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Midlands just lost a member today!

  • 08-07-2007 6:14pm
    Registered Users Posts: 4,612 ✭✭✭

    Normally I have fantastic things to say bout midlands
    but today it lost a member over increasing frustrations!
    (The member is not me as I am 90% of the time happy with the place)

    The lad I travelled with was due to-renew his membership
    and had the money in his hand when we travelled to midlands today.
    As there was a charity even on today all the targets at 50m range
    were taken over and there was NONE left for paying members to use.
    What was worse when we went to the 100/200/300m Range we found that
    most of the benches were taken out and given to total strangers
    and NON-members that came by the bus load.

    While it was a charity event that would also generate HUGE interest
    in shooting it was the straw the broke the camels back for my buddy.
    We have travelled (2.5hrs Journey times) quite often where we find
    there is an event on that has got to do with guests or non members.
    Always as paying members in cases like this we have been asked to wait
    or sit out a cease/fire out or get stuck in a corner or asked to move when we do have a target up already etc sometime when we have added our own shoot n sees.

    At the very least there should have been some places reserved for members.
    so they would not have to suffer/effected
    I was OK and hunky dory as the guys at the range managed to get me a bench and place but the buddy was not happy fireing at 100m as he
    specifically wanted to fire at 50m and only had subsonics and he felt they were not good enough to achieve the best results at 100m.

    His main gripe was that after travelling for so long and as a paying member
    that members should come first. Not someone that is Not a member.
    Some members were happy to shoot prone but others packed up there
    gear and went home! I was talking briefly to some of them
    and they were severly peeved.

    It would have been easy to make smaller fireing details and maybe reserve
    a few places for the members. And it certainly was not good form to remove most of the equipment from the 100m range to deny members the use of it so
    a non-members could use it and mentioned nothing about it causing
    a disruption to the other ranges.

    When the buddy complained he was told we were told about the event
    on the newsletter that got sent out. It was the first and only
    newsletter we ever got as it came along with the form looking
    for Money to renew our membership.

    He was told he could if he liked he had the option to stop being
    a member and pay as a guest instead. (Which is now what he indends to do)

    For Him his membership fees just went back into his pocket and
    he has decided to just come as a paying guest.
    For him he has a .22 only. He only gets up once or twice a month.
    7-8 Euro for a paid guest say twice a month bout 190 Euro.
    paid member that gets treated worse than a guest 265 Euro!!

    Neither of us have any issues with the lads running the place
    as they are all dead sound and very friendly. Its just there
    have been building frustrations whenever there are events on.
    (We also know this does not happen all the time but it happens enough
    to cause annoyance/frustration)

    Now I LOVE midlands and think the place and the people
    are the bees-knees and as I want to eventually go
    full bore. (Plus my licence renewel depends on being a member)
    I am happy out. But it does it does P*ss me off sometimes
    when you pay all that money and can be standing around the place
    not being able to shoot. Be better if an event and normal member activities
    were treated equally or organize the event so it cause a min disruption to
    the shooters not involved in it.

    I am wondering if part of the problem is that there are two many
    members and not enough equipments. (plently of land to expand!!)
    Talking to Jim today he said there was extra bench's on the way so
    that may help out in the future.




  • Closed Accounts Posts: 801 ✭✭✭jaycee

    I knew the event was on, so I went down and shot yesterday.
    It was far less busy .

    Delays are regrettable , but the event was run in support of
    a VERY good cause .. ( Fund raising for a hospital ).
    The inconvenience to a days shooting pales into insignificance next
    to the problems of people needing such facility's.

    On balance ,
    I think there is no question that events like this are most worthy.
    It is somewhat ironic that Midlands is often slated for the restrictions
    placed on non-members and yet on the odd occasion that an event like this takes place , falls under criticism for being too open handed..

    It's hard to please everyone all the time.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,921 ✭✭✭Remmy

    since you travel so far to get to midlands would'nt it have been wise to ring ahead and check if there was anything on the day you wanted to go down?

    Since Midlands IS the most comprehensive range in Ireland its foolish to assume that there would'nt be a comp on!where else are they going to have it?

    Its important get the greater non-shooting populous into shooting and to show them were doing something for charity.

    enough said!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,612 ✭✭✭bullets

    I got no beef as long as I can shoot.

    with that said.....
    I should not have to ring ahead everytime I want
    to head to the range I know already its open the
    weekends and as a member should be able to shoot
    regardless of if there is an event on or not.
    I dont drive so have to rely on getting a lift
    to the range whenever someone I know is
    planning on travelling so its not like I can go
    whenever I please.

    Events should be organized with both participants
    and non-participants in mind.

    members should not be treated with less importance
    than anyone else shooting at the range just because an of an event.
    and thats the way I and some members have felt on several
    occasions. Visitors and guests would be oblivious to this
    as they are having the time of their livers and having great
    craic and quite often when it comes to events the staff are flat
    out running the event and are oblivious to our frustrations too so
    they might not even be aware of the frustrations that other people
    are feeling when events are takeing place.

    The news letter said an event was on. It did not say
    anything about disruptions to normal shooting even if a
    little could be expected. It would be stupid to assume
    there would be no disruptions but when it comes to
    actually taking up ALL the positions and removing equipment
    from a different range that was not involved with the event
    it is crossing the line.

    Surely the event can be organized with compromise in mind.
    They could have kept a few postions available for members
    instead of taking over EVERY position and there should not
    have been a need to remove equipment like the tables/benches from
    the 100 to give them to the 50.

    Instead of 20 people fireing at the same time they could have reduced
    to to 15 freeing up 5 benches/positions for people not involved with the
    event. If that was done I would not even be here whinging! :(
    and there may be less or no frustrations vented.

    Again I am nearly all of the time quite happy with things as a member
    and do like seeing new people/faces arrive. I am only annoyed,
    and get a little bit more annoyed when these things happen repeatedly.
    I think it was seeing the equipment being taken away from under our feet
    that really kinda rammed it home where we thought "wait what about us?????"


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9,244 ✭✭✭rrpc

    I believe there are plans afoot to split the 50m range, so that should make things a little better.

    I understand the gripe you and your friend have. When I was running the NTSA competitions in May and June this year I was acutely aware of the disruption we were causing to members and did the best I could to minimise it.

    To be fair to the lads in Midlands they're doing their best to improve the facilities, encourage shooting and try and keep existing members happy. It's a difficult job and you'd have to love shooting to even try!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 801 ✭✭✭jaycee

    Yes , interruptions to our plans are often frustrating and I have had
    occasions where there have been delays or disruptions.
    On some occasions if a competition is being run , or an charity event ,
    it must take priority and the members by tolerating the delays are helping
    to facilitate it's running and therefore helping the club.

    I am quite proud to see these events take place at my club and welcome them.

    This really isn't the forum for solving such issues , If you really
    feel that strongly about it perhaps you should lodge a formal complaint
    to the range committee and see if a solution can be reached that satisfies you.

    Alternatively you do have the option to take the same course of action as your friend and withdraw your membership if things are not run to your satisfaction.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,612 ✭✭✭bullets

    jaycee wrote:
    Alternatively you do have the option to take the same course of action as your friend and withdraw your membership if things are not run to your satisfaction.

    Have no intention of leaving myself as I can put up with it,
    although I will gripe a bit from time to time.
    but would like to see things improved a little where the same issues
    are not repeating over and over again in the future.

    There was an F-Class event on before where at least when the news
    was out people were told that it would not effect the other shorter ranges.
    Same could have been done today but in reverse ;)

    the times the guys with the electronic targets came
    up. Although details or cease fires cant remember which were an
    hour long and caused disruptions but at least they only took up half of the 50m range and it allowed other people to shoot there too.
    The same could have been done today.

    I dont have the same option as the buddy to simply leave
    as I require to be a member of a club in order to keep my licence
    since I dont hunt and did not go the route of getting my licence
    by being a land owner or getting permission from land owners etc.
    Even if I did I would still not leave as I like the social aspect of things
    too and the facilities.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 29,476 ✭✭✭✭Our man in Havana

    Alternatively you do have the option to take the same course of action as your friend and withdraw your membership if things are not run to your satisfaction.
    Would there be repercussions if someone ceased to be a member of a gun club when renewing their firearm certs in August?

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,612 ✭✭✭bullets

    Bond-007 wrote:
    Would there be repercussions if someone ceased to be a member of a gun club when renewing their firearm certs in August?

    Thought I read someplace before
    when it came to licence re-newels that the
    Gardai are notified if you are no longer a member
    of a club.

    Cant verify though.


  • Registered Users Posts: 11,393 ✭✭✭✭Vegeta

    jaycee wrote:
    Yes , interruptions to our plans are often frustrating and I have had
    occasions where there have been delays or disruptions.
    On some occasions if a competition is being run , or an charity event ,
    it must take priority and the members by tolerating the delays are helping
    to facilitate it's running and therefore helping the club.

    I am quite proud to see these events take place at my club and welcome them.

    This really isn't the forum for solving such issues , If you really
    feel that strongly about it perhaps you should lodge a formal complaint
    to the range committee and see if a solution can be reached that satisfies you.

    Alternatively you do have the option to take the same course of action as your friend and withdraw your membership if things are not run to your satisfaction.

    Lets face it Jaycee the club can do no wrong in your eyes, every time anyone passes an even slightly negative comment you come jumping to its defense.

    Its great to bring in outside events and all but not at the expense of members

    May I ask how long it takes you to travel to the range?

    A club should cater for members first, end of story. Without members the club is history.

    As someone who also travels a great distance to the range if I had been unlucky enough to head out today I would have been fuming.

    As everyone likes to say how cheap the midlands is compared to a golf club, can you imagine turning up at your tee off time to see it given to a non member. Wouldn't happen

    Very un-professional and hope it doesn't happen again.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9,244 ✭✭✭rrpc

    It depends on the club authorisation. Most of them require you to submit your membership list for inspection every year at renewal, so obviously the Gardai will know if someone has left.

    This only applies if your licence was got on the basis of target shooting club membership. I think with .22 rifles, the Gardai aren't that interested as to whether you are a member or not, though when it comes to pistols and full bore, well that's a different matter.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9,244 ✭✭✭rrpc

    Vegeta wrote:
    As everyone likes to say how cheap the midlands is compared to a golf club, can you imagine turning up at your tee off time to see it given to a non member. Wouldn't happen

    Very un-professional and hope it doesn't happen again.

    Well from what bullets said, it's not the same thing. The Golf Club scenario implies you booked your tee-off time, whereas bullets and his friend just turned up. In addition, the charity event was notified to members so they knew in advance it was on.

    Where the club slipped up (again from what I am reading) was in not informing members that the range was effectively closed to everything but the charity event.

    There will always be events or competitions in multi-disciplinary clubs that will put other disciplines off the pitch for the duration. It's important that the club braodcasts this fact well in advance so that people don't have to travel to find out that they can't shoot.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 801 ✭✭✭jaycee

    Vegeta wrote:
    Lets face it Jaycee the club can do no wrong in your eyes, every time anyone passes an even slightly negative comment you come jumping to its defense.

    I don't see how you can say that (Or why you should aim personal remarks at me )
    I have already said that on several occasions I have experienced delays and disruption at the range , what differs is my attitude to them. I accept that this is not a perfect world and sometimes you have to take the long view.
    Its great to bring in outside events and all but not at the expense of members

    So what you want is complete and uninterrupted shooting whenever you choose , and to heck with everyone else.?
    Thats the kind of attitude you can have on a purely commercial setup , in a club however it's different and as a club member we have to take into account the wishes and desires of others ...even if it is in conflict with our wishes sometimes.
    May I ask how long it takes you to travel to the range?

    Per Visit ..?
    Traveling time is about 1 hour 30 mins , sometimes twice a week , sometimes not even to shoot , just to help out if I can . Cause It's my club and I am committed to helping it even if that means taking time off work at my expense to do it , and I'm not alone in that either . If the club or any club was just a collection of people who just wanted to use the facilities ...there wouldn't be any.

    Per week , about twice that , sometimes more.
    How often do you shoot there...?

    BTY , I have no Idea why you want to know that ..?
    A club should cater for members first, end of story. Without members the club is history.

    Cart before the horse a little , the members cater for the club , or the club is dysfunctional.
    As someone who also travels a great distance to the range if I had been unlucky enough to head out today I would have been fuming.

    Well for the future I hope the gods grant you patience ...and a telephone.!
    As everyone likes to say how cheap the midlands is compared to a golf club, can you imagine turning up at your tee off time to see it given to a non member. Wouldn't happen

    Very un-professional and hope it doesn't happen again.

    You really need to check out the costs and conditions involved in Golf clubs and tee off times to see how wrong that is..

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,612 ✭✭✭bullets

    I love being a member of Midlands and as far as I am aware
    I have never said anything negative about the place up until now.
    but I am not going to blindly say all good things about the place
    all of the time if I find something wrong. and there are only so many
    times that you can bite your tongue before the little niggly things
    start to become big niggly things.

    If I had transport or was living close by I would love to help
    out with the place whenever I could. The current guys that
    I have talked to work very hard and it make me even guilty to
    whinge at all. If the range was in my home town you bet
    I would be helping out at every chance I had!

    This board is the perfect place to vent or discuss frustrations as
    other members that may not openly voice there concerns or things
    that annoy them at the range or openly face to face with people
    may be able to give their input without fearing an evil look while
    at the range their next visit. As a board viewable to the public
    everyone can without bias view peoples opinions on the place
    or may gain valuable feedback on the place to improve it and
    get rid of any issues.

    As a member I have been told today and other times that events like that
    (regardless of this fact it was or was not a charity event)
    take priority, and have been given the impression if I did not
    like it will plain hard tough luck.

    This to me makes me feel insulted. After I pay my bills I have
    less than the dole to live off per week so shooting for me financially
    is an expensive luxury that I do not treat lightly. Every
    time I go shooting is a Big deal for me, so if something causes
    a disruption its a big deal.

    At the end of the day said event impacted members in a negative
    way when it did not need to, it could have been avoided.
    if it was not for the attitude that it was more important than everyone
    else and sod ye.

    I know it was just one day! and it would be easy to get over just
    one day. But after a while your start remembering quite a lot
    of just one days. when you only get up to the range every so often
    one day is very important and I know each and every one of them
    is important to me. I would be there everyday in a perfect world.
    Some of the most frequent members of midlands Live close by
    so its not a big deal for them to head on down to the range or head
    home at will after a while it may become trivial for them. Or the likes
    of the staff of midlands who do give up a lot of there time to spend
    their weekends looking after the place. They are there so often that
    sometimes they might forget that is a bigger deal for someone arriving
    to fire off a few shots than it is for them to fire off a few shots whenever
    they like.

    I am not just talking bout me and my friend that was annoyed.
    there were others grumbling too even if they did not openly choose to
    voice or vent their annoyance. Vegeta was due to travel with us too but
    could not make it so if he did there would have been 3 people a little peeved
    at the same time...thats 3 members. what if it was 10,20,30 members that
    all arrived at the same day and were told sorry!! we mentioned
    it on the newsletter there would be holy war!

    Even though I had read there was an event on. I honestly had forgotten the
    date that was on so was surprised when we turned up to find a fire engine,
    a bus and the rest of the car park full, no shotgun, no sign of pistol shooters,
    a virtualy empty 1/2/3'hundered meter range due to lack of facilities and over 100 people packed into the 50m range area
    Not a good picture.

    Im not getting personal with anyone as my post is not ment in anyway as
    a personal jab at anyone but I honestly do think there are members out
    there that are feeling the same way as myself from time to time
    that say nothing and are getting more and more frustrated.

    (I will try and stop moaning now before my posts get longer and longer
    I tend to have a habit when I whinge of writing way too much!)


  • Registered Users Posts: 11,393 ✭✭✭✭Vegeta

    jaycee wrote:
    I don't see how you can say that (Or why you should aim personal remarks at me )
    I have already said that on several occasions I have experienced delays and disruption at the range , what differs is my attitude to them. I accept that this is not a perfect world and sometimes you have to take the long view.

    Look I don't want to get into a bitching match with you but it is quite clear that you are involved with the club (which I appreciate as its people like you who make it a great facility) but anytime anyone even passes a slightly negative comment like its too expensive or that sunday was a disaster for members, you come in with the opposite arguement. This is a straight out, say it as I see it comment no more no less

    So what you want is complete and uninterrupted shooting whenever you choose , and to heck with everyone else.?

    That's funny considering my point is exactly the opposite. Every member who turned up on sunday should have had a place to shoot. Yeah there will be delays and cease fires etc and these can be understood as the range was busy.

    Either close the range to members for the day or organise it so everyone can shoot. Then you don't get people travelling for 2.5hrs and having to go home.
    Per Visit ..?
    Traveling time is about 1 hour 30 mins , sometimes twice a week , sometimes not even to shoot , just to help out if I can . Cause It's my club and I am committed to helping it even if that means taking time off work at my expense to do it , and I'm not alone in that either . If the club or any club was just a collection of people who just wanted to use the facilities ...there wouldn't be any.

    Per week , about twice that , sometimes more.
    How often do you shoot there...?

    BTY , I have no Idea why you want to know that ..?

    The reason I ask is because you seem to have no sympathy for people who drive for 2 and a half hours and then not to be able to shoot.

    I thought maybe you have a 40 minute drive and couldn't appreciate the annoyance of travelling all the way up and having to go home.

    I have been a fully signed up member for over 1 month (have been there several times before) and have gone 5 times I that time. This was the first weekend I just decided to stay at home (I must have a 6th sense). Its a 2 and a half hour drive each way.

    You really need to check out the costs and conditions involved in Golf clubs and tee off times to see how wrong that is..

    Well I've played golf in a few places throughout munster and have never had to drive home and not hit a ball

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,038 ✭✭✭✭Sparks

    Griping and complaining and so on, that's all above board and I think this is one of the better places to handle stuff like that because if there's one thing we've all seen over the years it's that because you're in this sport for life, you've got lots of time to build up personal animosity; the anonymity in offers a way round that problem.
    However, libel is pretty much where you have to draw the line. So no more comments saying someone else is breaking the law, or reacting to them, please. Otherwise, we'll end up having to close the thread rather than expose to lawsuits (and it wouldn't be any of us, it'd be that would be exposed because of how libel law works).

  • Registered Users Posts: 649 ✭✭✭sidneyreilly

    Charity and such events are of paramount importance to the future of our sport. Not in the least the public image or introducing new shooters. Such events should be supported and members of any club should not be shooting on the day but be there helping.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 801 ✭✭✭jaycee

    Vegeta wrote:
    Look I don't want to get into a bitching match with you but it is quite clear that you are involved with the club (which I appreciate as its people like you who make it a great facility) but anytime anyone even passes a slightly negative comment like its too expensive or that sunday was a disaster for members, you come in with the opposite arguement. This is a straight out, say it as I see it comment no more no less

    Neither have I any desire to get involved in as you call it "A bitching match" ,
    but I feel I should point out the following .

    I am involved in the club , but only as a member, Just like you , I paid up , just like you .I give the lads a dig out anytime I can , and not half often enough , to try to pull my weight as a member .

    You seem to have a problem that I have an opinion on costs , facilities and how the place is run , well ,so be it... If it's something I disagree with I'm as entitled to express my opinion as anyone else .

    For the record :

    I don't think the place is expensive when you take into account what's on offer. My diesel costs getting there are greater than my membership costs anyway. So are my ammo costs.

    I don't think Sunday's event was a disaster for either the members or the club . It was successful in raising a good chunk of money for Crumlin Hospital .
    (Many years back when my kids were very Ill , I was most grateful to the expertise and staff there) So I am honoured that a club I am a member of can contribute in a substantial way with a fund-raising event

    That's funny considering my point is exactly the opposite. Every member who turned up on sunday should have had a place to shoot. Yeah there will be delays and cease fires etc and these can be understood as the range was busy.

    Either close the range to members for the day or organise it so everyone can shoot. Then you don't get people travelling for 2.5hrs and having to go home.

    The event was listed in the club newsletter , and a phone call .."Like I made" confirmed that a large crowd was expected, so I altered my plans and shot on Saturday instead.

    Every member who turned up DID have a place to shoot , and yes there were delays , but efforts were made to accommodate people and benches moved for that purpose. You need to check the facts on that , I suggest you phone and ask the club Secretary who was present and assisted in that.
    The reason I ask is because you seem to have no sympathy for people who drive for 2 and a half hours and then not to be able to shoot.
    I thought maybe you have a 40 minute drive and couldn't appreciate the annoyance of travelling all the way up and having to go home.

    Of course I have every sympathy if that ever happens to anyone, when did this happen to you or anyone? (That you got there and were unable to fire a shot ..?)
    I have been a fully signed up member for over 1 month (have been there several times before) and have gone 5 times I that time. This was the first weekend I just decided to stay at home (I must have a 6th sense). Its a 2 and a half hour drive each way.

    And if you had come , you could still have shot , with a little delay admittedly. which was to be expected with the event on.
    Well I've played golf in a few places throughout munster and have never had to drive home and not hit a ball

    Again I would ask , when has this ever happened you at the range ..?

  • Registered Users Posts: 649 ✭✭✭sidneyreilly

    Charity and such events are of paramount importance to the future of our sport. Not in the least the public image or introducing new shooters. Such events should be supported and members of any club should not be shooting on the day but be there helping.

    I should have added, having said that, ample notice should be given to members that shooting will not be available.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 29,476 ✭✭✭✭Our man in Havana

    I should have added, having said that, ample notice should be given to members that shooting will not be available.
    I think that is the main problem the OP has. Clear communication is what is needed to avoid dissapointment of members.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,393 ✭✭✭✭Vegeta

    Jaycee I am backing down from this arguement as i don't want to gain a nemesis at the club and I thoroughly enjoy the facilites and banter at the midlands. I don't want to turn anyone off the club (I'll PM you)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,612 ✭✭✭bullets

    Bond-007 wrote:
    I think that is the main problem the OP has. Clear communication is what is needed to avoid dissapointment of members.

    I get most of my info from this board more so
    from the club itself apart from when I am there
    and I can chat.

    It would help. Jim at the range has asked me a few times
    did I get Newsletter and I did not and told him that.
    The Newsletter that came out around the time of renewels
    was the only news letter I have ever recieved in the post.

    The Lad that gave me the lift Sunday did not fire and decided to
    go home like some other members. (Since I got a lift from him
    he waited around for me to fire a few shots and we went home
    so did not hang around for the day to see if things improved)
    For him he did not have the choice of going there Saturday
    as only his Sundays is free. And he specifically
    had intended to shoot at 50m. He would of gladly
    fired some clays instead but nobody was there at the clay range.

    I didnt sign up for the mobile texts as I dont like getting my mobile number
    subscribed to things but I am half sorry I did not and maybe next time I
    am up will see I will change my mind. I dont know if texts were
    sent out about the event or not.

    An email list may be a good thing too that may improve communications
    especially to warn people if there will be disruptions as I am presuming
    that not all events will effect things dramatically some may effect
    things more than others.

    The Website could have current news on it:
    I dont think this has been updated in some time.
    There was another URL for the club before that went 404.

    Nice the see the NRAI website getting updated at present maybe they
    will tie in the club into that page too considering midlands
    is home to the NRAI. It has some problems with browsers
    before but now they seem to be resolved.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9,244 ✭✭✭rrpc

    They are setting up a new website. I only know this because Jim asked me for photos of the NTSA shoot for it.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 55 ✭✭hillybilly

    Bullets this event is held anually ,It always draws a large gathering . if you were so determent to shoot why did you not enter a team ? I shot in it . I shot full bore ,i shot pistol and i shot clays all on sunday. I also had a long trip back to belfast . You can please all of the people some of the time but you can't please some of the people all the time .

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,612 ✭✭✭bullets

    hillybilly wrote:
    why did you not enter a team ? I shot in it . I shot full bore ,i shot pistol and i shot clays all on sunday.

    I will next year if they were to allow me to use my own rifle!
    re-reading the newsletter it was restricted to .22LR
    and I would prefer to fire my own rifle rather than a club rifle.
    a .17HMR unmoderated probably not the best to fire
    in a crowded 50m range where not everyone was
    wearing hearing protection.
    (Plus most Comps seem to only allow 22)

    After re-reading the newsletter
    about teams of 6 If I had taken more notice
    I could have grabbed some workmates who
    have been itching to head up to the range
    to see it and try shooting.

    What time roughly did you get to shoot the clays ?
    we were there I think around One O'Clock ish and there
    was nobody out and the road was blocked from driving up it.
    Wondering if it was open in the morning or was it done in the evening.

    Like I mentioned already I had read the newsletter but had forgot the date
    the event was on. I Will take more notice in the future. We were taken
    by surprise when we arrived.

    The newsletter did not say that normal shooting at the range would be
    disrupted Even if you were to expect some disruption knowing the event was on
    and if you knew the event was on at the 50m range the average person would
    not have expected the 100m range to be effected by it too apart from the cease fires.
    If more benches etc are got in the future like mentioned same issue wont happen
    next year and everyone could be happy.

    I have never been to a shooting event that had so many people at it in the same time.
    The F-Class event did not even have that many people at it as far
    as I can remember.

    Now that I know what to expect I can be prepared.
    Next year if I manage to get a car on the road,driving lessons and licence
    and have my own transport (currently only have a pedal bike)
    I would not mind a bit in helping out if help was required like suggested
    in previous replies. If I lived closer and was not relying on
    getting a lift from someone you bet I would be helping out as
    often as I could.

    I'm not some evil guest hater or charity or event hater as I dont think I have
    ever up to now said anything at all negative much bout midlands, and was
    only praising it to some newer posters here last week

    At the same time I'm a critical type of guy that never wears rose tinted
    glasses. so I'm not gonna blindly defend everything about the place if
    something happens that annoys me and I see other members annoyed too.
    (be it only a few or a lot)


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,096 ✭✭✭bunny shooter

    I may be wrong, I thought you couldn't fire .17hmr on the 50 yard range ? Anyone clarify ?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,921 ✭✭✭Remmy

    Normally people don't, both because of the noise and the fact that it's usual
    range would be around 100 + Meters.

    In some cases an exception is made, as long as other shooters arent being disturbed too much.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,096 ✭✭✭bunny shooter

    Cheers Remmy,

    Thought so. To be honest I've been on 100 yard range with a 22lr and a gobs..te indicated that that side of the door was only for real guns.........some people ?

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,612 ✭✭✭bullets

    Cheers Remmy,

    Thought so. To be honest I've been on 100 yard range with a 22lr and a gobs..te indicated that that side of the door was only for real guns.........some people ?

    You get that sometimes. And when I was starting out with the club
    rifles I really felt like people did not take your seriously.

    Have joked about that before where its like the toys are at the 50m
    and the "real mans" guns are the bigger stuff ie more than a .22LR
    At all the other distances.

    One kinda of common agreement though with people that fire
    the big stuff is that they will often come back to the .22.
    The big stuff is more forgiving when it comes to after what happens when
    you pull the trigger. While the smaller stuff like the .22 is a lot
    less forgiving and what happens after the trigger pull may effect point
    of impact a little more so than full bore stuff. At least thats
    what some poeple have said to me at the range dureing conversations.

    With regards to fireing .17 on the 50m range......
    May have something to do with on the 100m range they kinda
    take notice and force hearing protection. where as the 50m range
    they dont seem to give a damn and the majority of people I have
    seen on a normal day dont bother wearing any! I am guilty of it myself!
    So when someone arrives with a small loud firestick they dont want to
    annoy, disturb or engager the ears of shooters there.

    The .17hmr is suprisingy LOUD when you consider how small the round/ammo/shell is. I was shocked and stunned when I made the transition
    from .22 to .17 with the Noise level.

    When I have wanted to fire at 50m I have only been left fire at the range
    when there is nobody else there or I have wooden boards enclosed around
    me when other people have fired there and have been stuck in the corner of one side of the range..... or have have had to got the 100m range at the other side of the door and fire across at target 1 at the 50m range.

    I dont really mind where they stick me as long as I can fire at the range
    I want to fire at and I can fire anytime I turn up.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,096 ✭✭✭bunny shooter

    bullets wrote:
    I dont really mind where they stick me as long as I can fire at the range I want to fire at and I can fire anytime I turn up.


    Did you realise there are 5 x "I"'s and 1 x "me" in this sentence alone ?

    An old army saying goes "there is no "I" in TEAM"

    or in this case CLUB. :D

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  • Registered Users Posts: 40,038 ✭✭✭✭Sparks

    An old army saying goes "there is no "I" in TEAM" or in this case CLUB.
    No, but I find that there's always a "me" or a "U" if stuff gets messed up...
