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Anyone with twins or more?

  • 16-07-2007 7:56pm
    Registered Users Posts: 2,921 ✭✭✭

    Is anyone here parents of twins or more, or expecting twins or more?

    Would love some tips, especially when I can expect to need to stop work... November and December are our busiest time, and I'd like to stay working till 33-34 weeks (early January).


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,399 ✭✭✭Kashkai

    Hi there,

    I'm a father of twins writing this from a lovely room with soft padded walls in a nice hotel called St Ita's in Portrane, County Dublin. They even gave me a lovely coat to keep me warm (but I wonder why the arms are wrapped and tied round the back???)

    Seriously though....................
    Expecting twins are you?? Congrats. Having a new baby is a special experience but having two is unforgetable. We had twins almost 20 months ago now - a boy and girl - and let no one else tell you otherwise, but its bloody hard work looking after 2 babies, especially the first few months until a sleeping pattern develops (I shouldn't tell you that ours didn't start sleeping through the night until they were 18 months but everyone's kids are different - I hope yours are or else you'd better get in as much sleep now as possible :D )

    Our twins are so unlike one another that you'd think they weren't even brother and sister. She looks like her mammy, is fiercely independent but can be a real pet when she wants to sit on your knee for a cuddle. He's like me in looks and a typical boy, all rough and tumble but can be a real crybaby if he falls down (his twin will just get up and get on with it). In a way, we're glad they are so different as we treat them like the individuals they are and not as clones of one another.

    I suppose the advice I'd give someone expecting twins is:

    Take all the help thats offered to you - don't be proud and think you can do it alone. You probably could manage but you'd be too knackered to enjoy your babies.

    If there is a significant other, get him to take on as much of the household chores as possible cause you'll have your hands full looking after babies. That won't excuse him from doing the nappies, feeding, getting up at nights etc either though

    Try to have the odd night out or even a walk just to get out of the house and a break from babies.

    Expect to be thoroughly exhausted for the first 6 months

    Learn to bite your lip when you hear the same inane comments - "you have your hands full", "double trouble", "rather you than me" etc etc. over and over.......

    Looking at this post, it seems pretty bleak but let me finish by saying this, if I could go through it again, I'd go for triplets as the more kids I have in my house, the happier I'd be. I've 3 now and hoping for at least one more.

    Best of luck


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 12,807 ✭✭✭✭Orion

    Another father of twins here. It is fantastic. When we held them in the delivery ward was probably the best experience of my life - and she says the same :) I wouldn't be so sure about working that late in your term but you might. Bear in mind that you are carrying two little ones in you so that's gonna tire you out considerably. That said my gf worked right up to one week before they were born - induced 2 weeks early which is fairly standard for twins.

    It is tough work but worth every minute. We got fairly lucky - they developed similar sleeping patterns so both woke for food at the same time at night (and day) but that might not be the case for every baby. And expensive work - two of everything. Ecobaby do deals for twins on nappies - one free bag with 5 bought it was for us but I think it's 1 for 6 now. Even so worth it as every penny counts. And they're eco-friendly :)

    As for advice: Dave's is good. Take all help offered. It is a cliche but you will have your hands full - literally if you're breast-feeding as she did for 9 months :D

    Make sure the sig other does his share. Assuming the traditional he'll be back in work after a week and tbh he will probably want to sleep in the spare room on school nights. I did. I couldn't have functioned in work at all if I was up three times every night when I couldn't even help with the breast feeding. But at all other times I did all I could - nappies, comforting etc. And weekends he has no excuse :D

    Start looking for special deals now for cots, twin pram, clothes etc. It's an expensive time - the twin bonus you get doesn't even cover half of it. I would recommend cot beds. We got them. They start off as cots high up so less back bending. Then the base can be lowered when they can pull them selves up. And when they're able to climb out you can remove the sides and they will do them until they are 7 or 8.

    Start taking vitamin supplements now - both of you. You will be knackered so build up your energy now. Don't wait until they are born. Seriously. I got that tip from a cousin who has twins and she was dead right.

    Try not to get frustrated. The first year is the hardest. Then the second year is the hardest too. Then the terrible threes sets in ... :D I wouldn't change a single thing ... can't wait for year 4. :)

    Finally - CONGRATS. Your life will never be the same again - and I mean that in the best possible way :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1 Lee66


    I'm the mother of 2 1/2 year old identical twin girls. Our lives have completely changed since they came along for the better. I had an emergency c-section at 29 weeks so the first few months we spent in and out of special care, but when we got them home around their actual due date they were still like newborns, weighing only 5lbs.

    The first few months are though, but we were lucky because we only had them home about 2 months and they start sleeping right through. I would advise you to try and rest during the day at some stage when they are, because otherwise you just won't be able for the night feeds:eek: . We also bought cot-beds and because they're larger than regular cots we let them sleep beside one another which we found very good. Eurobabies on the longmile road will do you a deal for twins, just metion it to them when you go. I got one of my cots half price and I got about €30 off each of the car seats!!

    As they get older ours really became the best of friends, they play together all day and at night when they go to bed they have great little chats as their cots are right beside eachother!!

    When you go out anywhere with them allow yourself an extra hour because people will constantly stop to admire them and even as they get older it doesn't stop!!! It is nice though. Have a good luck around for a good pram. There's one twin pram on the market which is really good it's made by an italian company called "JANE". It will fit two car seats on at once so you can just lift them from the car to the pram. I desperately tried to get one but the only two places I could find which sold them at the time (Eurobabies and Tony Kealys) couldn't get them in on time so I ended up getting a Maclaren sidebyside which I wouldn't advise, the seats are very narrow and uncomfortable and it's impossible to get around shops or in doorways with it.!!

    Do take ALL help offered as it won't last forever and you will need to get away for an hour of two. The first year is the hardest but it's completely worth it. Try to enjoy them as well as they won't be babies for long, before you know it they'll be running around and chatting away!!

    I'm trying to start toilet training now and am finding it completely daunting - don't know where to start!!

    Anyway, Congratulations and best of luck!!!
