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Nutrition 101



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 20,919 ✭✭✭✭Gummy Panda

    Well then take Pixie's advice on counting calories. To lose weight you need to have a deficit of 500 a day to lose a pound a week.

    I think if your able to go to the gym and lift weights then your well able to go for a brisk walk or jog.

    Just my opinion though.

    He is right about cardio. Beyond walking there is possibility of joint issues at that weight.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 40,129 ✭✭✭✭Mellor

    Pixie Girl wrote: »
    Ok you need to start doing some cardio... walking/running/swimming or cycling, whatever you enjoy!
    I think if your able to go to the gym and lift weights then your well able to go for a brisk walk or jog.

    He doesn't need to do cardio to lose weight.
    Running could well lead to impact injuries.
    And walking doesn't burn a whole lot energy. Probably less than the weight training he is doing. Which burns energy just like light cardio. The key to a deficit is diet not exercise.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9,390 ✭✭✭Stench Blossoms

    Mellor wrote: »
    He doesn't need to do cardio to lose weight.
    Running could well lead to impact injuries.
    And walking doesn't burn a whole lot energy. Probably less than the weight training he is doing. Which burns energy just like light cardio. The key to a deficit is diet not exercise.
    He is right about cardio. Beyond walking there is possibility of joint issues at that weight.
    lisij wrote: »
    i work out 3 times a week, no cardio YET (too cold :) ,excuses)

    He intially said it was because it was too cold that he wasn't doing cardio.

    Myself and pixie both mentioned the calorie deficit which he has yet to reply to.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 125 ✭✭Pixie Girl

    Mellor wrote: »
    He doesn't need to do cardio to lose weight.
    Running could well lead to impact injuries.
    And walking doesn't burn a whole lot energy. Probably less than the weight training he is doing. Which burns energy just like light cardio. The key to a deficit is diet not exercise.

    I understand that diet is the most important factor for losing weight. I'm sorry if I gave the wrong advice but I always thought that for optimum results exercise should be a combination of cardiovascular exercise and strength training?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 397 ✭✭lisij

    He intially said it was because it was too cold that he wasn't doing cardio.

    Myself and pixie both mentioned the calorie deficit which he has yet to reply to.
    the weather excuse of a cardio was ONE of the excuses i do not start cardio (hope that makes sense :) ) i even think not to start cardio at all even when i reach my desired body weight, well maybe only once a week, just to gain muscles (and not more than 30minutes)
    what about calorie deficit reply? i dont get it, what do i have to reply to? i've asked for "is my diet well balanced?", got a reply "yes pretty much normal" thats it, all other advices are not related to my question

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9,390 ✭✭✭Stench Blossoms

    Best of luck with your weight loss :)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 397 ✭✭lisij

    just to make it all clear, it is not that i always were over weighted person and started only now to do anything to loose weight, i lived normal sport life in the past, a lot of running, busy schedules and so on i never knew anything about diet and balanced food every day my body needed, i thinked, i need to do a lot of sport to loose weight... so just one day i stop'ed to exercise, and guess what? i got alot of weight back, you all know probably why? yes cause i fought with my body and gave it stress with all the running, instead of giving natural nutrition and a bit but intense workout.. years after, i decided to loose that weight, but NOW, i learned that to lose weight you need to balance your food, drink water, and do less exercises, but not just any exercises, but every part of your body, and defenetly not every day, cause muscles grow when they rest.. so all this said, please do not advice me about any cardio or weight trainings, anything im not sure is my diet thats it

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9,390 ✭✭✭Stench Blossoms

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 397 ✭✭lisij

    nope, but quickly reading it, i already knew this

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 8,201 ✭✭✭dinneenp

    (presume this is the right thread for this...)

    I've started buying 'Good4U' smart seeds.
    At my desk now I have 'sunflower mix', contains:
    • 66% sunflower seeds
    • seasame seeds,
    • linseeds,
    • savoury sauce
    • soyabeans
    • sea salt & koji

    I'm eating them as I presume they're good for me, contain 'good stuff'. I don't eat a massvie amount in a day as I guess they're high in fat.

    Are they good for me, should I take something else instead?


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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 397 ✭✭lisij

    dinneenp wrote: »
    (presume this is the right thread for this...)

    I've started buying 'Good4U' smart seeds.
    At my desk now I have 'sunflower mix', contains:
    • 66% sunflower seeds
    • seasame seeds,
    • linseeds,
    • savoury sauce
    • soyabeans
    • sea salt & koji

    I'm eating them as I presume they're good for me, contain 'good stuff'. I don't eat a massvie amount in a day as I guess they're high in fat.

    Are they good for me, should I take something else instead?

    sunflower seeds, soy, savoury sauce? not sounds good.. and sea salt, i dont think there small amount of it, too much salt isnt good also... why not just eat plain peanuts, without any mixtures?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9,390 ✭✭✭Stench Blossoms

    lisij wrote: »
    why not just eat plain peanuts, without any mixtures?

    dinneenp wrote: »
    (presume this is the right thread for this...)

    I've started buying 'Good4U' smart seeds.
    At my desk now I have 'sunflower mix', contains:
    • 66% sunflower seeds
    • seasame seeds,
    • linseeds,
    • savoury sauce
    • soyabeans
    • sea salt & koji

    I'm eating them as I presume they're good for me, contain 'good stuff'. I don't eat a massvie amount in a day as I guess they're high in fat.

    Are they good for me, should I take something else instead?


    It would be cheaper if you bought them seperately and made up your own mix. Tesco are quite resonable with their nuts in their 'whole food' sections. The savoury sauce is more than likely not needed.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,979 ✭✭✭rocky

    IMO people go nuts on nuts and seeds. Are they good? Not especially. Sure, if you replace creme eggs with nuts, that's better. But add nuts to a diet? Most nuts are high in omega 6 PUFAs. Have some fiber, but for the calories they are not worth it.

    If you like eating them, fine, go ahead. But don't be under the impression they are super healthy.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 397 ✭✭lisij

    rocky wrote: »
    IMO people go nuts on nuts and seeds. Are they good? Not especially. Sure, if you replace creme eggs with nuts, that's better. But add nuts to a diet? Most nuts are high in omega 6 PUFAs. Have some fiber, but for the calories they are not worth it.

    If you like eating them, fine, go ahead. But don't be under the impression they are super healthy.
    no, i did not meant to say add them as you daily meal, but once a week they wont do any harm, if you eat them in low portions that is...

  • Users Awaiting Email Confirmation Posts: 5,620 ✭✭✭El_Dangeroso

    I agree nuts and seeds probably have a bit of an undeserved 'super healthy!' reputation, but damn, they are pretty nutrient dense even for the calories. I'm not sure we can equate the omega 6 that's protectively packed in a load of anti-oxidants and other probably-as-yet-to-be-discovered beneficial compounds with cooking oil.

    Having said that I stay away from peanuts due to many of them bearing the highly carcinogenic aflatoxin mould, yes in small quantities but enough to make me not want to include them in my diet.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 467 ✭✭pbowenroe

    I am cutting and doing Starting Strength. Roughly how much grams of protein per kg of body weight do I need a day?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,740 ✭✭✭Faolchu

    Not sure if this is the right spot. Basiclly I've started a weight loss routine. Gym 4 to 5 times a week. 3 of those days are 30 minutes cardio. The others are at least 30 mins with some weights thrown in. I try to limit my cal intake to about 1600, my bmr is about 1900 cals. The good news is that since june I've gone from 17.5 stone to 14.5 :) the bad news is bloody chocolate and fast food, there's days where I'll crave it so bad I could eat 6 or 7 candy bars back to back or I could have cereal for breakfast hop a bus to the city and with in an hour of eating breakfast I'll be staring at the door of fatso burger wanting something.

    Anyone know good ways to beat these cravings into submission? I know part of it is quick fixes when I'm under stress etc. But apart from that any ideas?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 574 ✭✭✭kate.m

    Faolchu wrote: »
    Not sure if this is the right spot. Basiclly I've started a weight loss routine. Gym 4 to 5 times a week. 3 of those days are 30 minutes cardio. The others are at least 30 mins with some weights thrown in. I try to limit my cal intake to about 1600, my bmr is about 1900 cals. The good news is that since june I've gone from 17.5 stone to 14.5 :) the bad news is bloody chocolate and fast food, there's days where I'll crave it so bad I could eat 6 or 7 candy bars back to back or I could have cereal for breakfast hop a bus to the city and with in an hour of eating breakfast I'll be staring at the door of fatso burger wanting something.

    Anyone know good ways to beat these cravings into submission? I know part of it is quick fixes when I'm under stress etc. But apart from that any ideas?

    Well, regarding your chocolate craving - what I found really helped was switching to dark chocolate. I'm far less likely to eat more than a square or two at night. I don't actually crave the usual dairy milk/galaxy chocolate anymore. :) You can build your way up too, start on 45% cocoa and move up gradually. It does take a week or so to adjust. I began with the lindt mint one anyway. Hope it helps!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,194 ✭✭✭saa

    Whoooo finally broke my long pleateau/yoyo battle thanks to a mix of started circuit training/HITT and eating lots of fat :O Well I have been cutting carbs a lot of my last few shopping trips and ended up eating a lot more cheeses and pesto/clean peanut butter (in suggested portions) with veg/fruit and the odd whole wheat cracker, and Quorn/veg based dinners.
    I thought I would have gained because I felt like I was eating a lot of oily food but I've lost 3 pounds after so long of fluctuating but eating healthy I know its prob mainly due to training but still I can't believe how long I was focusing on calories cutting down to 1200 (while still eating pasta,noodles,bread) when I trying to eat lighter food I like with good fats works so well for me. Gosh I know its so stupid anyone on this forum could tell me a healthy way to eat or even critisise what I eat now but there is just a massive gap between talking about it and practicing it everyday somethings defiantly clicked for me.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,462 ✭✭✭Orla K

    saa wrote: »
    Whoooo finally broke my long pleateau/yoyo battle thanks to a mix of started circuit training/HITT and eating lots of fat :O Well I have been cutting carbs a lot of my last few shopping trips and ended up eating a lot more cheeses and pesto/clean peanut butter (in suggested portions) with veg/fruit and the odd whole wheat cracker, and Quorn/veg based dinners.
    I thought I would have gained because I felt like I was eating a lot of oily food but I've lost 3 pounds after so long of fluctuating but eating healthy I know its prob mainly due to training but still I can't believe how long I was focusing on calories cutting down to 1200 (while still eating pasta,noodles,bread) when I trying to eat lighter food I like with good fats works so well for me. Gosh I know its so stupid anyone on this forum could tell me a healthy way to eat or even critisise what I eat now but there is just a massive gap between talking about it and practicing it everyday somethings defiantly clicked for me.

    Just got to say fat from natural sources is good for you, even the saturated fat. The fat to watch out for is veg/seed oil, chemical processing. Watch the ingredients on pesto if it's stop bought I've noticed they add sunflower oil instead of olive oil(I should say olive oil is good when not over heated, and coconut oil is good too)
    Try find a better alternative to Quorn too it's not the best thing to be eating, can't remember now but I think some of the ingredients are bad.

    Don't worry about too much fat.

  • Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators Posts: 22,112 Mod ✭✭✭✭Brian?

    pbowenroe wrote: »
    I am cutting and doing Starting Strength. Roughly how much grams of protein per kg of body weight do I need a day?

    Aim for 1g per Kg of bodyweight. You probably don't need that much, but it'll be a tasty and satisfying ride.


    And so on, and so on …. - Slavoj Žižek

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,655 ✭✭✭draiochtanois

    This post has been deleted.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,194 ✭✭✭saa

    Orla K wrote: »
    Just got to say fat from natural sources is good for you, even the saturated fat. The fat to watch out for is veg/seed oil, chemical processing. Watch the ingredients on pesto if it's stop bought I've noticed they add sunflower oil instead of olive oil(I should say olive oil is good when not over heated, and coconut oil is good too)
    Try find a better alternative to Quorn too it's not the best thing to be eating, can't remember now but I think some of the ingredients are bad.

    Don't worry about too much fat.

    Ah yeah I know not buying flora anymore, I've started buying chicken breast again but I find it very hard to eat or handle, I also worry about what they animals are given and I know long term I won't be eating Quorn as I'm not sure what they put into it during the process of making mycroprotein.

    Really need to find a farmers market and get someone to give me a lift as I'm spending too much on food and when I'm eating fruit and veg I need a lot more than my budget will allow and I always take advantage of the Aldi offers, tis hard not having an income I need to get new runners as well curse you over pronation!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 26 hellosunshine2

    Nice tips you have here. Bottom line is that to lose weight or lose body fat, you must use more calories than you eat by controlling your food intake and/or increasing your exercise routine.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8,722 ✭✭✭nice_guy80

    Nice tips you have here. Bottom line is that to lose weight or lose body fat, you must use more calories than you eat by controlling your food intake and/or increasing your exercise routine.
    not quite
    you need to eat less calories than you use each day.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 32,386 ✭✭✭✭rubadub

    nice_guy80 wrote: »
    not quite
    you need to eat less calories than you use each day.
    But that's the same thing, just worded slightly different.

    I would say intake less energy than you expend -which gets rid of arguments about calorie calculation and the difference between the energy you actually get from different foods.

    i.e. 500kcal of alcohol will probably not make you as fat as 500kcal of sugar. Even the same foods can have different values, e.g. humans will get more energy from 500kcal of well cooked rice than 500kcal of raw rice. Just like you will not get the same mileage from 2 cars if you put the same amount of petrol in both, and then a litre of water in 1 of them. You have put the exact same calories in each car, this does not mean their engine uses them the same.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,091 ✭✭✭dearg lady

    On the subject of cooking oils, I've been meaning to switch from olive oil for a while, but laziness prevailed! I use coconut oil on my skin, but haven't yet used it for cooking! What about rapeseed oil, saw a cold pressed rapeseed oil there is tesco, not sure how important cold pressing is when it comes to cooking though.

    I always go for butter over other spread, but wonder what's the opinion on salted v. unsalted butter? I don't add salt to anything I eat, but I love salted butter!

  • Users Awaiting Email Confirmation Posts: 5,620 ✭✭✭El_Dangeroso

    dearg lady wrote: »
    On the subject of cooking oils, I've been meaning to switch from olive oil for a while, but laziness prevailed! I use coconut oil on my skin, but haven't yet used it for cooking! What about rapeseed oil, saw a cold pressed rapeseed oil there is tesco, not sure how important cold pressing is when it comes to cooking though.

    I always go for butter over other spread, but wonder what's the opinion on salted v. unsalted butter? I don't add salt to anything I eat, but I love salted butter!

    Rapeseed is still too high in delicate oils (~33%) so best not heated.

    Salt is fine in the context of an otherwise unprocessed food diet.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,934 ✭✭✭Dotcomdolly

    I know canola oil is slated in paleo circles and I just found out it is rapeseed oil!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 26 hellosunshine2

    rubadub wrote: »
    But that's the same thing, just worded slightly different.


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  • Users Awaiting Email Confirmation Posts: 5,620 ✭✭✭El_Dangeroso

    Weekly interesting link round up:

    Article about calories and the differences in absorption (I know rubadub will like this): - Great article just for the fact that Russian people's guts are 5ft longer than Italians, and also nuts have less calories absorbed than written on the packet!

    Softer lighting cuts calorie intake by 18%: - Put some candles lit and turn off the lights for dinner!

    Yet ANOTHER trial showing reducing FODMAP consumption improves IBS:

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 11 parismilton

    Great source of knowledge, different nutrients and products affect differently person to person according to their metabolic condition. So the amount of fiber and another constituents that are suitable in your differs, you should choose a diet plan according to the metabolic condition of your body.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 814 ✭✭✭NotExactly

    What is the healthiest low calorie mixer for vodka? Thanks.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 40,129 ✭✭✭✭Mellor

    NotExactly wrote: »
    What is the healthiest low calorie mixer for vodka? Thanks.
    Soda or diet soft drink will be the lowest calorie mixer.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 11 parismilton

    diet wild cherry soda and cold drink is good low calorie mixer.

  • Users Awaiting Email Confirmation Posts: 5,620 ✭✭✭El_Dangeroso

    Weekly interesting link round up mark duex:

    1. Seems that modern paleo eating is not that new. There is a tradition in China, called Bigu:
    In this passage, Maspero (1981:417) recognizes the principal Daoist practices that were current during the Six Dynasties period: "(1) abstention from Cereals, (2) respiratory exercises, and (3) concentration and meditation.

    Sounds like a good health plan to me!

    2. Do we have free will to prevent obesity? This paper thinks not:

    I think that there's definitely a good point there, sure most of us can lose pounds temporarily, but the stats show the majority of us fail, an argument in favour of more regulation, which I have mixed feelings about.

    3. Weak glutes = knee pain

    I know this is probably well known in the fitness industry but it was new to me this week, I injured my knee doing squats. Nice to know I need to work building up my glutes prior to attempting them again. Anyone know any good exercises for the glutes that don't involve the knees I'd be grateful!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,462 ✭✭✭Orla K

    3. Weak glutes = knee pain

    I know this is probably well known in the fitness industry but it was new to me this week, I injured my knee doing squats. Nice to know I need to work building up my glutes prior to attempting them again. Anyone know any good exercises for the glutes that don't involve the knees I'd be grateful!

    Cook hip lift, there's loads but that's the only one I can remember the name of.

    I have this problem and foam rolling my ITbands is also a huge help for me.

  • Users Awaiting Email Confirmation Posts: 5,620 ✭✭✭El_Dangeroso

    Orla K wrote: »
    Cook hip lift, there's loads but that's the only one I can remember the name of.

    I have this problem and foam rolling my ITbands is also a huge help for me.

    What does this entail? (what are ITbands and how do you do it?)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 13,915 ✭✭✭✭menoscemo

    What does this entail? (what are ITbands and how do you do it?)

    Your Ilitibial band connects the hip and the knee. A tight IT band commonly causes 'runners knee' but Ilitibial Band Syndrome is also associated with doing sqauts. Solution is both cases is to stretch/roll the band and build up the glutes.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,462 ✭✭✭Orla K

    I got a grid foam roller, when I first got it I couldn't actually roll with on it when I was doing my ITband, I could barely even lean on it.

    Also when you are doing squats be aware of what way your knees are going. Mine always have a habit of going inwards.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 11 parismilton

    diet wild cherry soda and cold drink is good low calorie mixer.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 119 ✭✭banquet

    diet wild cherry soda and cold drink is good low calorie mixer.

    Pfft, already knew that.

  • Users Awaiting Email Confirmation Posts: 5,620 ✭✭✭El_Dangeroso

    Weekly cool nutrition link update:

    1. Cooling hands and feet acts like a steroid. This is awesome research, it's novel and anyone can try it, if anyone feels like experimenting, please let me know how you get on!

    2. Chocolate lowers your blood pressure only if your blood pressure is high. Of course they are talking about the dark stuff, like we needed another excuse!

    3. Protein helps weight loss, but you don't need that much extra to feel the benefit. Above a decent threshold it's probably pointless (and expensive)

    4. Self control not a limited resource after all. It's hard at first but the more you practice it, the better you get at it!

    5. Your gut bacteria determine what calories you absorb. This is a really exciting area of research, that will yield huge benefits for humans, forget genetics, it's all about the microbiome right now.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,991 ✭✭✭metamorphosis

    Finishing up a research paper there - basically it was an online ethnography and content analysis of TOO MANY journals from Marks daily Apple, so glad to be done. Never take on a content analysis approach again thank you very much. Drained but up to Dublin with work next wed-fri so some celebratory drinks in order a few times i reckon!

  • Users Awaiting Email Confirmation Posts: 5,620 ✭✭✭El_Dangeroso

    Finishing up a research paper there - basically it was an online ethnography and cintent analysis of TOO MANY journals from Marks daily Apple, so glad to be done. Never take on a content analysis approach again thank you very much. Drained but up to Dublin with work next wed-fri so some celebratory drinks in order a few times i reckon!

    Wow! sounds cool, are you gonna submit it to a journal? You should! What was your conclusion?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,991 ✭✭✭metamorphosis

    Wow! sounds cool, are you gonna submit it to a journal? You should! What was your conclusion?

    Ask me again in a week and I might be able to coherantly tell you :)
    Looking back at all the pre research, from clinical cardiology to journal of consumer research to modern diet reviews, health science journals, anthropology, sub cultures, journals, experiential consumption, health markers - coding process alone took very long. I will wait for feedback. Who would even accept it at this stage! Its like a smorgasboard of so much. Im just happy its at the end now - very different results than I initally thought, I will report back!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 960 ✭✭✭Blueskye

    Wow! sounds cool, are you gonna submit it to a journal? You should! What was your conclusion?

    Ask me again in a week and I might be able to coherantly tell you :)
    Looking back at all the pre research, from clinical cardiology to journal of consumer research to modern diet reviews, health science journals, anthropology, sub cultures, journals, experiential consumption, health markers - coding process alone took very long. I will wait for feedback. Who would even accept it at this stage! Its like a smorgasboard of so much. Im just happy its at the end now - very different results than I initally thought, I will report back!

    Would love to hear the findings. When you get a chance.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 14,371 ✭✭✭✭SteelyDanJalapeno

    Blueskye wrote: »
    Wow! sounds cool, are you gonna submit it to a journal? You should! What was your conclusion?

    Ask me again in a week and I might be able to coherantly tell you :)
    Looking back at all the pre research, from clinical cardiology to journal of consumer research to modern diet reviews, health science journals, anthropology, sub cultures, journals, experiential consumption, health markers - coding process alone took very long. I will wait for feedback. Who would even accept it at this stage! Its like a smorgasboard of so much. Im just happy its at the end now - very different results than I initally thought, I will report back!

    Would love to hear the findings. When you get a chance.

    I'd love to hear them too, even personal views and opinions

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,462 ✭✭✭Orla K

    I think the book pure white and deadly was mentioned here before. It's back in print I think it has a new forward, it's pretty easy to guess from who

    On amazon

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 630 ✭✭✭danlen

    Orla K wrote: »
    I think the book pure white and deadly was mentioned here before. It's back in print I think it has a new forward, it's pretty easy to guess from who

    On amazon

    Thanks for that. Been interested in getting my hands on a copy of that for a while.

    On a related note, I see Lustig has a book coming out himself in the new year.
