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GB Junior International

  • 01-08-2007 3:24pm
    Registered Users Posts: 40,038 ✭✭✭✭

    GB Junior International Website

    Basicly, this is an international ISSF competition for junior shooters, taking place next week in Bisley. 165 competitors from all over the UK, Ireland, Denmark, Oldenburg (Germany), South Africa and the United States.

    We have a team of eight (five shooters, three officials) and four more supporters in the entourage going over this Sunday for the week to compete in Junior Men's Air Rifle and Junior Women's Air Rifle.

    I'll be taking the camera and the wireless broadband so look for updates during the week as we go.

    Wish us luck!


  • Registered Users Posts: 40,038 ✭✭✭✭Sparks

    By the way, I'm planning on putting updates and so on for this on my blog and on the NTSA website and in this thread, but we'll be hard at work there, so as much slack as you can please folks :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,038 ✭✭✭✭Sparks

    From On Target:
    GB Jr Intl 07 - Day Zero!
    August 5th, 2007 by Sparks

    Well, we made it here in one piece - eventually! - and everyone’s settled into their accommodations. A bit of changing around of rooms and so on when we got here, but you expect hiccups like that; and Matt and Geoff got far too little sleep on the way over with all the gear in the van, but they’re crashed out now catching up on that. The team’s in high spirits, we’re expecting a mass of shooters tomorrow (160 other shooters to compete against!) and the lemon meringue pie is excellent!

    Some random shots from the day:

    Check-in at Dublin airport.

    Some of the entourage went for the patriotic green look…

    Eddie and Shane in Gatwick

    Where the heck are they? Marina waiting on the girls in Gatwick.

    Damien waiting on the train in Gatwick train station.

    More of Gatwick train station…

    Geoff and Marina (Geoff’s on the left! ) at the Army Target Shooting Club in Bisley, home to Team Ireland for the next week or so.

    Susan at the ATSC.

    Team Ireland. Left to Right: Susan, Damien, Paula, Elizabeth, Shane.

    Overshadowing everything here is the threat from the foot&mouth outbreak. The panic zone seems to be right up on top of us here in the camp, with all outdoor shooting shut down at present. The NRA (who run the camp) are saying that it’s a temporary measure and it’ll all be back to normal by Tuesday, in time to start preperations for Bisley Week on wednesday - we’ve all got our fingers crossed on that one.


    And so to bed, much later than the shooter’s 2230 curfew… and up tomorrow at 0640 to kick the morning off with the first team breakfast!

    From the NTSA website:
    National Target Shooting Association ltd
    National Governing Body for Olympic Rifle & Pistol Target Shooting in Ireland


    Mark Dennehy
    Secretary, NTSA


    The Irish Junior Shooting Team. Left to Right: Susan Cunningham, Damien Fagan, Paula Cunningham, Elizabeth O'Hagan, Shane Flynn.

    Susan Cunningham, Current Irish National Champion in Women's Air Rifle.

    The Irish Junior Shooting Team. Front Row, Left to Right: Susan Cunningham, Paula Cunningham, Elizabeth O'Hagan. Back Row, Left to Right: Shane Flynn, Damien Fagan.



    Bisley Camp, Surrey, UK, August 5 -- The Irish Junior Shooting Team arrived today in Bisley Camp to compete in the 15th Annual GB Junior International Event against 160 other shooters from Northern Ireland, Wales, Scotland, England, Denmark, Germany, South Africa and the USA. The Irish Team will be competing in Junior Men's and Junior Women'sOlympic Air Rifle, shooting 60 (40 for the Junior Women) shots at a bulls-eye 0.9 millimetres across from ten metres away, with no telescopic sights.

    Team spirits were high and the team is well prepared for the event. "The girls have never been so strong technically and the boys are right behind them" said Team Coach Geoff Cooney, "We've put a lot into the logistics and training for the match and now it's down to how well they hold their nerve on the line".

    Overshadowing this year's preperation is the threat of Foot and Mouth disease on a neighbouring farm in Guilford. Bisley camp is currently on the edge of the official quarintine zone and rumours abound as to whether or not the zone will be expanded, or whether or not the event itself can go ahead. Worse still for the British shooting associations, Bisley Week, a week-long event that begins next weekend after the GB Junior International, and which is the largest event in the British calendar with thousands of shooters, may also fall victim to the Foot and Mouth outbreak.

    Nevertheless, spirits here amongst tomorrow's Olympic Target Shooters are high and expectant of a reprieve for the event; the first day of which is tomorrow with Equipment Control checks and Official Training. Tuesday sees the Junior Men's Air Rifle event; Wednesday sees the Junior Women's Air Rifle event; and Thursday sees the Grand Prix event for both Junior Men and Junior Women, and the team returns to Dublin at 1945 on Friday night.

    The Irish Junior Shooting Team is:
    Team Officials:
    Mark Dennehy, Team Manager
    Geoff Cooney, Team Coach
    Marina Cunningham, Team Childrens Officer

    Team Shooters:
    Women's Air Rifle:
    Susan Cunningham (currently the Irish National Champion in Women's Air Rifle)
    Paula Cunningham
    Elizabeth O'Hagan

    Men's Air Rifle:
    Damien Fagan (currently the Irish National Champion in Men's Air Rifle)
    Shane Flynn


    Photos going up in here.

  • Registered Users Posts: 498 ✭✭bigred

    All the best lads - hopefully FMD wont mess up the proceedings

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,038 ✭✭✭✭Sparks

    A day late due to a technical fault folks, sorry 'bout that - I posted to my blog and to the NTSA website and to the media, but as I was posting here, my mobile broadband cut out. Seems to be happy again now however...

    From the NTSA Website:

    Written by Mark Dennehy
    Monday, 06 August 2007

    National Target Shooting Association ltd
    National Governing Body for Olympic Rifle & Pistol Target Shooting in Ireland


    Mark Dennehy
    Secretary, NTSA


    Elizabeth O'Hagan during official training for the GB Jr International 2007



    Bisley Camp, Surrey, UK, August 6 -- The Irish Junior Shooting Team today successfully negotiated equipment control checks and completed their official training for the GB Junior International event. Tomorrow sees the first shooters on the line from the Irish team, with Damien Fagan and Shane Flynn entering the Junior Men's Air Rifle event at 0820. Both shooters are anticipating their upcoming matches, and Team Coach Geoff Cooney believes both will do well: "Both Shane and Damien are ready for this match", Geoff said, "They have their technical routine down, all it comes down to now is the mental game on the day and they have their heads in the right place for that".

    Wednesday will see the Junior Women take their places on the firing line, while the entire team will be entering the Grand Prix event this coming Thursday.

    The Irish Junior Shooting Team is:
    Team Officials:
    Mark Dennehy, Team Manager
    Geoff Cooney, Team Coach
    Marina Cunningham, Team Childrens Officer

    Team Shooters:
    Women's Air Rifle:
    Susan Cunningham (currently the Irish National Champion in Women's Air Rifle)
    Paula Cunningham
    Elizabeth O'Hagan

    Men's Air Rifle:
    Damien Fagan (currently the Irish National Champion in Men's Air Rifle)
    Shane Flynn


    From On Target:
    GB Jr Intl 07 - Day One
    August 6th, 2007 by Sparks

    The first day of the event proper kicked off early this morning, with the team having breakfast together in the Surrey Rifle Club at 0730. Not quite bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, but we perked up a bit after breakfast. At that point, the shooters and Marina headed back to their rooms to prepare their kitbags and transport them to the Lord Roberts Centre, and myself and Geoff headed for the LRC to check up on squadding times and the like as they’d not been finalised the night before. In the end, they wouldn’t be finalised until later that day, but it did give us the chance to find where equipment control was located and when the kit arrived, to get first place in line for equipment control. We’d also been fortunate enough to get picked to help with the air rifle range testing early that morning, so we wanted to make sure our shooters got through the control checks quickly. Turns out that, as is the case with all matches, an extra pair of hands was rather useful and so once we’d helped the other judges get equipment control ready, our shooters got through in jig time and headed off to their training.

    Unfortunately for me, demonstrating ability is the fastest way to get assigned work.


    Yeah, doesn’t look too streneous. Till you see the queue…


    About 113 shooters later, I finally managed to catch up to Marina and Geoff and Matt to find that the shooting our team had been doing had gone very well and that official training was all well in hand. I left them to get on with what they do best and went off to sort out a few more paperwork glitches. I’ve come to believe this is the only way you can even hope to stay afloat at this game - let coaches coach and let the team manager handle all the little crap that pops up to bite you like meal tickets and booking gym time and keeping in touch with the organisers in case stuff changes and ensuring that everyone on the team gets told what of anything they need to know about. It’s a job made up of many small tasks and one goal - to ensure that the shooters have a smooth run of it.

    And they didn’t have too rough a patch today. Official training went very well and they’re all ready for an early start tomorrow (the junior men start at 0830 so that’s them on the range by 0730 and in breakfast at 0700). However, the day’s shooting is over for us by noon, so everyone will have a chance to take a break easily enough. And we’ve had the first of our team evening briefings on the contents of today’s technical meeting and our iteniaries as they stand right now.

    And now it’s nearly one in the morning and I’ve to be up for 0630. Gah! Some random shots before I hit the hay:

    Matt and Elizabeth during training in the morning.

    Paula’s official training.

    Matt and Geoff watching official training for our team.

    3P Air Rifle tables set up in the LRC

    Technical meeting.

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,038 ✭✭✭✭Sparks

    From [url=]the NTSA Website[/url]:
    National Target Shooting Association ltd
    National Governing Body for Olympic Rifle & Pistol Target Shooting in Ireland


    Mark Dennehy
    Secretary, NTSA
    phone: 085 7747546
    fax: 00 866 504 9073




    Bisley Camp, Surrey, UK, August 8 -- Shane Flynn, 19, from Meath, qualified for the finals in the Junior Men's Air Rifle match today in the 15th Annual GB Junior International event. Despite his not placing for a medal in the finals, Team Coach Geoff Cooney was exuberient. "This was Shane's second ever international, his first ever international finals and he held his nerve, delivered a better finals performance than the overall winner and clawed back two places up until the last two shots when the superior experience of the South African and British teams just took over. He'll do much better at his next match on Thursday", said Geoff Cooney, who is also Shane's domestic coach.

    Damien Fagan, the second Irish Junior shooting in the Junior Men's Air Rifle match, was dealt a cruel blow by technical glitches when another shooter's score was initially totalled incorrectly, thus placing Damien in the ten-shot finals; only to be corrected twenty minutes later. Damien was not the only one on the team feeling gutshot by this. "We were all looking at our sending two Irish shooters into the match and having both in the finals", said Mark Dennehy, Team Manager. "That one hadn't qualified would be upsetting, but that both would be listed as qualified and the status of one later redacted was a bit of a body blow".

    The International continues tomorrow at 0800 when the Junior Women take to the line to compete against 7 other nations.

    The Irish Junior Shooting Team is:
    Team Officials:
    Mark Dennehy, Team Manager
    Geoff Cooney, Team Coach
    Marina Cunningham, Team Childrens Officer

    Team Shooters:
    Women's Air Rifle:
    Susan Cunningham (currently the Irish National Champion in Women's Air Rifle)
    Paula Cunningham
    Elizabeth O'Hagan

    Men's Air Rifle:
    Damien Fagan (currently the Irish National Champion in Men's Air Rifle)
    Shane Flynn


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  • Registered Users Posts: 40,038 ✭✭✭✭Sparks

    From today's Irish Independent:
    Shooting team aim high after reprieve
    By Aideen Sheenan
    Wednesday August 08 2007

    THE hopes of glory of some of Ireland's top young marksmen and women were almost shot down yesterday by the foot-and-mouth outbreak in Britain, writes Aideen Sheehan.

    One of the biggest shooting competitions in Western Europe, just 200 metres from the edge of the protection zone in Surrey, seemed under threat for a while.

    The Irish Junior Shooting team arriving at Bisley Camp, just beside Pirbright, to take part in the GB Junior International Event was shocked to discover "Closed for Shooting" signs on display.

    However, it turned out that the British government's expert committee - chaired by Prime Minister Gordon Brown - had given the go-ahead for the event to proceed, and the signs only applied to commercial shooting at the site.

    "There was a sigh of relief all round as it wasn't looking good for a while," said Mark Dennehy, secretary of the National Target Shooting Association.

    The team was still anxiously awaiting the latest news as any extension of the quarantine zone around the outbreak could affect the event.

    Shane Flynn did best of the Irish in the men's event yesterday, qualifying for the final by scoring a personal best in the qualifying rounds, and then staying in contention until the final rounds.

    Today sees the Junior Women's air rifle event, with Irish national champion Susan Cunningham competing.

    The events are for young shooters aged up to 21 who have to shoot a bulls-eye just 0.9mm across from 10metres away with no telescopic sights.

    Team coach Geoff Cooney said spirits were high and the Irish team was well prepared.

    The Irish teams are competing against 160 other shooters from as far away as South Africa and the USA.

    However, there was still a prospect of meltdown at next week's Bisley Week, the largest event in the British calendar which may still fall victim to foot-and-mouth.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9,244 ✭✭✭rrpc

    Sparks wrote:

    Excellent work Sparks. I suspect the foot and mouth angle was what got us in the paper, but whatever works :D

    Good luck today.

  • Registered Users Posts: 498 ✭✭bigred

    Nice job on getting the Indo.
    Are there scores anywhere we can keep track? That Bisley website is a maze

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9,244 ✭✭✭rrpc

    Go to

    When you enter the site, at the bottom left of the page is a link for 2006 results (Bit of updating needed :) ), it actually gives both the 2006 and 2007 results although the 2007 results are only up to the previous day.

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,038 ✭✭✭✭Sparks

    From the NTSA website:
    National Target Shooting Association ltd
    National Governing Body for Olympic Rifle & Pistol Target Shooting in Ireland


    Mark Dennehy
    Secretary, NTSA


    Susan Cunningham winning the Silver Medal in the Junior Women's Air Rifle match in the GB Junior International Event today.



    Bisley Camp, Surrey, UK, August 9 -- There were hugs and tears of joy today in Bisley as Susan Cunningham, 17, from Meath, won the Silver Medal in the Junior Women's Air Rifle match today in the 15th Annual GB Junior International event. Irish Junior Shooting Team Coach Geoff Cooney and Susan's personal coach, Matt Fox were overcome with emotion. "This is the reward for years of hard work and extraordinary committment by Susan and the other juniors" said Geoff. "Every last one of them is a hero for getting up on that line in front of hundreds of people and shooting at all. Taking a medal, that's just unbelievable".

    Also to make the finals was Elizabeth O'Hagan, 20, from Tyrone. "It was a good finals but I kept dropping shots slightly too low" she said. Matt Fox, who is the personal coach for all three Junior Women who entered today's match, agreed. "Liz shot a tremendous match today, and she has still a lot of potential that we just have to tap into and put out there on the line. I'm shocking proud of every last one of the girls today, they've done themselves proud, they've done me proud, and they've done their country proud."

    Just pipped from joining her sister and her teammates in the finals was Paula Cunningham, who set a personal best for this competition. "Paula and her younger sister Laura represent the next wave of Irish Juniors coming up the ranks" said Mark Dennehy, the Irish Junior Shooting Team Manager, "along with Jim O'Hagan and Neill Fagan and several others who are sitting back in Ireland watching the results of this match rolling in at the moment. But the next wave after them hasn't yet been found. They're out there, feeling left out of the power and speed sports, mines of untapped potential. It's shocking that we can't try to find these future olympic athletes until a point where other nations would have been training them for five or six years allready."

    At the time of writing this press release, technical difficulties have prevented a final official posting of the Team results, but it seems certain at this point that the Irish team has placed highly enough to take at least the Silver medal in the team event, adding another medal to their tally for this event.

    Meanwhile, the Foot and Mouth outbreak continues to dominate thoughts throughout the camp. Disfectant mats and spraying have made an appearance this morning and tensions over whether or not the competition's last day of shooting tomorrow can go ahead are rising, and the matter is being decided at the highest level, by a committee chaired by Prime Minister Brown.

    The International hopefully finishes tomorrow at 0800 when the Junior Men and the Junior Women take to the line to compete against 7 other nations in a Grand Prix event.

    The Irish Junior Shooting Team is:
    Team Officials:
    Mark Dennehy, Team Manager
    Geoff Cooney, Team Coach
    Marina Cunningham, Team Childrens Officer

    Team Shooters:
    Women's Air Rifle:
    Susan Cunningham (currently the Irish National Champion in Women's Air Rifle)
    Paula Cunningham
    Elizabeth O'Hagan

    Men's Air Rifle:
    Damien Fagan (currently the Irish National Champion in Men's Air Rifle)
    Shane Flynn


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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9,244 ✭✭✭rrpc

    Results from the final. Sorry it's not formatted very well but you get the picture (I hope).

    NAT 10 20 30 40 TOTAL

    1 21 1018 COX, Sheree ENG 95 98 98 97 388
    (Final 9.9 9.4 10.6 9.3 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.1 10.3 10.5)101.6
    2 4 5602 CUNNINGHAM, Susan IRL 97 97 96 95 385
    (Final 10.5 9.7 9.7 9.9 10.2 9.3 10.5 10.1 10.5 10.2) 100.6

    3 10 2708 SCHULTZE, Andrea OLD 96 96 95 98 385
    (Final 10.2 9.6 10.7 10.3 10.4 9.8 9.8 9.8 9.6 9.9) 100.1

    4 8 1015 PIDGLEY, Rebekah ENG 97 97 96 95 385
    (Final 9.4 10.0 10.5 9.1 9.2 9.9 10.0 10.2 10.6 10.6) 99.5
    5 23 4503 LEVINE, Jessica USA 96 95 95 97 383
    (Final 9.7 10.3 9.6 9.7 10.2 8.1 10.0 9.8 10.6 9.9) 97.9
    6 9 1076 McINTOSH, Jennifer SCT 94 94 95 95 378
    (Final 10.6 9.7 9.7 10.6 9.5 10.0 8.1 9.9 10.5 9.8) 98.4
    7 27 1003 FLOWERS, Melanie ENG 95 97 93 92 377
    (Final 9.4 9.7 10.3 9.9 10.4 9.9 10.2 9.2 9.5 10.2) 98.7
    8 24 5605 O'HAGAN, Elizabeth IRL 94 93 91 98 376
    (Final 8.8 10.4 8.7 8.6 10.1 9.8 9.3 8.8 8.6 10.1) 93.2

    9 7 4501 BIERHUIZEN, Bailey USA 94 92 94 96 376
    10 16 1051 WARNES, Helen GBR 97 97 90 91 375
    11 29 2704 OTTEN, Fenna OLD 92 95 92 95 374
    12 18 5601 CUNNINGHAM, Paula IRL 93 95 91 95 374
    13 20 4502 HOUSTON, Emily USA 95 91 91 95 372
    14 30 1007 PASCALL, Freya GBR 93 91 94 94 372
    15 3 3024 ROUX, Antoinette RSA 91 93 95 92 371
    16 12 1012 BOND, Sarah GBR 92 91 94 93 370
    17 2 1009 SIME, Jariya GBR 91 91 92 93 367
    18 25 1004 SAINT, Rebecca GBR 92 91 92 89 364
    19 5 1064 PUGSLEY-PEARCE, Hannah ENG 91 87 90 95 363
    20 15 2702 DETERS, Vanessa OLD 92 91 87 92 362
    21 13 3023 LYNCH, Desiree RSA 92 87 87 91 357
    22 14 1024 TAYLOR, Mary GBR 90 91 84 89 354
    23 11 3075 WESTERMANN, Esmaralda SSU 91 88 88 87 354
    24 17 1027 HOFF, Laura GBR 90 92 85 85 352
    25 28 1030 DUFFIELD, Ruth GBR 80 88 93 87 348
    26 6 2706 SCHATT, Jennifer OLD 83 91 88 86 348
    27 22 2707 SCHRÖDER, Anja OLD 83 90 94 81 348
    28 19 3055 GRUNDLINGH, Nicolette SSU 92 86 81 83 342
    29 31 3057 JACOBS, Christelle SSU 93 88 79 82 342
    30 26 2703 FÜRUP, Ramona OLD 84 87 87 81 339

    Fantastic achievement for all concerned, well done!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9,244 ✭✭✭rrpc

    Team event results just in as well. More silver medals for Ireland where the women's team came second.

    1 ENG ENG 1150 (284)

    1018 COX, Sheree 388
    1015 PIDGLEY, Rebekah 385
    1003 FLOWERS, Melanie 377

    2 IRL IRL 1135 (288)

    5602 CUNNINGHAM, Susan 385
    5605 O'HAGAN, Elizabeth 376
    5601 CUNNINGHAM, Paula 374

    3 USA USA 1131 (288)

    4503 LEVINE, Jessica 383
    4501 BIERHUIZEN, Bailey 376
    4502 HOUSTON, Emily 372

    4 GBR GBR2 1117 (278)

    1051 WARNES, Helen 375
    1007 PASCALL, Freya 372
    1012 BOND, Sarah 370

    5 OLD OLD1 1107 (279)

    2708 SCHULTZE, Andrea 385
    2704 OTTEN, Fenna 374
    2706 SCHATT, Jennifer 348

    6 GBR GBR1 1085 (271)

    1009 SIME, Jariya 367
    1004 SAINT, Rebecca 364
    1024 TAYLOR, Mary 354

    7 OLD OLD2 1049 (254)

    2702 DETERS, Vanessa 362
    2707 SCHRÖDER, Anja 348
    2703 FÜRUP, Ramona 339

    8 SSU SSU 1038 (252)

    3075 WESTERMANN, Esmaralda 354
    3055 GRUNDLINGH, Nicolette 342
    3057 JACOBS, Christelle 342

    Words fail me.

  • Posts: 5,589 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    Well done to everyone over there!!

    This a fantastic achievement!!

    (now to start sending them all a Trinity Prospectus..!)

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,038 ✭✭✭✭Sparks

    Results from the last two matches are in. More details later, but here's the important bit:

    Women's Air Rifle : Susan Cunningham, Gold medal.
    Men's Air Rifle : Damien Fagan, Gold medal.

    And to make the presentations a bit nice, I got to put the medals round their necks :) Gotta tell ye lads, there's nothing quite so damn pleasant as hearing the anthem playing and that medal round an Irish neck :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9,244 ✭✭✭rrpc

    Well done to Susan and Damien and of course the rest of the team there. What an excellent achievement to come back with so many medals!

    Well done all, we'll have the open-topped bus and the Taoiseach waiting at the airport.

    I'm dreaming of course ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 381 ✭✭les45

    Outstanding Result , well done to all .

    John FitzGerald RD I.P.S.A

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9,244 ✭✭✭rrpc

    Some photos from the GB Juniors website:

    Junior Womens Air Rifle winners.

    Junior Womens Air Rifle team winners

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,894 ✭✭✭✭phantom_lord

    Great trip, thanks for everything sparks.

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,038 ✭✭✭✭Sparks

    Right, we're back. And 14 hours of sleep later, and still feeling exhausted, I've finally fixed the technical glitch that stopped me uploading photos and so on, so here we go:

    From the NTSA website:
    Written by Mark Dennehy
    Saturday, 11 August 2007

    National Target Shooting Association ltd
    National Governing Body for Olympic Rifle & Pistol Target Shooting in Ireland


    Mark Dennehy
    Secretary, NTSA
    fax: 00 866 504 9073


    Ladies' Junior Rifle Team. Left to Right, Paula Cunningham, Susan Cunningham, Elizabeth O'Hagan.

    Susan Cunningham being presented with her Gold Medal for Women's Air Rifle by Mark Dennehy, Irish Team Manager.

    Communities united by target shooting - The Irish and Northern Irish teams at the GB Junior International Event, 2007

    Geoff Cooney and Matt Fox, Team and personal coaches to the Irish Junior Shooting Team.

    Team Ireland - the Irish Junior Shooting Team at the 15th Annual GB Junior International Event, 2007. Left to Right, Shane Flynn, Damien Fagan, Paula Cunningham, Susan Cunningham and Elizabeth O'Hagan.



    Bisley Camp, Surrey, UK, August 10 -- The Irish Junior Shooting Team ended off a highly successful tour at the 15th Annual Great Britain Junior International Event today, with Susan Cunningham (17, Meath) winning the Gold Medal in the Junior Women's Air Rifle Grand Prix competition and Damien Fagan (20, Meath) winning the Silver Medal in the Junior Women's Air Rifle Grand Prix competition.

    This brings the total medal count for the Irish Junior Shooting Team to 6. Susan Cunningham has, along with her Gold medal, the Silver medal for the Individual Junior Women's Air Rifle match from Wednesday; the Junior Women's Team of Susan Cunningham, Paula Cunningham her younger sister and Elizabeth O'Hagan won the Silver medals in teh Team Junior Women's Air Rifle match, also on wednesday; and Damien's Silver Grand Prix medal makes six. This equals the previous record medal count set five years ago by a team from Wilkinstown, Co.Meath.

    There were tears of joy and emotional reactions amongst all of the shooters and support staff at the outcome. The icing on the cake was when Team Manager Mark Dennehy was asked by the National Smallbore Rifle Association to officiate at the medal presentation ceremony, which meant that he had the honour of putting the Gold medal around Susan's neck.

    This event also marked the first time an Irishman has adjudicated at an international event, with Team Manager Mark Dennehy finding himself seconded to the Judges pool in an unexpectedly early exercising of his recently-granted ISSF Class B Judges' Licence.

    There were a total of 165 competitors (including the Irish Junior Team) competing in the event from the official GB Junior team as well as teams from England, Scotland, Wales, N.Ireland, Denmark, Germany, the USA and Ireland.

    The Irish team returns to Dublin Airport tonight at 18:45.

    The Irish Junior Shooting Team is:
    Team Officials:
    Mark Dennehy, Team Manager
    Geoff Cooney, Team Coach
    Marina Cunningham, Team Childrens Officer

    Team Shooters:
    Women's Air Rifle:
    Susan Cunningham (currently the Irish National Champion in Women's Air Rifle) (Gold Medal, Junior Women's Air Rifle Grand Prix; Silver Medal, Junior Women's Air Rifle Individual; Silver Medal, Junior Women's Air Rifle Team)
    Paula Cunningham (Silver Medal, Junior Women's Air Rifle Team)
    Elizabeth O'Hagan (Silver Medal, Junior Women's Air Rifle Team)

    Men's Air Rifle:
    Damien Fagan (currently the Irish National Champion in Men's Air Rifle) (Silver Medal, Junior Men's Air Rifle Grand Prix)
    Shane Flynn (Personal Best, Junior Men's Air Rifle)


  • Registered Users Posts: 40,038 ✭✭✭✭Sparks

    Thanks for the kind words everyone, and sling some in phantom's direction - he put in a PB on the range in Bisley on tuesday morning and made it into his first international finals!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 40,038 ✭✭✭✭Sparks

    From my blog:
    GB Junior International, homecoming
    Well, my dreams of uninterrupted broadband access for the entire trip didn’t quite work out - for the last two days I wasn’t able to upload photos or access email. Oh well. Next year I’ll figure something else out.

    For now though, we’re back, I’m 14 hours of sleep down and still feeling exhausted and I think I caught a headcold somehow (how? It was 30 degrees in the shade over there for heaven’s sake!) and I’ve a stack of work as tall as myself to get through.

    But I’ll tell you this - it was worth it :)

    Right, so starting with the bits I haven’t gotten through…

    The men’s match was on the Tuesday morning:


    Bloody crowded too!

    Shane was up for this along with Damien:



    Both did quite well, but the field was better than last year. Shane made it to the finals (his first international finals ever) with 567, but Damien was pipped by one place with 563 and just missed out.




    Shane did climb up from 8th to 6th in the finals while being cheered on by the Irish supporters:


    But in the last two shots, he was overtaken again and finished up back at 8th - but the important point was, he was there in the finals! And he set a PB doing it, so he received a certificate at the medals ceremony later that night.


    And if you think shooting a finals is fairly easy and stress free…. well, don’t look behind you when you’re doing it!


    And what are they all looking at? Your target, projected up on the wall so if you stuff it up, you have nowhere to hide! Mind you, you could just do what Shane did to cope with that…


    The ladies match was the next day and our shooters shot very well - Paula Cunningham shot a personal best for this match


    but she missed the finals by one place, leaving Elizabeth and Susan in the finals, with Susan in third place with a score so closely split with one of the GB shooters that they had to get to within one step of flipping a coin to split them according to the rules. Elizabeth didn’t have her best finals ever, but definitely finished in style with a 10.1 (and lots of loud cheering from the Irish continent), but Susan stole the show by moving up from fourth place to second to take the silver medal and actually reducing Matt and Geoff to tears (which isn’t something that happens all that often!).


    Isn’t that a lovely sight?

    And it got better but also worse - the next day saw the Grand Prix events, where Damien took Silver in the men’s match, but Shane suffered horribly on the line when nothing went right for him. That’s a rotten sensation, and there aren’t any target shooters who don’t know it intimately, but the good news is that it doesn’t last and there are always other matches.

    The girls had a somewhat similar experience - all three moved up in the rankings but Paula and Elizabeth weren’t happy with their performances (though each put in 370 with Paula winning on countback, and both would have made the finals). Susan stole the show again by storming through to the gold medal position.

    And that’s where I got my little treat, because I got nabbed by the NSRA to be the chap who hands out the medals during that night’s ceremony, so not only did I get to see one of our shooters win gold, I got to put it round her neck as well :) Now that’s a memory that’s going to last, and as soon as I get the photo of it sorted out, it’s going up here. For now, you’ll have to make do with this one:



  • Registered Users Posts: 40,038 ✭✭✭✭Sparks


    There were a lot of memorable images from the week, mostly happy ones from after the medals ceremonies:


    Jim and his sister Liz after she won her ladies’ team silver medal


    Susan winning her silver medal in the individuals,


    Geoffrey’s Angels :D


    And seeing these two bawling their eyes out after Susan took silver and the team took silver and then Damien took another silver and Susan took a gold!


    And then there’s this shot of the Irish and Northern Irish teams posing together after winning their medals (the Northern Irish juniors won the team gold medal in the 50m prone match). It’s images like that that are the whole point of matches like these - all the juniors get to mingle, to have fun together and make friendships that ignore all the political bull**** and pretty soon, things just get better.

    So that’s it for the GB Junior International for this year. Lots accomplished, lots learned, lots of ideas on how to do it better next year (yeah, I wouldn’t mind doing this again :) ), and lots of fun had. The juniors all get together in Cardiff again in November, I’m back to Bisley (with my rifle this time) in February for the British Open, and we’ll probably all do this again next August for the 16th GB Junior International.

    Of course, first we have to try to have the first Irish Junior International…

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 801 ✭✭✭jaycee

    Excellent results and equally excellent reporting ...

    Well done to all involved ...

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,038 ✭✭✭✭Sparks

    Nice little bit on this today in the Evening Herald with a photo of the three girls; there's also a nice bit in the Meath Chronicle I'm told, but I've not seen it yet as it's not up online yet.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,419 ✭✭✭Rosahane

    Congratulations and well done to everyone involved.

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,038 ✭✭✭✭Sparks

    The Meath Chronicle bit is up now:
    Cunningham strikes gold at Bisley
    KELLS teenager Susan Cunningham returned home with three medals, including a gold, when she won the junior women`s air rifle Grand Prix at Bisley, Surrey last week. The competition was part of the 15th Annual Great Britain Junior International championships.
    Cunningham, who is the current Irish women`s air rifle champion, also picked up two silver medals in what turned out to be a memorable tournament for competitors from the Wilkinson Target Shooting club.
    Damien Fagan from Navan also performed well to take home the silver medal in the junior men`s air rifle event.
    Both Cunningham and Fagan were part of the Irish junior team that travelled to Bisley. Six medals in total were claimed by Meath performers which equalled the previous record medal haul set five years ago by a team from Wilkinstown.
    As well as a gold, Cunningham also took the silver medal in the individual junior women`s air rifle competition. The Irish junior women`s team of Susan Cunningham, her sister Paula Cunningham and Elizabeth O`Hagan, also from Kells, won the silver in the junior women`s air rifle match.
    There were emotional reactions among the shooters and support staff after the medals were won and the icing on the cake came when team manager Mark Dennehy was asked by the National Smallbore Rifle Association to officiate at the medal presentation ceremony.
    This meant he had the honour of presenting Susan Cunningham with her gold medal.
    This was a proud moment for Cunningham and for the Wilkinstown Target Shooting club where the girls train. Other members of the Irish set-up from the Meath club included coach Geoff Cooney, children`s officer Marina Cunningham and personal coach Matt Fox.
    This event also marked the first time an Irishman has adjudicated at the international event with team manager Dennehy seconded to the judges pool in an unexpectedly early exercising of his recently-granted ISSF Class B judges licence.
    Up to 165 competitors took part in the championships at Bisley Camp including the Great Britain team as well as other teams from England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, Denmark, Germany, the USA and Ireland.
    Another member of the Irish team to impress was Shane Flynn who achieved a personal best in the junior men`s air rifle event.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 103 ✭✭Banjax

    Very good results indeed.
    It's a great credit to the competitors that they were able to shoot personal bests on the day, it shows great competitive spirit and focus.

    Congratulations to the team and it's managers/organisers/minders. It must be very gratifying to see hard work come to fruition.
