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  • 06-08-2007 8:43pm
    Registered Users Posts: 46,094 ✭✭✭✭

    Charter: Rules and Guidelines [LAST UPDATED 2/05/2007]
    Welcome to the Donegal Forum which is one of the most popular County forums on This forum is basically for threads that are either directly or indirectly related to the County of Donegal but general debate will also be allowed. The following is a brief outline of what and what’s not allowed so read carefully. New and existing users will benefit from a visit to the Newbies & FAQ forum where more detailed rules and advice are given which include FAQ and Terms of Use. If you have any queries feel free to contact a moderator. The current mods are Cherry Blossom and muffler

    1. The Golden Rule:
    There is no free speech! This is a privately owned website. You do not have the right to say whatever you want on here. You are expected to obey the rules just like anyone else. Not following the rules will get you banned.

    2. What type of topics can be posted in this forum?
    Topics relating generally to Donegal only should be considered but any other issue that is topical and is related to or affects members in the North West forum or Donegal forums or the community in general is fine.

    3. Specific queries or topics should be posted in the relevant forums -
    If you have a query in relation to broadband for example then post in “Nets & Comms”
    If you are asking about the availability of broadband in your area then you should post in the first instance in Nets & Comms but if you don’t get a response there then you may post here.
    If you want to discuss who will win the next general election then post in “Politics”
    If you want to discuss who will be elected in the North West constituencies then Politics or here is OK.
    Do not post threads on issues such as British politics, native American Indians, Maori eating habits, penguins etc etc.
    Common sense will answer most of your queries but if in doubt PM a mod before posting.

    4. Making the natives restless.
    - This is a catch-all rule for general trolling, baiting, bitching and similar. Certain posters can have an ability to piss off large quantities of regulars on here. If a moderator feels that said poster is doing this intentionally or is the cause of the mess, then the poster can and will be banned. If this poster was being unduly goaded by others, then they'll be the ones getting banned. This rule will hopefully put an end to the occasional instance where "non regulars" troll the regulars.

    5 . Libel/Defamation:
    Do not post anything that can be considered as being libelous – E.g.- ABC Ltd based in Ballykissmearse have a reputation for ????? or the Scotchmisty pub serves drink to under 18’s or the XYZ Hotel is filthy. All such comments could lead to court proceedings against

    5.(a) Posting up comments that are only hearsay will not be acceptable. Anyone who comments on a persons character, actions or activities will need to be in a position to provide proof in order to stand over their comments. Comments on businesses, establishments, firms etc will also be treated in the same manner.

    6. Donegal Daily- Donegal Daily is not to be discussed, linked to or referred to in any way on the Donegal forum. Any user who posts in relation to Donegal Daily shall be warned/infracted/banned at the moderators discretion.

    7. Racism, Porn, Flaming - Topics/posts containing such will be edited/deleted accordingly.

    8. Off Topic
    - Posts that stray off topic will be edited/deleted, depending on their relevance to the topic at hand. People who ignore a moderator's request to stay on topic will be banned for 1 week for first offense and for longer periods for repeat offenses or at the moderator's discretion.

    9. Phone numbers
    - Posting other people's phone numbers is a bannable offense. You should never post your own number on a thread as it is not guaranteed to be safe.

    10. Text Speak
    Its to be discouraged and while not a bannable offense initially repeat offenders might be "asked" to take a break from posting.

    11. Personal Abuse
    - Posters who abuse others on here will be banned. Permanent bans will be handed out on a first offense if a moderator feels it is warranted. There is no argument on this one. Abuse someone and you will be banned. Calling someone an idiot is abuse. Don't attack the poster, attack the post

    12. Surveys, research, promotions etc.
    - Will generally not be allowed. Exceptional cases may be allowed at the moderators discretion but only if approval is sought before posting.

    13. Pointless Threads and Polls
    - Posting any pointless thread or poll will result in the thread being locked. You can be banned for this. Think before you post.

    14. Arguing with a moderator.
    Do not argue with a moderator in a thread after they have given a warning or a ban etc or do not dispute (on thread) any instruction given by the moderator. If you have an issue with a moderator's actions then you should PM the mod in question for an explanation. They will discuss it with you but if you are still unhappy having discussed the problem with the moderator by PM (or the moderator hasn't replied to your PM within a reasonable time) you should contact one of the Cmods (Category mods) and state your complaint and include links to the relevant posts. The Help Desk would be the final port of call in a dispute resolution procedure. You should only post in the help desk if you feel your complaint has not been resolved or explained by previous contact with the forum mod and/or the Cmod.

    15. Registering a New Account to Circumvent a Ban - This will get all accounts site-banned.

    16. Advertising - Topics/posts that contain this will be both edited and locked and user banned. If you wish to buy add space, contact .

    If you have issues with a post or a thread, please use the Report Post function to let us know. All you have to do is press the little red and white triangular button report.gif beside each post and we will look at it.
    Post edited by muffler on

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