our from so I just cleaned the bar and did them that way.

    So that’s week 3 OVER! One more to go. I spent some time over the last week doing out my percentages for the competition cycle. I was thinking of putting a link to it up here later if anyone’s interested in how I’ve been working it all out.

    Heading back to the gym today for some stretching and possible core!

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 21,981 ✭✭✭✭Hanley

    Malteaser! wrote: »
    Yeah it does have one alright. I dunno if I have the guts for it or not, after the hydrotherapy the other day, we used the foot spas...where you put the hot in one and cold in the other and alternative, well I tell ya, I must have looked so funny each time I had to switch, when I'd put my feet in the hot one it felt like they were being scalded and then it felt like ice cubes in the other one, the faces I was making were hilarious, all the while, Hanleys sitting beside with no bother so either he has feet like rhinoceros skin or I'm just overly sensitive to these kinda things. Either way, I don't really feel like doing that to my whole body!! :D

    Looks like you did.... ;)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,028 ✭✭✭oq4v3ht0u76kf2

    Malteaser! wrote: »
    I spent some time over the last week doing out my percentages for the competition cycle. I was thinking of putting a link to it up here later if anyone’s interested in how I’ve been working it all out.

    Please do, trying to get my head around this Sheiko lark!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,234 ✭✭✭Malteaser!

    Hanley wrote: »
    Looks like you did.... ;)

    Lol, looks like I did indeed!! ;)
    Please do, trying to get my head around this Sheiko lark!

    kk, gimme a few minutes and I'll get it up, I just want to make sure there's no glaringly obvious mistakes in it first!! :)

    Sheiko, Week 4, Day 1 (well sorta)


    20kg x 3

    32.5kg x 5

    40kg x 4

    45kg x 2 x 3

    52.5kg x 5 x 3


    20kg x 5

    25kg x 5

    30kg x 5 x 4

    I was supposed to do flies, front squats and good mornings after that but I had to run to get my brother from school. I was hoping I might have had time to go back up to the gym to finish it off tonight but tbh, I don't see that happening now. My mum is gonna be delayed getting home from work so I'm stuck here minding the kids, I could go down and do the flies in the shed, and I guess I could do the front squats too but I much prefer the real gym for that kinda thing. The gym stays open till 10 anyway so once she's home by 9 I'd probably have time to get what I need done!! *fingers crossed*

    I was up in the gym yesterday as well, just spent a while doing some stretching and then went for another trip to the hydrotherapy pool, this time I actually had the guts to try the plunge pool. I was feeling very brave. Well I actually only did it coz Hanley didn't think I would. :D

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,234 ✭✭✭Malteaser!

    Righteo, attached is my plan for the next 5 weeks. At first glance it looks quite manageable. Wednesday of week two looks really, really nasty though!!

    I'm getting all the numbers from the Sheiko competition template on the EliteFTS site.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,028 ✭✭✭oq4v3ht0u76kf2

    Cheers for that Malt, quick question though... how do you bench weights like 22kg, etc. in TF? Malahide Rd.'s lowest weight plate is 2.5kg... the minute two of them go on a bar it's 25kg...?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,234 ✭✭✭Malteaser!

    Cheers for that Malt, quick question though... how do you bench weights like 22kg, etc. in TF? Malahide Rd.'s lowest weight plate is 2.5kg... the minute two of them go on a bar it's 25kg...?

    They have 1.25kg plates in the TF in Blanch so I just use them. You'll notice though that there's some really odd numbers like 28.5kg, that I just won't be able to make up so I'll just have to round up or down on the day.

    I dunno if you've read this already but when I started Sheiko, I just wrote a little about what the principle behind, it may help you understand what it's all about a little better:
    ...For those that don't know what Sheiko is all about, it's basically practicing the big three lifts very frequently without much assistance work. The idea behind it is that by training the big three very often (up to 8 times a week), your body will adapt to the work load and allow for even more volume in each workout. Since you're working around 80-85% most of the time you don't get burned out, but you do get a lot of practice with moderately heavy weights and as you go through the program your work capacity absolutely goes through the roof. The first few days might be brutal, but the last week or two suddenly become VERY manageable. And that is where the beauty of the program lies. You have to push so hard so often that the increased volume leads to great conditioning and decent strength gains in the prep. period and then once you move into the comp cycle it's all pulled together to peak you.

    Very simply, greater volume tolerance = better work capacity = more training, with more weight = more strength

    I reckon it will especially help my bench which has really been suffering - with Sheiko, the CNS gets very efficient at the muscle firing patterns and the groove required for benching. These workouts are done mostly in the range of 50-85% of 1RM, using waves of volume and intensity. On paper it looks so, so easy but it's brutal in real life.

    I'm really excited about trying it again - I know that it's exactly the kind of structure I need right now, I have loads of free time to spend in the gym and recover afterwards and I know it works. On the other hand, I'm nervous. It's like looking back at something horrible in the past but somehow always managing to convince yourself that it wasn't as bad as you remember. I'm thinking back to when I ran it before and saying to myself that it couldn't possibly be as hard as I remember, that I must have been exaggerating it. But I know I wasn't, it's a really really tough program to run...

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,234 ✭✭✭Malteaser!

    Righto Sheiko, Week 4, Day 1 (part deux)

    Well I didn't make it back up last night to finish my session so I went up this morning instead!


    20kg x 5

    25kg x 5

    30kg x 5 x 4


    7kg x 5 x 10

    Front Squats

    20kg x 3

    30kg x 2 x 5

    35kg x 2 x 3

    40kg x 3 x 3

    Good Mornings

    20kg x 5 x 5

    I know that I already did that benching yesterday but it felt so strange starting a session and not having a 'proper' lift as my first thing that I decided to just do it again. Though to make it extra evil, I did them all as paused benches orange%20one.gif

    I've decided that I've been taking it a bit easy recently, I know Sheiko is hard and all that but I really feel I'm able for more. Soooo to make things a little more interesting, I've decided to do shake it up a tad by doing paused benching and other little things like that!!

    Front squatting today = awesome! Think 40kg is a PB there, oh and as part of my evil little plan to make things a little harder, they were all ATG. Delighted with it anyway, my legs were seriously shakey by the end of them. You know, I reckon I was able for way more weight as well, like I know my legs were protesting a bit at the end but I reckon they were just giving out because I've put them through so much with all the feckin squatting I've had them doing over the last few weeks!!

    My dommy DOMs aren't feeling too bad, I'm a wee bit sore all over but that amount of volume tends to do that to a person, it's more of a general achy tired feeling then a oh-my-god-I-can't-get-down-or-up-the-stairs feeling that I normally associate with training!

    I was over in one of my relatives houses this afternoon/evening as I am every Friday for a big feed up but I seem to have out done myself today. Salad for starters, two helpings of spaghetti and meatballs as well what seemed like a basket full of home-made sun dried tomato soda bread, two mountain sized slices of home-made sponge cake with strawberries and cream, 5 profitarolls, some brie and crackers, half a box of after eights, 5 or 6 coconut chocolates washed down with some coffee and cream....Yeah, I am feeling a bit sick now!! :o Ah well, when you're being offered food that good you can hardly say no!!! :D Out came the albums for a family friend to look at and I was looking through one from 3 - 4 years ago, there was a load of pictures of me in there from some family party but I couldn't get over myself, my face looked really pudgy and bloated. Now I've never been a big girl, I've always been a bit skinnier than your average but these pictures from my 'fast-food binge' stage really shocked me. I guess you really don't notice these things at the time, it was only when I stopped did I realise that I, well my face, was getting a bit (a lot) on the tubby side. And it's only when I looked at them that I realised how far I've come, 4 years ago I hadn't even met Hanley, I would have definitely been a member of the pink-dumbbell brigade and I certainly wouldn't have been known for my regular gym attendence. It's funny how times change, I never would have imagined in a million years that I'd be in a gym, lifting heavy weights, outlifting a lot of boys and now, I can never imagine stopping!!

    Lolz, if I keep eating like I did tonight it'll only be a matter of weeks before I end up like those pictures again though!! :D

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 21,981 ✭✭✭✭Hanley

    That's a really nice story!!! I remember when we first got together I had thought you were real skinny and had a great body, and just could not understand how the 3/4x bottles of coke a day and all the fast food didn't make you fat. Then you stopped with all that and lost something like 12lb in a REALLY short space of time and got really firm. Remember that...??

    Btw you would not believe the day I had. Half way to work my petrol light came on, then my phone started vibrating (low battery) so I turned it off to keep some power incase I ran out of petrol!! After work I drove to Clearwater to try and get those pics printed. No games. The machine was out of order. So instead I went to Clarehall, assuming that since the other big Tesco had a digital print machine that one would have too, but alas they didn't. So I decided in a last ditch attempt I'd try Lesuireplex in Coolock on the way home. And of course they didn't fcuking have one either. So now I'm considering going out to the Airport tomorrow morning with my mum to print them off.

    GRRRRRRRRRR is all I'll say. It's 1.35am now, I have to be up around 8.30 I'd say to get that done, work's gonna be ultra busy tomorrow night so it'll be a late one, and I (we!!) gotta be up earlyish on Sunday to go up to the comp in Monaghan.


  • Registered Users Posts: 2,234 ✭✭✭Malteaser!

    Sheiko, Week 4, Day 2


    20kg x 5

    22.5kg x 4

    27.5kg x 2 x 3

    30kg x 2 x 3

    32.5kg x 2 x 3


    60kg x 2 x 3

    70kg x 2 x 3

    80kg x 2 x 3

    85kg x 3 x 2

    80kg x 3 x 2


    20kg x 5

    22.5kg x 5

    27.5kg x 4 x 5


    8kg x 5 x 10


    Set 1

    Back extension on the ball/sit ups with feet on the wobble board

    Back to back with no rest : 20 seconds rest after each cycle

    3 cycles with 20 reps of each

    Set 2

    Seated pull in crunches/Crucifix with 3kg dumbbells

    Back to back with no rest : 20 seconds rest after each cycle

    3 cycles with 15 reps of seated crunches and 10 second hold with the crucifix

    Set 3

    Oblique sit ups -> into bicycles

    Back to back no rest : 25 seconds rest after each cycle

    3 cycles with 15 reps for the obliques and to failure on the bicyles

    Set 4

    Planks with feet on bozu ball and arms on another bozu ball

    Minimum hold - 20 seconds

    All the benches were paused again. I held most of them for at least two seconds so there was definitely no bounce off the chest. They were all nice and strong, even the 32.5s!! :) I'm quietly optimistic about where my bench will be when I'm finished all of this, it's barely moved in such a long time, it has to one of these days!!

    I was supposed to do 50kg x 3 with the deadlifts right to start with but it drives me flippin' mad having to put on the 15s for one set and then having to load up the 20s, I decided to just start with 60 for 2 x 3 instead. I was seriously pooped by the time I was done, it's been a while since I deadlifted heavy like that so it took quite a bit out of me. I reckon I'm still lifting my hips too fast, I'll have to get a video one of these days now to check that!!

    I was feeling kinda sick the whole time I was in the gym, I had a really dull deep sort of headache and it seemed far too hot in the room so I really wasn't feeling the whole session but sure once I started, I had to keep going.

    I was already destroyed by the time I finished my lifting but decided to do core as well, surprisingly it didn't take as much out of me as the last time, this must be like the fourth time I've done this particular one so I guess I'm getting used to it. I took a video of my planks on the bozu balls so I'll get it up later, when I get my camera back off Hanley!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,028 ✭✭✭oq4v3ht0u76kf2

    Christ those core workouts make me tired just reading them! Are they a "prescribed" part of Sheiko or are they something you're doing in addition?

    Also, wouldn't mind your input in this thread if you've got a minute!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,234 ✭✭✭Malteaser!

    Christ those core workouts make me tired just reading them! Are they a "prescribed" part of Sheiko or are they something you're doing in addition?

    Hahah yeah, I'm not gonna lie, they are a bit of a bee-atch, the problem is though you adapt to the program really quickly so it may absolutely wreck one week and the next time you try it it's completely manageable! You'll be happy to hear that it's not part of Sheiko, it's just a program one of the instructors in the gym came up with for me!! He's just a bit evil!! orange%20one.gif

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 21,981 ✭✭✭✭Hanley

    Malteaser! wrote: »
    Hahah yeah, I'm not gonna lie, they are a bit of a bee-atch, the problem is though you adapt to the program really quickly so it may absolutely wreck one week and the next time you try it it's completely manageable! You'll be happy to hear that it's not part of Sheiko, it's just a program one of the instructors in the gym came up with for me!! He's just a bit evil!! orange%20one.gif

    Hahaha true... I think I'm over it already. I can't figure out anyway to make those planks harder now.

    MASSIVE congrats on today again btw ;)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,234 ✭✭✭Malteaser!

    Hanley wrote: »
    Hahaha true... I think I'm over it already. I can't figure out anyway to make those planks harder now.

    MASSIVE congrats on today again btw ;)

    Imagine trying to stabilize yourself on two of the big gym balls....
