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Do Trans and L.G.B really belong together



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4 Brynn

    Boston, you say, "Transgendered to for me is associated with gender role reversal."

    Ok, I totally agree with you. So, in mainstream society is it considered "normal" for men to have sex with women? With men? Or with both?

    Granted, we've made progress in society. For many, maybe even most people, gays and bisexuals are no longer considered "sick." Nevertheless, most people still believe that "normal" sexual behaviour is for men to have sex with women, not with other men.

    Therefore, men who do have sex with and desire other men are engaging in what society considers a gender role reversal. What they are doing is a reversal of what is considered "normal" gender behaviour for men.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3 Emo Girl J

    A gay/lesbian/bisexual doesn't have that, they're on the whole quite comfortable with their gender in the same way a straight person is.

    Sex is between the legs, gender is between the ears.

    They are comfortable with their sex, their physical bodies.

    I'm sure at least some are uncomfortable with their gender, which includes the societal expectations of how they should act. Male gender means you're supposed to be "masculine", dominant and aggressive. I know many guys of any sexuality (including straight) who don't feel comfortable with that.

  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    I must admit I don't really see the connection you're trying to make.
    The crux of transgenderism (is there such a word?) is the perceived gender mismatch an individual has between their mental and physical self.

    A gay/lesbian/bisexual doesn't have that, they're on the whole quite comfortable with their gender in the same way a straight person is.

    I think we've established that LGB people aren't Transgender people otherwishe we'd just have 'T' instead of so many bloody letters (might make things easier though).
    The point we're argueing is that there is a connection there. Which, in my eyes, there clearly is.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,964 ✭✭✭Hmm_Messiah

    personally I find the anon. posting curious - to me it reads as a more coherent rehash of what rozie might say. However i still don't agree with a word of it - I see Zero in common between T.and LGB and nothing posted demostrates otherwise.

    The association is not a simple "matter of fact" - it is a fallacy

    Nor does my gender, gender role, or gender identity have anything to do with my sexuality.

    Brynn wrote:
    That's right, since transition I've loved and been partnered with both men and women. So it will come as no surprise that I feel strongly that LGBQ and T quite naturally belong together.

    First, there are a fair number of us trannies who identify as LGB or Q after transition, their inclusion should be a given. ones or surgeries, if we opt for them, wipe our minds of our memories and our hearts of our former passion and alliances?

    Moreover, one could make a strong argument that in a society (ours) founded on the belief that men should sleep with women and women with men, each and every one of YOU who has sex with a same-sex partner is engaging in "trans-gendered" behaviour. I mean, think about it. Men w/men and women w/ women is at least as trans as a man putting on a dress or a woman applying spirit-gum and facial hair!

    welcome to the forum. all you have demonstrated is that you are trans and also within LGB.

    That is not far removed from the fact i am pagan and gay,that i am bald and gay, left handed and gay. There is no argument for a pagan left handed LGBPL forum name.

    I think some part of the problem is how people use words but even in the broadest interpretation gender and sexuality are distinct.

    and same sex physical activity is not transgendered in any way - sorry but that is nonsense.

    of course you are right though ,there is no reason within LGB there would be groupings of transgendered, or rural folk, or us must maligned sinistrals

  • Registered Users Posts: 304 ✭✭PhantomBeaker

    Ugh, this about 2:15 so I'm a little incoherent, but I'll probably tidy a few mistakes in the morning

    @Hmm_messiah: I think the point that Mr Moose is working towards is that, at the end of the day, there are uniting factors.

    An effeminate male is a target, and will likely be called a **** as he's beaten.
    Just as a masculine woman is a target, and will likely be called a "dyke" as she's hurt.
    An effeminate male, passing (possibly unintentionally) as female, with a woman, could both be beaten as "dykes" etc.
    Similarly, a masculine woman and a guy could also endure a similar situation.

    Are they necessarily any of those things that they're being called? Not really. Do they have to be LGB or trans? Nope.

    Do they have to deal with the same crap as the LGB community, pretty much. They're called the same things, right? They're beaten the same way.

    Called the same names, beaten the same way (if they catch us). That's a common link between the LGB and T communities, but, yeah... in the pub, sitting around a table with some drinks, we're absolutely worlds apart, until someone from the outside looks at us, then we have a common problem.

    Does it make sense for the two groups to deal with the same problem separately? In my mind, not really.

    If that little issue disappeared by magic, we'd probably have a lot less in common and could go our own ways, but 'til then, we do, at least, have that common bond. We could all try and explain how we're different. The bisexuals could try and explain how they're not fags, because they don't exclusively like the same sex. The trans people could explain that just because they look one way that they're not necessarily gay. The emo kids, they can try and explain that it's just their makeup and hair and nothing to do with their gender or sexuality.

    In the end, it's only us who actually know the difference.

    It's only us who care that we're not the other letters of LGB or T.

    To the rest, we're all the same. They couldn't care less.

    We could probably do more about this united. It can be a temporary alliance, if you want, at least until we have accurate discrimination - you know, the kind where someone sees a transperson on the street, and they get hassle for being a tranny, rather than being gay or lesbian, or the emo kid who gets hassle for liking My Chemical Romance, rather than people assuming they're faggots or dykes or trannies or whatever. At least that will be a start... it will at least mean that people outside can tell the difference.

    Until then, we're lumped all the same.

    Might as well give them what we want, yeah? We're at least a little less fragmented, and a little stronger that way.

    The matter of fact isn't that we're the same, the matter of fact is that we're *seen* as being the same.

    @Thaedydal: Glad you like the sig. :)

    Take care,

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,346 ✭✭✭Rev Hellfire

    Emo Girl J wrote:
    Sex is between the legs, gender is between the ears.

    They are comfortable with their sex, their physical bodies.

    I'm sure at least some are uncomfortable with their gender, which includes the societal expectations of how they should act. Male gender means you're supposed to be "masculine", dominant and aggressive. I know many guys of any sexuality (including straight) who don't feel comfortable with that.
    The thing is in all those cases the person (homosexual/Bi/Straight) may have have issues with the cultural expectations imposed on them for their gender, but and this is the important thing in my view, at no point do they actually wish or see themselves as members of the opposite gender.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4 Brynn

    The matter of fact isn't that we're the same, the matter of fact is that we're *seen* as being the same.

    Exactly! I was discussing behaviour and perception, not identity. Sorry I didn't make that clearer.

    And if what we're interested in is improving our lot in life, we're much stronger together than fragmented.

    And I'd suggest that some of the resistance on the parts of LGB folk to understanding their commonality with T lies with transphobia, in the same way that resistance on the parts of trans people to recognise their commonality with LGB rests with homophobia. In the end, all of these divisions serve the interests of our enemies.

  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    See I think calling it a 'temporary alliance' is a bit rich too because let's face it - I can't see workshops for bigots on 'How to decipher if they're a tranny or a fag' are going to work or ever going to happen. (If you wanna run that workshop fairly nuff, I'll be on the other side of the street thanks).
    When homophobia and equally transphobia are dead and buried then we can part seperate ways if you want, but that's like saying without homophobia we wouldn't have gay bars. There wouldn't be a need for them, but would there be a want? So good luck getting rid of us then. When the time for the big LGB vote would come in you'd realise just how many trans people there are in your ranks doing things and getting off their asses for you aswell as themselves.

    I've got another question: Why would you like to seperate yourself from the Trans contingent so much? Just semantics? Just a scientific want to logically catagorise things? I can understand all that and I don't condem it though logically having to argue all the time where and why I fit in somewhere is exhausting, I don't think those reasons aren't valid to question something.

    One last teeny tiny annoyance:
    Don't you ever ever call this Moouse 'Rozie'. I'm not. I'm sure the IP's have been checked. I'm sure it's clear to the Mods I'm not. I'm just too lazy to try remember what my boards password actually is.
    That's a real pathetic way to try argue with my points by just lumping them as 'Rozie'. It's real easy to make things you can't argue go away by just blaming them on the radical view of 'an etremeist' or someone you don't like.

  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    "In the end, all of these divisions serve the interests of our enemies"

    That is the end all and be all.
    I'd love to see me fighting for gay marriage for trans people but not the gays, I'd be laughed out of Ireland.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,964 ✭✭✭Hmm_Messiah

    Huh ? god this is Deteriorating into nonsense.

    "We are not the same but should be grouped the same because thats how others see us ? and because we all get beaten up "

    FIrst off I've never gotten beaten up, abused, heckled, or by any one significant -judged - darn I can't belong now to this group who defines itself not by what it is, but what it feels others see it as.

    It would be a very long name if we grouped every one who suffers violence - homophobic, xenophobic, domestic abuse, racial etc etc etc

    and sorry no one I know groups me with T., I have never been subject to this attitude you seem to assume ALL others have of ALL LGB.

    You realise those non LGB are individuals ? not a single entity.

    "The resistance to LGB to understanding a commoniality is" ...because it doesn't exist.... and talking about enemies makes it some matrix revolutions like battle against "us" and "them" - like the movie - a truly awful idea

    They are not "seen the same", and by those who do see things that way your argument only encourages their ignorance.

    I understand both your opinions, but they seem to want to perputate how you see the present situation - and seems to want tackle inaccuracies by... continuing them

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  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    "FIrst off I've never gotten beaten up, abused, heckled, or by any one significant -judged - darn I can't belong now to this group who defines itself not by what it is, but what it feels others see it as."

    That's so great! You can just take your same sex partner by the hand to the office party, walk down the streets with no fear 'out and proud' around Dublin city where no homophobic beatings ever happen and then (if you want) you can get happily married and adopt a kid, or even have your own child and everything can be grand!

    oh... wait a second...

    Just because discrimination hasn't affected you (and I am genuinely happy for you, no sarcasm at all) doesn't mean it's not there.
    And just because you don't feel judged doesn't mean you're not being.

    "It would be a very long name if we grouped every one who suffers violence - homophobic, xenophobic, domestic abuse, racial etc etc etc"

    Talking about innacuracies...
    No one actually said that, at all. We were talking about homophobia only and not anything else. We're not trying to group anything that's not related.

    The simple fact that 'transgender' exrepssion and going against a gender role norm (by being a man who shags loves is partnered with another man or by telling the world your physical sex is different to your gender expression) means we're united. That's 'what it is'. Gender and sexually being intertwined in human society is 'what it is', not what 'it's seen as'. Go walk into the womens bathrooms as a visible man and you'll know all about 'what it is' and not what people see it is. It's the reality we live in!

    Peoples ignorance about us is not due to the 'T' being on LGB. Has anyone really gone 'You're gay, oh right so you're a guy who wears womens clothing then eh?'. Equally no one thought me being Trans meant I was gay.
    Next argument please.

    You're right though, this is getting rather ridiculous.

  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    I personally think slappin them together benifits only people who want to lump everyone into catagories...
    I wouldn't have the faintest clue about anything to do with transgender...i had to actually look up FtM like! I think one is a genetic disorder (i hope that isnt offensive to anyone- its just like dont transgender people think they were *born* the "worng gender") the other is a mater of who you sleep with!

    I take what was said before that many people exibit both- aka are "gay" before they transition, or after havin an op or whatever still perfer people of the same gender...some people are bi no matter what their gender is and that don't change...other people are more fluid in their sexuality etc...
    but i see them as two entirely separate emtities that OFCOURSE the same person can have as messiah pointed out!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 17,163 ✭✭✭✭Boston

    Brynn wrote:
    Boston, you say, "Transgendered to for me is associated with gender role reversal."

    Ok, I totally agree with you. So, in mainstream society is it considered "normal" for men to have sex with women? With men? Or with both?

    Granted, we've made progress in society. For many, maybe even most people, gays and bisexuals are no longer considered "sick." Nevertheless, most people still believe that "normal" sexual behaviour is for men to have sex with women, not with other men.

    Therefore, men who do have sex with and desire other men are engaging in what society considers a gender role reversal. What they are doing is a reversal of what is considered "normal" gender behaviour for men.

    Yes, but the opinions of other people don't come into how I definte myself. I guess it comes down to what you see as the male/female roles. By your definition all thsoe women who started taking jobs that where traditionally exclusively the male domain are transgendered, or stay at home dads for that matter. I don't think they would really define themselves as such. I can see you point, I just don't view things the way you do.
    And I'd suggest that some of the resistance on the parts of LGB folk to understanding their commonality with T lies with transphobia, in the same way that resistance on the parts of trans people to recognise their commonality with LGB rests with homophobia. In the end, all of these divisions serve the interests of our enemies.

    Ah here, thats a bit OTT. I've heard the same type of thing else where, in relation to straights not willing to "accept that they are a little gay too", it was OTT then and still is. I do not identify with the banner specific to you. I'm perfectly willing to accept that I may have things in common with a transgendered person, but sharing the same views of gender and sexuality probably isn't going to be one of them.

    As for enemies; Thats a tad militant.

    Hmm_Messiah: It makes some kind of sense that people who are all abused by society in the same way would grow an affinity towards each other. A bound of solidarity.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,964 ✭✭✭Hmm_Messiah

    oh... wait a second...

    Just because discrimination hasn't affected you (and I am genuinely happy for you, no sarcasm at all) doesn't mean it's not there.
    And just because you don't feel judged doesn't mean you're not being.

    "It would be a very long name if we grouped every one who suffers violence - homophobic, xenophobic, domestic abuse, racial etc etc etc"

    Talking about innacuracies...
    No one actually said that, at all. We were talking about homophobia only and not anything else. We're not trying to group anything that's not related.

    The simple fact that 'transgender' exrepssion and going against a gender role norm (by being a man who shags loves is partnered with another man or by telling the world your physical sex is different to your gender expression) means we're united. That's 'what it is'. Gender and sexually being intertwined in human society is 'what it is', not what 'it's seen as'. Go walk into the womens bathrooms as a visible man and you'll know all about 'what it is' and not what people see it is. It's the reality we live in!

    Peoples ignorance about us is not due to the 'T' being on LGB. Has anyone really gone 'You're gay, oh right so you're a guy who wears womens clothing then eh?'. Equally no one thought me being Trans meant I was gay.
    Next argument please.

    You're right though, this is getting rather ridiculous.

    I'd beginning to wonder if every "T" that posted here had problems with logic

    it is in fact exactly what you said - justifying the link because of discrimination. I extended your "argument" to increase the black immigrant handicapped person . Or is it u have to have a difficult time AND be LGB?

    Btw LGB should really be about more than difficult times

    I am sure this will sound patronising but you seem happy to use sociological terms without and real grasp of their meaning but to reduce it to plainer language LGB broadly equates to "not-hetero"- how does transgendered equate to that? (Objectively)

    And Boston I agree with the idea that people with shared experiences would feel an affinity - I said that in my first post.

    I'd personally feel an affinity to "some" experiences of those in womens support movement, or addiction support, and more, but not so much I'd want them to tag on a label to fit me in, nor do I allow what I feel I have in common blind me to the simple realities - this is not a complex issue

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 45 ChrisCross

    Justifying the link because of HOMOPHOBIA not general discrimination but specifically HOMOPHOBIA. (maybe caps will help??)

    How is LGB about more than difficult times? Honestly. Is it just the sex then for you? Honestly explain this Reverand.

    Transgender is by nature 'non-hetero'. That's almost a core part of what transgender is. (note I didn't say transsexual).

    Yes, people with commonalities should f off out of your group. Understood completely... wait.. No... I don't understand at all.

    Why again do you have such an issue with this?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,346 ✭✭✭Rev Hellfire

    ChrisCross wrote:
    Justifying the link because of HOMOPHOBIA not general discrimination but specifically HOMOPHOBIA. (maybe caps will help??)

    How is LGB about more than difficult times? Honestly. Is it just the sex then for you? Honestly explain this Reverand.
    Well I'm kind of on the outside looking in on this one, but from what I can see the forum is about LGB issues (of which discrimination is but a part, health for example would be another) and also the LGB subculture.
    Perhaps I just don't see them as victims with nothing more to do than complain about their discriminations, but from looking at the forum it seems to me neither do they.
    ChrisCross wrote:
    Transgender is by nature 'non-hetero'. That's almost a core part of what transgender is. (note I didn't say transsexual).
    Transgender is as connected to heterosexuality as left handedness is. Heterosexuality, homosexuality and bisexuality all indicate a persons sexual ordination, transgender using the standard dictionary definition of the word is about gender identity. For example you can't have a straight homosexual but you can have transgender who has homosexual or heterosexual inclinations.
    ChrisCross wrote:
    Yes, people with commonalities should f off out of your group. Understood completely... wait.. No... I don't understand at all.

    Why again do you have such an issue with this?
    I'm not sure I understand the issue here, from what I see the members of this community are saying that discussions about transgender are welcome. So how is anyone been told to f off ?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 45 ChrisCross

    I don't see us as victims but I see LGBT as more of a political alignment and community then just 'random group of people'.
    If we were truly just people and there was no stigma behind which partner we choose then yes, you'd be right, we'd just be a random group of people.
    Transgender is as connected to heterosexuality as left handedness is. Heterosexuality, homosexuality and bisexuality all indicate a persons sexual ordination, transgender using the standard dictionary definition of the word is about gender identity. For example you can't have a straight homosexual but you can have transgender who has homosexual or heterosexual inclinations.

    What's a heterosexual or homosexual influence for a person who doesn't see themselves as having a gender? Just out of curiosity?
    Also what is a homosexual or heterosexual for a transwoman say pre-transition but very sure of her gender identity. When do her relationships switch from being say hetero to homo? Thus the nature of gender is core to sexual relationships but sexual relationships that are not the norm. What other sexual relationships are not the norm? Same sex relationships are considered not to be the norm.
    Thus the nature of the general term of transgender (crossing gender) would infact make it much more aligned than left handedness which you keep saying but not explaining how. It's a rather weak analogy. Especially when I feel like we've both accepted there are commonalities which there certainly are NOT for people who are lefthanded and gay (besides we've already got an L!!).

    There is a great great difference between tolerance and acceptance or between understanding and tolerance even. You might say I'm welcome, I feel like I'd be open to attack on the basis of who I am and not what I say and that at the core of it, people think I don't belong here. I'd feel like I'd have to justify my involvement.
    Why am I bothering now even? I've been working with LGB groups since I was 15, I shouldn't have to justify why I'm here. I am here. It is with LG and B and no I don't see it as an innacuracy at all.

    I don't think we're going to aggree, but hey, the discussion was fun, at least it didn't dissolve into personal attacks.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 17,163 ✭✭✭✭Boston

    ChrisCross, have to say I'm not loving your tone here. Posters have been expressly welcomed on this thread, and it's been made very clear that no one is being told to fuk off from this forum. No one has attacked you for who being transgendered on this thread, no on has attacked anyone on this thread so far. If you where not welcome to post here you'd be in no doubt about it. The thread isn't just about this forum either but the wider society.
    Also what is a homosexual or heterosexual for a transwoman say pre-transition but very sure of her gender identity. When do her relationships switch from being say hetero to homo? Thus the nature of gender is core to sexual relationships but sexual relationships that are not the norm. What other sexual relationships are not the norm? Same sex relationships are considered not to be the norm.

    Well Right back at you, I'm a Bi-Sexual, so if I'm with a man I'm transgendered and when I'm with a woman I'm not, and who gets to decide? You? Are you qualified to make those decision?

    The argument being put forward is not that LGB people have commonalities with Trangendered people, but rather that they are the same. The basis of the argument is that both "groups" of people cross gender boundaries. But so does every nearly everybody person. Yes having sex with a man is something that typically a woman does, but so is raising the kids, and facials and having long hair. Why pick sex and not some other other activity? Why am I supposedly transgendered but not someone that pains their nails? Or maybe they are, if so the question has to be asked, just who isn't Transgendered?

    Everyone one being transgendered doesn't make sense though as there is clearly a group of people that identify with the idea of their Gender not being fixed (and I think it's safe to say most people do feel gender is fixed, for them anyway).

    Tolerance Vs acceptance: For me Sex and Sexuality is in no way related to gender. So I'm never going to agree with a link on the grounds being put forward here. I’ll hold my hand up and say, “yes I’m limited, I see gender as fixed”. That, however, doesn’t mean that I can’t accept someone who’s see things differently, or that I think they are wrong, I see it as a perfectly valid view to have of oneself. In the same way that I view “Sexual Preference” as being fluid, I fully accept those that Identify with it being fixed in one direction. That’s the crux of acceptance. It’s the ability to say “I’ve a different view point but your views are ok also”. Tolerance is where someone says “I’ve a different view point, its right, you’re wrong, that’s it, but I’m not going to make an issue about it, or do anything against you”.

    Anyway, Welcome to the forum. This is the first time you’ve come up on my radar, so you may have already posting without me noticing.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 11 Hypatia

    Some definitions to maybe clear up confusion for those not in
    the LGBT community and a bit of history for LGBT people of
    where the term transgender comes from. I do find it a bit
    weird that they use transgender when it was coined by someone
    who wanted all lesbians and gay men cured of there
    homosexuality, which is actually impossible.

    HOMOSEXUAL: A person who is sexually attracted to and has sex
    with people who are the same sex as themselves.

    BISEXUAL: A person is sexually attracted to both men and women
    and has sex with both men and women.

    LESBIAN: A woman who is attracted only to women and has sex
    only with other women.

    GAY MAN: A man who is attracted only to men and has sex only
    with other men.

    TRANSGENDERED,(TG): A term coined by Charles 'Virginia'
    Prince, a married transvestite/crossdresser and publisher
    of the magazine 'Transvestia'. Although a transvestite
    who lived as a woman full time with his wife he did not
    wish to be connected in any way with transsexual verbiage
    and did not understand their need to correct a medical
    anomaly. He coined the term transgender as a masking term
    for the fetish known as transvestitism.
    Transgender has become an umbrella label for many sexual
    variants and/or fetishists such as people who like to be
    forcibly feminised by a dominant mistress, transvestites,
    she-males, gay cross-dressers, drag-queens, etc.
    Some transgenderists claim they are really transsexual,
    but cannot have surgery due to ill health. Transsexual
    people with health issues such as heart problems, cancer,
    etc. have had sex reasignment surgery, so this is merely
    a decption by transvestites to attempt to look better
    in the publics eye, when they are really concealing there
    fetish. Many transsexual people oppose the term transgender
    being linked to them, particulary people who have had
    sex reasignment surgery and left transsexualism in there
    past and adjusted their lives accordingly.

    TRANSSEXUAL, (TS): A person with a very strong and
    persistent need/desire to anatomically undergo sex
    reassignment surgery, so as to meld their body with
    their accepted inborn mental gender and eliminate
    the incongruity. Some claiming to be transsexual
    are obviously not, as reflected in the fluid statistics
    that estimate that only ten persons in one hundred
    claiming to be transsexual may be transsexual and of
    those approximately one in ten have sex reassignment.
    Only the people who have surgery and go on to adapt
    and lead a normal life, were transsexual in the first
    place. A transsexual person intends to undergo sex
    reasignment surgery, no matter the consequences.

    TG and TS definitions have been expended by some as in

    TRANSGENDERED,(TG): A term coined by Charles 'Virginia'
    Prince, a married transvestite/crossdresser and publisher
    of the magazine 'Transvestia'. Although a transvestite
    who lived as a woman full time with his wife he did not
    wish to be connected in any way with transsexual verbiage
    and did not understand their need to correct a medical
    anomaly. He coined the term transgender as a masking term
    for the fetish known as transvestitism. VIrginia
    Prince opposed the declassification of homosexuality
    in 1973/74. Prince was also very derogatory to Lesbians,
    believing that Lesbians should all get married.
    Transgender has become an umbrella label for many sexual
    variants and/or fetishists such as people who like to be
    forcibly feminised by a dominant mistress, transvestites,
    she-males, gay cross-dressers, drag-queens, etc.
    Some transgenderists claim they are really transsexual,
    but cannot have surgery due to ill health. Transsexual
    people with health issues such as heart problems, cancer,
    etc. have had sex reasignment surgery, so this is merely
    a decption by transvestites to attempt to look better
    in the publics eye, when they are really concealing there
    fetish. Many transsexual people oppose the term transgender
    being linked to them, particulary people who have had
    sex reasignment surgery and left transsexualism in there
    past and adjusted their lives accordingly.
    Prince was a firm supporter of making transsexualism a mental
    disorder in 1979/80, although was very dissappointed that
    the classification allowed transseuxal people to have surgery.
    Prince vehemently opposed transsexual people having surgery,
    considering all transsexual people who had sex resignment
    surgery to be deluded.

    TRANSSEXUAL, (TS): A person with a very strong and persistent
    desire to anatomically undergo sex reassignment surgery so as to
    meld their body with their accepted inborn mental sexual identity
    and eliminate the incongruity, between there mental and physical
    sex. Some claiming to be transsexual are obviously not if they do
    not intend to undergo sex reasignment surgery. LOts of Female to
    Male transgenderists use lack of suitable genital operation as
    an excuse, not to have surgery. Phalloplasty is roughly
    analogenous to sex reasignment surgery was for male to female
    transsexual in the 1970's. Female to Male people can opt for
    Metioaplpasty which gives relatively realistic organs.
    Phalloplasty is available for female to male transsexuals.The
    main problem that male to female transsexual people face is cost,
    however in countries like Ireland that is covered by the goverment.
    If a person refuses to undergo sex reasignment surgery they are
    not transsexual. A cosmetic sex reasignment surgery procedure is
    available for those with extremely bad health. Those who do not
    intend to undergo sex reasignment surgery are transvestite. A
    very large proportion of transsexual people, oppose vehmently
    any connection between themselves and transvestites.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 11 Hypatia

    Have just read all the posts.

    I see someone stating that all lesbians and gay men engage in transgender behaviour, whatever that is, in that context. They do not. That is a homophobic anti reality of lives of gay / lesbian people stance.

    Gay men and lesbians are making love to there partner. It is nothing whatsoever to do with the concepts of transgenderism as discussed on this forum.

    Also by and far a majority of transvestites want absolutely, nothing to do with the LGB community, transsexual people or anyone else. Only some tranvestites engage with the LGB community. Transvestites by far outnumber transseuxal people, by at least an order of magnitude. If they all went to LGB events, they would be primarily transvestite events.

    The majority of transsexual people by far, move on after sex reasignment surgery and get on with there lives. It would be very rare to see a heterosexual women who went through a transsexual experience in a gay bar, five to ten years after surgery.

    Most transsexual people you will see in a gay bar, are those during the period of transition from one sex to another. Usually that period of time is anywhere from 1 to 5 years, but most move on and are never seen again near the LGB community.

    Gay female to male transsexuals and lesbian male to female transsexuals, quite a few of them stay associated with the LGB community, but also quite a few move on and interact wiht the LGB community around the edges of that community.

    There is some who stay in LGB community all there lives. That is there choice. They should not force it upon others or refer to people as homophobic, who clearly are not.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 17,163 ✭✭✭✭Boston

    Hypatia wrote:
    BISEXUAL: A person is sexually attracted to both men and women
    and has sex with both men and women.

    Haven't got time for the rest at the moment, but I 100% dispute this definition. Sex and Sexuality are distinct, you don't need to be having sex in order to have a sexuality.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 11 Hypatia

    Boston wrote:
    Haven't got time for the rest at the moment, but I 100% dispute this definition. Sex and Sexuality are distinct, you don't need to be having sex in order to have a sexuality.

    Been thinking about that. Had a chat with a bi bear friend yesterday about that very subject.

    Would have been better written is I had put for homosexual, gay. lesbian and bisexual, is attracted to and capable of sex with, or something similar.

    The T definitions are just fine. I have seen them posted on post operative transsexual lists on quite a few occassions for the last few years now, by various people. An expanded definiton of the T ideas is below.

    A lot of transsexual people oppose being lumped wish the transgenderists, particulary those who are post operative for 10 years or more as they remember the transgenderists attacking the rights of transsexual people as well as others.

    TERMINOLOGY: Transsexual, (TS): One who completely identifies with the opposite sex and is driven to or in preparation for sex reassignment or one who has had sex reassignment. Most post-op TS’s require that they be legally defined and recognized as their acquired sex. Transsexualism is usually attributed for its wide acceptance to Dr. Harry Benjamin a pioneer in the care and treatment of transsexuals. Once the surgical sexual reassignment is complete the person is their acquired sex with that being post-operatively male or female. Sexual orientation is not usually indicative of whether or not a person is suitable for reassignment. Most of these people accept that their condition was inborn and as a result of a hormone anomaly in the fetal stage of development and there is much research to support this opinion. Most who do not accept the research indicators often classify themselves as transgender or even trans-persons.

    Non-op transsexual, (NOP): A person who has one excuse or another for not having had sex reassignment. It is strongly suggested that these persons would prefer to maintain male or female sex organs and the sexual satisfaction obtained rather than lose the sexual function of their born sex all the while making claim usually while dressed in female attire that they too are to be accepted as post-op transsexuals without srs. Most transsexuals consider these people to be delusional or in the transvestite/autogynephilic classification.

    Transvestite, (TV): Usually a heterosexual male who is attracted to woman and has a driving fetish to dress in the manner of a female. This term might also apply to females as well. These people will often claim they dress for comfort and not for sexual gratification but that is not to be accepted as truthful. There is almost exclusively a need to don the apparel of the opposite sex to become aroused or titillated sexually.

    Transgendered, (TG): A term coined and attributed to Charles ‘Virginia’ Prince a married heterosexual transvestite who published the magazine, ‘Transvestia’. This label is often used by others to mask their sexual variations and usually would apply to almost all transvestites, cross-dressers, she-males, drag queens, etc. under this umbrella term with the exclusion of transsexuals except for those not acquainted with proper terminology or those for whom sex is an unacceptable word for them to accept. Never-the-less transgender usually means to move in and out of gender mood or urge and is not the permanent application as would transsexual be for a post-op transsexual. TG is often also equated with ‘gender bending’. She-Male: A person who might take hormones but would wish to be sexually attractive and interact usually with males in a homosexual manner albeit while in feminine attire and even perhaps with an acquired upper female body.

    Gay Cross-dresser, (CD): A homosexual who would dress in feminine attire and act out the part of a female as a means of attracting a male sex partner and give and receive sexual pleasure, as would a homosexual.

    Drag queen, (DQ): A male who would dress in female costume as an entertainer and who is usually a homosexual. Some transsexuals are also involved in this activity as a means of obtaining the funding for payment of sex reassignment surgery. Many transsexuals might also revert to prostitution for the same reason.

    Autogynephilic, (AG): Self described as transsexuals but are looked upon usually as males who were deeply envious of the female body and not only wanted to dress and mimic females but went further and had castration so as to function as a female or at least to acquire a female vagina. This category is usually includes most of those that have regretted their decision to undergo reassignment in the first place and many opt to revert back to their born sex. This is often an indication that they were not really transsexuals but did have the expertise to fool clinicians and examiners in preparation for reassignment.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9,314 ✭✭✭Talliesin

    One thing you touched on above is the history of the definitions.

    A problem with this is that it's hard to summarise. Every one of those definitions has quite a long and convoluted history and you could expand each of your definitions and/or histories above out to the size of a small book.

    However, you've hit upon a big thing in this, history.

    The reason why we do have an LGBT community is history. We have a shared history. Just one point in this is that the in what was arguably the single most important event in our history - the Stonewall Riots - it's worth noting that many of the veterans of the Stonewall Riots were transgendered to some definition of the term. This is also true of the many (even more neglected) riots that happend before then*. This is just one point to which we have a shared history which has resulted in a shared community. It's particulary worth noting though giving that it's about the only point in our history we commemorate to any real extent (though some who attend Pride marches don't know why they are in June).

    We do also have a separate history and there is a very real sense in which there is, always was and probably always will be a separation between the two.

    The issues transgendered people have are different to those gay, lesbian and bisexual people have. However, it is also true that gay men, lesbians and bisexuals have different issues from each other also. Just as bisexual erasure leads to ways in which we differ from gay men and lesbians being ignored, so the opposite effect has led to the common history we have with the transgendered being down-played.

    Still, the connection between the LGB & T communties is stronger, older and more intertwined than that with other groups and communities that there has been some degree of connection with (the woman's movement, the fetish communities, for example).

    The strongest position is one of linked communities. It's also simply put the reality of things. As such there is a place for separate organisations to reflect the degree to which we are separate communities with separate concerns and also for organisations which reflect and assist the wider community that contains all of us.

    * One of the most important things about Stonewall was that the geography of the area gave a major tactical advantage to the rioters so they were able to keep kicking the crap into the NYPD for 3 days whereas most previous riots were quickly put down and therefore never generated much publicity.

  • Registered Users Posts: 54 ✭✭SassyGirl_1

    Just in case anyone was not aware, there is an ongoing debate with regards the creation of a separate Trans forum on at the moment:


