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Ice Broadband steadily becoming even more terrible



  • Registered Users Posts: 813 ✭✭✭mrplop

    Well said!

    It only took about a minute for the page to load so I could post my reply.
    I've also just had to wait SIX minutes for speedtest to load so I could post this;


    I don't think a 'broadband' provider would get away with this anywhere else in Europe.

    delakota wrote: »
    I posted here maybe two months ago after an extended period of sub-dialup connections and other problems, which was resolved at least enough to allow me to overlook the fact I still was not receiving the package I was being charged for every month. The connection was borderline adequate at best, and I was pretty much too busy at work to waste more hours of my life being patronised by idiots on the phone who in reality are more concerned about stacking up 'resolved calls' on their spreadsheets than they are about whether they feed me a bunch of crap about radio units, bad weather and interference from nearby alien spacecraft.

    The facts are now undeniably clear to me, and I think to everyone else who's unfortunate enough to still be beholden to this utter piece-of-**** excuse for a telecommunications company for internet access. This is NEVER going to improve to a point where you don't pinch yourself in disbelief everytime you manage to send a plain email in less than 30 seconds, or don't get your arse handed to you on a plate in World of Warcraft because your latency registers in 4 digits, or you can browse Amazon without needing to go and wash your car while waiting for the phuckin images to load.

    I've run a preliminary line test with Imagine, and passed, even though the copper into the house is pretty creaky and far from ideal. If I can get hooked up with a basic DSL line, I won't look back. Because nothing, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, can be worse than this. Fran Rooney - if you and your assembly of unscrupulous chequebook monkeys are reading this (although I realise literacy might be a stretch of the imagination here) - you're all a bunch of cocks. Of course, if you're trying to read this from an Ice connection, you won't get to actually see it until Easter, by which time I'll have long moved to a true broadband service and hopefully so will the majority of other folks who don't like having their nipples twisted for 40 euro a month by a bunch of bull****ters with a company charter.

  • Registered Users Posts: 212 ✭✭Longrangedriver

    mrplop wrote: »
    Well said!

    It only took about a minute for the page to load so I could post my reply.
    I've also just had to wait SIX minutes for speedtest to load so I could post this;


    I don't think a 'broadband' provider would get away with this anywhere else in Europe.

    EUROPE, is where things happen, this is Ireland, land of the free, yes free from f**kin broadband. I award Yvonne and Francis Rooney(I f**ked up the FAI) 'The Laughing Stock of Telecommunications Award 2007'. If this were the Simpsons (I know it feels like it) the aliens would be hovering over Ireland p!ssing themselves, and saying "those f**king Irish couldn't make a stew never mind a p*xy broadband connection. I hope the f**k Eircon hurry the f**k up and sort the fibre connection to Carbury, cause I'll go to f**kin Lomans.

    "Ice the 1/30 of connection company", if your lucky.:mad:

  • Registered Users Posts: 32 runforcover

    I have been with ice for about 3 months now and as usuall they are the only ones who offer broadband where i am. most days it is **** but better than dial up but since christmas eve it is the worst i have ever seen it. I am on the 4M package and in the past in the morning i have got a reading of over 4.5M this was super. in the evening u might as well not go near it 100kb,200kb,maybe 300kb if ur lucky, but it is really pis**ng me off of late just look at this reading it's might as well be dial up 80kb's i think dial up is 56kb,it has got really slow from the 18th-24th december it was really fast could not believe it i thought they made improvements to the mast or something. i live in south meath, has anyone had simular probs, or should i be so foolish to ask, i all ready know.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5 delakota


    I was feeling really low about all of this until I ran this latest test, and then I noticed that even though the figures are marginally low, they're symmetrical. RESULT !!

    Unfortunately the team of carrier pigeons I had temporarily started using to transport my data packets back and forth from the backbone cannot match this robust symmetry in service, due to headwinds and unscheduled preening-stops, so I'll be reverting back to Toss Broadband and trusting them to pull their speeds up.

    Preferably sometime before I develop Alzheimers and forget why the phuck I'm posting all of this.

    By the way, Legolasdk from the Shadowsong Europe forums, if you can see this, hopefully I'll be back to flame the sh1t out of you next week. Hang tight, buddy.

  • Registered Users Posts: 813 ✭✭✭mrplop


    Ice said they'd have everything fixed today but they haven't done a thing...

    What a shocker!

    These jokers are providing a service which is on par with really bad dial up and charging €39.99 for it.

    I must have been a real bastard in my last life to deserve this.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 246 ✭✭maninaskirt

    Just ran a speedcheck on blacknight's checker and try and beat this one guys for a 3MB package, don't know how to paste it, but I got 36kbps down and 248kbps up, just for the laugh I tried on my dial up and got 51kbps down.......looks like the way forward for me is back to my dial up! LOL.
    Someone from ICE must be reading this, although they will need an alternative connection to be able to load it within a few days.....another lie or broken promise from them about " yes sir we know about the issue, it will be fixed on the 2nd of Jan......what year???????????????

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 113 ✭✭bartificer

    I found out how to get through to ICE, call sales!

    The guy on sales was both honest and helpful. The problems in Kildare are due to a botched 'upgrade' foolishly tried just before Chrirtmas when they sent all their engineers home on Holidays while we suffered. The engineers started work again this week, but they have a lot to fix. The guy listed about 5 masts that were being worked on today. He said that if I was lucky it might be back tomorrow or Monday but it might not.

    They seem not to have a clue what the problem is. Such a pile of amateurs I've never seen! No outage notices on their website. No emails to affected customers explaining. Why, they don't even answer email, the phone or return calls. Pure total and utter amateurs.

    Sub-dialup speeds for three weeks. What a lovely Christmas present. Thanks ICE, you have shown me the light, there are even more incompetant muppets out there than Eircom. Hard to believe, but true.


  • Registered Users Posts: 246 ✭✭maninaskirt

    Hi Bart,
    It's hard to believe any company can make Eircom look professional! But ICE make them look brilliant! It shows you how much ICE value their customers, I'm only new with them and I'm already very angry, they are threatening to sue the customers that break the contract, only in Ireland can this happen, surely if you can prove that if you don't get what you pay for any court should use common sense, anyone tried to cancel while still under hostage with them? I'm prepared to go to court, as they also never told me that i would spend an extra €40 per month on phone calls to their number, which I have kept itemised bills to prove to any court, aswell as three email per day and all the speedchecks I do, I feel that speedcheck is the wrong word, maybe " how slow am I today " check......BTW a new record for me today, 0.36kbps, not a typo, yes 0.36kbps, no judge with any sense would uphold their case, although it is the Irish legal system.
    I would be grateful of any assistance on the contract side as I don't mind paying legal fees to get out, can someone that's been down this road before please advise? Also how do you attach a slowcheck from the blacknight site?
    thanks in advance....

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,078 ✭✭✭bigpaddy2004

    I am just all the different people posting in this thread, how many of you actually use their phone service too? Does it still work when your speeds are down as I do not see too many of you complaining about it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 246 ✭✭maninaskirt


    I don't use their phone service as I have a landline, but if you look back through the earlier pages it seems common that their VIOP is unuseable due to ping times that are measured in months! lol

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  • Registered Users Posts: 212 ✭✭Longrangedriver

    I am just all the different people posting in this thread, how many of you actually use their phone service too? Does it still work when your speeds are down as I do not see too many of you complaining about it.

    My sister in Coil Dubh(between Alenwood & Prosperous) has Ice with phone, her speeds are at less than 100kilobits and cannot connect, she still has eircom, just as well cause she uses the same phone to connect. Apparently you need very low pings and high speed, just what I heard, incase I'm wrong. Shes rang millions of times same problem as us in Derrinturn, as same mast.

    Remember: "Its not so nice to be with ice"

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 113 ✭✭bartificer

    No way would I trust them with my voice traffic!


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9 shakyarms

    Just had a quick scan through this thread and not a lot of people have anything very good to say about Ice. Most people I know use BT and all seem very satisfied with the service. The BT 1mb connection seems to perform better than Ice's 3mb connection. Eircom, BT and the like should step in and price match Ice's offering and wipe them out.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 48 madboggar


    Ice broadband today

  • Registered Users Posts: 246 ✭✭maninaskirt

    Hi Shaky,
    You'll probably find that peolpe with ICE can't get DSL, that's ICE's sneaky marketing ploy.......because as for me cost is not issue, it's all I can get! But good news for me is that my exchange is being enabled within the next two weeks, DSL here I come and goodbye ICE, it is an appropriate name for them as you'll swear that your connection has froze even trying to load google, your right tho', your 1MB is better but then again so is my dial-up! lol. I wish they would be wiped out!

    Just remember and point anyone thinking about ICE to this thread, they even made onto newstalk today! i don't even think Eircon have that glory. My neighbours asked me about my " broadband " and that they were thinking about getting it, but I connected her PC up to my router and let her try for herself, not suprisingly she decided against it, she thought there something wrong with her computer as her dial up was quicker! lol.

    As said before, a great motto for them is " it's not nice to be with ICE " you even have to pay €38 per month for this priviledge.

  • Registered Users Posts: 246 ✭✭maninaskirt

    Hi Madboggar,
    is that a photoshop job? LOL
    Just done a speedcheck on mine using the blacknight site and I'm getting 2.9Mb down and 900kbps up now...still down know how to post the blacknight screenshots. DOH! Do you much confidence on how long it will last?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 48 madboggar

    not photoshop - I do not think that it will last this long, i have already moved to eircom and will be canceling ice at the middle of the month ( if someone in ice will anser the phone)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 48 madboggar


    Very Stable ISP

  • Registered Users Posts: 70 ✭✭rightman

    I'll give You all an advice - Just quit the service all of You and stay happy with Eircom which will charge You for every additional breath...
    Good luck!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,462 ✭✭✭Peanut

    rightman wrote: »

    Not bad, is it from the Ice offices ? :-p

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  • Registered Users Posts: 32 runforcover

    they musta got the prob fixed cause looka at this reading its really fast
    considering i was getting a little better than dial up 2 days ago



  • Registered Users Posts: 178 ✭✭lol5605

    Went to the shops after being on the internet all day, slow as hell came back 15 later open for the laugh and got about 2800 up and 800 down was so surprized, it's looking like this now
    I'm getting the best results from this server tried almost all of Europe.

  • Registered Users Posts: 954 ✭✭✭caff

    seems to be fixed in maynooth,

    using logmein and downloading an 90meg file at 400~kB/s

    speedtest gives me ~3000 down and ~1500up so not too bad

    dont have my hopes up for it staying that way during peak hours though :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 249 ✭✭richie.c

    My sister in Coil Dubh(between Alenwood & Prosperous) has Ice with phone, her speeds are at less than 100kilobits and cannot connect, she still has eircom, just as well cause she uses the same phone to connect. Apparently you need very low pings and high speed, just what I heard, incase I'm wrong. Shes rang millions of times same problem as us in Derrinturn, as same mast.

    Remember: "Its not so nice to be with ice"

    Just curious as to where that mast actually is, I'm near Timahoe and it might be an option for me. And yes I've read all the bad stuff about them, but unfortunately I have no other choice, my dial-up barely connects.


  • Registered Users Posts: 246 ✭✭maninaskirt

    Coil Dubh has its own mast which you will not pick up, the mast Longrange and myself use is in Derrinturn, its on a really big TV ariel as you enter the village from the allenwood side, when your nearly in the village if you look over to the right hand side you will see a very high mast with a large TV ariel on top, just below the ariel is the ICE transmitter, they will come out and test the signal for you, they are very prompt at this, also installation is very prompt. I know you read all the probs, so did I and still got ICE, don't get me wrong when it works its brilliant, but since I had it it's been down more than up, also it's the company's attitude towards the customer that annoys people the most, read the whole thread and you will see that, just look at the reply from an ICE official on this thread, that's a perfect example. I run 2 360's, a laptop and a desktop on it with no issues, WHEN ITS WORKING! LOL. If it stays up then they have the service to keep everyone happy, you will like it when it's good, but the reliability has still to be proven.....I hope they do sort it out, as the Tech support and admin/accounts staff are very helpful and very pleasant to deal with WHEN you get to talk to them.....

  • Registered Users Posts: 212 ✭✭Longrangedriver

    richie.c wrote: »
    Just curious as to where that mast actually is, I'm near Timahoe and it might be an option for me. And yes I've read all the bad stuff about them, but unfortunately I have no other choice, my dial-up barely connects.


    Hi Richie, don't mean to jump across, but the mast/radio is based on the front of the bell tower on the church in Coil Dubh/Cooleragh, heading towards Kelly's Pub. So it should be 1-2 road miles from you, not sure of distance as crow flies.

  • Registered Users Posts: 249 ✭✭richie.c

    @ Longrangedriver and maninaskirt, thanks very much for the info, I'll give them a ring and get them out to do the survey. I reckon I'd be closest to the coill dubh one, but the line of sight might not be great, quite a lot of trees between me and there.

    Anyone know whats the max distance from a mast to get the signal?

    Thanks again

  • Registered Users Posts: 70 ✭✭rightman

    Hi Richie.c.
    It is possible to get nice signal even if you are 20 km from the bs (with clear line of sight).

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 48 madboggar

    Ok here is the comparison


    Ice broadband

    Plugged an old DSL modem into the Eircom Line today and get Internet, here are the two side by side in Kilcock..

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  • Registered Users Posts: 70 ✭✭rightman

This discussion has been closed.