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N3 slip road to Clonee/Dunboyne

  • 15-09-2007 7:54am
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,926 ✭✭✭

    I'm not sure if this one came up before so feel free to remind me. My issue is with the above mentioned road just after you've passed the slip road for Blanchardstown centre westbound, there are two lanes for going straight at the top of the clonee slip road from the N3 but if you were to go straight from the right hand lane you meet traffic from the other direction, this lane goes nowhere except into oncoming traffic, has anyone had a problem with this junction?


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 796 ✭✭✭jrar

    Vektarman, I use it daily and it's just yet another in a long line of example of poorly-designed junctions I'm afraid.

    Left-hand lane is for left turn into the "Housing Estates" (very useful directional sign !) or straight ahead into Clonee village whilst the right lane seems to be designed for right turn onto the overbridge heading for Damastown, Kilbride, etc. However, as there are no lane markings to indicate this, unsuspecting traffic going straight on from the r/h lane comes face to face with traffic exiting Clonee village and has to funnel into a single lane.

    The other thing is that if you're in the right hand lane at the head of the queue, your view of the traffic light is totally obscured by the no-entry sign to keep traffic from accessing the slip road in the wrong direction !

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 78,622 ✭✭✭✭Victor

    They are adding new sliproads as part of the M3 project.
