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Early morning scumbag call



  • Registered Users Posts: 471 ✭✭Clytus

    I dont know what it is about this country that we seem to breed these types of scummers...

    last week i stopped at a shop on Blackhorse Ave...while I was picking my wallet up from the passanger seat I noticed a younglad open the door of a car that was parked beside me...he leaned in and grabbed the SatNav...he then walked away clam as anything....I had my phone in my hand and got a picture of the ****ehawk...I got out of the car to get another picture when he saw me...and then tried covering his face with his hoodie ...but it was too late...I got his ugly mug close up.

    I wanted to post the pictures on here the other day on a thread I started...but the Mod asked me not would have been great to post his skanger mug!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,072 ✭✭✭marcsignal

    Clytus wrote: »
    I dont know what it is about this country that we seem to breed these types of scummers...

    I think it might be because 15, 16, 17 year old scumbags have kids, and the kid grows up to see Ma shoplifting, Da abusing alcohol and drugs, and then giving Ma a few slaps, so its a self perpetuating 'Monkey See, Monkey Do' situation, sadly. By the time the kids are older than 7 they are already f*cked.

    A Garda I know was involved in a house search in Dublin a while ago, while the Garda Team were searching the house, the 5 year old son of the couple there kept saying to the Mother

    "Ma, wha'ar dem f*ckin pigs doin in our house?"

    That kid will be just like the scumbags everyone here is talking about when he's 15. I dunno what the solution is ? but there's a lot to be said for compulsory sterilization, on say, your 20th offence ? just to be sure like.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,484 ✭✭✭JIZZLORD

    Anyone here familiar with the book 'Freakanomics' by Steven Levitt and Stephen Dubner?

    I was thinking the same thing when i read the book, legalised abortion would be handier than mf friends plans for forced sterilisation :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 794 ✭✭✭jackal

    Lads I live in blackrock, and while there is hardly social problems on the scale described here, no area is safe from bored cowardly asshole teenagers. A freind who lives in the deepest posh blackrock parks his car underground in an apartment block. The car park is not very secure. There have been a number of incedents of cars being vandalised. His car had 3000 worth of damage done to it deliberately - 4 different panels gouged repeatedly with a screwdriver. Completely mindless, pointless, idiotic behaviour. Your background is not the problem, some of the nicest people in the world come from dirt poor families. Its all about how they are raised. Its highly likely the kids who did this come from well off families, as there are literally no "rough" estates within miles of this place. Parents who dont give a ****e about their kids will more than likely end up with scumbags of some variety for kids. How these kids dont know something as basic as right from wrong is beyond me. I was a teenager once, and I do remember having the urge to cause trouble. However I always knew where the line was. These little pricks probably dont have any boundaries, rules, relationships with their families, values. They should be punished for their actions. In the case of under age kids, the parents should have the choice to let the kids take the rap or take the rap themselves.

    Knowing some of the types that im talking about - I bet plenty of them would let the kids take the rap, absolving themselves of any blame, instead blaming society/gardai/government for raising a little **** up.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,067 ✭✭✭L31mr0d

    I grew up in an estate which had a fair amount of unsavoury characters but I can say we had no trouble, except maybe the odd football against the window. That being said, a lot of the nicer, more well off estates around us had trouble and breakins.

    How does the saying go, "Honor amongst thieves". They would never rob each other, for fear of being robbed themselves.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,905 ✭✭✭Rob_l

    SpAcEd OuT wrote: »
    Yes because its so extraordinary

    no because its lies but thats a whole other thread right there

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,905 ✭✭✭Rob_l

    L31mr0d wrote: »
    I grew up in an estate which had a fair amount of unsavoury characters but I can say we had no trouble, except maybe the odd football against the window. That being said, a lot of the nicer, more well off estates around us had trouble and breakins.

    How does the saying go, "Honor amongst thieves". They would never rob each other, for fear of being robbed themselves.

    also no point in robbing someone who has as little as you seeing as your usually robbign to get stuff you haven't got

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 81 ✭✭colliegG

    I'm joining the Reserve Garda at the minute. I work in the city centre between two needle exchanges and there's always dozens of junkies standing around dealing etc. Whenever they see the a Garda uniform coming they scatter. More uniforms on the street would mean less places they can hang around. You prob wouldn't be posted in your own area and you won't have the same powers as a full time but from a distance you'll look like one. It seems like a good idea to me cos it's just so frustrating when all the average citizen can do is give out about it.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9,330 ✭✭✭Gran Hermano

    colliegG wrote: »
    .... all the average citizen can do is give out about it.

    Not quiet true,the average citizen pays their taxes and expects the government to
    provide a police service that works and a legal service that enforces the law.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 81 ✭✭colliegG

    Yep you certainly have the right to expect whatever you want. However having read this thread it kinda highlights the failures inherent in that as a course of action. It's obvious that Ireland of today is not some sort of Utopia and I don't expect that it ever will be.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,581 ✭✭✭dodgyme

    colliegG wrote: »
    Yep you certainly have the right to expect whatever you want. However having read this thread it kinda highlights the failures inherent in that as a course of action. It's obvious that Ireland of today is not some sort of Utopia and I don't expect that it ever will be.

    i see you rpoint but Ireland and its goverence is incredibly weak and corrupt

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 81 ✭✭colliegG

    Sure I agree with you about the Irish government having the stangest priorities.

    Average Ministerial Meeting.

    Brian Cowen: "er Bertie, bit of bad news on the economy front."
    Bertie: "Really?"
    Brian Cowen: "Yeah it looks like we're heading into a pretty serious slide."
    Bertie: "Oh."
    Brian Lenihan: " And, er crime hasn't really, well, you know, actually been, ahem, gone away".
    Mary Harney clapping hands above her head whilst balancing a ball on her nose: "Oi, oi, oi, cancer scare, oi, oi, must spend more money, oi, oi."
    Bertie, staring dreamily into space: "You know, I think what Ireland needs is some sort of honours system, like in the Uk! Think of the money they could be sold for. Jeez I think I deserve another pay rise for that.

    Applause from all!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,963 ✭✭✭SpAcEd OuT

    Rob_l wrote: »
    no because its lies but thats a whole other thread right there

    Please go on I'm intrigued

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,388 ✭✭✭Kernel

    Clytus wrote: »
    I wanted to post the pictures on here the other day on a thread I started...but the Mod asked me not would have been great to post his skanger mug!!!

    You'd be better off printing the picture and bringing it to Bridewell Garda Station. Chances are he's a local lad and known to Gardaí.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,049 ✭✭✭gazzer

    I was sitting in last night around midnight and heard the sound of smashing glass. Thinking it was my car window I ran out to see a smashed bottle of bud near my sitting room window and a locked girl (no more than about 13) about 20 feet away from me. She was heading into the neighbouring estate. She started shouting over to me that she was going to smash all my fcking windows in.. What sort of parents let a 13 year old girl out at midnight??

    Just talking to my neighbour about it a few minutes ago and he said that a gang of 12-13 year olds had just threw a load of rocks at his car. The gang just calmly walked off. They know that the gardai wont be up for about a half hour when you ring them so they will never be caught. If you touch them you are up for assault.. Pack of incbred pieces of excrement.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,072 ✭✭✭marcsignal

    Is there nothing to be said, for at least trying, compulsory seterilization ????:confused:

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,049 ✭✭✭gazzer

    At 7.30 tonight I heard a smash outside. I ran out to see what it was to be confronted with a gang of teenagers running by my house and I saw that a car window had been smashed in(the rear window)

    I didnt know who owned the car(communal car parking) so I rang the gardai and explained that had happened. They said they would send somebody out as soon as they could.

    Flash forward an hour. The gang is back and sitting on railings beside the car. They all start to pull their hoodies up and put scarves around their faces. I knew they were going to cause more damage. I rang the garda station and got told that the gardai are on more important calls than a smashed car window. I explained that the gang of teenagers were back and they were about to cause more damage. "Nothing we can do at the moment I am told". No sooner had I hung up then the gang smaashed the **** out of the car.

    They then ran off and next thing they were trying to climb into my next door neighbours garden and they were throwing rocks and stones into all of our gardens (6 houses and all the gardens face each other). I ran around to my neighbours to tell them to be on the lookout.

    At 9.30 the owners of the car arrived back(they had been visiting a friend who lives here). They were on the phone to the gardai so I went out to them to tell them that I had already run. They had bad english so they gave me the phone and I told the person I spoke to what had happened and the fact I had rang earlier. They said they would send somebody out. Its now 10.15 and still no sign of the gardai.. Its an absolute disgrace

  • Registered Users Posts: 677 ✭✭✭Champ

    Makes me glad I happen to live ina quiet area. Just realised how much I take it for granted that i can get peaceful nights of sleep.

    Though the immediate areas are getting progressively worse. At nights and especially weekdays it's almost like a gauntlet of avoiding hoodie gangs that are loitering around.

    Last Friday there was this hoodie that deliberately waited for the pedestrian lights to go red(at a junction), then with an annoying gait strolled across the road with only the quick reactions of the drivers having stopped him from getting mangled.... and preventing a pile up...

    An old man who was on the other side of the junction with me said they should have floored him;).

    Though there is a plus side to the terrible weather we're getting here... minimal contact with hoodie gangs on the street.. guess loitering is uncomfortable with bad weather.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 13,992 ✭✭✭✭gurramok

    That Blanch station is overwhelmed i once heard, not enough gardai for the vast area it's in.
    If they brought in a proper policed curfew like in the states, i reckon it'll help things a bit.

    No 13yr old should be out that late without a valid law abiding excuse.

    I did find 2 cases in the paper about elderly adults getting prosecuted by our wonder police force for 'losing the rag' at teenagers, see attached. Makes you think how sh1tty the system is.:mad:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,556 ✭✭✭MizzLolly

    Yeah seriously, somebody mentioned Blackrock above, that is sooo safe in comparison to other areas. Now don't get me wrong, I know that not everywhere is totally safe but Blackrock really has very minor examples of scumbag behaviour. It's actually a lovely area!! :)

    I see this kinda thing quiet often where I live and because I'm travelling from one end of the county to the other everyday. Some places are bloody awful. Just around my corner, lotsa skanger kids attacked the bus with fireworks. It was kinda scary coz the next stop was mine. These kids were around 10-14!! That's sickening. They shouldn't be out on the streets that late causing bother anyway. I'm 100% anti abortion so I won't discuss that particular comment but I do understand what you mean. Scumbags should be made infertile, horrible thing to say and I do feel guilty for thinking it but why the hell should they have more kids when they can't mind the ones they've got??!! And I do realise how mean that sounds but I've seen it first hand, the mother is drunk, the dad is passed out on the lawn and the kids are running around filthy and half clothed, it's dreadful. And the sad thing is that you can see that scumbag in them from the time they're just lil babies :(

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  • Registered Users Posts: 26,061 ✭✭✭✭Terry

    You're against abortion, but you would condone sterilisation?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,556 ✭✭✭MizzLolly

    Yup! A life is being prevented, not terminated :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 26,061 ✭✭✭✭Terry

    MizzLolly wrote: »
    Yup! A life is being prevented, not terminated :)
    What would be your criteria for sterilisation?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,556 ✭✭✭MizzLolly

    Why are you questioning my beliefs??

  • Registered Users Posts: 26,061 ✭✭✭✭Terry

    MizzLolly wrote: »
    Why are you questioning my beliefs??
    Because I find them contradictory.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,556 ✭✭✭MizzLolly

    ....what difference does that make to anything?? It's what I believe. I don't need to justify myself to you! And the argument you are trying to cause belongs to a different thread, not this one. I've basically agreed with most of the above comments. I'm sure I'm not the only person who agrees that sterilisation is a better option than abortion! Not that it's relevant to this thread anyway. You're trying to start an argument about abortion and I can clearly see you're pro-choice. I'm not, yet I haven't attacked your beliefs. In fact I never even said that the person who did mention abortion was wrong!!! So I think you are unfairly provoking something that is irrelevant to this topic, simply because you don't agree. :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 660 ✭✭✭punchestown

    Its prevailent now on most parts of Dublin now and a lot of country towns and cities. Saw some head the ball in the chinese in Santry tonight. In her pyjamas off her head on something, eating half her meal on the counter (of the take away) then headed off. Came outside to see her involved in a row with some poor fcker! She had hopped into her car (with three kids inside) reversed into this poor bloke parked there, persumably cos she was so off her face. When he got out to discuss insurance details, she began roaring in his face, then pushing him before finally deciding that pulling his hair was the course of action needed! Thankfully the Gards arrived as she had him by the hair but it just makes you wonder what chance those three kids have in life? Sadly, the ones who can afford to have children these days are the ones who at 17 or 18 see it as a career move, and the many decent folk are straddled with huge mortgages that they cant afford children.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,072 ✭✭✭marcsignal

    The more I read about these scumbags the more I despair, and fear for family I still have living in Dublin.

    I moved to Germany this year, and I know it's far from Nirvana, there are Muggings, Murders, and a Cocaine problem here too, and the additional problem of Nazi Skinhead Gangs, which we don't have in Ireland.

    But it is still a much safer place to live than Dublin, without question.
    I'm living with a German Divorcee, who has 2 boys 12 and 8 years old. We live in an average suburb, not far from Dachau, about 12km from Munich city centre.
    The 2 kids leave their bikes outside the house overnight, they are never touched. There are cigarette vending machines on the street, that are never broken into, or vandalised. House alarms are non existant.

    Whenever we park the car in Munich city centre, I, out of habit, start to put bags in the boot, and the kids mp3 players etc. in the glovebox, and my better half almost pisses herself laughing, because nobody would steal anything from your car here. On more than one occasion she has not even locked the car.

    I have yet to see a Motorbike parked anywhere, with a chain on it, and we're takling top of the range BMW bikes and such like.

    People leave their garage doors open all day, with lawn mowers, and summer or winter tyres hanging up on the walls, and nobody goes near them.

    Having said that, you do NOT mess with the Police here, they are all armed, and unless your dentist is pretty adept at doing jigsaw puzzles, you would NOT under any circumstances give one of them cheek, or abuse.

    Maybe we could do with a few coppers like that at home.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,339 ✭✭✭congo_90

    marcsignal wrote: »
    Having said that, you do NOT mess with the Police here, they are all armed, and unless your dentist is pretty adept at doing jigsaw puzzles, you would NOT under any circumstances give one of them cheek, or abuse.

    Maybe we could do with a few coppers like that at home.

    sounds good on paper. Like arming the garda with tasers....We all know that debate. I reckon it just wouldn't work. The laws protect the scumbags, not the victim. I would love to see a garda kick lumps of sh*t outta a scumbag on o'connell st etc

    Dunboyne, Safe as a house. wouldn't really risk leaving car unlocked in case the usual 8 scumbags from blanch come down the odd time.
    Still it's generally safe enough to do so. Also people are honest and genuinely want to help you here.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,072 ✭✭✭marcsignal

    congo_90 wrote: »
    sounds good on paper. Like arming the garda with tasers....We all know that debate. I reckon it just wouldn't work. The laws protect the scumbags, not the victim. I would love to see a garda kick lumps of sh*t outta a scumbag on o'connell st etc

    Yeah I agree congo_90, the law needs reform for sure. Thats the real difference here, If you break the law, you pay for it, theres none of this revolving door crap.

    The law seems to be more pro active here too, for example, if a skinhead raised his arm in a Nazi salute to a policeman, he would, by default, get six months in the roughest jail in the city, lumped in with any Turks, or other Foreigners that fall foul of the law, that usually supresses their urge to do it again.

    I had heard that the Garda wont use the new telescopic batons in Ireland, because they were worried about being sued ??
    If that is true, it is fckn madness ??
