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(Half) Irish comic coming out in November!

  • 17-08-2007 8:07pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 20

    Coming this November from Arcana Studios:


    (cover by Carlos Valenzuela who has worked for the likes of Marvel, Avatar Press etc)

    I'm Irish and my terrifically talented collaborator Jose Augusto Cano (who has worked for the likes of Image Shadowline) is Spanish.

    The series is essentially a 'Day After Tomorrow' style future scenario where the US is covered in snow. However, it stays away from why the event happens and covers the day to day lives of the 4 main characters.

    Visit here to find out more:

    I'll post up the Diamond Codes as soon as I get 'em!

    Thanks for reading this far!


    PS The thread title should read (Half) Irish comic coming out in November. Any chance the mod could fix it so I don't look like an idiot LOL!)


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,638 ✭✭✭bombidol

    Fair play! ill be picking it up!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 20 AceTdublin

    Thanks for your support bombidol!

    Not sure what it'll cost this side of the pond but it's $10 for 100 pages in the States so it won't cost anyone an arm and a leg!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 166,019 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    Well done. I'll definately pick up a copy

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 20 AceTdublin

    Thanks Will!

    Hope we can work together again after that FQ gig. The story turned out really well there.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 20 AceTdublin

    Well, I got the Diamond Previews code!

    The Diamond Order Code is SEP073353 (it's on Page 224)

    Thanks again for your support people!

    You can also order the book here:


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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2 drdoeslittle

    Just so you all know, I was sharing my old username AceTdublin with a musician mate of mine who didn't seem to realise posting the same message in multiple forums would get him banned for spamming!

    (Just in case you all thought I was up to mischief or something)

    Oh, and he doesn't share this username.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2 drdoeslittle

    Hey all!

    The publicity machine for Frozen Wasteland is in full swing (well, sorta!) so I thought I post an update.

    First, here are some pages from the Arcana site:




    Also, here's a link to an interview I did at Comic Avalanche:

    and finally, the book got a nice review by Dave Baxter over at Broken Frontier. Here's some of what he said:

    "Overall, at 100 pages and a price tag of only $9.95, Frozen Wasteland is very much worth it. Murphy and Cano are a talented duo, and the comic looks sharp and the stories are excellent. Don’t come looking for anything dour or ostentatious—FW is slice-of-life vignettes that just happen to be action-oriented and set in a literal frozen wasteland. Yet while the setting is bleak, and the book is far from what anyone would call “uplifting,” it’s deep-down a look at survival on the emotional level, rather than the physical. It’s a heartfelt effort and one smooth read: highly recommended to anyone looking for a self-contained, solid, classic comic."

    Read the full review here:

    Thanks for reading!

