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Multiplayer help for Halo noobs



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,960 ✭✭✭DarkJager

    Just found something out last night thanks to the onscreen tips in the game!! :) If you overcharge the plasma pistol and fire it at a moving vehicle, it seems to instantly cut the motor out and they stop moving. Could be very useful for those bastards who like to hog the ghost and wreck everyones head.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,586 ✭✭✭cedomination

    o Diablo o wrote: »
    No they didnt :)

    Hold on,am I thinking of someone else or are you trying to say Im still crap :confused:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 57 ✭✭o Diablo o

    Yeah thats what i meant. Only jokin tho. How come you didnt go to WGL?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 156 ✭✭hotnipples

    Wisesmurf wrote: »
    Productive me thinks.. How can you possibly manage the two thumb-sticks with your single brain cell?

    I generally do have a bit of trouble, admittedly. Keeping my gun reloaded and hiding behind a wall to allow my shield to recover thankfully only requires the use of the B button and one of the sticks. So I've ticked both my survival checkboxes there havent I? :D:D:D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,643 ✭✭✭0ubliette

    Oh dear god fix your sig:mad:

    Thats the biggest ****ing signature ive ever seen! Ever!!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 34,788 ✭✭✭✭krudler

    you can defintely see people are taking the team approach during the team slayer games now, i HATE when people camp out at the top of lifts though esp in construct, i dont like that level anyway and a team of 3 guys were all at the top of the big golden coloured lift, i had an energy drain so i chucked it in there and watched it float, by the time it got up it exploded and killed all 3 of them, my first triple kill :)

    the needler is a far underused weapon, the first one i go for every match, its great for long distance kills and if someone is running away or towards you theyre a sitting duck every time, better in outdoor sections

    DONT go charging off in opposite directions in team slayer matches, stick at least some way together and use your firepower, i was part of a team that won 50-6 because i had a mini gun and needler, 2 others had sniper rifles and shotguns and the last guy had a plasma sword and brute shot, so we all held one area and let them come to us

    assasination kills are fun :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,129 ✭✭✭pljudge321

    DarkJager wrote: »
    Just found something out last night thanks to the onscreen tips in the game!! :) If you overcharge the plasma pistol and fire it at a moving vehicle, it seems to instantly cut the motor out and they stop moving. Could be very useful for those bastards who like to hog the ghost and wreck everyones head.

    It's nearly impossible to hit them though, power drainer works better.

    To the op, you might want to change your button configuration to boxer, lets you melee by pushing in by the right stick, its slightly quicker and you wont have to move your finger away from the stick so you will remain more mobile. Also try turning up your sensitivity as I find the default to be too slow and sluggish.

    You could also try holding the controller the mad way I do with your trigger finger on the a button and your other two fingers on the trigger and bumper.
    Works for me though some of my friends think its a bit odd.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,283 ✭✭✭Ross_Mahon

    Learn the maps and weapons, duel weild different guns to make a lethal combo, try get good with a sniper and pick people off. Steal kills as much as you can, theres nothing wrong with it. Kill the guy thats nearly dead and then kill the guy that was doing all the work! lol Over time of playing lots, you will become much better :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,312 ✭✭✭pbsuxok1znja4r

    Shotgun/Sword/Hammer/Dual Maulers in a bubble shield. You're invincible.
    Same items as above behind a wall or around a corner. You're in a good position.

    If you're behind cover waiting for your shield to regen, you can still pop out every second or two in the meantime to have a little shot at that opponent, because every time you get hit at all, the 4 seconds or so shield regen time gets resest. Meaning you're keeping his shields down while yours regenerate. Then you can run out and take him out head on no problem.

    Don't run around in the wide open with short range weapons out like the sword/hammer/shotgun. Do run around closed quarters with them out. By the same token, I wouldn't recommend running around small corriders and corners with a long range weapon like sniper rifle out. Unless you're a damn quick draw with it.

    Always always take the higher ground. Unless it's a close quarter area vs open area and you have a superior short range weapon. But for standard BR and Assault Rifle situations, go high.

    If you're playing oddball or crazy king, I find you can buy buckets of invaluable time letting your opponent chase you round and round a pillar or rock, while you rack up seconds. Use the radar for this, to stay 12 hours away from 'em at all times.

    A few of the best places to make your stand:

    Construct: Top of the yellow lift. Esp if you got teammates workin' with you there. Best equipment is BR/Sniper and a sword.
    Snowbound: In the cave, if you have the right equipment - Shotun and bubble shield, ideally.
    The pit: Again, if you got a sword or shotgun, hit the square building that houses the sword.
    Guardian: Not such an easy one. No good camping spots, but what I like to do if I have a powerful short range weapon (shotgun/hammer/maulers) is just run back and forth through all the enclosed corridors, all the while watching the radar for prey round the corner.
    Highground: On objective games on defense I'd go straight for the spartan laz0r and camp the ledge behind that roof. Anyone trying to plant teh b0mb or steal teh flag is easily toasted from there. Enemy'll get wise to your game after a while there though.

    That's all I can think of off the top of my head.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,577 ✭✭✭✭Riesen_Meal

    DarkJager wrote: »
    Just found something out last night thanks to the onscreen tips in the game!! :) If you overcharge the plasma pistol and fire it at a moving vehicle, it seems to instantly cut the motor out and they stop moving. Could be very useful for those bastards who like to hog the ghost and wreck everyones head.

    Welcome to Halo 2!


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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 166 ✭✭Doffaldinho

    Don't feel bad, I know a 12 year old that is fantastic at the game, Headshots galore :( He don't cheat either :(

    Practice makes perfect :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 57 ✭✭o Diablo o

    Fieldog wrote: »
    Welcome to Halo 2!


    Ah, no.

  • Registered Users Posts: 779 ✭✭✭papajimsmooth

    Collected information

    Tips :

    - Find a partner to practice with and host a custom ... Play on a map such as guardian and use strictly the rifles (excluding assault rifle). Make sure you are both on the same team and have over-shields on. Head to the middle and work on your BR and Carbine skills ... Also ... you can practice sniping in between the two bases. If you can consistently shoot someone on your own team (where you have NO auto aim), you will become much more effective when you have auto-aim.

    - Sure the new sniping system is harder ... I think we can all agree on that ... Host up a custom and get a few friends ... start practicing ... The easiest thing that I have found is to make it so you only really get points for head shots. Do this by making the game go to 250 and award 10 points per head shot ... (25 head shots for the win) ... You would be surprised at how much better you can get after a couple of hours drilling your sniping skills.

    - Spend time fooling around on the maps ... Make extremely weird game-types and just enjoy the maps ... You will find a ton of places to snipe from or double jump up to ... In Match Making you don't spend a lot of time exploring the little edges on the maps ... In customs you can find a ton of weird places that you never knew you could stand or walk on. GO EXPLORING!! and get off Live for a half hour.

    - Spend a bit of time throwing nades around the corners of the maps and then watching where the go in Theater mode. You can find ways to nade out campers rather quickly by using Theater. Also ... if you know that the other team is holding a specific base ... knowing how to throw some well placed nades can easily give your team a point or two.

    - Memorize the respawn time on important guns/power ups. Make a note of when you picked up active camo or the rockets ... by knowing when they will respawn ... you can gain a significant advantage in keeping control of the map. (or regaining control if you got careless and lost it)

    Tricks :

    - There is a ledge that you can double jump up to on Construct. The room between sniper spawn and sword spawn has a giant glass piece ... if you get in a corner by the glass piece you can double jump onto of the piece of glass and then jump on top of the level ... There is a small area on top of the map that you can stand in and get some easy BR kills .... (If you need a demonstration ... watch Gunshots 4v4 on colossus ... it should be down-loadable for a while.)

    - You can double jump into the higher rooms of "The Pit" with a sniper rifle (more useful when you have the lead) ... and have a wonderful sniping platform with a good amount of cover.

    - The is a crouch jumpable ledge by the active camo on "Guardian" that is just out of the view of someone on the ground ... If you can find it ... you can use it to Ninja countless people ... I always get a kick out of screaming Ninja.

    - Placing a bubble sheild down when the enemy has a shotgun is a great way to lure them into a conveniently dropped nade ... the nade will not only damage the shotty nub ... but it will also destroy the bubble sheild ... a quick head shot ... and you've earned yourself a kill and the nublit's shotgun.

    - There is a double jump onto a ledge of sniper tower on Guardian ... again ... enjoy screaming ninja as you assassinate the nubs who walk right underneath you.

    - On "The Narrows" you can needler someone while you warp from one side to another ... just learn how to lead your shot a bit.

    - You can nade jump into the sea-wall window on "Last Resort" then use the bubble shield that you find inside to protect yourself ... It throws some people off (not everyone though ... let me warn you)

    Tactics :

    - How do you deal with a pesky camper? ... What if the whole team is camping? ... Don't just keep rushing in ... take minute to group up and grab some decent weapons ... then take a moment to run around above/around them to get them all excited ... and then just have everyone stop moving ... have two people crouch to one entrance and the other two go to another ... Have 1 team stand up and run a bit ... then rush in ... They should be able to go about 1 for 1 ... the second team rushes in once the chaos starts ... the campers can't cover all the entrances fast enough and you can quickly overtake the campers "den" ... (I've done this a few times w/ some friends and it works pretty well ... but it's hard to do w/o people that you play w/ regularly) ... It's complex ... but in reality it only takes about 30 seconds to pull off.

    - If you know someone is camping a corner with the mauler ... I normally will just let him sit there and wait for someone else to kill ... He/she isn't helping their team by just standing there ... Camping by yourself is a selfish strategy and in the end ... only hurts the team ... let the person camp and take advantage of your "power play" against the rest of their team.

    - Use the radar jammer as a massive distraction ... I normally put it down ... then move a LONG ways away ... n just snipe the people who are carefully checking behind every corner ...

    - Play customs ... as odd as it sounds ... customs will often spawn you with weapons that require more skill ... Master the skill weapons and you'll do significantly better with nub weapons ... ... On top of that ... Customs normally are more competitive and help you actually learn map strategy as opposed to just skill.

    - Try and always be shooting (and doing actual damage) ... without taking damage yourself. Assists are huge in the game ... If your giving assists ... you will be getting kills ... Even if it is just 1 BR shot from across the map ... It could be the shot that saves your partners from death. If your not shooting ... your not dealing damage ... if your not dealing damage ... you not doing your Team any good ... (I understand that there are strategies that require you to NOT shoot ... but in general ... shooting bullets is a good thing)

    Map Control Points :

    - Isolation -
    Power Weapons/Items - Rockets (1), Sniper (1), Needler (1), Shield Regenerators
    Control Point : In my opinion the best place to hold is the top base with BR's and the power weapons ... There are two BR spawns at the high base to keep you full on ammo and you have plenty of cover ... if need ... you can even drop down using the "flood" chute. As long as you quickly call out where the other team is spawning, you can maintain map control for a long period of time.

    - Narrows -
    Control Point : ... I'm not 100% sure about this ... But my favorite way to hold map ... is to take rockets and hold YOUR OWN BASE as best as you can. Getting Both snipers helps a lot as well. The reason that this works a bit is because Bungie will generally spawn each team in their respective base. This way ... if your blue team (holding blue base) ... and all 4 red team members rush you ... When they die, they respawn across the map w/o any weapons (from all the dead people) ... However, if you die ... you respawn in blue base and can quickly snatch up decent weapons again (from all the people who have died) this helps you to keep control of the power weapons AND allows you to "power play" the other team easier. Keep a close eye on you teams "power up" and try and control that ... This is what I have found works pretty good ... but, as I said ... I'm not 100% sure that it is the best strategy for this map.

    - MLG Ball on Guardian -
    For the MLG players out there ... take the ball into the Hallway from Yellow 2 to Blue (the hallway above shotty) ... Put a shotty/AR into blue room and the others into Yellow 2 ... This control strat works wonderfully and is rather difficult to break. Another thing to try ... is putting 1 of the people who would have been in Yellow 2 on top of the broken tree where the bubble shield is normally found.

    - Guardian -
    I prefer holding sniper tower ... the biggest thing is keeping an eye on elbow ... If they can get onto elbow it can give them an easy nade into Snipe 2 ... Snipe tower is nice because if all 4 of your team is at Snipes you can watch every entrance and with some good communication you can quickly shut down any attempts to take over snipe tower. This is because all of the ways to enter snipe tower have minimal cover ... that's just my opinion though.

    - Construct -
    HOLD THE TOP ... If your team can hold the top and pick up the maulers/BR's ... you should be able to gain a good advantage over the other team. Beyond that ... COMMUNICATE ... if you know where the other team is trying to get to the top from ... you can quickly lend a hand ... either across map with your BR ... or close w/ the Mauler ... or nade out around some corners.

    bouncing nades off walls is a huge advantage. for example= on epitaph if im in the inner part next to a door way and someone is charging at me ill run out the door and immediatly look to the right and bounce a nade off the wall. That way the guy following doesnt see me throw it and with the little ledge on most of the outside walkways it stays right there and so when they come barging through i turn around and just pop off whatever weapon i have cuase there sheilds are usually down and get the kill. keep the posts comin! I love gettin an advantage to work my friends over with

    Originally Posted by o MURDEROTICA o
    I use a modified version of the sweep from halo 2 when sniping. The classic drag across doesn't work anymore with minimized autoaim. So instead of sweeping across, sweep up. Just a little sweep right at the shot. Increases head shots by a lot, especially in heavy fire or close range.

  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 25,558 Mod ✭✭✭✭Dades

    Jasus and there's me just running about shootin' stuff!

  • Moderators, Computer Games Moderators Posts: 15,237 Mod ✭✭✭✭FutureGuy

    Dades wrote: »
    Jasus and there's me just running about shootin' stuff!

    Works for me :D
