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Can anybody tell me about this IRA poster?



  • Registered Users Posts: 24,056 ✭✭✭✭ejmaztec

    Strange how, since 9/11, all of the rebels and terrorists have been made redundant by the Americans. All that you have now are insurgents. We should arrange for a "Bring back the rebels" petition and send it off to George W.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 26,567 ✭✭✭✭Fratton Fred

    Fenian wrote:
    Firstly, I don't support Sinn Fein since the Provisional movement is no longer a Republican movement.

    Secondly, the FARC produce a fraction of the cocaine that comes out of Columbia (the government backed paramilitaries are the main producer and exporter).

    Thirdly, they were accused of teaching the FARC rebels how to make mortars, not car bombs.

    They have killed innocents. As has every army that has engaged in warfare.

    Since you brought up IRA atrocities, why not mention the uncountable millions the British army has murdered and oppressed over the centuries. Not just in Ireland, but in Europe,Asia and Africa.

    You have no right to judge the IRA when your own people have caused far more destruction and misery than the IRA could ever hope to accomplish.
    Not as if they'd want too, they're not animals after all.

    don't be so ridiculous, of course I have the right to judge the IRA, they are a terrorist organisation. Anyone who kills innocent people deserve to be judged so get off your high horse.

    Yeah, the British have oppressed over the centuries, that's because they were a colonial power, they'd be a pretty **** colonial power if they didn't go around the world conquering and oppressing, but when they were doing it, there were plenty of Irishmen coming along for the ride (and the spoils)

    For Shamrocks information, ireland is not a poor country under the heal of britain, the part of Ireland that remains under the british flag dose so because the majority of people who live there wish for it to be that way. The minority who wish to inflict their will on the majority, are the ones who received the shipments of semtex and other weapons from Libya, known as the IRA.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 215 ✭✭Fenian

    Yeah, the British have oppressed over the centuries, that's because they were a colonial power, they'd be a pretty **** colonial power if they didn't go around the world conquering and oppressing, but when they were doing it, there were plenty of Irishmen coming along for the ride (and the spoils)

    Now I see, what a fool I've been. British atrocities are totally excusable because they are a colonial power, and have (so called) Irishmen among their ranks.
    The minority who wish to inflict their will on the majority
    If you take Ireland as a whole, the people who consider themselves British are in the minority.
    It's only people who are willing to defend their nation against foriegn occupation who are in the minority.

    Most Irish people would like the nation to be re-unified, their just not willing to do anything about it.

    Fred, to be honest, I don't expect you to understand. Your an Englishman and a Unionist. People like you will never understand what drives Republicans (alot of Irish people can't get their head around it either). Ye prefer to call Republicans terrorists. It's easier for you like that. A terrorist is a one dimensional person, who just runs around killing civilians ,becuase thats what terrorists do.

    Do you judge RAF bomber pilots who fought in WW2 in the same way as IRA volunteers? They bombed military,economic and civilian targets, just like the IRA. Why are they not terrorists and the IRA are?
    Oh, I forgot. They were a colonial power so it's perfectly excusable.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 26,567 ✭✭✭✭Fratton Fred

    Fenian wrote:
    Now I see, what a fool I've been. British atrocities are totally excusable because they are a colonial power, and have (so called) Irishmen among their ranks.
    it's called context. Britain along with a host of other nation decided to go around colonising the world, Ireland were part of that. It happened a long time ago, long before my grandparents were born, so why are you trying to blame me for it?
    Fenian wrote:
    If you take Ireland as a whole, the people who consider themselves British are in the minority.
    It's only people who are willing to defend their nation against foriegn occupation who are in the minority.

    Most Irish people would like the nation to be re-unified, their just not willing to do anything about it.
    as shown by Sinn Fein's outstanding election result:rolleyes:

    The only people who can and should decide the destiny of the 6 counties are the people of Northern Ireland and the last I heard, the majority of them want it to remain as it is.
    Fenian wrote:
    Fred, to be honest, I don't expect you to understand. Your an Englishman and a Unionist. People like you will never understand what drives Republicans (alot of Irish people can't get their head around it either). Ye prefer to call Republicans terrorists. It's easier for you like that. A terrorist is a one dimensional person, who just runs around killing civilians ,becuase thats what terrorists do.

    aahh, now you're judging (and patronising) me and making assumptions about me. I'm English, but who says I'm a unionist? I'm not calling republicans terrorists, I am calling the IRA terrorists. A republican who wants to achieve a united Ireland through peaceful means is ok in my book and youwill not find a post by me which says otherwise.
    Fenian wrote:
    Do you judge RAF bomber pilots who fought in WW2 in the same way as IRA volunteers? They bombed military,economic and civilian targets, just like the IRA. Why are they not terrorists and the IRA are?
    Oh, I forgot. They were a colonial power so it's perfectly excusable.

    Jesus, we could talk around this all day long. The IRA planted bombs in pubs, Train stations, shopping centres etc. They deliberately targeted civilians and tried to create an air of terror to get their message across. That makes them terrorists. Don't compare them to the RAF, that is a different scenario entirely. Compare them to a "loyalist" paramilitary organisation if you like and I'll agree with you. A terrorist is a terrorist.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 215 ✭✭Fenian

    it's called context. Britain along with a host of other nation decided to go around colonising the world, Ireland were part of that. It happened a long time ago, long before my grandparents were born, so why are you trying to blame me for it?

    It didn't happen long ago. It's still going on in the north of Ireland.
    I'm not blaming you for what happened. I'm accusing you of excusing it.
    as shown by Sinn Fein's outstanding election result

    The only people who can and should decide the destiny of the 6 counties are the people of Northern Ireland and the last I heard, the majority of them want it to remain as it is.

    Like I said earlier, I don't support Sinn Fein. I view the Provisonal movement as traitors and collaborators.

    The north of Ireland is part of Ireland, why shouldn't all Irish people have a say over what goes on there?
    aahh, now you're judging (and patronising) me and making assumptions about me. I'm English, but who says I'm a unionist? I'm not calling republicans terrorists, I am calling the IRA terrorists. A republican who wants to achieve a united Ireland through peaceful means is ok in my book and youwill not find a post by me which says otherwise.

    I've made assumptions about you, yes. I remember reading a post you made about Bobby Sands. I'm sure you remember which one. That was the most bigoted and insulting remark I've read on this board.
    Thats why I know your a Unionist.

    Achieving re-unification through peaceful means, in my view, is impossible.
    Fianna Fail has had 80 odd years to achieve it, and have done nothing but disgrace the Republican ideology.
    Jesus, we could talk around this all day long. The IRA planted bombs in pubs, Train stations, shopping centres etc. They deliberately targeted civilians and tried to create an air of terror to get their message across. That makes them terrorists. Don't compare them to the RAF, that is a different scenario entirely. Compare them to a "loyalist" paramilitary organisation if you like and I'll agree with you. A terrorist is a terrorist.

    The PIRA killed roughly 1800 people. 1200 crown forces, the rest civilians. Over 70 of those civilians were executed as informers.
    Thats not a bad ratio. (check out the Cain Project by the Uni of Ulster which conducted the study)
    They did in certain occations target civilians, but the majority of their casulities were crown forces.

    The Loyalists wholly targeted Catholic civilians. Their strategy was one of targeting Catholics. They thought by killing Catholics they'd reduce support for the IRA, which mainly came from the Catholic community.

    The PIRA had many strategies. Military targets, economic targets and in the minority of cases, civilian targets.

    I don't see how the RAF's position during WW2 and the IRA's postion are different. They were/are fighting tyranny.

    Anyone who thinks that British rule in Ireland has been anything but tyrannical, is an ostrich with their head in the sand.

    How do I get your nick in each qoute?

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 26,567 ✭✭✭✭Fratton Fred

    Fenian wrote:
    It didn't happen long ago. It's still going on in the north of Ireland.
    I'm not blaming you for what happened. I'm accusing you of excusing it.

    Like I said earlier, I don't support Sinn Fein. I view the Provisonal movement as traitors and collaborators.

    The north of Ireland is part of Ireland, why shouldn't all Irish people have a say over what goes on there?

    I've made assumptions about you, yes. I remember reading a post you made about Bobby Sands. I'm sure you remember which one. That was the most bigoted and insulting remark I've read on this board.
    Thats why I know your a Unionist.

    Achieving re-unification through peaceful means, in my view, is impossible.
    Fianna Fail has had 80 odd years to achieve it, and have done nothing but disgrace the Republican ideology.

    The PIRA killed roughly 1800 people. 1200 crown forces, the rest civilians. Over 70 of those civilians were executed as informers.
    Thats not a bad ratio. (check out the Cain Project by the Uni of Ulster which conducted the study)
    They did in certain occations target civilians, but the majority of their casulities were crown forces.

    The Loyalists wholly targeted Catholic civilians. Their strategy was one of targeting Catholics. They thought by killing Catholics they'd reduce support for the IRA, which mainly came from the Catholic community.

    The PIRA had many strategies. Military targets, economic targets and in the minority of cases, civilian targets.

    I don't see how the RAF's position during WW2 and the IRA's postion are different. They were/are fighting tyranny.

    Anyone who thinks that British rule in Ireland has been anything but tyrannical, is an ostrich with their head in the sand.

    How do I get your nick in each qoute?

    it is a shame that there are people with views like yours. It is just as much a shame that there is your alter ego, somewhere in the north, who holds the exact opposite views as you do.

    unfortunately all the while there are people with bigotted views like yours, there will never be a united Ireland. You views do not help bring about unification, they hinder it's progress.

    nickname wrote:
    " should do it.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 10 Shamrock83

    Shamrock, I appreciate that your posts may lose something in translation, but I hope you are a fan of the Republican movement, rather than a fan of the IRA. The IRA is a terrorist organisation responsible for the murder of hundreds of innocent people.

    I am just fan of Ireland , i like its history ,people , Music , and everything in Ireland it is very good country for enjoy .

    and i hope it goes to be more peasful in the future:)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 215 ✭✭Fenian

    it is a shame that there are people with views like yours. It is just as much a shame that there is your alter ego, somewhere in the north, who holds the exact opposite views as you do.

    There will always be people with views like mine in Ireland until the British withdraw. It really is as simple as that.
    unfortunately all the while there are people with bigotted views like yours, there will never be a united Ireland. You views do not help bring about unification, they hinder it's progress.

    The people who hinder re-unification are the turn-coats who are willing to dilute and comprimise their ideological principles in order to get a piece of the pie.

    As Marian Price said,
    "we didn't fight a war for 25 years to get seats in Stormont,that isn't even worth one life".

    nickname wrote:
    " should do it."


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 26,567 ✭✭✭✭Fratton Fred

    Fenian wrote:
    There will always be people with views like mine in Ireland until the British withdraw. It really is as simple as that.

    The people who hinder re-unification are the turn-coats who are willing to dilute and comprimise their ideological principles in order to get a piece of the pie.

    As Marian Price said,
    "we didn't fight a war for 25 years to get seats in Stormont,that isn't even worth one life".


    but a seat in the dail is? You sound scarily like the Hitler youth, Stalinist youth movement, everyone who does not agree with you, has had their principles eroded and that is justification for being in a minority.

    tell me, what will you do with all the Unionists if/when there is a "United Ireland"? will you understand and sympathise with their probable terror campaign.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 361 ✭✭O'Leprosy, not quite, try Carlow District Court instead.

    "to kill some drug guy for a reward of €10,000". So it was actually PROVEN in Carlow District Court that he was paid 10,000. Did he have the cash on him or was it recovered from his bank account ?

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 361 ✭✭O'Leprosy

    but a seat in the dail is? You sound scarily like the Hitler youth, Stalinist youth movement, everyone who does not agree with you, has had their principles eroded and that is justification for being in a minority.

    tell me, what will you do with all the Unionists if/when there is a "United Ireland"? will you understand and sympathise with their probable terror campaign.

    If anyone comes close to sounding like the Hitler youth it's you brit, as Fenian writes you don't " mention the uncountable millions the British army has murdered and oppressed over the centuries. " and " British atrocities are totally excusable because they are a colonial power, and have (so called) Irishmen among their ranks. " So, the Nazi's should have declared themselves a " colonial power " instead of national socialists and that would have made their atrocities as ok as british ones Fred :rolleyes:

    If the unionists attack us in any manner, we'll defend ourselves ;) , but don't worry, they'll do just the same as the unionists who were left on the Free State side of the border - nothing. After all, they are british are they not ?

    Good posts Fenian, especially " turn-coats who are willing to dilute and comprimise their ideological principles in order to get a piece of the pie.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,708 ✭✭✭Erin Go Brath

    don't be so ridiculous, of course I have the right to judge the IRA, they are a terrorist organisation. Anyone who kills innocent people deserve to be judged so get off your high horse.

    Yeah, the British have oppressed over the centuries, that's because they were a colonial power, they'd be a pretty **** colonial power if they didn't go around the world conquering and oppressing, but when they were doing it, there were plenty of Irishmen coming along for the ride (and the spoils).
    You love to contradict yourself, don't you. The IRA are terrorists, and the British Empire were only doing what everyone else was doing, so it's grand.:rolleyes:

    The reality of the situation which you seem loathe to admit is:

    The British Empire brought their cruel regime around the world, plundering the resources, and killing innocent people around the world for their own greed.

    The IRA are/were Freedom Fighters who want just one thing: Irish Sovereignty.

    Despite your defence of the brutal empire, and slagging off the IRA. The IRA are the good guys in the conflict, make no mistake.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 215 ✭✭Fenian

    but a seat in the dail is?
    I view the Dail and the 26 county government as an illegal body,which usurps the true Republic that was declared in 1919 by the first democratically elected Dail.
    everyone who does not agree with you, has had their principles eroded and that is justification for being in a minority

    Republicans have always been in the minority. People who share the same ideals and principles as myself probably only represent 2 or 3% of the population. That doesn't mean we are morally wrong or incorrect, just that our ideology is unpopular.
    what will you do with all the Unionists if/when there is a "United Ireland"? will you understand and sympathise with their probable terror campaign.

    Unionists will be treated just like everyone else, fairly.

    When the British withdraw the Loyalists won't be able to launch any kind of sustained campaign. Not without British military assistance.
    Loyalist paramilitaries have only ever been tools for the Crown forces. Without Crown forces to train them, arm them and provide information for them , they wouldn't be a threat for very long.

    Thanks O'Leprosy

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 26,567 ✭✭✭✭Fratton Fred

    You love to contradict yourself, don't you. The IRA are terrorists, and the British Empire were only doing what everyone else was doing, so it's grand.:rolleyes:

    The reality of the situation which you seem loathe to admit is:

    The British Empire brought their cruel regime around the world, plundering the resources, and killing innocent people around the world for their own greed.
    it was wrong, but it is the past. Again (I've said this a thousand times) I am not justifying it, I am trying to put it into context. That is all something that happened a long time ago when things were vastly different. yet IRA supporters use that as justification for every attrocity they carry out.

    If we want to use history, then surely the Scots have every right to colonise Ulster, the Irish tied doing it to Scotland, they just weren't very good at it.

    Go back in history and you will always find something to justify your cause.
    The IRA are/were Freedom Fighters who want just one thing: Irish Sovereignty.

    Despite your defence of the brutal empire, and slagging off the IRA. The IRA are the good guys in the conflict, make no mistake.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 26,567 ✭✭✭✭Fratton Fred

    Fenian wrote:
    I view the Dail and the 26 county government as an illegal body,which usurps the true Republic that was declared in 1919 by the first democratically elected Dail.
    why no attacks against them then? is the civil war not finished?

    Fenian wrote:
    Republicans have always been in the minority. People who share the same ideals and principles as myself probably only represent 2 or 3% of the population. That doesn't mean we are morally wrong or incorrect, just that our ideology is unpopular.
    it also means you have no right to impose your will on the majority, or is it for their good they just don't know it?

    Fenian wrote:
    Unionists will be treated just like everyone else, fairly.

    When the British withdraw the Loyalists won't be able to launch any kind of sustained campaign. Not without British military assistance.
    Loyalist paramilitaries have only ever been tools for the Crown forces. Without Crown forces to train them, arm them and provide information for them , they wouldn't be a threat for very long.

    I think you underestimate your enemy there.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,708 ✭✭✭Erin Go Brath

    If we want to use history, then surely the Scots have every right to colonise Ulster, the Irish tied doing it to Scotland, they just weren't very good at it.

    Go back in history and you will always find something to justify your cause.

    You don't have to go back far at all to see Britains misdeeds in Ireland. Collusion/subjugation/cover ups/media bias have been hallmarks of Britains (mis)rule of the 6 County statelet. Looks like you've been watching too much of Sky Entertainment, and reading revisionist articles in the Sindo which have helped formulate your point of view. Remind me again how much Irish history is taught in British schools. Oh yeah, its not covered. :rolleyes:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 26,567 ✭✭✭✭Fratton Fred

    You don't have to go back far at all to see Britains misdeeds in Ireland. Collusion/subjugation/cover ups/media bias have been hallmarks of Britains (mis)rule of the 6 County statelet. Looks like you've been watching too much of Sky Entertainment, and reading revisionist articles in the Sindo which have helped formulate your point of view. Remind me again how much Irish history is taught in British schools. Oh yeah, its not covered. :rolleyes:

    it's covered in Irish schools, but anything you don't like gets called revisionist and anyone who is not anti British is called a "West Brit" what is the difference?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 361 ✭✭O'Leprosy

    I think you underestimate your enemy there.

    No we don't their british :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,708 ✭✭✭Erin Go Brath

    it's covered in Irish schools, but anything you don't like gets called revisionist and anyone who is not anti British is called a "West Brit" what is the difference?
    Let me rephrase the term revisionist with polemicist. Ruth Dudley Edwards, Eoghan Harris etc writers for the so-called respected Sindo. One of his articles i read recently defended the black and tans ffs. This is the kind of crap we have to put up with, only people such as Harris and co were allowed access to the airwaves for years, shaping public perception and therefore political policy.

    The Irish Dail is a fragile and insecure institution still coming to terms with post-colonialism, pissed off that 6 of our counties are still under foreign occupation, but too afraid to step on "Britains interest in Ireland". Only a truly warped society could regard a neighbouring state who has been bombing, threatening, and murdering its citizens while undermining its democracy as a friendly one. "West Brits" are just people who have brought into this hype generated by Harris and co. I feel sympathy for these deluded souls, moreso than anything.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,504 ✭✭✭SpitfireIV

    O'Leprosy wrote:
    "to kill some drug guy for a reward of €10,000". So it was actually PROVEN in Carlow District Court that he was paid 10,000. Did he have the cash on him or was it recovered from his bank account ?

    Whats the point of this O'Leprosy?? The guy was caught with a sawn off shotgun whilst on his way to carry out the deed for the money.

    I'm sure if you want to talk to him, as you find this so interesting, you'll find him in Portlaoise prison :rolleyes: You're clutching at straws mate.

    The IRA are the good guys in the conflict, make no mistake.
    Fenian wrote:
    I view the Dail and the 26 county government as an illegal body,which usurps the true Republic that was declared in 1919 by the first democratically elected Dail.
    O'Leprosy wrote:
    If anyone comes close to sounding like the Hitler youth it's you brit

    ('brit'.....I'm Irish, but if I were British I'd find that a bit disrespectful, he's 'British' at least try and be mature about it)

    Jesus christ........and ye wonder why we dont have the north? With a train of thinking and minds like that we'll get nothing. I'm constantly amazed at how ye guys keep refering to the past 'ohh, the savage brits did this and that, threw us off our lands, slaughtered us.........', 'turn coats', 'betrayed us in....', how is that going to help PEACE in the north?? What purpose does that serve??

    Do ye HONESTLY think the 6 counties of the north will be part of the Irish republic....honestly??? Not in yer lifetime anyway fella's. Why cant ye concentrate on making ammends? Coming to agreements and accepting that the North will stay united with Great Britian as a majority want that.


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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 26,567 ✭✭✭✭Fratton Fred

    ('brit'.....I'm Irish, but if I were British I'd find that a bit disrespectful, he's 'British' at least try and be mature about it

    I was actually more insulted by O'Leprosy's pathetic and very disrespectful "Fred West" jibe in post#42, but he seems to get away with what he like on these boards so there is no point complaining.:rolleyes:

  • Registered Users Posts: 152 ✭✭micdug

    F****** Hilarious, Stickies in 'all.
    To answer 56!$! and Shamrocks question, Sunday Bloody Sunday refers to the 7th day of the Week, when you think you'd get a nice lie in, but remember you have to mow the lawn (green), paint the garage door (Orange) and weed the garden (that strange object the guy is holding is an strimmer for cutting them). Hence most men in Ireland wake up thinking "Sunday bloody Sunday" because they got pissed the previous night and still have a hangover and have the wife nagging them about the above.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 459 ✭✭csk

    it's called context. Britain along with a host of other nation decided to go around colonising the world, Ireland were part of that. It happened a long time ago, long before my grandparents were born, so why are you trying to blame me for it?

    I have to say I'm surprised at you coming out with that. I thought you were above that sort of crap.

    The only people who can and should decide the destiny of the 6 counties are the people of Northern Ireland and the last I heard, the majority of them want it to remain as it is.

    and why is that? What makes those people so special?

  • Registered Users Posts: 821 ✭✭✭FiSe

    Jaysus lads, not again :mad:

    There are two countries on this Island and always will be, get over it. British, Irish, Polish, Unionist, Republican, Muslim, German, why emotions go so high when somebody mention one of these?

    We are all in the EU now, anybody travelled through France westwards lately? How many countries are on the continent and you do not notice boundries at all...
    Sooner or latter UK will accept Euro as a currency, there's no other way and two irish countries will have to cooperate more closely on every level. That's only natural. Who'd be unionist, republican then?

    Please, let's get over history, no matter how bitter makes us feel. After all, our grandparents have bloody hands, no matter where we were born and no matter what we are trying to tell ourselves.

    And let's go back to that fecking poster, shall we :cool:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 215 ✭✭Fenian

    Jesus christ........and ye wonder why we dont have the north? With a train of thinking and minds like that we'll get nothing. I'm constantly amazed at how ye guys keep refering to the past 'ohh, the savage brits did this and that, threw us off our lands, slaughtered us.........', 'turn coats', 'betrayed us in....', how is that going to help PEACE in the north?? What purpose does that serve??

    Republicanism isn't about peace, it's about re-unification.
    Do ye HONESTLY think the 6 counties of the north will be part of the Irish republic....honestly??? Not in yer lifetime anyway fella's.

    Re-unification may not be achieved in my lifetime, doesn't mean we shouldn't try to achieve it.
    Why cant ye concentrate on making ammends? Coming to agreements and accepting that the North will stay united with Great Britian as a majority want that

    Even if there is a Republican/Nationalists majority in the North, the Unionists will be able to veto any bill concerning re-unification.
    How are we to achieve our goals democratically when the democratic route is closed to us?
    I think you underestimate your enemy there.

    Not in the slightest. The British government is the enemy, not their errand boys. With out their British masters, the errand boys won't know what to do with themselves.
    They may even tear eachother apart through fueds and splits.
    If we want to use history, then surely the Scots have every right to colonise Ulster, the Irish tied doing it to Scotland, they just weren't very good at it

    If you mean by "weren't very good", that the Irish didn't massarce and oppress the Scots then not being "good" is a compliment.
    The Irish colonist's who settled in Scotland integrated themselves into the Scottish culture.
    Also the greatest example of "Celtic" art was supposedly produced on an island near Scotland, the Book of Kells.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 26,567 ✭✭✭✭Fratton Fred

    Fenian wrote:
    If you mean by "weren't very good", that the Irish didn't massarce and oppress the Scots

    Tht was left until 1641 wasn't it;)

    you have some very alarming views on reunification and I'm sure we could argue about this all day, but this has been done hundreds of times before.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,504 ✭✭✭SpitfireIV

    Fenian wrote:
    Republicanism isn't about peace, it's about re-unification.

    Jesus......God forbib that we should actually try and achieve anything in this country by peaceful means! So whats the tactic then seen as the 'democratic route is closed'??

    Another bombing campaign?

    Few more civilians slaughtered to drive the point home that ye want 're-unification'??

    With all due respect, its 2007.........not the 1920's or 60's.

    ...we could argue about this all day, but this has been done hundreds of times before.

    What he said :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 361 ✭✭O'Leprosy

    Whats the point of this O'Leprosy?? The guy was caught with a sawn off shotgun whilst on his way to carry out the deed for the money.

    I'm sure if you want to talk to him, as you find this so interesting, you'll find him in Portlaoise prison :rolleyes: You're clutching at straws mate.

    ('brit'.....I'm Irish, but if I were British I'd find that a bit disrespectful, he's 'British' at least try and be mature about it)

    Jesus christ........and ye wonder why we dont have the north? With a train of thinking and minds like that we'll get nothing. I'm constantly amazed at how ye guys keep refering to the past 'ohh, the savage brits did this and that, threw us off our lands, slaughtered us.........', 'turn coats', 'betrayed us in....', how is that going to help PEACE in the north?? What purpose does that serve??

    Do ye HONESTLY think the 6 counties of the north will be part of the Irish republic....honestly??? Not in yer lifetime anyway fella's. Why cant ye concentrate on making ammends? Coming to agreements and accepting that the North will stay united with Great Britian as a majority want that.


    First Croppy, I wasn't out to 'beat you' in this little dicussion over a Republican allegedly been paid 10,000 to shoot someone ( although the brits are paid to murder combatants and non comabatants alike, be it Ireland or Iraq etc, but that's aok in 'respectable' circles ). What I highlighted was the fact that the countless black propaganda stories regarding IRA activites, alleged counterfeit DVD's, illegal growth hormones used in cattle, poaching salmon from fish farms etc were primarily the work of the brit black propaganda orginating from MI5 etc. Case in point - Carmen Proetta the civilian witness who contracted the evidence of the sas in the murder of Mairead Farrell, Daniel McCann and Sean Savage in Gibraltar

    Initially reported as a Gunfight at the OK Corral type story by the BBC, ITV etc " A fierce gun battle broke out...... the SAS had foiled an IRA bombing and killed the three in a deadly shoot-out. " etc, etc. All the media, printed and broadcast, were agreed that there was a 500lb bomb defused in the nick of time by the RAF. As usual, nothing could have been furture from the truth. What did I say before about Epitome of british history and military lies ? :D

    Carmen Proetta told she had seen McCann and Farrell shot without warning with their hands in the air. The british press ran a series of front page articles purporting to show that her story was untrue and saying that other witnesses had called her testimony ridiculous. They then 'discovered' that she was " an ex-prostitute, ran an escort agency, and is married to a sleazy drug pusher'. She had actually worked as an interpreter for the Gibraltar court system and won thousands from the british press for libel. Branded the "IRA witness" by the brit press, her husband and children received many death threats, her saying in court at the inquest " Let me tell you one thing, sir, If this had happened again I would not be here to give evidence "

    None could sum it up better than Robert Fisk who once said " I doubt if the british army told the truth about a single incident regarding Northern Ireland since 1969".

    And in reply to my statement " If anyone comes close to sounding like the Hitler youth it's you brit ", that was to fratton Fred

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 361 ✭✭O'Leprosy

    Originally Posted by O'Leprosy
    "to kill some drug guy for a reward of €10,000". So it was actually PROVEN in Carlow District Court that he was paid 10,000. Did he have the cash on him or was it recovered from his bank account ?

    Whats the point of this O'Leprosy?? The guy was caught with a sawn off shotgun whilst on his way to carry out the deed for the money.

    I'm sure if you want to talk to him, as you find this so interesting, you'll find him in Portlaoise prison You're clutching at straws mate.

    Originally Posted by Erin Go Brath
    The IRA are the good guys in the conflict, make no mistake.

    Originally Posted by Fenian
    I view the Dail and the 26 county government as an illegal body,which usurps the true Republic that was declared in 1919 by the first democratically elected Dail.

    Originally Posted by O'Leprosy
    If anyone comes close to sounding like the Hitler youth it's you brit

    ('brit'.....I'm Irish, but if I were British I'd find that a bit disrespectful, he's 'British' at least try and be mature about it)

    Jesus christ........and ye wonder why we dont have the north? With a train of thinking and minds like that we'll get nothing. I'm constantly amazed at how ye guys keep refering to the past 'ohh, the savage brits did this and that, threw us off our lands, slaughtered us.........', 'turn coats', 'betrayed us in....', how is that going to help PEACE in the north?? What purpose does that serve??

    Do ye HONESTLY think the 6 counties of the north will be part of the Irish republic....honestly??? Not in yer lifetime anyway fella's. Why cant ye concentrate on making ammends? Coming to agreements and accepting that the North will stay united with Great Britian as a majority want that.

    Whats the point of this O'Leprosy?? The guy was caught with a sawn off shotgun whilst on his way to carry out the deed for the money.

    I'm sure if you want to talk to him, as you find this so interesting, you'll find him in Portlaoise prison :rolleyes: You're clutching at straws mate.

    ('brit'.....I'm Irish, but if I were British I'd find that a bit disrespectful, he's 'British' at least try and be mature about it)

    Jesus christ........and ye wonder why we dont have the north? With a train of thinking and minds like that we'll get nothing. I'm constantly amazed at how ye guys keep refering to the past 'ohh, the savage brits did this and that, threw us off our lands, slaughtered us.........', 'turn coats', 'betrayed us in....', how is that going to help PEACE in the north?? What purpose does that serve??

    Do ye HONESTLY think the 6 counties of the north will be part of the Irish republic....honestly??? Not in yer lifetime anyway fella's. Why cant ye concentrate on making ammends? Coming to agreements and accepting that the North will stay united with Great Britian as a majority want that.


    Funny thing I notice, neither Fratton Fred or Croppyboy1798 are critical of each other in all of their responces in this discussion ? That's very, very, strange from someone using the name Croppyboy and from Carlow ? Croppyboy1798 even uses a similiar phrase to Fred " You're clutching at straws mate . "

    " Coming to agreements and accepting that the North will stay united with Great Britian as a majority want that. " Again a VERY unusual statement from someone from a nationalist background, especially using the term " Great Britian " ???

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 356 ✭✭Tchocky

    Re-unification may not be achieved in my lifetime, doesn't mean we shouldn't try to achieve it.
    Has there ever been a period when the entire island was united politically, apart from when we were in the Commonwealth?
    Entire, independent unification.

    I can't remember one, so "re"unification is a bit of a stretch. Of course, I may be forgetting something.
    Leprosy wrote:
    " Coming to agreements and accepting that the North will stay united with Great Britian as a majority want that. " Again a VERY unusual statement from someone from a nationalist background, especially using the term " Great Britian " ???
    I think* a majority in the north do want that? How is the truth unusual?

    Great Britain - as distinguished from Lesser Britain, Brittany.

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