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Someday I Will...



  • Registered Users Posts: 2,234 ✭✭✭Malteaser!

    Benching today:

    Incline Bench

    20kg x 6

    22.5kg x 6


    20kg x 6

    22.5kg x 6

    25kg x 3 x 5

    DB Bench

    10kg 'bells x 3 x 10


    6kg ' bells x 3 x 10

    Seated DB Press

    8kg x 10

    10kg x 4

    8kg x 2 x 5

    Bicep Curls:

    7.5kg 'bells x 3 x 10 (per side)

    Nice easy day to get back into the swing on things again.

    -Gonna continue upping the weight on the incline for a while, maybe work up to 30kg over the next 4 - 5 weeks.

    -Tried something new with my arch today on the flat bench. I made it much higher to decrease my ROM, it felt absolutely brillient that way, the weight just popped up right off my chest on each rep. I still need to work on digging my heels into the ground.

    25kg x 5(first set)

    (Hanley's jealous of my arch!!! :p)

    -DB bench was good, gonna up the weight next week I think.

    -Flies were the same, this week I had upped the weight by a kilo and added 2 reps to each set and that was easy as pie so I'll probabl go for an increase next week also.

    -First time over head pressing in like forever and it showed, I was rwecked from all the bench pressing and the power just wasn't there. Meh, it's like a mini challange to bring it back up again.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,635 ✭✭✭tribulus

    You could fit a f*cking bus under that :eek: nice.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 21,981 ✭✭✭✭Hanley

    With a waist that tiny I still don't know how lifting hasn't broken you in half!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,234 ✭✭✭Malteaser!

    tribulus wrote: »
    You could fit a f*cking bus under that :eek: nice.

    Lol, I know...see why Ham was jealous???

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,234 ✭✭✭Malteaser!


    40kg x 6

    60kg x 6

    70kg x 6

    80kg x 10 x 1

    60kg x 3 x 6


    30kg x 10

    37.5kg x 10

    30kg x 10

    Bent-Over DB Rows:

    12.5kg x 3 x 10

    Sumo Deadlifts

    40kg x 6

    50kg x 3 x 6

    -Deadlifts are really improving, I didn't bother 80kg for reps today, I knew I wouldn't get to 6 and I'm not into pushing to failure like that. I know what works for my deadlifts now so I"m just gonna continue as I am for teh moment and hopefully see another PB in no time.

    -Pulldowns and Bent over rows-The usual

    -Sumos-Again felt great. I used to always get pulled forward by the bar when I did them, probably coz the weight was just too damn heavy but I have the stance perfected on them now and it was light enough so they really felt like they were supposed to.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,234 ✭✭✭Malteaser!

    Front Squats

    20kg x 6

    25kg x 6

    27.5kg x 6

    30kg x 3 x 6


    20kg x 6

    25kg x 6

    30kg x 3 x 6

    Leg Curl:

    20kg x 10

    25kg x 10

    32.5 x 10

    Bulgarian Split Squats

    3 x 10 (per side)

    Taped the front squats, I wanted to make sure I was getting them right down and also that my knees weren't drifting forward. - First set. I was looking in the mirror for these and it really showed me how decieving mirrors can be when judging depth. From the front it looked like these were well in and I was shocked when Hanley told me that I it was 50/50 below parallel and just at parallel and even more shocked when I looked back at the video.

    So I just made sure the second set was much better by widening my knees just that little bit more, it made all the difference:

    Back squats felt a lot different than normal, I think it was the wider stance allowed me to get that extra bit lower than usual. Planning on keeping the weight low on them until I've sorted out the knees thing, although looking at the second video there I think that might just be the way I'm destined to squat. I'll keep at this for another two or three weeks and see where it takes me.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 21,981 ✭✭✭✭Hanley

    I know how hard it is to take a step back and fix things when all you want to do is plough forwards and keep upping the weight, but you've definately made the right decision in dropping back a bit and working things out.

    It'll all come together, it's just gonna take time. Hell I'm still learning how to squat. Opening my knees with a wider stance is something I've only picked up on recently!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,234 ✭✭✭Malteaser!

    Incline Bench

    20kg x 6

    22.5kg x 6

    25kg x 3 x 6

    22.5kg x 6

    20kg x 6


    20kg x 6

    25kg x 3 x 6

    22.5kg x 6

    20kg x 6

    DB Bench

    10kg 'bells x 3 x 10


    6kg 'bells x 3 x 10

    Shoulder Press:

    8kg 'bells x 5; 4; 5

    Lateral Raises

    4kg 'bells x 3 x 10

    Lots of benching today, I think that's some sort of record for reps on the incline not too sure though, I'll give it a check later on.

    First two sets of 25kg onthe flat bench didn't really feel too hot. I couldn't feel the 'pop' like I could last week. I realised that it was because I was touching too high up on my chest so I had too big a ROM even though I had a high arch. Last few sets were much much better.

    Absolutely wrecked for everything else, did a weird thing to my elbow during the flies, it kinda clicked back the wrong way and made a horrible crack but there was no serious pain and I just continued so that seems to be all g.

    Shoulder pressing is right down, again I'm putting it down to being so tired from all the benching. I'm pretty sure that if I went in fresh I could still do 10kg for 10.

    Deadlifting the next day, not sure when I'll get into the gym again, lots of assignments due over the next few weeks, I'm doing an ok job so far though!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,234 ✭✭✭Malteaser!


    40kg x 6

    60kg x 6

    75kg x 3

    85kg x 5 x 1

    80kg x 5 x 1

    70kg x 6


    30kg x 10

    37.5kg x 2 x 6

    Bent Over Rows

    12.5kg x 3 x 10

    -Back was a bit rounded out on the 85kg DLs so dropped back to 80kg. Form felt spot on then.

    -Should have done more in the gym but I was called away. My sister had an accident in the creche, well accident is a bit of a understatement. Some little bitch picked her up and threw her against a wall and she had to be brought to hospital. I don't normally like going into rants that are non-training related in my journal but I am so pissed off right now that I just need to vent somewhere. My sister is only 7 and she's got a tiny tiny little frame, she's also incedibly bright and not the kind of person who starts fights or trouble anywhere she goes. But this little wagon is 12, 5 years older than my sister who has done nothing but cause trouble throughout her years in school(she's been nicknamed the hurricane by her classmates and once kicked the teacher in 3rd class) came over to my sister when she didn't like the look of the game(no jokes there,there's plenty of witnesses) she was playing and picked her up and threw her against the wall. Thankfully she fell on her knee and not her head or soemthing but she was taken to hospital anyway for x-rays because she couldn't walk or stretch it out. Turns out she has some soft tissue damage and won't be able to walk for a few days on it and had to have it all bandaged up. I am absolutely fuming. Me and her are so incredibly close and getting a phone call to say she was being taken to hospital or that she's been hurt in some way is actually one of my worst nightmares. I'm still kind of shaking coz I keep letting my mind think how much worse it could have been. I'm so angry at this little girl, at that age she should have known bloody better than to pick on a child, lets just say she's lucky that I wasn't there. [/rant]

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,234 ✭✭✭Malteaser!

    Bit of a disastrous few days tbh, no training since Friday and I don't know when I'll be back in.

    I've come down with a terrible cold, at the worst possible time, I have a ton of assignments due in over the next few weeks that still have a lot of work to be done to them. I was gonna go training today but I just sat outsiide in the reception area waiting for Hanley instead of actually doing anything myself.

    Normally I'd battle through but I need to keep myself well so I can finish my work for college. I have one due in tomorrow so I might take a break for a while and head to teh gym for some light work. I'll see how I'm feeling.

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  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 21,981 ✭✭✭✭Hanley

    Happy Birthday You!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,234 ✭✭✭Malteaser!

    Hanley wrote: »
    Happy Birthday You!!

    Awwww, thank you....and thanks for everything today!! <3

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,234 ✭✭✭Malteaser!

    I'm finally getting a bit better so this evening I decided to go back to the gym for a very light, very short session. I'm still finding it hard to breathe so when I started to break into coughing fits while squatting I decided to call it a day.

    Front squat

    20kg x 6

    25kg x 6

    30kg x 6


    20kg x 3 x 6

    It was good to be back today even if I couldn't do a whole lot.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,234 ✭✭✭Malteaser!

    Today was much better than the last.

    Incline Bench

    20kg x 6

    22.5kg x 6

    25kg x 3 x 6

    22.5kg x 6

    20kg x 6


    20kg x 6

    25kg x 2

    27.5kg x 2

    30kg x 1

    32.5kg x 1

    27.5kg x 2 x 6; 5

    25kg x 6

    20kg x 6

    DB Bench

    10kg 'bells x 3 x 10


    6kg 'bells x 3 x 10

    DB Shoulder Press:

    7kg x 3 x 7

    I'll do up some thoughts and stuff later, i just wanted to get the numbers down now before I forgot.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,234 ✭✭✭Malteaser!

    -Incline bench was grand, prolly gonna go for 27.5kg for 3 6's next week. Yesterday was definatly just me getting back in to the swing of things after a nearly two weeks away.

    -Normal benching also felt good and strong. On the last rep of the last set of 27.5kg the weight just would not move off my chest, not even an inch. It was highly embarrassing as Hanley and Tribulus were on the other side of the gym so I couldn't really call for help and I end up just rolling it down my body, sitting up and lowering it to the floor all the while with a 'I meant to do it like that' look on my face ;)

    -everytying else was all just the usual stuff, nothing new or exciting. To get the shoulder pressing back up, I'm doing what I did the last time. Decide how many reps I'll do based on the weight of the B. So like yday they were 7kg so I dod 3 sets of 7, next week I'll do 3 sets of 8 with 8kg db's and so on.

    -Deadlifting now whenever I get through some more of my assignments.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,234 ✭✭✭Malteaser!

    Handed in my third assignment today, two more to go and i'm done! :)


    50kg x 6

    60kg x 3

    70kg x 3 x 3

    80kg x 3 x 3

    Pull Downs

    37.5kg x 8

    30kg x 2 x 10


    50kg x 3 x 3

    I only had half an hour in the gym thats the reason for the sessin being so short.

    Deadlift strength is coming along nicely.

    Sumos were a bit ****e, my knees felt like they were buckling in a bit, it didn't have anything to do with the weight I reckon it's just a flexability issue. I'm sure it'll sort iself out.

    Throwing together a bit of a new plan for my squats when all these assignments have been handed in.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,234 ✭✭✭Malteaser!

    Six whole days since I've been to the gym, starting to get withdrawl symthoms now!! :D Well not really, but I do miss it.

    I handed in my second last assignment yesterday, one more due in tomorrow and I'm free for the Christmas. If I can get this finished off at a reasonable hour today I'll head up for some squatting later.

    I decided to transfer what's been working for my deadlifts over to my squat routine.

    A reasonable weight for 10 singles, then either drop back 5 or 10 kilos and do it for about 6 reps. All the while focusing on my form while hopefully increasing my strentgh at the same time. Add 2.5kg or 5kg each week and build it up gradually. This kinda idea has worked wonders for my deadlift so hopefully it'll do the same for my squats.

    Can't wit to try it out :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,234 ✭✭✭Malteaser!

    FINALLY got into the gym, it was an incredibly short session, didn't even get half way through what I was supposed to do but anways...I'm planning on going back tomorrow...


    20kg x 6

    30kg x 6

    40kg x 10 x 1

    30kg x 6

    Front Squat

    20kg x 3 x 6

    Split Squat

    4kg ' bells x 3 x 10

    -Much happier with the squats. I can actually feel when I've hit depth now so don't need to rely on the camera or somebody telling me...

    -Got some videos, I'll stick them up when they load!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,234 ✭✭✭Malteaser!

    Thats the 9th single...

    Got some thoughts on some things that I can maybe fix with it, I'll throw them up later, I'm in a huge rush to work right now...

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,234 ✭✭✭Malteaser!

    -Elbows seem to be sticking out just a bit too much for my liking, I've tried to stick them in but I always feel like the bars about to roll off my back...something to work on!

    -Too many steps on my walk-out...something I really just need to think about before I step out.

    So not too many issues, overall happy with how they felt.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,234 ✭✭✭Malteaser!

    Right so Christmas is over (Merry Christmas everyone), it's time to get back into it. I've tried to get up to the gym a few times since Christmas but failed miserably, the back window of my car was smashed in last week but this time of year is a bugger for trying to get insurance/window fixed so I've been pretty much relying on lifts everywhere, unfortunately I wasn't getting any offers of lifts to the gym so I've been away much longer than I would have liked. Anyways, Hanley said he'd bring me up today so Im leaving in a few minutes and I can't frickin' wait. I'm kind of dreading the thought of how much my strength has gone down (not that it was particularly high in the first place) but sure we'll see how it goes.

    I've been doing a load of bw squats/lunges/strectching etc in my time away so in that way I don't feel like a complete waster.

    Gotta go get me some food now so I have the energy to do anything at all when I get there!!! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,234 ✭✭✭Malteaser!


    20kg x 6

    25kg x 6

    27.5kg x 3 x 6

    25kg x 6

    22.5kg x 3 x 6

    20kg x 6

    DB Bench:

    10kg 'bells x 6

    12.5kg 'bells x 3

    10kg 'bells x 5; 8; 6


    6kg 'bells x 3 x 8

    Seated Overhead pressing:

    7kg 'bells x 7; 6

    6kg 'bells x 6

    Bicep Curl:

    7kg 'bells x 2 x 10 perside

    Thoughts and all that jazz later, as usual I'm very late for work!! Oops

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,234 ✭✭✭Malteaser!

    Tbh I'm really quite surprised that I could do anything after being away frm the gym for so long.

    -Benching was grand, no comments other than I need to learn to push myself harder. I was doing 27.5kg x 6 and Hanley said to me afterwards ' I reckon you could do 30 for at least 7', I just didn't think I could do it coz the 27.5kg was kinda heavy. I've been thinking about it since, I think I've been waiting for a weight to become easy to do before I try and even attempt a heavier one, thats totally the wrong way to be. It's not going to get any easier coz I'm just not pushing myself with heavier weights, I'm not making myself any stronger...just maintaining what I already have.

    -DB benching -> apparently they looked a bit like flys, as in my elbows were flaring too much. Then I pinned them in too much, then I managed to get it just right. That's why the numbers are a bit all over the place, it's amazing the difference a change in the position of the elbows can make to how many reps you can do with the same weght.

    -Flies and DB pressing were just the usual.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,234 ✭✭✭Malteaser!

    Session yesterday;


    60kg x 2 x 4

    70kg x 4

    80kg x 1

    75 x 3 x 4

    60kg x 4

    Bent-over DB rows:

    10kg 'bells x 10

    12.5kg x 10

    15kg x 10

    17.5kg x 5


    30kg x 10

    37.5kg x 8

    30kg x 10

    Seated Cable Rows

    20kg x 10

    25kg x 8; 10

    Lat Raises

    4kg x 2 x 8

    5kg x 8

    -I was a bit over-ambitious with my deadlifts thinking I could hop straight back in where I left off, 80kg felt heavy so I dropped back to 75kg and did that instead.

    -I have a video of one of the sets, i'll pop it up later.

    -The take home message yesterday was that I had to PUSH MYSELF harder, I wasn't gonna be able to lift a weight unless I bloody well tried. So with that i mind, I tried 15kg for as many reps as I could get. Got 10 with perfect form. Then I tried 17.5kg, for the first time and managed to do it for 5. I was pretty happy with that, its somethingg i can work on.

    -Everything else was grand. Don't think I did lateral raises with 5kg before, yet I managed it for 8. Proving what Hanley said yesterday in that I'm a lot stronger than I think I am. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,234 ✭✭✭Malteaser!

    One of the sets of 75kg.

    They look a bit crap. I'm just gonna say it's coz I was away for a while thus out of touch. If they're still like that next week then I'll be mad!!

    -My back looks slightly rounded.

    -My legs are pretty much straight before my hips come forward.


    At least they were fast!

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 21,981 ✭✭✭✭Hanley

    Like I said, they were dead easy. Almost like warm ups.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,234 ✭✭✭Malteaser!


    20kg x 6

    25kg x 6

    30kg x 6

    40kg x 5

    45kg x 10 x 1

    40kg x 5

    Leg Curls

    20kg x 10

    25kg x 10

    32.5kg x 10

    25kg x 10

    BUlgarian Split Squats

    4kg 'bells x 3 x 8 per side

    I'm starting to hate doing legs. Like really hate it.

    Apparently my squats were the best yet. They didn't feel it. My right leg has felt cramped since yesterday evening and each time I sat back into a squat it felt like it might go from under me. It's still not feeling too hot right now. I really hope it gets better soon.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 21,981 ✭✭✭✭Hanley

    Like I said to ya today, they're without a doubt the best squats I've ever seen you do. They were close to perfect. So good work you!!

    (P.S nobody likes squatting)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,234 ✭✭✭Malteaser!

    Last night:

    Crosstrainer x 10 mins

    Rower x 10 mins

    10 Station weights circuit x40sec a station


    Oh dear....I am so *so* unfit. That ten minutes on the cross trainer nearly killed me. I was huffing and puffing and being generally very unfit at the end of it. I see it kind of like a mini challenge - if I can do it the next day without getting a stitch after three minutes It'll be an improvement and so on until I don't feel like I'm about to collapse after ten measly minutes.

    The rower is more my kind of thing, teh only problem I had here was trying to keep my grip for ten minutes.

    The circuit is something myself and Hanley have been saying we'd do for ages, it was good and kinda tough. The only thing was, I only have one or two machine weights in my regular work-out so I was unsure as to which weights I should be using on each one. Sometimes they were far too light and others, way too heavy but I couldn't really change the weight in the middle of the set coz I only had 40 seconds on each machine so I would have just wasted all my time trying to pick a weight!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,234 ✭✭✭Malteaser!

    I've had a pretty sh!t start to 2008. I dunno what the hell is wrong with me, I seem to have completely lost my drive in the gym, I'm going in and not caring whether I've improved on last week, I seem to be just happy to settle with mediocrity. It's gotten to the stage now where I have the time to go, but I"m just staying at home watching tv instead.

    I decided after Christmas that I was going to clean up my diet and try and loose the weight I put on over the holidays. I didn't even last a day. It's like the harder I try to, lets say, cut down on carbs that my body decided that that's exactly the type of food it wants right now. And instead of being strong and having something else, I give into my cravings so easily. The only good thing that I can say about my diet is that I've dropped the fastfood and fizzy drinks. Somehow I ended up loosing 4lbs this week which I can only put down to water and salt loss from cutting out the fastfood.

    I'm a bit lost right now. I should go to the gym tonight but tbh I just don't know if I feel bothered.
