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Someday I Will...



  • Registered Users Posts: 2,234 ✭✭✭Malteaser!

    Sheiko, Week 4, day 2

    Not my best session yet.


    20kg x 2 x 5

    25kg x 2 x 3

    27.5kg x 2 x 3

    30kg x 3 x 2


    47.5kg x 3

    55kg x 3

    62.5kg x 2 x 3

    72.5kg x 2 x 3

    77kg x 2 x 2

    72.5kg x 2


    20kg x 2 x 5

    25kg x 4 x 5

    I had to make it to a class at 6 all the way across town so I was in a really mad rush to get all this done, I skipped flies at the end coz i simply didn't have the time.

    Benching felt great, i don't need to wear my wraps any more coz my wrist doesn't seem to be sore which is great, it was a bit embarrassing having to put them on for such light weight in the first place!!

    Deadlifting was meh, I did it, wasn't fantastic, wasn't the worst. I'm such a perfectionist. Hanley taped one of them and said it looked grand but I went into panic mode, started trying to perfect all the tiny things wrong with it which wasn't a great idea when i was in the middle of a kind of heavy set.

    Oh and I nearly forgot, I was deadlifting in the middle of the floor, as you do, but there was a squat rack in front me and literally as I was about to start the pull some idiot comes up and stands in front of me demanding to know if I'm using the squat rack!!!! How he came to that conclusion I don't know but thats the last kind of bloodly distraction you need when you're about to pull 85% of your max!! I was hella annoyed after that but I slightly cheered up when I saw him squat or at least what I'm sure he claimed was a squat!!! :D:D

    One day left. I'm being left to my own devices with my new program, I think I've learnt enough from Hanley over the years to structure my own now. It can't be that hard!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,234 ✭✭✭Malteaser!

    Slept a weird way last night and woke with a horrible pain in my neck that I just couldn't shake off, as a result I couldnt go to the gym today. I'm pretty disappointed, I wouldn't have missed if it wasn't a double squat session, I really didn't want to risk doing some actual damage to myself. I have to look after my brothers tomorrow all day which means I can't go the gym then either, Sunday is the earliest I can go to finally finish Sheiko.

    I'm particularly disappointed because for the last 4 weeks I have made it into the gym every single day that Sheiko said I was supposed to, I was late for work and college on a few occasions coz I wanted to get that last set done, I worked through the pain in my groin becasue i was too stubborn to give up so far into the program, I got up at 5 in the morning so I could get my session done before college and work, worked past the point of nausea on a good few occasions and pushed myself further than I ever have before and now because I had a creak in my bloody neck I've missed the day I was *so* excited about. Tbh it just doesn't feel the same doing it on Sunday, I'm annoyed at myself and i don't really know why.

    Meh, tomorrow's a new day and all that, maybe I'll feel a bit better then!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,234 ✭✭✭Malteaser!

    Sheiko, Week 4, Day 3


    32.5kg x 5

    40kg x 4

    45kg x 2 x 3

    52.5kg x 6 x 3


    20kg x 2 x 5

    25kg x 2 x 4

    27.5kg x 2 x 3

    30kg x 2 x 2

    27.5kg x 2 x 3

    25kg x 4

    20kg x 2 x 6


    6kg x 5 x 10

    Skull Crushers

    10kg x 5 x 8

    Hanging Leg Raises:

    3 x 10

    Pheewww, I'm finally finished. I told Hanley as i was walking out of the gym that I don't ever want to see another squat again and I was kinda not even joking!!:D

    I'll be happy when I get back to 'normal' training again and have been working on my program for the last little while. I gave Hanley a quick run through of it today and he said it looked great so I just have one more day to do a little tweaking to and I'm ready to go.

    I'm not testing maxes for another few weeks coz this wasn't a peaking cycle more of a preparatory one so I gotta switch back into a more traditional peaking cyle before i do any retests.

    Despite the fact that I'm not retesting just yet I'm still *delighted* with how the whole program went. I learnt so much about my lifts, my weaknesses, my strentghs, my limits, how far I can really and truely push myself on a daily basis and the disipline required in this game if you wanna suceed!!

    I'm off to eat my bodyweight in yummy cinema food now in a few minutes!! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,234 ✭✭✭Malteaser!

    After a little break I was back in the gym yesterday! I went in knowing what I was going to do but I was planning on choosing the reps and sets depending on how they felt, that's why my benching looks a little crazy but at least I have a definate plan at the end of it.


    20kg x 6

    25kg x 4

    30kg x 4

    32.5kg x 1

    35kg x 1

    30kg x 3

    25kg x 10

    20kg x 5

    27.5kg x 6 ; 4

    Dumbbell Bench

    6kg 'bells x 10

    7kg 'bells x 10

    8kg 'bells x 10

    9kg 'bells x 3 x 10

    Military Press

    20kg x 2 x 5


    +15kg plate x 8

    +20kgplate x 2 x 8

    Hanging leg Raises

    3 x 8

    It may not look like a whole lot but I was wrecked afterwards.

    Story with my bench, planned to stop after the 20kg x 5 but then I had a brain wave. Have to pick a weight that I can do 3 x 6 with and still have a few reps left in the bag (I'll definately be able to 27.5kg next week, I was just exhausted after all the other benching so I didn't even attempt the last set), then the following week I'll add 2.5 kg and do 3 x 6 again, basically build it up over 7 - 8 weeks and see where that leaves me.

    My body definately isn't used to high rep stuff after Sheiko so by doing the above I should be able to sort that out as well!!

    It was my first time doing DB benching, took it nice and light just to see where I was at. The 9kg was incredibly easy so I can see myself increasing that next week.

    By the time military pressing came around i was tired, but next week I won't have all that messing around with the bench so I should be able for a lot more.

    Hanging leg raises obv to strengthen my core, and my god does it need stengthning. I'll probably end up including more core work into the new plan coz I really want to increase its strength.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,234 ✭✭✭Malteaser!

    Front Squat

    20kg x 6

    25kg 2 x 6


    40kg x 5

    50kg x 5

    60kg x 10 x 1

    60kg x 6


    30kg x 6

    DB rows

    10kg x 10

    12.5 kg x 2 x 10

    10kg x 10


    +20kg plate x 3 x 10

    Hanging Leg Raises

    2x 10

    Deadlifts felt great, the reason for all the singles was really just to work on form. REally made sure I set up for them properly and it soooooo paid off. The set of 6 at the end felt so good I could have gone for 10 with perfect form.

    The RDLs were a joke, an actual joke. Felt totally wrong as in I just forgot how to do them properly, dunno what was wrong with me. So after one set I called it a day and said I'd get Ham to show me again when he's in the gym next.

    Everything else was grand, nothing too weird or wonderful. Decided I wanna include Sumos in the program somehwre though coz I love them so much!!

    Back in the gym on Monday(or probably sooner going by my record!!)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,234 ✭✭✭Malteaser!

    Today has been a bit of a joke, I had to take my mum into hosp this morning then mind my little sister up until about an hour ago. Anyway I found myself with some time to spare before I had to collcet my mam so headed up to the gym for some light squatting to tide me over tll i get in again.


    20kg x 10

    30kg x 8

    40kg x 3 x 6

    Leg Curl

    15kg x 10

    20kg x 10

    25kg x 10

    32.5kg x 10


    10kg ' bells x 3 x 10


    +20kg x 3 x 10

    Hanging Leg Raises

    2 x 8

    The plan with the squats was similar to that of my deads, use a light weight, perefct the form, up the weight next week. There's nothing wrong per se with my form in any of the lifts but I'm a perfectionist and as I've said time and time again, I don't wanna reach a certain level of strentgh then find I can go no further coz there's something slightly off form-wise and end up dropping back on the weight.

    Some lad came up to me when I was starting the hypers and told me he didn't think I was strong enough to do 20kg x 10 and suggested I drop the weight to something like 5kg and do 20 reps instead. Apparently he injured himself doing them. I just smiled and said thank you for the advice then went and did them anyway. I had to fight back the urge to say 'just becasue your back isn't strong enough doesn't mean mine isn't'. That kinda brightened my day!! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,234 ✭✭✭Malteaser!


    20kg x 5

    25kg x 5

    27.5kg x 3 x 6

    DB Bench

    10kg 'bells x 3 x 10

    Military Press

    20kg x 3 x 8

    Seated DB Extentions

    6kg x 3 x 8

    Seated Cable Rows

    22.5kg x 12

    30kg x 2 x 12


    +10kg plate x 3 x 12

    Thats about it, nothing too special, just went in and did everything I was supposed to.

    As I was finishing up though, I jumped off this platform thing and smashed my ankle into a step....ooouucchhh is all I can say, it hasn't bruised or anything but its very very sore to touch and walk on!! I was raging after that, I'm just hoping I haven't damaged it badly!!!

    Back in the gym on Friday, deadlift day. I have to say I'm enjoying all this non-Sheiko training again!!! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,234 ✭✭✭Malteaser!


    50kg x 6

    60kg x 3

    65kg x 10 x 1

    65kg x 6

    60kg x 3 x 6


    30kg x 8

    37.5kg x 8

    Bent Over DB Rows

    10kg x 10

    12.5kg x 2 x 8


    +10kg x 3 x 12

    Grand little day. Didn't do loads but it was enough, I was in a rush tp get back to college afterwards.

    Deadlifts are feeling amazing. Today I worked on lowering my hips, not 'crowding' the bar, making sure everything was tight and making sure a maintained a good arch in my back. By the end I really felt it in all the right places. I'm probably just going to continue as I am for a while, Upping the weight each week, going for singles, ensuring my form is dead on, then maybe doing a few reps with that weight before dropping back.

    Mght head up tomorrow for some core work or light accessory work.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,234 ✭✭✭Malteaser!

    Great day today.


    20kg x 5

    30kg x 8

    40kg x 6

    45kg x 3 x 6


    10kg 'bells x 8 (per side)

    12.5kg 'bells x 8

    15kg 'bells x 8

    Leg Curl

    20kg x 10

    25kg x 10

    32.5 kg x 2 x 10

    Timed Weighted Barbell Holds (Basically a rack pull from just above the knee but instead of doing it for reps just holding it for 10 seconds.)

    20kg, 25kg, 30kg, 35kg, 40kg, 45kg, 50kg, 55kg, 60kg, 65kg, 70kg, 75kg, 80kg, 85kg, 90kg, 95kg, 100kg.

    Front Squat:

    20kg x 6

    30kg x 6

    Side Raises

    3 x 20

    The usual story with the squats, trying to get down as low as possible.

    Lunges felt absolutely grand weight wise but my grip was soooooo sh!te, which is very unusual for me coz I've never had any grip problems before. I don't use any chalk/straps etc to help me with my grip on anything so thats why I was all the more surprised when it was so bad on the lunges.

    That's why I decided to do the barbell holds. They were from just above the knee and held for 10 seconds, timed on my phone and my god were they the *longest* sets of ten seconds ever. I wanted to get to 90, coz thats my max deadlift but then when I did it I decided to go for 95 and when I did that, the 100 seemed irresistable. It was hard but by no means impossible so I dunno what the hell was going on with my lunges but there doesn't seem to be a problem with my grip.

    I got as far as 165lbs double overhand before switching to alternate grip for the rest.

    They really made my day tbh, thats the heaviest weight I've ever actually lifted so to hold it for 10 seconds was really class.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,234 ✭✭✭Malteaser!

    Not a great day today.


    20kg x 5

    25kg x 5

    27.5kg x 5

    30kg x 3 x 5

    DB Bench:

    10kg 'bells x 10

    12.5kg 'bells x 2 x 10

    Military Press:

    20kg x 3 x 8

    Had a ton of other stuff to do but I felt really sick the whole way through the session. I had been to Subway just before and i could feel it in my stomach and still taste it in my mouth. To be even more gross, I just felt llike i was going to vomit the whole way through the session and instead of focusing on lifting, I was focusing on keeping the food in my stomach. It really was a stuggle to get that far into the workout.

    There's a PR on the bench for reps and on the DB bench for weight and I know I'm capable of so much more but i just felt so so disgusting today. When I was done I just sat out in my car for about 10 minutes trying to settle myself, I didn't wanna have to pull over on a duelcarriage way to get sick...highly dangerous like!

    Anyways, that teaches me a lesson about eating and going straight to the gym afterwards.

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  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 21,981 ✭✭✭✭Hanley

    *It teaches you not to go to Subway before training. I gave it a second and third chance but I have to say I won't be going back there again any time soon.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,234 ✭✭✭Malteaser!

    This has just been one of those weeks...ya know the ones where dispite all your best intentions there is just not enough hours in the day to get everything done??

    I finally had some free time tonight but Its just been a horrible dark, cold rainy day and I wanted so much to just spend the night watching some DVDs and eating my way through a tub of Ben and Jerrys from bed but Hanley kinda guilted me into going up. He had asked me if I'd head back up to the gym with him for some accessory work and of course I didn't wanna be the reason he was missing training sessions this close to the comp, even if it wasn't a vitally important one...they all count, so I ventured out of my icebox(thats what I've started to call my house coz we're without heat due to all the building work) and tbh, I was really happy I did.


    40kg x 5

    50kg x 3

    60kg x 3

    70kg x 10 x 1

    70kg x 6

    DB Rows:

    10kg 'bells x 10

    12.5kg ' bells x 10

    15kg ' bells x 10

    Pull Downs:

    30kg x 8

    37.5kg x 8

    Hanging Leg Raises:

    3 x 10

    Short and sweet.

    -PR for reps on the deadlifts. They're feeling very fricking strong right now. Really focusing on keeping everything super tight and it's paying off like you wouldn't believe.

    -PR on the rows. Was planning on trying 15kg for as many reps as I could manage with teh intention of doing it for 10 next week but I managed it today no bother :)

    -Pull downs, nothing new there.

    -Hanging Leg raises, again nothing new.

    Overall very happy

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 21,981 ✭✭✭✭Hanley

    I hadn't seen you deadlift in a good while and I have to say they're looking crazy strong these days.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,635 ✭✭✭tribulus

    Malteaser! wrote: »


    40kg x 5

    50kg x 3

    60kg x 3

    70kg x 10 x 1

    70kg x 6

    Double bodyweight in no time, when you gonna test some 1RM's!?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,234 ✭✭✭Malteaser!

    tribulus wrote: »
    Double bodyweight in no time, when you gonna test some 1RM's!?

    Tbh I haven't quite decided.

    The last time I tested I did all three lifts in one week just before starting Sheiko but at the moment I'm not in a peaking cycle where I'll be in a position to do that again.

    I reckon my deadlift will be the first to be tested, probably gong to continue upping the weight each week doing it for singles and finishing up with a set of 3 or 6 at the end, working up to about 80kg-85kg ad then testing my max the following week. Aiming to pull 100kg then, I know what 100kg feels like in my hands now so I'm not afraid of not being able to lift it anymore if ya get what I mean??

    Haven't decided what the story is with my bench and squat, I'm just gonna keep going as I am and I'll test when I'm feeling them a bit more.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,234 ✭✭✭Malteaser!


    20kg x 10

    30kg x 8

    40kg x 6

    47.5kg x 3 x 6

    Leg Press(full ROM)

    60kg x 10

    90kg x 10

    100kg x 10

    Leg Curl:

    4pl x 10

    5pl x 10

    6pl x 10


    12.5kg x 8 (per side)

    Hanging Leg Raises:

    3 x 8

    Standing Calf Raises:

    97.5kg x 10

    112.5kg x 10

    Side Raises:

    3 x 10


    +10kg x 12

    -I was reminded tonight why I hate working out at night, the gym is seriously packed and somebody is always using something that i want to use!! :mad:

    -I didn't expect to get 47.5kg x 3 x 6 today tbh, I would've been happy with sets of 3's because even though 45 wasn't hard last week it wasn;t as easy as it should have been so my plan was to build up the volume over two need to now...

    -Somebody was using the leg curl machine when I wanted to use it so I did some leg pressing instead of hanging around, it felt good and strong, definately more weight there but like I said before, my legs are strong, its the core I need to be working on for the moment!!

    -I seem to have misplaced my log book that i take to the gym with me so I can't remeber the weights on the leg curls, I'll fill them in when I find it!!

    -Dunno what the sceal was with my lunges I just couldn't keep my balance, it looked like I was ready to fall over at every rep so I left it at one set also!!

    -Standing calf raises, were again a filler while I waited for the side raisey stand thingy to become free...

    -Really annoyed with the hypers, somebody seems to have broken the stand so the pad just kept on spinning and my foot kept threatning to fly off it!! Didn't do any more than one set coz I was really afarid of hurting myself. Hopefully it'll be fixed by the time I'm up there again...

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,234 ✭✭✭Malteaser!


    20kg x 8

    25kg x 6

    27.5kg x 3

    30kg x 3 x 6

    DB Bench:

    12.5kg 'bells x 2 x 10

    10kg 'bells x 10

    Military Press:

    20kg x 10; 2 x 8

    Side Raises:

    3 x 20

    -Pretty short session but really wanted to just get teh benching done, after that i was happy!!

    -This'll sound real silly, but there was these lads in, who I went to school with, years and years ago, we haven't spoken in 8 or 9 years but we'd still know each other to see, anyways, I felt like a complete sap benching coz all I could think of was the weight stapling me and how embarrassing it would be.

    -The first set wasn't the strongest, the second two were much much better. I had nobody with me in the gym today so I was kinda afraid of the weight, when it felt hard all I could think of 'if you don't press this out, its gonna land right on your chest and that is not gonna be a pretty sight', or 'if you don't win, the bar does and its gonna hurt like hell'. So somehow I managed, undecided as towhat to do next week, my max is 35kg so I'm very close to actually being able to rep it!!

    -Dunno what happened with the DB benching, they were so so easy but on the last set I couldn't get the frickin weight up, like I knew once I started I'd be flying but i was just so exhausted I couldn't get that first one. If I had of had someone with me I would have gotten no problem, I'm sure of that, so I just switched back to 10s for the last set.

    -Military Pressing etc = the usual.

    Next day deadlifting, looking forward to it!!

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 21,981 ✭✭✭✭Hanley

    Savage work there. Bench is really starting to climb now.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,234 ✭✭✭Malteaser!


    40kg x 5

    50kg x 3

    60kg x 3

    75kg x 10 x 1

    75kg x 6

    Dumbell Rows

    12.5kg x 10

    15kg x 10

    12.5kg x 5


    30kg x 10

    37.5kg x 8; 10

    Seated Cable Rows:

    22.5kg x 10

    30kg x 10

    37kg x 8


    +15kg x 3 x 8

    I'll do up some thoughts later, I'm in a huge rush right now!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,234 ✭✭✭Malteaser!

    Malteaser! wrote: »

    40kg x 5

    50kg x 3

    60kg x 3

    75kg x 10 x 1

    75kg x 6

    Dumbell Rows

    12.5kg x 10

    15kg x 10

    12.5kg x 5


    30kg x 10

    37.5kg x 8; 10

    Seated Cable Rows:

    22.5kg x 10

    30kg x 10

    37kg x 8


    +15kg x 3 x 8

    I'll do up some thoughts later, I'm in a huge rush right now!!

    First chance to get back to this all weekend.

    I'm trying to remember how everything felt....deadlifts were good, last rep on the set of 6 was a bit of a bitch, it wasn't hard but I was so anxious to get the set done my form kinda flew out the window and I ended up rounding out something terrible on that last one...all in all happy with it though.

    My best DL for reps before Sheiko was 70 x 2 x 3 and they were hard so a bit of an improvement there!!

    I had gone into the gym witha weird pain in my tricep but as soon as I got started it disappeared so I sorta forgot about it but this morning it returned with a vengence and this time there was a yuck pain in just at the base of my bicep, now I don't know what the hell I've done to myself but I'm not happy!! I'm supposed to be squatting tomorrow but depending on how sore this thing is I might have to work around it...

    Last night and Friday night I got to give my grip a real seeing to. I work as a barmaid but the company that I work for also does outdoor gigs as well, so yesterday and the night before I had the pleasure of working as a waitress for the very first time and oh my god, i did not realise how difficult it was to grip onto the pile of empty plates that you collect from the tables, between your index and baby finger and your thumb...It really is a tough job and there was a few very dodgy moments when the plates nearly dropped while i had something in my other hand...

    The whole two nights were like a big work-out actually...lots of lugging cases of wine and water around the place ...I'll be glad to get back into my bar on Thursday!!! :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,234 ✭✭✭Malteaser!

    Bicep wasn't really sore today but there is some very feint bruising where the pain was...I don't think its anything serious though coz I was grand in the gym today.


    20kg x 5

    40kg x 3

    50kg x 3 x 6

    Leg Curls:

    20kg x 10

    25kg x 10

    32.5kg x 10

    40kg x 5


    10kg 'bells x 3 x 10

    Then just a load of ab stuff, sets of side raises, sit ups on the ball etc etc...

    I dunno what's gotten into me recently but I just don't seem arsed when it comes to the gym, like I'm going in and doing my thing but my drive to beat last week just seems to have disappeared. Once I get my main lifts in I'm sorta happy to just fap about and not do a whole lot is a perfect example of that. After my first set of squats(which were not hard at all), I thought of just going and sitting outside chatting to my friend, like I could just do them another day or something, the only thing that did stop me from doing that was the fact that i knew i would actually have to come in and start over again another day...

    I think I feel kinda lost now that I don't have a definate plan like I did with Sheiko, as much as i bitch and moan about being told what to do there was something nice about having that sort of structure to my training.

    Thats a PB for reps on the squats anyway and also for weight on the leg curls anyway.

    My house is literally a two minute walk from the Phoenix park and about 5 minutes from the Big Top so tonight me and my friend walked up to have a bit of a nosy at see if we could hear and what not...coz we grew up hanging out around there we knew all the places where you can get across the ditches without getting stuck or filthy and wet so somehow we ended up right outside the raillings where there was a big gap in the tent and we got to see the whole was frickin class...only problem is, I'm having a bit of trouble defrosting now...I literally can no longer feel my toes, my lips are blue, my fingers are fighting with me to type this out and my ears and nose are stinging was still worth it though!!! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,234 ✭✭✭Malteaser!

    Good buzz off the gym today.


    20kg x 3 x 6

    25kg x 3 x 6

    Incline Bench

    20kg x 6 x 6

    DB Bench

    10kg 'bells x 3 x 8


    5kg 'bells x 3 x 8

    Military Press

    20kg x 8; 6 ; 4

    Hanging Leg Raises

    3 x 8

    Bicep Curl

    7kg x 3 x 10 (per side)

    Lateral Raises

    4kg 'bells x 3 x 10

    So today was nice and easy.

    I'm gonna try and work up on my incline bench, I don't really feel like pushing my flat bench to failure at the end of a set which would no doubt happen considering I was lifting so close to my max.

    Military pressing is up and down every week, today was a down week but I'm not bothered coz I'd done so much bench work before it.

    Decided to re-introduce some things that I really enjoyed doing in the gym but that I haven't done in a while, thats why I did the lateral raises. There was some thinsg that I really wasn't liking at all and that aren't neccessry to help me reach my goals so they'll be dropped.

    Nothing particularly exciting about today, just one of those enjoyable sessions!! :)

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 21,981 ✭✭✭✭Hanley

    So much for it being an easy day...

    Great work all the same!! I reckon you can push your incline up to 30kg for 6 over the next month or so.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,234 ✭✭✭Malteaser!

    I was very bold today, this was supposed to be a 'deload' week....


    40kg x 6

    60kg x 3

    70kg x 1

    80kg x 1

    90kg x 1

    100kg x 1 :)

    Bent Over Db Rows

    12.5kg x 3 x 10

    Seated Cable Row:

    30kg x 10

    22.5kg x 2 x 10

    Sumo Deadlift

    40kg x 6

    I was meant to go to the gym on Friday to deadlift but it didn't happen, I actually didn't think I was going to make it in at all until at least Wednesday but by chance I got off college a little earlier today so I got some shopping in AND a trip to the gym.

    I barely slept last night coz I had such bad stomach cramps and this morning I wasn't feeling too hot either but I seemed to get better as the afternoon went on, anyways, I went shopping and ended up buying these little slipper shoes, like ballerina pomps and I thought they'd work perfectly as deadlift runners are a bit I got really excited about using them to deadlift and decided to go do it straight away.

    You know those days that you just walk into the gym and you feel like it's gonna be a good day before you even begin, well today was one of those and I ended up beating my old PR by 10kg. It was funny, I couldn't stop shaking after it with all the adreneline pumping and the smile on my face was unreal...the people in the gym must of thought I was a right sap smiling away to myself!!

    So yeah, a PR of 10kg, 2 weeks before i was supposed to. The usual, no chalk, wraps, straps, belts, gloves, supplements etc btw.

    I was pretty wrecked after that so I just took it easy for the rest of the session!!

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 21,981 ✭✭✭✭Hanley

    Malteaser! wrote: »
    I was very bold today, this was supposed to be a 'deload' week....


    40kg x 6

    60kg x 3

    70kg x 1

    80kg x 1

    90kg x 1

    100kg x 1 :)

    That really is just silly strong. What's that, a 100kg pull at 60kg for 1.7x bodyweight 5 months after you first stepped into a gym?


  • Registered Users Posts: 2,234 ✭✭✭Malteaser!

    Thanks, yeah, I know I'll sound like a moany bitch now but like I said to you already, I'm just not satisfied with it. Like I still can't really explain what I mean by satisfied but in my mind, although I guess it's a big lift it just doesn't feel like I'm strong or thats it's something worth shouting about.

    I'm not a powerlifter and like you say, I've only been lifting for 5 months but I think because of you, I end up comparing myself to female powerlifters instead of your average gym rat so when people start congratulating me and going on about 100kg being a big deal I kinda laugh of the idea. I mean when I think of female strenth I think of somebody like Petra, she pulled 210kg in her last comp and she's only 15kg heavier than me. I am completely in awe of her lifting abilities so saying that I'm strong when I'm not even pulling 2xbw and there's the likes of her close to 3xbw just seems a bit cheap, km??

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 21,981 ✭✭✭✭Hanley

    Malteaser! wrote: »
    Thanks, yeah, I know I'll sound like a moany bitch now but like I said to you already, I'm just not satisfied with it. Like I still can't really explain what I mean by satisfied but in my mind, although I guess it's a big lift it just doesn't feel like I'm strong or thats it's something worth shouting about.

    I'm not a powerlifter and like you say, I've only been lifting for 5 months but I think because of you, I end up comparing myself to female powerlifters instead of your average gym rat so when people start congratulating me and going on about 100kg being a big deal I kinda laugh of the idea. I mean when I think of female strenth I think of somebody like Petra, she pulled 210kg in her last comp and she's only 15kg heavier than me. I am completely in awe of her lifting abilities so saying that I'm strong when I'm not even pulling 2xbw and there's the likes of her close to 3xbw just seems a bit cheap, km??

    Yeah I tote km. I guess that's a good thing tho? Hell I still dont think my lifts are worth shouting abotu either.

    I guess it's all about who we're comparing ourselves to really. I don't wanna be a big fish in a small pond.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,234 ✭✭✭Malteaser!

    Just a really quick update, haven't been in the gym now for what feels like forever coz I was over in Scotland watching the Worlds all weekend, dying to get back into the gym now after seeing all the lifting that went down. It's funny, I could have set the World Records for my age yesterday if I had have been competing!! :D

    Gonna do some benching tomorrow..raring to go!!! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,234 ✭✭✭Malteaser!

    First day back in the gym for nearly a week.

    Decided to video my squats coz I'd been feeling like they were off and i wanted to get to the root of the problem.


    20kg x 8

    30kg x 6

    40kg x 3 x 5

    20kg x 4

    Front Squat

    20kg x 3 x 5

    25kg x 5

    30kg x 5

    That was it. Shortest session in a long long time, it was my sisters 8th birthday today so I had to rush to see her so we could have a party...anyways, getting onto my squats...

    I know the plate is kinda in the way and my dark baggy trousers don't help but if you look at my knees, they're drifting way forward when I reach parallel and shoot past my toes when I go any lower. I'm guessing it's coz I have such long legs, I 'll have to work harder on keeping the proper positions coz I'm not a natural squatter.

    It's not a natural movement for me to sit back into a squat so I've decided to start doing front squats so I can become more familiar with this position and can learn to sit back as well as down while opening my knees to hit proper depth.

    Watch my knees again, they're doing what they're supposed to!!!

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  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 21,981 ✭✭✭✭Hanley

    Long legs is no joke. I've an inside leg of 31 inches and Malteaser's is 35, and we're the exact same height (5'10). That should tell you something!
