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Let's talk about scumbags



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 313 ✭✭Dalfiatach

    DesF wrote:

    The thing that has always freaked me out about chavscum is: how come they all look identical?

    And I'm not talking clothes here. Drive a big truck to 20 random cities where there are people of pale northern European descent from Seattle to Moscow, in each kidnap a few skangers at random, then inspect your haul at the end.

    The facial features - the foreheads, eyes, noses, cheekbones, mouths. The splotchy skin. The hunched shoulders and bandy legs. They'll all look exactly the same.

    They're a different species. You could take one, give him a new set of clothes, let his hair grow a bit and give it a normal cut, try and train him to walk upright, in every cosmetic way try to make him look like a human. And everyone would still be able to tell he was scum just by looking at him.

    This is why many people in council estates are good people, and many people in huge houses are knacker scum. It's a genetic thing, some mutant strain running through the gene-pool, I'm convinced of it. And ye can tell by sight alone.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 37,214 ✭✭✭✭Dudess

    Check out the thread "This is hilariously awful". It's about a recent incest case.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,139 ✭✭✭Orange69

    petrochemical I sympathise with you because I've had stuff like that happen and I'm just as intimidated by people like this as well. it made me feel really powerless and angry. I can't even imagine how old people feel about this. I don't know what the policy makers should do, I think that's an interesting point for discussion - realising that the majority of us are on the same page about poor -/-> scanger - I've noticed a lot of people (not just here, and myself included) on the one hand saying this is not a poverty issue, but that the solution is somehow related to sorting out poverty...:confused:

    One of the reasons i am planning to leave Ireland is the scumbag issue.. I dont want to live anywhere near these people... i actually consider them as sub human (im not a nazi but this is how i feel)..

    I think the solution to the problem is a complete reform of the criminal justice system.. Zero tolerance and a three strikes and you are out policy.. I would also build a huge super prison somewhere in the midlands and just cram them in there.. no tv, no playstation, visits behind glass, working all day every day.. etc.. not the hotel they are in now..

    But this wont happen, there is too much apathy and the people making the decisions have probably never had to deal with scumbags.. Your only choice is to look on with your blood boiling or leave the country.. :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 26,061 ✭✭✭✭Terry

    Orange69 wrote:
    One of the reasons i am planning to leave Ireland is the scumbag issue.. I dont want to live anywhere near these people... i actually consider them as sub human (im not a nazi but this is how i feel)..

    I think the solution to the problem is a complete reform of the criminal justice system.. Zero tolerance and a three strikes and you are out policy.. I would also build a huge super prison somewhere in the midlands and just cram them in there.. no tv, no playstation, visits behind glass, working all day every day.. etc.. not the hotel they are in now..

    But this wont happen, there is too much apathy and the people making the decisions have probably never had to deal with scumbags.. Your only choice is to look on with your blood boiling or leave the country.. :(
    Your posts about the scum in Ireland never fail to crack me up.

    Do you really think that Ireland is the only place in the world with social problems?

    I'm really glad that you are going to travel. That way you will be able to see for yourself that social problems exist all over the world.

    Also, why put the prison in the midlands?
    Why not put it in Ballsbridge?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 37,214 ✭✭✭✭Dudess

    Ballsbridge? Now THAT I'd like to see!!!

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,139 ✭✭✭Orange69

    Terry wrote:
    Do you really think that Ireland is the only place in the world with social problems?

    Terry wrote:
    I'm really glad that you are going to travel. That way you will be able to see for yourself that social problems exist all over the world.

    I have lived in both the US and Canada for extended periods of time.. I know what society is like over there (where i am going)..I have also visited many countries in Europe and asia

    So please spare me your pretentiousness..

  • Registered Users Posts: 26,061 ✭✭✭✭Terry


    It was more condesention, if anything.

    Anyway, I hope you have fun without the support of mammy and daddy this time.

    Here's to all those who complain about Ireland and don't even try to help change the status quo. You truly are kings amongst men.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,139 ✭✭✭Orange69

    Terry wrote:
    Here's to all those who complain about Ireland and don't even try to help change the status quo. You truly are kings amongst men.

    Seriously, what do you expect from people? You cant blame any intelligent person for being pissed off with the state of the country.. Its rotten to the core..

    And what is the average people supposed to do? Nobody cares and nobody listens, their is no pride or inspiration in this country just greed and apathy.. The only way to get a reaction is to threaten their bank balance..

    And the only way to get in power is to grease your way up that disgusting pole they call the political system where rogueism, backhanding and backscratching are respected far more than ability, vision and hard work..

    This country is a joke..

    Maybe you need to do some travel and see what else is out there..?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,060 ✭✭✭Anto McC

    Orange 69, that words you keep forgetting are "in my opinion" because i love this country, i love my city too. I also believe that i can make a differnece just be being here and being a decent citizen. Every country has problems (i wouldn't know where to start with America) but i can promise you it's just as rotten to the core as Ireland.

    Billy Bulger, Richard Nixon, Congressman Mark Foley, Louis Eppolito and Stephen Caracappa etc (Google them). They are all just cases off the top of my head and i'm not American so imagine how many i never even heard about.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,048 ✭✭✭SimpleSam06

    Dudess wrote:
    Gooner, I think you'll find I was snogging him first. And if you want a bitch-fight, honey you got it...

    /orders 50 kilos of mud

    Also, Terry ftw.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,408 ✭✭✭Huggles


    /orders 50 kilos of mud

    Also, Terry ftw.


  • Registered Users Posts: 10,846 ✭✭✭✭eth0_

    Dudess wrote:
    Y'know, my brother is adamant that loads of people call people "knackers" just because they're poor. Maybe I'm wrong but I really don't think people (apart from a small minority) are as stupid as that? I wonder whether I'm being naive.

    I understand what your brother means. When you see someone in a tracksuit, usually pushing a pram, wearing that gross gypsy jewellery you can buy in argos, usually with fag in mouth and yelling in *that* accent "Come here ta me, micko!", you just get a vibe of knacker off them, they don't have to be up to no good.

    I think in this day and age there's almost no excuse for pulling yourself out of the gutter if you *want* to become a better member of society.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 124 ✭✭petrochemical

    The scum are effectively above the law. The cops dont care. There's a small core of decent old-school cops who do some good work, but the majority are corrupt, lazy, and just waiting for their pension. These are the cops who hassle cyclists. They are so unprofessional that the Australian police force wont accept them! They have no independent overseer, they regulate themselves! Nearly all complaints against them are dismissed, they are blatantly corrupt, like a third world country. They are effectively answerable to no-one, and they let the scum run riot.

    You cant rely on the cops to protect you. They wont. If anything they'll arrest you for defending yourself from being mugged, because you violated the criminals right to mug you!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 436 ✭✭lezizi

    The scum are effectively above the law. The cops dont care. There's a small core of decent old-school cops who do some good work, but the majority are corrupt, lazy, and just waiting for their pension. These are the cops who hassle cyclists. They are so unprofessional that the Australian police force wont accept them!
    My friend was a gard here but now works for the Australian Police Force.
    But I agree with the rest you siad about them.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 71 ✭✭GaryL

    I'm 21. I was probably arrested over 20 times between the age of 12-17. For things like robbing alcohol in tesco, fighting (many times), drinking on the streets and other anti-social things, trespassing (many times). I'm now in my final year of a degree with and have many friends in college. I still live in the house I was born in but the place has changed completely. Very little trouble these days.

    I was never one for robbing phones and laptops out of cars. That was a big thing when I was a teenager but I never really got into it. Don't get me wrong, a lot of my friends would. We could be walking along and 2 of them would rob a phone out of a car. They might come back over to us and walk along casually. It was really no hassle, if there was a phone in a car it was going to get taken by my friends.

    Back then I'd probably have about 15 mates. Now I've got just 2, although I'd still talk to the rest if/when I see them. Us 3 were always together. We live beside each other. If I lived in the flats I'd no doubt be with that group today. It's to do with location and very little more.

    All those of my age group in the pearse street area now drink in pubs. the crew from pearse house flats still drink together. Those from Boyne street hang out together. Those from leo fitzgerald hang out together. Those from macken street hang out together. The groups may have broken up into 2 or 3 but it's still the same groups of friends that have been together since the age of 6 or 7.

    I was genuinely never a bad person. I've had guards and solicitors tell my parents this many times. If my aunts and uncles knew the amount of times I was arrested they'd be shocked. I don't think I was easily lead either. I just did what I wanted and didn't know right from wrong. For example, we had a 'camp' in an old pub for months. I was arrested for being in there twice. It was something we always had to have as a teenager, somewhere to go after school. It didn't matter how boring it was, we loved it. Halloween was always a time for trouble. We'd have to find somewhere to hide the hundreds of giant tires. We'd go down the Ringsend regularly and 'raid' them. A lot of the time this lead in fights, serious fights. Ringsenders very rarely stood up to Pearse street though. They'd certainly never come over our side of the bridge for trouble.

    Up to the age of 16 you very rarely got charged. You got "JLO'd". As soon as you hit a certain age you no longer get JLO'd, you just get charged. Me and my friend were arrested for drinking on the stairs in flats (which was a regularity). My friend was pissing up against a bin. The guards didn't let him put his trousers up. They handcuffed him and put the 2 of us in the back of a transit. They then drove erratically because we had no support with our hands behind our back. We just got bumped around the van, my friend with his lad hanging out. Looking back now it was funny and the guards got a laugh out of it. They'd aggressively take you out of the van. They'd probably hit you a punch in the head. Anyway, we were put in a cell. Slept there overnight and were then summoned to court. You're advised to plead guilty of whatever the charges are and you get a 200 quid fine. If you wore a suit and looked smart the fine would no doubt be bigger though.

    Thankfully the majority of my arrests were in the GLO stage or I'd still be paying off the fines. The other 2 times in court were for fighting. The first was for starting on innocent lads. This was after drinking loads of spirits in one of our 'berths'. We went out looking for trouble and we got it. I rightly got a beaten and an off duty guard held me until back up came. I was the only one arrested as I was probably the most aggressive and would never run away from a fight. In fact, I demanded to stay there when my friends tried to drag me away. Don't ask me why. My 3rd and time in court was for fighting a group of lads my own age. A few of us were arrested this time.

    Anyway, as soon as we were drinking in pubs it all changed. We drank in the Widow Scallans, Pearse street. A very pro-IRA pub. A lot of the crowd there were young though and we'd have a great time. When you're from a rough area it's impossible to get into anywhere in town at a young age so it was the pubs for most of us. From the Widow's (now shut down) we moved to another pub and that's when we really split from the rest of the crowd.

    Now we're just normal people who would socialise with anyone and everyone. I can't remember the last time we were in any sort of trouble. It's definitely since we've been in pubs that things have settled though. Seriously, I know there's a lot of people that would still picture us as 3 young scumbags. We're nothing like that now. The 3 of us have girlfriends. I go out with a 25 year old Polish girl who I got to know doing barmaid in the pub we still drink in.

    There are a few genuine scumbags from the crowd I hung around with but the vast majority of them are decent people now. Most of them are tradesmen. If there are people doing terrible things at the age of 20 then they're scum. If they're doing it at the age of 15 of 16 then they're doing what 95% of lads do when you're born into this society.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 37,214 ✭✭✭✭Dudess

    eth0_ wrote:
    I understand what your brother means. When you see someone in a tracksuit, usually pushing a pram, wearing that gross gypsy jewellery you can buy in argos, usually with fag in mouth and yelling in *that* accent "Come here ta me, micko!", you just get a vibe of knacker off them, they don't have to be up to no good.

    I think in this day and age there's almost no excuse for pulling yourself out of the gutter if you *want* to become a better member of society.
    Oh he doesn't even mean those obvious chav types. He says he knows people who literally call people knackers purely if they come from a council estate or don't have an education - no other reason.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 37,214 ✭✭✭✭Dudess

    GaryL, fair play to you for sorting your life out.
    GaryL wrote:
    I was genuinely never a bad person. I've had guards and solicitors tell my parents this many times. If my aunts and uncles knew the amount of times I was arrested they'd be shocked. I don't think I was easily lead either. I just did what I wanted and didn't know right from wrong.
    Yep, it has to be faced up to that this is often the case - and I'm not a bleeding heart.
    There are a few genuine scumbags from the crowd I hung around with but the vast majority of them are decent people now. Most of them are tradesmen. If there are people doing terrible things at the age of 20 then they're scum. If they're doing it at the age of 15 of 16 then they're doing what 95% of lads do when you're born into this society.
    Yep, I remember there was a bunch of girls in my school who were really scummy. The vast majority of them are all exceptionally responsible members of society now.

  • Registered Users Posts: 26,061 ✭✭✭✭Terry

    The rest of the posts have been moved to feedback.

  • Registered Users Posts: 26,061 ✭✭✭✭Terry

    GaryL wrote:
    I was never one for robbing phones and laptops out of cars. That was a big thing when I was a teenager but I never really got into it. Don't get me wrong, a lot of my friends would. We could be walking along and 2 of them would rob a phone out of a car. They might come back over to us and walk along casually. It was really no hassle, if there was a phone in a car it was going to get taken by my friends.
    If I lived in the flats I'd no doubt be with that group today. It's to do with location and very little more.
    Seems to me it had more to do with you making the choice to move on and nothing else.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,096 ✭✭✭An Citeog

    Ok, there's so much wrong with this post it's not even funny.
    The scum are effectively above the law. The cops dont care. There's a small core of decent old-school cops who do some good work, but the majority are corrupt, lazy, and just waiting for their pension. These are the cops who hassle cyclists. They are so unprofessional that the Australian police force wont accept them!

    Is that a slur on the Garda Síochána, the Australian Police Force, or both? I don't see your point here. How many dealings have you actually had with the guards to make such a sweeping statement? You're talking about a small core of old-school cops who may bend the rules a bit, yeah? Some might say that they're the corrupt ones. Another thing, it's actually the traffic core, an independent unit, that hassle cyclists and motorists. They mainly deal with traffic offences and not your run of the mill scumbaggery, but don't let that get in the way of a good rant! :rolleyes:
    They have no independent overseer, they regulate themselves! Nearly all complaints against them are dismissed, they are blatantly corrupt, like a third world country. They are effectively answerable to no-one, and they let the scum run riot.

    They actually do have an independent overseer ( If you've got a complaint, that's where to go!
    You cant rely on the cops to protect you. They wont. If anything they'll arrest you for defending yourself from being mugged, because you violated the criminals right to mug you!

    Have you got anything to back up this statement? The guards will do what they can to protect you but don't expect them to prioritise someone getting pick-pocketed over a stabbing or a violent assault.

    Care to enlighten us any further with your magnificent insight?!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,060 ✭✭✭Anto McC

    GaryL, you grew up in the same area as myself, i know the people and places you speak and i can totally relate to everything you say.

    Check your PM's

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 37,214 ✭✭✭✭Dudess

    Yeah, I live in Ringsend and I do see a few lads around Pearse Street who seem a bit scummy but I can generally tell the difference between harmless fellas who'll ultimately grow out of it, and fellas who are genuinely dangerous. The Pearse Street guys very much fit into the former category for the most part.

    Actually Anto, I've changed my mind about you - stuff like "up the Dubs" and "Dublin, my Dublin" in your signature. Bloody jackeen skanger... ;)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,643 ✭✭✭0ubliette

    GaryL wrote:
    I was genuinely never a bad person. I've had guards and solicitors tell my parents this many times. If my aunts and uncles knew the amount of times I was arrested they'd be shocked. I don't think I was easily lead either. I just did what I wanted and didn't know right from wrong.

    No offence, but thats bollocks.
    At 15 you didnt know right from wrong? You thought it was cool to steal someones phone, that they wouldnt mind? Give us a break. By age 5 i know stealing was wrong after i tried to walk out of a supermarket with a bunch of star wars toys cause i thought you could just take them. THAT was not knowing right from wrong. At 15 if you think stealing isnt wrong, then youre either lying to yourself so you can justify it, or just ****ing stupid.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,408 ✭✭✭Huggles

    0ubliette wrote:
    No offence, but thats bollocks.
    At 15 you didnt know right from wrong? You thought it was cool to steal someones phone, that they wouldnt mind? Give us a break. By age 5 i know stealing was wrong after i tried to walk out of a supermarket with a bunch of star wars toys cause i thought you could just take them. THAT was not knowing right from wrong. At 15 if you think stealing isnt wrong, then youre either lying to yourself so you can justify it, or just ****ing stupid.

    Jesus christ, no need for abuse. The guy came on and told us his personal story, he didnt have to that.

    You don't know everyones personal circumstances, what if he had noone to tell him things right from wrong. I work in the liberties I see this everyday. Lay off with the abuse.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,846 ✭✭✭✭eth0_

    I don't understand how you can't know right from wrong at the age of 15.
    When we were little kids our parents and teachers would reprimand us and tell us if we were doing something wrong.

    What excuse do 'knackers' have? Being poor is no excuse, IMO...

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,408 ✭✭✭Huggles

    eth0_ wrote:
    I don't understand how you can't know right from wrong at the age of 15.
    When we were little kids our parents and teachers would reprimand us and tell us if we were doing something wrong.

    What excuse do 'knackers' have? Being poor is no excuse, IMO...

    The point I was making is you don't know his circumstances, what if he had no parents around etc...

    He came on and told his personal story about how he turned his life around, credit where credits due and he gets called stupid.

  • Registered Users Posts: 26,061 ✭✭✭✭Terry

    I've just amended the title of this thread.

    I just want to see how many replies it gets.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8,983 ✭✭✭leninbenjamin

    we should introduce a screening process in the schools for scumbags. those who fail get castrated. the end.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,736 ✭✭✭OctavarIan

    we should introduce a screening process in the schools for scumbags. those who fail get castrated. the end.

    Yes and they then have to wear a purple armband at all times so everyone knows what they are.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 26,061 ✭✭✭✭Terry

    Can we tattoo numbers on them?
